Diversidad de grupos selectos de flora (Magnoliopsida: Malvales, Sapindales, Fabales, Laurales, Solanales y Caryophyllales) y fauna (Lepidoptera, Diptera, Odonata, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves y Mammalia) del APFF Boquerón de Tonalá, Oaxaca, México
Nieto Montes de Oca A, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Diversidad de grupos selectos de flora (Magnoliopsida: Malvales, Sapindales, Fabales, Laurales, Solanales y Caryophyllales) y fauna (Lepidoptera, Diptera, Odonata, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves y Mammalia) del APFF Boquerón de Tonalá, Oaxaca, México. Version 1.10. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/6gc4ay accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-09-16.Description
El APFF Boquerón de Tonalá está ubicada en la región de la Mixteca, que se encuentra en el noreste de Oaxaca y pertenece a la Depresión del Balsas en su porción más sureña. La región presenta en su mayor parte vegetación de selva baja caducifolia, la cual es importante para México por sus endemismos y por ser el segundo ambiente más extenso en el país, después del matorral xerófilo. La diversidad y proporción de endemismos conocidas para el estado y para la Mixteca Oaxaqueña de varios grupos taxonómicos, tanto de plantas como de animales, hacen que su estudio sea relevante y prioritario. El conocimiento de la biodiversidad presente en el APFF es heterogéneo: mientras que para vertebrados y algunas plantas vasculares se tienen listas preliminares incompletas, en el caso de los invertebrados, que concentran la mayor diversidad biológica, no se cuenta con ningún estudio o registros publicados. Sin embargo, al comparar la riqueza de especies listadas para el Boquerón de Tonalá con la riqueza en áreas con ambientes similares en otras regiones del país, se reconoce que la diversidad en el APFF debe ser mayor que la registrada, incluso para los grupos mejor conocidos. En este proyecto se pretende realizar un inventario de doce grupos taxonómicos (seis de plantas, tres de insectos y tres de vertebrados) con la finalidad de generar o actualizar las listas de especies de estos grupos en el Boquerón de Tonalá. Para esto se realizarán tres salidas de muestreo a la zona a lo largo del año para registrar el mayor número de especies, incluyendo las que presentan patrones de temporalidad marcada. En estas salidas se reunirán 8000 registros entre ejemplares recolectados y observados, además de registros fotográficos de las especies. Además de las listas, se generará una base de datos y se realizarán análisis básicos de la diversidad encontrada. Esto permitirá identificar las especies endémicas o en alguna categoría de riesgo presentes en el área. La información generada será utilizada para realizar tesis a nivel licenciatura y publicaciones en revistas científicas y de difusión. La importancia de los inventarios biológicos para las áreas donde se realizan exige que estos sean lo más completos posible. Este proyecto busca optimizar los recursos para generar inventarios confiables que sirvan para proyectos posteriores, para la toma de decisiones sobre el manejo del APFF y para la difusión social de la importancia del Boquerón de Tonalá.
Reino: 2 Filo: 3 Clase: 7 Orden: 52 Familia: 140 Género: 465 Subgénero: 15 Especie: 628 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 61
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Amphibiarank: class
Reptiliarank: class
Insectarank: class
Equisetopsidarank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Avesrank: class
Polypodiopsidarank: class
Anurarank: order
Testudinesrank: order
Lepidopterarank: order
Squamatarank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Dipterarank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Odonatarank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Zygophyllalesrank: order
Cupressalesrank: order
Rodentiarank: order
Carnivorarank: order
Chiropterarank: order
Didelphimorphiarank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Sapindalesrank: order
Santalalesrank: order
Passeriformesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Saxifragalesrank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Celastralesrank: order
Magnolialesrank: order
Artiodactylarank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Lagomorpharank: order
Apodiformesrank: order
Lauralesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Cingulatarank: order
Piperalesrank: order
Dioscorealesrank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Cornalesrank: order
Caprimulgiformesrank: order
Columbiformesrank: order
Polypodialesrank: order
Apialesrank: order
Cucurbitalesrank: order
Vitalesrank: order
Dipsacalesrank: order
Ranidaerank: family
Kinosternidaerank: family
Microhylidaerank: family
Nymphalidaerank: family
Lycaenidaerank: family
Phrynosomatidaerank: family
Pieridaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Bombyliidaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Papilionidaerank: family
Calopterygidaerank: family
Coenagrionidaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Riodinidaerank: family
Krameriaceaerank: family
Cupressaceaerank: family
Sciuridaerank: family
Teiidaerank: family
Procyonidaerank: family
Syrphidaerank: family
Phyllostomidaerank: family
Anolidaerank: family
Libellulidaerank: family
Didelphidaerank: family
Fagaceaerank: family
Cytinaceaerank: family
Heteromyidaerank: family
Onagraceaerank: family
Cactaceaerank: family
Lestidaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Sapotaceaerank: family
Bufonidaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Bignoniaceaerank: family
Orobanchaceaerank: family
Colubridaerank: family
Burseraceaerank: family
Eleutherodactylidaerank: family
Felidaerank: family
Canidaerank: family
Aeshnidaerank: family
Sapindaceaerank: family
Iguanidaerank: family
Schoepfiaceaerank: family
Thraupidaerank: family
Loranthaceaerank: family
Rutaceaerank: family
Cordiaceaerank: family
Heliotropiaceaerank: family
Troglodytidaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Apocynaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Picidaerank: family
Tyrannidaerank: family
Iteaceaerank: family
Vireonidaerank: family
Cricetidaerank: family
Gomphidaerank: family
Mormoopidaerank: family
Hylidaerank: family
Viperidaerank: family
Asparagaceaerank: family
Celastraceaerank: family
Erythroxylaceaerank: family
Annonaceaerank: family
Tayassuidaerank: family
Anacardiaceaerank: family
Hirundinidaerank: family
Cleomaceaerank: family
Malpighiaceaerank: family
Mephitidaerank: family
Phyllanthaceaerank: family
Passerellidaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Acanthaceaerank: family
Parulidaerank: family
Ericaceaerank: family
Cervidaerank: family
Leporidaerank: family
Craugastoridaerank: family
Salicaceaerank: family
Trochilidaerank: family
Verbenaceaerank: family
Fouquieriaceaerank: family
Lauraceaerank: family
Moraceaerank: family
Natricidaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Rosaceaerank: family
Rhamnaceaerank: family
Cardinalidaerank: family
Crassulaceaerank: family
Passifloraceaerank: family
Orchidaceaerank: family
Dasypodidaerank: family
Linaceaerank: family
Myrtaceaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Leptotyphlopidaerank: family
Dipsadidaerank: family
Piperaceaerank: family
Polioptilidaerank: family
Dioscoreaceaerank: family
Momotidaerank: family
Ranunculaceaerank: family
Zygophyllaceaerank: family
Polemoniaceaerank: family
Polygalaceaerank: family
Meliaceaerank: family
Loasaceaerank: family
Icteridaerank: family
Boidaerank: family
Caprimulgidaerank: family
Aristolochiaceaerank: family
Columbidaerank: family
Ehretiaceaerank: family
Mustelidaerank: family
Regulidaerank: family
Pteridaceaerank: family
Iridaceaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Lennoaceaerank: family
Scincidaerank: family
Araliaceaerank: family
Laniidaerank: family
Santalaceaerank: family
Cucurbitaceaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Vitaceaerank: family
Opiliaceaerank: family
Caprifoliaceaerank: family
Cannabaceaerank: family
Fringillidaerank: family
Vespertilionidaerank: family
Lithobatesrank: genus
Kinosternonrank: genus
Hypopachusrank: genus
Anaearank: genus
Hemiargusrank: genus
Sceloporusrank: genus
Mysceliarank: genus
Pyrisitiarank: genus
Desmodiumrank: genus
Dahliarank: genus
Pindisrank: genus
Exoprosoparank: genus
Melochiarank: genus
Leptotesrank: genus
Aphoebantusrank: genus
Paridesrank: genus
Dionerank: genus
Hetaerinarank: genus
Argiarank: genus
Hintoniarank: genus
Baeotisrank: genus
Hemipenthesrank: genus
Poecilanthraxrank: genus
Krameriarank: genus
Harpalycerank: genus
Dalearank: genus
Taxodiumrank: genus
Sciurusrank: genus
Stonyxrank: genus
Aspidoscelisrank: genus
Bassariscusrank: genus
Chlosynerank: genus
Toxomerusrank: genus
Zerenerank: genus
Lasaiarank: genus
Sturnirarank: genus
Siproetarank: genus
Anolisrank: genus
Dythemisrank: genus
Tlacuatzinrank: genus
Texolarank: genus
Libellularank: genus
Ocyptamusrank: genus
Urosaurusrank: genus
Quercusrank: genus
Anthanassarank: genus
Euremarank: genus
Bolboneurarank: genus
Euptychiarank: genus
Bdallophytumrank: genus
Apodemiarank: genus
Heraclidesrank: genus
Heteromysrank: genus
Calydnarank: genus
Hauyarank: genus
Microtiarank: genus
Mammillariarank: genus
Mestrarank: genus
Gliricidiarank: genus
Archilestesrank: genus
Bonamiarank: genus
Sideroxylonrank: genus
Platycheirusrank: genus
Poecilognathusrank: genus
Junoniarank: genus
Inciliusrank: genus
Calephelisrank: genus
Hermeuptychiarank: genus
Euptoietarank: genus
Salviarank: genus
Stenocereusrank: genus
Lepidanthraxrank: genus
Orthemisrank: genus
Crescentiarank: genus
Opuntiarank: genus
Gretarank: genus
Nathalisrank: genus
Castillejarank: genus
Oxybelisrank: genus
Coryphantharank: genus
Burserarank: genus
Eleutherodactylusrank: genus
Pumarank: genus
Celastrinarank: genus
Anartiarank: genus
Galiumrank: genus
Zizularank: genus
Aphrissarank: genus
Anthraxrank: genus
Acaciellarank: genus
Heliconiusrank: genus
Thevenetimyiarank: genus
Baroniarank: genus
Urocyonrank: genus
Danausrank: genus
Zapotecarank: genus
Cyrtomyiarank: genus
Steviarank: genus
Rhionaeschnarank: genus
Thouiniarank: genus
Pseudoficimiarank: genus
Villarank: genus
Nasuarank: genus
Chrysanthraxrank: genus
Paravillarank: genus
Taygetisrank: genus
Cyllopsisrank: genus
Ctenosaurarank: genus
Cariarank: genus
Schoepfiarank: genus
Volatiniarank: genus
Struthanthusrank: genus
Zanthoxylumrank: genus
Cordiarank: genus
Havardiarank: genus
Tournefortiarank: genus
Dryasrank: genus
Thryothorusrank: genus
Megistorank: genus
Serjaniarank: genus
Tripsacumrank: genus
Plumeriarank: genus
Phoebisrank: genus
Amphicosmusrank: genus
Manihotrank: genus
Canisrank: genus
Prosopisrank: genus
Canavaliarank: genus
Lysilomarank: genus
Phrynosomarank: genus
Triumfettarank: genus
Allograptarank: genus
Picoidesrank: genus
Plesioaridarank: genus
Hamadryasrank: genus
Chiococcarank: genus
Myiarchusrank: genus
Lynxrank: genus
Acaciarank: genus
Calliandrarank: genus
Pterostemonrank: genus
Heliotropiumrank: genus
Vireorank: genus
Geronrank: genus
Baiomysrank: genus
Neacreotrichusrank: genus
Erpetogomphusrank: genus
Pteronotusrank: genus
Exerodontarank: genus
Agraulisrank: genus
Telebasisrank: genus
Emesisrank: genus
Senticolisrank: genus
Crotalusrank: genus
Lepidophorarank: genus
Echeandiarank: genus
Schaefferiarank: genus
Psittacanthusrank: genus
Tramearank: genus
Erythroxylumrank: genus
Flaveriarank: genus
Annonarank: genus
Libytheanarank: genus
Cephalocereusrank: genus
Nausigasterrank: genus
Dicotylesrank: genus
Bombyliusrank: genus
Actinocheitarank: genus
Biblisrank: genus
Morphorank: genus
Stelgidopteryxrank: genus
Pseudosmodingiumrank: genus
Polanisiarank: genus
Pontiarank: genus
Xenotriccusrank: genus
Trimorphodonrank: genus
Bunchosiarank: genus
Perithemisrank: genus
Conepatusrank: genus
Tecomarank: genus
Sennarank: genus
Chamaecristarank: genus
Procyonrank: genus
Mimosarank: genus
Phyllanthusrank: genus
Lordotusrank: genus
Melozonerank: genus
Sigmodonrank: genus
Smiliscarank: genus
Zephyranthesrank: genus
Cologaniarank: genus
Didelphisrank: genus
Polybiomyiarank: genus
Malvaviscusrank: genus
Justiciarank: genus
Doxocoparank: genus
Coluberrank: genus
Basileuterusrank: genus
Leucaenarank: genus
Ornidiarank: genus
Aeschynomenerank: genus
Comarostaphylisrank: genus
Protographiumrank: genus
Memphisrank: genus
Apanisagrionrank: genus
Odocoileusrank: genus
Lamourouxiarank: genus
Xanthandrusrank: genus
Psychopterysrank: genus
Melanerpesrank: genus
Desmodusrank: genus
Sylvilagusrank: genus
Phyllogomphoidesrank: genus
Leptonycterisrank: genus
Lonchocarpusrank: genus
Dioprosoparank: genus
Craugastorrank: genus
Dodonaearank: genus
Macroptiliumrank: genus
Lophocereusrank: genus
Asterocamparank: genus
Ceibarank: genus
Mandevillarank: genus
Anteosrank: genus
Ditaxisrank: genus
Macrotusrank: genus
Crotalariarank: genus
Ferocactusrank: genus
Otospermophilusrank: genus
Dryophytesrank: genus
Petronympherank: genus
Leopardusrank: genus
Neopringlearank: genus
Cissiarank: genus
Copestylumrank: genus
Xenoxrank: genus
Byrsonimarank: genus
Amaziliarank: genus
Rhusrank: genus
Myrtillocactusrank: genus
Galactiarank: genus
Lantanarank: genus
Fouquieriarank: genus
Litsearank: genus
Echinopterysrank: genus
Ficusrank: genus
Crotonrank: genus
Thamnophisrank: genus
Commicarpusrank: genus
Leptophobiarank: genus
Pseudoleonrank: genus
Wimmeriarank: genus
Pittocaulonrank: genus
Ptelearank: genus
Russeliarank: genus
Holographisrank: genus
Galphimiarank: genus
Coursetiarank: genus
Pachycereusrank: genus
Conophorusrank: genus
Terebinthusrank: genus
Asciarank: genus
Chiropetalumrank: genus
Vauqueliniarank: genus
Frangularank: genus
Pheucticusrank: genus
Echeveriarank: genus
Enallagmarank: genus
Passiflorarank: genus
Artibeusrank: genus
Catastictarank: genus
Malaxisrank: genus
Setophagarank: genus
Passerinarank: genus
Ipomoearank: genus
Asclepiasrank: genus
Rhynchosiarank: genus
Phaseolusrank: genus
Euphorbiarank: genus
Pyrocephalusrank: genus
Pterourusrank: genus
Ogcodocerarank: genus
Dasypusrank: genus
Bletiarank: genus
Ageratumrank: genus
Salvadorarank: genus
Myiodynastesrank: genus
Manfredarank: genus
Empidonaxrank: genus
Montanoarank: genus
Matelearank: genus
Linumrank: genus
Melanisrank: genus
Bouvardiarank: genus
Ayeniarank: genus
Sidastrumrank: genus
Smyrnarank: genus
Myrcianthesrank: genus
Acourtiarank: genus
Drymarchonrank: genus
Mesadenusrank: genus
Solanumrank: genus
Gaudichaudiarank: genus
Dichromanthusrank: genus
Peucaearank: genus
Pirangarank: genus
Nissoliarank: genus
Ligyrarank: genus
Ageratinarank: genus
Rhamnusrank: genus
Marpesiarank: genus
Renarank: genus
Sporophilarank: genus
Apolysisrank: genus
Rhynchanthraxrank: genus
Lippiarank: genus
Leptodeirarank: genus
Dictyanthusrank: genus
Hesperothamnusrank: genus
Hesperocharisrank: genus
Piperrank: genus
Cyrtocarparank: genus
Eysenhardtiarank: genus
Contopusrank: genus
Gaurarank: genus
Toxophorarank: genus
Rhopalosyrphusrank: genus
Vanessarank: genus
Polioptilarank: genus
Dioscorearank: genus
Calliandropsisrank: genus
Pluchearank: genus
Battusrank: genus
Cardellinarank: genus
Pantalarank: genus
Anterosrank: genus
Papiliorank: genus
Adeliarank: genus
Simsiarank: genus
Stachytarphetarank: genus
Opsiphanesrank: genus
Momotusrank: genus
Mormoopsrank: genus
Karwinskiarank: genus
Anourarank: genus
Clematisrank: genus
Kallstroemiarank: genus
Painteriarank: genus
Loeseliarank: genus
Polygalarank: genus
Cedrelarank: genus
Eucniderank: genus
Brongniartiarank: genus
Lasiacisrank: genus
Cnidoscolusrank: genus
Acleisanthesrank: genus
Colubrinarank: genus
Abaeisrank: genus
Herpailurusrank: genus
Amyrisrank: genus
Icterusrank: genus
Peperomiarank: genus
Centrosemarank: genus
Boarank: genus
Millarank: genus
Cladocolearank: genus
Basilinnarank: genus
Micronycterisrank: genus
Nyctiphrynusrank: genus
Pituophisrank: genus
Cynanthusrank: genus
Progomphusrank: genus
Tropidodipsasrank: genus
Heliocarpusrank: genus
Cylindropuntiarank: genus
Agaverank: genus
Coulteriarank: genus
Diphysarank: genus
Aristolochiarank: genus
Columbinarank: genus
Phyciodesrank: genus
Bourreriarank: genus
Cyrtopodiumrank: genus
Phthirusarank: genus
Esenbeckiarank: genus
Desmanthusrank: genus
Pithecellobiumrank: genus
Marsdeniarank: genus
Erythrodiplaxrank: genus
Cercocarpusrank: genus
Mustelarank: genus
Bauhiniarank: genus
Manatariarank: genus
Regulusrank: genus
Mephitisrank: genus
Notholaenarank: genus
Mascagniarank: genus
Tetrameriumrank: genus
Baccharank: genus
Fosteriarank: genus
Turdusrank: genus
Conzattiarank: genus
Sisyrinchiumrank: genus
Exostemarank: genus
Buddlejarank: genus
Tantillarank: genus
Tephrosiarank: genus
Barkleyanthusrank: genus
Elytrariarank: genus
Lennoarank: genus
Plestiodonrank: genus
Lotusrank: genus
Dalembertiarank: genus
Pistaciarank: genus
Beaucarnearank: genus
Adiantumrank: genus
Pachyrhizusrank: genus
Araliarank: genus
Cynanchumrank: genus
Ganyrarank: genus
Gochnatiarank: genus
Carlowrightiarank: genus
Xylosmarank: genus
Physalisrank: genus
Laniusrank: genus
Phoradendronrank: genus
Condaliarank: genus
Cayaponiarank: genus
Sprekeliarank: genus
Ruelliarank: genus
Polaskiarank: genus
Mesechitesrank: genus
Adelpharank: genus
Barkeriarank: genus
Neodiplocamptarank: genus
Iresinerank: genus
Turnerarank: genus
Vitisrank: genus
Agonandrarank: genus
Cyclogrammarank: genus
Cascabelarank: genus
Valerianarank: genus
Celtisrank: genus
Mentzeliarank: genus
Microdactylonrank: genus
Catharusrank: genus
Acalypharank: genus
Abutilonrank: genus
Ludwigiarank: genus
Maurandyarank: genus
Haplophytonrank: genus
Hiraearank: genus
Catherpesrank: genus
Paederiarank: genus
Spinusrank: genus
Melilotusrank: genus
Hirundorank: genus
Metastelmarank: genus
Corynorhinusrank: genus
Thisberank: genus
Campylorhynchusrank: genus
Heliettarank: genus
Parkesiarank: genus
Salixrank: genus
Macrothemisrank: genus
Quercusrank: subgenus
Apodemiarank: subgenus
Thevenetimyiarank: subgenus
Glycophorbarank: subgenus
Allograptarank: subgenus
Geronrank: subgenus
Parabombyliusrank: subgenus
Aphacitisrank: subgenus
Tenediarank: subgenus
Phalacromyarank: subgenus
Copestylumrank: subgenus
Bombyliusrank: subgenus
Littaearank: subgenus
Rydbergisrank: subgenus
Mandaniarank: subgenus
