Odonata records from RSPB Reserves 1970-2009
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (2022). Odonata records from RSPB Reserves 1970-2009. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/5iiqot accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
This dataset contains all dragonfly records from RSPB reserves. The date range for the dataset is 1970-2009 but the majority of records are from the last 10 years. Recording effort varies widely between reserves, for some reserves this dataset gives a comprehensive record of Odonata species present but other reserves have few or no records. It is hoped that ongoing data review work will facilitate the addition of further records to this dataset.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
Data comes from a sources ranging from trained ecologists to members of the public and is likely to be of variable quality. The data have been verified to remove obviously incorrect records and to confirm records of scarce species. Where the identity of a species could not be confirmed, the record was removed from the dataset. Please contact the dataset administrator if you find a record you believe to be potentially incorrect.Method steps
Methods of data capture are numerous, in most cases records are simple field observations, others may be part of a targeted survey or regular transect. The count indicates the number of individuals seen.
In order to verify records and validate the dataset, the data have been mapped and thoroughly checked. Geographical checks have included comparing the distribution with that shown in the literature and ensuring that records with the same area name are located close to each other.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Records come from across the RSPB's reserve network. As described above survey effort varies widely between reserves. Records are provided at 1km resolution where possible. For many of these records no grid reference was given, the location being marked instead by a site boundary. Where possible these have been converted to 1km or 10km grid squares, however in cases where a site overlaps multiple 10km squares the central 10km grid reference is given.
Bibliographic Citations
originatorRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds
metadata author
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
NBN Atlas
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email: admin@nbnatlas.org
Conservation Data Management Unit
administrative point of contact
email: dataunit@rspb.org.uk