Computarización de material complementario en la Colección Regional de Invertebrados del Pacífico mexicano, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica Mazatlán, UNAM
Hendrickx Reners M E, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Computarización de material complementario en la Colección Regional de Invertebrados del Pacífico mexicano, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica Mazatlán, UNAM. Version 1.16. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-10-13.Description
La presente propuesta pretende solicitar apoyo muy limitado para lograr incorporar en la Colección de Referencias de Invertebrados del Pacifico mexicano una amplia serie de lotes que corresponde a material en su mayoría (mas del 94%) ya identificado a nivel de especie o de subespecies y adecuadamente preservado, pero cuyos registros se encuentran todavía a nivel de formato provisional en los frascos y en registros en catálogo provisional (formato papel). La incorporación de estos datos permitirán 1) completar el catálogo electrónico (base de datos) local y 2) preparar el cuarto catálogo de la Colección de Referencia de Invertebrados de la Unidad Académica Mazatlán (UA-M), Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, para su difusión en un formato tradicional (formato papel, 100 ejemplares) y en formato electrónico (CD conteniendo tambien los tres catálogos anteriores que estarán disponibles tambien vía el www de la UA-M). De igual manera, la incorporación del material faltante en la base de datos permitirá manejar de manera adecuada los datos relacionados con los grupos de especies que a la fecha no han sido reportado en publicaciones formales.
Reino: 1 Filo: 4 Clase: 10 Orden: 58 Familia: 242 Género: 489 Subgénero: 89 Especie: 829 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 16
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Annelidarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Malacostracarank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Polyplacophorarank: class
Maxillopodarank: class
Cephalopodarank: class
Scaphopodarank: class
Polychaetarank: class
Echinoidearank: class
Holothuroidearank: class
Decapodarank: order
Mytilidarank: order
Veneridarank: order
Pectinidarank: order
Neogastropodarank: order
Myidarank: order
Trochidarank: order
Arcidarank: order
Pteriidarank: order
Isopodarank: order
Chitonidarank: order
Lepetellidarank: order
Cycloneritidarank: order
Stomatopodarank: order
Cephalaspidearank: order
Ellobiidarank: order
Sessiliarank: order
Gastrochaenidarank: order
Carditidarank: order
Lepadiformesrank: order
Patellidarank: order
Ostreidarank: order
Siphonariidarank: order
Limidarank: order
Myopsidarank: order
Aplysiidarank: order
Pholadomyidarank: order
Dentaliidarank: order
Seguenziidarank: order
Euphausiacearank: order
Lophogastridarank: order
Terebellidarank: order
Spatangoidarank: order
Nuculidarank: order
Pteropodarank: order
Sabellidarank: order
Lucinidarank: order
Mysidarank: order
Nuculanidarank: order
Gadilidarank: order
Octopodarank: order
Opheliidarank: order
Phyllodocidarank: order
Molpadidarank: order
Cirratulidarank: order
Solemyidarank: order
Sternaspidarank: order
Spionidarank: order
Orbiniidarank: order
Adapedontarank: order
Chaetopteridarank: order
Amphinomidarank: order
Clypeasteroidarank: order
Nudibranchiarank: order
Eunicidarank: order
Tanaidacearank: order
Capitellidarank: order
Flabelligeridarank: order
Sesarmidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Veneridaerank: family
Cymatiidaerank: family
Anomiidaerank: family
Columbellidaerank: family
Pholadidaerank: family
Tegulidaerank: family
Corbulidaerank: family
Portunidaerank: family
Alpheidaerank: family
Arcidaerank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Diogenidaerank: family
Isognomonidaerank: family
Muricidaerank: family
Cystiscidaerank: family
Littorinidaerank: family
Cirolanidaerank: family
Potamididaerank: family
Nassariidaerank: family
Callistoplacidaerank: family
Fissurellidaerank: family
Sphaeromatidaerank: family
Calyptraeidaerank: family
Cerithiidaerank: family
Neritidaerank: family
Squillidaerank: family
Haminoeidaerank: family
Chamidaerank: family
Epialtidaerank: family
Ocypodidaerank: family
Pisaniidaerank: family
Tellinidaerank: family
Tylidaerank: family
Ellobiidaerank: family
Mactridaerank: family
Chthamalidaerank: family
Gastrochaenidaerank: family
Processidaerank: family
Upogebiidaerank: family
Panopeidaerank: family
Olividaerank: family
Cardiidaerank: family
Aethridaerank: family
Carditidaerank: family
Turbinidaerank: family
Porcellanidaerank: family
Lepadidaerank: family
Lottiidaerank: family
Balanidaerank: family
Grapsidaerank: family
Hippolytidaerank: family
Ostreidaerank: family
Modulidaerank: family
Palaemonidaerank: family
Penaeidaerank: family
Arcturidaerank: family
Hipponicidaerank: family
Mitridaerank: family
Noetiidaerank: family
Siphonariidaerank: family
Turridaerank: family
Conidaerank: family
Architectonicidaerank: family
Terebridaerank: family
Leucosiidaerank: family
Inachidaerank: family
Turritellidaerank: family
Poecilasmatidaerank: family
Solecurtidaerank: family
Limidaerank: family
Dreissenidaerank: family
Loliginidaerank: family
Inachoididaerank: family
Cyrenidaerank: family
Callianassidaerank: family
Varunidaerank: family
Cerithiopsidaerank: family
Corallanidaerank: family
Mithracidaerank: family
Fasciolariidaerank: family
Vermetidaerank: family
Myidaerank: family
Donacidaerank: family
Triviidaerank: family
Melongenidaerank: family
Cypraeidaerank: family