Lithobates spectabiliscommon name: rana vistosa, showy leopard frog, rana manchada, rana manchada, rana vistosa rank: species
Kinosternon integrumcommon name: casquito de burro, tortuga de agua, tortuga de río, tortuga pecho quebrado mexicana rank: species
Lithobates zweifelicommon name: rana de Zweifel, Zweifel's frog rank: species
Hypopachus variolosuscommon name: chacmuch (Maya), múuch (Maya), otác (Seri), rana manglera, rana oveja común, rana ovejera, rana termitera, termitero balador, ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Hemiargus ceraunusrank: species
Sceloporus jalapaecommon name: chintete, Jalapa spiny lizard, lagartija escamosa jalapeña, lagartija espinosa de Jalapa, lagartija espinosa del Valle de Tehuacán, chintete, lagartija escamosa jalapeña, lagartija espinosa de Jalapa, lagartija espinosa del Valle de Tehuacán rank: species
Desmodium subsessilerank: species
Dahlia coccineacommon name: chalihuesca (Tarasco), charahuesca (Tarasco), chará-huesca (Tarasco), dalia, girasol, jícama, saluen-tzitzuec (Tarasco), tokxihuaxa'nat (Totonaco), xicamoxochitl (Náhuatl), yarg yurshe (Zapoteco) rank: species
Pindis squamistrigacommon name: Falcate Satyr rank: species
Melochia corymbosarank: species
Pyrisitia proterpiacommon name: Tailed Orange rank: species
Leptotes marinacommon name: Marine Blue, azul marina rank: species
Aphoebantus vulpeculusrank: species
Parides montezumacommon name: Montezuma's Cattleheart rank: species
Hetaerina americanacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Argia extraneacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Hintonia latifloracommon name: San Antonio, San Juan, campanilla, campanilla blanca, campanillo, canelilla, copal, copalche, copalchi (Náhuatl), copalquín (Náhuatl), corteza de jojutla, cáscara sagrada, falsa quina, flor de campana, garañona, hutatiyo (Guarijío), palo amargo, palo amargoso, palo blanco, palo de San Juan, palo de bolsa, palo de quina, quina, quina amarilla, quina roja, yerba buena rank: species
Hemipenthes scyllarank: species
Poecilanthrax arethusarank: species
Hemipenthes celerisrank: species
Krameria cytisoidescommon name: chayotillo, donape (Otomí), rosa de castilla rank: species
Harpalyce formosacommon name: balché-ken, cahuirica, balche-kan, balche-kan (Maya), balché-ken (Maya), cahuirica (Tarasco), duraznillo rank: species
Dalea leucosericearank: species
Taxodium mucronatumcommon name: ahoehuetl (Náhuatl), ahuéhuetl (Náhuatl), cedro, chuche (Huasteco), ciprés, hauoli (Guarijío), jahuolí (Guarijío), jauolí (Guarijío), matéoco (Tarahumara), penhamu (Tarasco), penjamu (Tarasco), quitsincui (Zoque), sabino, t-nuyucul (Mixteco), tnuyucu (Mixteco), ya'ayitz (Zapoteco), yaga-chichicina (Zapoteco), yaga-guichi-ciña (Zapoteco), yaga-quichi (Zapoteco), yaga-quichiciña (Zapoteco), yagachicina (Zapoteco), yucun-datura (Zapoteco), árbol de Sta. María del tule, árbol del tule rank: species
Sciurus aureogastercommon name: ardilla, ardilla gris, ardilla de vientre rojo, red-bellied squirrel, ardilla arborícola, okotekilin, techalotl, ardilla, ardilla arborícola, ardilla de vientre rojo, ardilla gris, ardilla gris mexicana, okotekilin (Yuto-nahua), techalotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Stonyx meliarank: species
Sceloporus horriduscommon name: chintete escamoso, horrible spiny lizard, lagartija, lagartija escamosa tarasca, torosco, lagartija espinosa del pacífico, chintete escamoso, lagartija, lagartija escamosa tarasca, lagartija espinosa del pacífico, torosco rank: species
Aspidoscelis sackiicommon name: lagartija, campeche, campeche, lagartija rank: species
Bassariscus astutuscommon name: cacomixtle norteño, ringtail, tejón, cacomixtle, rikamúchi, babisuri, cacomixtle, cacomixtle norteño, rikamúchi (Yuto-nahua), sietillo, tejón rank: species
Chlosyne marinacommon name: Red-spotted Patch, Marina Patch rank: species
Toxomerus politusrank: species
Lasaia mariacommon name: Gray Bluemark, Maria's Metalmark, metálica maria rank: species
Sturnira parvidenscommon name: murciélago de charreteras menor rank: species
Anolis microlepidotuscommon name: anolis de Forbes, anolis guerrerense, forbe's anole, Guerrero oak anole, abaniquillo de Forbes, abaniquillo de encino guerrerense, abaniquillo de Tehuitzingo, anolis de Tehuitzingo, abaniquillo guerrerense de encino, anolis guerrerense de encino, abaniquillo de Forbes, abaniquillo de Tehuitzingo, abaniquillo de encino guerrerense, abaniquillo guerrerense de encino, anolis de Forbes, anolis de Tehuitzingo, anolis guerrerense, anolis guerrerense de encino rank: species
Dythemis nigrescenscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Tlacuatzin canescenscommon name: tlacuache ratón gris, grayish mouse-opossum, ratón tlacuache, tlacuachín, ratón tlacuache, ratón tlacuache del Pacífico, tlacuache ratón gris, tlacuachín rank: species
Argia funckicommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Argia ancepscommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Libellula saturatacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Ocyptamus fuscipennisrank: species
Urosaurus bicarinatuscommon name: cachorita, chintete, lagartija arbolera tropical, salamanquesa, tropical tree lizard, roñito, lagartija de árbol del pacífico, cachorita, chintete, lagartija arbolera tropical, lagartija de árbol, lagartija de árbol del pacífico, roñito, salamanquesa rank: species
Quercus (Quercus) acutifoliacommon name: ahoatl (Náhuatl), ahuate (Náhuatl), chiquilín, chiquinib (Tsotsil), chícharo, encino, encino blanco, encino chino, encino colorado, encino de asta, encino de duela, encino duela, encino laurelillo, encino negro, encino pepitillo, encino roble, encino roble amarillo, encino rojo, encino rosillo, encino saucillo, encino teposcohuite, escobillo, laurelillo, picudo, roble rank: species
Euptychia fetnacommon name: Spiky Satyr rank: species
Argia tarascanacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Bdallophytum andrieuxiirank: species
Apodemia (Apodemia) multiplagacommon name: Narrow-winged Metalmark rank: species
Heraclides cresphontescommon name: Giant Swallowtail, limonero, parapente con colmillos, limonero, parapente con colmillos rank: species
Heteromys irroratuscommon name: quimichin (Yuto-nahua), rata de bolsas espinosa mexicano, ratón de abazones, ratón espinoso, ratón espinoso mexicano rank: species
Calydna sturnulacommon name: Snappy Mottlemark, Sturnula Metalmark rank: species
Exoprosopa fascipennisrank: species
Hauya eleganscommon name: guayabillo rank: species
Mammillaria dixanthocentroncommon name: biznaga dos espinas amarillas, two yellow spine cactus, biznaga, biznaga dos espinas amarillas, piñita rank: species
Gliricidia sepiumcommon name: mata ratón, cacahuananche, cacahuanano, chanté, cocoite, cocuite, cocuitle, cuchunuc, flor de San José, frijolillo, guie-nizza, jelelte, lipa-ca-sui-la, madre cacao, matarrata, ma-tau-mó, muites, muiti, palo de corral, sak-yab, sayab, tunduti, ujcum, xab-yaab, xak-yaab, yaga-le, yaité, cocouite, cocomuite, balche'ke', trebol, San José, cacahuanitzin, cacahuanal, canahuán, cuacuite, puputkiwi, cuacuitle, sanjusi, taxnikiwi, cuahuiyautli, cocohuite, couicuite, matarata, aga-le, cacahuiananche, flor de cocohuite, gagallito, guie-niiza, mata rata, palo de sol, sakyab, sayauiab, k' uchunuk, k' uyutunk, k'uchunuk, sak, sak ya' aab, sak ya'ab, sak ye' eb, sas yu' ab ja' abin, sayuiab, xabyaab, xk' aan lool, balché ke, cocoito, San José, aga-le (Zapoteco), balche'ke' (Maya), balché ke (Maya), cacahuanal (Náhuatl), cacahuananche, cacahuanitzin (Náhuatl), cocoite, cocoito, cuacuite, cuchunuc (Zoque), flor de San José, flor de sol, frijolillo, guie-niiza (Zapoteco), guie-nizza (Zapoteco), ja'abin (Maya), jelelte (Huasteco), k' uchunuk (Maya), k' uyutunk (Maya), k'axab yuuk (Maya), lipa-ca-sui-la (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-tau-mó (Chinanteco), madre cacao, madre de cacao, mata rata, mata ratón, matarrata, muiti (Otomí), palo de corral, palo de sol, palo negro, primavera, sak (Maya), sak ya' aab (Maya), sak ya'ab (Maya), sak ye' eb (Maya), sak-yab (Maya), sakyab (Maya), sas yu' ab ja' abin (Maya), sayab (Maya), sayauiab (Maya), sayuiab (Maya), taxnikiwi (Totonaco), trebol, tunduti (Mixteco), ujcum (Tseltal), xab-yaab (Maya), xabyaab (Maya), xak-yaab (Maya), xk' aan lool (Maya), yaga-le (Zapoteco) rank: species
Hemipenthes jaennickeanarank: species
Archilestes grandiscommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Bonamia sulphurearank: species
Sideroxylon salicifoliumcommon name: capulín, chak ya' (Maya), chakal ja'as (Maya), chico zapote, palo prieto, sak-chum (Maya), sapotillo, ts'iits'il ya' (Maya), tsits-yox (Maya), xak-chum (Maya), zapote, zapote borracho, zapote faisán, zapotillo, zapotillo latex rank: species
Junonia evaretecommon name: Tropical Buckeye, Mangrove Buckeye, castaño de Indias rank: species
Exoprosopa argentifasciatarank: species
Incilius occidentaliscommon name: sapo pinero, pine toad, sapo de los pinos, sapo de pino, sapo de los pinos, sapo de pino, sapo pinero rank: species
Hermeuptychia hermescommon name: Hermes Satyr rank: species
Salvia connivensrank: species
Stenocereus griseuscommon name: mezcalito, may pitayo tree, pitayo de mayo, órgano, pitaya, pitaya de mayo, pitayo, pitayo de mitla, mezcalito, pitahaya, pitaya, pitaya de mayo, pitayo, pitayo de mayo, pitayo de mitla, quapetla (Náhuatl) rank: species
Aspidoscelis deppiicommon name: huico siete líneas, lagartija rayada de panzanegra, cuiji panzanegra, cuiji panzanegra, huico siete líneas, lagartija rayada de panzanegra rank: species
Lepidanthrax proboscideusrank: species
Orthemis discolorcommon name: libélulas rank: species
Crescentia alatacommon name: ayale, bule morro, cadili (Cuicateco), calabaza, cirian, ciriani (Tarasco), cirián (Tarasco), cua (Chinanteco), cuate, gua (Chinanteco), guaje, guaje cirián, guito-xiga (Zapoteco), güiro, güiru (Tarasco), jicarita, jícara, kuajtekomatl (Náhuatl), lala-cadili (Cuicateco), lek (Maya), luch (Maya), morro, morro del llano, sam-mu (Chontal de Oaxaca), sham-mu (Chontal de Oaxaca), tecomata, tecomate, tecomaxóchitl (Náhuatl), tima (Huasteco), tuyachín (Mixteco), urani (Tarasco) rank: species
Aspidoscelis costatuscommon name: huico, western mexico whiptail, huico llanero, huico alpino, huico del oeste mexicano, huico (Seri), huico alpino, huico del oeste mexicano, huico llanero rank: species
Opuntia depressacommon name: depressed prickly pear, nopal depreso, nopal de monte, kanda, nopal, nopal de cocoche loco, nopal de coyote, nopal de monte, nopal depreso rank: species
Nathalis iolecommon name: Dainty Sulphur, amarilla iole rank: species
Castilleja auriculatarank: species
Oxybelis microphthalmusrank: species
Coryphantha pallidacommon name: biznaga partida chiche de coneja, pallid cory cactus, biznaguita, biznaga, biznaga partida chiche de coneja, chiche de coneja rank: species
Mammillaria albilanatacommon name: biznaga de lana blanca, white wool cactus, biznaga de Iguala, biznaga de lana blanca rank: species
Bursera xochipalensiscommon name: cominillo rank: species
Eleutherodactylus nitiduscommon name: rana fisgona deslumbrante, shiny peeping frog, grillo, ranita piadora, grillo, rana fisgona deslumbrante, ranita piadora rank: species
Puma concolorcommon name: puma, león de montaña, mawiyá, mawiyaka, miz-tli, cougar, león, león de montaña, mawiyaka (Yuto-nahua), mawiyá (Yuto-nahua), miz-tli (Yuto-nahua), puma rank: species
Celastrina ladonrank: species
Galium fuscumrank: species
Zizula cynacommon name: Cyna Blue, azul cyna rank: species
Aphrissa statiracommon name: Statira Sulphur rank: species
Anthrax albosparsusrank: species
Acaciella angustissimacommon name: acacia, algodoncillo, barba de chivo, barbas de chivo, cantemó, guaje, guajillo, huaje, huajillo, jicarillo, k'antemo (Maya), mezquite, palo de pulque, tepeguaje, tepehuaje, timbre, timbrillo, waaxim (Maya), xa'ax (Maya), xaax (Maya), xaxim (Maya), ya'ax (Maya), yaga-ñupi (Zapoteco), ángel rank: species
Lepidanthrax fuscipennisrank: species
Bursera vejar-vazqueziicommon name: copal espinoso, tecomaca, copal espinazo, Cuatotolote, copal espinazo, copal espinoso, tecomaca (Náhuatl) rank: species
Urocyon cinereoargenteuscommon name: zorra gris, gray fox, leoncillo, ostotl, gato de monte, kióchi, kiyóchi, w'ash, ch'amac, ch'amac (Maya), gato de monte, kiyóchi (Yuto-nahua), kióchi (Yuto-nahua), leoncillo, ostotl (Yuto-nahua), w'ash (Maya), zorra gris rank: species
Zapoteca mediacommon name: cabellitos de ángel rank: species
Stevia viscidacommon name: hierba de la pulga, matapulgas rank: species
Rhionaeschna psiluscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Thouinia villosarank: species
Pseudoficimia frontaliscommon name: culebra, culebra ilamacoa, false ficimia, ilamacoa, culebra, culebra ilamacoa, ilamacoa rank: species
Villa lateralisrank: species
Nasua naricacommon name: coatí norteño, white-nosed coati, tejón, coatí, pesojtli, gato solo, churé, pizote, t' soy, amátze, churé (Yuto-nahua), coatí, coatí norteño, gato solo, pesojtli (Yuto-nahua), pizote, t' soy (Maya), tejón rank: species
Lepidanthrax morphnusrank: species
Paravilla extremitisrank: species
Taygetis weymericommon name: Gray Ur-Satyr rank: species
Ctenosaura pectinatacommon name: iguana espinosa Mexicana, iguana negra, Mexican spiny tail iguana, western spiny-tailed iguana, iguana de roca, iguana mexicana de cola espinosa, iguana de roca, iguana espinosa Mexicana, iguana mexicana de cola espinosa, iguana negra rank: species
Hemipenthes lepidotarank: species
Schoepfia schrebericommon name: cajzaicui (Zoque), chicharroncillo, coloradillo, frutilla, jos (Huasteco), limoncillo, naranjillo cimarrón, palo de hamaca, palo fierro, pimientilla, sak beek (Maya), sak-baké (Maya), sinatuán (Totonaco), sip che' (Maya) rank: species
Parides photinuscommon name: Pink-spotted Cattleheart, mariposa de lunares rosados, corola photinus, corola photinus, mariposa de lunares rosados rank: species
Volatinia jacarinacommon name: semillero brincador, Blue-black Grassquit rank: species
Struthanthus marginatusrank: species
Eurema dairacommon name: Barred Yellow rank: species
Zanthoxylum limoncellocommon name: cilantrillo, tecolote rank: species
Cordia cylindrostachyarank: species
Anthrax cintalaparank: species
Havardia acatlensiscommon name: barba de chivo, cola de iguana, barbas de chivo, palo fierro, barba de chivo, barbas de chivo, cola de iguana, huizache, palo fierro, tepeguaje rank: species
Mammillaria haageanacommon name: biznaguita blanca de chiles, haage pincushion cactus, biznaguita, biznaga, biznaga de san ángel, biznaguita, biznaguita blanca de chiles, caca de burro, chilitos, iñu cha'a (Mixteco), viejitos rank: species
Tournefortia volubiliscommon name: bejuco verde, chak-nich'maax (Maya), cola de alacrán, hierba del alacrán, hierba del cáncer, k'ulub (Maya), koj kaan (Maya), tsakam soots' (Maya), ya'ax aak' (Maya), yerba del cáncer rank: species
Anthrax atriplexrank: species
Thryothorus pleurostictuscommon name: chivirín barrado, saltapared barrado rank: species
Megisto rubricatacommon name: Red Satyr, canela rubricata rank: species
Chlosyne janaiscommon name: Crimson Patch, mariposa de parches rojos, parche janais, mariposa de parches rojos, parche janais rank: species
Serjania triquetracommon name: bejuco colorado, bejuco costilludo, bejuco costillón, bejuco cuadrado, bejuco de leña, bejuco de tres costillas, bejuco tronador, carretilla, ch'emil aak' (Maya), palo de tres costillas, siete corazones, tres costillas, tres equis rank: species
Tripsacum dactyloidescommon name: zacate maicero rank: species
Stenocereus stellatuscommon name: xoconostle, pitayo xoconostle, xoconostle organ cactus, joconostle, pitayo, shoconochtle, xoconochtli, xoconoxtle, flor de pitaya, dichi (Mixteco), joconostle, joconoxtle, ndíchi cáâya (Mixteco), ndíchi cáâya cuan (Mixteco), ndíchi cáâya cuaá (Mixteco), ndíchi cáâya cúshi (Mixteco), ndíchi cáâya ton (Mixteco), pitahaya, pitahayo, pitaya, pitaya agria, pitaya de agosto, pitaya roja, pitayo, pitayo de agosto, pitayo de mayo, pitayo joconoxtle, pitayo xoconostle, shoconochtle, ticáaya (Mixteco), tnu dichi kaya (Mixteco), too dichi key (Mixteco), tuna, tunillo, tú chichí (Mixteco), túchi kíshi (Popoloca), túchi kíshi jatze (Popoloca), túchi.kíshi-lula (Popoloca), xoco nochtli (Náhuatl), xoconochtle (Náhuatl), xoconochtli (Náhuatl), xoconostle, xoconostli, xoconoxtle (Náhuatl) rank: species
Plumeria rubracommon name: cacahuaxóchitl (Náhuatl), cacajoyó (Zoque), cacalaxochitl (Náhuatl), cacalosúchil (Mixe), cacaloxochitl (Náhuatl), cacaloxóchitl (Mixe), campechana, caxtaxanat (Totonaco), chak nikte' (Maya), chak-nicté (Maya), chak-nikté (Maya), chak-sabak-nikté (Maya), chiquinjoyó (Zoque), corpus, cundá (Tarasco), flor blanca, flor de cal, flor de cuervo, flor de mayo, flor de monte, guia-bigoce (Zapoteco), guia-bixi-guii (Zapoteco), guia-chacha (Zapoteco), guiechacha (Zapoteco), guiecha'chi' (Zapoteco), güia-an (Zapoteco), huevo de toro, huiloicxitl (Náhuatl), kakaloxochitl (Náhuatl), kumpaap (Maya), lengua de toro, li-tie (Chinanteco), nicte chom (Maya), nicte choom (Maya), nicté (Maya), nikte' ch'om (Maya), nikté (Maya), nopinjoyo (Zoque), palo blanco, parandechicua (Tarasco), quie-chacha (Zapoteco), rosa blanca, rosal, sabaknikte' (Maya), sabanikté (Maya), sach-nicté (Maya), sak nikte' (Maya), sak-nichte' (Maya), sak-nikté (Maya), sangre de toro, saugrán (Tepehuano del sur), tizalxóchitl (Náhuatl), tlapalticcacaloxochitl (Náhuatl), tlauhquecholxochitl (Náhuatl), uculhuitz (Huasteco) rank: species
Lepidanthrax disiunctusrank: species
Amphicosmus (Glycophorba) cincturusrank: species
Manihot aesculifoliacommon name: aak' che' (Maya), chak-ché (Maya), cuadrado, pata de gallo, sutup baalam (Maya), x-chaché (Maya), x-chak-ché (Maya), yuca cimarrona, yuca de monte rank: species
Canis latranscommon name: coyote, coyotl, brush wolf, coyote, coyotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Prosopis laevigatacommon name: algarrobo, chúcata (Tarasco), huizache, mesquite, mezquite, mizquitl (Náhuatl), tziritzecua (Tarasco), utub (Huasteco), utuh (Huasteco), ut'u (Huasteco) rank: species
Canavalia rostratacommon name: gallinitas, gallo, gallojoyó (Zoque), siquinsut (Totonaco), siquisut (Totonaco), talayote de Costilla (Español-Náhuatl) rank: species
