Kalahari woody vegetation Transect by Ringrose and Matheson (1995 - 2009)
Mothobi T R, Khaneguba W, Kemosedile T, Mogojwa B, Makati K, Mosie I, Ringrose S, Matheson W (2020). Kalahari woody vegetation Transect by Ringrose and Matheson (1995 - 2009). Version 1.1. Okavango Research Institute. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/wwmzaa accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
Database represents a reconstruction of woody cover which were mostly collected in Botswana from 1995 to 2009. This was done in response to a request by the Government of Botswana and other agencies.Purpose
This was done in response to a request by the Government of Botswana and other agencies.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The study was designed to cover long transect from South eastern Botswana to north westSampling
Mostly all the woody species were collected along the three parallel 80 m transectsQuality Control
All sites were geo-referenced. Plants were collected for initial identification and the proposed method was tested, the most appropriate size for each quadrat was 80m by 3m. Instruments: GPS was used to identify transects to reach sites. Tape measures for the lay out of the transects. Plant press for transportation of unidentified specimen. Researcher's (Prof Susan Ringrose)extensive expertise on the field was employed for vegetation identification and method verification.Method steps
- This involved sampling three transects within 80 m square. Data collected along each transect include continuous tree and shrub species counts and canopy diameter measurements.Woody vegetation cover data was referred to as measured vegetation cover (MVC) and expressed as a percentage.
Additional info
There are a number of reports and published papers from this database: Consultancy Reports involving vegetation data gathering 1. Ringrose, S 2000 Review of consultants reports on fuelwood inventories in the Mochudi and Bobonong areas (FRIMP) 5pp. 2. Ringrose, S and Vanderpost, C., 1998, Examination of tree rooting patterns and possible depths in the Kanye area, southern Botswana, Part of Kanye Environmental Impact Study for Geoflux, Ltd, (Department of Water Affairs), 8pp. 3. Ringrose, S., Matheson, W and Beekman, H.E. 1997 Remotely sensed data analysis of the eastern Botswana Kalahari: Vegetation interactions with groundwater, Part of GRES Co-operation Programme Groundwater Resources Monitoring and Recharge Study, Botswana Geological Survey and The Free University of Amsterdam, 50pp. 4. Ringrose, S., Vanderpost, C., Kwerepe, R. and Mulalu, M., 1997 Assessment of potential range degradation in Botswana using satellite imagery, Stage 1: Visual analysis of range conditions from 1984/5 to 1994/5, Stage 2: Digital analysis of range conditions in 1994/5. An ODA commissioned joint project: Remote Sensing/Range Ecology. Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Science, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 35pp. 5. Ringrose, S and Vanderpost, C., 1997, Use of vegetation analysis to assist in the location of groundwater sources in the Kanye-Moshaneng-Rammonedi area, through Geoflux Ltd for the Botswana Department of Water Affairs, 34pp. 6. Ringrose, S., 1996, Remote sensing analysis of vegetation features for near surface groundwater detection: Maun area, Botswana Department of Water Affairs, 34pp. 7. Ringrose, S., 1996, Remote sensing analysis of vegetation features for near surface groundwater detection: Kanye area, Botswana Department of Water Affairs, 34pp. 8. Ringrose, S., 1996, Distribution maps of vegetation types in the Okavango area for tse-tse fly control, Tsetse Fly Control Division-Ministry of Agriculture, Maun, 13pp. 9. Ringrose S and Matheson, W, 1996, Distribution of Degraded area in Botswana using MSS imagery, ODA-Ministry of Agriculture, Gaborone, 12pp. 10. Arntzen, J., Chanda, R., Nkambwe, S., Ringrose, S., Sefe, F and Vanderpost, C., 1994, Desertification in the Mid-Boteti Area, Botswana. Case study for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on the Convention to Combat Drought and Desertification, Ministry of Agriculture, 245pp. 11. Ringrose S and Matheson, W, 1988, Distribution of Degraded area in Botswana using MSS imagery, National Conservation Strategy, Gaborone, 12pp. 12. Ringrose, S.M., 1986, Techniques for Environmental Monitoring Using Landsat MSS in Botswana. SADCC Seminar on Monitoring Systems for Environmental Control, Gaborone, Botswana. 13. Published Journal articles involving vegetation data gathering 14. Ringrose, S., Jellema, A., Huntsman-Mapila, P., Baker L and Brubaker, K., 2005, Use of remotely sensed data in the analysis of soil-vegetation changes along a drying gradient peripheral to the Okavango Delta, Botswana, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(19), 4293-4320. 15. Ringrose, S., Vanderpost, C. and Matheson, W., 2003, Mapping ecological conditions in the Okavango delta Botswana using fine and coarse resolution systems including simulated SPOT VEGETATION imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(5): 1029-1052. 