Aplysiidaerank: family
Pinnidaerank: family
Semelidaerank: family
Pandoridaerank: family
Majidaerank: family
Plicatulidaerank: family
Calliostomatidaerank: family
Oziidaerank: family
Plakobranchidaerank: family
Idoteidaerank: family
Gecarcinidaerank: family
Paranthuridaerank: family
Pilumnidaerank: family
Phasianellidaerank: family
Marginellidaerank: family
Lithodidaerank: family
Pasiphaeidaerank: family
Paguridaerank: family
Dentaliidaerank: family
Periplomatidaerank: family
Eucyclidaerank: family
Euphausiidaerank: family
Benthesicymidaerank: family
Sergestidaerank: family
Crangonidaerank: family
Munididaerank: family
Gnathophausiidaerank: family
Hemisquillidaerank: family
Cancridaerank: family
Cancellariidaerank: family
Polychelidaerank: family
Trichobranchidaerank: family
Pectinidaerank: family
Schizasteridaerank: family
Ampharetidaerank: family
Acanthephyridaerank: family
Ethusidaerank: family
Nephropidaerank: family
Nuculidaerank: family
Pandalidaerank: family
Aegidaerank: family
Cavoliniidaerank: family
Sabellidaerank: family
Terebellidaerank: family
Sicyoniidaerank: family
Parthenopidaerank: family
Carinariidaerank: family
Palicidaerank: family
Tonnidaerank: family
Munidopsidaerank: family
Lucinidaerank: family
Petalophthalmidaerank: family
Callichiridaerank: family
Malletiidaerank: family
Trichopeltariidaerank: family
Glyphocrangonidaerank: family
Lysiosquillidaerank: family
Gadilidaerank: family
Axiidaerank: family
Strombidaerank: family
Ungulinidaerank: family
Personidaerank: family
Argonautidaerank: family
Gonodactylidaerank: family
Opheliidaerank: family
Ovulidaerank: family
Xanthidaerank: family
Glycymerididaerank: family
Aphroditidaerank: family
Brissidaerank: family
Rhabdidaerank: family
Ficidaerank: family
Crassatellidaerank: family
Pinnotheridaerank: family
Colubrariidaerank: family
Solenoceridaerank: family
Harpidaerank: family
Calappidaerank: family
Syllidaerank: family
Pseudomelatomidaerank: family
Scalibregmatidaerank: family
Molpadiidaerank: family
Goniadidaerank: family
Bursidaerank: family
Cirratulidaerank: family
Cuspidariidaerank: family
Solemyidaerank: family
Nematocarcinidaerank: family
Solariellidaerank: family
Sternaspidaerank: family
Propeamussiidaerank: family
Raninidaerank: family
Poecilochaetidaerank: family
Areneidaerank: family
Domeciidaerank: family
Plagusiidaerank: family
Polynoidaerank: family
Heteralepadidaerank: family
Trapeziidaerank: family
Oxynoidaerank: family
Albuneidaerank: family
Cymothoidaerank: family
Epitoniidaerank: family
Xenophoridaerank: family
Parapaguridaerank: family
Phyllodocidaerank: family
Euryplacidaerank: family
Cassidaerank: family
Nuculanidaerank: family
Thoridaerank: family
Orbiniidaerank: family
Pharidaerank: family
Pyramidellidaerank: family
Bopyridaerank: family
Chaetopteridaerank: family
Nereididaerank: family
Serolidaerank: family
Lyonsiellidaerank: family
Amphinomidaerank: family
Pseudorhombilidaerank: family
Nephtyidaerank: family
Psammobiidaerank: family
Mellitidaerank: family
Arminidaerank: family
Colloniidaerank: family
Stenopodidaerank: family
Pilargidaerank: family
Poromyidaerank: family
Oenonidaerank: family
Paraonidaerank: family
Apseudidaerank: family
Lysmatidaerank: family
Scyllaridaerank: family
Sigalionidaerank: family
Longosomatidaerank: family
Pteriidaerank: family
Yoldiidaerank: family
Dromiidaerank: family
Maldanidaerank: family
Cyclodorippidaerank: family
Trimusculidaerank: family
Eriphiidaerank: family
Capitellidaerank: family
Thyasiridaerank: family
Onuphidaerank: family
Eunicidaerank: family
Cylichnidaerank: family
Coenobitidaerank: family
Volutidaerank: family
Flabelligeridaerank: family
Spionidaerank: family
Phenacolepadidaerank: family
Callianopsidaerank: family
Lumbrineridaerank: family
Armasesrank: genus
Mytellarank: genus
Protothacarank: genus
Cymatiumrank: genus
Anomiarank: genus
Columbellarank: genus
Parapholasrank: genus
Tegularank: genus
Corbularank: genus
Callinectesrank: genus
Synalpheusrank: genus
Acarrank: genus
Naticarank: genus
Clibanariusrank: genus
Iliochionerank: genus
Isognomonrank: genus
Stramonitarank: genus
Persicularank: genus
Littorariarank: genus
Metacirolanarank: genus
Cerithidearank: genus
Nassariusrank: genus
Callistochitonrank: genus
Diodorarank: genus
Cassidinidearank: genus
Trizopagurusrank: genus
Alpheusrank: genus
Crucibulumrank: genus
Crepidularank: genus
Liocerithiumrank: genus
Theodoxusrank: genus
Meiosquillarank: genus
Haminoearank: genus
Chamarank: genus
Epialtusrank: genus
Lithophagarank: genus
Cerithiumrank: genus
Calcinusrank: genus
Ucarank: genus
Cantharusrank: genus
Tellinarank: genus
Tylosrank: genus
Melampusrank: genus
Tycherank: genus
Mactrotomarank: genus
Martesiarank: genus
Parvanachisrank: genus
Microeuraphiarank: genus
Dynoidesrank: genus
Arcarank: genus
Gastrochaenarank: genus
Ambidexterrank: genus
Mancinellarank: genus
Upogebiarank: genus
Acantholobulusrank: genus
Sesarmarank: genus
Olivarank: genus
Trachycardiumrank: genus
Hepatellarank: genus
Carditamerarank: genus
Astraearank: genus
Squillarank: genus
Porcellanarank: genus
Panopeusrank: genus
Lepasrank: genus
Lottiarank: genus
Costoanachisrank: genus
Fistulobalanusrank: genus
Pachygrapsusrank: genus
Hippolyterank: genus
Paracerceisrank: genus
Crassostrearank: genus
Eupleurarank: genus
Modiolusrank: genus
Anadararank: genus
Modulusrank: genus
Pachychelesrank: genus
Plicopurpurarank: genus
Dosiniarank: genus
Morularank: genus
Chthamalusrank: genus
Periclimenesrank: genus
Palaemonetesrank: genus
Farfantepenaeusrank: genus
Cirolanarank: genus
Neritarank: genus
