Inventario multitaxonómico (plantas, crustáceos y vertebrados) del APFF Meseta de Cacaxtla, Sinaloa, México
van der Heiden Joris A M, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Inventario multitaxonómico (plantas, crustáceos y vertebrados) del APFF Meseta de Cacaxtla, Sinaloa, México. Version 1.10. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
Desde el año 2003, los investigadores del Laboratorio de Ictiología y Biodiversidad del CIAD-Mazatlán, hemos enfocado gran parte de nuestras actividades al estudio y conservación de la flora y fauna en el sur del estado de Sinaloa, en particular en el Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna-Meseta de Cacaxtla (APFF-MC; 50,000 ha) y la Región Prioritaria para la Conservación "Monte Mojino" (200,000 ha), con la finalidad de preservar grandes extensiones de bosque tropical caducifolio y subcaducifolio con su fauna asociada muy diversa en la que se incluye decenas de especies endémicas y/o en riesgo de acuerdo a la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. El objetivo principal de la presente propuesta consiste en ampliar nuestro conocimiento de la biodiversidad del APFF-MC mediante recolectas y/o censos visuales de plantas vasculares, crustáceos (cangrejos de agua dulce), peces dulceacuícolas, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. Se estima que el proyecto aportará información sobre unas 753 especies de plantas y animales y de unos 5820 registros de ejemplares recolectados/observados, contribuirá con unos 8660 registros capturados para enriquecer el Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad (SNIB) así como aportará insumos para evaluar el estado de riesgo de extinción de Lithobates forreri, Ctenosaura pectinata, Heloderma horridum y Kinosternon integrum.
Reino: 2 Filo: 3 Clase: 7 Orden: 68 Familia: 168 Género: 504 Subgénero: 8 Especie: 702 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 24
Taxonomic Coverages
Plantaerank: kingdom
Animaliarank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Chordatarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Equisetopsidarank: class
Avesrank: class
Reptiliarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Osteichthyesrank: class
Amphibiarank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Fabalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Sapindalesrank: order
Charadriiformesrank: order
Falconiformesrank: order
Suliformesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Squamatarank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Cathartiformesrank: order
Pelecaniformesrank: order
Arecalesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Cucurbitalesrank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Decapodarank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Zygophyllalesrank: order
Cyprinodontiformesrank: order
Nymphaealesrank: order
Alismatalesrank: order
Piperalesrank: order
Anurarank: order
Gruiformesrank: order
Vitalesrank: order
Santalalesrank: order
Testudinesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Anseriformesrank: order
Commelinalesrank: order
Passeriformesrank: order
Cichliformesrank: order
Podicipediformesrank: order
Gobiiformesrank: order
Lauralesrank: order
Artiodactylarank: order
Celastralesrank: order
Cornalesrank: order
Galliformesrank: order
Cuculiformesrank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Columbiformesrank: order
Psittaciformesrank: order
Crocodyliarank: order
Carnivorarank: order
Chiropterarank: order
Accipitriformesrank: order
Apodiformesrank: order
Caprimulgiformesrank: order
Trogoniformesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Strigiformesrank: order
Tinamiformesrank: order
Lagomorpharank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Mugiliformesrank: order
Rodentiarank: order
Didelphimorphiarank: order
Nyctibiiformesrank: order
Cingulatarank: order
Fabaceaerank: family
Acanthaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Cactaceaerank: family
Achatocarpaceaerank: family
Passifloraceaerank: family
Cleomaceaerank: family
Burseraceaerank: family
Capparaceaerank: family
Scolopacidaerank: family
Falconidaerank: family
Sulidaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Combretaceaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Rhamnaceaerank: family
Polygonaceaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Tamaricaceaerank: family
Phrynosomatidaerank: family
Bignoniaceaerank: family
Malpighiaceaerank: family
Aizoaceaerank: family
Laridaerank: family
Verbenaceaerank: family
Chenopodiaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Cathartidaerank: family
Anacardiaceaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Charadriidaerank: family
Pelecanidaerank: family
Haematopodidaerank: family
Arecaceaerank: family
Iguanidaerank: family
Apocynaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Stegnospermataceaerank: family
Cucurbitaceaerank: family
Meliaceaerank: family
Sapindaceaerank: family
Bromeliaceaerank: family
Orchidaceaerank: family
Pseudothelphusidaerank: family
Petiveriaceaerank: family
Talinaceaerank: family
Moraceaerank: family
Colubridaerank: family
Primulaceaerank: family
Papaveraceaerank: family
Zygophyllaceaerank: family
Poeciliidaerank: family
Nymphaeaceaerank: family
Araceaerank: family
Aristolochiaceaerank: family
Leptodactylidaerank: family
Rallidaerank: family
Alismataceaerank: family
Vitaceaerank: family
Opiliaceaerank: family
Caricaceaerank: family
Kinosternidaerank: family
Cordiaceaerank: family
Molluginaceaerank: family
Rutaceaerank: family
Bataceaerank: family
Anatidaerank: family
Urticaceaerank: family
Ardeidaerank: family
Commelinaceaerank: family
Tyrannidaerank: family
Sapotaceaerank: family
Cichlidaerank: family
Pontederiaceaerank: family
Podicipedidaerank: family
Eleotridaerank: family
Lythraceaerank: family
Salicaceaerank: family
Typhaceaerank: family
Bufonidaerank: family
Hylidaerank: family
Asparagaceaerank: family
Hernandiaceaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Hirundinidaerank: family
Myrtaceaerank: family
Cervidaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Scaphiopodidaerank: family
Heliotropiaceaerank: family
Parulidaerank: family
Celastraceaerank: family
Eleutherodactylidaerank: family
Martyniaceaerank: family
Phalacrocoracidaerank: family
Recurvirostridaerank: family
Corvidaerank: family
Loasaceaerank: family
Cracidaerank: family
Icteridaerank: family
Cuculidaerank: family
Rhizophoraceaerank: family
Alcedinidaerank: family
Threskiornithidaerank: family
Thraupidaerank: family
Onagraceaerank: family
Columbidaerank: family
Fregatidaerank: family
Psittacidaerank: family
Boidaerank: family
Crocodylidaerank: family
Procyonidaerank: family
Polioptilidaerank: family
Phyllostomidaerank: family
Felidaerank: family
Vireonidaerank: family
Accipitridaerank: family
Tayassuidaerank: family
Trochilidaerank: family
Furnariidaerank: family
Cardinalidaerank: family
Apodidaerank: family
Caprimulgidaerank: family
Trogonidaerank: family
Gekkonidaerank: family
Viperidaerank: family
Troglodytidaerank: family
Picidaerank: family
Tityridaerank: family
Helodermatidaerank: family
Geoemydidaerank: family
Emballonuridaerank: family
Strigidaerank: family
Momotidaerank: family
Anolidaerank: family
Mormoopidaerank: family
Erythroxylaceaerank: family
Tinamidaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Leporidaerank: family
Passerellidaerank: family
Casuarinaceaerank: family
Teiidaerank: family
Mimidaerank: family
Mugilidaerank: family
Canidaerank: family
Mephitidaerank: family
Sciuridaerank: family
Odontophoridaerank: family
Didelphidaerank: family
Otariidaerank: family
Bixaceaerank: family
Phyllodactylidaerank: family
Fringillidaerank: family
Nyctibiidaerank: family
Passeridaerank: family
Cheloniidaerank: family
Vespertilionidaerank: family
Emydidaerank: family
Molossidaerank: family
Dasypodidaerank: family
Tytonidaerank: family
Santalaceaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Haematoxylumrank: genus
Caesalpiniarank: genus
Avicenniarank: genus
Acalypharank: genus
Hyptisrank: genus
Chlorisrank: genus
Desmanthusrank: genus
Boerhaviarank: genus
Desmodiumrank: genus
Gouiniarank: genus
Sporobolusrank: genus
Uniolarank: genus
Sorghumrank: genus
Lasiacisrank: genus
Stenocereusrank: genus
Canavaliarank: genus
Phaulothamnusrank: genus
Acaciarank: genus
Crotonrank: genus
Arundorank: genus
Turnerarank: genus
Cleomerank: genus
Prosopisrank: genus
Burserarank: genus
Cynophallarank: genus
Salviarank: genus
Tringarank: genus
Euphorbiarank: genus
Dalearank: genus
Panicumrank: genus
Caracararank: genus
Sularank: genus
Aristidarank: genus
Okeniarank: genus
Gomphrenarank: genus
Cenchrusrank: genus
Manihotrank: genus
Entadarank: genus
Conocarpusrank: genus
Coulteriarank: genus
Melochiarank: genus
Boutelouarank: genus
Cyperusrank: genus
Condaliarank: genus
Antigononrank: genus
Distichlisrank: genus
Ipomoearank: genus
Guazumarank: genus
Tamarixrank: genus
Callisaurusrank: genus
Bothriochloarank: genus
Adenocalymmarank: genus
Ziziphusrank: genus
Lagunculariarank: genus
Heteropterysrank: genus
Mammillariarank: genus
Neptuniarank: genus
Sesuviumrank: genus
Cuscutarank: genus
Sternarank: genus
Dactylocteniumrank: genus
Lantanarank: genus
Salicorniarank: genus
Calidrisrank: genus
Actitisrank: genus
Pectisrank: genus
Cratevarank: genus
Quadrellarank: genus
Dolichandrarank: genus
Ambrosiarank: genus
Erythrinarank: genus
Abroniarank: genus
Pluchearank: genus
Atriplexrank: genus
Cathartesrank: genus
Spondiasrank: genus
Leucaenarank: genus
Chromolaenarank: genus
Physalisrank: genus
Crescentiarank: genus
Charadriusrank: genus
Sesbaniarank: genus
Pelecanusrank: genus
Haematopusrank: genus
Cocosrank: genus
Ctenosaurarank: genus
Zinniarank: genus
Dinebrarank: genus
Sennarank: genus
Jacquemontiarank: genus
Plumeriarank: genus
Ruelliarank: genus
Morindarank: genus
Thalasseusrank: genus
Stegnospermarank: genus
Cynodonrank: genus
Melothriarank: genus
Eragrostisrank: genus
Cascabelarank: genus
Swieteniarank: genus
Taraxacumrank: genus
Handroanthusrank: genus
Hippomanerank: genus
Sebastianiarank: genus
Rauvolfiarank: genus
Helicteresrank: genus
Salpianthusrank: genus
Paulliniarank: genus
Amaranthusrank: genus
Pachycereusrank: genus
Eriochloarank: genus
Vallesiarank: genus
Setariarank: genus
Diclipterarank: genus
Serjaniarank: genus
Galactiarank: genus
Hydroprognerank: genus
Jatropharank: genus
Trixisrank: genus
Bromeliarank: genus
Albiziarank: genus
Pisoniarank: genus
Opuntiarank: genus
Encycliarank: genus
Pseudothelphusarank: genus
Indigoferarank: genus
Merremiarank: genus
Rivinarank: genus
Talinumrank: genus
Ingarank: genus
Henryarank: genus
Cucumisrank: genus
Ficusrank: genus
Maclurarank: genus
Masticophisrank: genus
Coccolobarank: genus
Pithecellobiumrank: genus
Bonelliarank: genus
Phaseolusrank: genus
Argemonerank: genus
Guaiacumrank: genus
Randiarank: genus
Combretumrank: genus
Poeciliarank: genus
Nymphaearank: genus
Lemnarank: genus
Chloroleuconrank: genus
Parkinsoniarank: genus
Cnidoscolusrank: genus
Aristolochiarank: genus
Phylarank: genus
Bauhiniarank: genus
Stemmadeniarank: genus
Acanthocereusrank: genus
Corchorusrank: genus
Leptodactylusrank: genus
Solanumrank: genus
Fulicarank: genus
Delonixrank: genus
Trichiliarank: genus
Bunchosiarank: genus
Justiciarank: genus
Echinodorusrank: genus
Baccharisrank: genus
Urochloarank: genus
Sapiumrank: genus
Cissusrank: genus
Lysilomarank: genus
Microlobiusrank: genus
Poeciliopsisrank: genus
Agonandrarank: genus
Cucurbitarank: genus
Blechumrank: genus
Jarillarank: genus
Heterothecarank: genus
Thouinidiumrank: genus
Spirodelarank: genus
Brosimumrank: genus
Morisoniarank: genus
Byttneriarank: genus
Kinosternonrank: genus
Malpighiarank: genus
Cordiarank: genus
Rhynchosiarank: genus
Gouaniarank: genus
Malachrarank: genus
Glinusrank: genus
Anodarank: genus
Billbergiarank: genus
Ceibarank: genus
Azadirachtarank: genus
Lonchocarpusrank: genus
Jacarandarank: genus
Abutilonrank: genus
Petiveriarank: genus
Hintoniarank: genus
Conzattiarank: genus
Sapindusrank: genus
Eleocharisrank: genus
Amphilophiumrank: genus
Zanthoxylumrank: genus
Gossypiumrank: genus
Batisrank: genus
Coursetiarank: genus
Ricinusrank: genus
Mimosarank: genus
Elytrariarank: genus
Anasrank: genus
Tillandsiarank: genus
Pouzolziarank: genus
Oplismenusrank: genus
Dorsteniarank: genus
Egrettarank: genus
Commelinarank: genus
Cylindropuntiarank: genus
Daturarank: genus
Centrosemarank: genus
Pyrocephalusrank: genus
Blumearank: genus
Crotalariarank: genus
Sideroxylonrank: genus
Oreochromisrank: genus
Heterantherarank: genus
Malvastrumrank: genus
Selenicereusrank: genus
Momordicarank: genus
Cupaniarank: genus
Lagascearank: genus
Tachybaptusrank: genus
Nicotianarank: genus
Dormitatorrank: genus
Esenbeckiarank: genus
Schizocarpumrank: genus
Ammanniarank: genus
Colubrinarank: genus
Peritylerank: genus
Caseariarank: genus
Typharank: genus
Callaeumrank: genus
Anaxyrusrank: genus
Smiliscarank: genus
Koanophyllonrank: genus
Sidarank: genus
Agaverank: genus
Gyrocarpusrank: genus
Caprariarank: genus
Stelgidopteryxrank: genus
Psidiumrank: genus
Melampodiumrank: genus
Oxyurarank: genus
Odocoileusrank: genus
Brongniartiarank: genus
Tetrameriumrank: genus
Lyciumrank: genus
Ebenopsisrank: genus
Xanthosomarank: genus
Russeliarank: genus
Spearank: genus
Heliotropiumrank: genus
Funastrumrank: genus
Viguierarank: genus
Willardiarank: genus
Setophagarank: genus
Diaglenarank: genus
Luffarank: genus
Zapotecarank: genus
Echinochloarank: genus
Sayornisrank: genus
Diphysarank: genus
Brickelliarank: genus
Pristimerarank: genus
Carlowrightiarank: genus
Eleutherodactylusrank: genus
Operculinarank: genus
Martyniarank: genus
Podicepsrank: genus
Numeniusrank: genus
Ardearank: genus
Phalacrocoraxrank: genus
Recurvirostrarank: genus
Coragypsrank: genus
Cyanocoraxrank: genus
Nyctanassarank: genus
Mentzeliarank: genus
Himantopusrank: genus
Trianthemarank: genus
Byrsonimarank: genus
Waltheriarank: genus
Falcorank: genus
Ortalisrank: genus
Icterusrank: genus
Butoridesrank: genus
Crotophagarank: genus
Sternularank: genus
Rhizophorarank: genus
Chlorocerylerank: genus
Platalearank: genus
Karwinskiarank: genus
Corvusrank: genus
Sporophilarank: genus
Porophyllumrank: genus
Ludwigiarank: genus
Pluvialisrank: genus
Pilosocereusrank: genus
Hirundorank: genus
Zenaidarank: genus
Commicarpusrank: genus
Megathyrsusrank: genus
Digitariarank: genus
Fregatarank: genus
Kallstroemiarank: genus
Marsdeniarank: genus
Tachycinetarank: genus
Macroptiliumrank: genus
Eudocimusrank: genus
Quiscalusrank: genus
Molothrusrank: genus
Rottboelliarank: genus
Leucophaeusrank: genus
Chroicocephalusrank: genus
Nissoliarank: genus
Eupsittularank: genus
Columbinarank: genus
Setariopsisrank: genus
Boarank: genus
Crocodylusrank: genus
Tyrannusrank: genus
Nycticoraxrank: genus
Pereskiopsisrank: genus
Dendrocygnarank: genus
Nasuarank: genus
Polioptilarank: genus
Artibeusrank: genus
Leopardusrank: genus
Vireorank: genus
Bougainvillearank: genus
Buteorank: genus
Parkesiarank: genus
Cardiospermumrank: genus
Camptostomarank: genus
Dermanurarank: genus
Empidonaxrank: genus
Dicotylesrank: genus
Cynanthusrank: genus
Cardellinarank: genus
Xiphorhynchusrank: genus
Amazonarank: genus
Amaziliarank: genus
Pheucticusrank: genus
Streptoprocnerank: genus
Antrostomusrank: genus
Trogonrank: genus
Macrotusrank: genus
Hemidactylusrank: genus
Crotalusrank: genus
Pitangusrank: genus
Thryophilusrank: genus
Saltatorrank: genus
Tigrisomarank: genus
Lynxrank: genus
Myiodynastesrank: genus
Melanerpesrank: genus
Glossophagarank: genus
Zearank: genus
Tityrarank: genus
Helodermarank: genus
Sceloporusrank: genus
Megacerylerank: genus
Rhinoclemmysrank: genus
Oreothlypisrank: genus
Campephilusrank: genus
Inciliusrank: genus
Passerinarank: genus
Balantiopteryxrank: genus
Cyclantherarank: genus
Bubulcusrank: genus
Coluberrank: genus
Calocittarank: genus
Glaucidiumrank: genus
Sturnirarank: genus
Cyanocompsarank: genus
Patagioenasrank: genus
Plegadisrank: genus
Momotusrank: genus
Agalychnisrank: genus
Geothlypisrank: genus
Geranospizarank: genus
Geococcyxrank: genus
Parabuteorank: genus
Citrusrank: genus
Pantherarank: genus
Cassiculusrank: genus
Leptonycterisrank: genus
Anolisrank: genus
Urosaurusrank: genus
Melinisrank: genus
Pteronotusrank: genus
Erythroxylumrank: genus
Pirangarank: genus
Crypturellusrank: genus
Turdusrank: genus
Herpetotheresrank: genus
Piayarank: genus
Lepusrank: genus
Heliomasterrank: genus
Chondestesrank: genus
Ciccabarank: genus
Casuarinarank: genus
Contopusrank: genus
Dryocopusrank: genus
Aspidoscelisrank: genus
Seiurusrank: genus
Chenopodiumrank: genus
Limosarank: genus
Ocimumrank: genus
Mimusrank: genus
Pheugopediusrank: genus
Troglodytesrank: genus
Agonostomusrank: genus
Leptotilarank: genus
Volatiniarank: genus
Canisrank: genus
Arremonopsrank: genus
Myiarchusrank: genus
Conepatusrank: genus
Pachyramphusrank: genus
Holbrookiarank: genus
Tecomarank: genus
Andropogonrank: genus
Otospermophilusrank: genus
Callipeplarank: genus
Bouchearank: genus
Didelphisrank: genus
Pipilorank: genus
Trimorphodonrank: genus
Parthenocissusrank: genus
Coccyzusrank: genus
Sciurusrank: genus
Zalophusrank: genus
Amoreuxiarank: genus
Cardinalisrank: genus
Phyllodactylusrank: genus
Cassiarank: genus
Morococcyxrank: genus
Euphoniarank: genus
Accipiterrank: genus
Procyonrank: genus
Micrasturrank: genus
Drymarchonrank: genus
Cochleariusrank: genus
Nyctibiusrank: genus
Passerrank: genus
Partheniumrank: genus
Lepidochelysrank: genus
Capsicumrank: genus
Caricarank: genus
Kosteletzkyarank: genus
Iguanarank: genus
Hibiscusrank: genus
Myotisrank: genus
Triumfettarank: genus
Eysenhardtiarank: genus
Streptopeliarank: genus
Lasiurusrank: genus
Leptophisrank: genus
Chamaecristarank: genus
Pumarank: genus
Enterolobiumrank: genus
Trachemysrank: genus
Mniotiltarank: genus
Calypterank: genus
Rhinellarank: genus
Dalechampiarank: genus
Picoidesrank: genus
Tadaridarank: genus
Lampropeltisrank: genus
Corynorhinusrank: genus
Cochlospermumrank: genus
Phoenixrank: genus
Dasypusrank: genus
Attilarank: genus
Molossusrank: genus
Privarank: genus
Tytorank: genus
Myiozetetesrank: genus
Eptesicusrank: genus
Hurarank: genus
Phoradendronrank: genus
Toxostomarank: genus
Hymenocallisrank: genus
Tilmaturarank: genus
Mormoopsrank: genus
Evolvulusrank: genus
Tamarindusrank: genus
Punicarank: genus
Achyranthesrank: genus
Urocyonrank: genus
Myadestesrank: genus
Brachiariarank: genus
Agelaiusrank: genus
Washingtoniarank: genus
Parmentierarank: genus
Catharusrank: genus
Mangiferarank: genus
Grammicarank: subgenus
Erythrinarank: subgenus
Rydbergisrank: subgenus
Leptostemomumrank: subgenus
Solanumrank: subgenus
Agaverank: subgenus
Littaearank: subgenus
Cochlospermunrank: subgenus
Haematoxylum brasilettocommon name: palo de Brasil, palo de Campeche, palo de tinta, sitagapi, palo Brasil, churuqua, tinto de sabana, huitzcuahuitl, saktinto, palo tinto, brasil, azulillo, campeche, huachachago, azulillo, brasil, campeche, churuqua (Tarasco), huachachago (Guarijío), huitzcuahuitl (Náhuatl), palo Brasil, palo de Brasil, palo de Campeche, palo de tinta, palo tinto, sitagapi (Tarahumara), tinto de sabana rank: species
Caesalpinia cacalacocommon name: palo fierro, tehuixtle, xa-gala, xaa-galá, guarichu, cayar, chalala, tihuixtle, tigüixtle, tihuixle, vaina verde, huizache, cacalaxtli, cascalote, huisache, cacalote, cascalote, guarichu (Tarasco), huizache, palo fierro, vaina verde, xa-gala (Zapoteco), xaa-galá (Zapoteco) rank: species
Avicennia germinanscommon name: mangle negro, mangle cenizo, mangle prieto, tabché, salado, saladillo, madre de sal, ta'ab che', mangle puyeque, taab ché, tab ché, mangle, mangle blanco, madre sal, madre de sal, madre sal, mangle, mangle blanco, mangle bobo, mangle cenizo, mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle rojo, saladillo, salado, ta'ab che' (Maya), taab ché (Maya), tab ché (Maya), tabché (Maya) rank: species
Acalypha microphyllacommon name: hierba del cáncer, hierba del pastor rank: species
Hyptis suaveolenscommon name: orégano, salvia cimarrona, xolté-xnuk, chía grande, conivaria, conibare, confiturilla, canutillo, chía cimarrona, chía gorda, chía de Colima, chan, chía, xóolte' xnuuk, chana, conivari, confitura, la-pil, hierba del burro, canutillo, chana, chía, chía cimarrona, chía de Colima, chía gorda, chía grande, confitura, confiturilla, hierba del burro, la-pil (Chontal de Oaxaca), orégano, salvia cimarrona, xolté-xnuk (Maya), xóolte' xnuuk (Maya) rank: species
Chloris virgatacommon name: meex-maseual, pasto, zacate lagunero, zacate, zacate mota, verdillo plumerito, zacate cola de zorra, cebadilla, barbas de indio, me'ex nuk xiib, wak toop su'uk, huak top suuk, barbas de indio, cebadilla, huak top suuk (Maya), me'ex nuk xiib (Maya), meex-maseual (Maya), pasto, verdillo plumerito, wak toop su'uk (Maya), zacate, zacate cola de zorra, zacate lagunero, zacate mota rank: species
Desmanthus covilleirank: species
Caesalpinia eriostachyscommon name: palo alejo, palo puerco, umaga, casaiguana, casagua, hediondilla, iguanero, hediondilla, hediondillo, iguanero, iguano, palo alejo, palo puerco, picanchudo, umaga (Zapoteco) rank: species
Boerhavia coccineacommon name: pants'iil, señorita, pants'iil (Maya), señorita rank: species
Caesalpinia bonduccommon name: cojón de gato, garrapata de playa, contra ojo, cojón de gato, contra ojo, garrapata de playa rank: species
Desmodium scopulorumrank: species
Gouinia virgatacommon name: zacate colorado, gramilla perdiz, bejuco sarnoso, apagafuego, hierba del fuego, itza-zuuk, bejuco sarnoso, hierba del fuego, itza-zuuk (Maya), zacate colorado rank: species
Uniola pittierirank: species
Sorghum halepensecommon name: suuk, sorgo, pasto, triguera, zacate johnson, zacate milo, zacate, xkuku, pasto johnston, trigo de monte, zacate egipto, ak'iisu'uk, zacate parana, zacate agrarista, zacate nilo, zacate johnston, tío del maíz, escoba, ak'il-suuk, alpiste, aak'il su'uk, maicillo, aak'il su'uk (Maya), ak'il-suuk (Maya), alpiste, escoba, maicillo, pasto, pasto johnston, sorgo, suuk (Maya), trigo de monte, triguera, tío del maíz, zacate, zacate agrarista, zacate egipto, zacate johnson, zacate johnston, zacate milo, zacate parana rank: species
Lasiacis ruscifoliacommon name: mehensit, pacab, otatillo, sit, pasto, tzaicuo, tsakam pakanb, kcúa, tsooy kw'a, tsay'kw'a, zacate, tsahib kw'a', tseey kw'a pulik, tseey, thimaloon pakab, carricillo, carrizo, carricillo, carrizo, mehensit (Maya), otatillo, pacab (Huasteco), pasto, sit (Maya), zacate rank: species
Stenocereus kerbericommon name: pitayo de kerber, kerber pitayo tree, pitayo de kerber, sina rank: species
Canavalia roseacommon name: haba de mar, frijol de playa, frijolillo, frijol de playa, frijolillo, haba de mar rank: species
Phaulothamnus spinescenscommon name: ba'aco (Mayo), bachata, baco (Yaqui), coma, mal de ojo, malojo, putia rank: species
Acacia farnesianacommon name: minza, subinché, tsurúmbini, thujánum, thujanom, tsurimbini, x-k'antilis, xiri-xi, corteza curtidora, huxachin, ncazcalotl, aromática, pedo de burro, huechachin, arúmbari, espinillo, gabia, espino, acacia, gavia, zubin-che, espino blanco, huizache, huizache blanco, bihi, aroma, cascalote, xcantiris, guizache, cuca, cucca, coo-ca, flor de niño, espuela de gallo, k'antilis, k'ank'ixché, iai-do-no, huisache, k'ank'ilis-ché, huichín, acacia, aroma, aromática, arúmbari (Tarasco), bihi (Zapoteco), cascalote, coo-ca (Guarijío), cornezuelo, corteza curtidora, cuca (Guarijío), cucca (Mayo), espinillo, espino, espino blanco, espuela de gallo, flor de niño, huizache, huizache blanco, huizachillo, iai-do-no (Cuicateco), injerto de huizache, k'ank'ilis-ché (Maya), k'ank'ixché (Maya), k'antilis (Maya), minza (Otomí), motitas, pedo de burro, subin (Maya), subinché (Maya), thuhaanom (Huasteco), thujanom (Huasteco), thujánum (Huasteco), tsurímbini (Tarasco), tsurúmbini (Tarasco), x-k'antilis (Maya), xcantiris (Purépecha), xiri-xi (Huichol) rank: species
Croton californicusrank: species
Arundo donaxcommon name: ocatl, pacab, shití, patamu, tek'halal, tarro, xitji, carrizillo, pakaab, caña hueca, carrizo de sol, canuto, carrizo de la selva, tekhalal, carrizo rayado, carricillo, acatl, junco, carrizo, bacá, baká, cañaveral, baácam, bacaca, caña de castilla, caña, jalal, halache, haca, háca-te, gueere, daxó, gubaguihoguere, halal, gubaguih, ka'tit, ja-sa, jara, acatl (Náhuatl), bacaca (Tarahumara), bacá (Tarahumara), baká (Tarahumara), baácam (Mayo), carricillo, carrizillo, carrizo, carrizo de la selva, carrizo de sol, carrizo rayado, caña, caña de castilla, caña hueca, cañaveral, daxó (Popoloca), gueere (Zapoteco), haca (Huichol), háca-te (Huichol), ja-sa (Chontal de Oaxaca), jalal (Maya), jara (Cora), junco, ka'tit (Totonaco), ocatl (Náhuatl), pacab (Huasteco), patamu (Tarasco), shití (Otomí), tarro, tek'halal (Maya), xitji (Mazahua) rank: species
