Spatial differentiation in Holocene and current distribution of Marsilea quadrifolia L. on the territory of Ukraine
Bezsmertna O (2023). Spatial differentiation in Holocene and current distribution of Marsilea quadrifolia L. on the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
The dataset consists exclusively of records of four leaf clover (Marsilea quadrifolia L.) on the territory of Ukraine found in literature resources.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Dataset consists of recorde that were found in the literature resources. Some of them were confirmed by the author.Sampling
Registrations of Marsilea quadrifolia took place after searcing for descriptions of growing places in the literature during field trips. Also some records were found only in the literature resources.Quality Control
The author is fully responsible for the quality of data provided within the dataset.Method steps
- Searching for places of Marsilea quadrifolia in the literature.
- Georeferencing.
- Organizing of the dataset according to Darwin Core standards.
Taxonomic Coverages
The dataset consists of exclusively records of Marsilea quadrifolia.
Plantaerank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Polypodiopsidarank: class
Salvinialesrank: order
Marsileaceaerank: family
Marsilearank: genus
Marsilea quadrifoliarank: species
Geographic Coverages
The dataset covers the entire territory of Ukraine.
Bibliographic Citations
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Olesya Bezsmertnaoriginator
position: Ph.D
Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group
Olesya Bezsmertna
metadata author
position: Ph.D
Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group
Oleksii Marushchak
position: junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
Telephone: +380964882670
Olesya Bezsmertna
administrative point of contact
position: Ph.D
Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group