Neastacillarank: genus
Hipponixrank: genus
Mitrarank: genus
Aratusrank: genus
Arcopsisrank: genus
Thaisellarank: genus
Siphonariarank: genus
Eurypanopeusrank: genus
Fissurellarank: genus
Petrolisthesrank: genus
Muricopsisrank: genus
Hexapanopeusrank: genus
Pyrgocythararank: genus
Chionerank: genus
Conusrank: genus
Heliacusrank: genus
Terebrarank: genus
Leucosiliarank: genus
Palaemonrank: genus
Leiosolenusrank: genus
Eucinetopsrank: genus
Carditesrank: genus
Turborank: genus
Turritellarank: genus
Agaroniarank: genus
Litopenaeusrank: genus
Megapitariarank: genus
Crassispirarank: genus
Octolasmisrank: genus
Vermiculariarank: genus
Choromytilusrank: genus
Tagelusrank: genus
Limariarank: genus
Planesrank: genus
Latreutesrank: genus
Malacoplaxrank: genus
Mytilopsisrank: genus
Lolliguncularank: genus
Ostrearank: genus
Inachoidesrank: genus
Polymesodarank: genus
Macomarank: genus
Callianassarank: genus
Megalobrachiumrank: genus
Pilosabiarank: genus
Tetragrapsusrank: genus
Mitrellarank: genus
Eurytiumrank: genus
Seilarank: genus
Minyocerusrank: genus
Excorallanarank: genus
Pithorank: genus
Pholasrank: genus
Euphylaxrank: genus
Opeatostomarank: genus
Serpulorbisrank: genus
Spheniarank: genus
Cyclinellarank: genus
Donaxrank: genus
Triviarank: genus
Melongenarank: genus
Talpariarank: genus
Aplysiarank: genus
Atrinarank: genus
Semelerank: genus
Pandorarank: genus
Pleuroplocarank: genus
Olivellarank: genus
Leucozoniarank: genus
Pilsbryspirarank: genus
Goniopsisrank: genus
Hemusrank: genus
Leptadrilliarank: genus
Plicatularank: genus
Exosphaeromarank: genus
Calliostomarank: genus
Nodilittorinarank: genus
Mazatlaniarank: genus
Orthochelarank: genus
Oziusrank: genus
Elysiarank: genus
Eusymmerusrank: genus
Gecarcinusrank: genus
Paranthurarank: genus
Balanusrank: genus
Petricolarank: genus
Pilumnusrank: genus
Eulithidiumrank: genus
Phyllocomarank: genus
Hormospirarank: genus
Johngarthiarank: genus
Volvarinarank: genus
Anachisrank: genus
Coralliophilarank: genus
Vasularank: genus
Macrobrachiumrank: genus
Lopholithodesrank: genus
Muricanthusrank: genus
Pasiphaearank: genus
Limatularank: genus
Stenorhynchusrank: genus
Salmoneusrank: genus
Pagurusrank: genus
Aniculusrank: genus
Dentaliumrank: genus
Paralithodesrank: genus
Mithraxrank: genus
Processarank: genus
Periplomarank: genus
Bathybembixrank: genus
Stenocionopsrank: genus
Thysanopodarank: genus
Petrochirusrank: genus
Hexaplexrank: genus
Polystirarank: genus
Benthesicymusrank: genus
Sergiarank: genus
Gennadasrank: genus
Sclerocrangonrank: genus
Fusinusrank: genus
Munidarank: genus
Gnathophausiarank: genus
Hemisquillarank: genus
Nematoscelisrank: genus
Cancerrank: genus
Cancellariarank: genus
Polychelesrank: genus
Terebellidesrank: genus
Manucomplanusrank: genus
Argopectenrank: genus
Vokesimurexrank: genus
Euphausiarank: genus
Paguristesrank: genus
Brisasterrank: genus
Subcancillarank: genus
Paradasygyiusrank: genus
Paramagerank: genus
Acanthephyrarank: genus
Ethusarank: genus
Nephropsisrank: genus
Ennucularank: genus
Pandalusrank: genus
Heterocarpusrank: genus
Chicoreusrank: genus
Antillophosrank: genus
Rocinelarank: genus
Cavoliniarank: genus
Nyctiphanesrank: genus
Chonerank: genus
Thelepusrank: genus
Polinicesrank: genus
Sicyoniarank: genus
Pitarrank: genus
Celatopesiarank: genus
Carinariarank: genus
Palicusrank: genus
Malearank: genus
Allosergestesrank: genus
Munidopsisrank: genus
Strombinarank: genus
Lucinomarank: genus
Enginarank: genus
Petalophthalmusrank: genus
Paradellarank: genus
Pandalopsisrank: genus
Lepidophthalmusrank: genus
Phosrank: genus
Euvolarank: genus
Malletiarank: genus
Calyptraearank: genus
Dardanusrank: genus
Tecturarank: genus
Trichopeltarionrank: genus
Glyphocrangonrank: genus
Lysiosquillarank: genus
Nematobrachionrank: genus
Piloslambrusrank: genus
Mercenariarank: genus
Cadulusrank: genus
Pleuroncodesrank: genus
Calocaridesrank: genus
Dacrydiumrank: genus
Libiniarank: genus
Strombusrank: genus
Phlyctidermarank: genus
Distorsiorank: genus
Oppenheimopectenrank: genus
Argonautarank: genus
Neogonodactylusrank: genus
Ammotrypanerank: genus
Simnialenarank: genus
Gonopanoperank: genus
Medaeusrank: genus
Stratiotesrank: genus
Eupleurodonrank: genus
Fusiturricularank: genus
Portunusrank: genus
Tucetonarank: genus
Plesionikarank: genus
Aphroditarank: genus
Nodipectenrank: genus
Brissopsisrank: genus
Spinolambrusrank: genus
Spiropagurusrank: genus
Architectonicarank: genus
Rhabdusrank: genus
Gadilarank: genus
Ficusrank: genus
Podochelarank: genus
Peliarank: genus
Eucrassatellarank: genus
Leiolambrusrank: genus
Pinnixarank: genus
Metularank: genus
Latirusrank: genus
Iliacantharank: genus
Solenocerarank: genus
Cosmioconcharank: genus
Heterospiorank: genus
Harparank: genus
Edwardsiumrank: genus
Knefastiarank: genus
Nemausarank: genus
Pteropurpurarank: genus
Metapenaeopsisrank: genus
Platymerarank: genus
Exogonerank: genus
Miraclathurellarank: genus
Scalibregmarank: genus
Hepatusrank: genus
Molpadiarank: genus
Parasergestesrank: genus
Sphenocarcinusrank: genus
Sinumrank: genus
Persephonarank: genus
Pascularank: genus
Stylocheironrank: genus
Neilonellarank: genus
Strombolirank: genus
Euceramusrank: genus
Trajanarank: genus
Goniadarank: genus
Marsupinarank: genus
Pinnarank: genus
Barbatiarank: genus
Brachidontesrank: genus
Chaetozonerank: genus
Microphrysrank: genus
Cuspidariarank: genus
Solemyarank: genus
Cloridopsisrank: genus
Nematocarcinusrank: genus
Platypodiellarank: genus
Loxorhynchusrank: genus
Solariellarank: genus
Sternaspisrank: genus
Cyclopectenrank: genus
Leptochelarank: genus
Lirophorarank: genus
