Actualización del conocimiento de la diversidad de especies de invertebrados marinos bentónicos de aguas someras (<50m) del Sur del Golfo de México
Marques Simoes Dias F N, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Actualización del conocimiento de la diversidad de especies de invertebrados marinos bentónicos de aguas someras (<50m) del Sur del Golfo de México. Version 1.9. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
La diversidad biológica del Golfo de México (GMx) se estima en 15,419 especies, de las cuales más de la mitad (9302) pertenecen a invertebrados marinos con un porcentaje relativamente alto de endemismos (Felder & Camp 2009). Sin embargo apenas existe información precisa de distribución geográfica de 9009 de esas especies de invertebrados, y de las cuales 6287 especies se reportan en el sector Norte del GMx, mientras que solo 4310 están reportadas para el sector sur del GMx (Moretzsohn et al. 2014), lo que representa dos terceras partes del total de especies del sector norte. Sin embargo este número de especies no refleja la diversidad que existe en las aguas mexicanas del GMx, sino que hace evidente el escaso esfuerzo de muestreo que se ha realizado en aguas mexicanas, ya que tanto el litoral como la plataforma continental de México presenta una alta heterogeneidad de hábitats, desde manglares, playas rocosas, desembocaduras de ríos, lagunas costeras y arrecifes de coral, que podrían albergar una diversidad de especies similar a lo reportado para la región norte del GMx. Además, el estudio de los invertebrados en México se ha sido dirigido principalmente a aquellos taxas de importancia económica como el caso de varias especies de crustáceos, moluscos y equinodermos dado su importancia comercial, y también algunos taxa funcionales como los corales escleractineos dado su importancia en el ecosistema arrecifal. Sin embargo existen taxas de invertebrados que también desarrollan papeles importantes dentro de los ecosistemas, pero que dado a su complejidad taxonómica; y al poco número de especialistas, el conocimiento de su diversidad ha sido más lento. Históricamente en México el estudio de los moluscos y equinodermos han sido los grupos más estudiados desde principios del siglo pasado, por lo que es relativamente bien conocida su riqueza de especies en aguas mexicanas, aunque en el caso de la Clase Gastropoda sólo se han registrado 47% de las especies del GMx. Esté estudio tiene por objetivo establecer puntos de muestreo desde los Tuxtlas-Montepio en Veracruz, hasta Río Lagartos en la plataforma de Yucatán. Al hacer un análisis más preciso sobre la riqueza de especies registradas en el SNIB con respecto a los polígonos de tres regionalizaciones de la CONANP: Regiones Marinas prioritarias para México; Sitios Prioritarios Marinos para La Conservación de la Biodiversidad y Áreas Naturales Protegidas Federales, dentro de las cuales caen nuestros sitios de muestreo, se puede observar que las áreas con un mayor número de especies registradas son: Los Tuxtlas, Laguna de Términos, Escarpe de Campeche, Cayos de Campeche Arrecife Alacranes , Champotón-El palmar, y la plataforma de Dzilam (Tabla 3). Sin embargo el número de especies esta sesgado hacia ciertos grupos taxonómicos como la Clase Malacostraca (Crustacea) Bivalvia, y Gastropoda. Mientras que el resto de los grupos presentan una baja riqueza de especies. Inclusive, las áreas de Arrecife Alacranes y Cayos de Campeche presentan muy pocos registros de especies siendo que los arrecifes de coral son de las regiones más diversas, y esto no se ve reflejado en los registros del SNIB. La carencia de información sobre estos grupos en México puede deberse a diversas cuestiones entre las cuales podemos señalar: (1) a que no existen en el país suficientes especialistas que se dediquen al conocimiento taxonómico y biológico de las especies, (2) a que, por la falta de este conocimiento, no se incluyan en estudios, evaluaciones y registros generales de los ecosistemas marinos costeros y arrecifales, y por tanto se subestime su importancia ecológica, y (3) a que no existe hasta el momento (o por lo menos no está registrado) un interés comercial directo en la explotación, manejo y uso de muchos de estos organismos (a excepción de los corales formadores de arrecifes) como posibles fuentes de recursos naturales potenciales.
Reino: 1 Filo: 8 Clase: 20 Orden: 88 Familia: 419 Género: 854 Subgénero: 43 Especie: 1251 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 5
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Cnidariarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Chordatarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Platyhelminthesrank: phylum
Poriferarank: phylum
Bryozoarank: phylum
Malacostracarank: class
Anthozoarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Hydrozoarank: class
Ascidiacearank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Asteroidearank: class
Echinoidearank: class
Rhabditophorarank: class
Holothuroidearank: class
Ophiuroidearank: class
Demospongiaerank: class
Polyplacophorarank: class
Gymnolaematarank: class
Stenolaematarank: class
Crinoidearank: class
Homoscleromorpharank: class
Scyphozoarank: class
Scaphopodarank: class
Cephalopodarank: class
Decapodarank: order
Actiniariarank: order
Aplanulatarank: order
Lepetellidarank: order
Filiferarank: order
Aplousobranchiarank: order
Mytilidarank: order
Macrocoloniarank: order
Neogastropodarank: order
Statocystarank: order
Spinulosidarank: order
Veneridarank: order
Capitatarank: order
Camarodontarank: order
Amphipodarank: order
Polycladidarank: order
Cephalaspidearank: order
Stolidobranchiarank: order
Carditidarank: order
Apodidarank: order
Paxillosidarank: order
Cycloneritidarank: order
Ophiuridarank: order
Cystonectaerank: order
Valvatidarank: order
Scleractiniarank: order
Arbacioidarank: order
Cidaroidarank: order
Agelasidarank: order
Pectinidarank: order
Phlebobranchiarank: order
Diadematoidarank: order
Chitonidarank: order
Nuculanidarank: order
Haploscleridarank: order
Hadromeridarank: order
Arcidarank: order
Lafoeidarank: order
Patellidarank: order
Chondrosidarank: order
Pteriidarank: order
Cheilostomatarank: order
Poeciloscleridarank: order
Zoanthariarank: order
Clypeasteroidarank: order
Verongidarank: order
Trochidarank: order
Cyclostomatarank: order
Myidarank: order
Dictyoceratidarank: order
Halichondridarank: order
Nudibranchiarank: order
Corallimorphariarank: order
Aspidochirotidarank: order
Limidarank: order
Comatulidarank: order
Dendroceratidarank: order
Alcyonacearank: order
Homosclerophoridarank: order
Dendrochirotidarank: order
Stomatopodarank: order
Tetractinellidarank: order
Clionaidarank: order
Nuculidarank: order
Lucinidarank: order
Aplysiidarank: order
Gastrochaenidarank: order
Semaeostomeaerank: order
Ringiculidarank: order
Ostreidarank: order
Dentaliidarank: order
Aspidodiatematoidarank: order
Octopodarank: order
Pholadomyidarank: order
Euryalidarank: order
Astrophoridarank: order
Echinothurioidarank: order
Pteropodarank: order
Myopsidarank: order
Physonectaerank: order
Rhizostomeaerank: order
Halisarcidarank: order
Spirulariarank: order
Pleurobranchidarank: order
Spatangoidarank: order
Antipathariarank: order
Ellobiidarank: order
Incertae sedisrank: order
Panopeidaerank: family
Actiniidaerank: family
Processidaerank: family
Calyptraeidaerank: family
Hippolytidaerank: family
Tubulariidaerank: family
Fissurellidaerank: family
Portunidaerank: family
Oceaniidaerank: family
Stomozoidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Haleciidaerank: family
Hippidaerank: family
Turritellidaerank: family
Cerithiidaerank: family
Sertulariidaerank: family
Nassariidaerank: family
Bougainvilliidaerank: family
Plumulariidaerank: family
Strombidaerank: family
Clytiidaerank: family
Obeliidaerank: family
Eudendriidaerank: family
Conidaerank: family
Echinasteridaerank: family
Grapsidaerank: family
Alpheidaerank: family
Stylasteridaerank: family
Melongenidaerank: family
Veneridaerank: family
Paguridaerank: family
Kirchenpaueriidaerank: family
Pennariidaerank: family
Toxopneustidaerank: family
Thyroscyphidaerank: family
Ampithoidaerank: family
Euphysidaerank: family
Polycitoridaerank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Pseudocerotidaerank: family
Aglaopheniidaerank: family
Ocypodidaerank: family
Bullidaerank: family
Callichiridaerank: family
Aiptasiidaerank: family
Pyuridaerank: family
Turbinellidaerank: family
Buccinidaerank: family
Pericelidaerank: family
Carditidaerank: family
Palaemonidaerank: family
Synaptidaerank: family
Astropectinidaerank: family
Potamididaerank: family
Epialtidaerank: family
Cassidaerank: family
Milleporidaerank: family
Marginellidaerank: family
Menippidaerank: family
Diogenidaerank: family
Columbellidaerank: family
Prosthiostomidaerank: family
Xanthidaerank: family
Lysmatidaerank: family
Neritidaerank: family
Amphiuridaerank: family
Sesarmidaerank: family
Stichodactylidaerank: family
Physaliidaerank: family
Caprellidaerank: family
Oreasteridaerank: family
Pocilloporidaerank: family
Arbaciidaerank: family
Luidiidaerank: family
Ophiactidaerank: family
Holozoidaerank: family
Mithracidaerank: family
Euherdmaniidaerank: family
Cyrenidaerank: family
Cidaridaerank: family
Fasciolariidaerank: family
Ophiocomidaerank: family
Penaeidaerank: family
Agelasidaerank: family
Anomiidaerank: family
Pilumnidaerank: family
Muricidaerank: family
Calappidaerank: family
Perophoridaerank: family
Clavelinidaerank: family
Diadematidaerank: family
Ascidiidaerank: family
Ischnochitonidaerank: family
Ophiothricidaerank: family
Ophiodermatidaerank: family
Yoldiidaerank: family
Colomastigidaerank: family
Aliciidaerank: family
Niphatidaerank: family
Pectinidaerank: family
Acanthochitonidaerank: family
Pseudorhombilidaerank: family
Clionaidaerank: family
Halopterididaerank: family
Glycymerididaerank: family
Syntheciidaerank: family
Mussidaerank: family
Lottiidaerank: family
Arcidaerank: family
Ophionereididaerank: family
Chondrillidaerank: family
Pinnidaerank: family
Cleidochasmatidaerank: family
Crambeidaerank: family
Lepraliellidaerank: family
Leucothoidaerank: family
Sphenopidaerank: family
Clypeasteridaerank: family
Raninidaerank: family
Hippopodinidaerank: family
Sicyoniidaerank: family
Lysianassidaerank: family
Poritidaerank: family
Hymedesmiidaerank: family
Plakobranchidaerank: family
Aplysinidaerank: family
Parthenopidaerank: family
Chitonidaerank: family
Tegulidaerank: family
Chamidaerank: family
Montastraeidaerank: family
Lichenoporidaerank: family
Acroporidaerank: family
Corbulidaerank: family
Calliostomatidaerank: family
Irciniidaerank: family
Tellinidaerank: family
Phliantidaerank: family
Cypraeidaerank: family
Ophidiasteridaerank: family
Microcionidaerank: family
Turbinidaerank: family
Dictyonellidaerank: family
Caecidaerank: family
Pandalidaerank: family
Callyspongiidaerank: family
Triviidaerank: family
Cymatiidaerank: family
Chromodorididaerank: family
Phoxocephalidaerank: family
Ophiomyxidaerank: family
Discosomidaerank: family
Stichopodidaerank: family
Triphoridaerank: family
Limidaerank: family
Mactridaerank: family
Comatulidaerank: family
Cirrholoveniidaerank: family
Dendrodorididaerank: family
Coelosphaeridaerank: family
Adeonidaerank: family
Noetiidaerank: family
Porcellanidaerank: family
Dictyodendrillidaerank: family
Gorgoniidaerank: family
Plakinidaerank: family
Areneidaerank: family
Omalogyridaerank: family
Ovulidaerank: family
Styelidaerank: family
Dendrophylliidaerank: family
Sclerodactylidaerank: family
Onychocellidaerank: family
Polyceridaerank: family
Gonodactylidaerank: family
Axiidaerank: family
Axinellidaerank: family
Phidoloporidaerank: family
Tetillidaerank: family
Siderastreidaerank: family
Gecarcinidaerank: family
Meandrinidaerank: family
Colubrariidaerank: family
Palinuridaerank: family
Barbouriidaerank: family
Thoridaerank: family
Spirastrellidaerank: family
Raspailiidaerank: family
Plicatulidaerank: family
Rissoidaerank: family
Schizoporellidaerank: family
Limopsidaerank: family
Calloporidaerank: family
Nuculidaerank: family
Hormathiidaerank: family
Lucinidaerank: family
Tindariidaerank: family
Cardiidaerank: family
Aplysiidaerank: family
Oculinidaerank: family
Stenopodidaerank: family
Corynidaerank: family
Didemnidaerank: family
Aoridaerank: family
Dromiidaerank: family
Munididaerank: family
Liljeborgiidaerank: family
Crepidacanthidaerank: family
Pontogeneiidaerank: family
Gastrochaenidaerank: family
Glyphocrangonidaerank: family
Drymonematidaerank: family
Ulmaridaerank: family
Echinometridaerank: family
Hippothooidaerank: family
Maeridaerank: family
Ophiacanthidaerank: family
Ringiculidaerank: family
Goniasteridaerank: family
Hydractiniidaerank: family
Leucosiidaerank: family
Astartidaerank: family
Isognomonidaerank: family
Inachoididaerank: family
Ostreidaerank: family
Solenoceridaerank: family
Condylocardiidaerank: family
Dentaliidaerank: family
Sertularellidaerank: family
Lafoeidaerank: family
Aspidodiadematidaerank: family
Liotiidaerank: family
Parazoanthidaerank: family
Zebinidaerank: family
Antroporidaerank: family
Holothuriidaerank: family
Candidaerank: family
Mycalidaerank: family
Microporellidaerank: family
Scissurellidaerank: family
Dysideidaerank: family
Cribrilinidaerank: family
Ficidaerank: family
Cerithiopsidaerank: family
Tonnidaerank: family
Melitidaerank: family
Platyischnopidaerank: family
Desmacididaerank: family
Bursidaerank: family
Thorectidaerank: family
Eriopisidaerank: family
Phymanthidaerank: family
Corellidaerank: family
Mitridaerank: family
Nuculanidaerank: family
Ophiolepididaerank: family
Iotrochotidaerank: family
Octopodidaerank: family
Eubranchidaerank: family
Smittinidaerank: family
Rhynchocinetidaerank: family
Cuspidariidaerank: family
Callianassidaerank: family
Haminoeidaerank: family
Briareidaerank: family
Facelinidaerank: family
Tornidaerank: family
Gorgonocephalidaerank: family
Spondylidaerank: family
Pseudosquillidaerank: family
Euryplacidaerank: family
Aethridaerank: family
Trypostegidaerank: family
Pteriidaerank: family
Ophiuridaerank: family
Chalinidaerank: family
Upogebiidaerank: family
Anchistioididaerank: family
Colatooeciidaerank: family
Beaniidaerank: family
Vitrinellidaerank: family
Semelidaerank: family
Plexauridaerank: family
Littorinidaerank: family
Geodiidaerank: family
Stenothoidaerank: family
Tubuliporidaerank: family
Trochidaerank: family
Phormosomatidaerank: family
Squillidaerank: family
Oxynoidaerank: family
Oplophoridaerank: family
Sebidaerank: family
Hipponicidaerank: family
Petrosiidaerank: family
Malletiidaerank: family
Polyclinidaerank: family
Stylochidaerank: family
Tonicellidaerank: family
Scyllaeidaerank: family
Merulinidaerank: family
Turridaerank: family
Velutinidaerank: family
Incertae sedisrank: family
Tedaniidaerank: family
Ischyroceridaerank: family
Exechonellidaerank: family
Limapontiidaerank: family
Bateidaerank: family
Chorizoporidaerank: family
Scyllaridaerank: family
Myidaerank: family
Cavoliniidaerank: family
Zoanthidaerank: family
Halichondriidaerank: family
Scaliolidaerank: family
Volutidaerank: family
Isophelliidaerank: family
Amphilochidaerank: family
Sphaerocorynidaerank: family
Discodorididaerank: family
Olividaerank: family
Palicidaerank: family
Caryophylliidaerank: family
Euryleptidaerank: family
Rissoellidaerank: family
Coralaxiidaerank: family
Hoploplanidaerank: family
Xenophoridaerank: family
Campanulariidaerank: family
Callistoplacidaerank: family
Loliginidaerank: family
Cancellariidaerank: family
Planaxidaerank: family
Ungulinidaerank: family
Agalmatidaerank: family
Zancleidaerank: family
Callianideidaerank: family
Inachidaerank: family
Aglajidaerank: family
Aeolidiidaerank: family
Agariciidaerank: family
Unciolidaerank: family
Cassiopeidaerank: family