Turnera diffusacommon name: damiana, damiana de California, damiana de Guerrero, damiana de San Luis, hierba del moro, hierba del pastor, hierba del venado, miisib k'aax (Maya), miisib kook (Maya), misib-kook (Maya), pastorcita, xmisibkok (Maya) rank: species
Cleome viscosarank: species
Prosopis julifloracommon name: mimisquitl, me-equite, mízquitl, mejé, mimisqui cuabitl, mezquite colorado, mezquite chino, mezquite blanco, mezquite, mezquite amarillo, t'ahi, tai, taj, tsirísicua, uejoue, utuh, tziritzecua, tzirisecua, toji, ya'ax eek', yaga-bü, katzimek, chak kaatsim, mizkitl, mesquite, pechita, chivirito, haas utuh, jú'upa, katzimelk, tzirizecua, kaatsim, na'chi'che, eek'kaatsim, mimisquicuabitl, majé, algarrobo, algarroba, chácata, biia, chachaca, háas, chúcata, inda-a, huupa, hupala, jupala, algarroba, algarrobo, biia (Zapoteco), chak kaatsim (Maya), chácata (Tarasco), chúcata (Tarasco), eek'kaatsim (Maya), espino, haas (Maya), haas utuh (Huasteco), huizache, hupala (Guarijío), háas (Seri), inda-a (Cuicateco), ju'upa (Mayo), jú'upa (Mayo), kaatsim (Maya), majé (Otomí), me-equite (Huichol), mejé (Otomí), mesquite, mezquite, mezquite amarillo, mezquite blanco, mezquite chino, mezquite colorado, mezquite dulce, mimisqui cuabitl (Náhuatl), mimisquitl (Náhuatl), mizquitl (Náhuatl), na'chi'che (Maya), t'ahi (Otomí), tai (Otomí), taj (Maya), toji (Guarijío), tsirísicua (Tarasco), tzirisecua (Tarasco), tziritzecua (Tarasco), tzirizecua (Tarasco), t'ahí (Otomí), uejoue (Tarahumara), utuh (Huasteco), uña de gato, ya'ax eek' (Maya), yaga-bü (Zapoteco) rank: species
Bursera palmericommon name: copal, copal, copalillo, cuajiote (Náhuatl), palo cuchara, sisiote, tecomate rank: species
Cynophalla verrucosarank: species
Salvia languidularank: species
Tringa solitariacommon name: Solitary Sandpiper, playero solitario rank: species
Euphorbia dioecacommon name: xana mukuy, golondrina, golondrina, xana mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Dalea cliffortianarank: species
Lasiacis nigrarank: species
Panicum dichotomiflorumrank: species
Caracara cheriwaycommon name: Crested Caracara, caracara quebrantahuesos rank: species
Sula nebouxiicommon name: bobo patas azules rank: species
Okenia hypogaearank: species
Gomphrena globosacommon name: siempreviva, sempiterna, t-muul, tmuul, oloxochitl, plasmaxanat, tlatancuayo, amor seco, flor de San Francisco, inmortal, amor seco, flor de San Francisco, inmortal, oloxochitl (Náhuatl), plasmaxanat (Totonaco), sempiterna, siempreviva, t-muul (Maya), tmuul (Maya) rank: species
Cenchrus myosuroidescommon name: cadillo rank: species
Manihot aesculifoliacommon name: x-chaché, x-chak-ché, xchak-ché, yuca cimarrona, pata de gallo, chak-ché, batul, sutup baalam, aak' che', yuca de monte, cuadrado, aak' che' (Maya), chak-ché (Maya), cuadrado, pata de gallo, sutup baalam (Maya), x-chaché (Maya), x-chak-ché (Maya), yuca cimarrona, yuca de monte rank: species
Entada polystachyacommon name: bejuco de agua, bejuco de estribo, bejuco prieto, cepillo rank: species
Conocarpus erectuscommon name: mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle cenizo, mangle botoncillo, tabché, taab-che, pash-ch'uhnul, saladillo, x-kanché, x-tab-ché, xtabché, k'aan ché, pasch-ch' uhmul, taab che', k' oopte', xk' aan che, kanche, botoncillo, mangle blanco, mangle chino, mangle, botoncahui, canché, canchi kin-ak, k'an che', gusano, estachahuite, k'ank-ank-che, k'an-chik'-inche, k'ank-che', laurelillo, madre sal, botoncillo, gusano, k' oopte' (Maya), k'aan ché (Maya), k'an che' (Maya), k'an-chik'-inche (Maya), k'ank-ank-che (Maya), k'ank-che' (Maya), laurelillo, madre de sal, madre sal, mangle, mangle blanco, mangle botoncillo, mangle cenizo, mangle chino, mangle negro, mangle prieto, pasch-ch' uhmul (Maya), pash-ch'uhnul (Maya), saladillo, taab che' (Maya), taab-che (Maya), tabché (Maya), x-kanché (Maya), x-tab-ché (Maya), xk' aan che (Maya), xtabché (Maya) rank: species
Coulteria platylobacommon name: avellano, cascalote, coral, frijolillo, palo alejo, palo colorado, quebracho, quiebra fierro, quiebracha, ueylaqui (Guarijío) rank: species
Melochia speciosarank: species
Cyperus ligulariscommon name: chiquita rank: species
Condalia spathulatacommon name: tecomblate, abrojo, chamis, chichutilla rank: species
Antigonon leptopuscommon name: masasai, San Miguelito, San Miguel, San Juanito, San Diego, Santa Rosa, rosa de mayo, rosa morada, tunuc, chak lool, ramo de María, angelina, makal, chaclomakal, cadena de amor, chak-lol-makal, bellísima, coralita, bejuco, corona, cuamecatl, coamecate, coronela, coámecatl, cuamecate, flor de San Diego, enredadera de San Diego, confite, coronilla, fulmina, corona de la reina, Juan Diego, jololito, hierba de Santa Rosa, Juan Diego, San Diego, San Juanito, San Miguel, San Miguelito, Santa Rosa, bejuco, bellísima, cadena de amor, chak lool (Maya), chak-lol-makal (Maya), confite, coralita, corona, corona de la reina, coronilla, coámecatl (Náhuatl), cuamecatl (Náhuatl), enredadera de San Diego, flor de San Diego, hierba de Santa Rosa, makal (Maya), ramo de María, rosa de mayo, rosa morada rank: species
Distichlis spicatacommon name: zacate salado, pasto salado, zacahuistle, huizapol, huizapole, pasto salado, zacate salado rank: species
Boerhavia erectacommon name: mochi, sak-xiu-t'uul, xakilsak-xiu, xaakil, xaak-xiu, zak-iuthul, zaak-xiu, zakxiutul, hierba del golpe, altamisa, pants'iil, sak xiiw, golondrina, fraile, hierba blanca, anisillo, comida de gusano, fraile, golondrina, hierba blanca, hierba del golpe, mochi, pants'iil (Maya), pata de pollo, sak xiiw (Maya), xaak-xiu (Maya), xaakil (Maya), xakilsak-xiu (Maya), zaak-xiu (Maya), zak-iuthul (Maya) rank: species
Ipomoea imperaticommon name: shantalo-shochit, chokobkat, chokobkat (Maya) rank: species
Guazuma ulmifoliacommon name: nocuana-yana, pishoy, pixoy, palote negro, tablote, uiguic, tzuyui, yaco, yaco de venado, caulote, tapa culo, coahulote, guácima, guácima prieta, bellota de cuaulote, cuahuilote, zam-mí, akgexta, cuahlote, guacimo, piixoy, puklnankiwi, guázimo cuaulote, cuázima, kabal piixoy, akeichta, bulín, cashet, guazumo, sac-pixoy, hierba del tapón, acashti, cuajilote, capulincillo, aquich, ajya, ajiya, aquiche, kabal pixoy, poxoy, cuaulote, cuahulote, cuaulote blanco, guazuma, guásima, kabal-pishoy, majagua de toro, kabal-pixoy, acashti (Totonaco), ajiya (Guarijío), ajya (Mayo), akeichta (Tepehua), akgexta (Totonaco), aquich (Huasteco), barrenillo, bellota de cuaulote, capulincillo, caulote (Náhuatl), chayote, cuahulote, cuajilote, cuaulote, cuaulote blanco, guacima, guacimillo, guayacán, guácima prieta, guácimo, guázumo, hierba del tapón, kabal pixoy (Maya), kabal-pishoy (Maya), kabal-pixoy (Maya), majagua de toro, nocuana-yana (Zapoteco), palote negro, pishoy (Maya), pixoy (Maya), poxoy (Maya), sac-pixoy (Maya), tapa culo, tzuyui (Tseltal), uiguic (Popoloca), yaco, yaco de venado, zam-mí (Chontal de Oaxaca) rank: species
Tamarix ramosissimarank: species
Callisaurus draconoidescommon name: lagartija cachora, ctamófi, cachorita blanca, perrita, zebra tail lizard, lagartija cola de cebra, cachora, cachora arenera, cachora, cachora arenera, cachorita blanca, ctamófi (Seri), lagartija cachora, lagartija cola de cebra, perrita rank: species
Acacia cochliacanthacommon name: palo de cucharitas, sínala, quijish, quebracho, chi may, chimay, cumito, huinolo, cucharito, vinola, guinole, espino, espino blanco, cucharillo, huizache, chiroui, huinol, chi'may, cubata, cucharita, cucharitas, chi'may (Maya), chicharillo, chimay (Maya), cubata, cucharillo, cucharita, cucharitas, cucharito, cucharo, culantrillo, ejote, encinilla, espino, espino blanco, huizache, palo de cucharitas, quebracho, quiebracha, sínala (Guarijío), vinola (Tarahumara) rank: species
Bothriochloa springfieldiirank: species
Adenocalymma inundatumcommon name: bejuco blanco, canilla de zopilote, bejuco, cuamecate blanco, loobabeete, bejuco, bejuco blanco, canilla de zopilote, loobabeete (Zapoteco) rank: species
Ziziphus amolecommon name: manzanita de costoche, nanche de la costa, nanche ceituna, quesquite, saituna, naranjillo, frutilla, chahuasquite, cahuasquite, cahuesquite, amole dulce, ceituna, manzanita, cholulo, coróngoro, amole dulce, ceituna, coróngoro (Tarasco), frutilla, manzanita, manzanita de costoche, nanche ceituna, nanche de la costa, naranjillo rank: species
Laguncularia racemosacommon name: mangle bobo, mangle prieto, mangle negro, mangle cenizo, sak-okom, tsakolkon, sak okom, tsak oljom, sak oljom, mangle-kanche, mangle amarillo, mangle blanco, mangle, mangle chino, mangle rojo, colorado, mangle, mangle amarillo, mangle blanco, mangle bobo, mangle cenizo, mangle chino, mangle colorado, mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle rojo, sak okom (Maya), sak oljom (Maya), sak-okom (Maya), tsak oljom (Maya) rank: species
Heteropterys palmerirank: species
Mammillaria mazatlanensiscommon name: biznaga de mazatlán, mazatlan cactus, biznaga, biznaga de mazatlán, biznaguita, choyita rank: species
Neptunia plenarank: species
Sesuvium portulacastrumcommon name: saladillo, vidrillo, ts'ay-kan, verdolaga de playa, xukul, ts'a'aykann, verdolaga, chamis, cenicienta, cenicilla, cenicienta, cenicilla, saladillo, ts'a'aykann (Maya), ts'ay-kan (Maya), verdolaga, verdolaga de playa, vidrillo, xukul (Maya) rank: species
Cuscuta (Grammica) americanacommon name: sacatiscal, tripa de Judas, tiripu, zacatlaxcalli, zacatlaxcali, zacatlascale, tiripo, canlecay, cuscuta, cuaan, cuerda de violín, k'an-le-kay, cuaan (Mixteco), cuerda de violín, cuscuta, k'an-le-kay (Maya), tiripo (Tarasco), tripa de Judas, zacatlascale (Náhuatl) rank: species
Sterna hirundocommon name: Common Tern, charrán común rank: species
Cyperus sordidusrank: species
Ipomoea trilobacommon name: trompillo, amole, camotillo, is aak'il, mo'ol t'u'ul, amole, camotillo, is aak'il (Maya), mo'ol t'u'ul (Maya), trompillo rank: species
Dactyloctenium aegyptiumcommon name: pata de cuervo, pata de pollo, suc, pasto, pasto pata de pollo, zacate grama, es-me-cha, chimes su'uk, k' an toop su'uk, zacate egipcio, chimes-suuk, grama, chimes su'uk (Maya), chimes-suuk (Maya), grama, k' an toop su'uk (Maya), pasto, pasto pata de pollo, pata de cuervo, pata de pollo, zacate egipcio, zacate grama rank: species
Lantana camaracommon name: orégano de monte, mastranzo, mocseté, matizadilla, petel-k'in, sonoba, pet-k'in, sonora, patelaxhuitz, siete colores, sonora roja, peonía negra, peonía de jardines, rosa blanca, tomatillo, uña de gato, tres colores, tozisquiut, tozizquiu, tosisquiut, tosisquiu, verbena, venturosa, ojo de ratón, orégano k'aax, chancaca xiuitl, yiamju potei, estambre xichit, torongu, lantana morada, orozus, maxikgaka chitin, meshengua, shalac pomixtli, ojo de pescado, ich ch'o, ik'il ja'xiw, lakastapuskite, castajatz tuki, pionía, granadilla, zapotillo, confiturilla, frutilla, alantana, frutillo, alfombrilla hedionda, chancaquilla, orégano xiiw, mo'ol peek, manzanita, negrito, gobernadora, confite, confite negro, confituria, confiturilla amarilla, flor de San Cayetano, confiturio, cinco negritos, ik'ii-ha-xiu, hierba amarga, ishlacastapu-mastapu-mashtanics, hierba del becerro, hierba de cristo, lantana, lampana, alfombrilla, alfombrilla hedionda, balsamillo, chancaca xiuitl (Náhuatl), chichiquelite (Zapoteco), cinco negritos, confite, confite negro, confitura, confiturilla, confiturilla amarilla, confiturilla blanca, flor de San Cayetano, frutilla, frutillo, gobernadora, granadilla, hierba amarga, hierba de cristo, hierba del becerro, hierba mora, ik'ii-ha-xiu (Maya), ishlacastapu-mashtansics (Totonaco), ishlacastapu-mastapu-mashtanics (Totonaco), lantana, lantana morada, laurel, manzanita, mejorana, meshengua (Tarasco), mo'ol peek (Maya), morita, negrito, negritos, ojo de pescado, ojo de ratón, orozus, orozuz, orégano, orégano de monte, orégano k'aax (Español-Maya), orégano xiiw (Español-Maya), patelaxhuitz (Huasteco), peonía, peonía de jardines, peonía negra, pet-k'in (Maya), petel-k'in (Maya), riñonina, rosa blanca, salvia real, sapotillo, shalac pomixtli (Totonaco), siete colores, siete negritos, sonora, sonora roja, tomatillo, tres colores, uña de gato, venturosa, verbena, zapotillo, zarzamora rank: species
Salicornia pacificarank: species
Caesalpinia sclerocarpacommon name: ébano, granadillo, granadillo, ébano rank: species
Calidris albacommon name: playero blanco, Sanderling rank: species
Actitis maculariuscommon name: playero alzacolita, Spotted Sandpiper rank: species
Ipomoea quamoclitcommon name: manuelito, espuela de venus, cundeamor, trompillo, bandera española, bejuco estrella, cambustera, entendera, chismito, chismes, hiedra roja, lágrimas de la virgen, bandera española, bejuco estrella, cundeamor, entendera, espuela de venus, hiedra roja, lágrimas de la virgen, manuelito, trompillo rank: species
Pectis multiflosculosarank: species
Crateva tapiacommon name: perihuete, pepe, xkolokmax, tres cuescos, tololote, trompo, tres Marías, yuy, chicoahuitl, poporo, yuuy, árbol del pepe, kokché, k'olo' ma'ax, cascorón, tres hojitas, zapotillo amarillo, trompillo, cascarón, cachimba, cachimbo, kook che', kis, coscorrón, colokmax, crucita, k'olomax, k'olok-maax, kiis, bulillo, cachimba, cachimbo, cascarón, chicoahuitl (Náhuatl), churumbela, coscorrón, crucita, k'olo' ma'ax (Maya), k'olok-maax (Maya), k'olomax (Maya), kiis (Maya), kis (Maya), kook che' (Maya), poporo (Tarasco), tamburete, tres Marías, tres hojitas, trompillo, trompo, xkolokmax (Maya), yuuy (Maya), yuy (Maya), zapotillo, zapotillo amarillo, árbol del pepe rank: species
Quadrella indicarank: species
Dolichandra unguis-caticommon name: mano de cachora, San Pedro de guía, xkanlol, x-kanlo-ak, hni n-kwa, k anlol-ak, ek k ixil, mano de cachorra, bejuco de cachorra, bejuco de murciélago, bejuco cachora, bejuco de chinaca, bejuco de ratón, k'an lool aak', anil kab, bilin ko'ok aak', bejuco, ek'k'ixil-ak, chop-ak, gasa, k'anlol-ak, hiedra, San Pedro de guía, anil kab (Maya), bejuco, bejuco cachora, bejuco de cachorra, bejuco de chinaca, bejuco de murciélago, bejuco de ratón, bilin ko'ok aak' (Maya), chop-ak (Maya), ek'k'ixil-ak (Maya), hiedra, k'an lool aak' (Maya), k'anlol-ak (Maya), mano de cachorra, x-kanlo-ak (Maya), xkanlol (Maya) rank: species
Caesalpinia palmericommon name: palo piojo rank: species
Bursera laxifloracommon name: toro, palo mulato, torote papelillo, copal blanco, torote prieto, copal, copal, copal blanco, palo mulato, toro, torote papelillo, torote prieto rank: species
Stenocereus alamosensiscommon name: nacido, muse, tasajo, sina, cina, pitayo sina, tasajo de Sonora, Sonora organ cactus, cina, nacido, pitayo sina, sina, sina aaqui (Mayo), tasajo, tasajo de Sonora, xasáacoj (Seri) rank: species
Ambrosia ambrosioidescommon name: tincl, jiowo, chicura, estafiate, estafiate, tincl (Seri) rank: species
Erythrina (Erythrina) lanatacommon name: zacapemucho, quemite de río, colorín rank: species
Abronia maritimacommon name: alfombrilla rank: species
Pluchea carolinensiscommon name: tabaquillo, Santa María, k'uuts k'aax, chal che', sul che', sal che', Santa María, chal che' (Maya), k'uuts k'aax (Maya), sal che' (Maya), sul che' (Maya), tabaquillo rank: species
Euphorbia hirtacommon name: xahuay, xauay, xanabmukuy, sabañonxihuit, coapatli, alfombrilla, celedonia, golondrina grande, golondrina, hierba de la araña, hierba del gusano, hierba de la golondrina, alfombrilla, coapatli (Náhuatl), golondrina, golondrina grande, hierba de la araña, hierba de la golondrina, hierba del gusano, sabañonxihuit (Náhuatl), xahuay (Maya), xanabmukuy (Maya), xauay (Maya) rank: species
Ipomoea pes-capraecommon name: riñonina, bejuco de mar, ormuri, ol muen, campanilla, pata de cabra, bejuco de mar, campanilla, pata de cabra, riñonina rank: species
Sporobolus pyramidatuscommon name: pasto, zacate salado, zacatón piramidal, zacate de agua, pasto, zacate de agua, zacate salado, zacatón piramidal rank: species
Atriplex barclayanarank: species
Cathartes auracommon name: Turkey Vulture, zopilote aura rank: species
Spondias purpureacommon name: ma-uí, mazaxócotl, muluch-abal, skatan, shatsutsoco-scatan, smucuco-scatán, shuiutipíchic, ten, shin-zá, piache, poon, tsusocostata, tuñ, tuxpana, xocobitl, yaga-pi-ache, yaga-biache, jovo, ciruela tuxpana, yaga-yechi, chak abal, ciruela roja, cuaxocotl, xocopipitec, ciruela de monte, güingure, abal ak', yetzeloa, xocotl, xoxococ, catzuhuitzo, skatin, yaga-piachi, ciruelo, ciruela, ak-abal, chatsutsoco-scatan, biache, biadxi, chi'abal, biagi, chak-abal, biaxhi, atoyaxócotl, el-shimalo-shindza, cupú, cuaripa, cuendoria, ciruela de San Juan, ciruelo cimarrón, ciruela campechana, ciruela colorada, cundaria, kosumil, huitzó, jocote de caballo, jondura, jobo, ix-houen, jocote, hobo, hondura, ak-abal (Maya), atoyaxócotl (Náhuatl), biache (Zapoteco), biadxi (Zapoteco), biagi (Zapoteco), biaxhi (Zapoteco), chak-abal (Maya), chatsutsoco-scatan (Totonaco), chi'abal (Maya), ciruela, ciruela agria, ciruela amarilla, ciruela campechana, ciruela colorada, ciruela de San Juan, ciruela de monte, ciruela roja, ciruela tuxpana, ciruelo, ciruelo cimarrón, ciruelo de monte, cuaripa (Huichol), cupú (Tarasco), el-shimalo-shindza (Chontal de Oaxaca), güingure (Tarasco), huitzó (Zoque), ix-houen (Maya), jovo, kosumil (Maya), ma-uí (Chinanteco), mazaxócotl (Náhuatl), muluch-abal (Maya), piache (Zapoteco), scatán (Totonaco), shatsutsoco-scatan (Totonaco), shin-zá (Chontal de Oaxaca), shuiutipíchic (Popoloca), skatan (Totonaco), smucuco-scatán (Totonaco), ten (Huasteco), tsusocostata (Totonaco), tuxpana, tuñ (Mixe), xobo (Huasteco), xocobitl (Náhuatl), xocot (Náhuatl), yaga-biache (Zapoteco), yaga-pi-ache (Zapoteco), yaga-piachi (Zapoteco), yaga-yechi (Zapoteco), yetzeloa (Zapoteco) rank: species
Chromolaena sagittatarank: species
Physalis (Rydbergis) acutifoliarank: species
Crescentia alatacommon name: morro, sham-mu, sam-mu, tecomaxóchitl, tuyachín, urani, tima, cirián, cuatecumatl, comate, cuateconate, sirial, morro del llano, cuatecomate, zacatecomate, coatecomate, bule morro, jayasti, kuhteconatl, zacual, soco, calabaza, guaje, cuate, ayale, kuajtekomatl, cadili, ayal, tecomate, jicarita, güiru, güiro, ciriani, cua, cirial, guito-xiga, gua, guaje cirián, cuautecomate, huiro, huaje cirial, lala-cadili, jícaro, jícara, jayacaste, lek, huaje cirián, ayale, bule morro, cadili (Cuicateco), calabaza, cirian, ciriani (Tarasco), cirián (Tarasco), cua (Chinanteco), cuate, gua (Chinanteco), guaje, guaje cirián, guito-xiga (Zapoteco), güiro, güiru (Tarasco), jicarita, jícara, kuajtekomatl (Náhuatl), lala-cadili (Cuicateco), lek (Maya), luch (Maya), morro, morro del llano, sam-mu (Chontal de Oaxaca), sham-mu (Chontal de Oaxaca), tecomata, tecomate, tecomaxóchitl (Náhuatl), tima (Huasteco), tuyachín (Mixteco), urani (Tarasco) rank: species
Charadrius semipalmatuscommon name: Semipalmated Plover, chorlo semipalmeado rank: species
Sesbania herbacearank: species
Pelecanus occidentaliscommon name: Brown Pelican, pelícano pardo, pelícano café, pelícano café, pelícano pardo rank: species
Haematopus palliatuscommon name: ostrero americano rank: species
Cocos nuciferacommon name: ticaja, tsa'pcum, palmera de cocos, coco de agua, palma, ma-sun, lab mao, paktda map, coco, cocotero, palma de coco, copra, coyolli, coco, coco de agua, cocotero, palma, palma de coco, palmera de cocos, ticaja (Mixteco), tsa'pcum (Mixe) rank: species
Ctenosaura pectinatacommon name: iguana negra, iguana espinosa Mexicana, Mexican spiny tail iguana, western spiny-tailed iguana, iguana de roca, iguana mexicana de cola espinosa, iguana de roca, iguana espinosa Mexicana, iguana mexicana de cola espinosa, iguana negra rank: species
Zinnia angustifoliacommon name: cinia naranja, gallito rank: species
Senna pallidacommon name: munira, x-tu'ha, abejón, lipa-cun-uafla, abejón, ejotillo, flor de San José, k'an lool (Maya), lipa-cun-uafla (Chontal de Oaxaca), munira (Guarijío), pata de tordo, vara prieta, x-tu'ha (Maya), zanca de tordo rank: species
Jacquemontia polyantharank: species
Cynophalla flexuosacommon name: alcaparra, arete, bokanché (Maya), chile de perro, clavelina, clavellina, jos (Huasteco), thiuh (Huasteco), xbayuamak (Maya), xpayumak (Maya), xpayunak (Maya) rank: species
Plumeria rubracommon name: nicté, nikté, olosúchil, nopinjoyo, palo blanco, saugrán, quie-chacha, patancán, súchil, suchicahue, rosa blanca, sabacnicte, uculhuitz, sabaknikte', poop, chak nikte', cacaloxochitl, cacatote, flor de monte, tizalxóchitl, nikte' ch'om, zabak-nikte, cacalasuche, tlauhquecholxochitl, sak-nicte, tlapalticcacaloxochitl, tenech coahuitl, flor de cal, sach-nicté, sak nikte', caxtaxanat, nicte choom, nicte chom, flor guie chachi, flor guía chachi, parandechicua, huiloicxitl, jacalúschil, guiecha'chi', chak-nicté, cacalozúchil, flor guie´ chaachi, kumpaap, cacalaxochitl, sak-nichte', flor de mayo, suchicahua, huizache, kakaloxochitl, cacajoyó, campechana, ayotectli, cacalosúchil, chak-nikté, chak-sabak-nikté, cacaloshúchil rojo, chacnicté, güia-an, guia-bigoce, cundá, guia-bixi-guii, guiechacha, chiquinjoyó, guia-chacha, corpus, flor blanca, flor de cuervo, li-tie, lengua de toro, jacalosúchil rojo, jacalosúchil blanco, cacahuaxóchitl (Náhuatl), cacajoyó (Zoque), cacalaxochitl (Náhuatl), cacalosúchil (Mixe), cacaloxochitl (Náhuatl), cacaloxóchitl (Mixe), campechana, caxtaxanat (Totonaco), chak nikte' (Maya), chak-nicté (Maya), chak-nikté (Maya), chak-sabak-nikté (Maya), chiquinjoyó (Zoque), corpus, cundá (Tarasco), flor blanca, flor de cal, flor de cuervo, flor de mayo, flor de monte, guia-bigoce (Zapoteco), guia-bixi-guii (Zapoteco), guia-chacha (Zapoteco), guiechacha (Zapoteco), guiecha'chi' (Zapoteco), güia-an (Zapoteco), huevo de toro, huiloicxitl (Náhuatl), kakaloxochitl (Náhuatl), kumpaap (Maya), lengua de toro, li-tie (Chinanteco), nicte chom (Maya), nicte choom (Maya), nicté (Maya), nikte' ch'om (Maya), nikté (Maya), nopinjoyo (Zoque), palo blanco, parandechicua (Tarasco), quie-chacha (Zapoteco), rosa blanca, rosal, sabaknikte' (Maya), sabanikté (Maya), sach-nicté (Maya), sak nikte' (Maya), sak-nichte' (Maya), sak-nikté (Maya), sangre de toro, saugrán (Tepehuano del sur), tizalxóchitl (Náhuatl), tlapalticcacaloxochitl (Náhuatl), tlauhquecholxochitl (Náhuatl), uculhuitz (Huasteco) rank: species
Panicum hirticaulecommon name: cola de zorro, panizo cauchin, cola de zorro, panizo cauchin rank: species
Ruellia intermediarank: species
Morinda citrifoliacommon name: mora de la India, noni (Hawaiano) rank: species
Thalasseus maximuscommon name: charrán real, Royal Tern rank: species
Stegnosperma halimifoliumcommon name: amole, hierba del cuervo, ojo de zanate, vomitivo, yamagobo rank: species
Cynodon dactyloncommon name: pasto estrella, pata de pollo, pata de perdiz, pasto bermuda, pasto, quixi-piguiñe, lansuk, zacate borrego, zarzuue, zacate inglés, acacahuitztli, zacate chino, zacate bermuda, tsakam toom, zacate indio, guix-biguiñi, zacate, acabacahuitztle, canzuuc, zacate de conejo, pata de gallo, acaxacahuiztli, acacahuiztli, gallitos, alfombrilla, bermuda de la costa, pie de pollo, k'an su'uk, guixi-gui-too, grama, guixi-biguiñi, grama de bermuda, grama de la costa, kan-suuk, acacahuitztli (Náhuatl), acacahuiztli (Náhuatl), alfombrilla, bermuda de la costa, canzuuc (Maya), gallitos, grama, grama de bermuda, grama de la costa, guix-biguiñi (Zapoteco), guixi-biguiñi (Zapoteco), guixi-gui-too (Zapoteco), k'an su'uk (Maya), kan-suuk (Maya), pasto, pasto bermuda, pasto estrella, pata de gallo, pata de perdiz, pata de pollo, pie de pollo, quixi-piguiñe (Zapoteco), zacate, zacate bermuda, zacate borrego, zacate chino, zacate de conejo, zacate indio, zacate inglés rank: species
Tringa semipalmatacommon name: Willet, playero pihuiuí rank: species
Sorghum bicolorcommon name: tasaui, pasto, sudán, sorgo, trigo, zacate gigante, zacate Sudan, escoba maicera, maiz habanero, laab eem, milo sorgo, paja de sorgo, escoba, avenilla, caña, maíz de guinea, maicillo, maíz dulce, maicena, avenilla, caña, escoba, escoba maicera, maicena, maicillo, maiz habanero, maíz de guinea, maíz dulce, milo sorgo, paja de sorgo, pasto, sorgo, tasaui (Guarijío), trigo, zacate Sudan, zacate gigante rank: species