Symethisrank: genus
Poecilochaetusrank: genus
Arenerank: genus
Garthasiarank: genus
Neosergestesrank: genus
Domeciarank: genus
Plagusiarank: genus
Halosydnarank: genus
Rhinoclavisrank: genus
Adranarank: genus
Acharaxrank: genus
Diacriarank: genus
Neognathophausiarank: genus
Heteralepasrank: genus
Fugleriarank: genus
Euprognatharank: genus
Trapeziarank: genus
Cochlespirarank: genus
Parametariarank: genus
Lobigerrank: genus
Pacipectenrank: genus
Albunearank: genus
Tumidotheresrank: genus
Cryptosomarank: genus
Hymenopenaeusrank: genus
Elthusarank: genus
Pectenrank: genus
Epitoniumrank: genus
Favartiarank: genus
Xenophorarank: genus
Parapagurusrank: genus
Eulaliarank: genus
Opaliarank: genus
Trizocarcinusrank: genus
Rhodochirusrank: genus
Semicassisrank: genus
Microlissarank: genus
Glebocarcinusrank: genus
Nuculanarank: genus
Lebbeusrank: genus
Neosimniarank: genus
Iridopagurusrank: genus
Turcicarank: genus
Trigoniocardiarank: genus
Mesorhoearank: genus
Califiarank: genus
Maiopsisrank: genus
Neolithodesrank: genus
Microcardiumrank: genus
Clypeasterophilusrank: genus
Ensisrank: genus
Erichsonellarank: genus
Cymothoarank: genus
Thysanoessarank: genus
Grapsusrank: genus
Tharyxrank: genus
Pantomusrank: genus
Pyramidellarank: genus
Collodesrank: genus
Neveritarank: genus
Zonariarank: genus
Sincolarank: genus
Phimochirusrank: genus
Tivelarank: genus
Nucularank: genus
Ebaliarank: genus
Bathionerank: genus
Enallopagurusrank: genus
Phyllochaetopterusrank: genus
Ceratonereisrank: genus
Teleophrysrank: genus
Heteroserolisrank: genus
Micropanoperank: genus
Lyonsiellarank: genus
Compsodrilliarank: genus
Automaterank: genus
Randalliarank: genus
Linopherusrank: genus
Pseudorhombilarank: genus
Nephtysrank: genus
Garirank: genus
Fissidentaliumrank: genus
Cotonopsisrank: genus
Pyromaiarank: genus
Mellitarank: genus
Noetiarank: genus
Arminarank: genus
Tritonoharparank: genus
Homalopomarank: genus
Glyptoxanthusrank: genus
Trigonostomarank: genus
Strophocardiarank: genus
Hymenodorarank: genus
Harpiliopsisrank: genus
Odontozonarank: genus
Cataleptodiusrank: genus
Dissodactylusrank: genus
Pisidiarank: genus
Glyphostomarank: genus
Ancistrosyllisrank: genus
Leptopectenrank: genus
Amygdalumrank: genus
Dermatomyarank: genus
Neodoclearank: genus
Notoscelesrank: genus
Drilonereisrank: genus
Mesocrangonrank: genus
Aedicirarank: genus
Apseudesrank: genus
Lysmatarank: genus
Evibacusrank: genus
Leanirarank: genus
Pteriarank: genus
Eusergestesrank: genus
Hypolambrusrank: genus
Pseudamussiumrank: genus
Mithraculusrank: genus
Rimapenaeusrank: genus
Forreriarank: genus
Orthoyoldiarank: genus
Moreiradromiarank: genus
Maldanerank: genus
Deilocerusrank: genus
Trimusculusrank: genus
Eriphiarank: genus
Neoheteromastusrank: genus
Conchocelerank: genus
Kinbergonuphisrank: genus
Eunicerank: genus
Xanthodiusrank: genus
Herbstiarank: genus
Palaemonellarank: genus
Cylichnarank: genus
Coenobitarank: genus
Pontoniarank: genus
Enaetarank: genus
Cardiomyarank: genus
Bradarank: genus
Spiophanesrank: genus
Plesiothyreusrank: genus
Pylopagurusrank: genus
Callianopsisrank: genus
Metacarcinusrank: genus
Lumbrinerisrank: genus
Leukomarank: subgenus
Turritritonrank: subgenus
Agathistomarank: subgenus
Naticariusrank: subgenus
Bulimilittorinarank: subgenus
Cerithideopsisrank: subgenus
Crucibulumrank: subgenus
Vittoclithonrank: subgenus
Thericiumrank: subgenus
Leptucarank: subgenus
Polliarank: subgenus
Angulusrank: subgenus
Anomiarank: subgenus
Martesiarank: subgenus
Ucarank: subgenus
Minucarank: subgenus
Dosiniarank: subgenus
Morularank: subgenus
Theliostylarank: subgenus
Strigatellarank: subgenus
Muricopsisrank: subgenus
Callopomarank: subgenus
Gibbaspirarank: subgenus
Tagelusrank: subgenus
Servatrinarank: subgenus
Semelerank: subgenus
Dactylidiarank: subgenus
Scapharcarank: subgenus
Anadararank: subgenus
Fossarilittorinarank: subgenus
Solenosteirarank: subgenus
Volvarinarank: subgenus
Anachisrank: subgenus
Ximeniconusrank: subgenus
Limatularank: subgenus
Leptoconusrank: subgenus
Hexaplexrank: subgenus
Monoplexrank: subgenus
Fusinusrank: subgenus
Naticarank: subgenus
Lirastrombinarank: subgenus
Trunculariopsisrank: subgenus
Potiarcarank: subgenus
Calyptraearank: subgenus
Phyllonotusrank: subgenus
Barbarofususrank: subgenus
Mesopleurarank: subgenus
Monilispirarank: subgenus
Phlogocardiarank: subgenus
Crassispirarank: subgenus
Cymostylarank: subgenus
Pteropurpurarank: subgenus
Sinumrank: subgenus
Spiraltarank: subgenus
Dispotaearank: subgenus
Cucullaearcarank: subgenus
Solemyarank: subgenus
Polinicesrank: subgenus
Solariellarank: subgenus
Tiariturrisrank: subgenus
Olivellarank: subgenus
Ochetoclavarank: subgenus
Strephonarank: subgenus
Pyrucliarank: subgenus
Minoliarank: subgenus
Nebulariarank: subgenus
Recurvinarank: subgenus
Nodilittorinarank: subgenus
Pyruconusrank: subgenus
Uvanillarank: subgenus
Zonariarank: subgenus
Dorsinarank: subgenus
Tivelarank: subgenus
Isognomonrank: subgenus
Pseudomurexrank: subgenus
Gobraeusrank: subgenus
Metaphosrank: subgenus
Noetiarank: subgenus
Panocochlearank: subgenus
Cymatophosrank: subgenus
Diluvarcarank: subgenus
Asprellarank: subgenus
Ventriliarank: subgenus
Glyphostomarank: subgenus
Cunearcarank: subgenus
Austrotrophonrank: subgenus
Psammacomarank: subgenus
Costelloledarank: subgenus
Cremidesrank: subgenus
Armases magdalenenserank: species
Mytella guyanensiscommon name: choro de mangle, mejillón de guayana, mejillón de lodo, mejillón fanguero de guayana, mejillón liso rank: species
Protothaca (Leukoma) asperrimacommon name: almeja rank: species
Cymatium (Turritriton) gibbosumrank: species