Spongicolidaerank: family
Pisaniidaerank: family
Cystiscidaerank: family
Podoceridaerank: family
Rhizangiidaerank: family
Halisarcidaerank: family
Neomegamphopidaerank: family
Oedicerotidaerank: family
Botrucnidiferidaerank: family
Pleurobranchidaerank: family
Hornelliidaerank: family
Coenobitidaerank: family
Ampeliscidaerank: family
Hippoporidridaerank: family
Flabellinidaerank: family
Tryphosidaerank: family
Orbitestellidaerank: family
Endevouridaerank: family
Spongiidaerank: family
Litiopidaerank: family
Malleidaerank: family
Hermaeidaerank: family
Corallimorphidaerank: family
Gryphaeidaerank: family
Chiridotidaerank: family
Skeneidaerank: family
Eoacmaeidaerank: family
Aristeidaerank: family
Personidaerank: family
Phloeodictyidaerank: family
Boloceroididaerank: family
Acmaeidaerank: family
Hyalidaerank: family
Tergipedidaerank: family
Psammobiidaerank: family
Capneidaerank: family
Brissidaerank: family
Hexabranchidaerank: family
Cochliopidaerank: family
Escharinidaerank: family
Antipathidaerank: family
Vermetidaerank: family
Sergestidaerank: family
Astrocoeniidaerank: family
Percnidaerank: family
Poromyidaerank: family
Phyllophoridaerank: family
Ochlesidaerank: family
Ellobiidaerank: family
Asteropseidaerank: family
Solecurtidaerank: family
Lovenellidaerank: family
Hebellidaerank: family
Photidaerank: family
Anthothelidaerank: family
Eriphiidaerank: family
Pyramidellidaerank: family
Terebridaerank: family
Cordylophoridaerank: family
Pseudostylochidaerank: family
Placospongiidaerank: family
Costellariidaerank: family
Hadziidaerank: family
Tethyidaerank: family
Charoniidaerank: family
Crassatellidaerank: family
Ethusidaerank: family
Vanikoridaerank: family
Tritoniidaerank: family
Modulidaerank: family
Pinnotheridaerank: family
Epitoniidaerank: family
Thyasiridaerank: family
Timeidaerank: family
Phasianellidaerank: family
Hexapanopeusrank: genus
Bunodosomarank: genus
Ambidexterrank: genus
Bostrycapulusrank: genus
Latreutesrank: genus
Zyzzyzusrank: genus
Diodorarank: genus
Hippolyterank: genus
Callinectesrank: genus
Turritopsisrank: genus
Stomozoarank: genus
Musculusrank: genus
Haleciumrank: genus
Emeritarank: genus
Vermiculariarank: genus
Tozeumarank: genus
Cerithiumrank: genus
Dynamenarank: genus
Nassariusrank: genus
Bimeriarank: genus
Plumulariarank: genus
Strombusrank: genus
Dyspanopeusrank: genus
Clytiarank: genus
Obeliarank: genus
Eudendriumrank: genus
Nemaleciumrank: genus
Anemoniarank: genus
Conusrank: genus
Echinasterrank: genus
Pachygrapsusrank: genus
Alpheusrank: genus
Stylasterrank: genus
Melongenarank: genus
Achelousrank: genus
Chionerank: genus
Pagurusrank: genus
Ventrommarank: genus
Pennariarank: genus
Lytechinusrank: genus
Thyroscyphusrank: genus
Myrionemarank: genus
Ampithoerank: genus
Euphysarank: genus
Cystodytesrank: genus
Naticariusrank: genus
Pseudocerosrank: genus
Aglaopheniarank: genus
Ocypoderank: genus
Bullarank: genus
Lobatusrank: genus
Callichirusrank: genus
Aiptasiarank: genus
Pyurarank: genus
Kirchenpaueriarank: genus
Vasumrank: genus
Sinistrofulgurrank: genus
Pericelisrank: genus
Carditesrank: genus
Palaemonrank: genus
Synalpheusrank: genus
Ancylomenesrank: genus
Synaptularank: genus
Gnathophylloidesrank: genus
Astropectenrank: genus
Cerithidearank: genus
Libiniarank: genus
Semicassisrank: genus
Milleporarank: genus
Busycotypusrank: genus
Sinumrank: genus
Prunumrank: genus
Processarank: genus
Turbinellarank: genus
Sertulariarank: genus
Menipperank: genus
Petrochirusrank: genus
Eudistomarank: genus
Columbellarank: genus
Enchiridiumrank: genus
Ascidoniarank: genus
Cataleptodiusrank: genus
Lysmatarank: genus
Charybdisrank: genus
Neritinarank: genus
Pseudobicerosrank: genus
Amphiodiarank: genus
Aratusrank: genus
Corydendriumrank: genus
Stichodactylarank: genus
Grapsusrank: genus
Actinostellarank: genus
Physaliarank: genus
Paracaprellarank: genus
Isochelesrank: genus
Oreasterrank: genus
Madracisrank: genus
Diphasiarank: genus
Arbaciarank: genus
Microcosmusrank: genus
Luidiarank: genus
Clibanariusrank: genus
Ophiactisrank: genus
Brachidontesrank: genus
Distapliarank: genus
Mithraxrank: genus
Euherdmaniarank: genus
Costoanachisrank: genus
Polymesodarank: genus
Eucidarisrank: genus
Paguristesrank: genus
Crucibulumrank: genus
Fasciolariarank: genus
Amphithraxrank: genus
Ophiocomellarank: genus
Panopeusrank: genus
Acantholobulusrank: genus
Xiphopenaeusrank: genus
Agelasrank: genus
Anomiarank: genus
Pilumnusrank: genus
Chicoreusrank: genus
Calapparank: genus
Ecteinascidiarank: genus
Clavelinarank: genus
Armasesrank: genus
Macrorhynchiarank: genus
Leiosolenusrank: genus
Diademarank: genus
Ascidiarank: genus
Ophiocomarank: genus
Stenoplaxrank: genus
Ophiothrixrank: genus
Ophiodermarank: genus
Cuapeterank: genus
Periclimenesrank: genus
Orthoyoldiarank: genus
Colomastixrank: genus
Lebruniarank: genus
Niphatesrank: genus
Caribachlamysrank: genus
Acanthochitonarank: genus
Lucapinarank: genus
Penaeusrank: genus
Pseudorhombilarank: genus
Clionarank: genus
Antennellarank: genus
Glycymerisrank: genus
Hincksellarank: genus
Mycetophylliarank: genus
Lottiarank: genus
Barbatiarank: genus
Ophionereisrank: genus
Ischnochitonrank: genus
Chondrillarank: genus
Atrinarank: genus
Plesiocleidochasmarank: genus
Monanchorarank: genus
Drepanophorarank: genus
Leucothoerank: genus
Palythoarank: genus
Clypeasterrank: genus
Raninoidesrank: genus
Hippoporellarank: genus
Sicyoniarank: genus
Shoemakerellarank: genus
Poritesrank: genus
Phorbasrank: genus
Elysiarank: genus
Aiolochroiarank: genus
Platylambrusrank: genus
Rhyssoplaxrank: genus
Aplysinarank: genus
Tegularank: genus
Pseudodiploriarank: genus
Pseudochamarank: genus
Montastraearank: genus
Disporellarank: genus
Acroporarank: genus
Caryocorbularank: genus
Brachycarpusrank: genus
Calliostomarank: genus
Mercenariarank: genus
Irciniarank: genus
Macoplomarank: genus
Pariphinotusrank: genus
Erosariarank: genus
Ophidiasterrank: genus
Clathriarank: genus
Lithopomarank: genus
Scopalinarank: genus
Caecumrank: genus
Plesionikarank: genus
Isoaulactiniarank: genus
Callyspongiarank: genus
Pusularank: genus
Cymatiumrank: genus
Felimarerank: genus
Eobrolgusrank: genus
Ophiomyxarank: genus
Metharpiniarank: genus
Discosomarank: genus
Isostichopusrank: genus
Arcarank: genus
Iniforisrank: genus
Limarank: genus
Mactrotomarank: genus
Triacanthoneusrank: genus
Ophiopsilarank: genus
Crepidularank: genus
Diploriarank: genus
Davidasterrank: genus
Cirrholoveniarank: genus
Amphimedonrank: genus
Bartholomearank: genus
Anadararank: genus
Steironepionrank: genus
Thuridillarank: genus
Dendrodorisrank: genus
Lissodendoryxrank: genus
Reptadeonellarank: genus
Arcopsisrank: genus
Petrolisthesrank: genus
Halopterisrank: genus
Igernellarank: genus
Gorgoniarank: genus
Parapetrolisthesrank: genus
Plakinastrellarank: genus
Arenerank: genus
Ammonicerarank: genus
Cyphomarank: genus
Vasularank: genus
Tellinarank: genus
Polycarparank: genus
Tubastraearank: genus
Lichenoporarank: genus
Pseudothyonerank: genus
Smittiporarank: genus
Pterogorgiarank: genus
Macrobrachiumrank: genus
Polycerarank: genus
Polygonarank: genus
Neogonodactylusrank: genus
Paraxiopsisrank: genus
Axinellarank: genus
Rhynchozoonrank: genus
Eutriphorarank: genus
Cinachyrellarank: genus
Siderastrearank: genus
Gecarcinusrank: genus
Eusmiliarank: genus
Colubrariarank: genus
Panulirusrank: genus
Janicearank: genus
Thorrank: genus
Lithophagarank: genus
Spirastrellarank: genus
Ectyoplasiarank: genus
Phimochirusrank: genus
Plicatularank: genus
Phrontisrank: genus
Alvaniarank: genus
Euvolarank: genus
Stylopomarank: genus
Condylactisrank: genus
Limopsisrank: genus
Cranosinarank: genus
Toniciarank: genus
Eurypanopeusrank: genus
Nucularank: genus
Lobopilumnusrank: genus
Periclimenaeusrank: genus
Calcinusrank: genus
Calliactisrank: genus
Vokesimurexrank: genus
Polinicesrank: genus
Ctenarank: genus
Perophorarank: genus
Ralphariarank: genus
Amphipholisrank: genus
Tindariarank: genus
Americardiarank: genus
Aplysiarank: genus
Oculinarank: genus
Lysianopsisrank: genus
Stenopusrank: genus
Corynerank: genus
Cymadusarank: genus
Holthuisaeusrank: genus
Didemnumrank: genus
Paramicrodeutopusrank: genus
Moreiradromiarank: genus
Astichopusrank: genus
Anthopleurarank: genus
Parvilucinarank: genus
Munidarank: genus
Liljeborgiarank: genus
Croniusrank: genus
Anomalocardiarank: genus
Crepidacantharank: genus
Turborank: genus
Tetraxanthusrank: genus
Nasageneiarank: genus
Fusinusrank: genus
Lamychaenarank: genus
Glyphocrangonrank: genus
Verongularank: genus
Chitonrank: genus
Argopectenrank: genus
Drymonemarank: genus
Aureliarank: genus
Dentithecarank: genus
Scolymiarank: genus
Bemlosrank: genus
Echinometrarank: genus
Hippothoarank: genus
Luciniscarank: genus
Coralliophilarank: genus
Limariarank: genus
Spathiopusrank: genus
Ophiacantharank: genus
Ringicularank: genus
Lucinarank: genus
Nymphasterrank: genus
Lissoclinumrank: genus
Leucozoniarank: genus
Hydractiniarank: genus
Elasmopusrank: genus
Dardanusrank: genus
Simulamerelinarank: genus
Iliacantharank: genus
Astarterank: genus
Axiusrank: genus
Isognomonrank: genus
Stenorhynchusrank: genus
Dendostrearank: genus
Solenocerarank: genus
Carditopsisrank: genus
Dentaliumrank: genus
Pseudamphithoidesrank: genus
Mesopenaeusrank: genus
Luriarank: genus
Lembosrank: genus
Ctenoidesrank: genus
Sertularellarank: genus
Filellumrank: genus
Choristodonrank: genus
Aspidodiademarank: genus
Colpophylliarank: genus
Glossodorisrank: genus
Cyclostremarank: genus
Umimayanthusrank: genus
Schwartziellarank: genus
Antroporarank: genus
Holothuriarank: genus
Stenocionopsrank: genus
Diplosomarank: genus
Candarank: genus
Rimapenaeusrank: genus
Mycalerank: genus
Microporellarank: genus
Scissurellarank: genus
Dysidearank: genus
Puellinarank: genus
Patinellarank: genus
Ficusrank: genus
Cerithiopsisrank: genus
Tonnarank: genus
Hippotremarank: genus
Anamaerarank: genus
Eudevenopusrank: genus
Desmapsammarank: genus
Bursarank: genus
Smenospongiarank: genus
Phacoidesrank: genus
Netamelitarank: genus
Phymanthusrank: genus
Petaliferarank: genus
Linckiarank: genus
Corellarank: genus
Mitrarank: genus
Pithorank: genus
Nuculanarank: genus
Codakiarank: genus
Aequipectenrank: genus
Ophiolepisrank: genus
Dulichiellarank: genus
Allactaearank: genus
Iotrochotarank: genus
Bractechlamysrank: genus
Corallianassarank: genus
Glypturusrank: genus
Octopusrank: genus
Botularank: genus
Risomurexrank: genus
Persephonarank: genus
Tampaellarank: genus
Botrylloidesrank: genus
Eubranchusrank: genus
Parasmittinarank: genus
Cinetorhynchusrank: genus
Agolambrusrank: genus
Cuspidariarank: genus
Stylocheilusrank: genus
Meiocerasrank: genus
Biffariusrank: genus
Garveiarank: genus
Monoplexrank: genus
Celleporariarank: genus
Arenaeusrank: genus
Cryptoconchusrank: genus
Antillogorgiarank: genus
Atysrank: genus
Briareumrank: genus
Learchisrank: genus
Alpheopsisrank: genus
Thornelyarank: genus
Pachychelesrank: genus
Parviturboidesrank: genus
Astrophytonrank: genus
Leiolambrusrank: genus
Sconsiarank: genus
Spondylusrank: genus
Volvarinarank: genus
Pseudosquillarank: genus
Euryplaxrank: genus
Ptilocaulisrank: genus
Pionerank: genus
Metaprotellarank: genus
Osachilarank: genus
Trypostegarank: genus
Petricolarank: genus
Anisopagurusrank: genus
Seilarank: genus
Pinctadarank: genus
Satondellarank: genus
Cosmotriphorarank: genus
Zebinarank: genus
Amphiophiurarank: genus
Chamarank: genus
Chorinusrank: genus
Niveriarank: genus
Haliclonarank: genus
Pomatogebiarank: genus
Papyridearank: genus
Salmoneusrank: genus
Amphiurarank: genus
Dragmacidonrank: genus
Anchistioidesrank: genus
Trematooeciarank: genus
Beaniarank: genus
Macrocoelomarank: genus
Vitrinellarank: genus
Cumingiarank: genus
Eunicearank: genus
Echinolittorinarank: genus
Tripneustesrank: genus
Trachycardiumrank: genus
Erylusrank: genus
Concarnesrank: genus
Neopisosomarank: genus
Iridopagurusrank: genus
Stenothoerank: genus
Eurytiumrank: genus
Polysyncratonrank: genus
Laevicardiumrank: genus
Globivenusrank: genus
Tubuliporarank: genus
Synaptocochlearank: genus
Phormosomarank: genus
Thaisrank: genus
Semelinarank: genus
Squillarank: genus
Oxynoerank: genus
Metaxiarank: genus
Hypoconcharank: genus
Epialtusrank: genus
Patelloidarank: genus
Systellaspisrank: genus
Sebarank: genus
Hipponixrank: genus
Pteriarank: genus
Ophiostigmarank: genus
Tucetonarank: genus
Nematopaguroidesrank: genus
Xestospongiarank: genus
Neilonellarank: genus
Aplidiumrank: genus
Imoginerank: genus
Lepidochitonarank: genus
Asteroporparank: genus
Scyllaearank: genus
Orbicellarank: genus
Saccellarank: genus
Dinocardiumrank: genus
Pilsbryspirarank: genus
Geodiarank: genus
Lamellariarank: genus
Solenastrearank: genus
Tedaniarank: genus
Pseudocoutierearank: genus
Ericthoniusrank: genus
Listriellarank: genus
Symmetroscyphusrank: genus
Exechonellarank: genus
Costasiellarank: genus
Axiopsisrank: genus
Batearank: genus
Meximaerarank: genus
Pontoniarank: genus
Hydrodendronrank: genus
Chorizoporarank: genus
Megapitariarank: genus
Scyllaridesrank: genus
Spheniarank: genus
Cavoliniarank: genus
Arugarank: genus
Zoanthusrank: genus
Urocarisrank: genus
Parazoanthusrank: genus
Cincturarank: genus
Hymeniacidonrank: genus
Varicorbularank: genus
Pseudoplexaurarank: genus
Cardiomyarank: genus
Anachisrank: genus
Mithraculusrank: genus
Coelocerusrank: genus
Damithraxrank: genus
Pyromaiarank: genus
Turritritonrank: genus
Parapenaeusrank: genus
Finellarank: genus
Bentharcarank: genus
Amphioplusrank: genus
Scaphellarank: genus
Astraearank: genus
Gnathophyllumrank: genus
Neocallichirusrank: genus
Goniasterrank: genus
Semelerank: genus
Plexaurarank: genus
Haminoearank: genus
Telmatactisrank: genus
Trachypolliarank: genus
Morularank: genus
Hourstoniusrank: genus
Nucellarank: genus
Scyllarusrank: genus
Sphaerocorynerank: genus
Bathyarcarank: genus
Anasimusrank: genus
Ceradocusrank: genus
Aphelodorisrank: genus
Olivellarank: genus
Fugleriarank: genus
Palicusrank: genus
Stigmaulaxrank: genus
Risbeciarank: genus
Phyllangiarank: genus
Megalobrachiumrank: genus
Conasprellarank: genus
Euryleptarank: genus
Rissoellarank: genus
Modiolusrank: genus
Thysanozoonrank: genus
Palaemonetesrank: genus
Meinertaxiusrank: genus
Hoploplanarank: genus
Scissularank: genus
Ophiocnidarank: genus
Onustusrank: genus
Orthopyxisrank: genus
Callistochitonrank: genus
Areopaguristesrank: genus
Sepioteuthisrank: genus
Dichocoeniarank: genus
Cancellariarank: genus
Hemipolygonarank: genus
Cryptostrearank: genus
Pinnarank: genus
Angiolarank: genus
Diacavoliniarank: genus
Diplodontarank: genus
Metapenaeopsisrank: genus
Macrocypraearank: genus
Agalmarank: genus
Cassisrank: genus
Zanclearank: genus
Automaterank: genus
Mictaxiusrank: genus
Podochelarank: genus
Chelidonurarank: genus
Tellinellarank: genus
Campanulariarank: genus
Berghiarank: genus
Agariciarank: genus
Rudilemboidesrank: genus
Actinopygarank: genus
Rhodactisrank: genus
Cassiopearank: genus
Acanthiliarank: genus
Plexaurellarank: genus
Leptucarank: genus
Cribrochalinarank: genus
Leanderrank: genus
Hyalopectenrank: genus
Transennellarank: genus
Emarginularank: genus
Chioneryxrank: genus
Murexsulrank: genus
Microprosthemarank: genus
Gemophosrank: genus
Gibberularank: genus
Podocerusrank: genus
Retevirgularank: genus
Astrangiarank: genus
Halisarcarank: genus
Acrosterigmarank: genus
Neomegamphopusrank: genus
Uhliasrank: genus
Hartmanodesrank: genus
Garthioperank: genus
Penaeopsisrank: genus
Myropsisrank: genus
Macomarank: genus
Botruanthusrank: genus
Platypodiellarank: genus
Berthellinarank: genus
Polystirarank: genus
Cryptodromiopsisrank: genus
Smittinarank: genus
Hornelliarank: genus
Coenobitarank: genus
Plesiolembosrank: genus
Enginarank: genus
Syntheciumrank: genus
Petrosiarank: genus
Ampeliscarank: genus
Hippoporidrarank: genus
Flabellinarank: genus
Parastarterank: genus
Schizobrachiellarank: genus
Orchomenellarank: genus
Ophiotretarank: genus