16. Ringrose, S., 2003, Techniques for assessing the use of near surface groundwater by riparian trees in the distal Okavango Delta, Botswana, Applied Geography, 32(2), 281-302. 17. Ringrose, S., Matheson, W., Wolski, P and Huntsman-Mapila, P., 2003, Vegetative cover trends along the Botswana Kalahari Transect, Special issue of Journal of Arid Environments, 54(2):297-318 . Ringrose, S., Matheson, W and Vanderpost, 2002a, Seasonal declines in rangeland quality in the cultivated hardveld of Botswana using Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, Geocarto International, 17:29-42. Ringrose, S., A.C. Chipanshi, W. Matheson, R. Chanda, L. Motoma, I. Magole, 2002b, Climate and human induced woody vegetation changes in Botswana and their implications for human adaptation, Environmental Management, 30/1, p98-109. Ringrose, S., and Matheson, W., 2001, Spatial characteristics of riparian woodlands in the distal Okavango Delta, Botswana Notes and Records, 33:101-114. Ringrose, S, Lesolle, D, Botshoma, T., Gopolang, B, Vanderpost, C and Matheson, W., 1999, An analysis of vegetation cover components in relation to climatic trends along the Botswana Kalahari Transect, Botswana Notes and Records, 31, 33-52 Ringrose, S., Vanderpost C. and Matheson, W., 1998, Evaluation of vegetative criteria for near-surface groundwater detection using multispectral mapping and GIS techniques in semi-arid Botswana, Applied Geography, 18(4):331-354. Vanderpost, C., Ringrose, S and Matheson, W., 1998, Aspects of ecological change in the Botswana Kalahari, Botswana Notes and Records,26:121-138. Ringrose, S., Vanderpost, C. and Matheson, W., 1997, Use of image processing and GIS techniques to determine the extent and possible causes of land management/fenceline induced degradation problems in the Okavango area, northern Botswana, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(11): 2337-2364.Taxonomic Coverages
The database consists of woody cover identified to species level
Albizia harveyicommon name: long-podded albizia rank: species
Maytenus senegalensiscommon name: spike thorn rank: species
Adansonia digitatacommon name: boabab rank: species
Baikiaea plurijugacommon name: African teak rank: species
Baphia massaiensiscommon name: Smooth Camwood rank: species
Bauhinia petersiana subsp macranthacommon name: Kalahari bauhinia rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Database covered different parts of Botswana from south east to north west
Bibliographic Citations
Thapelo Ronald Mothobioriginator
position: Social Scinces Technician
Okavango Research Institute
Private bag 285 Maun
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: rmothobi@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=thapelo-ronald-mothobi-39036716
Wilfred Khaneguba
position: Field Assistant
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun, Botswana
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: wkhaneguba@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=wilfred-kemmonye-khaneguba-7a5304151
Thebe Kemosedile
position: Field Assistant
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: tkemosedile@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=thebe-kemosedile-1273985b
Billy Mogojwa
position: Field Assistant
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: bmogojwa@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
Kaelo Makati
position: Senior Technician Ecology
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun
email: makatik@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=kaelo-makati-20114046
Ineelo Mosie
position: Senior Technician
Okavango Resaerch Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: imosie@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=ineelo-mosie-3798aaa5
Thapelo Ronald Mothobi
metadata author
position: Social Scinces Technician
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285 Maun, Botswana
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: rmothobi@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=thapelo-ronald-mothobi-39036716
Susan Ringrose
metadata author
position: Professor
Private Bag HA 60, HAK, Botswana
Telephone: +44 7944616637
email: sringrose66@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=susan-ringrose-657b4b41
Wilma Matheson
metadata author
Private Bag HA 60, HAK, Botswana
Telephone: +44 7944616637
email: sringrose66@gmail.com
Thapelo Ronald Mothobi
administrative point of contact
position: Social Scinces Technician
Okavango Research Institute
Private Bag 285, Maun, Botswana
Telephone: +267 686 1833
email: rmothobi@ub.ac.bw
homepage: http://www.ori.ub.bw
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=thapelo-ronald-mothobi-39036716
Susan Ringrose
administrative point of contact
position: Proffesor of Environmental Science
Private Bag HA 60, HAK, Botswana
Telephone: +44 7944616637
email: sringrose66@gmail.com
userId: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=susan-ringrose-657b4b41