Anomia adamascommon name: ostión papelillo rank: species
Columbella majorrank: species
Parapholas calvacommon name: almeja rank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) felipensisrank: species
Corbula bicarinatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Callinectes bellicosuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba guerrera rank: species
Synalpheus nobiliicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Acar rostaecommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Natica (Naticarius) chemnitziicommon name: caracol luna, nática fanguera rank: species
Clibanarius albidigituscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Iliochione subrugosarank: species
Callinectes arcuatuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba cuata rank: species
Isognomon januscommon name: ostión plano rank: species
Synalpheus digueticommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Stramonita biserialiscommon name: púrpura de Blainville rank: species
Persicula phrygiarank: species
Littoraria (Bulimilittorina) aberransrank: species
Metacirolana costaricensisrank: species
Cerithidea (Cerithideopsis) montagneirank: species
Nassarius complanatusrank: species
Callistochiton elenensisrank: species
Diodora inaequalisrank: species
Cassidinidea mexicanarank: species
Trizopagurus magnificuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Alpheus sulcatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Crucibulum lignariumrank: species
Nassarius luteostomusrank: species
Crepidula aculeatacommon name: pique espinoso rank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) spinosumrank: species
Liocerithium judithaerank: species
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) luteofasciatusrank: species
Meiosquilla swetticommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Haminoea vesiculacommon name: concha burbuja vesícula rank: species
Chama squamuligeracommon name: almeja rank: species
Epialtus sulcirostriscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Lithophaga aristatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Crepidula rostratarank: species
Epialtus minimuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) maculosumrank: species
Calcinus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Cantharus (Pollia) gemmatusrank: species
Tellina (Angulus) macneiliicommon name: almeja rank: species
Tylos punctatusrank: species
Anomia (Anomia) peruvianacommon name: ostión papelillo rank: species
Melampus olivaceusrank: species
Columbella fuscatarank: species
Mytella strigatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Nassarius tiarularank: species
Acar gradatacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Tyche lamellifronscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mactrotoma angustacommon name: almeja rank: species
Nassarius brunneostomusrank: species
Martesia (Martesia) striatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Parvanachis pygmaearank: species
Microeuraphia imperatrixrank: species
Clibanarius panamensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Dynoides saldanairank: species
Crepidula lessoniirank: species
Arca mutabiliscommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Gastrochaena ovatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Alpheus armillatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Chama buddianacommon name: chamas, concha joyero mexicana, joyero rank: species
Ambidexter panamensisrank: species
Mancinella speciosarank: species
Upogebia dawsonicommon name: camarón de fango rank: species
Synalpheus biunguiculatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Acantholobulus mirafloresensisrank: species
Sesarma rhizophoraerank: species
Oliva spicatarank: species
Trachycardium panamensecommon name: almeja rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) stercusmuscarumcommon name: caracol agarista rank: species
Hepatella amicarank: species
Carditamera affiniscommon name: almeja de roca rank: species
Diodora saturnalisrank: species
Astraea babelisrank: species
Porcellana paguriconvivacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Panopeus purpureusrank: species
Lepas pectinatarank: species
Lottia discorscommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Costoanachis nigricansrank: species
Fistulobalanus pallidusrank: species
Pachygrapsus sociusrank: species
Hippolyte californiensisrank: species
Paracerceis sculptarank: species
Crassostrea columbiensiscommon name: ostión, ostra negra rank: species
Eupleura muriciformisrank: species
Modiolus capaxcommon name: choro, mejillón californiano, mejillón choro, mejillón huaquilla rank: species
Anadara grandiscommon name: arca casco de burro, pata de mula, pata de mula de banco rank: species
Modulus catenulatusrank: species
Pachycheles setimanuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Plicopurpura columellariscommon name: caracol de tinta, caracol de tinte, caracol morado, caracol púrpura, púrpura patuda rank: species
Dosinia (Dosinia) ponderosacommon name: almeja, almeja blanca, almeja blanca gigante, almeja mantequilla, concha blanca, dosinia redonda rank: species
Morula (Morula) ferruginosarank: species
Microeuraphia eastropacensisrank: species
Chthamalus panamensisrank: species
Crepidula uncatarank: species
Periclimenes infraspinisrank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) scutellatumcommon name: gorro, lapa, picacho corrugado rank: species
Tegula rugosarank: species
Palaemonetes hiltonicommon name: camarón hilton rank: species