Axinyssarank: genus
Orbitestellarank: genus
Ensayararank: genus
Hyattellarank: genus
Alabarank: genus
Dromiarank: genus
Malleusrank: genus
Xanthiasrank: genus
Cyercerank: genus
Triplofususrank: genus
Camachoaglajarank: genus
Corynactisrank: genus
Hyotissarank: genus
Chiridotarank: genus
Exhippolysmatarank: genus
Laciolinarank: genus
Hemiaeginarank: genus
Quadrimaerarank: genus
Lodderenarank: genus
Pisaniarank: genus
Phallusiarank: genus
Pododesmusrank: genus
Neopanoperank: genus
Eoacmaearank: genus
Daphnellarank: genus
Agathotomarank: genus
Hemimarginularank: genus
Pylopagurusrank: genus
Fissurellarank: genus
Aristeusrank: genus
Ostrearank: genus
Perioculodesrank: genus
Distorsiorank: genus
Supplanaxisrank: genus
Olivarank: genus
Siphonodictyonrank: genus
Bunodeopsisrank: genus
Porcellanarank: genus
Paractaearank: genus
Acmaearank: genus
Pandarosrank: genus
Tuleariocarisrank: genus
Ragactisrank: genus
Frevillearank: genus
Euthyonidiellarank: genus
Parhyalerank: genus
Sclerodorisrank: genus
Cypraecassisrank: genus
Trididemnumrank: genus
Cuthonarank: genus
Juliacorbularank: genus
Asaphisrank: genus
Oceanapiarank: genus
Apolochusrank: genus
Strictispirarank: genus
Typtonrank: genus
Actinoporusrank: genus
Americhelidiumrank: genus
Dallocardiarank: genus
Trachycarisrank: genus
Acorylusrank: genus
Plagiobrissusrank: genus
Omalacantharank: genus
Spheciospongiarank: genus
Lafoeinarank: genus
Phrikocerosrank: genus
Eurytellinarank: genus
Faviarank: genus
Hexabranchusrank: genus
Hepatusrank: genus
Littoridinopsrank: genus
Akatoporarank: genus
Spongiarank: genus
Diacriarank: genus
Lepidepecreumrank: genus
Felimidarank: genus
Maritigrellarank: genus
Tritonoharparank: genus
Anamixisrank: genus
Nitidellarank: genus
Bryopesanserrank: genus
Dolabriferarank: genus
Antipathesrank: genus
Petaloconchusrank: genus
Acetesrank: genus
Neritarank: genus
Naticarank: genus
Angulusrank: genus
Stephanocoeniarank: genus
Spengleriarank: genus
Laviactisrank: genus
Percnonrank: genus
Poromyarank: genus
Creaseriarank: genus
Katadesmiarank: genus
Muricearank: genus
Bailyarank: genus
Thyonerank: genus
Zafronarank: genus
Pleurolucinarank: genus
Cliorank: genus
Divaricellarank: genus
Pleurobranchusrank: genus
Monostaechasrank: genus
Curidiarank: genus
Dosiniarank: genus
Gutturniumrank: genus
Arcopagiarank: genus
Thylacodesrank: genus
Melampusrank: genus
Pseudaeginellarank: genus
Koellikerinarank: genus
Platydorisrank: genus
Periglyptarank: genus
Cheilearank: genus
Neopontonidesrank: genus
Rochiniarank: genus
Ericerodesrank: genus
Micropanoperank: genus
Hyalinarank: genus
Bougainvilliarank: genus
Divalingarank: genus
Topsentiarank: genus
Turridruparank: genus
Parvanachisrank: genus
Maeracootarank: genus
Paraliomerarank: genus
Mitrellarank: genus
Busycoarctumrank: genus
Macrocallistarank: genus
Hippospongiarank: genus
Phyllonotusrank: genus
Montfortiarank: genus
Cantharusrank: genus
Poraniellarank: genus
Onychocellarank: genus
Hypselodorisrank: genus
Solecurtusrank: genus
Mitrocomiumrank: genus
Spathochlamysrank: genus
Deutellarank: genus
Crassispirarank: genus
Hebellarank: genus
Audullarank: genus
Xanthodiusrank: genus
Rapipontoniarank: genus
Platyactaearank: genus
Comactiniarank: genus
Sigaticarank: genus
Cyclozodionrank: genus
Ophiolimnarank: genus
Leucosyrinxrank: genus
Erythropodiumrank: genus
Ambicholestesrank: genus
Eriphiarank: genus
Pyramidellarank: genus
Terebrarank: genus
Protohyalerank: genus
Arcinellarank: genus
Cordylophorarank: genus
Cladocorarank: genus
Goniopsisrank: genus
Meomarank: genus
Idioplanarank: genus
Globosolembosrank: genus
Nonalarank: genus
Cenchritisrank: genus
Placospongiarank: genus
Vexillumrank: genus
Gammaropsisrank: genus
Protohadziarank: genus
Triphorarank: genus
Phyllodinarank: genus
Styelarank: genus
Tectitethyarank: genus
Corbularank: genus
Pseudoscillarank: genus
Brissusrank: genus
Melitarank: genus
Charoniarank: genus
Dendropomarank: genus
Tagelusrank: genus
Geograpsusrank: genus
Fulviarank: genus
Crenellarank: genus
Crassinellarank: genus
Ethusarank: genus
Microcardiumrank: genus
Stewartiarank: genus
Talassiarank: genus
Tritoniarank: genus
Modulusrank: genus
Grandidierellarank: genus
Dissodactylusrank: genus
Busyconrank: genus
Hesperisterniarank: genus
Acanthocarpusrank: genus
Epitoniumrank: genus
Thyasirarank: genus
Pitarrank: genus
Anodontiarank: genus
Limenandrarank: genus
Timearank: genus
Ophiophragmusrank: genus
Nanucarank: genus
Eulithidiumrank: genus
Nemausarank: genus
Bittiolumrank: genus
Lepidophthalmusrank: genus
Modiolarcarank: subgenus
Othiliarank: subgenus
Rexmelarank: subgenus
Charybdisrank: subgenus
Pseudocyrenarank: subgenus
Stenoplaxrank: subgenus
Farfantepenaeusrank: subgenus
Ischnochitonrank: subgenus
Clathriarank: subgenus
Cladochalinarank: subgenus
Anadararank: subgenus
Anomodoryxrank: subgenus
Callyspongiarank: subgenus
Liljeborgiarank: subgenus
Chitonrank: subgenus
Isognomonrank: subgenus
Arenochalinarank: subgenus
Lindapectenrank: subgenus
Halodeimarank: subgenus
Petricolarank: subgenus
Renierarank: subgenus
Trachycardiumrank: subgenus
Turritritonrank: subgenus
Asteroporparank: subgenus
Semperothuriarank: subgenus
Tedaniarank: subgenus
Cystipusrank: subgenus
Amphioplusrank: subgenus
Thalysiasrank: subgenus
Thymiosyciarank: subgenus
Psammacomarank: subgenus
Metaceradocusrank: subgenus
Petrosiarank: subgenus
Mycalerank: subgenus
Litopenaeusrank: subgenus
Microcionarank: subgenus
Spongiarank: subgenus
Nebulariarank: subgenus
Protohyalerank: subgenus
Mesopleurarank: subgenus
Fulviarank: subgenus
Soestellarank: subgenus
Pitarrank: subgenus
Hexapanopeus angustifronsrank: species
Bunodosoma cavernatumcommon name: anémona rank: species
Ambidexter symmetricusrank: species
Bostrycapulus aculeatuscommon name: pique espinoso rank: species
Latreutes fucorumrank: species
Zyzzyzus warrenirank: species
Diodora sayirank: species
Hippolyte zostericolarank: species
Callinectes sapiduscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Turritopsis dohrniirank: species
Stomozoa gigantearank: species
Musculus (Modiolarca) lateralisrank: species
Emerita talpoidarank: species
Vermicularia fargoicommon name: caracol torre, gusano rank: species
Tozeuma carolinenserank: species
Cerithium lutosumrank: species
Dynamena crisioidesrank: species
Nassarius albusrank: species
Bimeria vestitarank: species
Strombus pugiliscommon name: caracol canelo, caracol chivito, caracola, chivita rank: species
Dyspanopeus sayirank: species
Obelia dichotomacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Nemalecium lightirank: species
Anemonia sargassensiscommon name: anémona rank: species
Conus spuriuscommon name: caracol cono, cono rank: species
Eudendrium bermudenserank: species
Echinaster (Othilia) sentuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Pachygrapsus transversuscommon name: cangrejo saltador rank: species
Alpheus angulosuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Stylaster roseuscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Melongena (Rexmela) melongenacommon name: molon rank: species
Achelous spinimanuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Callinectes similiscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Chione cancellatacommon name: almeja roñosa rank: species
Pagurus maclaughlinaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Dynamena distichacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Ventromma halecioidesrank: species
Latreutes parvulusrank: species
Pennaria distichacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Halecium lightbournirank: species
Alpheus normannicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Cerithium muscarumcommon name: trompito rank: species
Eudendrium carneumcommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Lytechinus williamsicommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Callinectes bocourticommon name: jaiba rank: species
Callinectes ornatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Thyroscyphus marginatusrank: species
Myrionema amboinenserank: species
Ampithoe ramondirank: species
Cystodytes roseolusrank: species
Naticarius canrenacommon name: globo rank: species
Pseudoceros bicolorrank: species
Aglaophenia latecarinatarank: species
Ocypode quadratarank: species
Bulla occidentalisrank: species
Lobatus costatuscommon name: caracol blanco, caracol lanceta, caracola, caracol blanco, caracol lanceta, caracola rank: species
Callichirus islagranderank: species
Aiptasia pallidacommon name: anémona rank: species
Plumularia floridanarank: species
Kirchenpaueria halecioidesrank: species
Alpheus lancirostriscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Vasum muricatumcommon name: trompito rank: species
Sinistrofulgur pulleyirank: species
Cardites floridanuscommon name: almeja rayada rank: species
Palaemon pugiorank: species
Synalpheus antillensisrank: species
Ancylomenes pedersonirank: species
Synaptula hydriformiscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Gnathophylloides minerirank: species
Cerithidea pliculosacommon name: caracol de cuerno, cuernito rank: species
Obelia bidentatarank: species
Libinia dubiacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Semicassis granulatacommon name: caracol casco, sombrero escoces rank: species
Millepora alcicorniscommon name: coral de fuego rank: species
Busycotypus plagosuscommon name: lix (Maya), sacabocado rank: species
Sinum perspectivumrank: species
Clytia gracilisrank: species
Prunum apicinumrank: species
Processa bermudensisrank: species
Turbinella angulatacommon name: caracol tomburro, caracol negro, tomburro (Maya) rank: species
Sertularia marginatarank: species
Menippe mercenariarank: species
Prunum labiatumcommon name: caracol brillante rank: species
Petrochirus diogenescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Eudistoma hepaticumrank: species
Enchiridium evelinaerank: species
Ascidonia miserabilisrank: species
Cataleptodius floridanusrank: species
Lysmata rathbunaerank: species
Lysmata wurdemannirank: species
Charybdis (Charybdis) helleriicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Neritina virgineacommon name: nerite rank: species
Pseudobiceros evelinaerank: species
Amphiodia pulchellacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Aratus pisoniicommon name: cangrejo de mangle rank: species
Corydendrium parasiticumrank: species
Stichodactyla helianthuscommon name: anémona rank: species
Grapsus grapsuscommon name: cangrejo abuete negro rank: species
Actinostella flosculiferacommon name: anémona rank: species
Physalia physaliscommon name: fragata portuguesa, carabella portuguesa, fragata portuguesa rank: species
Paracaprella pusillarank: species
Isocheles wurdemannicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Oreaster reticulatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Madracis auretenracommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Diphasia tropicarank: species
Arbacia punctulatacommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Cerithium atratumcommon name: trompito rank: species
Microcosmus exasperatusrank: species
Clibanarius vittatuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Aglaophenia dubiarank: species
Ophiactis savignyicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Brachidontes modioluscommon name: mejillón amarillo rank: species
Distaplia bermudensisrank: species
Mithrax hispiduscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Euherdmania fasciculatarank: species
Costoanachis semiplicatacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Polymesoda (Pseudocyrena) floridanacommon name: almeja canasta rank: species
Alpheus amarillocommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Emerita benedictirank: species
Eucidaris tribuloidescommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Sertularia distansrank: species
Paguristes erythropscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Crucibulum auriculacommon name: lapa rank: species
Halecium calderirank: species
Melongena coronacommon name: caracol negro, chivita, molon rank: species
Fasciolaria tulipacommon name: caracol campechana, campechana, concha tulipán rank: species
Eudendrium capillarecommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Amphithrax aculeatusrank: species
Ophiocomella ophiactoidescommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Panopeus rugosusrank: species
Acantholobulus bermudensisrank: species
Xiphopenaeus kroyericommon name: camarón botalón, camarón 7 barbas, camarón barbón, camarón botalón rank: species
Agelas clathrodescommon name: demosponja rank: species
Anomia simplexcommon name: ostra de silla de montar, lentejuela, papelillo rank: species
Pilumnus sayirank: species
Synalpheus townsendicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Chicoreus florifercommon name: caracol roñoso rank: species
Calappa flammearank: species
Ecteinascidia turbinatarank: species
Armases ricordirank: species
Macrorhynchia philippinacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Leiosolenus bisulcatusrank: species
Strombus alatuscommon name: caracola, chivita rank: species
Diadema antillarumcommon name: erizo de mar, erizo de mar, erizo diadema rank: species
Ascidia panamensisrank: species
Lobatus gigascommon name: caracol burro, caracol de abanico, caracol reina, caracol rosado, caracola, abanico, reina, rosado rank: species
Synalpheus fritzmuellericommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Ophiocoma echinatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Stenoplax (Stenoplax) bahamensisrank: species
Ophiothrix lineatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Ophioderma cinereumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Cuapete americanusrank: species
Periclimenes sandyirank: species
Orthoyoldia solenoidesrank: species
Colomastix falciramarank: species
Lebrunia coralligenscommon name: anémona rank: species
Synalpheus hemphillicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Niphates digitaliscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Caribachlamys pellucenscommon name: escalopa rank: species
Acanthochitona hemphillirank: species
Lucapina sowerbiirank: species
Ophioderma brevispinumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) aztecusrank: species
Pseudorhombila quadridentatarank: species
Eudistoma amanitumrank: species
Cliona delitrixcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Antennella secundariarank: species
Glycymeris decussatacommon name: concha pinta rank: species
Hincksella cylindricarank: species
Mycetophyllia feroxcommon name: coral verdadero, rough cactus coral rank: species
Lottia albicostarank: species
Barbatia domingensisrank: species
Ophionereis olivaceacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Ischnochiton (Ischnochiton) erythronotusrank: species
Chondrilla caribensiscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Atrina rigidacommon name: callo de hacha, hacha rank: species
Monanchora arbusculacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Leucothoe kensleyirank: species
Palythoa caribaeorumcommon name: anémona, zoantídeos rank: species
Clypeaster rosaceuscommon name: galleta de mar rank: species
Ophiactis quinqueradiacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Raninoides louisianensisrank: species
Sertularia turbinatarank: species
Colomastix tridentatarank: species
Sicyonia dorsaliscommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Shoemakerella cubensisrank: species
Porites astreoidescommon name: coral verdadero, mustard hill coral rank: species
Phorbas amaranthuscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Clibanarius tricolorcommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Elysia crispatacommon name: lechuga de mar rank: species
