Loggerhead turtle movements in the Southern California Bight (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
Seminoff J. 2021. Loggerhead turtle movements in the Southern California Bight. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1265) on yyyy-mm-dd originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT; http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=1090). https://doi.org/10.15468/sdjddd accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-13.Description
Original provider: NOAA NMFS Dataset credits: Data provider NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT) Project partner This project is under the leadership of scientists at the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). This federal organization is responsible for effective management of our U.S. based fisheries. To do so requires that management decisions be based on the best available science. This project is developed to generate such information, particularly as it relates to fisheries time-area closures in the Southern California Bight. Project sponsor or sponsor description This project is a collaboration among scientists at the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, CA, and the NMFS West Coast Regional Office in Long Beach, CA. The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA is a key partner and has served as the rehabilitation institution for two turtles (Coco and Char Char) tracked so far as part of this project. SeaWorld - San Diego has also been a key contributor, serving as the rehabilitation center for Ruth. Additional partners include ICAPO and Ralph Pace Photography. The NMFS permit number for Coco's satellite tracking research is 14510. Abstract: Endangered North Pacific loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are distributed widely throughout the North Pacific Ocean. Scientists have known that juvenile loggerhead turtles originating from Japanese nesting beaches cross the Pacific Ocean to access the productive waters off the Pacific Coast of North America, although the movements of these loggerhead turtles in U.S. waters of southern California are poorly understood. This project's goal is to track the movements of juvenile loggerheads in this portion of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Understanding their movement patterns, and how they relate to oceanographic conditions in the region will provide significant information for management efforts aimed at reducing human impacts to loggerheads in this area. Supplemental information: Visit STAT's project page for additional information. This dataset is a summarized representation of the telemetry locations aggregated per species per 1-degree cell.Purpose
Not available
Sampling Description
Study Extent
NAMethod steps
- NA
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
Caretta carettacommon name: Loggerhead Sea Turtle rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Jeffrey Seminofforiginator
position: Primary contact
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
email: jeffrey.seminoff@noaa.gov
metadata author
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
email: seamap-contact@duke.edu
homepage: https://seamap.env.duke.edu
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
email: seamap-contact@duke.edu
homepage: https://seamap.env.duke.edu
Jeffrey Seminoff
position: Primary contact
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
email: jeffrey.seminoff@noaa.gov
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool
email: mcoyne@seaturtle.org
homepage: http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/
Jeffrey Seminoff
administrative point of contact
position: Primary contact
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
email: jeffrey.seminoff@noaa.gov