Melothria pendulacommon name: sandía silvestre, tamarindo, x-tulub, sandía de monte, siña spun, de ratón o silvestre, de pajarito, granadilla, sandía de ratón, sandiita, sandía tuul, meloncito, sandía xtulub, miná na, sandía kaan, baleeyail an t'eel, sandía xiw, xtulub, mayil ak, esponjuela, sandía chiquita, chilacayotito, sandía tzitzi, calabacita, chilacayote, pentocz, sandía de pájaro, tintuyu vali, baleeyail rata, sandía de culebra, siña spuun, tomatito, bejuco de culebra, sandía de lagartija, k'uum tulub, sandía kann, tulub, sandía xiiw, sandillita, sandía stulub, sandía, chilacayotillo, k'um-tulub, baleeyail an t'eel, baleeyail rata, bejuco de culebra, calabacita, chilacayote (Náhuatl), chilacayotito, esponjuela, granadilla, k'um-tulub (Maya), k'uum tulub (Maya), mayil ak, meloncito, miná na, pentocz, sandiita, sandillita, sandía, sandía chiquita, sandía de culebra, sandía de lagartija, sandía de monte, sandía de pájaro, sandía de ratón, sandía kaan, sandía kann (Español-Maya), sandía silvestre, sandía stulub (Español-Maya), sandía tuul, sandía tzitzi, sandía xiiw (Español-Maya), sandía xiw, sandía xtulub, siña spun (Totonaco), siña spuun, tamarindo, tintuyu vali, tomatito, tulub (Maya), x-tulub (Maya), xtulub rank: species
Euphorbia cymosarank: species
Cascabela ovatacommon name: nazi, meriendita, na-dzi, narciso amarillo, yoyotli, yoyote, ajojote, huevo de toro, convulí, cunduacán de Tuxtepec, chilindrón, guiyutí, cumbilí, ajojote, berraco, cabrito, cascabel, chiquilillo, codo de fraile, huevo de gato, huevo de toro, manzana de burro, meriendita, na-dzi (Chontal de Oaxaca), narciso amarillo, nazi (Chontal de Oaxaca), torito, venenillo, yoyote, yoyotli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Swietenia humiliscommon name: palo de zopilote, mo-uá, tzopilotlsontecomatl, tezopilotlsontecomatl, venadillo, semilla de zopilote, sopilocuahuitl, velo de novia, zopilote, caobilla, caoba, caoba del pacífico, cóbanu, cóbano, gateado, guardalagua, flor de venadillo, ma-hu, caoba, caoba del pacífico, caobilla, caobo, cóbanu (Popoloca), flor de venadillo, ma-hu (Chinanteco), mo-uá (Chinanteco), palo de zopilote, palo mulato, semilla de zopilote, sopilocuahuitl (Náhuatl), tzopilotlsontecomatl (Náhuatl), velo de novia, venadillo, zopilote rank: species
Taraxacum officinalerank: species
Handroanthus impetiginosuscommon name: mapá, tanillo, tlamahual, tlamiáhual, roble, amapa prieta, amapa, amapa rosa, amapa colorada, coyahual, amapa, amapa blanca, amapa colorada, amapa prieta, amapa rosa, amapola, guayacán, guayacán amarillo, mapá (Guarijío), palo de rosa, pata de león, primavera, roble, roble serrano, rosa morada, verdecillo rank: species
Hippomane mancinellacommon name: manzanillo, árbol de la muerte, manzanilla, kinsah-uinik, hincha huevos, hincha huevos, kinsah-uinik (Maya), manzanilla, manzanillo, árbol de la muerte rank: species
Sebastiania pavonianacommon name: palo de leche, palo de la flecha, mincapatli, palo lechero, semillas del piojo, yerba de la flecha, brincador, hierba de la flecha, higuera, brincador, hierba de la flecha, mincapatli (Náhuatl), palo de la flecha, palo de leche, palo lechero, semillas del piojo, yerba de la flecha rank: species
Rauvolfia tetraphyllacommon name: pablio, paulio, sarna de perro, venenillo, kabal muk, veneno del perro, veneno xiiw, mi venen pet, veneno de gusano, pulek k'ak'al, chak muk, kabajmuk, bebeneno, siete negritos, hierba de San Pablo, pablillo, chilillo, chak-muk, chak-muk-ak, ajillo, chalchupa, cabamuc, coralillo, coralilla, fruta de víbora, cinco negritos, kabal-muk, kabakmuk, ajillo, chak-muk (Maya), chak-muk-ak (Maya), chilillo, cinco negritos, coralillo, fruta de víbora, hierba de San Pablo, kabakmuk (Maya), kabal muk (Maya), kabal-muk (Maya), paulio (Mixteco), sarna de perro, siete negritos, venenillo, veneno de gusano, veneno del perro, veneno xiiw (Español-Maya) rank: species
Helicteres baruensiscommon name: sutub, tsutup, ts'ulup, tsutsuk, zuput, zutup, sutup, sutut, tzutup, ts'ulap, tsutsup, suput, algodoncillo, barrenillo, algodoncillo, barrenillo, suput, sutub (Maya), sutup (Maya), ts'ulap (Maya), ts'ulup (Maya), tsutsuk (Maya), tsutup (Maya), zuput (Maya), zutup (Maya) rank: species
Salpianthus macrodontuscommon name: quelite de fraile, catarinilla, María criolla, susuca, catarina, guayabilla, catarina, catarinilla, guayabilla, quelite de fraile, susuca (Tarasco) rank: species
Croton alamosanuscommon name: vara prieta, ocotillo, vara blanca, ocotillo, vara blanca, vara prieta rank: species
Paullinia tomentosacommon name: nueve hojas, ojillo, tatancuiz, barbasco flor, bejuco costillón, barbasco, barbasquillo, hierba de caballo, grullo, espuela de gallo, guamuchillo, colmillo de puerco, hierba del caballo, barbasco, barbasco flor, barbasquillo, bejuco costillón, colmillo de puerco, espuela de gallo, guamuchillo (Maya), hierba de caballo, hierba del caballo, nueve hojas rank: species
Amaranthus palmericommon name: quintonil, basorí, quelite, bledo, amaranto, amaranto, bledo, quelite, quintonil rank: species
Pachycereus pecten-aboriginumcommon name: ox, pitayo, etcho, kardum, e'cho, cardón barbón, echo, pitahaya, cardón espinoso, cardón, bigi-tope, cardón hecho, hairbrush organ cactus, hecho, bataya mahuali, bigi-tope (Zapoteco), bitaya mawalí (Tarahumara), cardón, cardón barbón, cardón espinoso, cardón hecho, cawé (Tarahumara), chawé (Tarahumara), chik, chiki, chiquí (Guarijío), e'cho (Mayo), echo, etcho (Mayo), hecho, mayo, ox (Huave), pitaya echo, pitayo cimarrón, quiste, utzivo (Mayo), wichowaka (Tarahumara), órgano, órgano cimarrón rank: species
Ipomoea pedicellariscommon name: mantela de María, quiebra plato, trompillo, campanilla, campanilla, mantela de María, quiebra plato, trompillo rank: species
Vallesia glabracommon name: otatave, sitavaro, sitevasé, uclatave, chingo borrego, citabaro, otatabe, mahuira, palo verde, frutilla, cacarahua, caracahue, cacaraline, huevito, chinto borrego, cristalillo, huitatobe, huelatave, cristalillo, frutilla, huevito, palo verde rank: species
Setaria scheeleicommon name: pajita abierta rank: species
Dicliptera resupinatacommon name: alfalfilla rank: species
Serjania triquetracommon name: palo de tres costillas, tres equis, bejuco costilludo, tres costillas, carretilla, bejuco costillón, bejuco cuadrado, bejuco tronador, bejuco de tres costillas, ch'emil aak', cuacisicuitle, bejuco colorado, bejuco costilludo, bejuco costillón, bejuco cuadrado, bejuco de leña, bejuco de tres costillas, bejuco tronador, carretilla, ch'emil aak' (Maya), palo de tres costillas, siete corazones, tres costillas, tres equis rank: species
Galactia acapulcensisrank: species
Cenchrus spinifexrank: species
Hydroprogne caspiacommon name: Caspian Tern, charrán del caspio, charrán caspia, charrán caspia, charrán del caspio rank: species
Jatropha cordatacommon name: matamala, matamuchachos, miguelito, jiotillo, copalillo, torote, sapo, copalillo, jiotillo, matamala, matamuchachos, miguelito, sapo, torote rank: species
Trixis pterocauliscommon name: hierba del aire rank: species
Bromelia pinguincommon name: mutajtle, stukuzi, piñuelilla, timbiriche, jman, piña de perro, chiyal, huapilla, ch'am, cardon, ts'alvay, tslbay, ch'amch o, ts albay, cordón, cardo, Tsalbay, piñuela, Ts'albay, aguava, guamara, baguela, chabchamhuitz, aguámara, piña corredora, bromelia, chuchuk che', guapilla, guapilla lisa, chom, ch'om, jshtu-cuzi, lshtú-cuzi, hman, jocuistle, jocuiste, bromelia, cardo, cardón, ch'om (Maya), chabchamhuitz (Huasteco), chom (Maya), chuchuk che' (Maya), cordón, guámara (Cora), hman (Maya), jshtú-cuzi (Chontal de Oaxaca), lshtú-cuzi (Chontal de Oaxaca), mutajtle (Náhuatl), piña corredora, piña de perro, piñuela, piñuelilla, stukuzi (Chontal de Oaxaca) rank: species
Pisonia aculeatacommon name: mitz-matlayahuale, uña de gato, uña de diablo, tutum prieto, crucecillo, zarza prieta, crucecillo negro, be'eb, cuacruz, beeb, camote, caltute, garabato, bejuco, guechi gu, garabato prieto, coma de uña, granjeno, gu-ichi-gu, gumbio, cruz espina, cruceta espinuda, espino y camote, gumbro, cumbro, loj, huiscolote, huitzcocólotl, istijan-uaiya, huele de noche, itsjón-uayá, bejuco, béeb (Maya), camote (Náhuatl), crucecillo, crucecillo negro, cruceta espinuda, crucetillo, cruz espina, espina blanca, espino y camote, garabato, grangen, grangeno prieto, granjen negro, granjeno, guechi gu (Zapoteco), huele de noche, istijan-uaiya (Totonaco), itsjón-uayá (Totonaco), loj (Huasteco), pasita, prieto, rompe zapato, uña de diablo, uña de gato, uña de gavilán, uña del diablo, zarza prieta rank: species
Opuntia decumbenscommon name: nopal de coyote, nopal, turtle prickly pear, nopal de tortuga, nopal de culebra, Chachalaca, la-po-ne-ca-dzol, arpón, ita chikii (Mixteco), la-po-ne-cadzol (Chontal de Oaxaca), lengua de vaca, nopal, nopal de castilla, nopal de coyote, nopal de culebra, nopal de huerta, nopal de tortuga, nopal rastrero, tuna de costoche, yop'nopal (Chontal de Tabasco) rank: species
Encyclia adenocarposrank: species
Pseudothelphusa rechingericommon name: cangrejo de agua dulce rank: species
Indigofera suffruticosacommon name: nocuana-cohui, manat-yax, xiuquilitl, jiquelite, plátano xiiw, añil platanillo, ch'oj xiiw, añil, ch'oh, frijolito, jiquilite, azul, añil, añil platanillo, ch'oh (Maya), ch'oj xiiw (Maya), frijolito, manat-yax (Huasteco), nocuana-cohui (Zapoteco), plátano xiiw (Español-Maya), xiuquilitl (Náhuatl), yaga-cohui-pichacha (Zapoteco) rank: species
Merremia aegyptiacommon name: tsots-ak', trompillo, campanilla, tso' ots' aak', campanilla, trompillo, tso' ots' aak' (Maya), tsots-ak' (Maya) rank: species
Rivina humiliscommon name: piniuat, tomatillo, venenillo, x-payché, raja tripa, cuachalalacua, flor de disipela, hierba roja, pajarera, xpaiché, pata paloma, chilacuaco, yooch-p' ack-can, yamagobo, kixu kam, yerba pet, yerba del perro, teihuisí, colorin, x-paiché, bajatripa, chilacoaco, xkuxuub kaan, xilacuaco, chile de coyote, jala tripa, chilpastle blanco, chijil kat wamal, ucuquiro, venerillo, x-k' uxu' ub ka´an, chilpayita, hierba de la víbora, baja tripa, hierba del cáncer, coral xilacuaro, hierba mora roja, itzil-cua, chilpatillo, ichi' bok, chilillo, hierbamora, cordilinea, goycocoi, hierba del sabañon, teyuesi, k' uxub ka' an, solimancillo, solimán, pincihuat, k'uxub-kan, ta' t' ele', tzotz wamal, kuxuub kaan, lombricera, lombriz, masan ay, pinksguat, pinkswat, xk' uxub ka´an, tojitos, k'uxu'ub kaan, k'uxu'ub xiiw, coral, coralito, zorrillo, coralillo, colorines, manzanilla, coral xilacuaco, coralilla, hierba del susto, hierba de la hormiga, baja tripa, bajatripa, chijil kat wamal (Tseltal), chilacoaco, chilacuaco, chile de coyote, chilillo, chilpastle blanco, chilpatillo, chilpayita, colorin, colorines, coral, coral xilacuaro, coralillo, coralito, cordilinea, flor de disipela, goycocoi (Yaqui), hierba de la hormiga, hierba de la víbora, hierba del cáncer, hierba del sabañon, hierba del susto, hierba mora roja, hierba roja, hierbamora, ichi' bok (Tseltal), itzil-cua (Huasteco), jala tripa, k' uxub ka' an (Maya), k'uxu'ub kaan (Maya), k'uxu'ub xiiw (Maya), k'uxub-kan (Maya), lombricera, lombriz, manzanilla, masan ay (Popoloca), pata paloma, pincihuat (Totonaco), piniuat (Totonaco), pinkswat (Totonaco), raja tripa, solimancillo, solimán, ta' t' ele' (Huasteco), teyuesi (Guarijío), tojitos, tomatillo, tzotz wamal (Tseltal), ucuquiro (Guarijío), venenillo, venerillo, x-k' uxu' ub ka´an (Maya), x-paiché (Maya), x-payché (Maya), xilacuaco, xk' uxub ka´an (Maya), yamagobo, yerba del perro, yooch-p' ack-can (Maya), zorrillo rank: species
Talinum fruticosumcommon name: ts'úum yaaj, lelá-capé (Chontal de Oaxaca), mañanita, rama de sapo, rama del sapo, ts'úum yaaj (Maya) rank: species
Inga eriocarpacommon name: vainillo, cotote, agotope, jinicuil, agotope, cuajinicuil (Maya), jinicuil (Maya), vainillo rank: species
Henrya insulariscommon name: aka' xiiw, canzahilxiu, k'ansahil-xiu, k'an-sahil-xiu, k'an'sahil'xiu, hierba del toro, aka' xiiw (Maya), hierba del toro, k'an'sahil'xiu (Maya), k'an-sahil-xiu (Maya), k'ansahil-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Cucumis sativuscommon name: pi-toni, pepino, bi-toni-castilla, bi-toni-castilla (Zapoteco), pepino, pi-toni (Zapoteco) rank: species
Ficus cotinifoliacommon name: muju, nacapuli, matapalo, saiba, uohtoli, tescalama, texcalamate, tlilámatl, uojtoli, xkoopo', saiba güicha, tlilamat, ciebo, planta de hule, koopo' chit, camuchina, hu' un, álamo, ju'un, ju' un, amate negro, ju' un ch' iich', koopp', koopo', kipochit, camichina, amate, amate prieto, camichín, ceibo, kopo', capulín, chuna, cobó, copó, congo, chipil, coobó, kopó, kopochit, higuera, higuerón, jalamate, alamo, amate, amate (Náhuatl), amate amarillo, amate blanco, amate negro, amate prieto, amezquite (Náhuatl), camuchina (Tarasco), capulina, capulín, ceiba, ceibo (Maya), chipil, chuná (Tarahumara), cobó (Maya), coobó (Maya), higo, higuerilla, higuerón, hu' un (Maya), hu'un (Mixe), ju' un (Maya), ju' un ch' iich' (Maya), kipochit (Maya), koopo' (Maya), koopo' chit (Maya), koopp' (Maya), kopo' (Maya), kopochit (Maya), kopó (Maya), mata palo, matapalo, mutut (Tseltal), planta de hule, saiba güicha (Tarasco), uohtoli (Guarijío), uojtoli (Guarijío), xkoopo' (Maya), árbol de leche rank: species
Maclura tinctoriacommon name: moradilla, palo moral, mora, mora amarilla, mora lisa, palo amarillo, palo mora, moras, moral, morita, moral amarillo, moral de clavo, moral liso, tzitzi, tzitzil, ya-hui, kanklisché, lunda-e quec, chak ox, tsitsil, k' aank' ilis che, mora de clavo, tzitzig, yaga-huil, chichictli, palo de mora, chichiti, chak oox, fustic, chijchijtli, lun-da-e-quec, chak oox (Maya), chak ox (Maya), chichictli (Totonaco), chichiti (Totonaco), k' aank' ilis che (Maya), kanklisché (Maya), lun-da-e-quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), lunda-e quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), mora, mora amarilla, mora de clavo, mora lisa, moradilla, moral, moral amarillo, moral de clavo, moral liso, moras (Náhuatl), morita, palo amarillo, palo de mora, palo mora, palo moral, tsitsil (Huasteco), tzitzi (Huasteco), tzitzil (Huasteco), ya-hui (Zapoteco), yaga-huil (Zapoteco) rank: species
Masticophis bilineatuscommon name: alicate, chirrionero, coimaj coospoj (Seri), culebra chirriadora sonorense, culebra de pollo, culebra látigo Sonora rank: species
Coccoloba goldmaniirank: species
Pithecellobium lanceolatumcommon name: palo de humo, muchite, guamuchete, concha, jinicuilillo, peleple, conchi, espino blanco, guamúchil, guamuchillo, concha, cresta de gallo, espino blanco, guamuchete, guamuchillo (Maya), guamúchil, humo, palo de humo, tucuy rank: species
Phaseolus acutifoliuscommon name: frijol tepario, tepari, frijol tépari, escomite rank: species
Argemone ochroleucacommon name: shaté, xaté, ko'ne potei, cardo, cardo santo, chicalote, cardo, cardo santo, chicalote, ko'ne potei (Otomí), shaté (Tarasco), xaté (Tarasco) rank: species
Acacia russellianarank: species
Euphorbia bracteatacommon name: uisai, venenillo, candelilla, cordobán, candelilla, venenillo rank: species
Guaiacum coultericommon name: palo santo, nuitscuji, mo-tzi, matlacuáhuitl, yaga-na, yaga-naa, mot-zi, yaga-gupi, yutnu-tandaa, árbol santo, guayacán, chumchintoc, huaxaxán, ken, guayacan, ken (Maya), matlacuáhuitl (Náhuatl), mo-tzi (Chinanteco), nuitscuji (Popoloca), palo santo, yaga-gupi (Zapoteco), yaga-na (Zapoteco), yaga-naa (Zapoteco), yutnu-tandaa (Mixteco), árbol santo rank: species
Randia aculeatacommon name: pech-kitam, papachila, papachillo, x-pech-kitam, crucetilla blanca, torillo, peech kitam, xpe'ech kitam, xilimayatl, limoncillo, granadillo, crucetillo, puuts' che', cruz k'iix, kat ku'uk, tinta che', kajal k'aax, torito, cucuncú, guachilote, crucero, cruceta, cruceto, crucetillo de la costa, crucete, crucecita, espino cruz, crucecita, crucero, cruceta, crucetilla blanca, crucetillo, crucetillo de la costa, crucilla, cruz k'iix (Español-Maya), espino cruz, granadillo, kajal k'aax (Maya), kat ku'uk (Maya), limoncillo, pech-kitam (Maya), peech kitam (Maya), puuts' che' (Maya), tinta che' (Español-Maya), torito, x-pech-kitam (Maya) rank: species
Combretum fruticosumcommon name: peinecillo, claconcoato, clancocuayo, peinetita, escobillo, bejuco de agua, bejuco colorado, peine de mico, cepillo, peine de milo, guayabillo, chuparrosa, bejuco colorado, bejuco de agua, cepillo, cepillo xiiw (Español-Maya), chupamiel, chuparrosa, escobillo, guayabillo, peine de mico, peine de milo, peine de mono, peinecillo, peineta, peinetita, árbol de la peineta rank: species
Poecilia butlericommon name: topote del Pacífico, topote de Pacífico, Pacific molly, topote de Pacífico, topote del Pacífico rank: species
Pithecellobium dulcecommon name: nempá, nocuana-be-guiche, mutúri-te, pi-quichi, pe-qui-che, pinzán, pe-quijche, umuh, ticuahndi, umí, pili' il, yaga-be-guiche, pili'il, piquiche, cuamuche, cuaumíchitl, cuaumóchitl, guamoche, coacamachalli, ts uy che', yaga-pi-quicho, yaga-bixihui, yaga-biguichi, muchite, guambuche, nocuana-guiche, bebguiche, sac-chunkima, suy che', ts'iu che' espino, sak chukum, ts' in che, huamuchiltezokli, pechejumo, tsiiw che', ts'uni'che, chucúm blanco, mongollano, ts' ib che', guamúchil áspero, guamúchil, kuamochitl, beb-guiche, nocuana guiché, cuauhmochitl, cuamóchitl, cuamúchil, guamache, guaymachile, guamuche, lala-nempá, liléka, maco'ochiini, macachuni, humo, huamuche, ma-dju, huamúchil, macochín, beb-guiche (Zapoteco), chucum blanco (Maya), chucúm blanco, cuamóchitl (Náhuatl), cuauhmochitl (Náhuatl), espino, espinoso, guaje, guamuche, guamúchil, guamúchil agarroso, guamúchil áspero, guámara (Cora), humo, jumu (Huasteco), kuamochitl (Náhuatl), lala-nempá (Cuicateco), liléka (Totonaco), ma-dju (Chinanteco), macachuni (Guarijío), maco'ochiini (Mayo), mutúri-te (Huichol), nempá (Cuicateco), nocuana guiché (Zapoteco), nocuana-be-guiche (Zapoteco), palo dulce, pe-qui-che (Zapoteco), pe-quijche (Zapoteco), pi-quichi (Zapoteco), pili' il (Maya), pinzán, sak chukum (Maya), suy che' (Maya), ticuahndi (Mixteco), ts uy che' (Maya), ts' ib che' (Maya), ts' in che (Maya), ts'iu che' (Maya), ts'uni'che (Maya), tsiiw che' (Maya), tucuy, umuh (Huasteco), umuw (Huasteco), umí (Cora), yaga-be-guiche (Zapoteco), yaga-bixihui (Zapoteco), yaga-pi-quicho (Zapoteco) rank: species
Nymphaea eleganscommon name: cabeza de negro, cabeza de negro tuberculo, capomo, flor de laguna rank: species
Lemna aequinoctialiscommon name: ix'iim ja', ix'iim ja' (Maya) rank: species
Chloroleucon mangensecommon name: yaax eek, arrocillo, cacho de toro, cucharo, guayabillo, moreno, naranjillo, palo fierro, palo moreno, rabo de iguana, ya' ax eek' (Maya) rank: species
Parkinsonia aculeatacommon name: quechi-pelle, pepino silvestre, retama, uacóporo, flor de junco, palo verde-amarillo, palo verde, cuajilote, chote, bagote, guechi belle, guachilote, huacóporo, chote, cuajilote, flor de junco, guechi belle (Zapoteco), huacóporo (Guarijío), junco, junco marino, mezquite extranjero, palo verde, palo verde-amarillo, para rayo, pepino silvestre, quechi-pelle (Zapoteco), retama, retama china, uacóporo (Guarijío), verde rank: species
Cnidoscolus sinaloensisrank: species
Aristolochia taliscanacommon name: matanene de mar, patito, zapatito, canastilla, bejuco, guaco, guacho, huaco, bejuco, canastilla, guaco, matanene de mar, patito, zapatito rank: species
Bursera simarubacommon name: palo jito, palo chino, songolica, tasun, tasuni, lon-sha-laec, chakaa', zongolica, huk' up, chacajiota, tsok, indio desnudo, tusum, taxun, chacai, chaca rojo, tusun, ta'sun, tzaca, yala-guito, palo colorado, huk'up, chachah, chakah, yaga-guito, jiote, chocohuite, lon-sha-la-ec, songolica o zongolica, chocogüite, piocha, chicohuiste, cohuite, mulato, thi-un, jiote colorado, palo jiote, palo retinto, palo mulato, quiote, suchicopal, chaca o chacah, chacaj o chakaj, copalillo, cha-kah, chacaj, chacá, caoba, chakaj, papelillo, chico huiste, chogüite, chohuite, jobo, jobillo, cacho de toro, cha-kah (Maya), chaca, chaca o chacah (Maya), chacaj (Tojolabal), chacaj o chakaj (Tojolabal), chachah (Maya), chakah (Maya), chakaj (Maya), chico huiste, chicohuiste, chocogüite, chocohuite, cohuite (Náhuatl), copal, copalillo, cuajiote (Náhuatl), huk' up (Maya), huk'up (Maya), jiote (Náhuatl), jiote colorado (Náhuatl), jobillo, lon-sha-la-ec (Chontal de Oaxaca), mulato, palo chino, palo colorado, palo culebro, palo jiote, palo jito, palo liso, palo mulato, palo retinto, papelillo, piocha, quiote, songolica o zongolica (Náhuatl), suchicopal (Náhuatl), ta'sun (Totonaco), tacamaca (Náhuatl), thi-un (Chinanteco), torote, torote colorado, tusun (Totonaco), tzaca (Huasteco), yaga-guito (Zapoteco), yala-guito (Zapoteco) rank: species
Phyla fruticosarank: species
Bauhinia pauletiacommon name: pata de cabra, periquillo rank: species
Stemmadenia tomentosacommon name: tapaco, rosita, peichi, toritos, yaga-rabech, cabrito, berraco, Verraco, vaquita, berraco, cabrito, rosita, toritos, vaquita, yaga-rabech (Zapoteco) rank: species
Acanthocereus occidentaliscommon name: tasajillo, tasajo, órgano alado de occidente, western wing cactus, cruceta, bajinco, bejunco, chacha (Totonaco), chaco, cola de lagarto, cruceta, jacobo, jacube, jacubo, mutzutzuy (Maya), nopal de cruz, nopal de tres lomos, nopal estrella, num-tsutsuy (Maya), nun tsutsuy (Maya), nuum tsutsuy (Maya), ocomtzatza (Huasteco), pitahaya, pitahaya anaranjada, pitahaya morada, pitahaya naranjada, pitaya, pitayo, tasajillo, tasajo, tsakam (Maya), tuna de pitaya, tzatza (Huasteco), xnun-tzutzui (Maya), órgano alado de cruz, órgano alado de occidente, órgano alado de pitaya, órgano alado espinoso rank: species
Corchorus hirtuscommon name: púuts chichí bej, chi'chi' bej, chi'chi' bej (Maya), púuts chichí bej (Maya) rank: species
Leptodactylus melanonotuscommon name: fringe-toed foamfrog, black-backed frog, otác, rana del sabinal, ranita hojarasca, múuch, sabinal frog, rana nidificadora de sabinal, ziix hax ano quiij, ranita espumera de dedos marginados, múuch (Maya), otác (Seri), rana del sabinal, rana nidificadora de sabinal, ranita espumera de dedos marginados, ranita hojarasca, ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Solanum (Leptostemomum) grayicommon name: churuni, hierba del gato, churuni (Guarijío), hierba del gato, huevo de gato rank: species
Fulica americanacommon name: American Coot, gallareta americana rank: species
Ficus insipidacommon name: nacapul, ou-uuli, matapalo, sak-kabah, sabalí, siranda, salate, patolote, uouli, chimon, zalate, alamo, amatillo, amate, amate blanco del monte, amate blanco, chacalate, camichín, copoy, jun, macahuite, higuera, alamo, amate, amate (Náhuatl), amate blanco, amate blanco del monte, amatillo, ash (Tseltal), ceiba, higo, higuerilla, higuerón, jun (Tseltal), matapalo, mutut (Tseltal), ou-uuli (Guarijío), sabalí (Guarijío), sak-kabah (Maya), uouli (Guarijío) rank: species
Delonix regiacommon name: tabachín, flamboyan, maskab che', framboyan, chak lool ché, flor de tabachín, árbol de fuego, chak lool che', maaskab che', acacia, árbol del fuego, acacia, chak lool (Maya), chak lool ché (Maya), espuela de caballero, flamboyán, flor de tabachín, framboyan, maaskab che' (Maya), maskab che' (Maya), tabachín, árbol de fuego, árbol del fuego rank: species
Trichilia americanacommon name: coohoo (Guarijío), coojoo (Guarijío), coyolillo, huevo de gato, piocha, tapaqueso rank: species
Bunchosia biocellatacommon name: nanche cimarrón, nanche, nanche silvestre, zapote, liswilea'kat, zapote domingo, tzapotzitzin, ntanache, limoncillo, liswilea'kat (Totonaco), nanche, nanche cimarrón, nanche silvestre, tzapotzitzin (Náhuatl), zapote, zapote domingo rank: species
Justicia candicanscommon name: mirto rank: species
Ruellia inundatacommon name: tsakalbak, x-tas'akal-bak, berraco xiiw, xa'an way, me'ex chivo, kaba ya'ax niik, chak mul, cola de borrego, kabauche, hierba del toro, hierba del chivo, ixtsakalbakl, berraco xiiw (Español-Maya), chak mul (Maya), cola de borrego, hierba del chivo, hierba del toro, ixtsakalbakl (Maya), kaba ya'ax niik (Maya), kabauche (Maya), me'ex chivo (Español-Maya), tsakalbak (Maya), x-tas'akal-bak (Maya), xa'an way (Maya) rank: species
Echinodorus berteroicommon name: cucharero rank: species
Baccharis salicinarank: species
Randia laetevirenscommon name: capulín de corona, limoncillo, crucetillo, capulín corona, crucillo, cruceta, crucero blanco, crucero, capulín corona, capulín de corona, crucero, crucero blanco, cruceta, crucetillo, limoncillo rank: species
Urochloa mezianacommon name: almejita lisa rank: species