Farfantepenaeus californiensiscommon name: camarón café, camarón patiamarillo rank: species
Cirolana parvarank: species
Crepidula onyxrank: species
Nerita (Theliostyla) funiculatarank: species
Neastacilla californicarank: species
Crepidula striolatarank: species
Mitra (Strigatella) lensrank: species
Aratus pisoniicommon name: cangrejo de mangle rank: species
Arcopsis solidacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Thaisella kiosquiformisrank: species
Siphonaria maurarank: species
Haminoea virescenscommon name: concha burbuja verde rank: species
Eurypanopeus canalensisrank: species
Fissurella virescenscommon name: fisurela verde rank: species
Petrolisthes armatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Muricopsis (Muricopsis) armatusrank: species
Hexapanopeus beebeirank: species
Pyrgocythara danaerank: species
Chione undatellacommon name: almeja, almeja concha dura, almeja de bahía, almeja de lodo, almeja piedrera, almeja roñosa, venus roñosaa rank: species
Conus nuxcommon name: conito, cono rank: species
Costoanachis variarank: species
Terebra intertinctarank: species
Sesarma sulcatumcommon name: cangrejo abuete cajeta peluda rank: species
Leucosilia juriniirank: species
Palaemon rittericommon name: camarón de mareas rank: species
Chione californiensiscommon name: almeja arenosa, almeja china, almeja marinera, almeja piedrera, almeja rosa, almeja roñosa, chirla, venus mantecosa rank: species
Uca (Minuca) zacaerank: species
Leiosolenus spatiosuscommon name: mejillón rank: species
Crepidula nummariarank: species
Eucinetops rubelluluscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Cardites laticostatuscommon name: almeja rank: species
Turbo (Callopoma) fluctuosuscommon name: caracol burgado, caracol de porcelana, caracol turbo, turbante del pacífico rank: species
Turritella gonostomacommon name: concha sacabocados, pirilín rank: species
Agaronia testacearank: species
Diodora altarank: species
Litopenaeus vannameicommon name: camarón blanco, camarón patiblanco rank: species
Megapitaria squalidacommon name: almeja, almeja chocolata café, almeja chocolata negra, almeja negra rank: species
Crassispira (Gibbaspira) rudisrank: species
Octolasmis californianarank: species
Vermicularia frisbeyaerank: species
Choromytilus palliopunctatuscommon name: choro de laguna, mejillón, mejillón espinulado rank: species
Tagelus (Tagelus) affiniscommon name: almeja rank: species
Limaria orbignyicommon name: almeja rank: species
Corbula amethystinacommon name: almeja rank: species
Synalpheus sanjoseicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Alpheus mazatlanicuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Planes majorrank: species
Latreutes antiborealisrank: species
Crassostrea palmulacommon name: ostión, ostión de mangle, ostión de placer, ostión de roca, ostra palmada rank: species
Malacoplax californiensisrank: species
Nassarius bailyirank: species
Mytilopsis adamsicommon name: mejillón falso rank: species
Mitra tristisrank: species
Lolliguncula panamensiscommon name: calamar dedal panameño rank: species
Ostrea conchaphilacommon name: ostión rank: species
Inachoides laeviscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Polymesoda mexicanacommon name: almeja rank: species
Macoma grandiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Callianassa californiensisrank: species
Megalobrachium sinuimanuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Cantharus (Pollia) elegansrank: species
Pilosabia planatusrank: species
Tetragrapsus jouyirank: species
Mitrella ocellatacommon name: caracolillo pinto rank: species
Eurytium affinerank: species
Seila assimilatarank: species
Minyocerus kirkicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Excorallana bruscairank: species
Panopeus chilensisrank: species
Pitho picteticommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pholas chiloensiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Euphylax robustuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba robusta rank: species
Calcinus obscurusrank: species
Eupleura triquetrarank: species
Opeatostoma pseudodonrank: species
Serpulorbis eruciformisrank: species
Chione tumenscommon name: almeja rank: species
Sphenia fragiliscommon name: almeja rank: species
Cyclinella subquadratacommon name: almeja rank: species
Callinectes toxotescommon name: jaiba, jaiba gigante rank: species
Donax punctatostriatuscommon name: almeja, almeja mariposa, coquinas rank: species
Limaria pacificacommon name: almeja rank: species
Diodora diguetirank: species
Tagelus burgeoisaerank: species
Trivia solandrirank: species
Melongena patulacommon name: caracol burro, melongena coco rank: species
Alpheus schmitticommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Talparia talparank: species
Aplysia californicacommon name: liebre de mar de California rank: species
Atrina (Servatrina) mauracommon name: callo de hacha, callo de hacha china, hacha china, media luna rank: species
Semele (Semele) flavescenscommon name: almeja rank: species
Petrolisthes robsonaecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Synalpheus peruvianuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Pandora radiatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Petrolisthes glassellicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pleuroploca granosarank: species
Litopenaeus stylirostriscommon name: camarón azul rank: species
Olivella (Dactylidia) zonalisrank: species
Leucozonia ceratarank: species
