Large soil invertebrates of coniferous forests along gradient of air pollution: temporal series of the data (Komi Republic)
Konakova T, Kolesnikova A (2021). Large soil invertebrates of coniferous forests along gradient of air pollution: temporal series of the data (Komi Republic). Version 1.4. Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-02-09.Description
The current project surveys is investigating large soil invertebrates in pine and spruce forests in areas of impact of aero-technogenic emissions from pulp and paper industry. A total of 11146 occurrences are included in the resource.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The dataset provides information on the number of individuals of Large soil invertebrates in soil cores and soil traps collected in pine and spruce forests located in the zone of influence of pulp and paper industry.Sampling
The collection of soil invertebrates was carried out in areas of pine and spruce forests in different zones (impact, buffer and background) from the enterprise. The material includes data collected during the period of modernization and reduction of emissions of the enterprise.Quality Control
The data were collected and identified by specialists from the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Lumbricidae, Lithobiidae, Julidae, Polyzoniidae, Coleoptera (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Eleteridae, Curculionidae, Ostomatidae), some Hemiptera have been identified to the species.Method steps
- Two methods of material collection were used at each site: 1. Soil samples. We took 8-10 soil samples with a size of 25x25 cm or 10x10 cm to a depth of 5-10 cm. 2. Soil traps. The barber traps were made of plastic pots (10 cm deep, 12 cm in diameter) filled with salt water (30% vol.) and formalin (5% vol.) and buried to the rim into the soil. Individuals, who could not be identified in the field, were stored in 95% ethanol for subsequent identification with binocular microscope.
Taxonomic Coverages
Lumbricidaerank: family
Julidaerank: family
Polyzoniidaerank: family
Lithobiidaerank: family
Carabidaerank: family
Staphylinidaerank: family
Elateridaerank: family
Curculionidaerank: family
Ostomatidaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
and paper industry using the example of JSC «Mondi SLPK». The enterprise is located on the territory of the Komi Republic and has been operating since 1969. Mondi Syktyvkar is one of the leaders in the Russian pulp and paper industry and the largest domestic paper producer. At the same time enterprise is also a source of industrial emissions into the air basin of various pollutants. The company's emissions include sulfur and nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur anhydride, mineral dust containing calcium and sodium carbonates and sulfides (Torlopova and Robakidze, 2012). Since 2002, the enterprise has been carrying out large-scale work aimed at reducing the impact of airborne man-made emissions on the environment.
Bibliographic Citations
- Kolesnikova A.A., Konakova T.N., Dolgin M.M. Large soil invertebrates of spruce forests in the vicinity of forest industry complex (Komi Republic) // Bulletin of Moscow society of naturalists. Biological series. 2011. Vol. 116, part 1. P.10-20. [In Russian]. -
- Konakova T., Kolesnikova A., Dolgin M. Pine forests mesofauna of Komi Republic in the area of timber processing complex emission // Arctic environmental research. 2009. № 3. P.55-63. [In Russian]. -
- Dolgin M.M., Kolesnikova A.A., Konakova T.N., Tasakeva A.A., Melekhina E.N. Soil invertebrates in the indication of the state of coniferous forests in the area of emissions syktyvkar timber industry complex // Theoretical and applied ecology. 2012. Vol.3. P.24-35. [In Russian]. -
Tatyana Konakovaoriginator
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239
Alla Kolesnikova
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239
Tatyana Konakova
metadata author
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239
Tatyana Konakova
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239
Tatyana Konakova
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239
Alla Kolesnikova
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of theInstitute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28
Komi Republic
Telephone: +78212312239