NDFF Point-transect counts for birds
Zoetebier D, de Kruif T (2018). NDFF Point-transect counts for birds. Dutch National Database of Flora and Fauna (NDFF). Metadata dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/42solk accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-07.Description
The Point Transact Count Project (PTT) is the longest-running monitoring project of Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology. It has the following aim: reporting on numbers and occurrence of more or less common winter birds, in addition to other winter bird projects (such as water bird counting projects). All species are counted. This project contributes invaluable data on about 80 species. It looks at birds that migrate for the winter from Northern and Eastern Europe (Turdus pilaris, Fringilla montifringilla) and resident birds (Picus Viridis, Passer domesticus). Dataset available via https://www.ndff.nl/english / serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl 3,006,511 records (March 2018) https://www.ndff.nl/overdendff/validatie/protocollen/14-204-punt-transect-telling/Sampling Description
Method steps
Taxonomic Coverages
more or less common winter birds
Avescommon name: birds rank: class
Geographic Coverages
The Netherlands
Bibliographic Citations
Dirk Zoetebieroriginator
position: Data manager
Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology
email: dirk.zoetebier@sovon.nl
homepage: https://www.sovon.nl/en
Thijs de Kruif
metadata author
position: publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/
Henk de Vries
position: Node manager NLBIF
NLBIF (Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility)
P.O.Box 9517
2300 RA
email: henk.devries@naturalis.nl
Dries Oomen
administrative point of contact
position: publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/