Exoprosopa rostriferarank: species
Chrysanthrax disparrank: species
Mammillaria carneacommon name: biznaga, biznaga color carne, flesh cactus, biznaguita, biznaga, biznaga color carne, biznaga lechuda, chilitos rank: species
Lysiloma divaricatumcommon name: guaje, guajillo, japalte, jepalcalante, mauto, mauuta, palo blanco, quiebrahacha, sahi, sají, tepeguaje, mesquite, espina blanca, guaje, guajillo, japalte (Huasteco), jepalcalante (Huasteco), manto, mauuta (Guarijío), mayo, mesquite, mezquite, palo blanco, palo de arco, palo prieto, quebracho, quiebra hacha, quiebracha, quiebrahacha, quitaz prieto, sahi (Guarijío), sají (Guarijío), tepeguaje, tepeguaje negro, tepehuaje rank: species
Phrynosoma tauruscommon name: camaleón, el toro, lagartija cornuda toro, Mexican hornet lizard, torito de la Virgen, camaleón toro, lagartija cornuda, Mexican horned lizard, sapo cornudo, camaleón, camaleón toro, el toro, lagartija cornuda, lagartija cornuda toro, sapo cornudo, torito de la Virgen rank: species
Triumfetta galeottianacommon name: pastora rank: species
Hetaerina titiacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Dythemis mayacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Allograpta (Allograpta) obliquarank: species
Picoides scalariscommon name: carpintero mexicano, Ladder-backed Woodpecker rank: species
Exoprosopa butlerirank: species
Plesioarida walkericommon name: Walker's Metalmark rank: species
Chiococca semipilosarank: species
Libellula croceipenniscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Villa fulvipesrank: species
Desmodium nitidumrank: species
Myiarchus cinerascenscommon name: papamoscas cenizo, Ash-throated Flycatcher rank: species
Lynx ruffuscommon name: gato montés, lince, lince americano, lince rojo, ruchí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Acacia bilimekiicommon name: tehuistle, mushel espinoso, espino, mushel espinoso rank: species
Calliandra grandiflorarank: species
Pterostemon rotundifoliusrank: species
Heliotropium calcicolarank: species
Lepidanthrax litusrank: species
Vireo hypochryseuscommon name: vireo dorado, Golden Vireo, vireo amarillo, vireo amarillo, vireo dorado rank: species
Geron (Geron) eriogonaerank: species
Bursera schlechtendaliicommon name: palo mulato, copalillo, aceitillo, palo de oro, sak chakaj, aceitillo, copal, copal negro, copalillo, mulato rojo, palo de oro, palo mulato, papelillo, sak chakaj (Maya) rank: species
Hetaerina vulneratacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Baiomys brunneuscommon name: ratón pigmeo sureño, Southern pygmy mouse, ratón de campo, ratón pigmeo rank: species
Neacreotrichus diversusrank: species
Erpetogomphus crotalinuscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Pteronotus parnelliicommon name: murciélago bigotudo de Parnell, Parnell's mustached bat, murciélago bigotón rank: species
Exerodonta xeracommon name: Puebla treefrog, ranita de Puebla rank: species
Salvia adenophorarank: species
Telebasis salvacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Emesis emesiacommon name: Curve-winged Metalmark, metálica emesia rank: species
Senticolis triaspiscommon name: culebra oliva, green rat snake, ratonera, culebra verde, culebra ratonera oliva, culebra oliva, culebra ratonera oliva, culebra verde, ratonera rank: species
Crotalus culminatuscommon name: northwestern neotropical rattlesnake rank: species
Lepidophora vetustarank: species
Echeandia echeandioidesrank: species
Coryphantha retusacommon name: biznaga partida mocha, obtuse cory cactus, biznaga partida mocha, chilillos rank: species
Schaefferia stenophyllarank: species
Psittacanthus calyculatuscommon name: badoo-cha (Zapoteco), batuu-cha (Zapoteco), be-cigui (Zapoteco), bezi-guii (Zapoteco), caballero, cabellera, chak-k'eu (Maya), chak-k'ewel (Maya), chak-xiu (Maya), chak-xkiu (Maya), cuatzictli (Náhuatl), cuauhtzictli (Náhuatl), cuautzictli (Náhuatl), hiedra, injerto, injerto de huizache, injerto medicinal, mal ojo, muérdago, pecii-gui (Zapoteco), pich-gui (Zapoteco), pici-guij (Zapoteco), seca palo, tapalcat (Náhuatl), xkeu (Maya), xkiu (Maya) rank: species
Myiarchus nuttingicommon name: papamoscas de Nutting, Nutting's Flycatcher, papamoscas huí, papamoscas de Nutting, papamoscas huí rank: species
Tramea onustacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Erythroxylum rotundifoliumcommon name: baak soots' (Maya), iik che' (Maya) rank: species
Flaveria cronquistiirank: species
Annona cherimolacommon name: a'xit kiwi (Totonaco), anona, chirimolla, chirimoya, chirimoya anona, chirimoyo, cuauhtzápotl (Náhuatl), cuca (Guarijío), e'budi (Cuicateco), ek'mul (Maya), guayabo, lamat zapotl (Náhuatl), matzápotl (Náhuatl), pacaquiati (Zoque), pox (Maya), quauhtzapotl (Náhuatl), tzuli-pox (Maya), yati (Zoque), zapote corona rank: species
Cephalocereus mezcalaensiscommon name: cactus viejo, cardón, gigante, teteche, tetechi, tetecho, tetecho de mezcala, tnu dichi be'e (Mixteco), too dichi kete (Mixteco), tu shichi (Mixteco), órgano rank: species
Nausigaster texanarank: species
Dicotyles angulatuscommon name: pecarí de collar norteño rank: species
Bombylius (Parabombylius) dolorosusrank: species
Actinocheita filicinacommon name: tetlate, teclate, teclate manso, tetlatía, palo tostado, tetlate (Náhuatl) rank: species
Emesis (Aphacitis) vulpinacommon name: Guatemalan Tanmark rank: species
Stelgidopteryx serripenniscommon name: Northern Rough-winged Swallow, golondrina alas aserradas rank: species
Villa atrarank: species
Pseudosmodingium andrieuxiicommon name: copal espinazo, copal espinazo, hincha huevos, tetlate (Náhuatl), yaga-lache (Zapoteco) rank: species
Polanisia uniglandulosacommon name: hierba del coyote, hierba del zorrillo, ortiga rank: species
Pontia protodicecommon name: Checkered White, blanca protodice, tilpapalotl, blanca protodice, tilpapalotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Aphoebantus pavidusrank: species
Xenotriccus mexicanuscommon name: mosquero del Balsas, Pileated Flycatcher rank: species
Trimorphodon taucommon name: culebra, mexican lyresnake, falsa nauyaca mexicana, culebra, falsa nauyaca mexicana rank: species
Bunchosia strigosarank: species
Perithemis intensacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Conepatus leuconotuscommon name: zorrillo narigón occidental, eastern hog-nose skunk, zorrillo, zorrillo, zorrillo de espalda blanca norteño, zorrillo espalda blanca, zorrillo narigón occidental rank: species
Incilius perplexuscommon name: sapo perplejo, confusing toad, sapo confuso, sapo de la cuenca del rio Tepalcatepec, sapo confuso, sapo de la cuenca del rio Tepalcatepec, sapo perplejo rank: species
Tecoma stanscommon name: elotito, canario, mazorca, tronadora, flor de muerto, copal, nixtamasúchitl, nextamalxochitl, tronador, algodoncillo, trompetilla, sauce, hierba de san nicolás, guajillo, alacrancillo, batilimí, borla de San Pedro, caballito, candox, corneta amarilla, estamasúchil, flor de San Pedro, flor de un día, gloria, guia-biche, güie-bacaná, guie-biche, hierba de San Pedro, hierba del becerro, hoja de baño, ichcuelt, ixontli, k'an-lol, lipa-gundo-flei, lluvia de oro, matilimí, miñona, mixtontze, nixtamalxóchitl, palo de arco, retama, San Pedro, toloache, totopo, trompeta, tulasúchil, vaquerillo, xkanlol, xkanlol-ak, x-kantul, xochimitl, k aan lol, vari-variar, San Francisco, campanilla amarilla, ángel, guachín, estoncle, histoncle, huiztontle, huiztontli, flor amarilla, kaan lool, sauco amarillo, k'an lool, timboque, San Francisco, San Juan, San Pedro, alacrancillo, algodoncillo, borla de San Pedro, caballito, campanilla, campanilla amarilla, canario, candelillo, chocolatillo, copal, copita, corneta amarilla, elotito, esperanza, flor amarilla, flor de San Pedro, flor de muerto, flor de un día, fresnillo, fresno, guachín (Maya), guajillo, guia-biche (Zapoteco), guie-biche (Zapoteco), güie-bacaná (Zapoteco), hierba de San Juan, hierba de San Pedro, hierba de san nicolás, hierba del becerro, hoja de San Pedro, hoja de baño, huajillo, huevo de iguana, k'an lool (Maya), k'an-lol (Maya), kaan lool (Maya), lipa-gundo-flei (Chontal de Oaxaca), lluvia de oro, mazorca, miñona, nextamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamasúchitl, palo de arco, retama, retamo, san pedrito, sanguinaria, sauce, sauco, sauco amarillo, tacho, timboque, toloache, trompeta, trompetilla, tronador, tronadora, trueno, vainilla, vaquerillo, xkanlol (Maya), xkanlol-ak (Maya), ángel rank: species
Senna wislizenicommon name: palo prieto, rompebotas, carrozo, tecuahüe, huesillo, hueso, mulato, palo prieto, pinacate, pinacatillo, rompebota, rompebotas, vara prieta rank: species
Chamaecrista greggiirank: species
Procyon lotorcommon name: mapache común, common raccoon, mapache, mapachtli, raccoon, batúi, batú, me'el, a'ka'bak, osito lavador, a'ka'bak (Maya), batú (Yuto-nahua), batúi (Yuto-nahua), mapache, mapache común, mapachtli (Yuto-nahua), me'el (Maya), osito lavador rank: species
Calliandra hirsutarank: species
Mimosa laceratacommon name: garabato, mezquite, uña de gato rank: species
Paravilla consulrank: species
Phyllanthus mocinianusrank: species
Lordotus diversusrank: species
Melozone kienericommon name: rascador nuca rufa, Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow, rascador nuca canela, rascador nuca canela, rascador nuca rufa rank: species
Desmodium orbicularecommon name: hierba de la víbora, vara prieta, chicharillo, engorda cabra, hierba de la víbora, vara prieta rank: species
Sigmodon mascotensiscommon name: rata algodonera jalisciense, Jaliscan cotton rat, rata cañera, rata algodonera, rata algodonera, rata algodonera jalisciense, rata cañera, rata cañera del oeste rank: species
Smilisca baudiniicommon name: rana de árbol mexicana común, common Mexican treefrog, rana trepadora, Mexican treefrogs, Mexican smilisca, tooter, rana arbórea de Baudin, otác, ziix hax ano quiij, x-túuts´, quech, rana arborícola mexicana, rana de árbol mexicana, otác (Seri), quech (Maya), rana arborícola mexicana, rana arbórea de Baudin, rana de árbol mexicana, rana de árbol mexicana común, rana trepadora, x-túuts´ (Maya), ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Zephyranthes nelsoniirank: species
Cologania broussonetiicommon name: tzitziki (Purépecha) rank: species
Didelphis virginianacommon name: tlacuache norteño, Virginia opossum, tlacuache común, tlacuache, tlacuache cola pelada, tlakuatzin, tlacuache, tlacuache cola pelada, tlacuache común, tlacuache norteño, tlakuatzin (Yuto-nahua), zarigüeya norteña rank: species
Malvaviscus arboreuscommon name: manzanilla, manzanita, monaguillo, altea, quesito, monacillo, civil, aretillo, trompetilla, alalatz, ata, bejuquillo, bequem-tzójol, bisil, bizil, cadillo, chanita, chocho, chupamirto, farolito, flor de molinillo, ishlicatapachat, majagüilla, majahuilla, manzanillo, mazapán, media noche, molinillo, obelisco, obelisco de la sierra, taman-che'ich, teresita, tulipán, tzopelchichilxóchitl, manzanita del pollo, makgxo, tlalsompilt, gapache, ixhuaquelt, monacillo rojo, aretera, atlatzompilili, tlagoxochitl, tzopelchichixochitl, taman ch'iich', tulipán de monte, tulipán xiw, bisil k'aax, taman che', taman ch' iich', aguate, alalatz (Tsotsil), altea, amapola, aretera, aretillo, ata (Huasteco), bejuquillo, bequem-tzójol (Huasteco), bisil (Maya), cadillo, chilillo, chupamirto, civil, farolito, flor de molinillo, huinar, ishlicatapachat (Totonaco), joolol (Maya), majahuilla, makgxo (Totonaco), malva, malvavisco, manzanilla, manzanillo, manzanita, manzanita del pollo, mazapán, media noche, molinillo, monacillo, monacillo rojo, monaguillo, obelisco, obelisco de la sierra, quesito, taman ch' iich' (Maya), taman che' (Maya), taman-che'ich (Maya), taman-ché (Maya), teresita, tlalsompilt (Tepehua), trompetilla, tulipán, tulipán de monte, tzopelchichilxóchitl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Justicia oaxacanarank: species
Coluber mentovariuscommon name: chicoteadora, chirrionera, corredora, culebra chirriadora neotropical, neotropical Whip snake, alicate, chirrionera sabanera, chicotera, alicate, chicoteadora, chicotera, chirrionera, chirrionera sabanera, corredora, culebra chirriadora neotropical rank: species
Basileuterus lachrymosuscommon name: chipe de roca, Fan-tailed Warbler, pavito de rocas, chipe de roca, pavito de rocas rank: species
Leucaena esculentacommon name: guaje, uaxin, guajillo, guaje blanco, guaje colorado, hoaxin, huaje, huaxi, pa-la, yaga-laa, huaje rojo, huaxind, guachín, flor de guaje, guaje rojo, al-pai-ue (Chontal de Oaxaca), flor de guaje, guachín (Maya), guaje, guaje blanco, guaje colorado, guaje de castilla, guaje rojo, guajillo, hoaxin (Náhuatl), huaje, huaxi (Náhuatl), hueyoaxin (Náhuatl), ndwa-cua (Mixteco), oaxin (Náhuatl), oaxin chichiltic (Náhuatl), pa-la (Chontal de Oaxaca), uaxin (Náhuatl), yaga-laa (Zapoteco) rank: species
Ornidia obesarank: species
Aeschynomene purpusiirank: species
Comarostaphylis polifoliacommon name: madroñito, madroño, madroño chino, madroño negro, madroño prieto, manzanilla, manzanillo, nariz de perro, pingüica, pingüica negra, si'dac (Tepehuano), somaque (Mixteco), tique (Mixteco) rank: species
Apanisagrion laiscommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Odocoileus virginianuscommon name: venado cola blanca, white-tailed deer, venado de llano, mazatl, venado de campo, deer, venado real, mazatl (Yuto-nahua), venado cola blanca, venado de campo, venado de llano, venado real rank: species
Lamourouxia viscosacommon name: chupamiel, najicoli (Guarijío) rank: species
Dalea luteacommon name: escoba, escobilla, limoncillo, ramón rank: species
Xanthandrus mexicanusrank: species
Psychopterys dipholiphyllarank: species
Melanerpes hypopoliuscommon name: carpintero pecho gris, Gray-breasted Woodpecker, carpintero del balsas, carpintero del balsas, carpintero pecho gris rank: species
Desmodus rotunduscommon name: vampiro común, common vampire bat, murciélago vampiro, vampiro, quimichpatlan, murciélago vampiro, quimichpatlan (Yuto-nahua), vampiro, vampiro común rank: species
Sylvilagus cuniculariuscommon name: conejo, conejo mexicano, Mexican cottontail, conejo, conejo castellano, conejo mexicano rank: species
Phyllogomphoides pacificuscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Chrysanthrax edititiusrank: species
Leptonycteris yerbabuenaecommon name: murciélago, lesser long-nose bat, murciélago hocicudo menor, murciélago, murciélago hocicudo menor, murciélago magueyero menor rank: species
Mimosa polyanthacommon name: garabato, vara prieta, palo prieto, huizache, espino, garabatillo, gatuño, sierrilla, t'imbeni, uña de gato, espino de abuelita, pemesquite, espino, espino de abuelita, espinoso, garabato, gatuño, huajillo, huizache, palo prieto, sierrilla, t'imbeni (Tarasco), tepehuaje, uña de gato, vara prieta rank: species
Bursera mirandaecommon name: copal, copal santo, copal, copal santo rank: species
Lonchocarpus obovatuscommon name: palo blanco, flor morada, flor morada, palo blanco rank: species
Dioprosopa clavatarank: species
Dalea leporinacommon name: escobilla rank: species
Craugastor augusticommon name: rana ladradora común, barking frog, rana amarilla labradora, sapo ladrador, otác, ziix hax ano quiij, rana de hojarasca de acantilado, rana de tronco, rana ladradora amarilla, otác (Seri), rana amarilla labradora, rana de hojarasca de acantilado, rana de tronco, rana ladradora amarilla, rana ladradora común, sapo ladrador, ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Toxomerus marginatusrank: species
Dodonaea viscosacommon name: San Pedro, camarón, cascabel, cebollera, chamizo, cuerno de cabra, duraznillo, granadina, guayabillo, gui-laga-ciiti (Zapoteco), hierba de la cucaracha, hierba del zorrillo, huayun-ak (Maya), huesito, jara (Cora), jarilla, nariz de perro, ocotillo, olivo, palo santo, palomillo, pata de venado, pirimu (Tarasco), qui-laga-cijti (Zapoteco), salté (Tojolabal), tomate de burro, tonalcotl-xíhuitl (Náhuatl), tonalocotlxícuitl (Náhuatl), tonalocotlxíhuitl (Náhuatl), vara, yaga-laga-cijti (Zapoteco) rank: species
Macroptilium atropurpureumcommon name: ojo de zanate, gallinitas, gallito, chorequillo, frijolillo, pica pica, frijol ojo de zanate, bu'ul ch'o', bu'ul ch'o' (Maya), frijol ojo de zanate, frijolillo, gallinitas, gallito, ojo de zanate, pica pica rank: species
Lophocereus marginatuscommon name: cardón órgano parado, chilayo, chimalayo (Mixteco), jarritos, malinche, ndíchi láya (Mixteco), ntaxinithjao (Popoloca), organo, pitaya, pitayo, sahuaro, tnu laya (Mixteco), too dichi ninó (Mixteco), yag bidze (Zapoteco), órgano de zopilote rank: species
Ceiba aesculifoliacommon name: pochotl, pochote, algodoncillo, ceiba, ceibo, ch'oo, k'inim, kuché, lantá, lantá de cerro, len-o-ma, ma-tzu, mo-dzu, piim, ya'ax-che, ya'ax-ek, yaga-piogo-xilla, yaxché, h'inim, ya'axche, kuch, matzu, yaga-piogo-xila, apochote, puchote, cho, ch'ooj, piim yaxche, píin, Mosmót (Zoque), ahaiyá (Guarijío), algodoncillo, ceiba, ceibo (Maya), ch'oo (Maya), chote, huacapi (Guarijío), k'inim (Maya), kuch (Maya), kuché (Maya), len-o-ma (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-tzu (Chinanteco), matzu (Chinanteco), mo-dzu (Chinanteco), piim (Maya), piim yaxche (Maya), pochota (Totonaco), pochote, pochotl (Náhuatl), píin (Maya), ya'ax che' (Maya), ya'ax-che (Maya), ya'ax-ek (Maya), ya'axche (Maya), yaga-piogo-xila (Zapoteco), yaga-piogo-xilla (Zapoteco), yaxché (Maya) rank: species
Argia pallenscommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Melanerpes formicivoruscommon name: carpintero bellotero, Acorn Woodpecker rank: species
Oxybelis aeneuscommon name: bejuquilla, brown or Mexican vine snake, culebra bejuquilla mexicana, flecherilla, güirotillera, hamísj catójoj, bejuquilla parda, bejuco, culebra de árbol rank: species
Mandevilla oaxacanacommon name: cuanabiche (Zapoteco) rank: species
Anteos maerulacommon name: Yellow Angled-Sulphur, amarilla maerula rank: species
Ditaxis guatemalensiscommon name: tinta roja rank: species
Macrotus waterhousiicommon name: murciélago orejón mexicano, Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago orejón mexicano, murciélago orejón sureño rank: species
