Catalogue of the plant communities of Madeira and Porto Santo
Costa J C, Capelo J, Jardim R, Sequeira M, Espírito-Santo D, Lousã M, Fontinha S, Aguiar C, Rivas-Martínez S, Tomás D, Coelho P (2021). Catalogue of the plant communities of Madeira and Porto Santo. Version 1.2. Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Universidade de Lisboa. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-02-16.Description
This dataset is a catalogue of plant species observed in plant communities in Madeira and Porto Santo islands. It is based on the syntaxonomic and floristic catalogue of the plant communities of Madeira and Porto Santo, published on Quercetea vol. 6, published in 2004. The sampling is based on field trips performed in the same year. The Madeira and Porto Santo Vegetation Catalogue data includes 119 plant families.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Plant communities catalogue of Madeira and Porto Santo islands published in 2004.Sampling
Cover-abundance assessment of plant species recorded in different plant communities according to the Braun-Blanquet scale.Quality Control
Data of all the inventories referred in the publication (tables and text) was inserted in a specific relational database built specifically for the project, which implemented several quality control methods. In the preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication, data consistency was verified using cluster algorithms using OpenRefine.Method steps
- Publication data was exported to csv and reinterpreted attributes matching to DwC standard terms. Information was divided in two tables, event and occurrences. The event table contains location, georeferentiation and sampling method, and the occurrence table contains occurrence and taxon information.
- Geographic coordinates and uncertainty radius of sampled locations were obtained by using the GEOLocate Web Application tool, considering the provided place description and altitude. Additional geographic information was later obtained through a geographic layer in shape file format, using WGS84 as the reference system, exported to csv and attributes matched to DwC standard terms.
Taxonomic Coverages
The plant species identified in the catalogue belong to 40 orders, 359 genus and 651 species of vascular plants, 5 orders, 11 genus and 15 species of non vascular plants, 9 orders, 17 genus and 18 species of Bryophytes and 2 species of lichens
Plantaerank: kingdom
Anthocerotophytarank: phylum
Bryophytarank: phylum
Marchantiophytarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Anthocerotopsidarank: class
Bryopsidarank: class
Jungermanniopsidarank: class
Marchantiopsidarank: class
Gnetopsidarank: class
Liliopsidarank: class
Lycopodiopsidarank: class
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Pinopsidarank: class
Polypodiopsidarank: class
Geographic Coverages
Madeira and Porto Santo Islands
Bibliographic Citations
- Costa, J.C., Capelo, J., Jardim, R., Sequeira, M., Espírito Santo, D., Lousã, M., Fontinha, S., Aguiar, C. and Rivas-Martinez, S., 2004. Catálogo sintaxonómico e florístico das comunidades vegetais da Madeira e do Porto Santo. Quercetea, 6, 61-185. -
José Carlos Costaoriginator
Jorge Capelo
Roberto Jardim
Miguel Sequeira
Dalila Espírito-Santo
Mário Lousã
Suzana Fontinha
Carlos Aguiar
Salvador Rivas-Martínez
Diana Tomás
metadata author
Paula Coelho
metadata author
José Carlos Costa
administrative point of contact