Sapium lateriflorumcommon name: nocuana-toxo, nocuana-totia, nocuana-tanini, pozol agrio, yaga-gui-lana, yaga-quij-lana, ixtancoyot, amate capulín, amatillo, chonte, hiza, amantillo, amate capulín, amatillo, caoba, hierba de la flecha, ixtancoyot (Náhuatl), nocuana-tanini (Zapoteco), nocuana-totia (Zapoteco), nocuana-toxo (Zapoteco), palo de la flecha, pozol agrio, yaga-gui-lana (Zapoteco), yaga-quij-lana (Zapoteco) rank: species
Pisonia capitatacommon name: uña de gato negro, uña de gato, vainoro prieto, cacoca, caloca, bainoro prieto, garambullo, garabato, garabato prieto, garabato, uña de gato, uña de gato negro rank: species
Ipomoea parasiticarank: species
Cyperus ochraceuscommon name: maskab-suuk, navajuela, zacate, zacate cortador, maskab su'uk, maskab kabal su'uk, maskab kabal su'uk (Maya), maskab su'uk (Maya), maskab-suuk (Maya), navajuela, zacate, zacate cortador rank: species
Cissus trifoliatacommon name: quemadora, uva cimarrona, yerba del buey, bolontibi, xta' kanil, bolon tib ib, hierba del buey, bolon tib ib (Maya), hierba del buey, quemadora, uva cimarrona, xta' kanil (Maya), yerba del buey rank: species
Melochia pyramidatacommon name: orégano cimarrón, suponite, ejti tsakam akich, najtaj nijimb, morad nijimb, narix nijimb, escobillo, malvavisco, escobilla, malva, chichité, chak ch'ooben, chi'chi' bej, sak chi'chi' bej, claudiosa, chak ch'ooben (Maya), chi'chi' bej (Maya), claudiosa, ejti tsakam akich (Huasteco), escobilla, escobillo, malva, malvavisco, narix nijimb (Huave), orégano cimarrón, sak chi'chi' bej (Maya) rank: species
Lysiloma divaricatumcommon name: mauuta, palo blanco, mauto, tepeguaje, quiebrahacha, sají, sahi, mesquite, guaje, guajillo, jepalcalante, japalte, espina blanca, guaje, guajillo, japalte (Huasteco), jepalcalante (Huasteco), manto, mauuta (Guarijío), mayo, mesquite, mezquite, palo blanco, palo de arco, palo prieto, quebracho, quiebra hacha, quiebracha, quiebrahacha, quitaz prieto, sahi (Guarijío), sají (Guarijío), tepeguaje, tepeguaje negro, tepehuaje rank: species
Microlobius foetidusrank: species
Opuntia rileyicommon name: nopal aceituna, olive prickly pear rank: species
Poeciliopsis viriosacommon name: guatopote gordito, guatopote de occidente, chubby livebearer, guatopote de occidente, guatopote gordito rank: species
Agonandra racemosacommon name: chicharroncillo, chilillo, limoncillo, margarita, palo de peine, palo del golpe, palo verde, pega hueso, pegahueso, peinecillo, suelda, suelda consuelda rank: species
Poeciliopsis latidenscommon name: guatopote del Fuerte, lowland livebearer rank: species
Blechum pyramidatumcommon name: ts'akalbaak, ts'aa, k'uu chel, viento de lluvia, aka'xiiw, sak ch'iilib, ak'ab-xiu, cabezona, cola de gato, ak'ab-xiu (Maya), aka'xiiw (Maya), cabezona, cascabelillo, cola de gato, hierba del toro, k'uu chel (Maya), olotillo (Náhuatl), sak ch'iilib (Maya), ts'aa (Maya), ts'akalbaak (Maya), viento de lluvia rank: species
Jarilla heterophyllacommon name: granadilla, jarilla, jarilla de guadalajara, chivitos, granadilla, huevitos de venado, jarilla, jarilla cimarrona, jarrilla cimarrona, jarrilla de coyote, toritos rank: species
Heterotheca subaxillarisrank: species
Thouinidium decandrumcommon name: palo de zorrillo, pimientillo, pipi, panalillo, suelda, triquis, frutillo, cabo de hacha, charapo, bibí, charapu, zorrillo, perico, cola de perico, cola de pava, borreguillo, cabo de hacha, cola de pava, cola de perico, frutillo, palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, panalillo, perico, pimientillo, suelda, zorrillo rank: species
Croton ciliatoglandulifercommon name: palillo, mala mujer, mata gusano, shunashi-lase, rama blanca, San Nicolás, solimán blanco, picosa, trucha, uruquenia, xunaxe, xunax, xunalixase, soleman, xonaxe, solimán, dominguilla, canelilla, duraznillo, chilipajtle, cuanaxunaxe, enchiladora, hierba de la pulga, luc, San Nicolás, canelilla, chilipajtle (Huasteco), dominguilla, duraznillo, enchiladora, hierba de la pulga, luc (Huasteco), mala mujer, mata gusano, palillo, rama blanca, shunashi-lase (Zapoteco), solimán, solimán blanco rank: species
Spirodela polyrhizarank: species
Brosimum alicastrumcommon name: oox, oxotzin, oshté, osh, oxitle, ojoche, ojoche blanco, ojoche colorado, ojoche de hoja menuda, ojochillo, ojosh, oxu, ojite, muju, mojcuji, mojú, mojote, mojo rechinador, mojo, moho, ox, ramón naranjillo, ramón, ramón blanco, ramón colorado, ramón de hoja ancha, ramón de montaña, tepetomate, samaritáno, samaritán, ramón de mico, tlatlacótic, tomatillo, tunumi-taján, jus-kapu, k'an oox, lan-fe-lá, juchapú, cupsap, jaksapuo, huji, jauri, hairi, k' an oox, talecoite, nazareno, a-agl, ax, ash, apomo, ajash, arenoso, capomo, hairite, jos, jushapu, Juan Diego, huje, higo, juksapu, Juan Diego, a-agl (Tepehuano del sur), arenoso, ash (Tseltal), capomo, cupsap (Totonaco), fresno, hairite (Huichol), higo, háiri (Huichol), jaüri (Cora), jos (Huasteco), ju (Otomí), juksapu (Totonaco), jushapu (Totonaco), k' an oox (Maya), k'an oox (Maya), lan-fe-lá (Chontal de Oaxaca), moho (Chinanteco), mojcuji (Popoloca), mojo rechinador, nazareno, ojoche blanco, ojoche colorado, ojoche de hoja menuda, ojochillo, oox (Maya), ox (Huave), oxotzin (Maya), ramoncillo, ramón, ramón blanco, ramón colorado, ramón de hoja ancha, ramón de mico, ramón de montaña, ramón naranjillo, rojo, sa'oc huesudo (Español-Maya), sak oox (Maya), tlatlacótic (Náhuatl), tomatillo, tunumi-taján (Mixteco), ya'ax oox (Maya) rank: species
Morisonia americanacommon name: tháthub, chico mabolo, yoal, zapote blanco, chico, chico zapote, árbol del diablo, chico silvestre, chocolatillo, mabolo, chico, chico mabolo, chico silvestre, chico zapote, chicozapote, chocolatillo, tháthub (Huasteco), zapote blanco, árbol del diablo rank: species
Byttneria aculeatacommon name: uña de gato, xtokak, xtes-ak', yax-kix, xtex-ak, k'iil ix, éek k'iix, garabato, gatuño, garabato, gatuño, k'iil ix (Maya), uña de gato, xtes-ak' (Maya), xtex-ak (Maya), xtokak (Maya), yax-kix (Maya), éek k'iix (Maya) rank: species
Stenocereus martineziicommon name: pitayo, pitayo de martínez, martinez pitayo tree, pitahaya, pitahayo, pitayo, pitayo de martínez rank: species
Kinosternon integrumcommon name: tortuga de agua, tortuga pecho quebrado mexicana, Mexican mud turtle, tortuga de río, casquito de burro, casquito de burro, tortuga de agua, tortuga de río, tortuga pecho quebrado mexicana rank: species
Malpighia emarginatacommon name: palo de lumbre, nance, manzanillo, sak-pah, usté, uzté, uayalté, uayacté, uayáte, x-bek-ché, uxtip, tomatillo, x-balché, escobillo, granadilla, cereza, wayate', aak' iits, manzanita, guayacté, aak' iits (Maya), cereza, escobillo, granadilla, manzanillo, manzanita, mora del campo, nance (Maya), palo chino, palo de lumbre, sak-pah (Maya), tomatillo, usté (Maya), uxtip (Maya), uzté (Maya), wayate' (Maya), x-balché (Maya), x-bek-ché (Maya) rank: species
Poeciliopsis prolificacommon name: blackstripe livebearer, guatopote culiche rank: species
Coccoloba barbadensiscommon name: napá-jquiui, palo de carnero, tepalcahuite, papaturro, tamulero, roble de la costa, tu-tyejé, tucuy, boob cheí, polo de carnero, tamalero, boob ché, buen amigo, bobche, guerro, carnero costeño, napajquiui, tokoy, tutyeje, hojancho, uvero, bolchiche, carnero de la costa, carnero, boochín, boop, boob, bobchiché, boob ch'iich', hoja dura, boliche, boob (Maya), boob ch'iich' (Maya), boob cheí (Maya), boob ché (Maya), boochín (Maya), buen amigo, carnero, carnero costeño, carnero de la costa, hoja dura, napajquiui (Totonaco), napá-jquiui (Totonaco), palo colorado, palo de carnero, roble de la costa, tokoy (Maya), tu-tyejé (Mixteco), tucuy, tutyeje (Mixteco), uvero rank: species
Ficus maximacommon name: matapalo, nacapuli, siranda, álamo, amate prieto, amate, chac'ltí, chacsti, akuum, kopo' ch'iin, akkúun, higo grande, chile amate, higuerilla, higuera, jalamate, macahuite, higo loxe grande, higo, akkúun (Maya), amate (Náhuatl), amate prieto, chac'ltí (Totonaco), chacsti (Totonaco), chile amate, higo, higo grande, higuerilla, kopo' ch'iin (Maya), matapalo, álamo rank: species
Cordia alliodoracommon name: abib (Huasteco), aguardientillo, amapa, amapa blanca, amapa boba, amapa prieta, anacahuite, asta, bajon (Maya), bakal-ché (Maya), bakalche' (Maya), bohum (Maya), bojom (Maya), bojum (Maya), bojón prieto, botoncillo, candelero, corcho negro, cueramo, galerillo, hma' tá (Chinanteco), hormiguero, hormiguillo, hormiguillo blanco, huixtle (Huasteco), laurel, laurel blanco, pajarito, pajarito prieto, palo María, palo de hormiga, palo de hormigas, palo de rosa, palo de viga, palo prieto, prieto, rosadillo, solerilla, solerillo, solerito, sombrilla, suchil acahualero, suchil sabanero, tabaco, tusa-tioco (Mixteco), wiixte' (Huasteco), wix te' (Huasteco), xochicuahuitl (Náhuatl), yucjuya (Zoque) rank: species
Rhynchosia minimacommon name: mehen-ib-bech', tlitli-tzin, ib ch'o', frijolillo, ib-che, frijolillo, ib ch'o' (Maya), ib-che (Maya), mehen-ib-bech' (Maya), tlitli-tzin (Náhuatl) rank: species
Gouania lupuloidescommon name: om-ak, tepeahuacate, xomak, x-mo-ak, x-pahua-ak', x-om-hk, bejuco leñatero, cornezuelo, cheves-ak, ch'omak, chéen peek', chéen máak, bejuco leñatero, ch'omak (Maya), chéen máak (Maya), chéen peek' (Maya), cornezuelo, om-ak (Maya), x-mo-ak (Maya), x-pahua-ak' (Maya), xomak (Maya) rank: species
Malachra alceifoliacommon name: malva, boox malva, boox malva (Español-Maya), malva rank: species
Cordia elaeagnoidescommon name: anacahuite, c'ueramo (Tarasco), cueramo, grisiña, grisiña de ocote, guiri-xina (Zapoteco), ixquixochitl (Náhuatl), loli-quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), mulato, ocotillo, ocotillo meco, palo prieto, roble de castilla, solocuahuitl (Náhuatl), trueno rank: species
Glinus radiatusrank: species
Cissus verticillatacommon name: temécatl, táshac, tepemécatl, ya'ax-tabkanil, tripas de judas, temécatl (Náhuatl), tepemécatl (Náhuatl), tripas de judas, táshac (Totonaco), ya'ax-tabkanil (Maya) rank: species
Anoda acerifoliarank: species
Billbergia pallidifloracommon name: bromelia rank: species
Ceiba acuminatacommon name: akaba, pochote, ahaiyá, ceiba, Motmot, huacapi, ahaiyá (Guarijío), akaba (Tarahumara), ceiba, huacapi (Guarijío), pochote rank: species
Azadirachta indicarank: species
Lonchocarpus guatemalensiscommon name: palo de gusano, palo de aro, palo de oro, rosa morada, xuul, kan xuul, palo de tepache, ja' abin de agua, marinero de montaña, yax-habin, kanxu'ul, xbalché, xa-habin, kan-xuu, palo de suelo, palo gusano, chaperla, gusano, cimatl, frijolillo, kan-xuul, k'anchik'inche', jumay, cimatl (Náhuatl), frijolillo, gusanillo, gusano, gusano blanco, k'anchik'inche' (Totonaco), kan-xuu (Maya), kan-xuul (Maya), marinero, marinero de montaña, palo de aro, palo de gusano, palo de oro, palo de suelo, palo de tepache, palo gusano, rosa morada, vainillo, xa-habin (Maya), xbalché (Maya), xuul (Maya), yax-habin (Maya) rank: species
Salpianthus purpurascensrank: species
Solanum (Solanum) axillifoliumrank: species
Jacaranda mimosifoliacommon name: tabachín, jacaranda, azulillo, azulillo, tabachín rank: species
Opuntia undulatacommon name: nopal oreja de elefante, nopal, undulate prickly pear, amarilla venadera, blanca, burrona, cactus, calabaza, chapeada, cristalina, fafayuco, heel cocsar yaa (Seri), heel cooxp (Seri), ixcaha (Otomí), manzana, nocheznopalli (Náhuatl), nochtli (Náhuatl), nopal, nopal blanco, nopal castilla, nopal de alfajayuca, nopal de alfajayucan, nopal de castilla, nopal de cerro, nopal de coyote, nopal de huerta, nopal de lengua, nopal de raíz, nopal espinudo, nopal guinda, nopal italiano, nopal manso, nopal oreja de elefante, nopal orejón, nopal pelón, nopal silvestre, nopal sin espinas, nopal xoconoxtle, nopalh (Náhuatl), nopalitos, nopalli (Náhuatl), nopalnocheztli (Náhuatl), papantón, picochulo, reina, soconochtli, tlalnopal (Náhuatl), tuna, tuna amarilla, tuna blanca, tuna colorada, tuna de Alfajayuca, tuna de alfajayucan, tuna de campo, tuna de castilla, tuna encarnada, tuna fina, tuna guinda, tuna lisa, tuna mansa, tuna roja mansa, tzaponochnopalli (Náhuatl), xoconoxtle blanco, zapotnochtli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Senna atomariacommon name: palo zorrillo, palo de zorrillo, palo hediondo, palo de maya, tu-ita-timi, vainillo, xtuab, caña fistola, tu ja bin, vainilla, hediondilla, lluvia de oro, alcaparra, alcaparro, caxi-tzijol (Huasteco), caña fistola, caña fístula, flor de San José, frijolillo, hediondilla, hediondillo, hierba del zorrillo, jupachumi, lluvia de oro, palo de maya, palo de zorrillo, palo hediondo, palo santo, palo zorrillo, retama, tu-ita-timi (Mixteco), vainilla, vainillo, vara de San José, xtuab (Maya), zorrillo rank: species
Abutilon trisulcatumcommon name: sak-misbil, sak-xiu, tronador, sak xiiw, sak le' xiiw, sak ch'il, tronadora, amantillo, pelotazo, sak ch'il (Maya), sak le' xiiw (Maya), sak xiiw (Maya), sak-misbil (Maya), sak-xiu (Maya), tronador, tronadora rank: species
Jatropha curcascommon name: ni-in, najuala, nacuala, sikil-té, scu-lu'u, que-ca, siquité, sangre de grado, piñoncillo, sangre-grado, sangredrago, sicilté, xkakal-ché, vico, sikilte', yaga-be-lape, niin, piij, sikilte, temuza, cahuax, pistache, pitana, chota, axti, pipián de árbol, cuauixtli, piñón de indias, taktinau, chu-ta, avellana purgante, piñón purgante, Sangregado, chote, achcuauit, piñón, ashté, axté, cua-aya-huachtli, cuauhyohuatli, cuahuayohuaxtli, cuauayohuachtli, cuipú, cuahaychuachili, Sangregado, avellana purgante, chote, cua-aya-huachtli (Náhuatl), cuahaychuachili (Náhuatl), cuahuayohuaxtli (Náhuatl), cuauayohuachtli (Náhuatl), cuauhyohuatli (Náhuatl), higuerilla, ni-in (Maya), piñoncillo, piñón, que-ca (Chontal de Oaxaca), scu-lu'u (Totonaco), sikil-té (Maya), xkakal-ché (Maya), yaga-be-lape (Zapoteco) rank: species
Petiveria alliaceacommon name: payché, uña de gato, tansike, zorrillo silvestre, tansiki, cola de iguana, zorro, sanituwan, rama de zorrillo, xpaj' iyte, cichle de gato, shpa' j' yte, xerreu sox, xka-sci-ka, paay-che', xpaiche, pay che', xpayché, yerba del arlomo, zorillo silvestre, hierba de las gallinitas, caricillo silvestre, hierba del zoo, hierba de zorillo, hierba de sorillo, pazan, hierba de aslomin, cola de zorra, cola de gorila, cashni-tlsú, caricillo, bete ' a, paiche', hierba del zorillo, pátham, pathaam, patscang ay, pats ujts, hierba del zorro, zorillo, yerba de zorillo, zotzash, xka-ya-ndi, pat te', hoja de zorillo, jupachumi, mapurite, mata del zorillo, mozote, paiche, paychée, palo de zorro, cola de alacrán, carricillo silvestre, páay che', hierba de gallinitas, zorrillo, cola de mono, hierba del zorrillo, bete ' a (Zapoteco), caricillo, caricillo silvestre, carricillo silvestre, cashni-tlsú (Totonaco), cichle de gato, cola de alacrán, cola de gorila, cola de iguana, cola de mono, cola de zorra, hierba de aslomin, hierba de gallinitas, hierba de las gallinitas, hierba de sorillo, hierba de zorillo, hierba del zoo, hierba del zorillo, hierba del zorrillo, hierba del zorro, hoja de zorillo, jupachumi, mapurite, mata del zorillo, mozote, paay-che' (Maya), paiche' (Maya), palo de zorro, pat te' (Maya), pathaam (Huasteco), patscang ay (Popoloca), pay che' (Maya), payché (Maya), paychée (Maya), pazan, páay che' (Maya), pátham (Huasteco), rama de zorrillo, sanituwan (Totonaco), shpa' j' yte (Ch'ol), tansiki (Totonaco), uña de gato, xka-sci-ka (Mazateco), xka-ya-ndi (Mazateco), xpaj' iyte (Maya), xpayché (Maya), yerba de zorillo, yerba del arlomo, zorillo, zorillo silvestre, zorrillo, zorrillo silvestre, zorro rank: species
Hintonia latifloracommon name: palo amargo, palo amargoso, San Juan, quina roja, quina, quina amarilla, San Antonio, palo de bolsa, atóari, cáscara sagrada, copalquín, copal, campanillo, copalchi, garañona, falsa quina, corteza de jojutla, cuachichile, copalche, jutetillo, hutatiyo, San Antonio, San Juan, campanilla, campanilla blanca, campanillo, canelilla, copal, copalche, copalchi (Náhuatl), copalquín (Náhuatl), corteza de jojutla, cáscara sagrada, falsa quina, flor de campana, garañona, hutatiyo (Guarijío), palo amargo, palo amargoso, palo blanco, palo de San Juan, palo de bolsa, palo de quina, quina, quina amarilla, quina roja, yerba buena rank: species
Cyperus canuscommon name: pecho-topa, tule, tule ahuapetla, zacate, zacate de tule, palmilla, becho-topa, petate, becho-topa (Zapoteco), palmilla, pecho-topa (Zapoteco), petate, tule, zacate, zacate de tule rank: species
Solanum (Solanum) erianthumcommon name: palo hediondo, lava plato, pukin, ukuuch, chal che', tóom p'aak, sak ukuuch, ukuuch xiiw, chal che' (Maya), lava plato, palo hediondo, pukin (Maya), sak ukuuch (Maya), tóom p'aak (Maya), ukuuch (Maya), ukuuch xiiw (Maya) rank: species
Senna unifloracommon name: ovilla, tulub-bayam, tulub-bi-yan, xtuab, x-tuab, xtulub, cacahuatillo, frijolillo blanco, bu'ul ch'o' k'aax, frijolillo, chipilín, bu'ul ch'o' k'aax (Maya), cacahuatillo, chipilín, frijolillo, frijolillo blanco, tulub-bayam (Maya), tulub-bi-yan (Maya), x-tuab (Maya), xtuab (Maya), xtulub rank: species
Conzattia multifloracommon name: palo de totole, palo blanco, palo de zopilote, guayacán rojo, guayacán amarillo, zopilote, árbol de águila, guayacán, guayacán, guayacán amarillo, palo blanco, palo de totole, palo de zopilote, palo joso, parota, zopilote, árbol de águila rank: species
Sapindus saponariacommon name: ma-mu-hó, palo de cuentas, palo de voladillo, matamuchacho, pibi, tehuixtle, snotpu'u, pipi, pipe, tehuiztle, ximbi'p, tzatzupú, cholote, yaga-bia, luci, mata muchacho, yamole, yaga-piaa, tza'jon, sibuul, ts' ibuul, colulo, subuul, ts'ibuul, yamoli, sijun, ma-muhó, ixijum, zubul, chololo, gualul, palo blanco amole, zapotillo, jaboncillo, coyul, bibí, amolillo, amole de bolita, boliche, bolchiche, siijum, sibul, devanador, cholulo, chirrión, huálul, hualule, lusi, huayul, amole, amole de bolita, boliche, chocolón, chololote, collotomate, coyul (Náhuatl), huálul (Huasteco), ixijum (Maya), jaboncillo, jabonera, ma-mu-hó (Chinanteco), ma-muhó (Chinanteco), mata muchacho, matamuchacho, matamuchachos, ojo de loro, palo blanco, palo blanco amole, palo de cuentas, palo de voladillo, pibi (Zapoteco), sibul (Maya), sibuul (Maya), siijum (Maya), sijun (Maya), silbato, snotpu'u (Totonaco), subul (Maya), subuul (Maya), ts' ibuul (Maya), tza'jon (Maya), ximbi'p (Mixe), yaga-bia (Zapoteco), yaga-piaa (Zapoteco), zapotillo, zubul (Maya) rank: species
Lonchocarpus mutansrank: species
Eleocharis geniculatacommon name: tule, tulillo, zacate, popoque, zacate de agua, junco, cebollín, chintule, cebollín, chintule, junco, tule, zacate, zacate de agua rank: species
Amphilophium paniculatumcommon name: sak-ak, sak ak, citrillo, ak, sac-ac, bejuco prieto, carretilla, bejuco de caratilla, pico de pato, ak (Maya), bejuco de caratilla, bejuco prieto, carretilla, pico de pato, sak-ak (Maya) rank: species
Opuntia aubericommon name: flor de nopal, nopal alargado, long pricky pear, lengua de vaca, nopal alargado, nopal de lengua, nopal de lengüita, tuna de playa rank: species
Zanthoxylum fagaracommon name: tenaza, tankasche', rabo de lagarto, xik-ché, wo-lé, uo-lé, uña de gato, yichasmias, zarza de árbol, alacran, limoncillo, palo mulato, naranjillo, si na'an che', xiik che', tank'as che', gato, colima, garabatillo, huipuy, alacrán, cola de alacrán, gato, huipuy (Huasteco), lagarto, limoncillo, mata chinche, mulato, naranjillo, palo espinoso, palo mulato, rabo de lagarto, si na'an che' (Maya), tank'as che' (Maya), tenaza, uo-lé (Maya), uña de gato, wo-lé (Maya), xiik che' (Maya), xik-ché (Maya), yichasmias (Tsotsil), zarza de árbol rank: species
Gossypium aridumrank: species
Batis maritimacommon name: saladilla, saladillo, vidrillo, alambrillo, chamis, perejil silvestre, mañanita de la mar, robadilla, ts'aay kaan, dedito, alambrillo, dedito, mañanita de la mar, perejil silvestre, robadilla, saladilla, saladillo, ts'aay kaan (Maya), vidrillo rank: species
Ricinus communiscommon name: nduchidzaha, pai-ue, palma cristi, quechi-peyo-castilla, québe'enogua, ricino, x-k'ooch, tzapálotl, x-koch, tsajtüma'ant, thiquelá, yaga-bilape, yaga-hiigo, yaga-higo, hierba verde, yaga-hijco, yaga-gueze-aho, ya'ax k'o'och, acetucua, higuerillo, xöxapoitzi, kastalankajne, aceitecahuit, acetexiuitl, ndosna, xaxapo, kooch, sombrilla, jarilla, al-pai-ue, cashtilenque, cashilandacui, éek lu'um, ya'ax k'ooch, degha, guechi beyo, coch, k'ooch, k'o'och, higuerilla, higuera del diablo, higuera, Kgapsnatkiwi (Totonaco), Kgaxtelenkget (Totonaco), acetexiuitl (Náhuatl), al-pai-ue (Chontal de Oaxaca), cashilandacui (Zoque), cashtilenque (Totonaco), degha (Otomí), guechi beyo (Zapoteco), hierba verde, higuera del diablo, higuerilla, higuerillo, jarilla, k'o'och (Maya), k'ooch (Maya), k'ooch le' (Maya), kastalankajne (Totonaco), lechuguilla, ndosna (Otomí), nduchidzaha (Mixteco), pai-ue (Chontal de Oaxaca), palma cristi, quechi-peyo-castilla (Zapoteco), québe'enogua (Mayo), ricino, sombrilla, thiquelá (Huasteco), tlapatl (Náhuatl), tsajtüma'ant (Mixe), tzapálotl (Náhuatl), x-k'ooch (Maya), x-koch (Maya), xöxapoitzi (Náhuatl), ya'ax k'ooch (Maya), yaga-bilape (Zapoteco), yaga-gueze-aho (Zapoteco), yaga-higo (Zapoteco), yaga-hiigo (Zapoteco), yaga-hijco (Zapoteco), éek lu'um (Maya) rank: species
Mimosa pigracommon name: motita, sinvergüenza, palote, vergüenza, zarza negra, chobe vergonzoso, iñun-duba, cochiz-xihuitl, zarza, dormilona, chapapul, cuca, choben, coatante, diente de perrito, cuatante, chove, kuka, choben (Huasteco), cochiz-xíhuitl (Náhuatl), cuca (Guarijío), diente de perrito, dormilona, iñun-duba (Mixteco), motita, palote, sinvergüenza, vergüenza, zarza, zarza negra rank: species
Elytraria imbricatacommon name: nachachicole, pie de gallo, soguilla, pata de pollo, papachillo, un pie, kabal xaan, nej t'eel, kabal xaanil, cordón de San Juan, xkaba xaan, riendilla, tashcacuatzi, ejtil i tsakam yejtsel, mabal-xan, yuraiishiutee, co'ordoncio, cola de alacrán, anisillo, viborilla, cordoncillo, kabal-xan, hierba del toro, anisillo, co'ordoncio (Pima), cola de alacrán, cordoncillo, cordón de San Juan, ejtil i tsakam yejtsel (Huasteco), hierba del toro, kabal xaan (Maya), kabal xaanil (Maya), kabal-xan (Maya), mabal-xan (Maya), nachachicole (Guarijío), nej t'eel (Maya), pata de pollo, pie de gallo, un pie, viborilla, yuraiishiutee (Cora) rank: species
Anas cyanopteracommon name: cerceta canela, Cinnamon Teal rank: species
Paullinia fuscescenscommon name: panoquera, pico de güiloche, chilillo, bix-chemax, pukin aak', chéen aak', kaas-kat, kexak, bix-chemax (Maya), chilillo, chéen aak' (Maya), kaas-kat (Maya), kexak (Maya), pukin aak' (Maya) rank: species
Abutilon abutiloidescommon name: misbil, pintapan, sak-xiu, amantillo, amantillo, misbil (Maya), sak-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Tillandsia mazatlanensiscommon name: bromelia rank: species
Dorstenia drakenacommon name: olotillo, tuzpatli, contrahierba, gallito, barboria, barbudilla, hierba del pasmo, barbudilla, contrahierba, gallito, hierba del pasmo, olotillo (Náhuatl) rank: species
Egretta thulacommon name: Snowy Egret, garceta pie-dorado, garza dedos dorados, garceta pie-dorado, garza dedos dorados rank: species
Commelina erectacommon name: atlic (Náhuatl), corrimiento, corrimiento xiiw (Español-Maya), espuelitas, flor de la virgen, gallito, hierba de lluvia, hierba del gallo, hierba del pollo, maguey verde, manzanita, matalín, nuub en nuub ojo (Español-Maya), pah-tsa (Maya), paj ts'a (Maya), siempreviva, x-habul-ha' (Maya), ya'ax-ha-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Cylindropuntia thurbericommon name: siguiri, cholla, achini tiame (Guarijío), cholla, cholla liviri, choya, sehueri (Guarijío), seveli (Guarijío), seweri (Guarijío), sibiri, sibirim, siguri, sivire (Mayo), siviri (Mayo), un sebii (Yaqui) rank: species
Datura innoxiacommon name: nacascul, tecuyaui, tecuyauui, tecuyani, tlapa, tolohua-xíhuitl, toloachi grande, toloache, toloachi, x-toh-k'u, tikúwari, chamico, belladona, toj k'u, belladona, chamico, tecuyaui (Guarijío), tecuyauui (Guarijío), tikúwari (Tarahumara), tlapa (Náhuatl), toj k'u (Maya), toloache, tolohua-xíhuitl (Náhuatl), x-toh-k'u (Maya) rank: species
Centrosema sagittatumcommon name: buy aak', buy aak' (Maya) rank: species
Pyrocephalus rubinuscommon name: Vermilion Flycatcher, mosquero cardenal, papamoscas cardenalito, mosquero cardenal, papamoscas cardenalito rank: species
Blumea viscosarank: species
