A checklist of mushrooms from Agumatsa, Ghana
Dzomeku M, Obodai M, Mbawine J (2022). A checklist of mushrooms from Agumatsa, Ghana. Version 1.3. A Rocha Ghana. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/sayep2 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-09-16.Description
The Agumatsa Mountain Range is located in the Hohoe District, south-east of the town of Hohoe. It is part of the Akwapim-Togo Range, which is aligned north-east to south-west between the Volta River and the international border with Togo. This dataset is a representation of wild mushrooms collected in 2013 as part of a research on mushroom diversity in Ghana. The dataset contains a total number of 14 mushroom species. Some of which are edible or have medicinal properties.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The sampling extent covered 30% of the Agumatsa mountain range. This was a one off sampling expedition carried out in 2013.Sampling
Photographic images of the different mushrooms were captured using a high definition camera. Description was compared to literature. The following features were examined using hand lens and light microscopes: Cap: shape-margin and size in longitudinal section and vertical section, colour and ornamentation. Hymenophore (gill, or pores): shape from below, attachment, edge of gills, colour and spore print. Stipe: insertion, consistency, size, shape, colour and ornamentation. Flesh: thickness, colour, smell and taste (Obodai and Apetorgbor, 2001).Quality Control
During sample collections in the field, quality control is ensured by storing samples in paper bags Post sample collection, quality control is ensured through sun drying and oven drying of samples before storing in paper bags in the kept in a herbarium.Method steps
- The survey design employed transect walks and species encountered on the transect were collected into paper bags and labelled using the physical characterisitcs, distinctive features and location characteristics taken(forest floor, termite mound, etc.) After the survey, the different edible and wild species of mushrooms based on their variations in physical characteristics were identified to genus and species levels in the laboratory and by comparing with literature. The samples collected were then grouped into their major taxa and then dried using a field drier after which they were kept in a herbarium. Photographic images of the different mushrooms were also captured using a high definition camera. Notes were taken on ephemeral characters such as veil remains, removable scales, fibrils, volva, etc. During sample collections in the field, quality control is ensured by storing samples in paper bags. Post sample collection, quality control is ensured through sun drying and oven drying of samples before storing in paper bags and then kept in a herbarium.
Taxonomic Coverages
All mushrooms identified were identified to either genus or species level.
Psathyrella sprank: genus
Clitocybe sprank: genus
Collybia sprank: genus
Polyporus sp.rank: genus
Bovista sprank: genus
Daldinea concentricarank: species
Ganoderma sp.rank: species
Trametes sprank: species
Favolus brasilensisrank: species
Daedalea sprank: genus
Lentinus squarrosullusrank: species
Marasmius sprank: species
Pleurotus sajor-cajurank: species
Pleurotus albidusrank: species
Geographic Coverages
0°15 0 - 0°45 0 E; 6°45 0 -7°15 0 N
Bibliographic Citations
Matilda Dzomekuoriginator
position: Senior Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233244711860
email: mddzomeku@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=78319a8
Mary Obodai
position: Chief Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233207930703
email: obodaime@yahoo.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=b9589031
Jacqueline Mbawine
position: Scientific Officer
A Rocha Ghana
4 Sabblah Link, North Legon Agbogba
KN 3480
Telephone: +233261077158
email: Jacqueline.kumadoh@arocha.org
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=57402670/
Jacqueline Mbawine
metadata author
position: Scientific Officer
A Rocha Ghana
4 Sabblah Link, North Legon Agbogba
KN 3480
Telephone: +233261077158
email: jacqueline.kumadoh@arocha.org
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=57402670
Matilda Dzomeku
metadata author
position: Senior Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233244711860
email: mddzomeku@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=78319a8
Jacqueline Mbawine
position: Scientific Officer
A Rocha Ghana
4 Sabblah Link, North Legon, Agbogba
KN 3480
Telephone: +233261077158
email: jacqueline.kumadoh@arocha.org
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=57402670
Matilda Dzomeku
position: Senior Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233244711860
email: mddzomeku@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=78319a8
Mary Obodai
principal investigator
position: Chief Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233207930703
email: obodaime@yahoo.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=b9589031
Matilda Dzomeku
administrative point of contact
position: Senior Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233244711860
email: mddzomeku@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=78319a8
Mary Obodai
administrative point of contact
position: Chief Research Scientist
CSIR-Food Research Institute
Gulf Street, GA-107-2878
P O Box M20
Telephone: +233207930703
email: obodaime@yahoo.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=b9589031