Cerithium litteratumrank: species
Alpheus nuttingicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Aiolochroia crassacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Platylambrus granulatusrank: species
Rhyssoplax janeirensisrank: species
Ophionereis reticulatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Aplysina fulvacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Tegula fasciatarank: species
Pseudodiploria strigosacommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Pseudochama cristellacommon name: almeja joyero rank: species
Montastraea cavernosacommon name: coral verdadero, great star coral rank: species
Alpheus cristulifronscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Acropora palmatacommon name: cuerno de alce rank: species
Caryocorbula dietzianacommon name: almeja pigmea rank: species
Brachycarpus biunguiculatusrank: species
Calliostoma javanicumcommon name: torre rank: species
Mercenaria campechiensiscommon name: almeja, almeja de mar, almejuela del sur, almeja, almeja bola rank: species
Ircinia strobilinacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Macoploma tentarank: species
Pariphinotus seclususrank: species
Ophioderma rubicundacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Pagurus provenzanoicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Aplysina archericommon name: demosponja rank: species
Plumularia setacearank: species
Erosaria aciculariscommon name: papaya rank: species
Ophidiaster guildingicommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Clathria (Clathria) foliaceacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Lithopoma tectumcommon name: trompito rank: species
Paguristes cadenaticommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Scopalina ruetzlericommon name: demosponja rank: species
Achelous spinicarpuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Caecum circumvolutumrank: species
Plesionika tenuipesrank: species
Clathria (Clathria) gomezaerank: species
Isoaulactinia stelloidescommon name: anémona rank: species
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) vaginaliscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Pusula pediculusrank: species
Elysia velutinusrank: species
Felimare bayericommon name: nudibranquio dórido rank: species
Eobrolgus spinosusrank: species
Ophiomyxa flaccidacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Metharpinia floridanarank: species
Discosoma carlgrenirank: species
Isostichopus macroparenthesescommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Arca imbricatacommon name: almeja de arca, batea rank: species
Iniforis turristhomaerank: species
Lima caribaeacommon name: almeja de lima rank: species
Leucothoe ashleyaerank: species
Mactrotoma fragiliscommon name: almeja pato rank: species
Triacanthoneus tororank: species
Ophiopsila riiseicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Eudistoma obscuratumrank: species
Crepidula maculosacommon name: lapa rank: species
Diploria labyrinthiformiscommon name: coral verdadero, grooved brain coral rank: species
Periclimenes yucatanicusrank: species
Davidaster rubiginosuscommon name: lirio de mar rank: species
Ophiothrix angulatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Conus muscommon name: caracol cono, cono rank: species
Cirrholovenia tetranemarank: species
Amphimedon compressacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Penaeus duorarumrank: species
Bartholomea annulatacommon name: anémona rank: species
Anadara (Anadara) secticostatacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Steironepion pygmaeumrank: species
Thuridilla pictarank: species
Dendrodoris krebsiirank: species
Lissodendoryx (Anomodoryx) sigmatarank: species
Ophiocoma wendtiicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Arcopsis adamsicommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Alpheus paracrinituscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Petrolisthes galathinuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Cliona vermiferacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Alpheus punctatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Amphimedon caribicarank: species
Diodora cayenensiscommon name: platillos rank: species
Clytia laxarank: species
Igernella notabiliscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Gorgonia ventalinacommon name: coral blando rank: species
Colomastix irciniaerank: species
Parapetrolisthes tortugensisrank: species
Plakinastrella onkodescommon name: demosponja, demosponja, esponja rank: species
Pagurus carolinensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ammonicera lineofuscatacommon name: microcaracol marino rank: species
Cyphoma gibbosumcommon name: caracol lengua de flamenco, cacahuate, lengua de flamingo rank: species
Vasula deltoidearank: species
Millepora complanatacommon name: coral de fuego rank: species
Polycarpa cartilaginearank: species
Alpheus immaculatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Tubastraea coccineacommon name: coral verdadero, orange cup coral rank: species
Alpheus bouviericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Pseudothyone bellicommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Macrobrachium acanthuruscommon name: camarón cauque, langostino, acamaya, camarón de río, camarón de agua dulce, camarón popotillo, acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Polycera odhnerirank: species
Lysmata pedersenirank: species
Alpheus packardiicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Neogonodactylus curacaoensisrank: species
Leucothoe baranarank: species
Paraxiopsis foveolatarank: species
Axinella polycapellacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Cerithium eburneumcommon name: marfil rank: species
Ophiothrix orstediicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Eutriphora bermudensisrank: species
Synalpheus scaphoceriscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Elysia scopsrank: species
Caecum johnsonirank: species
Cinachyrella kuekenthalicommon name: demosponja, demosponja, esponja rank: species
Siderastrea radianscommon name: coral verdadero, lesser starlet coral rank: species
Gecarcinus lateralisrank: species
Eusmilia fastigiatacommon name: coral verdadero, smooth flower coral rank: species
Columbella mercatoriacommon name: caracol paloma, paloma moteada rank: species
Colubraria testacearank: species
Pseudodiploria clivosacommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Synalpheus dominicensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Janicea antiguensisrank: species
Thor floridanusrank: species
Leucothoe laurensirank: species
Lithophaga antillarumrank: species
Spirastrella coccineacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Caryocorbula contractacommon name: almeja pigmea rank: species
Brachidontes exustusrank: species
Synalpheus brevicarpuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Alpheus formosuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Ectyoplasia feroxcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Halecium bermudensecommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Phimochirus randallirank: species
Plicatula gibbosacommon name: pata de gato rank: species
Ophiocoma pumilacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Callyspongia (Callyspongia) fallaxcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) pliciferacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Madracis pharensiscommon name: coral verdadero, star coral rank: species
Alvania colombianarank: species
Euvola marensiscommon name: almeja papel rank: species
Tegula grunerirank: species
Alpheus peaseicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Condylactis giganteacommon name: anémona rank: species
Limopsis sulcatacommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Ophiothrix suensoniicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Porites poritescommon name: coral verdadero, finger coral rank: species
Clytia hummelinckirank: species
Tonicia schrammirank: species
Ircinia felixcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Paguristes puncticepscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Eurypanopeus abbreviatusrank: species
Sertularia rugosissimarank: species
Thor amboinensisrank: species
Nucula culebrensisrank: species
Lobopilumnus agassiziirank: species
Petrolisthes caribensisrank: species
Axinella waltonsmithicommon name: demosponja rank: species
Periclimenaeus caraibicusrank: species
Calcinus tibicencommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Calliactis tricolorcommon name: anémona rank: species
Halecium dyssymetrumrank: species
Vokesimurex cabritiicommon name: caracol espinoso rank: species
Polinices lacteusrank: species
Ralpharia gorgoniaerank: species
Hippolyte nicholsonirank: species
Amphipholis squamatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Tindaria amabilisrank: species
Americardia mediacommon name: almeja berberecho rank: species
Porites furcatacommon name: coral verdadero, branched finger coral rank: species
Aplysia fasciatacommon name: babosa borracha, liebre de mar rank: species
Niphates erectacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Agelas wiedenmayerirank: species
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) armigeracommon name: demosponja rank: species
Oculina diffusacommon name: coral verdadero, diffuse ivory bush coral rank: species
Lysianopsis albarank: species
Conus cancellatuscommon name: cono rank: species
Stenopus scutellatusrank: species
Clytia paulensisrank: species
Cymadusa filosarank: species
Holthuisaeus bermudensisrank: species
Paramicrodeutopus myersirank: species
Moreiradromia antillensisrank: species
Astichopus multifiduscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Anthopleura dalyaerank: species
Parvilucina crenellarank: species
Dynamena quadridentatarank: species
Munida pusillarank: species
Liljeborgia (Liljeborgia) bousfieldirank: species
Amphimedon complanatarank: species
Stenoplax purpurascensrank: species
Cronius rubercommon name: jaiba, jaiba pecosa, jaiba, jaiba pecosa rank: species
Anomalocardia cuneimeriscommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Turbo canaliculatusrank: species
Tetraxanthus rathbunaerank: species
Nasageneia yucatanensisrank: species
Fusinus coueicommon name: punta de flecha rank: species
Lamychaena hiansrank: species
Periclimenes infraspinisrank: species
Sicyonia typicacommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Glyphocrangon spinicaudacommon name: camarón acorazado rank: species
Eudistoma recifenserank: species
Prunum carneumrank: species
Ammonicera minortaliscommon name: microcaracol marino rank: species
Ophioderma brevicaudacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Verongula giganteacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophiactis muellericommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Euherdmania vitrearank: species
Chiton (Chiton) viridisrank: species
Argopecten irradianscommon name: almeja catarina, peine caletero rank: species
Dentitheca dendriticarank: species
Aplysina alcicornisrank: species
Bemlos longicornisrank: species
Clypeaster luetkenirank: species
Echinometra viridiscommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Paguristes tortugaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Lucinisca nassularank: species
Ophioderma appressumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Astropecten cingulatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Verongula rigidacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Coralliophila salebrosarank: species
Ophiopsila hartmeyericommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Echinaster (Othilia) echinophoruscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Didemnum duplicatumrank: species
Limaria pellucidacommon name: almeja de lima rank: species
Spathiopus looensisrank: species
Ringicula semistriatacommon name: caracolito de mar profundo rank: species
Didemnum granulatumrank: species
Lucina pensylvanicarank: species
Nymphaster arenatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Leucozonia nassacommon name: cofre rank: species
Cliona caribbaeacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Elasmopus rapaxrank: species
Dardanus insigniscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Simulamerelina caribaearank: species
Iliacantha liodactylusrank: species
Axius serratusrank: species
Diodora minutarank: species
Isognomon (Isognomon) radiatusrank: species
Stenorhynchus seticorniscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Dendostrea fronscommon name: ostra, ostión de mangle rank: species
Echinometra lucuntercommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Solenocera vioscairank: species
Carditopsis bernardirank: species
Pseudamphithoides incurvariarank: species
Cliona amplicavatacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Mesopenaeus tropicalisrank: species
Aplysina insulariscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Luria cinerearank: species
Clibanarius antillensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ctenoides scaberrank: species
Isostichopus badionotuscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Vermicularia knorriicommon name: caracol torre, gusano rank: species
Sertularella diaphanacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Ophioderma phoeniumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Distaplia corollarank: species
Choristodon robustuscommon name: almeja Venus, almeja rank: species
Aspidodiadema jacobyicommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Colpophyllia natanscommon name: coral verdadero, boulder brain coral rank: species
Processa fimbriatarank: species
Ophionereis squamulosacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Scolymia cubensiscommon name: coral verdadero, artichoke coral rank: species
Cyclostrema tortuganumrank: species
Alpheus armatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Sertularella fraserirank: species
Umimayanthus parasiticusrank: species
Holothuria mexicanacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Stenocionops furcatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Rimapenaeus similisrank: species
Clytia linearisrank: species
Mycale (Arenochalina) laxissimacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Clavelina oblongarank: species
Ecteinascidia styeloidesrank: species
Dysidea variabilisrank: species
Synalpheus elizabethaerank: species
Pagurus brevidactyluscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ficus ficuscommon name: caracol higo rank: species
Thor manningirank: species
Tonna galeacommon name: caracol tonel, tambor rank: species
Pagurus marshicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ampithoe marcuzziirank: species
Anamaera hixonirank: species
Eudevenopus honduranusrank: species
Ophiocoma paucigranulatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Desmapsamma anchoratacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Felimare ruthaecommon name: nudibranquio dórido rank: species
Diodora dysonirank: species
Smenospongia conulosarank: species
Netamelita tabacirank: species
Phymanthus crucifercommon name: anémona rank: species
Linckia guildingiicommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Alpheus scopulusrank: species
Diodora listerirank: species
Corella minutarank: species
Lithophaga aristatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Mitra barbadensisrank: species
Holothuria thomasaecommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Pitho laevigatarank: species
Stenocionops coelatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Nuculana acutarank: species