Crotalaria pumilacommon name: sonadora, chapul-max, crotalarias, chepiles, hierba del cuervo, tronador, tronadora, garbancillo, chipilín, chipil, chepiles, chipil, chipilín, crotalarias, garbancilla, hierba del cuervo, sonadora, tronador, tronadora rank: species
Jatropha platyphyllacommon name: sangre de grado, Sangregado, bonete, Sangregado, bonete, sangre de grado rank: species
Zanthoxylum caribaeumcommon name: palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, sinanché, tachuelillo, siina 'anche', sinanche', chichón, si nan'che', k'ek'en che', zorrillo, alacrán, chichón, k'ek'en che' (Maya), lagarto, palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, pochote, rabo de lagarto, si nan'che' (Maya), siina 'anche' (Maya), sinanché (Maya), tachuelillo, zorrillo rank: species
Sideroxylon persimilecommon name: abalo, espino blanco, limoncillo, naranjillo, pata de vaca, zapotillo rank: species
Oreochromis mossambicuscommon name: Mozambique tilapia, tilapia mosambica rank: species
Heteranthera limosacommon name: cucharilla, ha' kolel (Maya), patitos rank: species
Serjania mexicanacommon name: sierrilla, quirote de culebra, sinówi ramirá, cola de iguana, chakak, barbasco, cuamecatl, diente de culebra, costilla de vaca, guirote de culebra, cuamacatl, ichuanitzo, barbasco, chakak (Maya), cola de iguana, costilla de vaca, cuamecatl (Náhuatl), diente de culebra, sierrilla, sinówi ramirá (Tarahumara) rank: species
Malvastrum americanumrank: species
Selenicereus vaganscommon name: pitayita nocturna de mazatlán, mazatlan night blooming cereus, pitayita nocturna de colima, murrillo night blooming cereus, coanochtli (Náhuatl), pitahaya, pitayita de Mazatlán, pitayita nocturna de mazatlán, sina cuenoji (Mayo), sina voladora rank: species
Momordica charantiacommon name: piñitas, arbellana, yakunah-ax, pa xandia, yaa kunaj aak, pepino amargo, granadilla, guadalupana, chalupa, balsamina, yakunax aj, chorizo, pepino, pepinillo de monte, anacahuita, pepin, avellana, yakunax ak, sandía de ratón, melón de ratón, flor de amor, pepino cimarrón, cundeamor, chiquita, cochinito, papayito, catajera, amargosa, bálsamo, amor seco, yakunaj aak', yakunaj xiiw, yakunaj aax, kol, kol mo'ol, cochinita, manzanilla, oreja de ratón, granadita, amargosa, amor seco, avellana, balsamina, bálsamo, chalupa, chiquita, chorizo, cochinita, cochinito, cundeamor, flor de amor, granadilla, granadita, guadalupana, kol (Maya), kol mo'ol (Maya), manzanilla, melón de ratón, oreja de ratón, papayito, pepin, pepinillo de monte, pepino, pepino amargo, pepino cimarrón, piñitas, sandía de ratón, yakunah-ax (Maya), yakunaj aak' (Maya), yakunaj aax (Maya), yakunaj xiiw (Maya), yakunax aj, yakunax ak rank: species
Cupania dentatacommon name: peine, pata de venado, rabo de cojolí, quiebra hacha, tzan, tres lomos, garrochillo, chuanchal colorado, tepeshi, cosalcahuite, tepexín, cañilla de venado, quiebra cuchillo, cuezalcuahuit, espraguello, cuisal, agua al ojo blanco, zapotito, zapotillo, ca'la'm, ahuate, chichón, agualajo, guacamayo, cola de pava, cuasel-cuáhuit, cuasel, huanchal, agua al ojo blanco, ahuate (Náhuatl), ca'la'm (Totonaco), cañilla de venado, chichón, cola de pava, cola de pavo, colorado, cuezalcuahuit (Náhuatl), espraguello, guacamayo, palo verde, pata de venado, peine, quiebra cuchillo, quiebra hacha, quiebracha, quiebrahacha, tres lomos, tzan (Huasteco), zapotillo, zapotito rank: species
Lagascea decipienscommon name: confiturilla grande rank: species
Tachybaptus dominicuscommon name: zambullidor menor, Least Grebe rank: species
Nicotiana glaucacommon name: palo loco, mostaza montés, palo hediondo, me-he-kek, palo virgin, maraquiana, tacote, tabaquillo, tabaco cimarrón, tabaco amarillo, tabaco, xiutecuitlanextli, tzinyacua, tronadora de España, virginio, nexticxihuitl, alamo loco, belladona, buna moza, k'uuts, gigante, gretaño, gigantón, cornetón, don juan, k'uts, levántate don juan, hierba del gigante, hoja de cera, alamo loco, belladona, buna moza, don juan, gigante, hierba del gigante, hierba del zopilote, hoja de cera, k'uts (Maya), k'uuts (Maya), levántate don juan, me-he-kek (Chontal de Oaxaca), mostaza montés, palo hediondo, palo loco, palo virgin, tabaco, tabaco amarillo, tabaco cimarrón, tabaquillo, tacote, tronadora de España, tzinyacua (Tarasco), xiutecuitlanextli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Dormitator latifronscommon name: puyeki rank: species
Esenbeckia hartmaniicommon name: naranjito, palo amarillo, sámota, naranjito, palo amarillo rank: species
Schizocarpum palmerirank: species
Ammannia coccinearank: species
Colubrina trifloracommon name: palillo, algodoncillo, carindapaz, cholague, guacimilla, cholagó, algodoncillo, guacimilla, palillo rank: species
Perityle microglossacommon name: manzanillo de coyote, manzanilla bronca, manzanilla de burro, manzanilla, manzanilla, manzanilla bronca, manzanilla de burro, manzanillo de coyote rank: species
Casearia nitidarank: species
Typha domingensiscommon name: petatzimicua, peecho, tule, vela de sabana, palmilla, junco, beecho, p'oop, tula, cola becho, chuspata, espadaña, coba-guyarma, cola de gato, cola yaguema, enea, cola de pecho, cola de yaguema, junquillo, hueizacat, beecho (Zapoteco), coba-guyarma (Zapoteco), cola becho (Zapoteco), cola de gato, cola de pecho, cola yaguema (Zapoteco), espadaña, junco, junquillo, masa de agua, p'oop (Maya), palmilla, peecho (Zapoteco), tula, tule, vela de sabana rank: species
Callaeum macropterumcommon name: anaraka (Tarahumara), aparicua (Tarasco), bejuco prieto, doncella amarilla, gallinita, matanene rank: species
Anaxyrus punctatuscommon name: red-spotted toad, sapo, haat iiqui ix, sapo manchas rojas, sapo pinto, sapo de puntos rojos, haat iiqui ix (Seri), sapo, sapo de puntos rojos, sapo manchas rojas, sapo pinto rank: species
Smilisca baudiniicommon name: rana arbórea de Baudin, otác, ziix hax ano quiij, rana arborícola mexicana, tooter, Mexican treefrogs, rana trepadora, Mexican smilisca, common Mexican treefrog, quech, rana de árbol mexicana común, rana de árbol mexicana, x-túuts´, otác (Seri), quech (Maya), rana arborícola mexicana, rana arbórea de Baudin, rana de árbol mexicana, rana de árbol mexicana común, rana trepadora, x-túuts´ (Maya), ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Ipomoea bracteatacommon name: papada de gallo, rosa de castilla cimarrona, panalillo, flor de la empanada, vitulia, cazahuatemegatl, jícama de monte, empanadita, bejuco blanco, trompetilla, azalea de barranca, carnestolendas, bejuco de candelai, bejuco de la Candelaria, gallinitas de cerro, flor de la candelaria, empanada, empanadilla, cozcanantzin, jícama, jícama del monte, azalea de barranca, bejuco blanco, bejuco de candelai, bejuco de la Candelaria, camote blanco, empanada, empanadilla, empanadita, flor de la candelaria, flor de la empanada, gallinita, gallinitas de cerro, jícama, jícama de monte, jícama del monte, panalillo, papada de gallo, rosa de castilla cimarrona, trompetilla rank: species
Koanophyllon albicaulecommon name: ciruelillo, gusanillo, hediondilla, ka'an chak che' (Maya), oken sukuun (Maya), pukin (Maya), sak taj (Maya), sak-tch'aban (Maya), taj' che' (Maya), tok'aban, tokabán (Maya), tóom tsu' (Maya), yaxal (Huasteco), zaktokaban (Maya) rank: species
Sida acutacommon name: malva amarilla, malva de castilla, malva de cochino, malva serrana, malva de platanillo, malva colorada, malva rastrera, malva blanca, alahuaxipahuas, licopodio, escobillo, malva, escobilla, malvavisco, escoba, alacle, ch'chibé, chichibe, calalagua, chichipe, ajalache, chi'chi' bej, chik'ich-bek'aak, güinare, güinar, k'aax, huinar, alahuaxipahuas (Náhuatl), ch'chibé (Maya), chi'chi' bej (Maya), chichibe (Maya), chichipe, chik'ich-bek'aak (Maya), escoba, escobilla, escobillo, huinar, k'aax (Maya), licopodio, malva, malva amarilla, malva blanca, malva colorada, malva de castilla, malva de cochino, malva de platanillo, malva rastrera, malva serrana, malvavisco rank: species
Agave (Agave) angustifoliacommon name: mezcal, pita-ki, xix-ki, bacanora, maguey de ixtle, zapupa, maguey rayado, zapupe verde, juya cuum, maguey de campo, maguey de flor, ch eelem, agave, ixtle, cu'u, maguey mezcalero, zapupe, zapupe de Vincent, zapupe de Tepezintla, zapupe de Sierra Chontla, zapupe de San Bernardo, zapupe cimarrón, hamoc, doba-yey, quiote, ch'elem-ki, bab-ki, chukum-ki, espadilla, espadín, maguey, kitam-ki, henequén, agave, bab-ki (Maya), bacanora, ch'elem-ki (Maya), chukum-ki (Maya), cu'u (Mayo), doba-yey (Zapoteco), espadilla, hamoc (Seri), henequén, juya cuum (Mayo), kitam-ki (Maya), maguey, maguey de campo, maguey de flor, maguey de ixtle, maguey mezcalero, maguey rayado, mezcal, pita-ki (Maya), quiote, xix-ki (Maya) rank: species
Randia echinocarpacommon name: papache picudo, papache, shacua, tecolozápol, tecolochapo, papachi, tecolosapo, xacua, grangeno chino, grangel, tecoloche, crucillo chino, kakwára, chacua, cirián chino, crucillo, granjel, hosocola, josocola, chacua (Tarasco), cirián chino, hosocola (Guarijío), josocola (Guarijío), kakwára (Tarahumara), shacua (Tarasco), tecoloche (Náhuatl) rank: species
Gyrocarpus jatrophifoliuscommon name: ki'is, kiste', caballito, carne de perro, cedro blanco, chak-kiis (Maya), ciis (Maya), gallito, hediondillo, k'i'ix (Maya), k'iis-té (Maya), k'its (Maya), ki'is (Maya), kiis (Maya), kiste' (Maya), palo amargo, palo blanco, palo de zorrillo, palo hediondo, palo santo, palomitas, papayo, papayo cimarrón, tacote, volador, volantín, xkiis (Maya), xkis (Maya) rank: species
Capraria frutescensrank: species
Solanum (Leptostemomum) torvumcommon name: prendedora, sosa, tapdacui, tompaap, puluxnu, amaclancle, berenjena cimarrona, lok, che'el-ik, berenjenita cimarrona, berenjena, amasclanchi, tóom p'aak, ts'ay ooch, puut baalam, sikil múuch, friega platos, ek'balam, doc'a, conoca, berenjena, berenjena cimarrona, berenjenita cimarrona (Mazahua), che'el-ik (Maya), doc'a (Mazahua), ek'balam (Maya), friega platos, lok (Tepehua), prendedora, puluxnu (Totonaco), puut baalam (Maya), sikil múuch (Maya), tompaap (Maya), ts'ay ooch (Maya), tóom p'aak (Maya) rank: species
Stelgidopteryx serripenniscommon name: Northern Rough-winged Swallow, golondrina alas aserradas rank: species
Psidium sartorianumcommon name: pichiché, rayana, rayán, pichi'che, kabal sak loob che', pichi' ché, ntzú, arrayán, kabal sak lob che', pichiche', pichi che' macho, choquey, guayabillo, guayabilla, arrayán, choquey (Guarijío), guayaba tejón, guayabilla, guayabillo, kabal sak lob che' (Maya), kabal sak loob che' (Maya), pichi che' macho (Español-Maya), pichi' ché (Maya), pichiche' (Maya) rank: species
Melampodium divaricatumcommon name: margarita, mozote amarillo, ojo de gallo, rosilla, xikin, jeguite de agua, xoy, koy, tajonal, najtos, sajum, nine rtajtos chicot iet, yerbabuenilla, acahual amarillo, wal bili', narix ajtos; axihuit, kopalxiw, musutl amarillo, yanaxoy, axihuit, botoncillo, canutillo, k'antun boob, k'antun bom soch, mejen sum k'aak', manzanilla, kopal-xiu, hierba aguada, acahual amarillo, acahual pinto, aceitilla amarilla, amarillo, andan'i (Purépecha), botoncillo, botón de oro, canutillo, coronilla, flor amarilla, hierba aguada, hierba del sapo, jeguite de agua (Náhuatl), k'antun bom soch (Maya), k'antun boob (Maya), kopal-xiu (Maya), manzanilla, margarita, mariquita, mejen sum k'aak' (Maya), mozote amarillo, narix ajtos; axihuit (Náhuatl), nixtamal crudo, ojo de gallo, ojo de perico, rosa amarilla, rosilla, sajum (Maya), tajonal, wal bili' (Huasteco), xikin (Maya), xoy (Maya), yanaxoy (Maya), yerbabuenilla rank: species
Crotalaria incanacommon name: opyani, sak-pet, sonaja, tenégara, sonajita, zakpet, dedo de muerto, tronador, cascabelillo, cascabelito, ni'ooch, tronadora, frijolillo, chipila, chipil, cascabelillo, cascabelito, chikirin lobi (Maya), chipil, dedo de muerto, frijolillo, ni'ooch (Maya), opyani (Huasteco), sak-pet (Maya), sonaja, sonajita, tenégara (Guarijío), tronador, tronadora, zakpet (Maya) rank: species
Tillandsia recurvatacommon name: paxtle, pastle, toji, xmulix, mulix, paisté, me'exch'u, paistle, paixtle, gallinitas, viejito, gallitos, pet' k' in, x-mulix, bromelia, heno, heno chico, hichicome, ichiconi, bromelia, gallinitas, gallitos, heno, heno chico, mulix (Maya), paxtle (Náhuatl), pet' k' in (Maya), toji (Guarijío), viejito, x-mulix (Maya) rank: species
Solanum (Leptostemomum) refractumcommon name: toronja, chilacayota, chilacayota (Náhuatl), toronja rank: species
Oxyura jamaicensiscommon name: Ruddy Duck, pato tepalcate rank: species
Ipomoea arborescenscommon name: palo del muerto, pájaro bobo, palo santo amarillo, ozote, palo blanco, palo bobo, palo santo, patancán, xegua, flor de palo blanco, palo cabra, néctar, micaquáhuitl, cuanhzdhuatl, palo de muerto, cazahuate blanco, casahuate, casahuate blanco, cazahuate, cuauhzáhuatl, cuau-zahuatl, lipa-ca-tu-ue, itate, casahuate, casahuate blanco, cazahuate, cazahuate blanco, cuau-zahuatl (Náhuatl), cuauhzáhuatl (Náhuatl), flor de palo blanco, itate (Cuicateco), lipa-ca-tu-ue (Chontal de Oaxaca), néctar, palo blanco, palo bobo, palo cabra, palo de muerto, palo del muerto, palo santo, palo santo amarillo, pájaro bobo, sacamanteca, xegua (Zapoteco) rank: species
Cucumis dipsaceusrank: species
Croton flavescensrank: species
Odocoileus virginianuscommon name: deer, venado de campo, venado de llano, venado real, white-tailed deer, mazatl, venado cola blanca, mazatl (Yuto-nahua), venado cola blanca, venado de campo, venado de llano, venado real rank: species
Brongniartia alamosanacommon name: palo piojo, vara prieta, palo piojo, vara prieta rank: species
Tetramerium glandulosumrank: species
Lycium brevipesrank: species
Ebenopsis ebanocommon name: ya'ax-k'iik, maguacata, mahuacata, ébano, ya'ax-k' iik, maguata, acte, ajcte, kaante', guaypinole, acte (Huasteco), acté (Lacandón), ajcte (Huasteco), espinosa, kaante' (Maya), mezquite, ya'ax-k' iik (Maya), ya'ax-k'iik (Maya), ébano rank: species
Xanthosoma mexicanumcommon name: pichitam, cartucho, capote blanco, Fuerza de hombre, capote blanco, cartucho, pichitam (Tseltal) rank: species
Russelia sarmentosacommon name: clavel, flor de mirto rojo silvestre, mirto, nej toolok (Maya), tronador, tronador hoja rank: species
Spea multiplicatacommon name: New Mexico spadefoot, Mexican spadefoot, sapo montícola de espuela, sapo de espuelas mexicano, sapo de espuelas mexicano, sapo montícola de espuela rank: species
Heliotropium angiospermumcommon name: alacrancillo, arete, codzne max (Maya), cola de alacrán, cola de escorpión, cola de gato, cola de mico, cola de mono, colar de alacrán, hierba de chatilla, hierba de fuego, hierba del alacrán, hierba del negro, hierba del sapo, ix tasuk (Tepehua), ix tlajak mextun (Totonaco), juche' (Maya), kot's-ne-maax (Maya), lee maxi (Maya), macapura (Guarijío), me'ex nuk xiib (Maya), ne ma'ax (Maya), ne' maax (Maya), ne' miij (Maya), ne' sinan (Maya), ne'miis (Maya), ne-maax (Maya), ne-mis (Maya), nej ma'ax (Maya), nej maax (Maya), nejmaax (Maya), nemaax (Maya), nemax (Maya), njma'ax (Maya), rabanico, rabo de mico, taseuyu-túan (Totonaco), uña de gato, wew tdiniy (Huasteco), x nemaax (Maya), xneej maax (Maya), xnej maax (Maya), xnemax (Maya), xtáulun (Maya) rank: species
Zanthoxylum arborescenscommon name: pipima, uña de gato, mata chinche, zorrillo, garabato, chinchilla, garabato, mata chinche, uña de gato, zorrillo rank: species
Funastrum clausumcommon name: quichi-nixe, sak jaway, ya'ax aak', guixi-nichi, guixi-nichi (Zapoteco), quichi-nixe (Zapoteco), sak jaway (Maya), ya'ax aak' (Maya) rank: species
Bursera excelsacommon name: pomo, tecomajaca, sisiote, tecomahaca, copalquín, copal, copalillo, árbol del copal santo, copal, copalillo, copalquín (Náhuatl), pomó, sisiote, tecomahaca (Náhuatl), árbol del copal santo rank: species
Viguiera dentatacommon name: mirasol, tah, ta, taj, chimalacate, tajonal, flor de tajonal, chamiso, girasol, hierba dulce, chamiso, flor de tajonal, girasol, hierba dulce, mirasol, ta (Maya), tah (Maya), taj (Maya), tajonal rank: species
Willardia mexicanacommon name: palo de piojo, palo nesco, palo piojo rank: species
Setophaga coronatacommon name: chipe coronado, Yellow-rumped Warbler, chipe rabadilla amarilla, chipe coronado, chipe rabadilla amarilla rank: species
Diaglena spatulatacommon name: rana pico de pato, rana de árbol cabeza de pala, rana pico de pato del pacífico, shovel-headed treefrog, ranita de cabeza espatulada, rana de árbol cabeza de pala, rana pico de pato, rana pico de pato del pacífico, ranita de cabeza espatulada rank: species
Cyperus macrocephalusrank: species
Luffa operculatacommon name: tzonayotli, calabaza estropajo, estropajo, esponja, coazamecate, estropajillo, esponjilla, esponjera, calabaza estropajo, esponja, esponjilla, estropajillo, estropajo, tzonayotli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Sideroxylon palmericommon name: tempexquixtlui, tempesquistle, tempeschitle, tempesquite, tempizquitli, tempezquiztle, tempiale, tempisle, tempixque, tempixquiztli, tempisque, tempixtle, tempixtli, tilapo, tenpequitle, coma real, tempechkitle, huizilacate poste, tempezquixtle, totozapotl, coma, abalo, cajpoqui, bebelama, capiri, chajpoquí liso, capire, cajpoquí liso, cosahuico, cozahuico, cupia, haba, huizilacate, abalo, cajpoqui (Zoque), capire, capiri, capulín, coma, haba, tempesquite rank: species
Cyperus iriarank: species
Euphorbia humayensisrank: species
Echinochloa colonacommon name: pasto, zacate gordura, arroz del monte, zacate de agua, zacate, arroz de monte, arrocillo, arrocillo, arroz de monte, arroz del monte, pasto, zacate, zacate de agua, zacate gordura rank: species
Panicum miliaceumrank: species
Tetramerium nervosumcommon name: olotillo, sak-ch'ilib, sak-ch'ilih, xhuayumhak, aka' xiiw, xolte' xnuk, zakchilib, baak soots', sak ch'iilib, x-wayon-k'aak, k'uuchel, corrimiento xiiw, aka' xiiw (Maya), baak soots' (Maya), corrimiento xiiw (Español-Maya), k'uuchel (Maya), olotillo (Náhuatl), sak ch'iilib (Maya), sak-ch'ilib (Maya), x-wayon-k'aak (Maya), xolte' xnuk (Maya) rank: species
Bursera fagaroidescommon name: ngedni, torote amarillo, ugedri, sazafrás, palo mulato, cuajiote verde, ngedri, cuajiote blanco, palo del diablo, xixote, cuajiote amarillo, jiote, cuajiote colorado, torote, aceitillo, torote blanco, cuajilote, chutama, copal, cuajiote, papelillo, aceitillo, chutama, copal, cuajilote, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajiote amarillo (Náhuatl), cuajiote blanco (Náhuatl), cuajiote colorado (Náhuatl), cuajiote verde (Náhuatl), jiote (Náhuatl), ngedri (Otomí), palo cuchara, palo del diablo, palo jiote, palo mulato, papelillo, sazafrás, tecomaca (Náhuatl), torote, torote amarillo, torote blanco, torote papelillo, xixote rank: species
Sayornis nigricanscommon name: Black Phoebe, papamoscas negro rank: species
Diphysa occidentalisrank: species
Cyperus tenerrimuscommon name: tule rank: species
Senna occidentaliscommon name: palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, tlaco-eca-patli, hierba de rancho, cantilakuiu, majpilniket, mano de muerto, candelilla chica, shtocatuan, higiacxihuitl, kantelaj kiui, disciplinilla, charamazca, charamasca prieta, tronador, cornezuelo, bricho, bicho, bu'ul k'aax, frijolillo kan, tulu vayan, frijolillo, habilla, habilla prieta, hediondilla, bicho, bu'ul k'aax (Maya), candelilla chica, cantilakuiu (Tepehua), charamazca (Tarasco), cornezuelo, frijolillo, frijolillo kan (Español-Maya), hediondilla, hediondillo, hierba de rancho, majpilniket (Náhuatl), mano de muerto, mezquitillo, palo de zorrillo, palo zorrillo, shtocatuan (Totonaco), tlaco-eca-patli (Náhuatl), tronador, tulu vayan (Maya), vainillo rank: species
Brickellia subuligerarank: species
Pithecellobium unguis-caticommon name: otsuiche, tsimché, tzimché, tzinché, ts'ui-ché, ts'iu-ché, chak tsi'uche', tsi'uche', coralillo, guamuchillo, chak tsi'uche' (Maya), coralillo, guamuchillo (Maya), guayacán, otsuiche (Maya), ts'iu-ché (Maya), ts'ui-ché (Maya), tsi'uche' (Maya), tsimché (Maya), tzimché (Maya), tzinché (Maya) rank: species
Pristimera celastroidescommon name: cancerina, mata piojo, ta'ts'i (Maya), tulub-balam (Maya), tulubuayam (Maya) rank: species
Carlowrightia arizonicacommon name: palo blanco, rama toro, rama de toro, chuparrosa, chuparrosa, palo blanco, rama de toro, rama toro rank: species
Eleutherodactylus interorbitaliscommon name: rana chirriadora anteojuda, spectacled chirping frog, ranita de lentes, rana chirriadora anteojuda, ranita de lentes rank: species
Stegnosperma cubensecommon name: bejuco negro, garabato, granadillo, queretano rank: species
Manihot chlorostictarank: species
Cyperus entrerianusrank: species
Operculina pinnatifidacommon name: ombligo de criatura, shicalmecat, trompillo, pata de gallo, aak' k'oon tin k'iin, gallinita, güirote de Michoacán, ishtampusni'sca'ta, aak' k'oon tin k'iin (Maya), gallinita, ishtampusni'sca'ta (Totonaco), ombligo de criatura, pata de gallo, trompillo rank: species
Martynia annuacommon name: matapulga, uña de gato, cuernito, ítsik' kuxkum, mi mbeax mies, uña del diablo, pech'ch'iik, chuk ch'iik, torito, chu-ch'ikil, flor de pulga, caza pulgas, chu-ch'ikil (Maya), chuk ch'iik (Maya), cinco llagas, cuernito, flor de pulga, matapulga, pech'ch'iik (Maya), perrito, torito, toritos, uña de gato, uña de gavilán, uña del diablo, ítsik' kuxkum (Huasteco) rank: species
Condalia mexicanacommon name: bizcolote, bindó rank: species
Egretta rufescenscommon name: Reddish Egret, garza rojiza, garceta rojiza, garceta rojiza, garza rojiza rank: species
Anas streperacommon name: Gadwall, pato friso rank: species
Podiceps nigricolliscommon name: zambullidor orejón, Eared Grebe rank: species
Numenius phaeopuscommon name: zarapito trinador, Whimbrel rank: species
Ardea herodiascommon name: Great Blue Heron, garza morena rank: species
Heliotropium fruticosumcommon name: nemsax, toronjillo, nej miis, nemaax, nej ma'ax, rabo de mico, pitajaya ku'uk, sooskil chaak, cola de mono, hierba de la mula, cola de mono, hierba de la mula, nej ma'ax (Maya), nej miis (Maya), nemaax (Maya), nemsax (Maya), pitajaya ku'uk (Español-Maya), rabo de mico, sooskil chaak (Maya), toronjillo rank: species
Calidris mauricommon name: Western Sandpiper, playero occidental rank: species
Phalacrocorax brasilianuscommon name: Neotropic Cormorant, cormorán neotropical, cormorán oliváceo, cormorán neotropical, cormorán oliváceo rank: species
Cylindropuntia fulgidacommon name: tootoco, choya, tubercled cholla, nopal de mamilas, velas de coyote, jumping cholla, cholla, cholla, cholla brillante, cholla de coyote, cholla plateada, choya, choya plateada, chóua (Mayo), coote (Seri), cotéexet (Seri), cotéexoj (Seri), ha:nami (Yuto-nahua), hehe ooxö (Seri), nopal de mamilas, sea cotópl (Seri), sea icös cooxp (Seri), tootjöc (Seri), tootoco (Seri), velas de coyote rank: species
Recurvirostra americanacommon name: avoceta americana rank: species
Coragyps atratuscommon name: Black Vulture, zopilote común rank: species
Datura discolorcommon name: toloache, chayotomate, chayotillo, trompetilla, hierba hedionda, higuerilla, chayotillo, hierba hedionda, higuerilla, toloache, trompetilla rank: species
Cyanocorax beecheiicommon name: chara de Beechy, Purplish-backed Jay, chara sinaloense, chara de Beechy, chara sinaloense rank: species
Nyctanassa violaceacommon name: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, pedrete corona clara, garza nocturna corona clara, garza nocturna corona clara, pedrete corona clara rank: species
Mentzelia asperacommon name: amores, pega pega, pega ropa, t saay yu'um (Maya), tsots'kab (Maya) rank: species
Himantopus mexicanuscommon name: candelero americano, monjita americana rank: species
Heliotropium curassavicumcommon name: alacrancillo de playa, chile max (Maya), chile piquín, cola de alacrán, cola de escorpion, cola de gato, cola de mico, colita de alacrán, hediondilla, heliotropo, hierba de fuego, hierba del gusano, hoja de sapo, nej ma'ax (Maya), nemaax (Maya), rabo de mico, sinan-xiw (Maya), ts'ats' (Maya), xch'u' (Maya) rank: species
Trianthema portulacastrumcommon name: verdolaga bronca, verdolaga blanca, verdolaga, cenicilla, verdolaga, verdolaga blanca, verdolaga bronca rank: species
