Occurrence records of mammal species in Tana River Basin, Kenya
Musila S, Syingi R, Mutavi D, Odhiambo K, Masinde S (2019). Occurrence records of mammal species in Tana River Basin, Kenya. Version 1.1. National Museums of Kenya. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/0msz3d accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-15.Description
The dataset represents occurrence records for mammal species in the Tana River Basin (TRB) ecosystem as well as a few outliers from the Aberdare National Park. The data were mainly sourced from published literature and the accessions register of mammal collections maintained by the Mammalogy Section, National Museums of Kenya (NMK). A few additional records were gleaned from unpublished grey literature as well as sightings and reports by ecotourism websites and lodges operating in TRB. Existing records were supplemented by fieldwork in selected areas to help in ground-truthing and filling data gaps. A total of 935 occurrence records represented by 16 orders, 46 families, 124 genera and 183 mammal species are presented here. Sites frequently visited in the past including Mt. Kenya and Meru National Parks had the largest number of mammal observations, while less visited sites such as Mumoni Hill Forest had very few records. The TRB is important for the protection of nine mammals endemic to Kenya including Cercocebus galeritus (Tana River Mangabey), Tachyoryctes rex (King Root-rat), Tachyoryctes spalacinus (Embi African Root-rat), Grammomys gigas (Giant Thicket Rat), Hylomyscus endorobae (Endorobo Wood Mouse), Otomys orestes (Afroalpine Vlei Rat), Crocidura fumosa (Smoky White-toothed Shrew), Surdisorex norae (Aberdare Mole-shrew) and Surdisorex polulus (Mount Kenya Mole-shrew). The ecosystem is also important for the conservation of three endemic mammal sub-species: Colobus guerza kikuyuensis (Mount Kenya Guereza), Cercopithecus mitis albotorquatus (Pousargues’s Monkey) and Perodicticus potto stockleyi (Mount Kenya Potto). Other species of conservation concern found in TRB are two Critically Endangered (CR) species namely, Beatragus hunteri (Hirola) and Diceros bicornis (Black Rhinoceros) as well seven endangered (EN) mammal species (Procolobus rufomitratus (Eastern Red Colobus), Cercocebus galeritus (Tana River Mangabey), Lycaon pictus (African Wild Dog), Equus grevyi (Grévy’s Zebra), Redunca fulvorufula (Mountain Reedbuck), Oryx beisa (Beisa Oryx) and Grammomys gigas (Giant Thicket Rat). This information underscores the importance of the entire TRB ecosystem for the conservation of mammal biodiversity.Taxonomic Coverages
Mammal species: Phylum - Chordata, Class – Mammalia; represented by 16 Orders, 46 families and 124 genera.
Mammaliarank: class
Geographic Coverages
Tana River Basin Ecosystem in southeastern Kenya from the upper catchment in Mt. Kenya to the floodplains of Tana River delta at the Indian Ocean.
Latitude: 0.01472222 - -2.011389, Longitude: 38.42861 - 40.25
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Simon Musilaoriginator
position: Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: smusila@museums.or.ke
homepage: http://www.museums.or.ke
Robert Syingi
position: Research Technician
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: robertsyingi@gmail.com
Daniel Mutavi
position: Research Intern
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100
Kevin Odhiambo
position: Project Assistant -
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: kevinabrahamsodhiambo@gmail.com
Siro Masinde
position: Principal Research Scientist
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: siromasinde@hotmail.com
Simon Musila
metadata author
position: Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: smusila@museums.or.ke
homepage: http://www.museums.or.ke
Esther Mwangi
position: Research Scientist
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100
email: ewmwangi@museums.or.ke
homepage: http://www.museums.or.ke
Lawrence Monda
position: ICT Manager
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100
email: lmonda@museums.or.ke
homepage: http://www.museums.or.ke
Simon Musila
administrative point of contact
position: Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi
email: smusila@museums.or.ke
homepage: http://www.museums.or.ke