Codakia orbiculariscommon name: almeja de mar, almeja lucina tigre, atlántica, almeja blanca rank: species
Periclimenes iridescensrank: species
Aequipecten (Lindapecten) exasperatuscommon name: escalopa rank: species
Ophiolepis impressacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Ophiolepis paucispinacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Crepidula depressarank: species
Halopteris diaphanarank: species
Dulichiella lecroyaerank: species
Allactaea lithostrotarank: species
Iotrochota birotulatacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophiothrix brachyactiscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Leucothoe wuritirank: species
Bractechlamys antillarumcommon name: escalopa rank: species
Corallianassa longiventrisrank: species
Conus pataecommon name: cono rank: species
Astropecten duplicatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Glypturus acanthochirusrank: species
Botula fuscarank: species
Anadara (Anadara) notabiliscommon name: pata de mula, almeja arca auriculada rank: species
Cliona paucispinarank: species
Risomurex roseusrank: species
Ophioderma guttatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Sicyonia brevirostriscommon name: camarón de piedra, camarón de roca, camarón de piedra, camarón de roca rank: species
Persephona mediterranearank: species
Plumularia strictocarparank: species
Alpheus armillatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Tampaella tampaensisrank: species
Gorgonia flabellumcommon name: coral blando rank: species
Botrylloides nigerrank: species
Synalpheus minuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Cinetorhynchus rigensrank: species
Enchiridium periommatumrank: species
Agolambrus agonusrank: species
Ophiolepis buitronaecommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Panopeus occidentalisrank: species
Cuspidaria rostratarank: species
Stylocheilus striatuscommon name: liebre de mar rayada rank: species
Meioceras nitidumrank: species
Biffarius fragilisrank: species
Garveia franciscanarank: species
Arca zebracommon name: almeja arca zebra, alas de guajolote rank: species
Monoplex aquatilisrank: species
Arenaeus cribrariuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Cryptoconchus floridanusrank: species
Briareum asbestinumcommon name: coral blando rank: species
Alpheopsis trigonacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Lithopoma americanumcommon name: trompito rank: species
Pachycheles pilosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Parviturboides interruptusrank: species
Astrophyton muricatumcommon name: estrella canasta rank: species
Leiolambrus nitidusrank: species
Sconsia grayicommon name: caracol casco rank: species
Spondylus tenuiscommon name: ostra espinosa rank: species
Coralliophila galearank: species
Pseudosquilla ciliatacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Euryplax nitidarank: species
Aplysina fistulariscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ptilocaulis walpersicommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophioderma brevicaudumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Pione lamparank: species
Pachycheles ackleianuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Synalpheus curacaoensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Metaprotella hummelinckirank: species
Ctena orbiculatarank: species
Osachila semilevisrank: species
Madracis formosacommon name: coral verdadero, eight-ray finger coral rank: species
Petrolisthes quadratuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Holothuria (Halodeima) floridanacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Synalpheus agelascommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Petricola (Petricola) lapicidacommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Periclimenes rathbunaerank: species
Madracis mirabiliscommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Sicyonia laevigatacommon name: camarón conchiduro intermareal, camarón de roca, camarón conchiduro intermareal, camarón de roca rank: species
Anisopagurus pygmaeusrank: species
Seila adamsiirank: species
Neogonodactylus bredinicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Pinctada imbricatacommon name: madre perla rank: species
Bemlos spinicarpusrank: species
Cosmotriphora melanurarank: species
Zebina brownianarank: species
Amphiodia trychnacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Chama lactucacommon name: almeja joyero rank: species
Argopecten gibbuscommon name: abanico, peine percar rank: species
Chorinus heroscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Lithophaga corrugatarank: species
Niveria quadripunctatarank: species
Haliclona (Reniera) tubiferacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Elasmopus balkomanusrank: species
Pomatogebia operculatarank: species
Papyridea semisulcatacommon name: almeja berberecho rank: species
Salmoneus ortmannicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Felimare pictarank: species
Amphiura stimpsonicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Dragmacidon reticulatumcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophiactis algicolarank: species
Anchistioides antiguensisrank: species
Pagurus stimpsonirank: species
Macrocoeloma trispinosumcommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Acanthochitona zebrarank: species
Echinolittorina ziczaccommon name: caracol zebra rank: species
Tripneustes ventricosuscommon name: erizo de mar, erizo de mar, huevo de mar rank: species
Cliona flavifodinacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Trachycardium (Trachycardium) isocardiacommon name: almeja berberecho, lija rank: species
Erylus trisphaerusrank: species
Luidia alternatacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Calliostoma euglyptumrank: species
Lytechinus variegatuscommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Bunodosoma granuliferumcommon name: anémona rank: species
Synalpheus brooksicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Chama congregatacommon name: almeja joyero rank: species
Madracis decactiscommon name: coral verdadero, ten-ray star coral rank: species
Concarnes concavusrank: species
Neopisosoma curacaoensecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Clytia hemisphaericacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Iridopagurus caribbensisrank: species
Tonna pennatacommon name: caracol tonel, tambor rank: species
Solenocera atlantidisrank: species
Synalpheus pectinigercommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Lithopoma phoebiumcommon name: estrella rank: species
Amphiura fibulatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Stenothoe validarank: species
Eurytium limosumrank: species
Agelas coniferacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Euvola ravenelicommon name: escalopa, abanico, voladora rank: species
Polysyncraton amethysteumrank: species
Globivenus rigidacommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Synaptocochlea pictacommon name: caracolito de tapón rank: species
Phormosoma placentacommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Thais deltoidearank: species
Semelina nuculoidescommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Eudistoma olivaceumrank: species
Squilla chydaeacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Pericelis catarank: species
Oxynoe antillarumrank: species
Metaxia rugulosarank: species
Erylus formosuscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Hypoconcha spinosissimarank: species
Epialtus dilatatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Systellaspis debilisrank: species
Synalpheus tenuispinarank: species
Eudistoma clarumrank: species
Seba tropicarank: species
Aplysina lacunosacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Alpheus heterochaeliscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Hipponix antiquatuscommon name: caracol pezuña rank: species
Pteria colymbuscommon name: madre perla, concha nacar rank: species
Ophiostigma isocanthumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Tucetona pectinatacommon name: almeja de arca, concha perlera rank: species
Nematopaguroides fageirank: species
Xestospongia mutacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Aplidium elongatumrank: species
Periclimenaeus perlatusrank: species
Tegula excavatarank: species
Ophiopsila vittatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Lepidochitona liozonisrank: species
Caecum striatumrank: species
Ophiactis rubropodacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Asteroporpa (Asteroporpa) annulatacommon name: estrella canasta rank: species
Scyllaea pelagicarank: species
Orbicella annulariscommon name: coral verdadero, boulder star coral rank: species
Saccella concentricarank: species
Phacoides pectinatuscommon name: concha rank: species
Holothuria (Halodeima) griseacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Bursa corrugatacommon name: caracol rana rank: species
Dinocardium robustumcommon name: almeja berberecho del Atlántico, almeja berberecho, concha rank: species
Pilsbryspira leucocymarank: species
Geodia neptunicommon name: demosponja rank: species
Sertularia loculosarank: species
Chama floridacommon name: almeja joyero rank: species
Solenastrea bournonicommon name: coral verdadero, smooth star coral rank: species
Holothuria (Semperothuria) surinamensiscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Tedania (Tedania) igniscommon name: demosponja, demosponja, esponja de fuego rank: species
Verongula reiswigicommon name: demosponja rank: species
Pseudocoutierea antillensisrank: species
Panulirus argusrank: species
Ericthonius brasiliensisrank: species
Listriella barnardirank: species
Leucozonia leucozonalisrank: species
Panopeus lacustrisrank: species
Symmetroscyphus intermediusrank: species
Costasiella ocelliferacommon name: costasiella de mancha ocular rank: species
Amphiura palmericommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Agelas disparcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Axiopsis serratifronscommon name: langosta de lodo rank: species
Stenopus hispidusrank: species
Conus granulatuscommon name: cono rank: species
Orbicella faveolatacommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Squilla empusacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Batea carinatarank: species
Echinaster echinophoruscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Laevicardium mortonicommon name: almeja berberecho rank: species
Holothuria (Cystipus) cubanacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Meximaera diffidentiarank: species
Pontonia mexicanarank: species
Hydrodendron gracilisrank: species
Batea cuspidatarank: species
Clypeaster subdepressuscommon name: galleta de mar rank: species
Spondylus americanuscommon name: ostra espinosa rank: species
Pilsbryspira nodatarank: species
Megapitaria maculatacommon name: tablero de damas rank: species
Orbicella franksicommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Scyllarides nodifercommon name: langosta zapatera rank: species
Aplysia parvulacommon name: babosa borracha, liebre de mar pequeña rank: species
Cavolinia tridentatarank: species
Elasmopus mayorank: species
Aruga holmesirank: species
Zoanthus sociatuscommon name: anémona, zoantídeos rank: species
Smenospongia aureacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Urocaris longicaudatarank: species
Leucozonia ocellatacommon name: caracol manchado rank: species
Cinctura liliumrank: species
Hymeniacidon caerulearank: species
Varicorbula limatulacommon name: almeja pigmea rank: species
Mithraculus cinctimanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Coelocerus spinosuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Colomastix denticornisrank: species
Damithrax spinosissimuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pyromaia arachnacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Turritriton labiosusrank: species
Parapenaeus longirostrisrank: species
Bentharca asperulacommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Agelas tubulatarank: species
Penaeus setiferusrank: species
Ctenoides planulatuscommon name: almeja de lima rank: species
Amphioplus (Amphioplus) sepultuscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Scaphella junoniacommon name: caracol pinto rank: species
Gnathophyllum americanumrank: species
Lebrunia danaecommon name: anémona rank: species
Lebrunia neglectarank: species
Bemlos unicornisrank: species
Periclimenes harringtonirank: species
Neocallichirus grandimanusrank: species
Goniaster tessellatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Semele bellastriatacommon name: almeja Venus, sombrero chino rank: species
Plexaura homomallacommon name: coral blando, abanico de mar, abanico de mar, coral blando rank: species
Telmatactis vernoniarank: species
Haminoea elegansrank: species
Antillogorgia acerosacommon name: coral blando rank: species
Morula nodulosarank: species
Hourstonius tortugaerank: species
Scyllarus chaceicommon name: langosta zapatera rank: species
Alpheus verrillirank: species
Paguristes wassirank: species
Sphaerocoryne agassizirank: species
Laevicardium pictumcommon name: almeja berberecho, concha gorda rank: species
Macoploma pulleyirank: species
Dragmacidon lunaechartacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Alpheus bahamensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Bathyarca glomerulacommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Anasimus latuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Ceradocus sheardirank: species
Aphelodoris antillensisrank: species
Olivella exilisrank: species
Fugleria teneracommon name: almeja de arca, batea rank: species
Pseudobiceros caribbensisrank: species
Palicus faxonirank: species
Salmoneus drepesuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Stigmaulax cayennensisrank: species
Alpheus amblyonyxcommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Elasmopus thomasirank: species
Risbecia nyalyarank: species
Isognomon (Isognomon) bicolorcommon name: ostra árbol, concha rugosa rank: species
Calappa sulcatarank: species
Iliacantha subglobosarank: species
Megalobrachium soriatumcommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Conasprella armigercommon name: cono rank: species
Eurylepta aurantiacarank: species
Rissoella galbarank: species
Sicyonia burkenroadicommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Polycarpa spongiabilisrank: species
Lysmata jundalinirank: species
Modiolus americanuscommon name: mejillón, mejillón, mejillón tulipán rank: species
Achelous sebaecommon name: jaiba rank: species
Palaemonetes intermediusrank: species
Meinertaxius nodulosusrank: species
Hoploplana divaerank: species
Processa riveroirank: species
Hymeniacidon heliophilarank: species
Scissula similisrank: species
Synalpheus barahonensisrank: species
Ophiocnida scabriusculacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Onustus caribaeusrank: species
Orthopyxis sargassicolarank: species
Callistochiton shuttleworthianusrank: species
Clathria (Thalysias) virgultosacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Areopaguristes hummicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Lysmata grabhamirank: species
Sepioteuthis sepioideacommon name: calamar de arrecife rank: species
Conus sennottorumcommon name: caracol cono, cono rank: species
Polinices hepaticuscommon name: media luna rank: species
Dichocoenia stokesiicommon name: coral verdadero, elliptical star coral rank: species
Hemipolygona cariniferusrank: species
Cryptostrea permolliscommon name: ostra rank: species
Pinna carneacommon name: hacha rank: species
Bemlos dentischiumrank: species
Angiola lineatarank: species
Caecum multicostatumrank: species