Byrsonima crassifoliacommon name: ma-mi-hña, nandzin, nantzincuáhuitl, nanche dulce, nance agrio, nancis, nanche, nance, nanantze, nananche, níspero, nanzinxócotl, nanche de perro, nanche amarillo, nanchi, nanze, u-e, ue-ne, u'eo, tush, yaga-huizaa, zapotillo amarillo, nanche agrio, nantzi zac-pah, sokonantsin kiui, xacpan, che, nance dulce, chi', nan che', nanche del perro, tanzent, nantzin, zak-pah, xoconance, zxacpah, nanantzin, nanci, sokonanx, changunga, chi, chengua, arrayán, changungo, nance amarillo, hui-zaa, arrayán, che (Maya), chi (Maya), chi' (Maya), hui-zaa (Zapoteco), ma-mi-hña (Chinanteco), nance (Maya), nance agrio, nance amarillo, nanche, nanche agrio, nanche amarillo, nanche de perro, nanche del perro, nanche dulce, nanchi, nanci, nandzin (Zoque), nantzi zac-pah (Maya), nantzincuáhuitl (Náhuatl), nanzinxócotl (Náhuatl), níspero, palo de nanche, sak paj (Maya), sak-pah (Maya), sokonanx (Tepehua), tanzent (Totonaco), tush (Popoloca), u'eo (Cuicateco), u-e (Cuicateco), ue-ne (Chontal de Oaxaca), xacpan (Maya), yaga-huizaa (Zapoteco), zapotillo amarillo, zxacpah (Maya) rank: species
Waltheria indicacommon name: manrubio, sak-xiu, tapacola, tzitziquílitl, zacxiu, zakmisib, zak-xiu, tapaculo, cancerina, tapasereno, tatapolin, manrubio rojo, yerba del tapaculo, manrrubio, escoba, escobilla, malva, alacle, cadillo, sak xiiw, sak mis bil, malva del monte, cuaulotillo, güinare, hierba del soldado, cadillo, cancerina, cuaulotillo (Maya), escoba, escobilla, hierba del soldado, malva, malva del monte, manrubio, manrubio rojo, sak mis bil (Maya), sak xiiw (Maya), sak-xiu (Maya), tapasereno, tzitziquílitl (Náhuatl), yerba del tapaculo, zacxiu (Maya), zak-xiu (Maya), zakmisib (Maya) rank: species
Falco peregrinuscommon name: Peregrine Falcon, halcón peregrino rank: species
Ortalis waglericommon name: Rufous-bellied Chachalaca, chachalaca vientre castaño rank: species
Egretta tricolorcommon name: garza tricolor, Tricolored Heron, garceta tricolor, garceta tricolor, garza tricolor rank: species
Charadrius wilsoniacommon name: Wilson's Plover, chorlo pico grueso rank: species
Icterus pustulatuscommon name: calandria dorso rayado, bolsero dorso rayado, Streak-backed Oriole, bolsero dorso rayado, calandria dorso rayado rank: species
Butorides virescenscommon name: garcita verde, Green Heron, garceta verde, garceta verde, garcita verde rank: species
Crotophaga sulcirostriscommon name: garrapatero pijuy, Groove-billed Ani rank: species
Sternula antillarumcommon name: Least Tern, charrán mínimo rank: species
Urochloa fuscacommon name: tactla-sacat, suuk, pasto, piojillo granadilla, zacate cola de zorra, zacate, ahan toom, camalote, canchín, k' an chin, k'an-chim, camalote, k' an chin (Maya), k'an-chim (Maya), pasto, piojillo granadilla, suuk (Maya), zacate, zacate cola de zorra rank: species
Rhizophora manglecommon name: mangle colorado, mamey Santo Domingo, mangle tinto, mangle dulce, mangle negro, tapché, tabché, xtabché, xtaab che', ta'ab che', xtapché, mangle, mangle rojo, candelón, mamey Santo Domingo, mangle, mangle candelilla, mangle colorado, mangle dulce, mangle negro, mangle rojo, mangle tinto, ta'ab che' (Maya), tabché (Maya), tapché (Maya), xtaab che' (Maya), xtabché (Maya), xtapché (Maya) rank: species
Ruellia nudifloracommon name: xana mukuy, kabal xa'an, kabal ya'ax niik, berraco xiiw, cruz xiiw, che'su'uk, pajkanul, berraco xiiw (Español-Maya), che'su'uk (Maya), cruz xiiw (Español-Maya), kabal xa'an (Maya), kabal ya'ax niik (Maya), pajkanul (Maya), xana mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Chloroceryle americanacommon name: martín pescador verde, Green Kingfisher rank: species
Platalea ajajacommon name: espátula rosada, Roseate Spoonbill rank: species
Karwinskia latifoliacommon name: margarita, piojillo, mansasra, margaritasha, frutillo, frutillo, margarita, margaritasha (Cora), piojillo (Náhuatl) rank: species
Corvus sinaloaecommon name: Sinaloa Crow, cuervo sinaloense rank: species
Sporophila torqueolacommon name: White-collared Seedeater, semillero de collar, semillero de collar, semillero rabadilla canela rank: species
Porophyllum punctatumcommon name: mal ojo, piojillo, pioja, pech'uk-il, piojo, uk'che, xpechuekil, pipisca de venado, pipitzcaquilitl, quelite, mal de ojo, susuk xiiw, uk'iil, keliil, uuk'che', tu' xiiw, uuk'xiiw, hierba del venado, hierba del venado, keliil (Maya), mal de ojo, mal ojo, pech'uk-il (Maya), pioja, piojillo (Náhuatl), piojo, pipisca de venado, quelite, susuk xiiw (Maya), tu' xiiw (Maya), uk'che (Maya), uk'iil (Maya), uuk'che' (Maya), uuk'xiiw (Maya), xpechuekil (Maya) rank: species
Anas acutacommon name: pato golondrino, Northern Pintail rank: species
Ludwigia octovalviscommon name: maskabché, moco de pavo, tlanchane, yerba del chile, achili, calavera, cornezuelo cimarrón, puuts' mukuy, máaskab che', clavel de laguna, camarón, clavillo, flor de camarón, flor de agua, hoja de clavo, calavera, camarón, clavel de laguna, clavillo, cornezuelo cimarrón, flor de agua, flor de camarón, hoja de clavo, maskabché (Maya), moco de pavo, máaskab che' (Maya), puuts' mukuy (Maya), yerba del chile rank: species
Cenchrus ciliariscommon name: pasto, zacate buffel, cadillo buffell, zacate, pasto buffel, cadillo buffell (Español-Inglés), pasto, pasto buffel, zacate, zacate buffel rank: species
Pluvialis squatarolacommon name: chorlo gris, Black-bellied Plover rank: species
Ardea albacommon name: garza blanca, Great Egret rank: species
Pilosocereus purpusiicommon name: viejos, old man pitayo tree, pitayo viejo, barbas de viejo, barba de viejo, pitayo, pitayo viejo, viejo rank: species
Tringa melanoleucacommon name: patamarilla mayor, Greater Yellowlegs rank: species
Hirundo rusticacommon name: Barn Swallow, golondrina tijereta, golondrina común, golondrina tijereta rank: species
Setophaga petechiacommon name: chipe amarillo, Yellow Warbler rank: species
Tillandsia intermediacommon name: bromelia rank: species
Chloris barbatacommon name: am su'uk, am su'uk (Maya) rank: species
Zenaida asiaticacommon name: White-winged Dove, paloma alas blancas rank: species
Commicarpus scandenscommon name: sonorita, xicomini, bejuco de la araña, bejuco de purgación, hierba del mosco, bejuco de la araña, bejuco de purgación, hierba del mosco, pega-pollo, plúmbago, señorita, sonorita rank: species
Bothriochloa ischaemumcommon name: tallo azul de kingranch rank: species
Anas discorscommon name: Blue-winged Teal, cerceta alas azules rank: species
Megathyrsus maximuscommon name: suuk, rabo de mula, pasto gordura, pasto, pasto guinea, privilegio, panizo de guinea, zacate guinea, zacate privilegio, zacate, zacatón, guineo, escoba, camalote, su'uk, coloniao, hoja fina, camalote, escoba, hoja fina, pasto, pasto gordura, pasto guinea, privilegio, rabo de mula, su'uk (Maya), suuk (Maya), zacate, zacate guinea, zacate privilegio, zacatón rank: species
Digitaria ciliarisrank: species
Amaranthus hybriduscommon name: moco de pavo, quiye'uxa, quílitl, quelite blanco, quelite de cochino, quelite de puerco, quelite espinoso, quelite morado, quelite quintanil, saua-sacaca, quirimaca, quiribá, quintonil, shitjá, saua-shalsoco, shacua, tsaua, ueymi, ueiui, je'pal, xidha, cal'unit, quelite bueno, kithal toro, huauquilitl, quintonil blanco, quintonil grande, ca'ca, saua-shasoco, quelite de marrano, carricillo, quelite, bledo, ba-llaa, cani, ca'ara'i, chacua, cacalosúchil, amaranto, chú'yaca, ka, amaranto, ba-llaa (Zapoteco), bledo, ca'ara'i (Cora), ca'ca (Totonaco), cacalosúchil (Mixe), cani (Otomí), carricillo, ca'ca (Totonaco), chacua (Tarasco), chú'yaca (Tarahumara), je'pal (Huasteco), ka (Maya), moco de pavo, quelite, quelite blanco, quelite bueno, quelite de cochino, quelite de marrano, quelite de puerco, quelite espinoso, quelite morado, quelite quintanil, quintonil, quintonil blanco, quintonil grande, quiye'uxa (Huichol), quílitl (Náhuatl), saua-sacaca (Totonaco), saua-shalsoco (Totonaco), saua-shasoco (Totonaco), shacua (Tarasco), shitjá (Otomí), tsaua (Totonaco), ueiui (Guarijío), ueymi (Guarijío), xidha (Otomí) rank: species
Fregata magnificenscommon name: Magnificent Frigatebird, fragata tijereta, fragata magnífica, fragata magnífica, fragata tijereta rank: species
Kallstroemia californicacommon name: pelagallina rank: species
Marsdenia eduliscommon name: talayote, talayote (Náhuatl) rank: species
Phalacrocorax aurituscommon name: cormorán orejudo, cormorán orejón, Double-crested Cormorant, cormorán orejudo, cormorán orejón rank: species
Tachycineta albilineacommon name: Mangrove Swallow, golondrina manglera rank: species
Macroptilium longepedunculatumrank: species
Charadrius vociferuscommon name: Killdeer, chorlo tildío rank: species
Eudocimus albuscommon name: White Ibis, ibis blanco rank: species
Quiscalus mexicanuscommon name: Great-tailed Grackle, zanate mayor rank: species
Molothrus atercommon name: Brown-headed Cowbird, tordo cabeza café rank: species
Rottboellia cochinchinensiscommon name: caminadora, cebada fina, gramínea corredora, zacate peludo rank: species
Leucophaeus atricillacommon name: Laughing Gull, gaviota reidora rank: species
Chroicocephalus philadelphiacommon name: gaviota de Bonaparte, Bonaparte's Gull rank: species
Nissolia fruticosacommon name: bejuco, k'an-t'uul, bejuco, k'an-t'uul (Maya) rank: species
Eupsittula caniculariscommon name: perico frente naranja, Orange-fronted Parakeet rank: species
Columbina passerinacommon name: Common Ground-Dove, tórtola coquita, tortolita pico rojo, tortolita pico corto, tortolita pico rojo, tórtola coquita rank: species
Setariopsis auriculatacommon name: pasto, zacate, k`u^uech, k'u' weech, k'u' weech su'uk, k'u-uech, k'u' weech (Maya), k'u' weech su'uk (Maya), k'u-uech (Maya), pasto, zacate rank: species
Boa sigmacommon name: boa constrictor, káxab yuk, xazáacoj, corúa, macoa, boota, fuerzuda, tamacoa, limacoa, och-can, mazacóatl, imperial boa, boa, mazacuata, boota, corúa, fuerzuda, macoa, mazacuata, mazacóatl (Yuto-nahua), och-can (Maya), tamacoa, xazáacoj (Seri) rank: species
Mimosa spirocarpacommon name: sierrilla, cuca, cuca (Guarijío), sierrilla rank: species
Crocodylus acutuscommon name: caimán, caimán aguja, caimán de costa, cocodrilo americano, cocodrilo de río, lagarto amarillo, lagarto real rank: species
Tyrannus melancholicuscommon name: tirano pirirí, Tropical Kingbird, tirano tropical, tirano melancólico, tirano pirirí, tirano tropical rank: species
Nycticorax nycticoraxcommon name: pedrete corona negra, garza nocturna corona negra, Black-crowned Night-Heron, garza nocturna corona negra, pedrete corona negra rank: species
Pereskiopsis portericommon name: rosa amarilla, gates shrub cactus, porter shrub cactus, xoconostle, cactus arbusto alcájer falso, cactus arbusto alcájer, alcájer, joconoxtle, alcahuésar, alcajes, alcanjer, alcájer, cactus arbusto alcájer, cactus arbusto alcájer falso, jejeri (Mayo), joconoxtle, rosa amarilla, xoconostle, xoconoxtle (Náhuatl) rank: species
Amaranthus fimbriatusrank: species
Dendrocygna autumnaliscommon name: pijije alas blancas, pijije ala blanca, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, pijije ala blanca, pijije alas blancas rank: species
Jacquemontia pentanthosrank: species
Tyrannus crassirostriscommon name: tirano pico grueso, Thick-billed Kingbird rank: species
Nasua naricacommon name: pizote, pesojtli, tejón, t' soy, gato solo, coatí, white-nosed coati, coatí norteño, churé, amátze, churé (Yuto-nahua), coatí, coatí norteño, gato solo, pesojtli (Yuto-nahua), pizote, t' soy (Maya), tejón rank: species
Polioptila nigricepscommon name: perlita sinaloense, Black-capped Gnatcatcher rank: species
Artibeus lituratuscommon name: big fruit-eating bat, murciélago frutero, murciélago, murciélago frutero gigante, murciélago, murciélago frutero, murciélago frutero gigante, murciélago furgívoro gigante rank: species
Salvia misellacommon name: quelite lengua de toro, hierba lengua de toro, hierba del cáncer, chía cimarrona, cadillo, mukuy xiiw, hierbabuena xiiw, hierba buena montés, lengua de toro, hierba de lengua de toro, cadillo, chía cimarrona, hierba de lengua de toro, hierba del cáncer, hierba lengua de toro, hierbabuena xiiw (Español-Maya), lengua de toro, mukuy xiiw (Maya), quelite lengua de toro rank: species
Leopardus pardaliscommon name: ocelote, ocelot rank: species
Caesalpinia pulcherrimacommon name: maravilla, sirindanicua, sik'in, talpacache, tabachín, tsutson, xiloxóchitl, ziringuanico, bigotillo, flor de arito, sukin, chacasúchil, siringuanico, surundanico, chak sin in, tavachín, chak sikin, chamal, chak-muk, benda-bulaga, chalmoxóchitl, chacaloxóchitl, chak-sin' in, bandaa-yu, chamalxóchitl, chamoxóchitl, camarón, tronadora, guacamayo, flor de San Francisco, framboyán, flor de camarón, k'an-sik'in, kanzinkín, hoja sen, bandaa-yu (Zapoteco), barbas de camarón, benda-bulaga (Zapoteco), bigotillo, caballero, camaroncillo, camaroncito, camarón, chacaloxóchitl (Náhuatl), chak-muk (Maya), chak-sin' in (Maya), chalmoxóchitl (Náhuatl), chamal, chamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), chamoxóchitl (Náhuatl), ciringuanica (Purépecha), espuela de caballero, flamboyán, flor de San Francisco, flor de arito, flor de camarón, framboyán, guacamayo, hoja sen, k'an-sik'in (Maya), kanzinkín (Maya), maravilla, mechuda, pericón, sik'in (Maya), sikil (Maya), sirindanicua (Tarasco), siringuanico (Tarasco), tabachín, talpacache (Guarijío), tavachín (Tarahumara), tronadora, tsutson (Totonaco), tziringuarico (Purépecha), xiloxóchitl (Náhuatl), zarza colorada, ziringuanico (Tarasco) rank: species
Vireo flavoviridiscommon name: vireo verdeamarillo, Yellow-green Vireo rank: species
Bougainvillea glabracommon name: bugambilia mamey, manto de Jesús, carolina blanca, shpupukutshanat, napoleona, carolina, bugambilia, bombilla, camelina, bombilla, bugambilia, bugambilia mamey, carolina, carolina blanca, manto de Jesús, napoleona, shpupukutshanat (Totonaco) rank: species
Buteo plagiatuscommon name: aguililla gris, Gray Hawk rank: species
Parkesia motacillacommon name: chipe arroyero, Louisiana Waterthrush rank: species
Cardiospermum halicacabumcommon name: munditos, tolicarochá, tomatillo, vaval, uayum-ak, tlazoltómatl, rayó, ocotillo, tronador, bejuco tronador, bombilla, bolsilla, farolitos, bejuco, güirote cachora, huayun-ak, huahunak, huayumac, huevo de gato, hierba del chivato, bejuco, bejuco tronador, bolsilla, bombilla, farolitos, hierba del chivato, huayun-ak (Maya), huevo de gato, ocotillo, rayó (Tarahumara), tolicarochá (Guarijío), tomatillo, tronador, uayum-ak (Maya) rank: species
Camptostoma imberbecommon name: mosquero lampiño, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, mosquerito chillón, mosquerito chillón, mosquero lampiño rank: species
Dermanura toltecacommon name: murciélago, murciélago frutero tolteca, lowland fruit-eating bat, Toltec fruit-eating bat, murciélago, murciélago frutero menor de patas desnudas, murciélago frutero tolteca rank: species
Empidonax affiniscommon name: mosquero pinero, papamoscas pinero, Pine Flycatcher, mosquero pinero, papamoscas pinero rank: species
Dicotyles angulatuscommon name: jabalina, jabalí de collar, pecarí de collar, collard peccary, pecarí de collar norteño rank: species
Solanum (Solanum) lycopersicumcommon name: mbaremöxü, pacshá, p'ak, paklhcha, mehen-p'ak, pe-thoxi, shitumal, pe-those, tuthay, xayúqui-te, xitómat, tuthey, ts'ulub-p'ak, ts'ulub-pak, tzajalpish, tomatillo, tomate bola, tinguaraque, tomate chitalino, jitomate Rio Grande, cuatecomate, xucápara, del país, tomate rojo, xitomate, aadi-maxi, bachuga, bi-tuixi, be-thoxi, ha'sikil-p'ak, jitomate, aadi-maxi (Otomí), bachuga (Cuicateco), be-thoxi (Zapoteco), bi-tuixi (Zapoteco), ha'sikil-p'ak (Maya), mbaremöxü (Mazahua), mehen-p'ak (Maya), p'ak (Maya), pacshá (Totonaco), paklhcha (Totonaco), pe-those (Zapoteco), pe-thoxi (Zapoteco), shitumal (Náhuatl), tomate bola, tomate rojo, tomatillo, ts'ulub-p'ak (Maya), ts'ulub-pak (Maya), tuthay (Huasteco), tuthey (Huasteco), tzajalpish (Tojolabal), xayúqui-te (Huichol), xitómat (Náhuatl), xucápara (Tarasco) rank: species
Cynanthus latirostriscommon name: colibrí pico ancho, Broad-billed Hummingbird rank: species
Cardellina pusillacommon name: chipe corona negra, Wilson's Warbler rank: species
Xiphorhynchus flavigastercommon name: trepatroncos bigotudo, Ivory-billed Woodcreeper rank: species
Amazona albifronscommon name: White-fronted Parrot, loro frente blanca rank: species
Amazilia rutilacommon name: colibrí canela, Cinnamon Hummingbird, colibrí canelo, colibrí canela, colibrí canelo rank: species
Pheucticus chrysopepluscommon name: Yellow Grosbeak, picogordo amarillo rank: species
Streptoprocne semicollariscommon name: vencejo nuca blanca, White-naped Swift rank: species
Melampodium appendiculatumrank: species
Corchorus olitoriusrank: species
Antrostomus ridgwayicommon name: Buff-collared Nightjar, tapacamino tu-cuchillo, tapacaminos tucuchillo, tapacamino tu-cuchillo, tapacaminos tucuchillo rank: species
Trogon eleganscommon name: coa elegante, Elegant Trogon, trogón elegante, coa elegante, trogón elegante rank: species
Desmanthus bicornutusrank: species
Macrotus waterhousiicommon name: Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat, murciélago orejón mexicano, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago orejón mexicano, murciélago orejón sureño rank: species
Hemidactylus frenatuscommon name: besucona, cuija besucona, common House gecko, geco casero bocón, besucona, geco casero bocón rank: species
Crotalus basiliscuscommon name: víbora cascabel de Saye, víbora de cascabel, cascabel del pacífico, Mexican west coast rattlesnake, sayahuqui, cascabel rattlesnake, saye, cola prieta, basilisk rattlesnake, víbora cascabel tropical, cascabel del pacífico, cola prieta, saye, víbora cascabel de Saye, víbora cascabel tropical, víbora de cascabel rank: species
Pitangus sulphuratuscommon name: Luis bienteveo, Great Kiskadee rank: species
Thryophilus sinaloacommon name: chivirín sinaloense, Sinaloa Wren, saltapared sinaloense, chivirín sinaloense, saltapared sinaloense rank: species
Columbina incacommon name: tórtola cola larga, Inca Dove, tortolita cola larga, tortolita cola larga, tórtola cola larga rank: species
Polioptila caeruleacommon name: perlita azulgris, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher rank: species
Zenaida macrouracommon name: huilota común, Mourning Dove, paloma huilota, huilota común, paloma huilota rank: species
Aristida adscensioniscommon name: pasto, tres barbas, zacate cola de zorra, zacate de agua tres barbas, zacate de agua, pasto, tres barbas, zacate cola de zorra, zacate de agua, zacate de agua tres barbas rank: species
Trogon citreoluscommon name: coa citrina, Citreoline Trogon, trogón citrino, coa citrina, trogón citrino rank: species
Saltator coerulescenscommon name: picurero grisáceo, Grayish Saltator, saltador gris, picurero grisáceo, saltador gris rank: species
Tigrisoma mexicanumcommon name: Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, garza tigre mexicana rank: species
Lynx rufuscommon name: bobcat, lince americano, lince, ruchí, gato montés, gato montés, lince, lince americano, lince rojo, ruchí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Myiodynastes luteiventriscommon name: Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, papamoscas rayado común, papamoscas atigrado, papamoscas atigrado, papamoscas rayado común rank: species
Melanerpes uropygialiscommon name: carpintero del desierto, Gila Woodpecker rank: species
Glossophaga soricinacommon name: murciélago, Pallas long-tonged bat, murciélago lengüetón de Pallas, murciélago, murciélago lengüetón de Pallas rank: species
Zea mayscommon name: moc, ma-kuí, mojc, moojc, mooc, mile, ndëchjo, mang-cú, nuaa, nih-gno, nuh-ni, sunú, shuba, pi-nii-chita, pitile, sintlil, sunucu, tagol, tapacola, taleta, sonú, teozintle, siquilibachi, siquil, sintul, shobe, tlaoli, xahuat, tziri, tlautlín, tsiri, xooba, yuuri, xupaac, tlaolli, xi'im, cintli, tlayolli, teocintle, hoja de elote, hoja de milpa, coxi, tapaculo, íthilh, nhal, xoopa, xuba, ixim, zintli, tahol, cuxi, tsauam, ishim ixi'im, tapasereno, yooba, maíz tunicado, zacate, cabellos de elote, acecé, bachí, cal-coshac, boc, ahtziri, batchi, olote, cu, deta, cushi, hapxol, co-shac, güinare, em, detó, elote, ishín, maíz, hun, maíz de coyote, maíz dulce, maíz cacahuazintle, 'icú, llucu, maicillo, huashácata, ixiim, ixin, 'icú (Huichol), ahtziri (Tarasco), bachí (Tarahumara), batchi (Mayo), boc (Popoloca), cabellos de elote, cal-coshac (Chontal de Oaxaca), co-shac (Chontal de Oaxaca), coxi (Totonaco), cu (Popoloca), cushi (Totonaco), deta (Otomí), detó (Otomí), elotes, em (Huasteco), hapxol (Seri), hoja de elote, hun (Tepehuano del sur), ishín (Tseltal), llucu (Zapoteco), ma-kuí (Chinanteco), maicillo, mang-cú (Chinanteco), maíz, maíz cacahuazintle, maíz de coyote, maíz dulce, maíz tunicado, mile (Náhuatl), mojc (Popoloca), mooc (Mixe), moojc (Popoloca), ndëchjo (Mazahua), nih-gno (Cuicateco), nuaa (Popoloca), nuh-ni (Mixteco), olote, pi-nii-chita (Zapoteco), pitile (Cuicateco), shuba (Zapoteco), sintlil (Huasteco), sunú (Tarahumara), tagol (Náhuatl), taleta (Tarasco), tapasereno, tlaoli (Náhuatl), tsiri (Tarasco), tziri (Tarasco), xahuat (Totonaco), xooba (Zapoteco), xuba (Zapoteco), xupaac (Zapoteco), yuuri (Cora), zacate rank: species
Melanerpes chrysogenyscommon name: carpintero enmascarado, Golden-cheeked Woodpecker rank: species
Vireo cassiniicommon name: Cassin's Vireo, vireo de Cassin rank: species
Tityra semifasciatacommon name: titira enmascarada, titira puerquito, Masked Tityra, titira enmascarada, titira puerquito rank: species
Heloderma horridumcommon name: lagarto enchaquirado, Mexican Beaded lizard, lagarto de chaquira, escorpión, escorpíon grande, lagarto de cuentas, escorpión, escorpíon grande, lagarto de chaquira, lagarto de cuentas, lagarto enchaquirado rank: species
Sceloporus nelsonicommon name: nelson spiny lizard, lagartija escamosa de Nelson, lagartija espinosa de panza azul, rochaquita de panza azul, lagartija, cachorita, cachorita, lagartija escamosa de Nelson, lagartija espinosa de panza azul, rochaquita de panza azul rank: species
Colubrina heteroneuracommon name: brasilillo, brasilillo, limoncillo rank: species
Megaceryle alcyoncommon name: Belted Kingfisher, martín pescador norteño rank: species
Rhinoclemmys pulcherrimacommon name: tortuga pinta, painted wood turtle, tortuga de monte pintada, tortuga de rayas rojas, tortuga colorado, tortuga colorado, tortuga de monte pintada, tortuga de rayas rojas, tortuga pinta rank: species
Oreothlypis celatacommon name: Orange-crowned Warbler, chipe oliváceo, chipe corona naranja, chipe corona naranja, chipe oliváceo rank: species
Solanum (Leptostemomum) tridynamumcommon name: kóon ya'ax nik, tóom p'aak, p'aak kaan, pool iik, kóon ya'ax iik, puut balam, ya'ax puut baalam, ts'ay ooch, ts'ay, berenjena silvestre, k'on-yaax-nik (Maya), kóon ya'ax iik (Maya), kóon ya'ax nik (Maya), mala mujer, p'aak kaan (Maya), palohuisi (Guarijío), pool iik (Maya), puut balam (Maya), tomatillo, ts'ay (Maya), ts'ay ooch (Maya), tóom p'aak (Maya), x-k'on-yaaz-nik (Maya), xkon-yakik (Maya), ya'ax puut baalam (Maya) rank: species
Campephilus guatemalensiscommon name: Pale-billed Woodpecker, carpintero pico plata, carpintero pico plateado, carpintero pico plata, carpintero pico plateado rank: species
Incilius mazatlanensiscommon name: sapito de Mazatlán, Sinaloa toad, sapo sinaloense, sapo pinto, sapito pinto de Mazatlán, sapito de Mazatlán, sapito pinto de Mazatlán, sapo pinto, sapo sinaloense rank: species
Passerina versicolorcommon name: Varied Bunting, colorín morado rank: species
Glossophaga commissarisicommon name: Commissaris's long-tongued bat, murciélago, murciélago lengüetón de Comissaris, murciélago, murciélago lenguilargo pequeño, murciélago lengüetón de Comissaris rank: species
Balantiopteryx plicatacommon name: murciélago sacóptero azulejo, Petersen's bat, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago de sacos gris, murciélago sacóptero azulejo rank: species
Amazona finschicommon name: Lilac-crowned Parrot, loro corona lila rank: species
Cyclanthera dissectacommon name: raíz de fregar, chayotillo, aca'hua, macuilquilitl, aca'hua (Totonaco), chayotillo, cincoquelite, macuilquilitl, raíz de fregar rank: species
Bubulcus ibiscommon name: garza ganadera, Cattle Egret rank: species
Artibeus jamaicensiscommon name: murciélago frutívoro de Jamaica, murciélago frutero, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, murciélago frutero, murciélago frutero común, murciélago frutívoro de Jamaica, murciélago zapotero rank: species
Coluber mentovariuscommon name: neotropical Whip snake, chirrionera, chicotera, chicoteadora, culebra chirriadora neotropical, alicate, corredora, chirrionera sabanera, alicate, chicoteadora, chicotera, chirrionera, chirrionera sabanera, corredora, culebra chirriadora neotropical rank: species
