Nahuén Photovoltaic Plant - Characterisation of Vascular Flora and Vegetation
Benedetti L V, Baker J (2024). Nahuén Photovoltaic Plant - Characterisation of Vascular Flora and Vegetation. GR PILO SPA. Metadata dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
As part of the presentation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIA), this report aims to characterize the terrestrial vascular flora and vegetation in the area of location of the Nahuén Photovoltaic Plant Project. The results of this report include a list of all the flora species present within the defined area of influence of the Project, the information regarding the species in conservation category and a detailed description of the vegetation present in the mentioned area. The general objective of the report: • Characterise the terrestrial vascular flora and vegetation present in the area of influence of the project The specific objectives of the report: • Determine and characterise the floristic richness of the Project area, which includes the taxonomic classification, scientific name, common name and growth form. • Identify the species of vascular flora that are protected or within some conservation category. • Determine and describe the presence and dimensions of the different formations of vegetation and its representative species.Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Melipilla, Santiago, Metropolitan, Chile
Bibliographic Citations
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Letizzia Vecchi Benedettioriginator
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Joseph Baker
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Joseph Baker
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