Diacavolinia longirostriscommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Lithopoma caelatumrank: species
Plumularia margarettarank: species
Diplodonta semiasperarank: species
Metapenaeopsis goodeirank: species
Macrocypraea zebracommon name: negro maco, papaya rank: species
Agalma okenicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Zanclea migottoirank: species
Automate dolichognathacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Volvarina avenacommon name: arrocillo rank: species
Mictaxius thalassicolarank: species
Podochela sidneyicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Libinia rhomboideacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Tellinella listericommon name: almeja rayada rank: species
Spirastrella hartmanirank: species
Campanularia macroscyphacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Berghia stephanieaecommon name: eólido rank: species
Pilsbryspira jayanacommon name: barreno rank: species
Diplodonta punctatarank: species
Rudilemboides nagleirank: species
Actinopyga agassizicommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Periclimenaeus maxillulidensrank: species
Rhodactis osculiferarank: species
Acanthilia intermediarank: species
Tellina radiatarank: species
Leptuca speciosarank: species
Cribrochalina vasculumcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Leander tenuicornisrank: species
Hyalopecten strigillatusrank: species
Emarginula phrixodesrank: species
Chioneryx pygmaearank: species
Murexsul oxytatusrank: species
Macoploma extenuatarank: species
Microprosthema semilaeverank: species
Hippolyte obliquimanusrank: species
Eudendrium pocaruquarumrank: species
Gemophos tinctuscommon name: caracol piedra rank: species
Ceradocus shoemakerirank: species
Thyroscyphus ramosusrank: species
Gibberula lavalleeanarank: species
Podocerus brasiliensisrank: species
Pitho mirabiliscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Caecum floridanumrank: species
Ceradocus rubromaculatusrank: species
Halisarca purpuracommon name: demosponja rank: species
Pilsbryspira albocinctarank: species
Acrosterigma magnumcommon name: almeja berberecho rank: species
Costoanachis avaracommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Hipponix subrufuscommon name: caracol pezuña rank: species
Mithraculus forcepscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) arenicolacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Bemlos kunkelaerank: species
Neomegamphopus hiatusrank: species
Ericthonius punctatusrank: species
Uhlias limbatusrank: species
Alpheopsis labiscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Hartmanodes nyeirank: species
Diplosoma listerianumrank: species
Neogonodactylus oerstediicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Garthiope spinipesrank: species
Penaeopsis serratarank: species
Myropsis quinquespinosarank: species
Halisarca caeruleacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Petrolisthes jugosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Petalifera ramosacommon name: babosa borracha rank: species
Tellina listericommon name: almeja rayada rank: species
Macoma (Psammacoma) extenuatarank: species
Botruanthus mexicanuscommon name: anémona tubo rank: species
Halopteris carinatarank: species
Platypodiella spectabilisrank: species
Berthellina quadridensrank: species
Polystira albidacommon name: barreno rank: species
Cryptodromiopsis antillensisrank: species
Hornellia (Metaceradocus) tequestaerank: species
Campanularia hincksiicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Coenobita clypeatuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Amphithrax hemphillirank: species
Elysia ornatarank: species
Plesiolembos rectangulatusrank: species
Papyridea latacommon name: almeja berberecho rank: species
Penaeus vannameicommon name: camarón blanco, camarón patiblanco rank: species
Ampithoe validarank: species
Holothuria (Halodeima) mexicanacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Aequipecten glyptuscommon name: escalopa rank: species
Engina turbinellarank: species
Alpheus paraformosuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Alpheus floridanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Luidia clathratacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Synthecium tubithecumrank: species
Petrosia (Petrosia) weinbergicommon name: demosponja rank: species
Alpheus viridaricommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Ampelisca brevisimulatarank: species
Crepidula fornicatacommon name: lapa rank: species
Flabellina vertarank: species
Cerithiopsis iuxtafuniculatarank: species
Parastarte triquetracommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Dyspanopeus texanusrank: species
Orthopyxis crenatarank: species
Mycale (Mycale) laeviscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophioderma squamosissimacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Orchomenella thomasirank: species
Aplysina cauliformiscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ophiotreta valenciennesirank: species
Ctenoides mitiscommon name: almeja de lima rank: species
Aurelia auritacommon name: escifomedusa, escifomedusa, medusa de las medias lunas, medusa plato rank: species
Leucothoe ubouhurank: species
Tegula lividomaculatarank: species
Gorgonia mariaecommon name: coral blando rank: species
Paguristes spinipescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ensayara entrichomarank: species
Hyattella cavernosarank: species
Alaba incertacommon name: caracol lombriz rank: species
Dromia erythropusrank: species
Malleus candeanuscommon name: ostra martillo rank: species
Caecum pulchellumrank: species
Cinachyrella allocladacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Xanthias inornatusrank: species
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) thomasicommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Cyerce antillensiscommon name: babosa antillana de vidrio rank: species
Triplofusus giganteuscommon name: chacpel, concha de caballo, trompeta Maya rank: species
Turbo castaneacommon name: espiral nudoso rank: species
Calliostoma scalenumrank: species
Anomalocardia puellarank: species
Camachoaglaja mariagordaerank: species
Corynactis caribbeorumrank: species
Siderastrea sidereacommon name: coral verdadero, massive starlet coral rank: species
Hyotissa mcgintyicommon name: ostra de panal rank: species
Chiridota rotiferacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Exhippolysmata oplophoroidesrank: species
Periclimenaeus bredinirank: species
Laciolina laevigatarank: species
Nucula callicredemnarank: species
Anthopleura texaensisrank: species
Hemiaegina minutarank: species
Quadrimaera pacificarank: species
Hippolyte coerulescensrank: species
Lodderena ornatacommon name: caracolito de turbante rank: species
Argopecten noronhensisrank: species
Elysia flavarank: species
Pisania pusiorank: species
Aplysia dactylomelacommon name: babosa borracha, liebre de mar de Rang rank: species
Aplysina muricyanacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Cystodytes dellachiajeirank: species
Cliona varianscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Phallusia nigrarank: species
Phrontis albarank: species
Microprosthema manningirank: species
Clypeaster cheshericommon name: galleta de mar rank: species
Neopanope packardiirank: species
Eoacmaea pustulatarank: species
Daphnella lymneiformisrank: species
Holothuria cubanacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Scyllarus depressusrank: species
Nassarius scissuratusrank: species
Agathotoma candidissimarank: species
Costoanachis floridanacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Periclimenaeus schmittirank: species
Prunum guttatumcommon name: caracol brillante rank: species
Hemimarginula pumilarank: species
Pylopagurus discoidalisrank: species
Acanthochitona andersonirank: species
Astropecten articulatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Fissurella fascicularisrank: species
Aristeus antillensisrank: species
Agaricia lamarckicommon name: coral verdadero, Lamarck's sheet coral rank: species
Macoploma tageliformiscommon name: almeja saltadora rank: species
Perioculodes cerasinusrank: species
Penaeus brasiliensisrank: species
Achelous ordwayicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Mycetophyllia aliciaecommon name: coral verdadero, knobby cactus coral rank: species
Holothuria parvulacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Distorsio clathratacommon name: red rank: species
Supplanaxis nucleusrank: species
Siphonodictyon coralliphagumcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Plesiolembos ovalipesrank: species
Eurypanopeus dissimilisrank: species
Bunodeopsis antilliensiscommon name: anémona rank: species
Penaeus monodonrank: species
Porcellana sayanacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Colomastix heardirank: species
Paractaea rufopunctatarank: species
Gnathophyllum modestumrank: species
Pandaros acanthifoliumcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Bursa granulariscommon name: caracol rana rank: species
Tuleariocaris neglectarank: species
Ragactis lucidacommon name: anémona rank: species
Frevillea hirsutarank: species
Calappa gallusrank: species
Euthyonidiella tritacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Periclimenes antipathophilusrank: species
Parhyale hawaiensisrank: species
Sclerodoris workirank: species
Cypraecassis testiculuscommon name: caracol casco rank: species
Agaricia agaricitescommon name: coral verdadero, lettuce coral rank: species
Porcellana sigsbeianacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Juliacorbula aequivalviscommon name: almeja pigmea rank: species
Agaricia fragiliscommon name: coral verdadero, fragile saucer coral rank: species
Libinia emarginatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Asaphis defloratacommon name: almeja, almeja brillante rank: species
Oceanapia bartschirank: species
Chelidonura hirundininarank: species
Papyridea soleniformiscommon name: almeja berberecho, concha espinosa rank: species
Apolochus delacayarank: species
Ascidonia quasipusillarank: species
Strictispira redfernirank: species
Typton prionurusrank: species
Actinoporus eleganscommon name: anémona rank: species
Penaeus (Litopenaeus) setiferusrank: species
Americhelidium americanumrank: species
Dallocardia muricatacommon name: concha rugosa rank: species
Clathria (Microciona) callacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Volvarina albolineatarank: species
Trachycaris rugosarank: species
Pilumnus dasypodusrank: species
Caribachlamys ornatacommon name: escalopa rank: species
Acorylus gouldiirank: species
Plagiobrissus grandiscommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Alpheus aequaliscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Scolymia laceracommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Omalacantha bicornutacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Distaplia colligansrank: species
Ampelisca vadorumrank: species
Spheciospongia vespariumcommon name: demosponja rank: species
Macrocypraea cervuscommon name: negro maco, papaya rank: species
Phrikoceros mopsusrank: species
Eurytellina taylorianarank: species
Favia fragumcommon name: coral verdadero, golfball coral rank: species
Hexabranchus morsomusrank: species
Hepatus epheliticusrank: species
Littoridinops monroensiscommon name: caracol de lodo rank: species
Spongia (Spongia) graminearank: species
Diacria trispinosacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Lepidepecreum madagascarensisrank: species
Maritigrella crozierirank: species
Tritonoharpa lanceolatacommon name: caracol nuez moscada rank: species
Lissoclinum fragilerank: species
Anamixis cavaturarank: species
Periclimenaeus pearseirank: species
Nitidella nitidacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Cyclostrema cancellatumrank: species
Conus anabathrumcommon name: cono rank: species
Dolabrifera dolabriferacommon name: babosa borracha, liebre de mar hacha rank: species
Echinaster sentuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Petaloconchus mcgintyicommon name: caracol lombriz rank: species
Acetes americanusrank: species
Nerita pelorontacommon name: nerite rank: species
Natica castrensisrank: species
Angulus versicolorrank: species
Stephanocoenia interseptacommon name: coral verdadero, blushing star coral rank: species
Spengleria rostratarank: species
Laviactis lucidarank: species
Agaricia humiliscommon name: coral verdadero, lowrelief lettuce coral rank: species
Daphnella margaretaerank: species
Atys riiseanusrank: species
Alpheus thomasicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Callinectes danaecommon name: jaiba rank: species
Sphenia fragiliscommon name: almeja rank: species
Percnon gibbesirank: species
Panopeus harttiirank: species
Poromya rostratacommon name: almeja de agua salada rank: species
Creaseria morleyicommon name: langostino rank: species
Katadesmia politarank: species
Triacanthoneus chapelianusrank: species
Bailya parvarank: species
Ophionereis vittatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Arene cruentatarank: species
Arene venustularank: species
Cymatium martinianumcommon name: caracol tritón rank: species
Thyone deichmannaerank: species
Zafrona pulchellacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Pleurolucina sombrerensisrank: species
Clio pyramidatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Divaricella dentatarank: species
Pleurobranchus areolatuscommon name: babosa verrucosa rank: species
Monostaechas quadridenscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Curidia debroganiarank: species
Synalpheus apioceroscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Dosinia eleganscommon name: almeja Venus, almeja disco rank: species
Gutturnium muricinumcommon name: tritón rank: species
Arcopagia faustarank: species
Oculina patagonicarank: species
Melampus coffeacommon name: caracolito de tierra rank: species
Eurytellina nitensrank: species
Pseudoceros boloolrank: species
Nerita fulguranscommon name: nerite, burgao rank: species
Pseudaeginella biscaynensisrank: species
Chama macerophyllacommon name: almeja joyero, almeja amarilla rank: species
Pitho aculeatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Platydoris angustipesrank: species
Periglypta listericommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Axinyssa ambrosiarank: species
Acanthochitona pygmaearank: species
Clathria (Microciona) spinosacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Cheilea equestrisrank: species
Neopontonides chaceirank: species
Rochinia tannerirank: species
Aglaophenia rhynchocarparank: species
Lucapina aegiscommon name: lapa rank: species
Ericerodes gracilipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Podocerus fissipesrank: species
Micropanope lobifronsrank: species
Mitra (Nebularia) nodulosarank: species
Carditopsis smithiicommon name: almeja rank: species
Ampelisca schellenbergirank: species
Hyalina pallidarank: species
Anamixis vangarank: species
Ampelisca cristatarank: species
Synalpheus anasimuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Pitho quinquedentatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Persephona crinitarank: species
Divalinga quadrisulcatarank: species
Topsentia ophiraphiditescommon name: demosponja rank: species
Amphiodia planispinarank: species
Parvanachis obesacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Chama sinuosacommon name: almeja joyero rank: species
Maeracoota galanirank: species
Neopontonides beaufortensisrank: species
Pilumnus spinosissimusrank: species
Leucothoe saronrank: species
Parapenaeus politusrank: species
Paraliomera longimanarank: species