Calocitta collieicommon name: Black-throated Magpie-Jay, urraca-hermosa cara negra, urraca cara negra, urraca cara negra, urraca-hermosa cara negra rank: species
Glaucidium brasilianumcommon name: tecolote bajeño, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl rank: species
Sturnira hondurensiscommon name: chinaco, chinaco, murciélago de charreteras mayor rank: species
Icterus cucullatuscommon name: calandria dorso negro menor, bolsero encapuchado, Hooded Oriole, bolsero encapuchado, calandria dorso negro menor rank: species
Cyanocompsa parellinacommon name: colorín azulnegro, Blue Bunting rank: species
Patagioenas flavirostriscommon name: paloma morada, Red-billed Pigeon rank: species
Passerina caeruleacommon name: Blue Grosbeak, picogordo azul rank: species
Icterus spuriuscommon name: Orchard Oriole, calandria castaña, bolsero castaño, bolsero castaño, calandria castaña rank: species
Psidium guajavacommon name: ñi-joh, mo'i, mo'eyi, pehui, sumbadán, pata, xalácatl, xalxócotl, vayeváxi-te, xoxococuabitl, xapeni, huajocolotl, xaxocolotl, xaxocotl, julu', xaxucotl, guayaba rosada, yaga-huii, posh, llasibit, xocoyot, aci'huit, pachi, chac-pichi, pichi-guayaba, pachi', pichi-cuy, guayabo, pichi, jaljocote, bec, guayaba dulce, guayaba perulera, guayaba, guayaba manzana, guayabo regional, guava, bjui, bui, a'sihui't, al-pil-ca, ca'aru, chalxócotl, chak-pichí, chk-pichí, guayacán, enandi, guáibasim, guayabo de venado, guayabo agrio, guayabillo, jalocote, kolok, a'sihui't (Totonaco), al-pil-ca (Chontal de Oaxaca), bec (Maya), bek (Maya), bjui (Zapoteco), bui (Zapoteco), ca'aru (Cora), chac-pichi (Maya), chak-pichí (Maya), chalxócotl (Náhuatl), chk-pichí (Maya), enandi (Tarasco), guayaba, guayaba de venado, guayaba dulce, guayaba manzana, guayaba perulera, guayabilla, guayabillo, guayabo, guayabo agrio, guayabo de venado, guayabo regional, guayacán, guáibasim (Mayo), julu' (Maya), kolok (Maya), llasibit (Totonaco), mo'eyi (Cuicateco), mo'i (Cuicateco), pachi (Maya), pata (Tsotsil), pehui (Zapoteco), pichi (Maya), pichi' (Maya), pichi-cuy (Maya), pichi-guayaba (Maya), picho, posh (Mixe), pox (Maya), quauhtzapotl (Náhuatl), sumbadán (Zoque), tchie-ini (Mazateco), tchie-tigua (Mazateco), vayeváxi-te (Huichol), xalxócotl (Náhuatl), xalácatl (Náhuatl), xapeni (Otomí), xaxucotl (Náhuatl), xoxococuabitl (Náhuatl), yaga-huii (Zapoteco), ñi-joh (Chinanteco) rank: species
Plegadis chihicommon name: White-faced Ibis, ibis cara blanca, ibis ojos rojos, ibis cara blanca, ibis ojos rojos rank: species
Momotus mexicanuscommon name: momoto corona café, momoto corona canela, Russet-crowned Motmot, momoto corona café, momoto corona canela rank: species
Agalychnis dacnicolorcommon name: otác (Seri), rana cara de niño, rana verde, ranita verduzca, ziix hax ano quiij (Seri) rank: species
Geothlypis trichascommon name: Common Yellowthroat, mascarita común rank: species
Euphorbia californicacommon name: sipehui, zipehui rank: species
Geranospiza caerulescenscommon name: gavilán zancón, Crane Hawk rank: species
Albizia lebbeckcommon name: chakte'koox, xka chakte'koox, canjuro, algarroba, acacia, acacia amarilla, algarroba, cabellos de ángel rank: species
Geococcyx veloxcommon name: correcaminos tropical, Lesser Roadrunner rank: species
Parabuteo unicinctuscommon name: Harris's Hawk, aguililla rojinegra rank: species
Empidonax difficiliscommon name: papamoscas amarillo del pacífico, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, mosquero californiano, mosquero californiano, papamoscas amarillo del pacífico rank: species
Agave (Littaea) vilmorinianacommon name: amole, hauhué, maguey, jaué, amole, hauhué (Guarijío), jaué (Guarijío), maguey rank: species
Panthera oncacommon name: barum, bolon, jaguar, tigre, balam, balúm, balam (Maya), balúm (Maya), barum (Maya), bolon (Maya), jaguar, pantera, tecuán, tigre rank: species
Handroanthus chrysanthuscommon name: ahan-ché (Maya), ahauché (Maya), ajaw che' (Maya), amapa, amapa amarilla, amapa colorada, amapa prieta, amapa rosa, amapa verde, guayacan, guayacán amarillo, hahau-ché (Maya), hahuuché (Maya), hokab (Maya), jajauche' (Maya), k'an lool (Maya), k'an lool k'aax (Maya), lombricillo, macuilis (Maya), makulis (Maya), mauche' (Maya), palo fierro, pata de león, primavera, roble, roble serrano, verdecillo, x-ahau-ché (Maya), x-ahauché (Maya), xha-hua-ché (Maya) rank: species
Cassiculus melanicteruscommon name: cacique mexicano, Yellow-winged Cacique rank: species
Columbina talpacoticommon name: tortolita canela, tórtola rojiza, Ruddy Ground-Dove, tortolita canela, tórtola rojiza rank: species
Leptonycteris yerbabuenaecommon name: lesser long-nose bat, murciélago, murciélago hocicudo menor, murciélago, murciélago hocicudo menor, murciélago magueyero menor rank: species
Anolis nebulosuscommon name: abaniquillo de Schmidt, anolis pañuelo del pacífico, anolis de Colima, cachorita, abaniquillo pañuelo del pacífico, abaniquillo de Colima, anolis pañuelo, abaniqillo de Simmons, lagartija, anolis de Schmidt, lagartija de papada rosa, pañuelo, Schmidt's anole, clouded anole, roño de paño, abaniqillo de Simmons, abaniquillo de Colima, abaniquillo de Schmidt, abaniquillo pañuelo del pacífico, anolis de Colima, anolis de Schmidt, anolis pañuelo, anolis pañuelo del pacífico, cachorita, lagartija, lagartija de papada rosa, pañuelo, roño de paño rank: species
Urosaurus bicarinatuscommon name: chintete, cachorita, lagartija de árbol del pacífico, tropical tree lizard, salamanquesa, lagartija arbolera tropical, roñito, cachorita, chintete, lagartija arbolera tropical, lagartija de árbol, lagartija de árbol del pacífico, roñito, salamanquesa rank: species
Melinis repenscommon name: pasto de natal, pasto, ilusion, pasto de sengal, senegalés, zacate aceinunillo, zacate de seda, zacatillo, pasto natal, zacate natal, zacate, zacate ilusión, algodoncillo, cadillo, carretero, barba de mula, chak su'uk, zacate rojo, cola de mono, grano de oro, díctamo real, algodoncillo, barba de mula, cadillo, carretero, chak su'uk (Maya), cola de mono, grano de oro, ilusion, pasto, zacate, zacate aceinunillo, zacate de seda, zacate ilusión, zacate natal, zacate rojo, zacatillo rank: species
Geothlypis tolmieicommon name: MacGillivray's Warbler, chipe de Tolmie, chipe lores negros, chipe de Tolmie, chipe lores negros rank: species
Pteronotus mexicanuscommon name: murciélago bigotón, murciélago bigotudo de Parnell, Parnell's mustached bat, murciélago, murciélago bigotudo de Parnell, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Erythroxylum havanensecommon name: colorín, escobillo, huesito, ocotillo, palo chino, pata de pájaro, pie de pájaro rank: species
Piranga ludovicianacommon name: tangara capucha roja, piranga capucha roja, Western Tanager, piranga capucha roja, tangara capucha roja rank: species
Crypturellus cinnamomeuscommon name: tinamú canelo rank: species
Turdus rufopalliatuscommon name: mirlo dorso canela, Rufous-backed Robin, mirlo dorso rufo, mirlo dorso canela, mirlo dorso rufo rank: species
Sceloporus clarkiicommon name: Clark's spiny lizard, lagartija espinosa de Clark, lagartija, vejore de Clark, lagartija espinosa del noroeste, bejore, cachora, lagartija escamosa de Clark, haasj, cachora, haasj (Seri), lagartija, lagartija escamosa de Clark, lagartija espinosa de Clark, lagartija espinosa del noroeste, vejore de Clark rank: species
Herpetotheres cachinnanscommon name: Laughing Falcon, halcón guaco rank: species
Piaya cayanacommon name: Squirrel Cuckoo, cuclillo canela, cuclillo canelo, cuclillo canela, cuclillo canelo rank: species
Lepus allenicommon name: liebre, antelope Jackrabbit, liebre antílope, liebre, liebre antílope rank: species
Corvus coraxcommon name: Common Raven, cuervo común rank: species
Heliomaster constantiicommon name: colibrí picudo, Plain-capped Starthroat, colibrí picudo occidental, colibrí picudo, colibrí picudo occidental rank: species
Luffa cylindricacommon name: jabaplat, estropajo, calabaza melón, lau-tziu, lavaplato, calabaza melón, estropajo, lau-tziu (Huasteco), lavaplato rank: species
Cordia sonoraecommon name: amapa blanca, amapa boba, amapola blanca, asta, kama'wi (Tarahumara), palo de hasta, palo mirto, palo prieto, vara prieta rank: species
Chondestes grammacuscommon name: Lark Sparrow, gorrión arlequín rank: species
Bursera arboreacommon name: huahuica, palo jiote, cuajilote, torote, papelillo, copal, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajiote rojo (Náhuatl), huahuica, jiote (Náhuatl), palo jiote, papelillo, papelillo rojo, torote rank: species
Amazilia violicepscommon name: Violet-crowned Hummingbird, colibrí corona violeta rank: species
Ciccaba virgatacommon name: Mottled Owl, búho café rank: species
Casuarina equisetifoliacommon name: pino maritimo, cifre, pino de playa, casipres, ciprés, pino, casuarina, casuarina, ciprés, pino, pino de playa, pino maritimo, sauce rank: species
Contopus pertinaxcommon name: papamoscas José María, Greater Pewee, pibí tengofrío, papamoscas José María, pibí tengofrío rank: species
Dryocopus lineatuscommon name: carpintero lineado, Lineated Woodpecker rank: species
Cissus tiliacearank: species
Setophaga nigrescenscommon name: chipe negrogris, Black-throated Gray Warbler rank: species
Phaseolus vulgariscommon name: muníqui, musorícori, muúnim, muni, múme-te, ma-netí, ma-né, nu-ni, mume, mújume, stapu, shidijú, shuijc, tatzin, sac, tatsani, shiixis-chéel, pi-zaa, tatsuni-tulípti, tapsun, shejc, tatsini, x-kolil-bul, tzanam, tzanaco, tun-nduti, yel, yetxintli, xüjk, alubia, duh chi, frijol de enredadera, frijol negro, boju, cuaetl, frijol ojo de cabra, frijol ojo de liebre, frijol moro, frijol pinto nacional, yetl, frijol pinto, frijol pinto español, cuajetl, cuail, flor de frijol, frijol cacahuate, frijol Chimalapa, frijol cócona bola, frijol cacahuate bola, ejote, frijol higuerillo, bi-zaa-hui, babi, bi-zaa, chenec, canastapu, duh-chi, du-chi, et, etl, frijol de mata, frijol bayo, frijol, huay, lucuútapu, la-la-ne, la-ne, ju, alubia, babi (Tepehuano del sur), bi-zaa (Zapoteco), bi-zaa-hui (Zapoteco), boju (Otomí), canastapu (Totonaco), chenec (Tseltal), cuaetl (Náhuatl), du-chi (Mixteco), duh-chi (Mixteco), ejote, et (Náhuatl), etl (Náhuatl), flor de frijol, frijol, frijol Chimalapa, frijol bayo, frijol cacahuate, frijol cacahuate bola, frijol de enredadera, frijol de mata, frijol higuerillo, frijol moro, frijol negro, frijol ojo de cabra, frijol ojo de liebre, frijol pinto, frijol pinto español, frijol pinto nacional, huay (Chinanteco), ju (Otomí), la-la-ne (Chontal de Oaxaca), la-ne (Chontal de Oaxaca), lucuútapu (Totonaco), ma-netí (Chinanteco), ma-né (Chinanteco), mume (Huichol), muni (Tarahumara), muníqui (Tarahumara), musorícori (Tarahumara), muúnim (Mayo), mújume (Cora), múme-te (Huichol), nu-ni (Cuicateco), pi-zaa (Zapoteco), sac (Zoque), shejc (Popoloca), shidijú (Otomí), shiixis-chéel (Seri), shuijc (Popoloca), stapu (Totonaco), tapsun (Tarasco), tatsani (Tarasco), tatsini (Tarasco), tatsuni-tulípti (Tarasco), tatzin (Tarasco), tun-nduti (Mixteco), tzanaco (Huasteco), tzanam (Huasteco), x-kolil-bul (Maya), xüjk (Mixe), yel (Náhuatl), yetl (Náhuatl), yetxintli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Aspidoscelis costatuscommon name: huico, huico alpino, huico llanero, western mexico whiptail, huico del oeste mexicano, huico (Seri), huico alpino, huico del oeste mexicano, huico llanero rank: species
Seiurus aurocapillacommon name: Ovenbird, chipe suelero rank: species
Chenopodium muralecommon name: gedeondilla, tan tz'uil itaj, tlanechquelite, nechquelite, chahuaquelite, quelite, malva, catzú, hediondilla, catzú (Otomí), hediondilla, malva, quelite rank: species
Limosa fedoacommon name: Marbled Godwit, picopando canelo rank: species
Ocimum basilicumcommon name: romero, albahaca blanca, albahácar arribeño, albajácar, albahacar morado, albacar corriente, albahácar, albahaca morada, albácar, xpasimakatoro, albaca, albacarón, albahaca, guiéstia, albaca, albacar, albacar corriente, albacarón, albahaca, albahaca blanca, albahaca morada, albahacar morado, albahácar, albahácar arribeño, guiéstia (Zapoteco), romero, xpasimakatoro (Totonaco) rank: species
Mimus polyglottoscommon name: centzontle norteño, Northern Mockingbird rank: species
Pheugopedius felixcommon name: chivirín feliz, Happy Wren, saltapared feliz, chivirín feliz, saltapared feliz rank: species
Ceiba pentandracommon name: pishtin, piim, tunuum, unup, ya' axche', yaaxche, árbol de la vida, yagaxeni, yaga-xeni, bozai, fuma, ceibo clavelina, mokote, yas te, bongo, pochota, yaxché, árbol de algodón, ya'axche, yaax che', puchuti, ceiba de lana, púchute, cuypishtin, pochote, pochotl, ceibo, ceiba, amapola blanca, ya'ax che', li-mis-gash-pupi, kapok, amapola blanca, bozai (Otomí), cabellos de ángel, ceiba, ceiba de lana, ceibo (Maya), ceibo clavelina, corcho, cuypíshtin (Popoloca), li-mis-gash-pupi (Chontal de Oaxaca), parota, piim (Maya), pishtin (Popoloca), pitón, pochota (Totonaco), pochote, pochotl (Náhuatl), puchuti (Totonaco), púchute (Totonaco), tunuum (Mixteco), unup (Huasteco), xiloxochitl (Náhuatl), ya' axche' (Maya), ya'ax che' (Maya), ya'axche (Maya), yaaxche (Maya), yaga-xeni (Zapoteco), yagaxeni (Zapoteco), yas te (Tseltal), yaxché (Maya), yaxté (Tojolabal), árbol de algodón, árbol de la vida rank: species
Troglodytes aedoncommon name: saltapared común, House Wren, chivirín saltapared, chivirín saltapared, saltapared común rank: species
Agonostomus monticolacommon name: trucha de tierra caliente rank: species
Leptotila verreauxicommon name: paloma arroyera, White-tipped Dove rank: species
Volatinia jacarinacommon name: semillero brincador, Blue-black Grassquit rank: species
Oreothlypis ruficapillacommon name: chipe de coronilla, chipe cabeza gris, Nashville Warbler, chipe cabeza gris, chipe de coronilla rank: species
Canis latranscommon name: coyote, coyotl, brush wolf, coyote, coyotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Arremonops rufivirgatuscommon name: Olive Sparrow, rascador oliváceo rank: species
Myiarchus tuberculifercommon name: papamoscas triste, Dusky-capped Flycatcher rank: species
Conepatus leuconotuscommon name: zorrillo narigón occidental, eastern hog-nose skunk, zorrillo, zorrillo, zorrillo de espalda blanca norteño, zorrillo espalda blanca, zorrillo narigón occidental rank: species
Euphorbia heterophyllacommon name: noche buena, nela, picachlich, pascua, picachalih, jobon k'aak', quebranto, japidh ichich, tiriciaxihuitl, picachali, ndiichtog amarillo, juboncac, ndiichtog maril, noche buena de monte, yanajobonte'k'aak, lab ichich, xtop'lan xiix, chuleb xiw, lechuguilla, contrahierba, catalina, casalina, pool kuuts, habon-hax, golondrina, lechosa, hobonk'aak, hobonté, catalina, contrahierba, golondrina, habon-hax (Maya), hobonk'aak (Maya), hobonté (Maya), japidh ichich (Huasteco), jobon k'aak' (Maya), juboncac (Maya), lechosa, lechuguilla, noche buena, noche buena de monte, pascua, picachlich (Guarijío), pool kuuts (Maya) rank: species
Pachyramphus aglaiaecommon name: cabezón degollado, mosquero-cabezón degollado, Rose-throated Becard, cabezón degollado, mosquero-cabezón degollado rank: species
Holbrookia maculatacommon name: lagartija sorda menor, lagartilla perrilla, lagartija sorda, lesser earles lizard, lagartija sorda pequeñita, lagartija sorda, lagartija sorda menor, lagartija sorda pequeñita, lagartilla perrilla rank: species
Megaceryle torquatacommon name: Ringed Kingfisher, martín pescador de collar rank: species
Tecoma stanscommon name: nextamalxóchitl, nixtamalxóchitl, matilimí, miñona, palo de arco, mixtontze, retama, San Pedro, xkanlol-ak, trompeta, xkanlol, xochimitl, tulasúchil, vaquerillo, toloache, totopo, x-kantul, k'an lool, ángel, sauco amarillo, flor amarilla, huiztontle, campanilla amarilla, histoncle, guachín, kaan lool, estoncle, vari-variar, k aan lol, huiztontli, San Francisco, flor de muerto, trompetilla, sauce, hierba de san nicolás, tronador, nixtamasúchitl, alacrancillo, algodoncillo, guajillo, copal, batilimí, candox, caballito, borla de San Pedro, timboque, tronadora, mazorca, elotito, canario, güie-bacaná, guie-biche, guia-biche, gloria, estamasúchil, flor de un día, flor de San Pedro, corneta amarilla, k'an-lol, lipa-gundo-flei, lluvia de oro, ichcuelt, ixontli, hierba del becerro, hierba de San Pedro, hoja de baño, San Francisco, San Juan, San Pedro, alacrancillo, algodoncillo, borla de San Pedro, caballito, campanilla, campanilla amarilla, canario, candelillo, chocolatillo, copal, copita, corneta amarilla, elotito, esperanza, flor amarilla, flor de San Pedro, flor de muerto, flor de un día, fresnillo, fresno, guachín (Maya), guajillo, guia-biche (Zapoteco), guie-biche (Zapoteco), güie-bacaná (Zapoteco), hierba de San Juan, hierba de San Pedro, hierba de san nicolás, hierba del becerro, hoja de San Pedro, hoja de baño, huajillo, huevo de iguana, k'an lool (Maya), k'an-lol (Maya), kaan lool (Maya), lipa-gundo-flei (Chontal de Oaxaca), lluvia de oro, mazorca, miñona, nextamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamasúchitl, palo de arco, retama, retamo, san pedrito, sanguinaria, sauce, sauco, sauco amarillo, tacho, timboque, toloache, trompeta, trompetilla, tronador, tronadora, trueno, vainilla, vaquerillo, xkanlol (Maya), xkanlol-ak (Maya), ángel rank: species
Andropogon gerardirank: species
Myiarchus tyrannuluscommon name: Brown-crested Flycatcher, papamoscas tirano, papamoscas gritón, papamoscas gritón, papamoscas tirano rank: species
Molothrus aeneuscommon name: tordo ojos rojos, Bronzed Cowbird rank: species
Otospermophilus variegatuscommon name: ardilla terrestre, ardillón, chipawí, ardilla de pedregal, techalote, rock squirrel, ardillón de roca, ardilla de pedregal, ardilla terrestre, ardillón, ardillón común, ardillón de roca, chipawí (Yuto-nahua), techalote rank: species
Callipepla douglasiicommon name: codorniz cresta dorada, Elegant Quail rank: species
Bouchea prismaticacommon name: verbena, cruz xiiw, malva, tuch'uka'an xiiw, verbena silvestre, cruz xiiw (Español-Maya), malva, moradilla, tuch'uka'an xiiw (Maya), verbena, verbena silvestre rank: species
Didelphis marsupialiscommon name: zarigüeya, Southern opossum, tlacuache común, tlacuache, common opossum, tlacuache sureño, tlacuache, tlacuache común, tlacuache sureño, zarigüeya, zarigüeya sureña rank: species
Ipomoea hederifoliacommon name: chak lool, kal p'uul, chak lool (Maya), kal p'uul (Maya) rank: species
Pipilo chloruruscommon name: rascador cola verde, Green-tailed Towhee, toquí cola verde, rascador cola verde, toquí cola verde rank: species
Trimorphodon paucimaculatusrank: species
Merremia umbellatarank: species
Parthenocissus quinquefoliacommon name: parra virgen, guau, guaco, hiedra, guaco, hiedra, parra virgen rank: species
Coccyzus minorcommon name: Mangrove Cuckoo, cuclillo manglero rank: species
Sciurus colliaeicommon name: ardilla, Collie's squirrel, ardilla de Collie, ardilla gris, ardilla, ardilla de Collie, ardilla de la Sierra Madre Occidental, ardilla gris, ardilla gris del pacífico rank: species
Oreothlypis luciaecommon name: chipe rabadilla castaña, Lucy's Warbler, chipe rabadilla rufa, chipe rabadilla castaña, chipe rabadilla rufa rank: species
Falco sparveriuscommon name: American Kestrel, cernícalo americano rank: species
Zalophus californianuscommon name: león marino de California, lobo marino californiano, lobo marino de California rank: species
Amoreuxia palmatifidacommon name: saiya rank: species
Porophyllum ruderalecommon name: pápaloquelite, tepalcasho, xac'ani, papaloquilitl, papalo, pucsnancaca, chapáhuate, chapáhuate (Totonaco), papalo rank: species
Myiarchus nuttingicommon name: Nutting's Flycatcher, papamoscas huí, papamoscas de Nutting, papamoscas de Nutting, papamoscas huí rank: species
Cardinalis cardinaliscommon name: Northern Cardinal, cardenal rojo rank: species
Phyllodactylus tuberculosuscommon name: geco panza amarilla, geco tuberculoso, salamanquesa, salamanquesa blanca, salamanquesa vientre amarillo rank: species
Cassia fistulacommon name: ejecapahtli, caña fistola, coahugohuachtli, flor de santuario, caña fistula, hijiopactli, caña de fístula, hoja zen, flor de mayo, hoja sen, lluvia de oro, caña de fístula, caña fistola, caña fístula, flor de mayo, flor de santuario, hoja sen, lluvia de oro rank: species
Morococcyx erythropyguscommon name: cuclillo terrestre, Lesser Ground-Cuckoo rank: species
Opuntia wilcoxiicommon name: El Fuerte prickly pear, nopal de el fuerte, naavo (Yaqui), navo (Mayo), nopal, nopal de el fuerte, nopá (Guarijío), tuna rank: species
Euphonia affiniscommon name: Scrub Euphonia, eufonia garganta negra rank: species
Salvia lasiocephalarank: species
Operculina pteripescommon name: michoacán, tlaca-camotli, hiedra, hiedra, tlaca-camotli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Desmodium procumbensrank: species
Accipiter striatuscommon name: gavilán pecho canela, Sharp-shinned Hawk, gavilán pecho rufo, gavilán pecho canela, gavilán pecho rufo rank: species
Procyon lotorcommon name: osito lavador, a'ka'bak, me'el, mapache común, batúi, raccoon, batú, mapachtli, common raccoon, mapache, a'ka'bak (Maya), batú (Yuto-nahua), batúi (Yuto-nahua), mapache, mapache común, mapachtli (Yuto-nahua), me'el (Maya), osito lavador rank: species
Passerina ciriscommon name: Painted Bunting, colorín sietecolores rank: species
Micrastur semitorquatuscommon name: halcón selvático de collar, Collared Forest-Falcon rank: species
Drymarchon melanuruscommon name: arroyera, babutua, palancacoate, western indigo snake, culebra azul, tilcoate, culebra prieta, babatuco, arroyera, babatuco, babutua, culebra azul, culebra prieta, palancacoate, tilcoate rank: species
Cochlearius cochleariuscommon name: garza cucharón, Boat-billed Heron rank: species
Euphonia godmanirank: species
Nyctibius jamaicensiscommon name: pájaro estaca, pájaro estaca norteño rank: species
Passer domesticuscommon name: gorrión doméstico, House Sparrow, gorrión casero, gorrión casero, gorrión doméstico rank: species
Parthenium hysterophoruscommon name: tzaile, tzail-cuet, ix ilhtin kgolhnu, chucuyate, zacate amargo, escoba amargosa, sunia papalsni, hormiguillo, hierba del golpe, escoba, alcanfor, escobilla, altamisa, arrocillo, amargosa, amargoso, anisillo, chaile, claudiosa blanca, altanisa xiiw, jaway, altanisa, yerba de asma, cicutilla, confitillo, hierba amarga, hauay, hierba de la hormiga, jihuite amargo, huachochole, hierba del burro, hierba amargosa, hierba del gusano, alcanfor, altanisa, altanisa xiiw (Español-Maya), amargosa, amargoso, anisillo, arrocillo, cicutilla, claudiosa blanca, confitillo, escoba, escoba amargosa, escobilla, hauay (Maya), hierba amarga, hierba amargosa, hierba de la hormiga, hierba del burro, hierba del golpe, hierba del gusano, hormiguillo, jaway (Maya), tzail-cuet (Náhuatl), tzaile (Huasteco), yerba de asma, zacate amargo rank: species
Lepidochelys olivaceacommon name: Moosni otác (Seri), tortuga golfina, tortuga marina escamosa del Pacífico rank: species
Merremia quinquefoliacommon name: quiebra cántaro rank: species
Tetramerium tenuissimumrank: species
Tillandsia caput-medusaecommon name: bromelia rank: species
Carica papayacommon name: ochonitli, otzo, papaya cimarrona, papoya, papaya de pájaros, papayo, papayito cimarrón, papayo cimarrón, papaya montés, papaya, utzum, tútun-chichi, tzipí, papaya pajaritos, pitzahuac, papaya de pájaro, papaya casera, papaya de Castilla, putch' ich, chich puut, papaya hawaiana, fruta bomba, put, zapote, ch' ich' put, papaja ch' iich, papaya real, puut, chichput, papaya criolla, ch'ich'-put, chich-put, ch'iich', ch'iich' puut, dungué, ch' ich' put (Maya), ch'ich'-put (Maya), ch'iich' (Maya), ch'iich' puut (Maya), chich-put (Maya), chichput (Maya), dungué (Cuicateco), fruta bomba, ochonitli (Náhuatl), otzo (Zoque), papaja ch' iich (Maya), papaya, papaya casera, papaya cimarrona, papaya criolla, papaya de Castilla, papaya de pájaro, papaya de pájaros, papaya hawaiana, papaya montés, papaya pajaritos, papaya real, papayito cimarrón, papayo, papayo cimarrón, papoya (Náhuatl), pitzahuac (Náhuatl), put (Maya), putch' ich (Maya), puut (Maya), tzipí (Cora), tútun-chichi (Totonaco), utzum (Huasteco), zapote rank: species
Kosteletzkya depressacommon name: atlatzompilin rank: species
Iguana rhinolophacommon name: green iguana, iguana verde rank: species
Euphorbia lacteacommon name: lechosa rank: species
Mimosa quadrivalvisrank: species
Hibiscus phoeniceusrank: species
