Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Provalskyi steppe (Luhansk Nature Reserve of NASU, Ukraine)
Luzkiv (Rusina) N, Khodosovtsev A, Nadyeina O, Gouz G (2022). Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Provalskyi steppe (Luhansk Nature Reserve of NASU, Ukraine). Version 1.2. Luhansk Nature Reserve NAS of Ukraine. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
List of species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi that are found in the territory of the Provalskyi steppe (Luhansk Nature Reserve of NASU, Ukraine)Sampling Description
Study Extent
List of species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi that are found in the territory of the Provalskyi steppe (Luhansk Nature Reserve of NASU, Ukraine)Sampling
Data from literature sources and own collections of lichens and lichenicolous fungi were used to compile an annotated list. Identification of herbarium specimens was performed in the laboratory of biodiversity and ecological monitoring at the Department of Botany of Kherson State University and in the Luhansk Nature Reserve according to the generally accepted method (Oxner A.M. Keys to lichens of the USSR (morphology, taxonomy and geographical distribution). - L .: Science, 1974 .- Vol. 2.- 283 p. (In Russian)).Method steps
- route sampling
- specimens identification
- storing data in the database of Luhansk Natural Reserve
Taxonomic Coverages
Fungirank: kingdom
Ascomycotarank: phylum
Pezizomycotinarank: subphylum
Geographic Coverages
Luhansk Nature Reserve is located in eastern Ukraine, in Luhansk region. Now it includes four compartments with total area in 5403.01 ha: Stanichno-Luhanske (498 ha), Striltsivskyi Steppe (1036.51 ha), Provalskyi Steppe (587.5 ha), Tryokhizbenskyi Steppe (3281 ha). The Provalskyi Steppe is located near Provallia village of Dovzhanskyi (Sverdlovskyi) district. It consists of two segments – Kalynivska area of 299.61 ha and Grushevska area of 287.89 ha. The reserve was created to preserve a unique area of stony steppes on the Donetsk ridge.
Bibliographic Citations
- Biodiversity of Lugansk nature reserve: Plants / Compilers: Sova T.V., Rusina N.V., Guz G.V., Borovik L.P., Shiyan-Glotova A.V. – Lugansk: Elton-2, 2010. – 130 pp. (In Russian) -
- Report on scientific and research work for 2016-2018: Basics of the information system of the Lugansk Nature Reserve and its use for analysis of the structure of the components of biodiversity (manuscript) (In Ukrainian) -
- Gouz G.V., Luzkiv (Rusina) N.V Software complex for the collection and analysis of lichological data «Lichens of LPZ»/ Nature Reserve management in the Steppe Zone of Ukraine (For the 50th anniversary of the Luhansk Nature Reserve creation, the 70th anniversary of the Striltsivskyi Steppe, the 10th anniversary of the Tryokhizbenskyi Steppe, and the 90th anniversary of the Provalskyi Steppe.)/ Series: «Conservation Biology in Ukraine». — Kyiv: publisher Bihun V.Yu., 2018. - Issue. 10. - P. 162–173. -
- RUSINA N.V., NADYEINA O.V.,KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., 2010: An annotated list of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Lugans’ky nature reserve.Chornomors'k. bot. z., vol. 4, N1:247-258. (In Ukrainian) -
- Biodiversity of Lugansk nature reserve: Plants / Compilers: Sova T.V., Rusina N.V., Guz G.V., Borovik L.P., Shiyan-Glotova A.V. – Lugansk: Elton-2, 2010. – 130 pp. (In Russian) -
- MASLOVA V.R. 1979: Lichenoflora of the Provalsky Steppe. Introduction and acclimatization of plants in Ukraine. Vol. 15: 51-54. (In Ukrainian) -
- NADEINA O.V., 2006: New finds of lichens in the Donets Ridge. Ukr. Botan. Journ., vol. 63, N 2:. 203-209 (In Ukrainian) -
- NADEINA O.V., 2008: The lichens of the Proval’e steppe (Ukraine). Botan. Journ., vol. 93, N 1: 3-9 (In Russian) -
- NADEINA O.V., 2008: The lichens of Donetsk Upland. PhD (Candidate of Sciences) dissertation (in Ukrainian) -
- NADYEINA O.: 2009. The lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of the Donetsk Upland (Ukraine). Mycologia Balcanica, N 6: 37-53. -
- RUSINA N.V., NADYEINA O.V.,KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE.,2010: An annotated list of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Lugans’ky nature reserve.Chornomors'k. bot. z., vol. 4, N1:247-258. (In Ukrainian) -
- N.M. FEDORENKO, O.V. NADEINA, S.Ya. KONDRATYUK: 2007. New and rare lichenicolous fungi from Ukraine. Ukr. Botan. Journ., vol. 64, N 1: 47-56 -
Natalia Luzkiv (Rusina)originator
position: scientific associate
Luhansk Nature Reserve
Alexander Khodosovtsev
position: Professor of Botany Chair
Kherson State University
Olga Nadyeina
position: scientific associate
M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Galina Gouz
metadata author
Luhansk Nature Reserve
Oleh Prylutskyi
Galina Gouz
administrative point of contact
Luhansk Nature Reserve