Mithraculus coryphecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Acropora cervicorniscommon name: cuerno de ciervo, cuerno de ciervo, cuerno de venado rank: species
Mithrax hemphillicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mitrella ocellatacommon name: caracol paloma, caracolillo pinto rank: species
Busycoarctum coarctatumrank: species
Ammonicera sculpturatacommon name: microcaracol marino rank: species
Steironepion moniliferumcommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Macrocallista maculatacommon name: tablero de damas rank: species
Hippospongia lachnecommon name: demosponja rank: species
Phyllonotus pomumcommon name: caracol roñoso rank: species
Montfortia emarginatarank: species
Cantharus multangulusrank: species
Poraniella echinulatacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Echinolittorina tuberculatarank: species
Fissurella rosearank: species
Palythoa variabilisrank: species
Processa guyanaerank: species
Dysidea etheriacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Niphates amorphacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Solecurtus cumingianuscommon name: navaja rank: species
Pinna rudisrank: species
Mitrocomium cirratumrank: species
Spathochlamys benedicticommon name: escalopa rank: species
Elysia marcusirank: species
Mithrax verrucosuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Cymatium nicobaricumcommon name: caracol tritón rank: species
Synalpheus carpenterirank: species
Deutella caribensisrank: species
Audulla cheliferarank: species
Xanthodius denticulatusrank: species
Rapipontonia platalearank: species
Platyactaea setigerarank: species
Scissurella redfernicommon name: caracolito de ranura rank: species
Schwartziella fischerirank: species
Comactinia meridionaliscommon name: lirio de mar rank: species
Sigatica semisulcatarank: species
Cyclozodion angustumrank: species
Nucula proximarank: species
Nassarius antillarumrank: species
Erythropodium caribaeorumcommon name: coral blando rank: species
Ambicholestes crassicornisrank: species
Agelas citrinacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Eriphia gonagrarank: species
Pyramidella dolabratarank: species
Niphates caycedoirank: species
Lysmata ankerirank: species
Nerita versicolorcommon name: nerite rank: species
Sertularia ephemerarank: species
Olivella rosolinacommon name: arrocillo rank: species
Botrylloides magnicoecusrank: species
Ostrea stentinarank: species
Protohyale (Protohyale) macrodactylarank: species
Arcinella cornutacommon name: almeja espinosa rank: species
Cordylophora caspiacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Goniopsis cruentatarank: species
Olivella bullularank: species
Meoma ventricosacommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Lithophaga nigrarank: species
Prunum hartleyanumrank: species
Laevicardium serratumcommon name: almeja huevo rank: species
Idioplana atlanticarank: species
Globosolembos smithirank: species
Hebella venustarank: species
Nonala holdericommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Cenchritis muricatusrank: species
Paguristes grayicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Placospongia intermediacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Panulirus guttatusrank: species
Squilla deceptrixcommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis, camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Vexillum histriorank: species
Gammaropsis sutherlandirank: species
Diodora jaumeirank: species
Tegula hotessierianarank: species
Scaphella dubiarank: species
Lafoeina tenuisrank: species
Plesionika acanthonotusrank: species
Lytechinus euercescommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Protohadzia schoeneraerank: species
Triphora charybdisrank: species
Lithophaga bisulcatarank: species
Phyllodina squamiferarank: species
Hemipolygona distinctarank: species
Styela canopuscommon name: ascidias rank: species
Tectitethya cryptacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Amphimedon viridiscommon name: demosponja, demosponja, esponja musgo verde rank: species
Prunum holandaerank: species
Pseudoscilla babyloniarank: species
Emarginula tuberculosarank: species
Brissus unicolorcommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Melita planatergarank: species
Podocerus kleidusrank: species
Charonia variegatacommon name: caracol tritón, gallinola rank: species
Dendropoma corrodenscommon name: caracol lombriz rank: species
Tagelus (Mesopleura) divisuscommon name: navaja rank: species
Ophiacantha sertatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Echinolittorina angustiorcommon name: caracol zebra rank: species
Geograpsus lividusrank: species
Fulvia (Fulvia) laevigatarank: species
Fissurella barbadensiscommon name: lapa rank: species
Limopsis cristatacommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Scyllarides aequinoctialiscommon name: langosta zapatera rank: species
Crassinella lunulatarank: species
Leucothoe hendrickxirank: species
Ethusa microphthalmarank: species
Haminoea antillarumrank: species
Eurytellina lineatarank: species
Chelidonura cubanarank: species
Stewartia floridanarank: species
Neocallichirus maryaerank: species
Talassia sandersonirank: species
Vexillum pulchellumrank: species
Tritonia bayerirank: species
Prunum amabilerank: species
Modulus modulusrank: species
Grandidierella bonnieroidesrank: species
Dissodactylus mellitaerank: species
Busycon coarctatumcommon name: lix (Maya), sacabocado rank: species
Hesperisternia multangulusrank: species
Haliclona (Soestella) caeruleacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Ircinia campanacommon name: demosponja rank: species
Acanthocarpus alexandrirank: species
Mithrax holdericommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Lysmata rafarank: species
Alpheopsis harperirank: species
Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatienscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Turbo cailletiirank: species
Busycotypus spiratuscommon name: lix (Maya), sacabocado rank: species
Epitonium lamellosumrank: species
Thyasira trisinuatarank: species
Madracis myriastercommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Acropora proliferacommon name: coral verdadero rank: species
Pitar (Pitar) albiduscommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Alpheus webstericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola, camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Anodontia albacommon name: almeja bola rank: species
Spirastrella molliscommon name: demosponja rank: species
Limenandra nodosacommon name: eólido nodoso rank: species
Felimida clenchirank: species
Euvola chazalieicommon name: escalopa rank: species
Timea stenosclerarank: species
Ophiophragmus pulchercommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Nanuca sebastianarank: species
Porcellana pilosacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Eulithidium adamsicommon name: caracol faisán rank: species
Macrocoeloma septemspinosumrank: species
Caecum textilerank: species
Nemausa acuticorniscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Bittiolum alternatumrank: species
Semele proficuacommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Lepidophthalmus louisianensisrank: species
Melongena bispinosacommon name: chivita rank: species
Cumingia tellinoidescommon name: almeja Venus rank: species
Palaemon mundusnovusrank: species
Lembos unifasciatus subsp. reductusrank: infraspecificname
Bursa rhodostoma subsp. thomaerank: infraspecificname
Phyllangia americana subsp. americanacommon name: coral verdadero rank: infraspecificname
Echinometra lucunter subsp. lucuntercommon name: erizo de mar rank: infraspecificname
Lembos unifasciatus subsp. unifasciatusrank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Wiedenmayer. 1977. Shallow water sponges of the western Bahamas. Birkhauser Verlag Basel und Stuttgart. Suiza. -
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- Sim & Bakus G. J. 1986. Marine Sponges of Santa Catalina Island, California. (5). Allan Hancock Foundation Publication Occasional Papers. U.S.A. -
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- Díaz, Pomponi S. A. & Van Soest. 1993. A systematic revision of the central West Atlantic Halichondria (Demospongiae, Porifera). Part lll: Descrption of valid species. Scientia Marina. In: J. M. Gili. 57(4). International Journal on Marine Sciences. U.S.A. -
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- Carter. 1882. Some sponges from the West Indies and Acapulco in the Liverpool Free Museum described, with general and classificatory remarkes. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. ser. 5(9). Taylor and Francis. Londres, Inglaterra. -
- Wilson, H. V. 1904. Reports on an exploration off the west coasts of Mexico, central and south America, and off the Galapagos Islands, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross, during 1891. XXX The Sponges. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 30(1): 1-164, pls. 1-26. Cambridge, Massachusetts, E.U.A. -
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- Laubenfels de, M. W. 1936. A Discussion of the Sponge Fauna of the Dry Tortugas in Particular and the West Indies in General, with Material for a Revision of the Families and Orders of the Porifera. Carnegie Institute of Washington (Tortugas Laboratory Paper N° 467). 467(30). Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, D. C., E.U.A. -
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- Topsent, E. 1889. Quelques spongiaires du Banc de Campeche et de la pointe-A pitre. Extrait des Mémoires de la Societé Zoologique de France. 2. Francia. 30-52 pp. -
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- Coelho, P. A. 2006. Revisão de Podochela Stimpson e gêneros afins nas costas caribenha e atlântica da América do Sul (Crustacea, Decapoda, Inachidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. 23(3): 678-691 -
- Windsor, A. M. & D. L. Felder. 2014. Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomic reanalysis of the family Mithracidae MacLeay (Decapoda : Brachyura : Majoidea). Invertebrate Systematics. 28: 145-173 -
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- Gore, R. H. & L. E. Scotto. 1979. Crabs of the family Parthenopidae (Crustacea Brachyura: Oxyrhyncha) with notes on specimens from the Indian River region of Florida. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises. 3: 1-98 -
- Campos, E. & R. Vargas-Castillo. 2013. Pinnotheres orcutti Rathbun, 1918, a new Eastern Tropical Pacific species of Tumidotheres Campos, 1989 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Zootaxa. 3666(1): 084-092 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2014. Calyptraeotheres sp. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pinnotheridae), symbiont of the slipper shell Crepidula striolata Menke, 1851 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Zootaxa. 3872(1): 089–094 -
- Campos, E. & I. Hernández-Ávila. 2010. Phylogeny of Calyptraeotheres Campos, 1990 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae) with the description of C. pepeluisi new species from the tropical Mexican Pacific. Zootaxa. 2691: 41-52 -
- Campos, E. 2009. A new species and two new genera of pinnotherid crabs from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, with a reappraisal of the subfamily Pinnotherinae de Haan, 1833 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Zootaxa. 2022: 29-44 -
- Campos, E. 1996. Partial revision of the genus Fabia Dana, 1851 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Journal of Natural History. 30: 1157-1178 -
- Guinot, D. 2012. Remarks on Inachoididae Dana, 1851, with the description of a new genus and the resurrection of Stenorhynchinae Dana, 1851, and recognition of the inachid subfamily Podochelinae Neumann, 1878 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Majoidea). Zootaxa. 3416: 22-40 -
- Goeke, G. D. 1985. Decapod Crustacea: Raninidae. Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM I et II—Philippines (1976, 1980),. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Nouvelle Série. Série A, Zoologie. 133: 205-228. Éditions du Muséum. Paris -
- Galil, B. S. & P. F. Clark. 1996. A revision of Cryptosoma Brullé, 1837 and Cycloes de Haan, 1837 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Calappidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 117: 175-204. -
- Galil, B. S. 1993. Crustacea Decapoda: A revision of the genus Mursia Desmarest, 1823 (Calappidae). Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Crosnier A.. 10(156): 347-379 -
- Magalhaes, C. & M. Türkay. 2012. Taxonomy of the Neotropical freshwater crab family Trichodactylidae. VI. The genera Avotrichodactylus and Rodriguezia (Decapoda: Brachyura: Trichodactylidae). Nauplius. 20(1): 27-40 -
- Guinot, D. & M. Tavares. 2003. A new subfamilial arrangement for the Dromiidae de Haan, 1833, with diagnoses and descriptions of new genera and species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Zoosystema. 25(1): 43-129 -
- Ng, P. K. L. & D. L. Rahayu. 2014. Revision of the family Acidopsidae Števèiæ, 2005, and the systematic position of Typhlocarcinodes Alcock, 1900, Caecopilumnus Borradaile, 1902, and Raoulia Ng, 1987, with descriptions of two new genera and five new species (Crustacea: Brachyura: Goneplaco. Zootaxa. 3773(1): 001-063 -
- Thiercelin, N. & C. D. Schubart. 2014. Transisthmian differentiation in the tree-climbing mangrove crab Aratus H. Milne Edwards, 1853 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Sesarmidae), with description of a new species from the tropical eastern Pacific. Zootaxa. 3793(5): 545-560. -
- Abele, L. G. 1992. A review of the grapsid crab genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in America, with the description of a new genus. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 527: 1-60 -
- Poupin, J. & J. M. Bouchard. 2006. The Eastern Pacific species of the nenus Calcinus dana, 1851, with description of a new species from Clipperton Island (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae). Zoosystema. 28(2): 465-486 -
- Wagner, H. P. 1990. The genera Mithrax Latreille, 1818 and Mithraculus White, 1847 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae9 in the western Atlantic Ocean. Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden. 264: 1-65 -
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- Emparanza, E. J. M., G. L. Guzmán & P. K. L. Ng. 2007. A redescription of Acanthonyx petiverii H. Milne Edwards, 1834, and designation of a neotype for Acanthonyx simplex Dena, 1852 /Brachyura, Majidae). Crustaceana. 80(5): 533-543 -
- Garth, J. S. 1991. Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of Galápagos Brachyura. Galápagos Marine Invertebrates. Topics in Geobiology. James, M.J. (ed.). Vol. 8..New York: Plenum Press. 123 pp. -
- Wicksten, M. K. 2012. Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces. Zootaxa. 3371: 1-307 -
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- Castro, P. 2007. A reappraisal of the family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) and revision of the subfamily Goneplacinae, with the description of 10 new genera and 18 new species. Zoosystema. 29(4): 609-774 -
- Galil, B. S. 2003. Four new genera of leucosiid crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Leucosiidae) for three new species and nine species previously in the genus Randallia Stimpson, 1857, with a redescription of the type species, R. ornata (Randall, 1939). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 116(2): 395-422 -
- Guinot, D. 2008. A re-evaluation of the Dynomenidae Ortmann, 1892 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Podotremata), with the recognition of four subfamilies. Zootaxa. 1850: 1-26 -
