Plot-based observations of macrofungi in raised bogs in Western Siberia (2014-2024)
Filippova N, Rudykina E, Dobrynina A, Zvyagina E, Popesku K (2024). Plot-based observations of macrofungi in raised bogs in Western Siberia (2014-2024). Version 1.44. Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC). Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-02-19.Description
The dataset presents the results of a long-term monitoring program for larger fungi fruiting using permanent plots located in different vegetation communities of a raised bog in central part of Western Siberia (nearby Khanty-Mansiysk, Mukhrino Field Station). Our goal was to describe the quantitative and qualitative structure and spatial variation of the community of macromycetes, to show its dynamics seasonally and inter-annually and also elucidate the relationship between the fruiting and climate variables. A total of 263 circular 5 m^2 (for a total area of 1315 m^2) plots were visited weekly during vegetation seasons 2014-2024 and carpophores of different fungal taxa were counted. By the end of 2024 vegetation season, 110 series of counts were performed, meaning that each micro-plot was observed 110 times over the 11-years period. The dataset includes about 30K plot-base observations (=sampling events) made from 2014 until 2024 with corresponding about 10K occurrence records of macromycetes identified to species. Plot-based observations with zero records mark absence of species in a certain plot and time. The accumulated collection of specimens corresponding to counting events was sequenced in 2023 and taxonomical names corrected according to molecular identification.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The long-term monitoring plots were located along a boardwalk of the research polygon of Mukhrino Field Station thereby eliminating any future impacts to the bog as a result of ongoing research programs. A total of 263 circular 5 m^2 (for a total area of 1315 m^2) long-term monitoring plots were established in May 2014. This total area is nearly evenly divided between the Pine-dwarfshrubs-Sphagnum dominated bogs and Graminoid-Sphagnum lawns and incorporates plant community variation. An area of about 700 m^2 is suffciently large to reveal the fungal community diversity in raised bogs.Sampling
The Recommented protocols for sampling macrofungi (Mueller et al., 2004, Biodiversity of fungi...) were followed in general terms. The long-term monitoring plots were located 5 m apart in a straight line along the boardwalk, ensuring that plots fell only into typical plant communities. Centers of each micro-plot were marked, a bent bow was used to draw the outlines of a plot during its examination. The plots were visited weekly during entire vegetation seasons (from May until September), and carpophores of different taxa were counted and collected for subsequent identifcation. Enumerated carpophores were carefully removed from the plots, with the exception of Red Listed taxa, whose carpophores remained untouched. Climatic data (precipitation, air temperature, soil profile temperature) were collected from a micro-climate monitoring station established nearby the plots.Quality Control
The collection of specimens made during the project is stored in the Yugra State Yuniversity Fungarium. The collection database is available at All determinations could be checked online or by the request of specimens from the YSU Fungarium and re-identified. The initiative on barcoding of accumulated collected has been started in August 2022 and the results will be analysed and published by 2023.Method steps
- A total of 263 circular 5 m^2 (for a total area of 1315 m^2) long-term monitoring plots were established in May 2014. The plots were visited weekly during entire vegetation seasons (from May until September) from 2014 to 2023 (except for August 2017 when observations were interrupted), and carpophores of different fungal taxa were counted.
- The description of vegetation composition of the plots was done once and climatic parameters of corresponding habitats were measured by a located nearby weather station during the entire observation period.
- The common and easily recognizable species were identified in the field. The detailed identification of doubtful species was done in the laboratory. For that, the collections were processed as described in Lodge et al. (Mueller et al., 2004, Biodiversity of fungi). Fresh fruiting bodies were wrapped in aluminium foil and carried to the laboratory to be processed on the day of collection. The processing of specimens included: 1) photographing on a photo-studio table, 2) description of vital characters, 3) preliminary microscopy and determination, 4) filling the data in the database, 5) labeling, and 6) drying at 50°C to store in the Fungarium of Yugra State University.
- The detailed identification was done during the winter following the collection season. Dry specimens were rehydrated in tap water or KOH (10 %); dyes and other chemicals (Congo Red, Melzer reagent, ammonia) were applied when necessary. A Zeiss Axiostar microscope with Achromat 5/0.12, 10/0.25, 40/0.65 (dry) and 100/1.25 (oil immersion) objectives was used for microscopical examination.
- Most of the finds were identified using Funga Nordica keys (Knudsen and Vesterholt, 2008. Funga Nordica) and some additional monographs on particular taxa were used when necessary. Fungal authorities are mentioned according to Index Fungorum (accessed 04.2018).
Taxonomic Coverages
Fungicommon name: Mushrooms rank: kingdom
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Filippova, N.V., Thormann, M.N., 2014. Communities of larger fungi of ombrotrophic bogs in West Siberia [Сообщества макромицетов верховых болот в Западной Сибири]. Mires and Peat 14, 1–22. -
- Filippova N.V. 2017. On the phenology of larger fungi in raised bogs: three years of permanent plots monitoring results. In: Problems of studying and preserving the plant world of Eurasia: Proceedings of the II All-Russian Conference with the international participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation L.V. Bardunov (1932-2008) (Irkutsk, Kyren, September 11-15, 2017) (Pdf) [in Russian with English abstract] -
- Filippova N.V., Thormann M. 2015. On the phenology of fungi in raised bogs: first year permanent plots monitoring results. In: Bioraznoobrazie i ekologiya gribov i gribopodobnykh organizmov severnoy Evrazii : materialy Vseros. konf. s mezhdunarod. uchastiem. Ekaterinburg, 20−24 aprelya 2015 g. P. 302–306. -
- Filippova, N., Bulyonkova, T., 2017. The communities of terrestrial macrofungi in different forest types in vicinities of Khanty-Mansiysk (middle taiga zone of West Siberia). Biodiversity Data Journal 5, e20732. -
- Filippova, N., Lapshina, E., 2019. Sampling event dataset on five-year observations of macrofungi fruit bodies in raised bogs, Western Siberia, Russia. Biodiversity Data Journal 7, e35674. -
- Filippova N, Zvyagina E, Rudykina E, Dobrynina A, Bolshakov S (2023) The diversity of macromycetes in peatlands: nine years of plot-based monitoring and barcoding in the raised bog “Mukhrino”, West Siberia. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e105111. -
- Filippova N, Zvyagina E, Rudykina EA, Ishmanov TF, Filippov IV, Bulyonkova TM, Dobrynina AS (2024) DNA-based occurrence dataset on peatland fungal communities studied by metabarcoding in north-western Siberia. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e119851. -
Nina Filippovaoriginator
position: senior researcher
Yugra State University
628012, Chekhova street, 16, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Telephone: +7 9527057846
Elena Rudykina
position: Assistant
Yugra State University
Alevtina Dobrynina
position: Assistant
Yugra State University
Elena Zvyagina
position: researcher
Yugra State University
Kristina Popesku
position: researcher
Yugra State University
Nina Filippova
metadata author
position: senior researcher
Yugra State University
628012, Chekhova street, 16, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Telephone: +7 9527057846
Nina Filippova
administrative point of contact
position: senior researcher
Yugra State University
628012, Chekhova street, 16, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Telephone: +7 9527057846