Crotalaria longirostratacommon name: tronador, al-a-ju, cascabel, cascabel de víbora, chepil, chipil, chipila, chipilín, garbancillo, tzajchopó, vichi, chepiles, bichi, chipilón, al-a-ju (Chontal de Oaxaca), cascabel, cascabel de víbora, chepil, chepiles, chipil, chipilín, chipilón, garbancilla, tronador, tzajchopó (Zoque) rank: species
Ferocactus latispinuscommon name: biznaga ganchuda, biznaga, biznaga de dulce, flat thorn cactus, pochas, biznaga de chilitos, chilito de biznaga, biznaga, biznaga de borrachos, biznaga de chilitos, biznaga de cuernos, biznaga ganchuda, corona del señor, matacurú, pochas, uña de gato, uña de águila rank: species
Otospermophilus variegatuscommon name: ardillón de roca, rock squirrel, ardilla terrestre, ardilla de pedregal, techalote, chipawí, ardillón, ardilla de pedregal, ardilla terrestre, ardillón, ardillón común, ardillón de roca, chipawí (Yuto-nahua), techalote rank: species
Texola anomaluscommon name: Anomalous Checkerspot rank: species
Dryophytes arenicolorcommon name: rana de árbol color arena, ranita de cañon, canyon treefrog, ranita de las rocas, otác, ziix hax ano quiij, otác (Seri), rana de árbol color arena, ranita de cañon, ranita de las rocas, ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Bombylius (Parabombylius) albopenicillatusrank: species
Emesis (Tenedia) tegulacommon name: Bow-winged Tanmark, Tegula Emesis rank: species
Petronymphe rararank: species
Leopardus wiediicommon name: tigrillo, margay rank: species
Neopringlea viscosarank: species
Cissia similiscommon name: Stormy Satyr rank: species
Copestylum (Phalacromya) mexicanumrank: species
Xenox habrosusrank: species
Junonia coeniacommon name: Common Buckeye, ninfa coenia, ojos de venado, ninfa coenia, ojos de venado rank: species
Byrsonima crassifoliacommon name: arrayán, che (Maya), chi (Maya), chi' (Maya), hui-zaa (Zapoteco), ma-mi-hña (Chinanteco), nance (Maya), nance agrio, nance amarillo, nanche, nanche agrio, nanche amarillo, nanche de perro, nanche del perro, nanche dulce, nanchi, nanci, nandzin (Zoque), nantzi zac-pah (Maya), nantzincuáhuitl (Náhuatl), nanzinxócotl (Náhuatl), níspero, palo de nanche, sak paj (Maya), sak-pah (Maya), sokonanx (Tepehua), tanzent (Totonaco), tush (Popoloca), u'eo (Cuicateco), u-e (Cuicateco), ue-ne (Chontal de Oaxaca), xacpan (Maya), yaga-huizaa (Zapoteco), zapotillo amarillo, zxacpah (Maya) rank: species
Amazilia violicepscommon name: colibrí corona violeta, Violet-crowned Hummingbird rank: species
Quercus (Quercus) glaucoidescommon name: encino, encino blanco, encino chaparro, encino negro, encino prieto, encino roble, encino rojo, roble rank: species
Rhus virenscommon name: capulín, lambrisco, lantrisco, lentrisco, agrito, capulín, limoncillo, palo amarillo rank: species
Myrtillocactus geometrizanscommon name: garambullo, bastó, baxta, bazto, biti-xoba, garbancillo, garambuyo, bastó (Otomí), baxta (Otomí), bazto (Otomí), biti-xoba (Otomí), cactus del arándano, chigus (Zapoteco), claveles de carambullos, claveles de garambullo, garambullo, garambuyo, garbancilla, ndíchi nóni (Mixteco), padre nuestro, pitahaya, shishova (Zapoteco), tepepoa (Náhuatl), tepepoa-nochtli (Náhuatl), tnu dichi noni (Mixteco), too dichi noni (Mixteco), túchi-lásha (Popoloca), órgano rank: species
Galactia viridiflorarank: species
Senna argentearank: species
Lantana hirtacommon name: confiturilla, duraznillo, orégano, orégano de monte, orégano xiiw (Español-Maya), peonía colorada, sikil ja' xiiw (Maya), tarete (Tarasco) rank: species
Justicia gonzaleziirank: species
Fouquieria ochoterenaecommon name: rabo de iguana rank: species
Litsea glaucescenscommon name: laurel, arrayán, cu-jue-e, izitzuch, laurel de la sierra, laurelillo, lipa-cujue-e, sis-uch, sufracago, sufracalla, ziz-uch, arrayán, cu-jue-e (Chontal de Oaxaca), izitzuch (Tseltal), laurel, laurel de la sierra, laurelillo, lipa-cu-jue-e (Chontal de Oaxaca), pimientillo rank: species
Echinopterys eglandulosacommon name: bejuco de margarita rank: species
Rhus oaxacanarank: species
Sceloporus grammicuscommon name: lagartija, lagartija escamosa de mezquite, mezquite lizard, chintete de mezquite, lagartija espinosa del mezquital, chintete de mezquite, lagartija escamosa de mezquite, lagartija espinosa del mezquital rank: species
Geron (Geron) vitripennisrank: species
Cordia morelosanacommon name: anacahuite, cueramo, cáscara de anacahuite, encinillo, palo prieto, palo quieto, árbol del muerto rank: species
Ficus petiolariscommon name: amakostli (Náhuatl), amate (Náhuatl), amate amarillo, chichic-texcal-amatl (Náhuatl), higuerón, limis-cui (Chontal de Oaxaca), palo María, palo amarillo, texcal-ama-coztli (Náhuatl), texcanátl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Croton ciliatoglandulifercommon name: San Nicolás, canelilla, chilipajtle (Huasteco), dominguilla, duraznillo, enchiladora, hierba de la pulga, luc (Huasteco), mala mujer, mata gusano, palillo, rama blanca, shunashi-lase (Zapoteco), solimán, solimán blanco rank: species
Thamnophis bogertirank: species
Stenocereus dumortierirank: species
Commicarpus coctorisrank: species
Pseudoleon superbuscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Copestylum (Copestylum) marginatumrank: species
Aphoebantus conurusrank: species
Wimmeria persicifoliacommon name: granadillo, jaboncillo rank: species
Erpetogomphus elapscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Mammillaria tonalensiscommon name: tonala cactus, biznaga de Tonalá rank: species
Pittocaulon velatumrank: species
Ptelea trifoliatacommon name: cola de zorrillo, fresno, hierba del zorrillo, naranjo agrio, palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, pinacatillo, zorrillo, zorrillo raíz rank: species
Russelia obtusatarank: species
Holographis velutifoliarank: species
Galphimia glaucacommon name: calderona amarilla, ciruelo del campo, cola de zorro, flor de chinche, flor de diciembre, flor de mazorca, flor de noche buena, flor estrella, hierba de hormiga, leichi (Guarijío), mazorquitas, palo de San Vicente, petsjoyó (Zoque), rama de oro, raíz de árnica, shanin-tzitziki (Tarasco), shanin-tzitzuec (Tarasco), tzalam-cubic (Huasteco), xanin-tzi tziki (Tarasco), yerba del desprecio, árnica de raíz, árnica roja rank: species
Coursetia glandulosacommon name: palo dulce, chipile, cojusamo, cousamo, palo fierro, zuzupe, chichiquemiche, tepechoco, chipile, cojusamo (Guarijío), cousamo (Guarijío), palo dulce, palo fierro, tepechoco, zuzupe (Tarasco) rank: species
Pachycereus webericommon name: cardón gigante, giant cardon, candelabro, noxtli, chico, bi-tzuri, cardón, cardón de tomellín, cardón espinoso, bi-tzuri (Zapoteco), candelabro, cardón, cardón de tomellín, cardón espinoso, cardón gigante, chico, ndíchi quítú (Mixteco), noxtli (Náhuatl), pitayo, teonochtli (Náhuatl), tnu dichi chico (Mixteco), tnu dichi idi (Mixteco), tu shichi (Mixteco), órgano rank: species
Conophorus fallaxrank: species
Terebinthus longipescommon name: copal blanco, cuajiote colorado (Náhuatl), palo mulato rank: species
Hemipenthes sinuosarank: species
Chiropetalum schiedeanumrank: species
Salvia pubescensrank: species
Vauquelinia australisrank: species
Frangula alnusrank: species
Pheucticus chrysopepluscommon name: picogordo amarillo, Yellow Grosbeak rank: species
Echeveria gigantearank: species
Paravilla ephebarank: species
Enallagma praevarumcommon name: padrecitos, caballitos del diablo, caballitos del diablo, padrecitos rank: species
Passiflora mexicanacommon name: ojo de venado rank: species
Tramea abdominaliscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Artibeus jamaicensiscommon name: murciélago frutívoro de Jamaica, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, murciélago frutero, murciélago frutero, murciélago frutero común, murciélago frutívoro de Jamaica, murciélago zapotero rank: species
Opuntia tomentosacommon name: nopal chamacuerito, velvet prickly pear, nopal silvestre, nopal cimarrón, nopal chamacuelo, chamacuerito, cuernito, lengua de vaca, nocheznopalli (Náhuatl), nopal, nopal blanco, nopal chamacuerito, nopal chamacuero, nopal chirgo, nopal cimarrón, nopal corriente, nopal de San Gabriel, nopal de castilla, nopal nocheztli, nopal silvestre, nopalnocheztli (Náhuatl), tlalnopal (Náhuatl), tu mincha (Mixteco), tuna colorada rank: species
Senna galeottianacommon name: rompebota, rompebota, rompebotas rank: species
Galactia brachystachysrank: species
Malaxis ellipticarank: species
Setophaga nigrescenscommon name: chipe negrogris, Black-throated Gray Warbler rank: species
Bursera apteracommon name: cuajiote amarillo, cuachital, cuajiote verde, coxinyotl iztac, cuajiote blanco, cuajiote, copal, copalillo, coxinyotl iztac (Náhuatl), cuachital, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajiote amarillo (Náhuatl), cuajiote blanco (Náhuatl), cuajiote verde (Náhuatl) rank: species
Salvia lasianthacommon name: salvia serrana rank: species
Ficus cotinifoliacommon name: alamo, amate, amate (Náhuatl), amate amarillo, amate blanco, amate negro, amate prieto, amezquite (Náhuatl), camuchina (Tarasco), capulina, capulín, ceiba, ceibo (Maya), chipil, chuná (Tarahumara), cobó (Maya), coobó (Maya), higo, higuerilla, higuerón, hu' un (Maya), hu'un (Mixe), ju' un (Maya), ju' un ch' iich' (Maya), kipochit (Maya), koopo' (Maya), koopo' chit (Maya), koopp' (Maya), kopo' (Maya), kopochit (Maya), kopó (Maya), mata palo, matapalo, mutut (Tseltal), planta de hule, saiba güicha (Tarasco), uohtoli (Guarijío), uojtoli (Guarijío), xkoopo' (Maya), árbol de leche rank: species
Acacia farnesianacommon name: acacia, gavia, huizache, gabia, espino blanco, espino, zubin-che, huizache blanco, aroma, bihi, cascalote, coo-ca, cuca, cucca, espuela de gallo, flor de niño, huichín, huisache, iai-do-no, k'ank'ilis-ché, k'ank'ixché, k'antilis, minza, subinché, thujanom, thujánum, tsurimbini, tsurúmbini, xiri-xi, x-k'antilis, huxachin, arúmbari, pedo de burro, aromática, corteza curtidora, espinillo, huechachin, ncazcalotl, xcantiris, guizache, acacia, aroma, aromática, arúmbari (Tarasco), bihi (Zapoteco), cascalote, coo-ca (Guarijío), cornezuelo, corteza curtidora, cuca (Guarijío), cucca (Mayo), espinillo, espino, espino blanco, espuela de gallo, flor de niño, huizache, huizache blanco, huizachillo, iai-do-no (Cuicateco), injerto de huizache, k'ank'ilis-ché (Maya), k'ank'ixché (Maya), k'antilis (Maya), minza (Otomí), motitas, pedo de burro, subin (Maya), subinché (Maya), thuhaanom (Huasteco), thujanom (Huasteco), thujánum (Huasteco), tsurímbini (Tarasco), tsurúmbini (Tarasco), x-k'antilis (Maya), xcantiris (Purépecha), xiri-xi (Huichol) rank: species
Passerina versicolorcommon name: colorín morado, Varied Bunting rank: species
Ipomoea conzattiirank: species
Asclepias curassavicacommon name: adelfilla, anal k'aax (Maya), anal xiiw (Maya), analk'aak (Maya), burladora, cancerina, chak-anal-k'aak (Maya), chak-hulubte'k'aak (Maya), chak-kansel-xiu (Maya), chilillo, chilillo venenoso, cinco llagas, flor de muerto, flor de tigre, hierba María, k'uchil-xiu (Maya), kabal-kumché (Maya), pablito, pericón, pinatawan (Totonaco), pool kuuts' (Maya), quiebramuelas, sak-kansel-xiu (Maya), salvilla, señorita, tesuchi potei (Otomí), venenillo, veneno rojo, x-pol-k'uchil (Maya), x-pol-kutsil (Maya) rank: species
Rhynchosia discolorrank: species
Phaseolus coccineuscommon name: quelite, ayacote, ayocote, bénju, bótil, cimatl, colorín, frijol ayocote, frijol bótil, frijolón, limé-gui-ba-né, recómari, frijol ovalado, frijol de monte, frijol gordo, frijol acalete, clankastapu, xoyamet, bonju, cuajetl cimarrón, cuail, cuaetl, ejote recomari, ayocotli, bénju ponju, frijol tecómare, liméguibané, patol o patoles, recamoli, yegua, ayacote, ayocote, bonju (Otomí), bénju (Otomí), bénju ponju (Otomí), cimatl (Náhuatl), clankastapu (Totonaco), colorín, cuaetl (Náhuatl), ejote recomari, frijol ayocote, frijol bótil, frijol de monte, frijol gordo, frijol ovalado, frijolón, limé-gui-ba-né (Chontal de Oaxaca), quelite, recamoli (Tarahumara), recómari (Tarahumara), xoyamet (Náhuatl), yegua rank: species
Euphorbia colletioidescommon name: bacachari (Guarijío), candelilla, candelilla bronca, candelilla china, candelilla de palo, candelillo rank: species
Pyrocephalus rubinuscommon name: mosquero cardenal, Vermilion Flycatcher, papamoscas cardenalito, mosquero cardenal, papamoscas cardenalito rank: species
Argia pullacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Pteronotus mexicanuscommon name: murciélago, murciélago bigotudo de Parnell, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Ogcodocera analisrank: species
Dasypus novemcinctuscommon name: armadillo nueve bandas, nine-banded armadillo, mulita, ayotochtli, armadillo, armadillo, armadillo de nueve bandas, armadillo nueve bandas, ayotochtli (Yuto-nahua), mulita rank: species
Bletia parkinsoniirank: species
Ageratum corymbosumcommon name: bola de hilo, jícama, mano de gato, mota morada rank: species
Psittacanthus auriculatusrank: species
Salvadora mexicanacommon name: culebra parchada mexicana, Mexican patchnose snake, culebra manguera, culebra nariz de parche mexicana, culebra chata del Pacífico, culebra manguera, culebra nariz de parche mexicana, culebra parchada mexicana rank: species
Myiodynastes luteiventriscommon name: papamoscas atigrado, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, papamoscas rayado común, papamoscas atigrado, papamoscas rayado común rank: species
Manfreda scabracommon name: cal-paish (Chontal de Oaxaca), maguey shishi rank: species
Empidonax virescenscommon name: mosquero verdoso, Acadian Flycatcher, papamoscas verdoso, mosquero verdoso, papamoscas verdoso rank: species
Montanoa leucanthacommon name: alcachofilla, malacatillo, matayaqui, palo blanco, percherón, perimo (Purépecha), sakil (Tseltal), tacote de flor, talacao (Guarijío) rank: species
Matelea calcicolarank: species
Linum rupestrerank: species
Melanis cephisecommon name: White-rayed Pixie rank: species
Bouvardia viminalisrank: species
Ayenia ovatarank: species
Sidastrum tehuacanumrank: species
Wimmeria microphyllacommon name: palo de seda, venadillo rank: species
Myrcianthes fragranscommon name: anal sip che' macho (Español-Maya), arrayán, arrayán prieto, capulín de hueso, guayabillo, kanatonkos (Maya), koj kaan' (Maya), pimientilla, pimientillo, xokoka'an (Maya) rank: species
Acourtia huajuapanarank: species
Acacia subangulatacommon name: sierrecilla, sierrecilla, sierrilla rank: species
Drymarchon melanuruscommon name: arroyera, babatuco, babutua, culebra azul, culebra prieta, tilcoate, western indigo snake, palancacoate, arroyera, babatuco, babutua, culebra azul, culebra prieta, palancacoate, tilcoate rank: species
Mesadenus tenuissimusrank: species
Toxomerus geminatusrank: species
Solanum hazeniirank: species
Gaudichaudia galeottianarank: species
Dichromanthus cinnabarinuscommon name: corales, corazón de gallina, corba gallina, cutsis (Náhuatl), cutzi (Náhuatl), itux momol (Tsotsil), palillo, palo blanco, palo estaca, tarabilla, vidrillo rank: species
Peucaea mystacaliscommon name: zacatonero embridado, Bridled Sparrow rank: species
Piranga ludovicianacommon name: tangara capucha roja, Western Tanager, piranga capucha roja, piranga capucha roja, tangara capucha roja rank: species
Croton reflexifoliuscommon name: cascarilla, cascarillo, chiim kuuts (Maya), copalchi (Náhuatl), huesillo prieto, ko'ok che' (Maya), kok che (Maya), p'e'es' k'uuch (Maya), p'eles-k'uch (Maya), palo santo, pees kuuts (Maya), pelezcutz (Maya), peres-k'uts (Maya), pereschuch (Maya), perexcutz (Maya), pets'k'uuts (Maya), péres-kuch (Maya), quina, quina blanca, solimán prieto, tapasikiui (Totonaco), tapatlikiwi (Totonaco), vara blanca, x-p eskuts-simkuts (Maya), x-pet'kuts (Maya), xpe'es kuuts (Maya) rank: species
Nissolia micropteracommon name: zapotillo rank: species
Ageratina mairetianacommon name: vara blanca rank: species
Rhamnus macrocarparank: species
Emesis zelacommon name: Zela Metalmark rank: species
Marpesia petreuscommon name: Ruddy Daggerwing, mariposa de alas afiladas, capitán petreus, alas de daga rojiza, alas de daga rojiza, capitán petreus, mariposa de alas afiladas rank: species
Geron nigripesrank: species
Rena maximacommon name: agujilla, giant blind snake, serpiente lombriz gigante, culebrilla lombriz gigante, culebrilla ciega gigante, agujilla, culebrilla ciega gigante, culebrilla lombriz gigante, serpiente lombriz gigante rank: species
Havardia pallenscommon name: carbonero, carbonera, palo de tenaza, palo huácaro, quith-te, tenaza, carbonera, carbonero, guaje, guajillo, palo de tenaza, palo huácaro, quith-te (Huasteco), tenacilla, tenaza, tijerilla rank: species
Chiococca oaxacanarank: species
Sporophila torqueolacommon name: semillero de collar, White-collared Seedeater, semillero de collar, semillero rabadilla canela rank: species
Argia planacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Rhynchanthrax mariarank: species
Lippia graveolenscommon name: ahuiyac-xihuitl (Náhuatl), ananté (Huasteco), canelilla, damiana, hahuiya-xihuitl (Náhuatl), hierba dulce, oreganón, orégano, orégano cimarrón, orégano de monte, quelite, romerillo de monte, romero de monte, salve real, salvia, salvia real, té de monte, vara dulce, xaak-il-che (Maya), xak'il-che (Maya) rank: species
Leptodeira polystictacommon name: culebra ojo de gato rank: species
Dictyanthus reticulatusrank: species
Hesperothamnus pentaphyllusrank: species
Rhus chondrolomarank: species
Anteos clorindecommon name: White Angled-Sulphur, mariposa amarillo sulfuroso, amarilla clorinde, amarilla clorinde, mariposa amarillo sulfuroso rank: species
Piper hispidumcommon name: canutillo, cigarrillo, cordoncillo, tilticxalcuahuit (Náhuatl) rank: species
Basileuterus rufifronscommon name: chipe gorra rufa, Rufous-capped Warbler, chipe gorra canela, chipe gorra canela, chipe gorra rufa rank: species
Cyrtocarpa proceracommon name: coco, baricoca, chucumpum, chucumpuz, chupandía, copalcocote, copalcojote, copalxócotl, machocote, maxocote, palo de chupandía, chungupo, chucumpun, verraco, copaljocote, chupandilla, coco de cerro, coco de marrano, chucum-pum, chocote, puei, árbol de chupandía, chupundía, ciruelillo, coco, coco de cerro, coco de marrano, copal, copaljocote (Náhuatl), copalxócotl (Náhuatl), puei (Cora) rank: species
Eysenhardtia platycarpacommon name: cuate rank: species