Anadara (Scapharca) biangulatacommon name: almeja de arca rank: species
Nassarius stimpsonianusrank: species
Pilsbryspira loxospirarank: species
Chione pulicariacommon name: almeja rank: species
Goniopsis pulchracommon name: cangrejo caraña de mangle, cangrejo rojo rank: species
Hemus finneganaecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Anadara (Anadara) tuberculosacommon name: arca negra, pata de mula rank: species
Leptadrillia quisqualisrank: species
Plicatula penicillatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Crassispira trimarianarank: species
Exosphaeroma bruscairank: species
Calliostoma leanumrank: species
Nodilittorina (Fossarilittorina) modestarank: species
Mazatlania fulguratarank: species
Hippolyte williamsirank: species
Uca (Leptuca) latimanusrank: species
Orthochela pumilacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Costoanachis coronatarank: species
Ozius verreauxiicommon name: cangrejo de piedra perforado rank: species
Megapitaria aurantiacacommon name: almeja, almeja chocolata roja, almeja reyna, almeja roja rank: species
Elysia diomedeacommon name: danzarina mexicana rank: species
Lithophaga attenuatacommon name: dátil de mar rank: species
Eusymmerus antennatusrank: species
Clibanarius digueticommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Gecarcinus quadratuscommon name: cangrejo moro de manchas blancas rank: species
Olivella cocosensisrank: species
Alpheus galapagensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Paranthura longitelsonrank: species
Anadara esmeraldacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Pachycheles calculosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Mancinella tuberculatarank: species
Balanus trigonusrank: species
Petricola exaratacommon name: almeja rank: species
Pilumnus limosusrank: species
Eulithidium perforatumrank: species
Crepidula excavatacommon name: pique del Pacífico rank: species
Chthamalus southwardorumrank: species
Cantharus (Solenosteira) macrospirarank: species
Phyllocoma scalariformisrank: species
Hormospira maculosarank: species
Alpheus canaliscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Johngarthia planatacommon name: cangrejo moro rojo rank: species
Fistulobalanus suturaltusrank: species
Anachis (Anachis) scalarinarank: species
Coralliophila monodontarank: species
Chione gnidiarank: species
Vasula melonescommon name: púrpura melones rank: species
Macrobrachium tenellumcommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón cauque occidental, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Macrobrachium americanumcommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Macrobrachium hancockicommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Lopholithodes foraminatusrank: species
Muricanthus nigritusrank: species
Pasiphaea americanarank: species
Conus (Ximeniconus) perplexusrank: species
Limatula (Limatula) saturnacommon name: almeja rank: species
Stenorhynchus debiliscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Salmoneus ortmannicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Pagurus albuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Conus (Leptoconus) recurvusrank: species
Aniculus eleganscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Dentalium agassizirank: species
Paralithodes rathbunirank: species
Porcellana hancockicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Mithrax armatuscommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña porteña rank: species
Processa pippinaerank: species
Arca pacificacommon name: arca chuchoca, pata de mula, pata de yegua rank: species
Periploma carpentericommon name: almeja rank: species
Bathybembix bairdiirank: species
Stenocionops ovatuscommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña terciopelo rank: species
Thysanopoda astylatarank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) monticulusrank: species
Petrochirus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Hexaplex (Hexaplex) brassicarank: species
Polystira nobiliscommon name: pleurotoma noble rank: species
Benthesicymus tannericommon name: camarón profundo de Tanner rank: species
Sergia bigemmearank: species
Gennadas scutatusrank: species
Sclerocrangon atroxcommon name: camarón quisquilla de cuatro espinas rank: species
Cymatium (Monoplex) wiegmannirank: species
Fusinus (Fusinus) fredbakerirank: species
Munida williamsirank: species
Gnathophausia zoearank: species
Hemisquilla californiensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Squilla hancockicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Nematoscelis tenellarank: species
Pagurus benedicticommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Cancer johngarthicommon name: jaiba limón del norte rank: species
Cancellaria indentatarank: species
Polycheles pacificusrank: species
Terebellides stroemicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Manucomplanus cervicorniscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Argopecten circularisrank: species
Vokesimurex ruthaerank: species
Euphausia eximiarank: species
Paguristes sanguinimanuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Brisaster townsendicommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) menkeirank: species
Subcancilla attenuatarank: species
Paradasygyius depressuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Paramage scutatarank: species
Fusinus (Fusinus) dupetitthouarsicommon name: caracol chile, tulipán blanco rank: species
Gennadas sordidusrank: species
Pasiphaea pacificarank: species