Myotis thysanodescommon name: murciélago, miotis bordado, fringed myotis, miotis bordado, murciélago, murciélago ratón peludo rank: species
Triumfetta acracanthacommon name: cadillo de pita rank: species
Myiarchus cinerascenscommon name: Ash-throated Flycatcher, papamoscas cenizo rank: species
Tillandsia balbisianacommon name: yoon xiiw, bromelia, x-chu, chu, bromelia, chu (Maya), x-chu (Maya), yoon xiiw (Maya) rank: species
Sturnira parvidenscommon name: murciélago de charreteras menor rank: species
Eysenhardtia polystachyacommon name: palo cuate, ursa, vara dulce, varaduz, sipariqui, palo azul, lanae, chiquiliche, palo dulce, taray, coatl, cuatle, coatli, coatillo, coatl (Náhuatl), cuate, lanaé (Chontal de Oaxaca), palo azul, palo blanco, palo cuate, palo dulce, palo santo, rosilla, taray, tlapalezpatli (Náhuatl), ursa (Otomí), vara dulce, varaduz rank: species
Acalypha ostryifoliarank: species
Streptopelia decaoctocommon name: Eurasian Collared-Dove, paloma de collar turca, tórtola de collar, paloma de collar turca, tórtola de collar rank: species
Lasiurus cinereuscommon name: murciélago, hoary bat, murciélago cola peluda canoso, murciélago, murciélago cola peluda canoso, murciélago colapeluda canoso rank: species
Leptophis diplotropiscommon name: güirotillera, ranera verde, ranera del litoral del Pacífico, culebra verde, culebra perico gargantilla, Pacific Coast parrot snake, culebra perico, culebra perico gargantilla, culebra verde, güirotillera, ranera del litoral del Pacífico, ranera verde rank: species
Melochia tomentosacommon name: malva rosa, malva de los cerros, sak-chichibe, zak-chichibe, escoba, malva, chichibe, sak chi'chi' bej, hierba del venado, chichibe (Maya), escoba, hierba del venado, malva, malva de los cerros, malva rosa, sak chi'chi' bej (Maya), sak-chichibe (Maya), zak-chichibe (Maya) rank: species
Chamaecrista nictitansrank: species
Eragrostis cilianensiscommon name: milpilla, amor seco pasto, zacate chino, zacate, amor seco, pasto llorón gris, amor seco, amor seco pasto, milpilla, pasto llorón gris, zacate, zacate chino rank: species
Cardinalis sinuatuscommon name: cardenal desértico, Pyrrhuloxia, cardenal pardo, cardenal desértico, cardenal pardo rank: species
Puma concolorcommon name: puma, miz-tli, mawiyá, cougar, mawiyaka, león de montaña, león, león de montaña, mawiyaka (Yuto-nahua), mawiyá (Yuto-nahua), miz-tli (Yuto-nahua), puma rank: species
Enterolobium cyclocarpumcommon name: ma-ta-cua-tzo, mo-ñi-no, mo-cua-dzi, necaste, nacaxtle, orejón, nacaztle, nacastillo, nacaste, nacashe, pixoy, pich, shma-dzi, parota, picho, tiyuhu, tutaján, ya-chibe, conacaste, piiche', ma-ta-cua-tze, huienacaztle, lash-matz-za, guanacastle, aguacastle, piich ch' che', piich, nanacaste, aguacaste, huinacaxtle, huanacastle, tiyohu, canacaste, nacastle, mo-cuadzi, ahuacashle, cascabel, cascabel sonaja, nacascuahuitl, guanacastli, guanacaste, cuanacaztli, cuytátsuic, cuaunacaztli, cuanacaztle, huanacaxtle, hueinastli, lash-matz-zi, huinecaxtli, canacaste, cascabel, cascabel sonaja, conacaste, cuanacaztle, cuanacaztli (Náhuatl), cuaunacaztli (Náhuatl), cuytátsuic (Popoloca), guanacaste, guanacastli (Náhuatl), hueinastli (Náhuatl), lash-matz-zi (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-ta-cua-tzo (Chinanteco), mo-cua-dzi (Chinanteco), mo-ñi-no (Chinanteco), nacascuahuitl (Náhuatl), nacaste, nacastillo, nanacaste, oreja de elefante, orejuelo, orejón, parota, pich (Maya), pichi (Maya), picho, piich (Maya), piich ch' che' (Maya), piiche' (Maya), pixoy (Maya), shma-dzi (Chontal de Oaxaca), sonaja, tiyohu (Huasteco), tiyuhu (Huasteco), tutaján (Mixteco), ya-chibe (Zapoteco) rank: species
Trachemys scriptacommon name: pond slider, tortuga de orejas rojas, tortuga pinta, jicotea de orejas rojas, tortuga gravada, jicotea de orejas rojas, tortuga de orejas rojas, tortuga gravada, tortuga pinta rank: species
Agave (Agave) salmianacommon name: mezcal, agave, maguey pinto, maguey bronco, aguamiel, maguey aguamielero, pulque, hok uada, akamha, maguey pulquero, määxo, xa mni, agua miel, maguey palmilla, maguey manso, maguey, maguey verde, maguey cimarrón, agave, agua miel, aguamiel, maguey, maguey aguamielero, maguey bronco, maguey cimarrón, maguey manso, maguey palmilla, maguey pinto, maguey pulquero, maguey verde, pulque rank: species
Bouchea dissectarank: species
Mniotilta variacommon name: Black-and-white Warbler, chipe trepador rank: species
Coluber bilineatuscommon name: Sonora whipsnake, culebra látigo, culebra látigo Sonora, culebra chirriadora sonorense, culebra de pollo, coimaj coospoj, chirrionero, alicate, alicate, chirrionero, coimaj coospoj (Seri), culebra chirriadora sonorense, culebra de pollo, culebra látigo Sonora rank: species
Calypte costaecommon name: Costa's Hummingbird, colibrí cabeza violeta rank: species
Rhinella horribiliscommon name: bezmuch (Maya), sapo común, sapo gigante, sapo grande, sapo lechero, sapo verrugoso, totmuch (Maya) rank: species
Gomphrena serratacommon name: olotillo, sanguinaria, Santa Teresa, tmuul, chak-mol, amor seco, inmortal, Santa Teresa, amor seco, chak-mol (Maya), inmortal, olotillo (Náhuatl), sanguinaria, tmuul (Maya) rank: species
Dalechampia scandenscommon name: mool-koh, pangola, xmol-koh, xmoolkoh, xmo'olkoh, xmo'ok koj, xmo'ol kon, la'ix iits', mo'olkon, kw'aat', granadilla, sak p'opox, mo'ol koj, granada de monte, garrapatilla, huevo de gato, hoja de murciélago, garrapatilla, granada de monte, granadilla, hoja de murciélago, huevo de gato, la'ix iits' (Huasteco), mo'ol koj (Maya), mool-koh (Maya), pangola, sak p'opox (Maya), xmol-koh (Maya), xmoolkoh (Maya) rank: species
Macrotus californicuscommon name: sopichí, murciélago orejón californiano, murciélago, California leaf nosed bat, murciélago, murciélago orejón californiano, murciélago orejón norteño, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Picoides scalariscommon name: carpintero mexicano, Ladder-backed Woodpecker rank: species
Setaria liebmanniirank: species
Tadarida brasiliensiscommon name: Mexican free-tailed bat, murciélago cola suelta brasileño, murciélago guanero, sopichí, murciélago cola suelta brasileño, murciélago guanero, murciélago mexicano de cola libre, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Oplismenus compositusrank: species
Corynorhinus townsendiicommon name: Townsend's big-eared bat, murciélago, murciélago orejón de Townsend, murciélago, murciélago orejudo pálido, murciélago orejón de Townsend rank: species
Cochlospermum (Cochlospermun) vitifoliumcommon name: palo amarillo, palo de rosa amarilla, palo barril, mano de león, palo cuchara, palo de rosa, mirasol, pichichinishanat, quia-quega, pochotle, pánicua, pomposhuti, pongolote, puchcui, pumpusuchi, pumpuchut, panaco, tambor, paniagua, quiériga, quie-quega, tecomaxóchitl, tecomasúchil, shuti, rosa amarilla, x-k'uyché, yaga-begaa, chimul, imil, chimi, chu'um, xchu'un, chuum, chimu, xjimil, panicha, xanatchichini, ch'ooy, choy, chak ch'ooy, ya'ax ch'ooy, apánicua, tonalxochit, pongalote, tamborcito, coquito, algodón, pochote, apompo, apánico, apomo, carne de perro, tecomate, flor izquierda, guie-quigá, girasol, ch'um, chum, guate, chuun, cojón de toro, cocito, ita-tyaha, iquilté, la-li-pe, ma-go-hu, madera de pasta, acacia, algodón, algodón silvestre, bola de toro, carne de perro, ch'ooy (Maya), ch'um (Ch'ol), chak ch'ooy (Maya), chimu (Maya), chimul (Maya), chimí (Mazahua), choy (Maya), chuum (Maya), chuun (Maya), cojón de caballo, cojón de toro, copa de oro, coquito, corcho, flor de mayo, flor izquierda, girasol, guie-quigá (Zapoteco), iquilté (Tseltal), ita-tyaha (Mixteco), la-li-pe (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-go-hu (Chinanteco), madera de pasta, mano de león, mirasol, palo amarillo, palo barril, palo cuchara, palo de cuchara, palo de rosa, palo de rosa amarilla, pichichinishanat (Totonaco), pochota (Totonaco), pochote, pánicua (Tarasco), quia-quega (Zapoteco), rosa amarilla, sarna de perro, tamborcito, tecomate, tecomaxóchitl (Náhuatl), tonalxochit (Náhuatl), x-k'uyché (Maya), xanatchichini (Totonaco), xchu'un (Maya), xjimil (Maya), ya'ax ch'ooy (Maya), yaga-begaa (Zapoteco) rank: species
Phoenix dactyliferacommon name: palma de dátiles, dátil, palma datilera, datilera, palma, datilera, dátil, palma, palma datilera, palma de dátiles rank: species
Dasypus novemcinctuscommon name: nine-banded armadillo, mulita, armadillo nueve bandas, ayotochtli, armadillo, armadillo, armadillo de nueve bandas, armadillo nueve bandas, ayotochtli (Yuto-nahua), mulita rank: species
Cyclanthera multifoliolarank: species
Porophyllum macrocephalumcommon name: tepalcasho, pápaloquelite, chapahua, puksnankaka, pahpatla, chapahuate, papaloquilit, pápalo, p'eech' uk'iil, chivatillo, liendrilla, hierba del venado, chapahua (Totonaco), chapahuate (Totonaco), hierba del venado, liendrilla, p'eech' uk'iil (Maya), papaloquilit (Náhuatl), pápalo rank: species
Justicia hilsenbeckiicommon name: cordoncillo rank: species
Mimosa polyanthacommon name: sierrilla, uña de gato, t'imbeni, espino de abuelita, pemesquite, palo prieto, vara prieta, espino, huizache, garabato, gatuño, garabatillo, espino, espino de abuelita, espinoso, garabato, gatuño, huajillo, huizache, palo prieto, sierrilla, t'imbeni (Tarasco), tepehuaje, uña de gato, vara prieta rank: species
Attila spadiceuscommon name: Atila, Bright-rumped Attila, mosquero atila, Atila, mosquero atila rank: species
Molossus nigricanscommon name: murciélago mastín negro, black mastiff bat, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago mastín negro rank: species
Opuntia excelsacommon name: nopal, nopal excelso, lofty prickly pear rank: species
Priva lappulaceacommon name: pega pega, sayunsay, pega ropa, pegajosa, tzayuntzay, verbena, cadillo, cadillo de bolsa, pak'unpak', ts'a yun t'say, ibanxiu, ishmocotsi-yac, cadillo, cadillo de bolsa, ibanxiu (Maya), ishmocotsi-yac (Totonaco), pak'unpak' (Maya), pega pega, pega ropa, pegajosa, sayunsay (Maya), ts'a yun t'say (Maya), tzayuntzay (Maya), verbena rank: species
Tyto albacommon name: lechuza de campanario rank: species
Melampodium roseirank: species
Myiozetetes similiscommon name: Luis gregario, Social Flycatcher, luisito común, Luis gregario, luisito común rank: species
Geothlypis poliocephalacommon name: mascarita pico grueso, Gray-crowned Yellowthroat rank: species
Eptesicus fuscuscommon name: sopichí, murciélago moreno norteamericano, murciélago, big brown bat, murciélago, murciélago moreno norteamericano, murciélago pardo grande, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Ceiba aesculifoliacommon name: ma-tzu, mo-dzu, piim, yaga-piogo-xilla, yaxché, ya'ax-che, cho, ya'ax-ek, piim yaxche, ch'ooj, apochote, puchote, kuch, h'inim, yaga-piogo-xila, ya'axche, matzu, algodoncillo, pochotl, pochote, ceibo, ceiba, píin, ch'oo, kuché, len-o-ma, k'inim, lantá, lantá de cerro, Mosmót (Zoque), ahaiyá (Guarijío), algodoncillo, ceiba, ceibo (Maya), ch'oo (Maya), chote, huacapi (Guarijío), k'inim (Maya), kuch (Maya), kuché (Maya), len-o-ma (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-tzu (Chinanteco), matzu (Chinanteco), mo-dzu (Chinanteco), piim (Maya), piim yaxche (Maya), pochota (Totonaco), pochote, pochotl (Náhuatl), píin (Maya), ya'ax che' (Maya), ya'ax-che (Maya), ya'ax-ek (Maya), ya'axche (Maya), yaga-piogo-xila (Zapoteco), yaga-piogo-xilla (Zapoteco), yaxché (Maya) rank: species
Ambrosia confertiflorarank: species
Hura polyandracommon name: palo villa, ovillo, solimanché, haba de indio, gavilla, pepita de San Ignacio, coatatachi, árbol del sueño, cuauhayuoatli, habillo, cuauhtlatlatzin, cuatlatlatzin, jarilla, árbol del diablo, cuautlatlatzin, cuatatachi, copán, haba, haba de guatemala, haba de San Ignacio, haba del indio, habilla, jacobillo, jabilla, cuatlatlatzin (Náhuatl), cuautlatlatzin (Náhuatl), haba, haba de San Ignacio, haba de guatemala, haba de indio, haba del indio, jarilla, palo villa, pepita de San Ignacio, árbol del diablo, árbol del sueño rank: species
Phoradendron bolleanumcommon name: injerto, mal ojo, muérdago rank: species
Toxostoma curvirostrecommon name: Curve-billed Thrasher, cuicacoche pico curvo rank: species
Hymenocallis sonorensiscommon name: lirio araña rank: species
Tillandsia exsertacommon name: bromelia rank: species
Tilmatura dupontiicommon name: Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird, colibrí cola pinta rank: species
Physalis (Rydbergis) pruinosarank: species
Mormoops megalophyllacommon name: Peter's ghost face bat, murciélago barba arrugada norteño, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago barba arrugada norteño, murciélago cara arrugada rank: species
Setophaga pensylvanicacommon name: Chestnut-sided Warbler, chipe flancos castaños rank: species
Evolvulus alsinoidescommon name: ojo de víbora, pico de pájaro, xia-xiu, yerba de la pastora, jaway, ojitos azulitos, xia xiiw, jaway (Maya), ojitos azules, ojitos azulitos, ojo de víbora, pico de pájaro, xia xiiw (Maya), xia-xiu (Maya), yerba de la pastora rank: species
Vireo gilvuscommon name: Warbling Vireo, vireo gorjeador rank: species
Setophaga pitiayumicommon name: parula tropical, chipe tropical, Tropical Parula, chipe tropical, parula tropical rank: species
Andropogon gayanuscommon name: tambuki grass, bluestem, gamba grass, pasto gamba rank: species
Cucumis melocommon name: melón chino, minari, queeto-pitoo, meloncillo, melón de coyote, melón, calabaza melona, calabaza tamala, gueeto-bidoo, gueeto xuga, gueto-bitoo, gueeto-xtilla, calabaza melona, calabaza tamala, gueeto xuga (Zapoteco), gueeto-bidoo (Zapoteco), gueeto-xtilla (Zapoteco), gueto-bitoo (Zapoteco), meloncillo, melón, melón chino, melón de coyote, queeto-pitoo (Zapoteco) rank: species
Agave (Agave) tequilanacommon name: metl, mano larga, mezcal azul, pie de mula, seguin, tequila, tzihim, cuu'u, boxhunpets k inki, ki, huue, hepe, haamxö, akamba, doba, cachro, al-mal, agave tequilero, agave azul, ziguín, guarú, uadá, zapalote, agave, xuni, mai, yu' wa, yavi, tzaatz, top, yi va, muaíj, natsu, bermejo, chato, pata de mula, chino bermejo, chino azul, maguey tequilero, maguey, agave, agave azul, agave tequilero, akamba (Tarasco), bermejo, cachro (Popoloca), chino azul, chino bermejo, cuu'u (Mayo), doba (Zapoteco), guarú (Mazahua), haamxö (Seri), hepe (Zoque), huue (Triqui), ki (Maya), maguey, maguey tequilero, mai (Huichol), mano larga, metl (Náhuatl), mezcal azul, muaíj (Cora), natsu (Mazateco), pata de mula, pie de mula, top (Huave), tzaatz (Mixe), tzihim (Huasteco), uadá (Otomí), xuni (Zapoteco), yavi (Mixteco), yi va (Cuicateco), yu' wa (Tlapaneco) rank: species
Myotis californicuscommon name: miotis californiano, murciélago, California myotis, miotis californiano, murciélago, murciélago ratón de California rank: species
Accipiter cooperiicommon name: Cooper's Hawk, gavilán de Cooper rank: species
Tamarindus indicacommon name: pah-ch'ukuk, tamarindo, pajch'ujuk, rompe botas, pachuhuc, paj ch'ujuk, pachuhuc (Maya), pah-ch'ukuk (Maya), pajch'ujuk (Maya), rompe botas, tamarindo rank: species
Punica granatumcommon name: nocuana-zeha-castilla, tzapyon, tsapyan, yaga-ze-hi, yaga-sachi, granada roja, yan-u-ko, yanuko, henesquiixlo, yan-uko, granado enano, yutnu-nduchidzaha, yutnudidsi, campanilla, granado, granada cordelina, granada, héhes-quiixlc, campanilla, granada roja, granado, granado enano, héhes-quiixlc (Seri), nocuana-zeha-castilla (Zapoteco), tsapyan (Mixe), tzapyon (Mixe), yan-u-ko (Maya) rank: species
Citrus sinensiscommon name: nancha, nanxa, pakal, naracaxi, naráaco, naranjo, naranjo dulce, sahmées, tsúikill, tuzán, tzaptzouk, xidni, ticuaa-chíchia, tzapkiuk, tsapsouc, yaga-naraxo, naranja, naranja dulce, xocot, pofmo, flor de azahar, laxus, ch'ujuk pak'aal, china, naranja dulce o injertada, naranjo washington, azahar de naranjo, naranja tzopelic, c'axt'ü, alöxöxcuabitl, azahar, ch'uhuk-pak'al, hi-hin, láxux, ma-hing, hi, lanax, alöxöxcuabitl (Náhuatl), azahar, azahar de naranjo, c'axt'ü (Mazahua), ch'uhuk-pak'al (Maya), flor de azahar, hi (Chinanteco), hi-hin (Chinanteco), lanax (Huasteco), laxus (Totonaco), láxux (Totonaco), ma-hing (Chinanteco), nancha (Otomí), nanxa (Otomí), naracaxi (Huichol), naranja, naranja agria, naranja china, naranja dulce, naranja dulce o injertada, naranjo, naranjo dulce, naranjo washington, naráaco (Mayo), pakal (Maya), pofmo (Otomí), sahmées (Seri), tsúikill (Mixe), tuzán (Popoloca), tzapkiuk (Mixe), tzaptzouk (Mixe), xidni (Otomí), xocot (Náhuatl), yaga-naraxo (Zapoteco) rank: species
Achyranthes asperacommon name: sak-pik-ché, sak-pay-ché, periquillo, payche', zakpaiché, zorrillo blanco, zorro, cadillo, zorrillo, hierba del zorrillo, cadillo, hierba del zorrillo, payche' (Maya), periquillo, sak-pay-ché (Maya), sak-pik-ché (Maya), zakpaiché (Maya), zorrillo, zorrillo blanco, zorro rank: species
Urocyon cinereoargenteuscommon name: kiyóchi, ch'amac, zorra gris, gato de monte, ostotl, gray fox, leoncillo, w'ash, kióchi, ch'amac (Maya), gato de monte, kiyóchi (Yuto-nahua), kióchi (Yuto-nahua), leoncillo, ostotl (Yuto-nahua), w'ash (Maya), zorra gris rank: species
Myadestes occidentaliscommon name: Brown-backed Solitaire, clarín jilguero rank: species
Phaseolus microcarpusrank: species
Cyperus rotunduscommon name: tuk'uch, zacate, pata de gallo, coyolito, cola de caballo, cebollín, su'uk, tup'uch, sak mu', coquitos, cebollín, cola de caballo, coquitos, coyolito, pata de gallo, sak mu' (Maya), su'uk (Maya), tuk'uch (Maya), tup'uch (Maya), zacate rank: species
Senna fruticosacommon name: palo liso, caña fistola, vainilla, quelite, caña fistola, palo liso, quelite, vainilla rank: species
Brachiaria reptansrank: species
Agelaius phoeniceuscommon name: tordo sargento, Red-winged Blackbird rank: species
Puma yagouaroundicommon name: jaguarundi, leoncillo, onza real, yaguarundi rank: species
Washingtonia robustacommon name: palma blanca, washingtonia, palma, palma, palma blanca rank: species
Parmentiera aculeatacommon name: pepino de ardilla, shat-kuuk, skat-kuuk, pepino de árbol, pepino silvestre, tzoté, tyacua-najnu, tzutzu, x-kat-kuuk, pepino kat, guetoxiga, pepino cat, paka'ak, cuahxilotl, auve-quec, chic'b, tyacuanajun, cuaxiloc, ain che', kat néctar, huajilote, pepino criollo, chocol, kat kut, cuajxilult, at ku'ut, turí, pepino, estropajo, pepin, kat, cuajilote, chote, crucetillo, amché, cactuuc, cat, catcuuc, chachi, auue-quec, cal-o-ue-quec, kat ku'uk, cuaxílot, cuauxílotl, gueto-xiga, cuajxilutl, cuachilote, cuajilotillo, chotecuáhuitl, guajilote, guachilote, kaat, kat-kuuk, ain che' (Maya), amché (Maya), at ku'ut (Maya), auue-quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), auve-quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), cal-o-ue-quec (Chontal de Oaxaca), chayote, chic'b (Ch'ol), chocol (Maya), chote, chotecuáhuitl (Náhuatl), chucho, crucetillo, cuajilote, cuajilotillo, cuajiote (Náhuatl), cuajxilutl (Náhuatl), cuauxílotl (Náhuatl), cuaxílot (Náhuatl), estropajo, gueto-xiga (Zapoteco), guetoxiga (Zapoteco), kaat (Maya), kat (Maya), kat ku'uk (Maya), kat kut (Maya), pepin, pepino, pepino criollo, pepino de ardilla, pepino de árbol, pepino kat (Español-Maya), pepino silvestre, platanillo, puxni (Tepehua), shat-kuuk (Maya), skat-kuuk (Maya), tyacua-najnu (Mixteco), tyacuanajun (Mixteco), tzoté (Huasteco), tzutzu (Zoque), x-kat-kuuk (Maya) rank: species
Catharus aurantiirostriscommon name: Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush, zorzal pico naranja rank: species
Falco rufigulariscommon name: Bat Falcon, halcón enano, halcón murcielaguero, halcón enano, halcón murcielaguero rank: species
Saltator grandisrank: species
Amaranthus spinosuscommon name: quelite espinoso, quelite de puerco, quelite blanco, kantsudi, stokonosau, x'ltucua cal'tunit, tees, quintonil espinoso, kinsawakak, k'iix tees, recio, viakani, itukumizahua, tsaualhtukun, tzahual-tukun, xtes, bledo blanco, quelite, bledo, cenizo, bledo cimarrón, amaranto, guie lachi, guie-lachi, epazote de mula, guilache, cimarrón, kix-xtez, k'ii-k-xtes, amaranto, bledo, bledo blanco, bledo cimarrón, cenizo, cimarrón, epazote de mula, guie lachi (Zapoteco), guie-lachi (Zapoteco), k'ii-k-xtes (Maya), k'iix tees (Maya), kantsudi (Otomí), kix-xtez (Maya), quelite, quelite blanco, quelite de puerco, quelite espinoso, quintonil espinoso, recio, stokonosau (Tepehua), tees (Maya), xtes (Maya) rank: species
Mangifera indicacommon name: möncocuábitl, mango de manila, mango criollo, mango tommy, mango, mang, rosamorada, palo de mango, tzon te manko, mang (Quecchi), mang aay, tzapotl, mango, mango criollo, mango de manila, mango tommy, möncocuábitl (Náhuatl), palo de mango, rosamorada, tzapotl (Náhuatl), tzon te manko (Amuzgo) rank: species
Manihot angustilobarank: species
Melampodium gracilecommon name: tajonal, chamigo, k'antun boob, k'antun boob (Maya), tajonal rank: species
Passerina amoenacommon name: colorín lázuli, colorín pecho canela, Lazuli Bunting, colorín lázuli, colorín pecho canela rank: species
Sporobolus airoides var. airoidesrank: infraspecificname
Aristida ternipes var. ternipesrank: infraspecificname
Bouteloua aristidoides var. aristidoidesrank: infraspecificname
Leucaena lanceolata var. lanceolatacommon name: guaje, guajillo, cucharita, lentejilla, cucharita, guaje, guajillo, lentejilla rank: infraspecificname
Distichlis spicata var. spicatacommon name: baakel aak', baakel aak' (Maya) rank: infraspecificname
Panicum hirticaule var. verrucosumrank: infraspecificname
Dinebra panicea subsp. brachiatacommon name: cola de zorra, scoco-sacat (Totonaco), zacate salado rank: infraspecificname
Eragrostis ciliaris var. ciliarisrank: infraspecificname
Eriochloa acuminata var. acuminatarank: infraspecificname
Albizia occidentalis var. occidentalisrank: infraspecificname
Bonellia macrocarpa subsp. pungensrank: infraspecificname
Randia armata subsp. armatarank: infraspecificname
Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp. sororiacommon name: calabaza de burro, chamaco, chicayota, tolonche, aguachichi, tolenche, coloquinto, ahuaxtle, chichicayote, chichicoyota, tecomachichi, calabaza de caballo, calabaza amarga, tololonche, agualaxtle, aguichichi, tolonchi, guedu laac, calabacilla, chichicayota, calabaza de coyote, sicayota, coyote, aguachichi (Náhuatl), agualaxtle, aguichichi (Náhuatl), ahuaxtle, almochete, calabacilla, calabaza amarga, calabaza de burro, calabaza de caballo, calabaza de coyote, chamaco, chicayota (Náhuatl), chichicayota (Náhuatl), chichicayote (Náhuatl), chichicoyota (Náhuatl), coloquinto, coyote, guedu laac, moriche, sicayota (Náhuatl), tecomachichi, tolenche (Náhuatl), tololonche (Náhuatl), tolonche (Náhuatl), tolonchi (Náhuatl) rank: infraspecificname
Coursetia caribaea var. caribaeacommon name: x-hol-ak, mejen k'an t'u'ul, chi' ikam t'u'ul, chikam-t'uul, jícama de conejo, chi' ikam t'u'ul (Maya), chikam-t'uul (Maya), jícama de conejo, mejen k'an t'u'ul (Maya), x-hol-ak (Maya) rank: infraspecificname
Pouzolzia guatemalana var. nivearank: infraspecificname
Oplismenus burmannii var. nudicaulisrank: infraspecificname
Zapoteca formosa subsp. sinaloanarank: infraspecificname
Chloroleucon mangense var. leucospermumcommon name: ya' ax eek', ya' ax eek' (Maya) rank: infraspecificname
Agave (Agave) angustifolia var. rubescenscommon name: maguey quixe, maguey rank: infraspecificname
Dinebra panicea subsp. mucronatarank: infraspecificname
Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp. argyrospermacommon name: tecomata, chiua, calabaza de pepita gruesa, xka', xtop', calabaza pinta, calabaza de casco, salayota, zapoma, temprana, calabaza criolla, chuma, calabaza tupona, calabaza, calabaza, calabaza criolla, calabaza de casco, calabaza de pepita gruesa, calabaza pinta, calabaza tupona, chiua, chuma, nipxi (Totonaco), pipian, salayota, tecomata, temprana, xka', xtop', zapoma rank: infraspecificname
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculumcommon name: cahuasa (Tarasco), chile chocolate, chile de monte, chile quipín, itz (Huasteco), pinchile, piquín, ñi (Otomí) rank: infraspecificname
Lampropeltis triangulum subsp. sinaloaecommon name: falsa coralillo rank: infraspecificname
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabratacommon name: necaste, guaje, calhuaje, guaje blanco, guacis, guaje, guaje blanco rank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Jones, J. K., Jr. & Genoways, H. H. 1969. Notes on pocket gophers from Jalisco, Mexico, with descriptions of two new subspecies. Journal of Mammalogy. 50: 748-755. -
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