Contopus pertinaxcommon name: pibí tengofrío, Greater Pewee, papamoscas José María, papamoscas José María, pibí tengofrío rank: species
Erpetogomphus bothropscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Acacia pennatulacommon name: acacia, huizache, espino blanco, espino, chirahui, coquete, garrobo, shashib, tepame, algarrobo, tepamo, cajui, huixtle, te-pam, yepovecha, concoabite, chimay, cubata blanca, tehuichpalachtli, tehustle, espino jiote, ch'imay, shabshib, acacia, algarroba, algarrobo, cajui (Tarahumara), cenizo, chimay (Maya), cubata, cubata blanca, espina, espino, espino blanco, espino jiote, espino negro, huixtle (Huasteco), huizache, huizache blanco, pe (Otomí), peineta, quebracho, quebrahacha, sak chuum (Maya), shashib (Tseltal), te-pam (Huasteco), tepame, tepamo, yepovecha (Guarijío) rank: species
Gaura coccineacommon name: aretillo, linda tarde rank: species
Anthrax analisrank: species
Aphoebantus halteratusrank: species
Vanessa virginiensiscommon name: American Lady, ninfa virginiensis, gusano del llano, cochipilotl, cochipilotl (Yuto-nahua), gusano del llano, ninfa virginiensis rank: species
Senna holwayanacommon name: retamo, shihuihuijoyó, retamo, shihuihuijoyó (Zoque) rank: species
Polioptila caeruleacommon name: perlita azulgris rank: species
Opuntia piliferacommon name: haired prickly pear, nopal crinado, nopal, nopal de crinas, piaviachi, nopal de monte, tapa culito, can´tia lina (Popoloca), can´tia lotzi (Popoloca), can´tia xue xue ch´jenta (Popoloca), can´tia xue xue kant´ia (Popoloca), can´tia xue xue lonti (Popoloca), can´tia xue xue tjioa (Popoloca), cocoche loco, crinado, nocheznopalli (Náhuatl), nopal, nopal blanco, nopal bolita, nopal catalina, nopal cimarrón, nopal colotzi, nopal crinado, nopal de cerro, nopal de crines, nopal de monte, nopal lanudo, nopal tuna suave, nopalli (Náhuatl), nopalnocheztli (Náhuatl), piaviachi (Zapoteco), tapa culito, tlalnopal (Náhuatl), tocahuiztli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Exoprosopa minuscularank: species
Opuntia lasiacanthacommon name: nopal de espinas lacias, straight spined prickly pear, nopal, nopal del Pedregal, nopal, nopal de cerro, nopal de espinas lacias, nopal de tuna colorada, tuna blanca, xoconostle rank: species
Mimosa mollisrank: species
Dioscorea sparsiflorarank: species
Calliandropsis nervosusrank: species
Pluchea carolinensiscommon name: Santa María, chal che' (Maya), k'uuts k'aax (Maya), sal che' (Maya), sul che' (Maya), tabaquillo rank: species
Battus polydamascommon name: Polydamas Swallowtail, macaón polydamas, corola polydamas, sombra de collar verde, corola polydamas, macaón polydamas, sombra de collar verde rank: species
Cardellina pusillacommon name: chipe corona negra, Wilson's Warbler rank: species
Pantala flavescenscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Adelia oaxacanacommon name: caca de gallina, nanche de monte, t'ooj yuub (Maya), toon pak' (Maya), x-tomp-'ak (Maya) rank: species
Simsia sanguinearank: species
Stachytarpheta acuminatarank: species
Opsiphanes boisduvalliicommon name: Orange Owlet, Orange Owl-Butterfly rank: species
Momotus mexicanuscommon name: momoto corona café, Russet-crowned Motmot, momoto corona canela, momoto corona café, momoto corona canela rank: species
Mormoops megalophyllacommon name: murciélago barba arrugada norteño, Peter's ghost face bat, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago barba arrugada norteño, murciélago cara arrugada rank: species
Karwinskia humboldtianacommon name: buayabito, cacachila, capulincillo, capulincillo cimarrón, capulín, capulín cimarrón, capulín de zorra, cerezo, coyotillo, diente de molino, frutillo, guayabillo, guayabito, himoli (Guarijío), itzil (Huasteco), jimolí (Guarijío), kusí júkame (Tarahumara), l u'um che' (Maya), limoncillo, margarita, montón de indio, negrito, pajarito, palo apestoso, palo negrito, pimientilla, pimientillo, piojillo (Náhuatl), tlalcapolín (Náhuatl), tullidor, tullidora, yagalán (Zapoteco) rank: species
Anoura geoffroyicommon name: murciélago rabón de Geoffroy, Geoffroy's tailless bat, murciélago, chinaco, chinaco, murciélago, murciélago rabón de Geoffroy, murciélago sin cola gris rank: species
Clematis acapulcensiscommon name: barbas de viejo rank: species
Kallstroemia maximacommon name: abrojo de flor amarilla, alfalfa, bola de hilo, cacahuatillo, capotillo, dormilona, golondrina cimarrona, xich'iil aak' (Maya) rank: species
Painteria revolutarank: species
Loeselia glandulosacommon name: azulilla, espinosilla, verbena rank: species
Polygala albarank: species
Cedrela dugesiicommon name: cedro, cuatal (Purépecha), cuaterani (Purépecha), cueteramba (Purépecha), nogal, nogal cimarrón, nogal corriente, nogalillo, nogalillo cimarrón rank: species
Acacia acatlensiscommon name: borrego, acacia, huizache, guajillo, guayalote, guayote, hierba del zorrillo, borreguitos, yepaquilitl, árbol del borrego, chindata, chondata, huitlache, tiñu, yopalquelite borrego, acacia, borrego, borreguito, borreguitos, chivos, espino blanco, guajillo, hierba del zorrillo, huajillo, huizache, árbol del borrego rank: species
Eucnide hirtarank: species
Opuntia decumbenscommon name: Chachalaca, nopal, nopal de tortuga, turtle prickly pear, la-po-ne-ca-dzol, nopal de coyote, nopal de culebra, arpón, ita chikii (Mixteco), la-po-ne-cadzol (Chontal de Oaxaca), lengua de vaca, nopal, nopal de castilla, nopal de coyote, nopal de culebra, nopal de huerta, nopal de tortuga, nopal rastrero, tuna de costoche, yop'nopal (Chontal de Tabasco) rank: species
Manihot rhomboidearank: species
Brongniartia bracteolatarank: species
Lasiacis nigrarank: species
Opuntia proliferacommon name: cholla prolifera rank: species
Cnidoscolus tubulosuscommon name: chichicastle, mala mujer, ortiga, pipián, piñón, quemador rank: species
Acleisanthes obtusarank: species
Lippia albacommon name: atoch-yetl (Náhuatl), hierba del burro, hierba del negro, hierba maestra, mirto, orozuz, orégano, salve real, salvia real, salvia sija, té de castilla, valeriana rank: species
Bursera discolorcommon name: jiote, guande, pegahueso, copal, pega hueso, guande verde, jiote verde, copal, guande, jiote (Náhuatl), pega hueso, pegahueso rank: species
Colubrina trifloracommon name: algodoncillo, guacimilla, palillo rank: species
Abaeis nicippecommon name: Sleepy Orange rank: species
Herpailurus yagouaroundicommon name: jaguarundi, yaguarundi, otter cat, jaguarundi, leoncillo, onza real, yaguarundi rank: species
Quercus (Quercus) obtusatacommon name: bellota, chilillo, encinilla, encino, encino blanco, encino chino, encino negro, encino prieto, encino roble, encino roble amarillo, encino rojo, roble, roble prieto rank: species
Quercus (Quercus) grahamiicommon name: encino de asta rank: species
Amyris monophyllarank: species
Phaseolus microcarpusrank: species
Icterus waglericommon name: bolsero de Wagler, Black-vented Oriole, bolsero de Wagler, calandria de Wagler rank: species
Peperomia ovatopeltatarank: species
Ipomoea bracteatacommon name: azalea de barranca, bejuco blanco, bejuco de candelai, bejuco de la Candelaria, camote blanco, empanada, empanadilla, empanadita, flor de la candelaria, flor de la empanada, gallinita, gallinitas de cerro, jícama, jícama de monte, jícama del monte, panalillo, papada de gallo, rosa de castilla cimarrona, trompetilla rank: species
Croton balsensiscommon name: canelillo rank: species
Brongniartia molliculacommon name: limoncillo rank: species
Croton morifoliuscommon name: nenda-xunaxi (Zapoteco), palillo, vara blanca rank: species
Desmodium tortuosumcommon name: pegajoso, cadillo, kintah, k'intaj, pega ropa, pegarropa, k'iin taj xiiw, cadillo, k'iin taj xiiw (Maya), k'intaj (Maya), kintah (Maya), pega ropa, pegajoso, pegarropa rank: species
Argia oeneacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Centrosema virginianumcommon name: gallito, cantsin, k'antsin, sonajera azul, bu'ul che', chi' ikam t'u'ul, ib che', bu'ul che' (Maya), cantsin (Maya), chi' ikam t'u'ul (Maya), gallito, ib che' (Maya), k'antsin (Maya), sonajera azul rank: species
Contopus sordiduluscommon name: pibí occidental, Western Wood-Pewee, papamoscas del oeste, papamoscas del oeste, pibí occidental rank: species
Boa imperatorcommon name: káxab yuk (Maya) rank: species
Icterus pustulatuscommon name: bolsero dorso rayado, Streak-backed Oriole, calandria dorso rayado, bolsero dorso rayado, calandria dorso rayado rank: species
Bursera fagaroidescommon name: papelillo, palo mulato, jiote, xixote, cuajiote amarillo, cuajiote verde, cuajiote blanco, palo del diablo, ngedri, copal, cuajiote colorado, cuajiote, torote, aceitillo, chutama, torote blanco, cuajilote, ngedni, torote amarillo, ugedri, sazafrás, aceitillo, chutama, copal, cuajilote, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajiote amarillo (Náhuatl), cuajiote blanco (Náhuatl), cuajiote colorado (Náhuatl), cuajiote verde (Náhuatl), jiote (Náhuatl), ngedri (Otomí), palo cuchara, palo del diablo, palo jiote, palo mulato, papelillo, sazafrás, tecomaca (Náhuatl), torote, torote amarillo, torote blanco, torote papelillo, xixote rank: species
Mammillaria supertextacommon name: biznaga supertejida, superweaved cactus rank: species
Euphorbia cymosarank: species
Colubrina macrocarpacommon name: café, café cimarrón, trompillo, árnica rank: species
Milla oaxacanarank: species
Cladocolea glaucarank: species
Basilinna leucotiscommon name: zafiro oreja blanca, zafiro orejas blancas rank: species
Stenocereus pruinosuscommon name: pitayo de mayo, pitayo de octubre, october pitayo tree, pitahaya, al-ca-uo-she, pitajaya, pitaya, pitayo, abrileña, pitaya abrileña, al-ca-uo-she (Chontal de Oaxaca), cuapetla (Náhuatl), cuapetla nochtli (Náhuatl), dichi (Mixteco), kuluub (Maya), ndíchi cuán (Mixteco), pitaya, pitaya de mayo, pitayo, pitayo de mayo, pitayo de octubre, tnu dichi kua'a (Mixteco), too dichi kua'a (Mixteco), túchi chína (Popoloca), xoconoxtle (Náhuatl) rank: species
Crotalaria viminaliscommon name: frijolillo, sot' ooch (Maya), ya'ax ooch (Maya) rank: species
Ipomoea arborescenscommon name: casahuate, casahuate blanco, cazahuate, cazahuate blanco, cuau-zahuatl (Náhuatl), cuauhzáhuatl (Náhuatl), flor de palo blanco, itate (Cuicateco), lipa-ca-tu-ue (Chontal de Oaxaca), néctar, palo blanco, palo bobo, palo cabra, palo de muerto, palo del muerto, palo santo, palo santo amarillo, pájaro bobo, sacamanteca, xegua (Zapoteco) rank: species
Micronycteris microtiscommon name: murciélago, common big-eared bat, murciélago, murciélago orejón pequeño rank: species
Sideroxylon capiricommon name: capire, capiri, capiro, ejechí (Cuicateco), subuul (Maya), tototzápotl (Náhuatl), tutotzápotl (Náhuatl), zapote de ave rank: species
Tournefortia mutabiliscommon name: bejuco prieto, blag-chog (Zapoteco), cola de alacrán, confite coyote, confite negro, confitillo negro, flor del negro, guizh-canzr (Zapoteco), hierba de fuego, hierba del burro, hierba del cáncer, hierba del negro, hierba prieta, hierba rasposa, hoja del cáncer, lagrima de virgen, vara prieta, yucu-tiojo (Mixteco) rank: species
Empidonax hammondiicommon name: mosquero de Hammond, Hammond's Flycatcher, papamoscas de Hammond, mosquero de Hammond, papamoscas de Hammond rank: species
Nyctiphrynus mcleodiicommon name: tapacamino prío, Eared Poorwill, tapacaminos prío, tapacamino prío, tapacaminos prío rank: species
Pituophis lineaticolliscommon name: cincuate, culebra sorda centroamericana, mazacuata, middle America gopher snake, cincuate, culebra sorda centroamericana, mazacuata rank: species
Cynanthus sordiduscommon name: colibrí oscuro, Dusky Hummingbird, colibrí opaco, colibrí opaco, colibrí oscuro rank: species
Progomphus borealiscommon name: libélulas rank: species
Brongniartia mollisrank: species
Lantana canescenscommon name: orégano k'aax (Español-Maya), orégano xiiw (Español-Maya), suul che' (Maya), xikin juj (Maya) rank: species
Tropidodipsas zweifelicommon name: culebra caracolera de Chilpancingo rank: species
Senna pallidacommon name: abejón, lipa-cun-uafla, munira, x-tu'ha, abejón, ejotillo, flor de San José, k'an lool (Maya), lipa-cun-uafla (Chontal de Oaxaca), munira (Guarijío), pata de tordo, vara prieta, x-tu'ha (Maya), zanca de tordo rank: species
Heliocarpus terebinthinaceuscommon name: majagua, cicuito, coche, cuahualagua, cuahuilahua, guaipó, guajpó, namo, zamo prieto, guácima, calagua, cicuito, coche (Zapoteco), cuahualagua, cuahuilahua, guaipó (Zoque), guajpó (Zoque), guácima, jolotzin (Maya), jonote, majagua, majahua, namo, tripa de Judas, zamo prieto rank: species
Bombylius (Bombylius) frommerorumrank: species
Agave (Littaea) strictacommon name: maguey rank: species
Ipomoea setosarank: species
Coulteria pringleicommon name: jicote, retama rank: species
Diphysa floribundacommon name: chicharroncillo, cuate, quiebra hacha rank: species
Aristolochia teretiflorarank: species
Columbina passerinacommon name: tórtola coquita, Common Ground-Dove, tortolita pico rojo, tortolita pico corto, tortolita pico rojo, tórtola coquita rank: species
Phyciodes vestacommon name: Vesta Crescent, creciente vesta rank: species
Bourreria obovatacommon name: zapotito rank: species
Cyrtopodium macrobulboncommon name: ch'it-och (Maya), chacalpezle (Náhuatl), chocalpezle (Náhuatl), noch-ch'it-kuuk (Maya), sho-yo (Chontal de Oaxaca) rank: species
Phthirusa inornarank: species
Mimosa lactifluacommon name: sierrecilla negra rank: species
Desmanthus virgatuscommon name: pegajoso, guaje, kabal-pich, huizachillo, bilil, ejtil tsakam wayal, cocoite negro, bu'ul k'aax, bu'ul k'aax (Maya), cocoite negro, ejtil tsakam wayal (Huasteco), guaje, guaje de ratón, guajillo, huizachillo, kabal-pich (Maya), pegajoso rank: species
Gaudichaudia mcvaughiirank: species
Pithecellobium dulcecommon name: kuamochitl, guamúchil, beb-guiche, chucum blanco, cuamóchitl, cuamúchil, guamache, guamuche, guaymachile, huamuche, huamúchil, humo, lala-nempá, liléka, macachuni, macochín, maco'ochiini, ma-dju, mutúri-te, nempá, nocuana-be-guiche, pe-qui-che, pe-quijche, pinzán, pi-quichi, ticuahndi, umí, umuh, yaga-be-guiche, yaga-bixihui, yaga-pi-quicho, huamuchiltezokli, guambuche, muchite, coacamachalli, guamúchil áspero, sac-chunkima, pechejumo, yaga-biguichi, nocuana-guiche, piquiche, bebguiche, cuamuche, cuaumíchitl, cuaumóchitl, guamoche, mongollano, pili' il, pili'il, sak chukum, suy che', ts' ib che', ts' in che, ts uy che', tsiiw che', ts'iu che' espino, ts'uni'che, cuauhmochitl, nocuana guiché, beb-guiche (Zapoteco), chucum blanco (Maya), chucúm blanco, cuamóchitl (Náhuatl), cuauhmochitl (Náhuatl), espino, espinoso, guaje, guamuche, guamúchil, guamúchil agarroso, guamúchil áspero, guámara (Cora), humo, jumu (Huasteco), kuamochitl (Náhuatl), lala-nempá (Cuicateco), liléka (Totonaco), ma-dju (Chinanteco), macachuni (Guarijío), maco'ochiini (Mayo), mutúri-te (Huichol), nempá (Cuicateco), nocuana guiché (Zapoteco), nocuana-be-guiche (Zapoteco), palo dulce, pe-qui-che (Zapoteco), pe-quijche (Zapoteco), pi-quichi (Zapoteco), pili' il (Maya), pinzán, sak chukum (Maya), suy che' (Maya), ticuahndi (Mixteco), ts uy che' (Maya), ts' ib che' (Maya), ts' in che (Maya), ts'iu che' (Maya), ts'uni'che (Maya), tsiiw che' (Maya), tucuy, umuh (Huasteco), umuw (Huasteco), umí (Cora), yaga-be-guiche (Zapoteco), yaga-bixihui (Zapoteco), yaga-pi-quicho (Zapoteco) rank: species
Galphimia hirsutarank: species
Brongniartia revolutarank: species
Marsdenia mexicanarank: species
Lantana achyranthifoliacommon name: hierba mariposa rank: species
Erythrodiplax basifuscacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Poecilanthrax painterirank: species
Phaseolus leptostachyusrank: species
Opuntia parvicladacommon name: nopalitos rank: species
Cercocarpus macrophylluscommon name: limoncillo, margarito, palo bendito, ramoncillo, ramón rank: species
Brongniartia oligospermarank: species
Bursera bolivariicommon name: cuajiote amarillo, cuajiote verde, cuajiote amarillo (Náhuatl), cuajiote verde (Náhuatl) rank: species
Aeschynomene compactarank: species
Mustela frenatacommon name: comadreja cola larga, long-tailed weasel, comadreja, onzita, quahutenzo, comadreja, comadreja cola larga, hurón, oncita, onzita, quahutenzo (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Pheucticus melanocephaluscommon name: picogordo tigrillo, Black-headed Grosbeak rank: species
Bauhinia deserticommon name: pata de chivo, pata de cabra, pata de chivo rank: species
Paravilla castanearank: species
Opuntia pumilacommon name: little prickly pear, nopal cardo pequeño, cardo, nopal cardoso, abrojo, vishivishio, vivivixio, cardo forraje, abrojo, caca de perro, cardo, cardón, chile de perro, choya, espina de saliva abrojo, iñu zii (Mixteco), maneas de coyote, nopal cardoso, nopal cardón, nopal culebra, nopal maneas de coyote, nopal pequeño, siviri chucha, tetencholete, to'otori huita (Mayo), vishi-vishio (Zapoteco), vivivixio (Zapoteco), vixivixio (Zapoteco) rank: species
Regulus calendulacommon name: reyezuelo de rojo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, reyezuelo matraquita, reyezuelo de rojo, reyezuelo matraquita rank: species
Dahlia apiculatacommon name: dalia rank: species
Cedrela odoratacommon name: acuy (Zoque), cedrillo, cedro, cedro colorado, cedro rojo, culché (Maya), icte (Huasteco), kul-ché (Maya), mo-ni (Chinanteco), tiocuahuitl (Náhuatl), tsaps'aj (Mixe) rank: species
Russelia sarmentosacommon name: clavel, flor de mirto rojo silvestre, mirto, nej toolok (Maya), tronador, tronador hoja rank: species
Gaudichaudia zygopterarank: species
Mephitis macrouracommon name: zorrillo listado del sur, hooded skunk, zorrillo listado, zorrillo listado, zorrillo listado del sur, zorrillo listado norteño, zorrillo rayado sureño rank: species
Rhus standleyicommon name: cimarrón, limoncillo, vara negra, vinagrillo rank: species
Hemipenthes chimaerarank: species
Geron elachysrank: species
Notholaena galeottiicommon name: helecho rank: species
Dalea filiciformisrank: species
Amazilia beryllinacommon name: colibrí berilo, Berylline Hummingbird rank: species
Mascagnia polybotryarank: species
Mimosa purpusiirank: species
Lippia myriocephalacommon name: anamté (Huasteco), ananté (Huasteco), ashcuquiui (Totonaco), che (Maya), cola de gato, cola de pato, corazón amarillo, manzanita, palo blanco, palo de gusano, palo gusano, palo sonzo, sacmumús (Tseltal), tabaquillo rank: species
