Protistan plankton time series from the northern Salish Sea and central coast, British Columbia, Canada
Del Bel Belluz J (2024). Protistan plankton time series from the northern Salish Sea and central coast, British Columbia, Canada. Version 1.4. Hakai Institute. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-09-10.Description
The Hakai Institute Oceanography Program has been monitoring surface (0-1 or 5m depth) protistan plankton community composition, via optical microscopy, at multiple time series stations in the northern Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia) and central coast of British Columbia since 2016 and 2019, respectively. Data were collected to characterize and monitor phytoplankton community composition and investigate links to environmental drivers, the food web and carbon dynamics. Additionally, data were used to support group level phytoplankton composition derived via HPLC phytoplankton pigment analysis, compare with particulate organic matter fatty acid composition and validate remote sensing products.Purpose
The dataset was developed to investigate protistan plankton (primarily phytoplankton) community composition variability and links to environmental drivers, the food web and carbonate chemistry. Additionally, the data were collected to support HPLC phytoplankton pigment analysis and remote sensing.Sampling Description
Study Extent
In the northern Salish Sea, data were collected weekly to bi-weekly in surface waters (0-1m prior to April 2019 and 5m afterwards) at a fixed time series location (QU39). On the central coast, data were collected monthly at 5m depth at three locations: within a fjord (River’s Inlet, Hakai station DFO2), Fitz-Hugh Channel (Hakai station KC10) and on the shelf (Hakai station QCS01).Sampling
Water samples were collected at 0-1 or 5 m depths using a Niskin bottle from small research vessels (less than 40 ft). Sample water was transferred into 250 mL amber glass bottles and immediately fixed using Lugol's acid-iodine solution (1% concentration) (Edler & Elbrächter 2010; Del Bel Belluz et al., 2021). The use of acidic Lugol’s solution removes CaCO3 containing cells (i.e. coccolithophores) and these species were not enumerated. Sample were kept cool and stored in a dark fridge until analysis was performed. Analysis was performed at LCLJ Marine Ecological Services by Dr. Louis Hobson. Protistan plankton were enumerated with the Utermöhl method using 50 mL settling chambers and phase contrast microscopy on an inverted light microscope (Edler & Elbrächter 2010; Hobson & Galbraith, 2018). The analyst was able to resolve species down to approximately 4 μm in size.Quality Control
Some samples, particularly those from the beginning of the timeseries, were stored for up to 2-3 years prior to analysis. The analyst did not see signs of weakened preservative or cell degradation, but storage time should be considered as degradation can bias results (Williams et al., 2016). Data have been broadly compared to functional group level phytoplankton biomass derived from HPLC pigments and chemotaxonomic analysis and show general agreement (Del Bel Belluz et al., 2021). More detailed comparisons are being performed and additional information will be added when available.Method steps
- See sampling description, quality control and bibliographic citations.
Additional info
In the northern Salish Sea, portions of this time series have been published in Del Bel Belluz et al. (2021) and Mclaskey et al. (2022). On the central coast, data have been used to investigate trends and drivers of protistan plankton communities across a fjord to shelf gradient (Del Bel Belluz, submitted).Taxonomic Coverages
We targeted autotrophic protists, but data include mixotrophic and heterotrophic species including ciliophora and small metazoa. The analyst was able to resolve species as small as approximately 4 um.
Arthropodarank: phylum
Cocconeidaceaerank: family
Paraliaceaerank: family
Gymnodiniaceaerank: family
Dinophyceaerank: class
Fragilariaceaerank: family
Pleurochloridaceaerank: family
Chromistarank: kingdom
Gonyaulacalesrank: order
Striatellaceaerank: family
Tabellarialesrank: order
Dictyochaceaerank: family
Haptophytarank: phylum
Phaeocystaceaerank: family
Chrysophyceaerank: class
Raphidophyceaerank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Pedinellaceaerank: family
Thalassiosiraceaerank: family
Pterospermataceaerank: family
Eutreptiaceaerank: family
Thalassionematalesrank: order
Gymnodinialesrank: order
Pyramimonadophyceaerank: class
Lithodesmialesrank: order
Striatellalesrank: order
Thalassionemataceaerank: family
Chlorodendralesrank: order
Annelidarank: phylum
Hilleaceaerank: family
Eutreptialesrank: order
Polychaetarank: class
Coscinodiscalesrank: order
Biddulphiaceaerank: family
Dinophysaceaerank: family
Fragilarialesrank: order
Dictyochalesrank: order
Coscinodiscaceaerank: family
Caecitellalesrank: order
Chordatarank: phylum
