Linnik E, Pirtskhalava-Karpova N, Tikhonova V (2020). FLORA OF THE KURILSKIY NATURE RESERVE. Version 1.2. State Nature Reserve Kurilsky. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/npmkha accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
Monitoring and inventory of the species of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve is carried out since 1984. Flora of the reserve totals 1915 species, including 374 species of mosses, 271 species of algae, 91 species of mushrooms and 214 species of lichens. The Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Sakhalin Region includes 104 species of vascular plants. The vegetation cover is characterized by the altitudinal zonality. Comprising 80% of the protective zone forests form the basis of the vegetation cover. Dark-coniferous forests formed by the Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis), Yezzo and Glen’s spruce (Picea jezoensis, P. glehnii) account for 62% of the forested area. Deciduous forests formed by Erman's birch (Betula ermanii), Manchurian alder (Alnus hirsuta), Japanese rowan (Sorbus commixta), Mayr’s maple (Acer mayrii), tree aralia (Kalopanax septemlobus) with the undergrowth of panicled hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata), elderberry (Sambucus miquelii), Sakhalin bilberry (Vaccinium smallii) and woody vines of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi and hardy kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta, Actinidia arguta), climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris), Asian poison ivy (Toxicodendron orientale) occupy 19% of the reserve. The same part of the territory (19%) is covered with the overgrowth of the Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila). Demin and Oskolki Islands are characterized by meadow herbs and grasses-fruticous communities. The stem height of the main representatives of tall grasses– the Sakhalin knotweed (Reynoutria sachalinensis), bear’s angelica (Angelica ursina), Cacalia robusta, and Aleutian ragwort (Senecio cannabifolius) – reaches 4 m. A particular landscape role is played by the representatives of the Sasa genus (creeping bamboo) which form the dense impenetrable overgrowth in the forest glades and understocked stands. Bamboo helps strengthen slopes and plays a major role in soil formation thanks to a powerful root system and abundant litter. The reserve has 12 species of this plant. The flora of the reserve accounts for 1339 species, including 374 species of mosses, 263 species of algae, more than 200 species of mushrooms and more than 300 species of lichens. 104 species of vascular plants are listed in the Red Data Books of Russia (2008) and the Sakhalin Region (2005). The most interesting plants are the ones found only on Kunashir Island, in the area ofits northern border: the Amur maple (Acer japonicum), Japanese monarch birch (Betula maximowicziana), Daphniphyllum humile, Japanese rhododendron (Rhododendron tschonoskii), whitebark magnolia (Magnolia hypoleuca), Japanese hydrangea vine (Schizophragma hydrangeoides), Japanese lime (Tilia maximowicziana) and others [Barkalov, 2003].Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Geography of the Kurilskiy Nature Reserve. When the Kurilskiy Nature Reserve was established, special geographical situation of Kunashir Island, unusual and rich nature, concentration of the rarest representatives of flora and fauna, scientific and economic value of natural and historical objects, as well as fragility and vulnerability of the island ecosystems were taken into account. The reserve occupies a part of Kunashir Island, the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge–Demin, Lisy, Shishki, as well as the islets of Kira, Peshchernaya, Parus, Svecha. The total area is 65,861 ha, and the total area of the protective zone with the sea area is 74,475 hectares. Kunashir Island extends from the north-east to the south-west for 123 km, width of the island varies from 7 km in the isthmi to 30 km in the north. The reserve occupies 44.2% of its territory and consists of three sites. Located in the north and north-east of the island, the Tyatinsky site has an area of 50,345 ha. Its northern part occupies the foothills and mountains of the Dokuchaev Ridge. The highest part of the northern part is Ruruy Volcano (1485 m) and the highest part of the north-eastern one is Tyatya Volcano (1819 m). The Alekhinsky site with an area of 15,416 ha is situated in the south-western part of the island. It is characterized by small elevation differences. Its central part is occupied by the caldera of Golovnin Volcano (Golovnin Mountain, 541 m). The third site is occupied by Demin Island and other islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge with a total area of 200 ha.
Climate of the Kurilskiy Nature Reserve. From the west, the island is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk with the warm Soya current, from the east – by the Pacific Ocean with the cold Oyashio current. Therefore, the marine monsoon climate is characterized by an abundance of precipitation. For the period of observations between 2000 and 2017, the average annual rainfall was 1367.7 mm, more than 41% of which fell in summer. The described territory is characterized by mild winters, long rainy springs, foggy cool summers, and relatively dry and warm autumns. According to the weather station of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, for the period between 2000 and 2017, the average annual temperature was +5.7ºC, the coldest month was February with the average monthly temperature of 4.8ºC, the absolute minimum was –17ºC. The warmest month was August, the average monthly temperature was +15.9ºC, the absolute maximum was +30.5ºC. The highest atmospheric circulation was observed in late autumn and winter. Strong, gale-force and even hurricane-force winds blew during the given period (43 m/s in 2014).
Bibliographic Citations
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- Barkalov V. Yu., Eremenko N. A. 2003, Flora of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve and the Small Kuril Reserve (Sakhalin Region), 285 p., Dal'nauka, Vladivostok. (in Russian) -
- Voronov G. A., 2004, Hunting and commercial teriofauna of the Kuril Islands: ecological and biological characteristics, economic development, protection and enrichment], Vestnik Sakhalinskogo muzeya [Bulletin of the Sakhalin Museum, no. 12, pp. 339–358, Sakhalin Regional local history Museum, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. (in Russian) -
- Linnik E. V., 2016, The second find of chlorant serrated (Chloranthus serratus (Thunb.) Roem.et Schult.) In the territory of the protected zone of the Kurilsky reserve, Bulletin of the Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, issue 15, pp. 48–50. (in Russian) -
E.V. Linnikoriginator
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
N.R. Pirtskhalava-Karpova
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
V.A. Tikhonova
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
E.V. Linnik
metadata author
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
N.R. Pirtskhalava-Karpova
metadata author
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
V.A. Tikhonova
metadata author
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
Natalya Ivanova
email: natalya.dryomys@gmail.com
E.V. Linnik
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
N.R. Pirtskhalava-Karpova
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5
V.A. Tikhonova
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
State Nature Reserve Kurilsky
Zarechnaya 5