FBIP: Establishment of a fully data-based and barcoded collection of mushroom pathogens for South Africa
van der Linde E (2020). FBIP: Establishment of a fully data-based and barcoded collection of mushroom pathogens for South Africa. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/rwmzcx accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-18.Description
The establishment of a database for mushroom pathogens, including establishing a DNA reference library for quick identification.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Global (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, RSA, The Netherlands, UK, USA)Sampling
A comparison between the databases of the UP mushroom research group and PPRI concerning mushroom pathogens was done to identify any isolates that were not yet contained in both collections; these were revived and exchanged. Missing collection data were added as far as possible. The UP database was upgraded by an MSc student who also coordinated plating of cultures for barcoding and addition to the PPRI collection. Each isolate will have data fields containing the following information: o Numbers: PPRI number, UP collection number, any other collection/reference numbers (e.g. in case of foreign specimens) o Identity: genus, species, authors, synonyms o Higher classification: family, order, class etc. o Dates: dates collected, isolated, preserved, deposited o Host / substrate information: host type (= fungus), scientific and common name o Locality details: country, province, town, farm o Collector name, identified by, verified by o Barcoded: Y / N, and barcode reference no. referring to sequence file – to be added For barcoding, the mushroom pathogens (per genus) of the UP collection were plated and checked for viability and purity. This involved plating on required growth media, incubation, checking viability and purity and preservation of voucher cultures under water, under oil, ultra-low freezing as well as freeze drying. The SA isolates were done first, followed by the foreign ones.Quality Control
NoneMethod steps
- NA
Taxonomic Coverages
Identification of mushroom pathogens
Fungirank: kingdom
Geographic Coverages
Global (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, RSA, The Netherlands, UK, USA)
Bibliographic Citations
Elna van der Lindeoriginator
position: Manager: Mycology Unit, Biosystematics Programme
Agricultural Research Council, PPRI
Private Bag X134
Telephone: +27128088288
email: VDLindeE@arc.agric.za
Elna van der Linde
metadata author
position: Manager: Mycology Unit, Biosystematics Programme
Agricultural Research Council, PPRI
Private Bag X134
Telephone: +27128088288
email: VDLindeE@arc.agric.za
Mahlatse Kgatla
position: FBIP Data Specialist
2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria
Telephone: 0128435196
email: m.kgatla@sanbi.org.za
homepage: http://fbip.co.za/contact/
Elna van der Linde
administrative point of contact
position: Manager: Mycology Unit, Biosystematics Programme
Agricultural Research Council, PPRI
Private Bag X134
Telephone: +27128088288
email: VDLindeE@arc.agric.za