Triceratiaceaerank: family
Chattonellaceaerank: family
Actinomonadaceaerank: family
Attheyaceaerank: family
Copelatarank: order
Noctilucalesrank: order
Acanthoecidaerank: family
Chaetocerotanae incertae sedisrank: order
Thalassiosiralesrank: order
Coccolithophyceaerank: class
Bigyrarank: phylum
Oligotrichearank: class
Tabellariaceaerank: family
Melosiralesrank: order
Cyclotrichiidarank: order
Pennalesrank: order
Myzozoarank: phylum
Protoperidiniaceaerank: family
Geminigeraceaerank: family
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Dictyochophyceaerank: class
Ochromonadaceaerank: family
Pyrenomonadalesrank: order
Corethralesrank: order
Cercozoarank: phylum
Ebrialesrank: order
Thoracosphaeralesrank: order
Telonemidarank: order
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Choanozoarank: phylum
Stephanopyxidaceaerank: family
Bicosoecophyceaerank: class
Heterokontophytarank: phylum
Triceratialesrank: order
Ochromonadalesrank: order
Dinobryaceaerank: family
Chaetocerotaceaerank: family
Euglenophyceaerank: class
Skeletonemaceaerank: family
Thoracosphaeraceaerank: family
Lithodesmiaceaerank: family
Choreotrichidarank: order
Asterolampraceaerank: family
Chattonellalesrank: order
Chrysochromulinaceaerank: family
Leptocylindraceaerank: family
Pyramimonadaceaerank: family
Pyrocystaceaerank: family
Corethraceaerank: family
Codonosigaceaerank: family
Acanthoecidarank: order
Naviculalesrank: order
Chlorodendraceaerank: family
Noctilucaceaerank: family
Dinophysalesrank: order
Fritillariidaerank: family
Radiozoarank: phylum
Prorocentralesrank: order
Chromulinalesrank: order
Rhizosolenialesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Ebriaceaerank: family
Plantaerank: kingdom
Animaliarank: kingdom
Naviculaceaerank: family
Oxytoxaceaerank: family
Paralialesrank: order
Prymnesiaceaerank: family
Protozoarank: kingdom
Achnanthalesrank: order
Pyramimonadalesrank: order
Tovellialesrank: order
Ceratiaceaerank: family
Kinetoplastearank: class
Appendiculariarank: class
Litostomatearank: class
Leptocylindralesrank: order
Prorocentraceaerank: family
Pleurosigmataceaerank: family
Prymnesialesrank: order
Rhizosoleniaceaerank: family
Choanoflagellatearank: class
Chlorodendrophyceaerank: class
Licmophoraceaerank: family
Thecofilosearank: class
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Telonemearank: class
Mesodiniidaerank: family
Gyrodiniaceaerank: family
Cafeteriaceaerank: family
Pedinellalesrank: order
Copepodarank: class
Peridinialesrank: order
Metromonadea incertae sedisrank: order
Metromonadearank: class
Gonyaulacaceaerank: family
Hemiaulaceaerank: family
Biddulphialesrank: order
Xanthophyceaerank: class
Phaeocystalesrank: order
Tovelliaceaerank: family
Hemiaulalesrank: order
Foraminiferarank: phylum
Amphidinialesrank: order
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Cryptomonadalesrank: order
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Craspedidarank: order
Melosiraceaerank: family
Amphidiniaceaerank: family
Ciliophorarank: phylum
Bacillariaceaerank: family
Asterolampralesrank: order
Mischococcalesrank: order
Licmophoralesrank: order
Geographic Coverages
In the northern Salish Sea, data were collected at station QU39 (50.03N, -125.10W). On the central coast, data were collected at three locations: within a fjord (River’s Inlet, DFO2, 51.52N, -127.56W), Fitz-Hugh Channel (KC10, 51.65N, -127.95W) and on the shelf (QCS01, 51.71N, -128.24W).
Bibliographic Citations
- Del Bel Belluz, J., Peña, M.A., Jackson, J.M., Nemcek, N. (2021). Phytoplankton composition and environmental drivers in the Northern Strait of Georgia (Salish Sea), British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and Coasts, 44(5), 1419-1439. 10.1007/s12237-020-00858-2 -
- Edler, L., and Elbrächter, M. (2010). “The utermöhl method for quantitative phytoplankton analysis,” in Microscopic and Molecular Methods for Quantitative Phytoplankton Analysis, eds B. Karlson, C. Cusack, and E. Bresnan (Paris: UNESCO), 13–20. -
- Hobson, L.A., Galbraith, M. (2018). Protistan plankton dynamics and composition in a turbulent, nutrient-rich region of the Salish Sea, 1997-2014. (unpublished). -
- Williams, O.J., Beckett, R.E. & Maxwell, D.L. (2016). Marine phytoplankton preservation with Lugol’s: a comparison of solutions. J Appl Phycol 28, 1705–1712. -
- McLaskey, A. K., Forster, I., Del Bel Belluz, J., & Hunt, B. P. V. (2022). A high-resolution time series of particulate matter fatty acids reveals temporal dynamics of the composition and quality available to zooplankton in a temperate coastal ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 206. -
Justin Del Bel Belluzoriginator
position: Research Scientist
Hakai Institute
1010 Langley St.
British Columbia
Justin Del Bel Belluz
metadata author
position: Research Scientist
Hakai Institute
1010 Langley St.
British Columbia
Justin Del Bel Belluz
administrative point of contact
position: Research Scientist
Hakai Institute
1010 Langley St.
British Columbia