Tetramerium glandulosumrank: species
Baccha elongatarank: species
Fosteria oaxacanarank: species
Turdus rufopalliatuscommon name: mirlo dorso rufo, Rufous-backed Robin, mirlo dorso canela, mirlo dorso canela, mirlo dorso rufo rank: species
Conzattia multifloracommon name: zopilote, árbol de águila, guayacán, palo blanco, palo de totole, palo de zopilote, guayacán amarillo, guayacán rojo, guayacán, guayacán amarillo, palo blanco, palo de totole, palo de zopilote, palo joso, parota, zopilote, árbol de águila rank: species
Coursetia caribaearank: species
Sisyrinchium tenuifoliumcommon name: zacate de la muela rank: species
Cylindropuntia leptocauliscommon name: duraznillo, agujilla, desert christmas cactus, nopal con vaina, cholla alfilerillo, sheathed cholla, catalina, catalinia, tasajillo, tasajo, aci vipinoi (Yuto-nahua), agujilla, alfilerillo, catalina, catalinaria, catalinia, ce'ecem vipinoi (Yuto-nahua), cholla, cholla alfilerillo, confite, iipxö (Seri), jíjica (Mayo), nopal con vaina, sasaluistli (Náhuatl), sibirito, siviri (Mayo), tasajillo, tasajo, tesajo, tzazalhuiztli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Exostema caribaeumcommon name: baak soots' (Maya), chak-tsiis (Maya), copalche, copalche de jojutla, copalchi (Náhuatl), copalchi de Jojutla, cáscara sagrada roja, falsa quina, guayabillo cimarrón, palo santo, pimientillo, quina, quina amarilla, quina blanca, quina de Michoacán, sabac-ché (Maya), sabak che' (Maya) rank: species
Buddleja parvifloracommon name: aguacatillo, jara (Cora), tepozan de cerro, tepozán, tepozán cimarrón, yerba del pescado rank: species
Tantilla calamarinacommon name: culebra ciempiés del Pacífico, Pacific Coast centiped snake, culebra cienpiés del litoral del Pacífico, culebra ciempiés del litoral del pacífico, culebra ciempiés del Pacífico, culebra ciempiés del litoral del pacífico, culebra cienpiés del litoral del Pacífico rank: species
Papilio rogericommon name: abanico de puntos, abanico yucateco rank: species
Barkleyanthus salicifoliuscommon name: acháyotl (Náhuatl), amarillo, azúmiatl (Náhuatl), chamizo, higuerilla, iushe (Otomí), jara (Cora), jara amarilla, jarilla, thójteni (Tarasco), yúshie (Otomí) rank: species
Marsdenia zimapanicacommon name: pancololo rank: species
Elytraria imbricatacommon name: anisillo, co'ordoncio (Pima), cola de alacrán, cordoncillo, cordón de San Juan, ejtil i tsakam yejtsel (Huasteco), hierba del toro, kabal xaan (Maya), kabal xaanil (Maya), kabal-xan (Maya), mabal-xan (Maya), nachachicole (Guarijío), nej t'eel (Maya), pata de pollo, pie de gallo, un pie, viborilla, yuraiishiutee (Cora) rank: species
Lennoa madreporoidescommon name: chakaj (Maya), flor de San Andrés, flor de tierra, pak' am (Maya) rank: species
Manihot websterirank: species
Chrysanthrax sackenianarank: species
Exoprosopa fasciolatarank: species
Ageratina crassiramearank: species
Plestiodon lotusrank: species
Villa arenicolarank: species
Lotus denticulatusrank: species
Dalembertia triangularisrank: species
Pistacia mexicanacommon name: palo mulato, achín, lantrisco, lentisco, ramón, yaga-gueij, yaga-guela, yaga-guie, yaga-quie, achín (Zoque), copal, copalillo, granadilla, palo mulato, pistache (Maya), ramón, soconautli (Náhuatl), yaga-gueij (Zapoteco), yaga-guela (Zapoteco), yaga-guie (Zapoteco), yaga-quie (Zapoteco) rank: species
Beaucarnea strictacommon name: estrellas, sotol rank: species
Adiantum poiretiicommon name: helecho rank: species
Pachyrhizus erosuscommon name: cajtzot, cobem, cuyín, guu yati, guu-niza, jícama, jiícame, mehen-chikam, shígam, ticobo-cojú, xá-ta-te, xicama, xnuk-chikam, jícama de monte, jícama cristalina, jicamita, jícama silvestre, chi' ikan xiiw, kuup, cajtzot (Náhuatl), chi' ikan xiiw (Maya), cobem (Huasteco), cuyín (Totonaco), guu yati (Zapoteco), guu-niza (Zapoteco), jiícame (Cora), jícama, jícama de monte, jícama silvestre, kuup (Maya), mehen-chikam (Maya), shígam (Popoloca), ticobo-cojú (Mixteco), xicama (Náhuatl), xnuk-chikam (Maya), xá-ta-te (Huichol) rank: species
Clematis dioicacommon name: barba de chivo, barbas de chivato, barbas de chivo, barbas de gato, barbas de viejo, bejuco, cabeza de viejo, chilillo, chilillo de cerro, kauxak muxnuk (Tepehua), kaxlan kajk'an (Tseltal), me'ex nuxib (Maya), zichilzac (Tseltal) rank: species
Aralia humiliscommon name: araleón, aralia, candelilla, cuajilotillo, hierba del mosco, hormiguillo, palo santo, perejil gigante, tepetate rank: species
Cynanchum foetidumrank: species
Justicia candicanscommon name: mirto rank: species
Echeandia flavescensrank: species
Paravilla nigriventrisrank: species
Brongniartia lupinoidescommon name: jaboncillo, gallitos, garbancilla, jaboncillo, palo cenizo, retama rank: species
Opuntia pubescenscommon name: nopal maneas de coyote, velvet little prickly pear, abrojo, caca de perro, cardo, cardón, chile de perro, choya, espina de saliva abrojo, iñu zii (Mixteco), maneas de coyote, nopal cardoso, nopal cardón, nopal culebra, nopal maneas de coyote, nopal pequeño, siviri chucha, tetencholete, to'otori huita (Mayo), vishi-vishio (Zapoteco), vivivixio (Zapoteco), vixivixio (Zapoteco) rank: species
Gochnatia hypoleucacommon name: ocotillo, olivo rank: species
Carlowrightia neesianarank: species
Xylosma flexuosacommon name: abrojo, brujo, coronilla, granadillo, granjeno, manzanillo, palo de brujo, simbolón (Tsotsil), yisimbalam (Tseltal) rank: species
Physalis (Rydbergis) aggregatarank: species
Lanius ludovicianuscommon name: alcaudón verdugo, Loggerhead Shrike, verdugo americano, alcaudón verdugo, verdugo americano rank: species
Phoradendron carneumcommon name: injerto, injerto de ozote, mal de ojo, sabarón de cosahuates rank: species
Condalia mexicanarank: species
Colubrina greggiicommon name: arnica, box ooch (Maya), chak nich (Maya), chinamay (Maya), chu'urumay (Maya), manzanita, munición ch'o (Español-Maya), pa'yux (Maya), piixoy koox (Maya), pimienta che' (Español-Maya), pimiento ché, puk yim (Maya), puk' in (Maya), pukiim (Maya), puukin (Maya), sak-nak-ché (Maya), trompillo, ts' u-bub-may (Maya), ts'lub-may (Maya), ts'u-bub-may (Maya), ukuch (Maya), vara prieta, ya'ax puk'in (Maya), ya'ax-puk'im (Maya), yax-puken (Maya), yax-pukim (Maya), yaxpukin (Maya) rank: species
Croton pulcherrank: species
Cayaponia attenuatacommon name: bola de ratón, estropajo, jaboncillo, mata ratón rank: species
Acacia coultericommon name: acacia, guajillo, guaje blanco, guayabilla, palo blanco, palo de arco, tepeguaje, huaje blanco, temachaca, guayavia, acacia, guaje, guaje blanco, guajillo, guayabilla, guayabillo, huajillo, palo blanco, palo de arco, palo de arco amarillo, tepeguaje rank: species
Bursera morelensiscommon name: palo mulato, palo colorado, xixote, cuajiote rojo, cuajiote chino, copal, cuajiote colorado, copalillo, cuajiote, coabinillo, copal, copalillo, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajiote chino (Náhuatl), cuajiote colorado (Náhuatl), cuajiote rojo (Náhuatl), palo colorado, palo mulato, xixote rank: species
Quercus (Quercus) liebmanniicommon name: auakostli (Náhuatl), encino, encino amarillo rank: species
Sprekelia formosissimacommon name: azalea, azucena, cabollita, capa de Santiago, cebollejo, cebollín, cola de gallo, flor de mayo, flor de santiago, lipa-cosh-caf-lei (Chontal de Oaxaca), pata de gallo, tempranilla, venera de santiago rank: species
Pluchea salicifoliacommon name: jara (Cora), jarilla cimarrona rank: species
Ruellia nudifloracommon name: berraco xiiw (Español-Maya), che'su'uk (Maya), cruz xiiw (Español-Maya), kabal xa'an (Maya), kabal ya'ax niik (Maya), pajkanul (Maya), xana mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Solanum hartwegiicommon name: berenjena, contrahierba, hierba de la rosa, ishlishtochuochate (Totonaco), listocoshat (Totonaco), papa cimarrona, tzopilotlácuatl (Náhuatl), valeriana rank: species
Cordia tinifoliarank: species
Polaskia chichipecommon name: chichipe tree, chichituna, chichibe, chichipe, chituna, dichitune, chichibe (Maya), chichipe, chichipitl (Náhuatl), chichitun, chichituna, chituna, dichituna, dichitune, ndíchi yáâ (Mixteco), tepequionochtli (Náhuatl), tnu dichi tun (Mixteco), too dichi tu (Mixteco), túchi cásha (Popoloca), órgano chichipe rank: species
Mesechites trifiduscommon name: bejuco lechoso rank: species
Cyrtocarpa eduliscommon name: ciruela, ciruelo, ciruela, ciruelo rank: species
Bombylius (Bombylius) c-albumrank: species
Adelpha eulaliarank: species
Gaudichaudia kruseirank: species
Barkeria vannerianacommon name: cacho de vendo, ita cosoyu (Mixteco) rank: species
Argia oculatacommon name: caballitos del diablo rank: species
Boa constrictorcommon name: boa constrictor, káxab yuk, mazacuata, och-can, mazacóatl, boa, imperial boa, macoa, corúa, xazáacoj, limacoa, boota, fuerzuda, tamacoa rank: species
Pteronotus fulvuscommon name: murciélago lomo pelón menor, Davy's naked-backed bat, murciélago rank: species
Coryphantha calipensiscommon name: biznaga, biznaga partida de calipan, biznaguita, chilillos, chilitos rank: species
Iresine rzedowskiirank: species
Turnera diffusacommon name: damiana, damiana de California, damiana de Guerrero, damiana de San Luis, hierba del moro, hierba del pastor, hierba del venado, miisib k'aax (Maya), miisib kook (Maya), misib-kook (Maya), pastorcita, xmisibkok (Maya) rank: species
Vitis tiliifoliacommon name: bejuco blanco, bejuco de agua, bejuco de cazadores, bejuco de uva, bejuco loco, bejuquillo, brincador, brincadora, condu (Zoque), conduj (Zoque), cuaxtamepu (Otomí), gun-hi (Chinanteco), gunhi (Zapoteco), gunhí (Chinanteco), loobabi chuli (Zapoteco), loobabi-chuli (Zapoteco), parra, parra brincadora, parra broncadora, parra de bejuco, parra silvestre, parrasmecat (Náhuatl), s'nucut(i) (Totonaco), sanalotodo, siete corazones, snu'jut (Totonaco), sánalo todo, s'nucut (Totonaco), tripa de diablo, tripas de judas, tripas de vaca, uva, uva cimarrona, uva de campo, uva de monte, uva silvestre, uva tropical, uvas de monte, uvero, uvilla, uvilla cimarrona, xocomecatl (Náhuatl), xta' kanil (Maya), zopilote rank: species
Agonandra racemosacommon name: chicharroncillo, chilillo, limoncillo, margarita, palo de peine, palo del golpe, palo verde, pega hueso, pegahueso, peinecillo, suelda, suelda consuelda rank: species
Cyclogramma bacchisrank: species
Vanessa carduicommon name: Painted Lady, cardera, ninfa cardui, sacamiches, cardera, ninfa cardui, sacamiches rank: species
Bursera bonetiicommon name: cuajiote, copal, cuajiote (Náhuatl) rank: species
Cascabela thevetiacommon name: San Diego, San Nicolás, San Pablo, aak'its (Maya), ah-kits (Maya), ajkits (Maya), akits (Maya), cabalonga (Náhuatl), cabalonga de huasteca, calushnan-quiui (Totonaco), campana, campanilla, campanilla de oro, campanita, campanita de oro, codo de fraile, cojón de gato, flor de San Pedro, flor de campana, fraile, jarilla, k'aan lool (Maya), k'an lool (Maya), narciso amarillo, ojo de águila, palo de San Antonio, palo de víbora, petatillo, rosa amarilla, sauce, solimán, trompetilla, trompetita, tzenantzuch (Huasteco), vainilla, venenillo, veneno, yoyote, yoyotl (Náhuatl), yoyotli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Valeriana robertianifoliarank: species
Celtis pallidacommon name: frutita, garabato, granjeno, granjeno amarillo, granjeno colorado, granjeno huasteco, guechi beziia (Zapoteco), guichi-bezia (Zapoteco), hoja de parra, palo de águila, rompe capa, yaga-beziia (Zapoteco), yaga-biziia (Zapoteco), yagabecie (Zapoteco) rank: species
Senna andrieuxiirank: species
Mentzelia hispidacommon name: amor seco, colo-tzitcaztli (Náhuatl), huihuitz-mayotic (Náhuatl), huitzitz-mallotic (Náhuatl), jarilla, lagaña de gato, mala mujer, pega pega, pega ropa, pegajosa, pegajoso, pegarropa, thekw'em ts'ojol (Huasteco), tsayuntasy (Maya), tsots-k'ab (Maya) rank: species
Microdactylon cordatumrank: species
Catharus guttatuscommon name: zorzal cola rufa, Hermit Thrush, zorzal cola canela, zorzal cola canela, zorzal cola rufa rank: species
Iresine cassiniiformisrank: species
Vireo gilvuscommon name: vireo gorjeador, Warbling Vireo rank: species
Acalypha adenostachyacommon name: hierba del cáncer rank: species
Abutilon percaudatumrank: species
Bursera submoniliformiscommon name: copal, copalillo, tecomaca, copal chino, copalcahuic, copalillo blanco, copal grueso, copal, copal chino, copal grueso, copalcahuic (Náhuatl), copalillo, copalillo blanco, tecomaca (Náhuatl) rank: species
Salvia polystachyacommon name: cenicilla, chía, romerillo, salvia de Guadalajara, saponaria rank: species
Leucaena pueblanarank: species
Celtis caudatacommon name: aguacatillo, capulincillo, garabato, garambullo, granjeno, guayabillo, moral, palo blanco, palo de estribo, pingüica, raspa sombrero rank: species
Ludwigia octovalviscommon name: calavera, camarón, clavel de laguna, clavillo, cornezuelo cimarrón, flor de agua, flor de camarón, hoja de clavo, maskabché (Maya), moco de pavo, máaskab che' (Maya), puuts' mukuy (Maya), yerba del chile rank: species
Acacia cochliacanthacommon name: huizache, espino blanco, espino, cucharillo, chi'may, cubata, cucharita, cucharitas, palo de cucharitas, quebracho, quijish, sínala, cumito, cucharito, chi may, chimay, guinole, huinolo, vinola, chiroui, huinol, chi'may (Maya), chicharillo, chimay (Maya), cubata, cucharillo, cucharita, cucharitas, cucharito, cucharo, culantrillo, ejote, encinilla, espino, espino blanco, huizache, palo de cucharitas, quebracho, quiebracha, sínala (Guarijío), vinola (Tarahumara) rank: species
Mammillaria polyedracommon name: biznaga de muchas cerdas, biznaga poliedrica, many bristles cactus, poliedric cactus, biznaga lechuda, biznaga, biznaga de muchas cerdas, biznaga poliedrica, chilillos, piña cimarrón rank: species
Cedrela salvadorensiscommon name: cedrillo, cedro, cedro fino, cedro macho, nogal rank: species
Lepidanthrax photinusrank: species
Maurandya scandenscommon name: tlaltecomaxóchitl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Haplophyton cimicidumcommon name: actimpatli (Náhuatl), atempatli (Náhuatl), hierba de la cucaracha, palo bolero rank: species
Hiraea reclinatarank: species
Catherpes mexicanuscommon name: chivirín barranqueño, Canyon Wren, saltapared barranqueño, chivirín barranqueño, saltapared barranqueño rank: species
Salvia leptostachysrank: species
Paederia ciliatarank: species
Spinus psaltriacommon name: jilguero dominico, Lesser Goldfinch, jilguerito dominico, jilguerito dominico, jilguero dominico rank: species
Croton sonoraerank: species
Papilio victorinuscommon name: jorongo pseudoazabache rank: species
Phoradendron robinsoniicommon name: injerto, injerto de chicharillo, mal de ojo, mal ojo rank: species
Melilotus albuscommon name: trébol de olor blanco rank: species
Hirundo rusticacommon name: golondrina tijereta, Barn Swallow, golondrina común, golondrina tijereta rank: species
Metastelma schaffnerirank: species
Corynorhinus townsendiicommon name: murciélago, Townsend's big-eared bat, murciélago orejón de Townsend, murciélago, murciélago orejudo pálido, murciélago orejón de Townsend rank: species
Nissolia fruticosacommon name: bejuco, k'an-t'uul, bejuco, k'an-t'uul (Maya) rank: species
Thisbe lycoriascommon name: Fox-face Lemmark rank: species
Myiarchus tuberculifercommon name: papamoscas triste, Dusky-capped Flycatcher rank: species
Acaciella tequilanacommon name: gato, timbre rank: species
Campylorhynchus jocosuscommon name: matraca del Balsas, Boucard's Wren rank: species
Montanoa speciosarank: species
Helietta lucidarank: species
Ipomoea indicacommon name: bejuco blanco, campanita, cola de ratón, hiedra, injerto, manto, quiebra plato, sacaca-maiyac (Totonaco) rank: species
Dioscorea guerrerensisrank: species
Parkesia noveboracensiscommon name: chipe charquero, Northern Waterthrush rank: species
Eysenhardtia polystachyacommon name: palo dulce, taray, coatillo, coatl, coatli, cuatle, lanaé, palo cuate, ursa, vara dulce, varaduz, chiquiliche, palo azul, sipariqui, coatl (Náhuatl), cuate, lanaé (Chontal de Oaxaca), palo azul, palo blanco, palo cuate, palo dulce, palo santo, rosilla, taray, tlapalezpatli (Náhuatl), ursa (Otomí), vara dulce, varaduz rank: species
Salix humboldtianacommon name: ahuejote, cueschcui (Zoque), sabino, sauce, sauce blanco, sauce llorón, sauco, sauz, xomet (Náhuatl) rank: species
Macrothemis ultimacommon name: libélulas rank: species
Nausigaster unimaculatarank: species
Brongniartia balsensisrank: species
Acacia leucocephalacommon name: almendra de guaje, barba de chivo, cola de zorro, guachin, guachín (Maya), guaje, guaje blanco, guaje colorado, guaje de castilla, guajillo, huaje, huatsin (Maya), huaxe (Maya), huaxi (Náhuatl), kiulilac (Totonaco), lakak (Totonaco), lalax (Tepehua), nacaste, pacapaca (Zoque), tepeguaje, tumbapelo, uaxim (Maya), uaxin (Náhuatl), waaxiim (Maya), waaxim (Maya), xaxim (Maya) rank: species
Anaea troglodyta subsp. aidearank: infraspecificname
Myscelia ethusa subsp. ethusarank: infraspecificname
Pyrisitia nise subsp. nelpherank: infraspecificname
Myscelia cyananthe subsp. cyanantherank: infraspecificname
Dione moneta subsp. poeyiirank: infraspecificname
Baeotis zonata subsp. zonatarank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne lacinia subsp. laciniacommon name: gusanito rank: infraspecificname
Zerene cesonia subsp. cesoniarank: infraspecificname
Siproeta stelenes subsp. biplagiatarank: infraspecificname
Texola elada subsp. eladarank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa texana subsp. texanarank: infraspecificname
Eurema salome subsp. jamapacommon name: papálotl, papálotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Bolboneura sylphis subsp. beatrixrank: infraspecificname
Microtia elva subsp. elvarank: infraspecificname
Mestra dorcas subsp. amymonerank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne theona subsp. theonarank: infraspecificname
Eurema mexicana subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Euptoieta hegesia subsp. meridianiarank: infraspecificname
Greta morgane subsp. otocommon name: Thick-tipped Greta rank: infraspecificname
Anartia fatima subsp. fatimarank: infraspecificname
Heliconius charithonia subsp. vazquezaerank: infraspecificname