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- Ayón-Parente, M., M. E. Hendrickx & R. Lemaitre. 2015. Redescription and taxonomic status of Paguristes praedator Glassell, 1937 and P. oxyophthalmus Holthuis, 1959 (Anomura: Paguroidea: Diogenidae), with an emendation to the diagnosis of the genus Areopaguristes Rahayu & McLaughlin, 2010. Zootaxa. 3915(4): 491-509 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. 1999. Los cangrejos braquiuros (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea y Parthenopoidea) del Pacífico mexicano. Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad e Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, México. 274 pp. -
- Tan, S. H. 2004. A systematic revision of the Parthenopidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Ph.D. Thesis,. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore. 730 pp -
- Alvarez, F., J. L. Villalobos & E. Moreno. 2012. Pseudothelphusa zongolicae (Decapoda, Pseudothelphusidae), a new species of freshwater crab from Veracruz, Mexico. Crustaceana. 85(12-13): 1541-1547. -
- Cumberlidge, M., F. Alvarez & J. L. Villalobos. 2014. Results of the global conservation assessment of the freshwater crabs (Brachyura, Pseudothelphusidae and Trichodactylidae): The Neotropical region, with an update on diversity. ZooKeys. 457: 133-157 -
- Villalobos, J. L., N. García & E. Velázquez. 2010. A new species of freshwater crab of the genus Odontothelphusa Rodríguez, 1982, (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) from Chiapas, Mexico. Zootaxa. 2414: 52-58. -
- Villalobos, J. L. & F. Álvarez. 2013. Two new genera and three new species of freshwater crabs (Crustacea: Pseudothelphusidae: Potamocarcinini) from Chiapas, Mexico. Zootaxa. 3599(5): 457-470 -
- Villalobos, J. L. & F. Alvarez. 2008. Los cangrejos de agua dulce de la familia Pseudothelphusidae (Decapoda: Brachyura: Eubrachyura) de México. Con un apéndice de las especies citadas para América hasta el 2006. Crustáceos de México: Estado Actual de su Conocimiento. Alvarez, F. & G. Rodríguez. UANL-PROMEP-SEP. Dirección General de Publicaciones, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. México, D. F. pp. 239-299 -
- Pretzmann, G. 1968. Neue südamerikanische Süßwasserkrabben (Vorfläufige Mitteilung). Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, Wien. 15(1): 1-15 -
- Rodriguez, G. 1982. Les crabes d'eau douce d'Amérique. Familie des Pseudothelphusidae. Faune Tropicale. Paris: ORSTOM. 22: 1-223 -
- Villalobos, J. L. & F. Alvarez. 2010. Phylogenetic analysis of the Mexican freshwater crabs of the tribe Pseuodthelphusini (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 160: 457-481. -
- Magalhaes, C., I. S. Wehrtmann, L. Rólier Lara & F. L. Mantelatto. 2015. Taxonomy of the freshwater crabs of Costa Rica, with a revision of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae). Zootaxa. 3905(1): 301-344 -
- Guinot, D. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2014. Correct date and authorship of taxa of Middle American freshwater crabs described by Rodríguez & Smalley (1972) (not 1969) and included in Smalley (1970) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae). Zootaxa. 3821(4): 476-484 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. 1997. Los cangrejos Braquiuros (Crustacea: Brachyura: Dromiidae, hasta Leucosiidae) del Pacífico Mexicano. Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad e Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, México. 178 pp. -
- Wicksten, M. K. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2003. An updated checklist of benthic marine and brackish water shrimps (Decapoda: Penaeoidea, Stenopodidea, Caridea) from the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Contributions to the Study of East Pacific Crustaceans. 2: 49-76 -
- Bruce, A. J. 2006. Pontoniine shrimps (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from the island of Socotra, with descriptions of new species of Dactylonia Fransen, 2002 and Periclimenoides Bruce, 1990. Zootaxa. 1137: 1-36 -
- De Grave, S., C. P. Li, L. M. Tsang, K. H. Chu & T. Y. Chan. 2014. Unweaving hippolytoid systematics (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hippolytidae): resurrection of several families. Zoologica Scripta. 43: 496-507 -
- Anker, A. & Y. Fujita. 2015. On the presence of the anchialine shrimp Calliasmata pholidota Holthuis, 1973 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Barbouriidae) in Shimoji Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Fauna Ryukyuana. 17: 7-11. -
- Anker, A. 2012. Revision of the western Atlantic members of the Alpheus armillatus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 species complex (Decapoda, Alpheidae), with description of seven new species. Zootaxa. 3386: 1-109. -
- Bracken-Grissom, H. D. & D. L. Felder. 2014. Provisional revision of American snapping shrimp allied to Alpheus floridanus Kingsley, 1878 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) with notes on A. floridanus africanus. Zootaxa. 3895(4): 451-491 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & V. Papiol. 2015a. Distribution of Benthesicymus tanneri Faxon, 1893 (Dendrobranchiata, Benthesicymidae) off the west coast of Mexico and notes on its morphology. ZooKeys. 473: 119-136. -
- Ríos-Elósegui, D. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2014. Records of Hippa strigillata (Stimpson, 1860) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippidae) in the SE Gulf of California, Mexico. Nauplius. 22(1): 63-65 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & M. Ayón-Parente. 2014. A new deep-water species of Odontozona (Decapoda: Stenopodidea: Stenopodidae) from the East Pacific, and new record of O. foresti Hendrickx, 2002. Zootaxa. 3835(3). 338-348. -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & D. Ríos-Elósegui. 2014. Distribution of Acanthephyra brevicarinata Hanamura, 1984 and A. brevirostris Smith, 1885 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Acanthephyridae), in Pacific Mexico. Zootaxa. 3765(6): 593-599 -
- Hendrickx, M. E., A. Hinojosa & M. Ayón-Parente. 2013. In situ observations on the habitat and abundance of the squat lobster Gastrophtychus perarmatus (Haig, 1968) (Crustacea: Decapoda: chirostylidae) in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 5(17): 5228-5236. -
- Anker, A. & P. P. G. Pachelle. 2013. Re-examination of the eastern Pacific and Atlantic material of Alpheus malleator Dana, 1852, with the description of Alpheus wonkimi sp. nov. (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 3637(4): 412-431 -
- De Grave, S. & A. Anker. 2013. New records of processid shrimps from the Indo-West and East Pacific (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zootaxa. 3640(2): 224-241 -
- Campos, E., A. R de Campos & I. Manriquez. 2009. Intertidal Thalassinidean shrimps (Thalassinidea, Callinassidae and Upogebiidae) of the West coast of Baja California, Mexico: Annotated checklist, key for identification, and symbionts. Crustaceana. 82(10): 1249-1263. -
- Anker, A. & J. A. Baeza. 2012. Molecular and morphological phylogeny of hooded shrimps, genera Betaeus and Betaeopsis (Decapoda, Alpheidae): Testing the center of origin biogeographic model and evolution of life history traits. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 64: 401-415 -
- Hart, J. F. L. 1964. Shrimps of the genus Betaeus on the Pacific coast of North America witn descriptions of three new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 115: 431-466 -
- De Grave, A. Anker, P. C. Dworschark, P. F. Clark & P. Wirtz. 2014. An updated checklist of the marine Decapoda of Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 1-12. -
- Anker, A. 2010a. The shrimp genus Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae) in the tropical western Atlantic, with description of five new species. Zootaxa. 2372: 177-205 -
- Hermoso-Salazar, M., M. Wicksten & J. J. Morrone. 2005. Redescriptions and taxonomic notes on species of the Synalpheus townsendi Coutière, 1909 complex (Decapoda: Caridea: Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 1027: 1-26 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & M. K. Wicksten. 2011. New distribution ranges and records of caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from the west coast of Mexico. Nuevos intervalos de distribución y registros de camarones carideos (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) de la costa oeste de México. Hidrobiológica. 21(1): 26-33 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. 2012b. Los Glyphocrangonidae y Crangonidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) recolectados durante los cruceros TALUD en el Pacífico mexicano. Biodiversidad y comunidades del talud continental del Pacífico mexicano. Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE). Zamorano, P., M. E. Hendrickx & M. Caso (Eds.). México, D. F. Pp. 319-356 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. 2012c. Distribution and abundance of the pelagic processid, Processa pippinae wicksten & Méndez, 1985 (Decapoda, Caridea, Processidae), collected during the Talud XIV cruise in the Gulf of California, mexico, and description of a new genus. Crustaceana. 85(4-5): 463-472 -
- Flores-Anduaga, J. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2014. Pelagic shrimps (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata and Caridea) collected during the TALUD XIV cruise in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Nauplius. 22(1): 33-40. -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & M. Ayón-Parente. 2012. First record of Prionocrangon Wood Mason & Alcock, 1891 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Crangonidae) in the East -
- Pacific and description of a new species from western Mexico. Zootaxa. 3205: 63-68 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & J. Salgado-Barragán. 2013. A new species of the caridean shrimp genus Ogyrides Stebbing, 1914 (Decapoda: Ogyrididae) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Zootaxa. 3683(5): 589-594 -
- Ayón-Parente, M., M. E. Hendrickx & E. Ríos-Jara. 2012. Notes on two species of Processa (Decapoda: Processidae) from the Mexican Pacific. Nauplius. 20(1): 63-73 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2012. A new species of Pagurus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae), new records and a redescription of hermit crabs from the Mexican Pacific. Scientia Marina. 76(3): 489-506 -
- Hendrickx, M. E., M. Ayon Parente & D. Serrano. 2011. Additional record of Janetogalathea californiensis (Anomura: Galatheidae) from the central Gulf of California, Mexico, with notes on its distribution. Hidrobiológica. 21(1): 89-94 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2010. A new genus and new species of hermit crab (Crustacea: Anomura: Paguroidea: Diogenidae) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Zootaxa. 2677: 49-59 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & M. Ayón-Parente. 2011. Rediscovery of Uroptychus pubescens Faxon, 1893 (Decapoda, Anomura, Chirostylidae) in the Southern gulf of California, Pacific coast of Mexico. Crustaceana. 84(12-13): 1411-1420 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & M. Ayón-Parente. 2009. Notes on distribution and ecology of Parapagurus foraminosus Lemaitre, 1999 (Decapoda, Anomura, Parapaguridae) in the Eastern Pacific. Crustaceana. 82(10): 1339-1344 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2009. A review of the Dardanus sinistripes (Stimpson, 1859) (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) species complex with the description of five new species from the Mexican Pacific. Zootaxa. 2323: 1-71 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2006. A new species of Stratiotes Thomson, 1899 (Anomura, Paguroidea, Diogenidae) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Zoosystema. 28(2): 487-494 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. 2012d. Squat lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheoidea and Chirostyloidea) collected during the TALUD XIV cruise in the Gulf of California, Mexico, and rediscovery of Gastroptychus perarmatus (Haig, 1968) in the eastern Pacific. Zootaxa. 3418: 28-40. -
- Campos, E., V. A. Peláez-Zárate & F. A. Solís-Marín. 2012. Rediscovery, hosts and systematics of Holothuriophilus trapeziformis Nauck, 1880 (Crustacea, Brachyura, innotheridae). Zootaxa. 3528: 57-62 -
- Campos, E. & R. Vargas-Castillo. 2014. Austinotheres angelicus (Lockington, 1877): the correct name for the symbiotic crab Juxtafabia muliniarum sensu Cabrera-Peña et al. (2001) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 42(3): 598-603 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. & M. E. Hendrickx. 2007. A new species of Paguristes Dana, 1851 (Anomura, Paguroidea, Diogenidae) from the Mexican Pacific. Zootaxa. 1470: 59-68 -
- Ayón-Parente, M. 2009. Taxonomía, zoogeografía y aspectos ecológicos de los cangrejos ermitaños de la familia Diogenidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) del Pacífico mexicano. Tesis de doctorado, Posgrado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 465 pp -
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- Manning, R. B. & L. B. Holthuis. 1981. West Africa Brachyuran Crabs (Crustacea: DECAPODA). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 306: 1-379 -
- Hendrickx, M. E. & R. C. Brusca. 2002. Biodiversidad de los invertebrados marinos de Sinaloa. Atlas de Sinaloa. Colegio de Ciencias de Sinaloa. J.L. Cifuentes Lemus J. L. & J. Gaxiola López. 442 pp. -
- Lucatelli, D. L. E. A. & P. A. Coelho. 2009. A new species of Nannosquilla (Stomatopoda: Nannosquillidae) from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa. 2289: 55-60 -
- Rodrigues, C. & P. S. Young. 2005. Stomatopoda (Crustacea, Hoplocarida) coletados pelo programa Revizee com duas novas ocorruencias para a costa do Brasil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. 63(2): 233-245 -
- Ayón-Parente, M., M. E. Hendrickx & C. M. Galvan-Villa. 2015. A new species of the genus Typton Costa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae: Pontoniinae) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Zootaxa. 3926(3): 430–438 -
- Poupin, J. 1994. Faune marine profonde des Antilles Francaises. Recoltes du navire Polka Faites en 1993. Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique Pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Collection Etudes et Theses. Orstom Editions. 79 pp. -
- Anker, A., P. P. G. Pachelle, S. De Grave & K. M. Hultgren. 2012. Taxonomic and biological notes on some Atlantic species of the snapping shrimp genus Synalpheus Spence Bate, 1888 (Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 3598: 1-96 -
- Anger, K. 2013. Neotropical Macrobrachium (Caridea: Palaemonidae): on the biology, origin, and radiation of freshwater-invading shrimp. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 33(Issue 2): 151-183 -
- Wicksten, M. K. & J. M. Packard. 2005. A qualitative zoogeographic analysis of decapod crustaceans of the continental slopes and abyssal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Research Part I—Oceanographic Research Papers. 52(9): 1745-1765 -
- López-González, P. J., F. Alvarez & L. M. Mejía-Ortíz. 2005. Procambarus (Ortmannicus) hidalgoensis (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cambaridae), a new species of crayfish from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 118(3): 558-565 -
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