Baronia brevicornis subsp. brevicornisrank: infraspecificname
Danaus gilippus subsp. thersippuscommon name: papalotli, mariposa del tizmo, mariposa tiznada, mariposa reina, mariposa del tizmo, mariposa reina, mariposa tiznada, papalotli (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Pyrisitia lisa subsp. centralisrank: infraspecificname
Caria ino subsp. inorank: infraspecificname
Dryas iulia subsp. moderatarank: infraspecificname
Phoebis agarithe subsp. agarithecommon name: gusano pinto, pintillo, clac, xicalpapálotl, clac (Maya), gusano pinto, pintillo, xicalpapálotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Euptoieta claudia subsp. dauniusrank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas atlantis subsp. lelapsrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne hippodrome subsp. hippodromerank: infraspecificname
Agraulis vanillae subsp. incarnatarank: infraspecificname
Phoebis sennae subsp. marcellinacommon name: tlaxic, tzauhqui, papalotli, papalotli (Yuto-nahua), tlaxic (otomí), tzauhqui (Mazahua) rank: infraspecificname
Parides erithalion subsp. trichopusrank: infraspecificname
Leptotes cassius subsp. cassidularank: infraspecificname
Libytheana carinenta subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Biblis hyperia subsp. aganisarank: infraspecificname
Morpho polyphemus subsp. polyphemuscommon name: White Morpho, morfo blanco rank: infraspecificname
Phoebis neocypris subsp. virgorank: infraspecificname
Doxocopa laure subsp. laurerank: infraspecificname
Protographium epidaus subsp. fenochioniscommon name: cebra cristal rank: infraspecificname
Memphis pithyusa subsp. pithyusarank: infraspecificname
Asterocampa idyja subsp. arguscommon name: ‘Cream-banded' Dusky Emp. rank: infraspecificname
Phoebis philea subsp. phileacommon name: ocuil, ocuil (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Danaus plexippus subsp. plexippuscommon name: mariposa monarca, xicalpapálotl, mariposa voladora, mariposa viajera, mariposa monarca, mariposa viajera, mariposa voladora, xicalpapálotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Leptophobia aripa subsp. elodiacommon name: chiahuitl, chiahuitl (otomí) rank: infraspecificname
Siproeta epaphus subsp. epaphusrank: infraspecificname
Ascia monuste subsp. monusterank: infraspecificname
Catasticta nimbice subsp. nimbicecommon name: Mexican Dartwhite, papálotl, papalotontle, papalotontle (otomí), papálotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Pterourus multicaudata subsp. multicaudatacommon name: Two-tailed Swallowtail, xochiquetzal, mariposa de colores, mariposa de colores, xochiquetzal (Yuto-nahua) rank: infraspecificname
Dione juno subsp. huascumarank: infraspecificname
Smyrna blomfildia subsp. datisrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides astyalus subsp. bajaensisrank: infraspecificname
Eurema arbela subsp. boisduvalianarank: infraspecificname
Hesperocharis costaricensis subsp. pasionrank: infraspecificname
Anteros carausius subsp. carausiusrank: infraspecificname
Papilio polyxenes subsp. asteriusrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides thoas subsp. autoclesrank: infraspecificname
Anartia jatrophae subsp. luteipictarank: infraspecificname
Manataria hercyna subsp. maculatacommon name: White-spotted Satyr rank: infraspecificname
Ganyra josephina subsp. josepharank: infraspecificname
Emesis (Mandania) mandana subsp. furorrank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Goldman, E. A. 1928. Three new rodents from western Arizona. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 41: 203-206. -
- Miller, G. S. Jr. 1911. Three new shrews of the genus Cryptotis. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 24: 221-224. -
- Howell, A. H. 1902. Three new skunks of the genus Spilogale. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 15: 241-242. -
- Miller, G. S. Jr. 1906. Twelve new genera of bats. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 19: 83-85. -
- Hollister, N. 1909. Two new bats from the southwestern United Sates. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 22: 43-44. -
- Osgood, W. H. 1913. Two new mouse opossums from Yucatan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 26: 175-176. -
- Miller, G. S. Jr. 1914. Two new North American bats. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 27: 211-212. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1939. Two new pocket gophers from Lower California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 52: 29-32. -
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- Merriam, C. H. 1903. Two new woodrats (genus Neotoma) from the state of Coahuila, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 16: 47-48. -
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- Orr, R. T. 1934. Two new woodrats from Lower California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 47: 109-112. -
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- Fischer von Waldheim, G. 1817. Adversaria zoologica. Memories of the Society Imperial Naturelle. 5: 368-428. -
- Miller, G. S. Jr. 1902. A new rabbit from southern Texas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 15: 81-82. -
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- Handley, C. O. 1955. New bats of the genus Corynorhinus. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 45: 147-149. -
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- Benson, S. B. 1940. New subspecies of the Canyon mouse (Peromyscus crinitus) from Sonora, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 53: 1-4. -
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- Merriam, C. H. 1893. Preliminary descriptions of four new mammals from southern Mexico collected by E. W. Nelson. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 8: 143-146. -
- Jackson, H. H. T. 1925. Preliminary descriptions of seven shrews of the genus Sorex. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 38: 127-130. -
- Hahn, W. L. 1905. A new bat from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 18: 247-248. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1897. A new bat of the genus Antrozous from California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 179-180. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1914. A new bat of the genus Mimon from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 27: 75-76. -
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- Merriam, C. H. 1901. A new brocket from Yucatan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 105-106. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1945. A new cacomistle from Guerrero. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 58: 105-106. -
- Russell, R. J. 1952. A new cotton rat (genus Sigmodon) from Morelos, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 65: 81-82. -
- Howell, A. H. 1919. A new cotton rat from Arizona. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 32: 161-162. -
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- Hall, E. R. 1932. A new pocket gopher from Lower California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 45: 65-70. -
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- Burt, W. H. 1934. A new rice rat (Oryzomys) from Sonora, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 47: 107-108. -
- Jackson, H. H. T. 1947. A new shrew (genus Sorex) from Coahuila. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 60: 131-132. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1943. A new skunk of the genus Conepatus from México. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 56: 89-90. -
- Baker, R. H. 1955. A new species of bat (genus Myotis) from Coahuila, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 68: 165-166. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1901. A new species of Galictis from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 129-130. -
- Hall, E. R. & Álvarez, S. T. 1961. A new species of mouse (Peromyscus) from northwestern Veracruz, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 74: 203-206. -
- Genoways, H. H. & Choate, J. R. 1967. A new species of shrew (genus Cryptotis) from Jalisco, Mexico (Mammalia; Insectivora). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 80: 203-206. -
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- Dalquest, W. W. & Hall, E. R. 1949. A new subspecies of funnel-eared bat (Natalus mexicanus) from eastern Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 62: 153. -
- Jones, J. K., Jr. 1964. A new subspecies of harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys gracilis, from Isla del Carmen, Campeche. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 77: 123-124. -
- Hall, E. R. 1931. A new subspecies of Peromyscus from San Jose Island, Lower California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 44: 87-88. -
- Hall, E. R. & Long, C. A. 1960. A new subspecies of pocket gopher (Thomomys umbrinus) from Sinaloa, Mexico, with comments on T. u. sinaloae & T. u. evexus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 73: 35-38. -
- Russell, R. J. 1952. A new subspecies of pygmy mouse, Baiomys musculus, from Morelos, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 65: 21-22. -
- Hooper, E. T. 1952. A new subspecies of pygmy rice rat (Oryzomys fulvescens) from Chiapas, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 65: 23-26. -
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- Bangs, O. 1896. A review of the squirrels of eastern North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 10: 145-167. -
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- Merriam, C. H. 1894. Abstract of a study of the American woods rats, with descriptions of fourteen new species & subspecies of the genus Neotoma. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 9: 117-128. -
- Burt, W. H. 1933. An undescribed jack-rabitt genus Lepus, from Carmen Island, Gulf of California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 46: 37-38. -
- Benson, S. B. 1947. Description of a mastiff bat (genus Eumops) from Sonora, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 60: 133-134. -
- Russell, R. J. 1953. Description of a new armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) from Mexico with remarks on geographic variation of the species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 66: 21-26. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1897. Description of a new Bassariscus from Lower California, with remarks on "Bassaris raptor" Baird. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 185-187. -
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- Benson, S. B. 1947. Description of a subspecies of Myotis yumanensis from Baja California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 60: 45-46. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1893. Descriptions of eight new ground squirrels of the genera Spermophilus & Tamias from California, Texas, & Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 8: 129-138. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1904. Descriptions of seven new rabbits from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 103-110. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1900. Description of two new mammals from California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 13: 151-152. -
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- Elliot, D. G. 1905. Descriptions of apparently new species & subspecies of mammals from Mexico & Santo Domingo. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 18: 233-236. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1897. Descriptions of five new shrews from Mexico, Guatemala, & Colombia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 227-230. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1901. Descriptions of four new peccaries from México. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 119-124. -
- Handley, C. O. 1966. Descriptions of new bats (Choeroniscus & Rhinophylla) from Colombia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 79: 83-88. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1907. Descriptions of new North American rabbits. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 20: 81-84. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1904. Descriptions of new squirrels from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 147-150. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1892. Descriptions of nine new mammals collected by E. W. Nelson in the states of Colima & Jalisco, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 7: 164-174. -
- Howell, A. H. 1928. Descriptions of six new North American ground squirrels. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 41: 211-214. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1901. Descriptions of twenty three new pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 107-117. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1897. Descriptions of two new murine opossums from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 11: 43-44. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1901. Descriptions of two new squirrels from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 131-132. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1898. Descriptions of two new subgenera & three new species of Microtus from Mexico & Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 12: 105-108. -
- Nelson, E. W. 1907. Descriptions of two new subspecies of North American mammals. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 20: 87-88. -
- Hooper, E. T. 1950. Descriptions of two subspecies of harvest mice (Genus Reithrodontomys) from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 63: 167-170. -
- Benson, S. B. & Tillotson, D. F. 1939. Descriptions of two subspecies of pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae) from Sonora. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 52: 151-154. -
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- Dickey, D. R. 1928. Five new mammals of the rodent geneta Sciurus, Orthogeomys, Heterogeomys & Rheomys from El Salvador. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 41: 7-14. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1915. Five new rice rats of the genus Oryzomys from Middle America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 28: 127-130. -
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- Jackson, H. H. T. 1933. Five new shrews of the genus Cryptotis from Mexico & Guatemala. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 46: 79-82. -
- Goldman, E. A. 1909. Five new woodrats of the genus Neotoma from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 22: 139-142. -
- Merriam, C. H. 1904. Four new grasshopper mice, genus Onychomys. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 17: 123-126. -
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- Merriam, C. H. 1889. Descriptions of two new species & one new subspecies of grasshopper mouse, with a diagnosis of the genus Onychomys, & a synopsis of a species & subspecies. North American Fauna. 2: 1-5. -
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- Miller, G. S. Jr. 1897. Revision of the North American bats of the Family Vespertilionidae. North American Fauna. 13: 1-135. -
- Howell, A. H. 1938. Revision of the North American ground squirrels, with a classification of the North American Sciuridae. North American Fauna. 56: 1-256. -
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- Dalquest, W. W. 1951. Six new mammals from state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 41: 361-364. -
- Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1931. Six new white-footed mice (Peromyscus maniculatus group), from islands off the Pacific coast. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 21: 530-535. -
- Nelson, E. W. & Goldman, E. A. 1932. Two new cacomistles from Mexico, with remarks of the genus Jentinkia. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 22: 484-488. -
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- Clench, H. K. 1981. New Callophrys (Lycaenidae) from North and Middle America. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 64: 1-32. -
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- Jenkins, D. W. 1984. Neotropical Nymphalidae II. Revision of Myscelia. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 87: 1-64. -
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- Schaus, W. 1890. New species of Mexican Lepidoptera. Entomologica Americana. 6(1): 18-20. -
- Druce, H. H. C. 1890. Descriptions of seven new species of Thecla. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 26(313): 151-152. -
- Bates, H. W. 1864-1865. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1(2). -
- Hewitson, W. C. 1874. Descriptions of new species of Lycaenidae from South America. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 11(124): 104-107. -
- Butler, A. G. 1887. A new genus of Pierinae allied to Appias. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 23(275): 248-249. -
- Bates, H. W. 1866. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama, collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 3(27-31): 49-157. -
- Butler, A. G. 1868. An essay towards an arrangement of the genera of the family Satyridae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 4(45): 193-197. -
- Butler, A. G. 1870. On new or recently described species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 6(71): 250-252. -
- Hewitson, W. C. 1870. Descriptions of five new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from Chontales, Nicaragua, and of one from Minas Gerais. Entomologist's monthly Magazine. 7(73): 3-6 -
- Clench, H. K. 1965. A collection of butterflies from Western Chihuahua, Mexico. Entomological News. 76(6): 157-162. -
- Holland, W. J. 1900. A description of a variety of Argynnis nitocris from Chihuahua, Mexico. Entomological News. 11(1): 332-333. -
- Weeks, A. G., Jr. 1891. New Lepidoptera. Entomological News. 2(6): 102-104. -
- Schaus, W. 1911. A new Papilio from Florida, and one from Mexico. Entomological News. 22(10): 438-439. -
- Skinner, H. 1917. New species of Lepidoptera. Entomological News. 28(7): 328-329. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1925. Several new varieties of and aberrant Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) from California. Entomological News. 36(1): 1-9. -
- Barnes, W. & Benjamin, F. H. 1926. Types of North American Lepidoptera in the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Entomological News. 37(5): 139-140. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1932. Macrolepidoptera: species and lower concepts. Entomological News. 43(10): 261-268. -
- Beutelspacher, C. R. 1990. Tres especies nuevas del género Anthanassa Scudder (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Melitaeinae) de México. Anales del Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoología). 61(1):153-159. -
- Mengel, L. W. S. 1894. Description of a new species of Myscelia from western Mexico. Entomological News. 5(3): 96. -
- Whittaker, R. & Stallings, D. B. 1944. Notes on seasonal variation in Lepidoptera. Entomological News. 55:(3): 67-71; (4): 97-92. -
- Stallings, D. B. & Turner, J. R. 1947. Texas Lepidoptera (with description of a new subspecies). Entomological News. 58(2): 36-41. -
- Chermock, R. L. 1947. A revisional study of the Euptychia pyracmon group. Entomological News. 58(8): 193-204. -
- Ehrlich, P. R. 1960. A new subgenus and species of Callophrys (s.l.) from the southwestern United States (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae). Entomological News. 71(6): 137-141. -
- Schaus, W. 1898. Two new species of Hesperocharis. Entomological News. 9(9): 215. -
- Rydon, A. H. B. 1971. The systematics of the Charaxidae (Lepidoptera: Nymphaloidea). Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation. 83(8-12): 219-388. -
- Witt, T. 1980. Description of a new species and new subspecies of the genus Anaea Hübner, 1819, from the Yucatán peninsula, with notes on other species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Charaxinae). Entomofauna. 1(18): 366-383. -
- Fruhstorfer, H. 1915. Beitrag zur Morphologie der Prepona- und Agrias- Arten. Entomologische Rundschau. 32(8): 45-47. -
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- Draudt, M. W. K. 1931. Neue mexikanische Tagfalterformen. Entomologische Rundschau. 48(9): 103-104. -
- Hall, A. 1924. Descriptions of two new forms of Chlosyne (Lep. Nymphalidae). Entomologist. 57(738): 241-242. -
- Lathy, P. I. 1926. New species and forms of the genus Euselasia (Lepidoptera) in the Joicey collection. Entomologist. 59(756): 143-146. -
- Riley, N. D. 1926. Colaenis and Dione (Lep. Nymphalidae): A revisional note on the species. Entomologist. 59(760): 240-245. -
- Hall, A. 1929. New forms of Nymphalidae (Rhopalocera) in the collection of the British Museum. Entomologist. 62(793): 130-134. -
- Goodson, F. W. 1945. Notes and descriptions of new species of American Theclinae contained in The British Museum (Natural History) (Lep. Lycaenidae). Entomologist. 78(990-991): 169-187. -
- Clench, H. K. 1946. Notes on the amyntor group of the genus Thecla (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Entomologist. 79(998/999): 152-191. -
- Schaus, W. 1920. New species of the Lepidoptera in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 57(2307): 107-152. -
- Oberthür, C. 1914. Les lépidoptères de la Californie. Par le Docteur Boisduval (Suite). Études de Lépidoptérologie Comparée. 9(2): 73-89. -
- Oberthür, C. 1916. La realité de l'idée de genre est demontrée par les Catagrammides (Lépidoptêres Rhopalocères de l'Amerique méridionale). Études de Lépidoptérologie Comparée. 11(1-2). -
- Draudt, M. W. K. 1912. Eine neue Taygetis aus Mexiko. Fauna Exotica. 1(16): 61-42. -
- Freeman, H. A. 1950. A new species of hairstreak and new records for the United States (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera, Lycaenidae). Field and Laboratory. 18(1): 12-15. -
- Edwards, W. H. [1878]. Descriptions of new species of North American Lepidoptera. Field and Forest. 3(7-8): 115- 144. -
- Llorente-Bousquets, J. & Luis-Martínez, A. 1987. Una nueva subespecie de Eurema agave Cramer (Lepidoptera: Pieridae; Coliadinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. 71: 17-25. -
- Llorente-Bousquets, J. 1984. Sinopsis sistemática y biogeográfica de los Dismorphiinae de México con especial referencia al género Enantia Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. 58: 1-206. -
- Stichel, H. F. 1910. Fam. Riodinidae. Allgemeines. Subfam. Riodininae. Genera Insectorum. 112A: 1-238. -
- Johnson, K. 1988. Tergissima and Femniterga, new sister genera of Calycopis Scudder and Calystryma Field from the South Central Andes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Insecta Mundi. 2(1): 28-42. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1920. New Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico, with synonymic notes. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus. 8(10/12): 187-198. -
- Hemming, A. F. 1939. Notes on the generic nomenclature of the Lepidoptera Rhopalocera, I. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 8(7): 133-138. -
- Westwood, J. O. 1847. Description of two new Exotic species of the Genus Papilio. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 5(2): 36-37. -
- Butler, A. G. 1873. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Cistula Entomologica. 1(7): 151-177. -
- Staudinger, O. 1876. Neue Lepidopteren des südamerikanischen Faunengebiets. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 25: 89-124. -
- Austin, G. T. 1991. A review of Apodemia hepburni (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) with a description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 45(2): 135-141. -
- Vázquez, L. G. 1988. Baronia brevicornis Salvin y sus formas (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae - Baroniinae). Anales del Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoología). 58(2): 655-679. -
- Fruhstorfer, H. 1908. Neue südamerikanische Rhopaloceren. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1(42): 319. -
- Fruhstorfer, H. 1909. Neue Vanessa- und Pyrameis-Rassen. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift. 3(17): 94. -
- Bates, H. W. 1864. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidotera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology. 2(10): 175-213. -
- Bates, H. W. 1865. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology. 2(12): 311-346. -
- Field, W. D. 1938. New forms and subspecies of North America Libytheidae and Lycaenidae. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 11(4): 124-133. -
- Clench, H. K. 1967. A note on Caria domitianus and ino (Riodinidae) with description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 21(1): 53-56. -
- Bauer, D. L. 1961. Descriptions of two new Chlosyne (Nymphalidae) from Mexico, with a discussion of related forms. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 14(2): 148-154. -
- Clench, H. K. 1970. A new subspecies of Brephidium exilis from Yucatan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 24(1). -
- Clench, H. K. 1970. Generic notes on two hairstreaks new to the United States (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 24(1): 56-59. -
- Miller, L. D. 1978. Notes and descriptions of Euptychiini (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) from the Mexican region. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 32(5) 75-85. -
- Miller, J. Y. & Miller, L. D. 1979. Notes on mexican Actinote (Nymphalidae: Acraeinae) and their relatives, with description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(4): 261-272. -
- Miller, L. D. 1980. A review of the Erora laeta group, with description of a new species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(2): 209-216. -
- Nicolay, S. S. 1980. The genus Chlorostrymon and a new subspecies of C. simaethis. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(2): 253-256. -
- Opler, P. A. 1987. A new Euchloe (Pieridae) from northwestern Mexico. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 40(3): 188-190. -
- Johnson, K. 1989. Revision of Chlorostrymon Clench and description of two new Austral Neotropical species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 43(2): 120-146. -
- Robbins, R. K. & Venables, B. A. 1991. Synopsis of a new Neotropical hairstreak genus, Janthecla, and description of a new species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 45(1): 11-33. -
- Butler, A. G. 1877. On new species of the genus Euptychia, with a tabular view of those hitherto recorded. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology Series). 13(67): 116-128. -
- Bates, H. W. 1868. A catalogue of Erycinidae, a family of diurnal Lepidoptera. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology Series). 9(39): 373-459. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1907. Descriptions of new American Lepidoptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 15(1): 50-53. -
- Forbes, W. T. 1944. Revisional notes on the Danainae (supplement). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 51(4): 295-304. -
- De la Maza, J. E. & De la Maza, R. G. 1989. Notas sobre Perrhybris pamela (Cramer), con la descripción de dos nuevas subespecies de México y Guatemala (Pieridae: Pierinae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 13(1): 3-10. -
- Clench, H. K. 1965. Variation and distribution of Hemiargus huntingtoni (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 73(1): 41-45. -
- Johnson, K. 1989. A revisionary study of the Neotropical hairstreak butterfly genus Noreena and its new sister genus Contrafacia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 97(1): 11-46. -
- McAlpine, W. S. 1971. A revision of the butterfly genus Calephelis (Riodinidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 10(1): 1-125. -
- Clench, H. K. 1972. A review of the genus Lasaia (Riodinidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 10(2). -
- Scott, J. A. 1981. Hibernal Diapause of North American Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 18(3): 171-200. -
- Clench, H. K. 1964. A synopsis of the West Indian Lycaenidae, with remarks on their zoogeography. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 2(4): 247-270. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1930. North American institutions featuring lepidoptera. XIX. Entomological institutions in Mexico. Entomological News. 41(10): 313-318. -
- Brown, J. W. & Faulkner, D. K. 1989. The butterflies of Isla de Cedros, Baja California Norte, Mexico. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 27(3/4). -
- Bargmann, R. 1928. Neue exotische Falter. Lepidopterologische Rundschau. 2(22-23): 223-236. -
- Stichel, H. F. 1938. Nymphalidae: I. Dioninae, Anetiinae, Apaturinae. Lepidopterorum Catalogus. 86: 1-374. -
- Mattoni, R. H. T. 1954. Taxonomy and distribution in the genus Philotes. Lepidopterists' News. 8(1/2). -
- Dewitz, H. 1877. Neue Schmetterlinge des Berliner Museums. Mittelingen der Münchner Entomologischen Vereins. 1: 85-91. -
- Rothschild, L. W. & Jordan, H. E. 1906. A revision of the American Papilios. Novitates Zoologicae. 13(3): 411-752. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1928. A review of genus Zerene Hbn. in the United States (Lepid., Rhopalocera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 4(3): 97-102. -
- Goodpasture, C. 1973. A new subspecies of Plebejus acmon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 49(2): 149-159. -
- Johnson, K. 1976. A new species of Callophrys (Mitoura) from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 52(1): 60-62. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1929. The genus Euphydryas Scud. of boreal America (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 6(1): 1-8. -
- Klots, A. B. 1930. A new subspecies of Ascia monuste (L.) from Lower California (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 6(4): 145-147. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1882. Description of species of butterflies taken in Arizona by Jacob Doll, 1881 (with lists of species). Papilio. 2(2): 19-29. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1883. Callidryas fisheri n. sp. or var. Papilio. 3(2): 43. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1884. Descriptions of new species of butterflies, mostly from Arizona. Papilio. 4(3): 53-58. -
- Lintner, J. A. [1885]. On Some Rio Grande Lepidoptera. Papilio. 4(7-8): 135-147. -
- Bryk, F. 1931. Eine neue form von Baronia. Parnassiana. 1(7/8): 8-9. -
- Doubleday, E. 1846. Descriptions of new or imperfectly described diurnal lepidoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 18(121): 371-376. -
- Reakirt, T. 1866. Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 18(3): 238-249. -
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- Strecker, F. H. H. 1885. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 37(12/13): 174-179. -
- Behr, H. H. 1864. On California Lepidoptera. No. IV. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3(2): 123-127. -
- Behr, H. H. 1865. On California Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3(2): 187-179. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1865. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera found within the limits of the United States and British America. No.4. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2(4): 201-204. -
- Edwards, W.H. 1864. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera found within the limits of the United States and British north America, No. 3. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2(4): 501-507. -
- Reakirt, T. 1863. Notes on Central American Lepidoptera, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2: 135-360. -
- Reakirt, T. 1868. Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Series III. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 20(1/2): 87-91. -
- Reakirt, T. [1866]. Descriptions of some new species of Danainae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 5: 217-223. -
- Reakirt, T. 1866. Descriptions of some new species of Eresia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 5: 224-227. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1909. New species of American Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 11(1): 19-29. -
- Butler, A. G. 1865. Descriptions of the characters of six new species of rhopalocerus Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum, with notes on the allied species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1865(2): 481-486. -
- Butler, A. G. [1866]. Descriptions of six butterflies new to science, belonging to the genera Heterochroa and Romaleosoma. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1865(3): 667-673. -
- Butler, A. G. & Druce, H. H. C. 1874. List of the Butterflies of Costa Rica, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1874(3): 330-370. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1877. Description of twelve new species and a new genus of Rhopalocera from Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1877(1): 60-64. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1878. Descriptions of nineteen new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1878(1): 264-271. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1878. Descriptions of new species of Central-American butterflies of the family Erycinidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1878(2): 360-369. -
- Druce, H. H. C. 1907. On Neotropical Lycaenidae with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1907(3): 566-632. -
- Druce, H. H. C. 1877. A revision of the lepidopterous genus Paphia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1877(3). -
- Schaus, W. 1913. New species of Rhopalocera from Costa Rica. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1913(3): 339-367. -
- Weeks, A. G., Jr. 1902. Some undescribed butterflies from Colombia and from Lower California. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club. 3: 9-13. -
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- Fox, C. L. 1921. A new aberrant form of Vanessa virginiensis Drury (Huntera Fabr.). Psyche. (2): 45-46. -
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- Llorente-Bousquets, J. & Luis-Martínez, A. 1992. Distribución de Consul electra (Westwood) con una subespecie nueva de México (Nymphalidae: Charaxinae; Anaeini). Anales del Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoología). 63(2): 237-247. -
- Beutelspacher, C. R. 1975. Dos nuevas especies de la familia Riodininae (Lepidoptera) de México. Revista de Biología Tropical. 23(1): 53-65. -
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- De la Maza, R. F. 1977. Nueva forma femenina de Catasticta teutila Dbld. (Pieridae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 3(1). -
- González, L. L. 1977. Una nueva forma de Diaethria astala Guér. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 3(2): 93-94. -
- De la Maza, J. E. & Díaz, A. F. 1978. Dos nuevas especies del genero Anaea Hubner de México (Nymphalidae: Charaxinae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 4(1): 29-38. -
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- Lamas, G. 1979. Los Dismorphiinae (Pieridae) de Mexico, América Central y las Antillas. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 5(1): 3-37. -
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- De la Maza, J. E., White, J. L. & White, A. L. 1987. Observaciones sobre el polimorfismo femenino de Baronia brevicornis Salv. (Papilionidae: Baroniinae) con la descripcion de una nueva subespecie del Estado de Chiapas, México. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. 11(1): 3-13. -
- Weeks, A. G., Jr. 1906. New species of butterflies. Entomological News. 17(6): 195-204. -
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- Fruhstorfer, H. 1907. Verzeichnis der von Herrn Dr. Theodor Koch- Grünberg am oberen Waupes 1903-1905 gesammelten Rhopaloceren mit Besprechung verwandter Arten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 68(1): 117-164. -
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