Pagurus smithicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Acanthephyra brevicarinatarank: species
Ethusa steyaertirank: species
Nephropsis occidentaliscommon name: langosta cigala del Pacífico rank: species
Ennucula colombianacommon name: almeja rank: species
Pandalus platycerosrank: species
Paguristes praedatorcommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Natica (Natica) scethrarank: species
Heterocarpus affiniscommon name: camarón nailón tres espinas rank: species
Chicoreus erythrostomusrank: species
Cantharus (Solenosteira) gatesicommon name: caracolillo de Gates rank: species
Turbo saxosusrank: species
Natica broderipianacommon name: nática luna rank: species
Antillophos veraguensisrank: species
Rocinela murilloirank: species
Paguristes digueticommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Cavolinia uncinatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Nyctiphanes simplexrank: species
Mithrax tuberculatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Chone gracilisrank: species
Nassarius gallegosirank: species
Thelepus hamatusrank: species
Polinices panamaensisrank: species
Sicyonia pictacommon name: camarón cacahuete pequeña, camarón de roca rank: species
Pitar unicolorrank: species
Celatopesia hasslerirank: species
Carinaria japonicarank: species
Palicus zonatusrank: species
Malea ringenscommon name: caracol bola rank: species
Allosergestes pestaferrank: species
Paguristes bakericommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Munidopsis depressarank: species
Strombina (Lirastrombina) carmencitarank: species
Lucinoma heroicacommon name: almeja rank: species
Engina jugosarank: species
Petalophthalmus armigerrank: species
Fusinus turrisrank: species
Processa peruvianacommon name: camarón manco peruano rank: species
Nematoscelis difficilisrank: species
Synalpheus stylopleuroncommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Hexaplex (Trunculariopsis) princepscommon name: busano príncipe rank: species
Alpheus cristulifronscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Paradella dianaerank: species
Pandalopsis amplacommon name: camarón ojigrande rank: species
Cantharus vibexrank: species
Turritella leucostomarank: species
Alpheus bellimanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Gennadas tinayreirank: species
Nassarius catallusrank: species
Lepidophthalmus bocourtirank: species
Phos fusoidesrank: species
Euvola vogdesicommon name: almeja voladora rank: species
Calliostoma fonkiirank: species
Euphausia tenerarank: species
Malletia alatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Anadara (Potiarca) obesacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Calyptraea (Calyptraea) mamillariscommon name: sombrerito chino rank: species
Ennucula cardaracommon name: almeja rank: species
Heliacus mazatlanicusrank: species
Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) peratusrank: species
Calyptraea (Calyptraea) conicarank: species
Chione comptacommon name: almeja, almeja roñosa, venus blanca rank: species
Stenocionops beebeicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Dardanus sinistripescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Fusinus (Barbarofusus) colpoicuscommon name: caracol chile rank: species
Tectura fascicularisrank: species
Trichopeltarion corallinumrank: species
Glyphocrangon sicariacommon name: camarón acorazado panameño rank: species
Euphausia muticarank: species
Fusinus (Fusinus) spectrumrank: species
Lysiosquilla manningicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Nematobrachion flexipesrank: species
Tagelus (Mesopleura) polituscommon name: almeja rank: species
Piloslambrus depressiusculusrank: species
Pagurus redondoensisrank: species
Mercenaria kellettiirank: species
Cadulus californicusrank: species
Pleuroncodes planipesrank: species
Nassarius nodicinctusrank: species
Euphausia distinguendarank: species
Semele (Semele) lenticulariscommon name: almeja rank: species
Manucomplanus varianscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Calocarides quinqueseriatuscommon name: langosta de lodo, langosta de lodo carinada rank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) marianarank: species
Vokesimurex tricoronisrank: species
Terebra larvaeformisrank: species
Dacrydium pacificumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Libinia rostratacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Strombus graciliorcommon name: caracol burro, caracol de uña, caracol uña, cobo del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Pagurus gladiuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Phlyctiderma discrepansrank: species
Distorsio jenniernestaerank: species
Oppenheimopecten perulusrank: species
Argonauta pacificusrank: species
Neogonodactylus zacaecommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Ammotrypane pallidarank: species
Synalpheus occidentaliscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Simnialena rufarank: species
Gonopanope areolatarank: species
Paguristes turgidusrank: species
Medaeus spinuliferrank: species
Stratiotes mclaughlinaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Eupleurodon peruvianuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Fusiturricula armildarank: species
Portunus tuberculatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Cantharus rehderirank: species
Polystira pictarank: species
Vokesimurex recurvirostriscommon name: busano alacrán rank: species
Tucetona strigilatacommon name: almeja indio, almendra strigilata rank: species
Crassispira (Monilispira) plutorank: species
Plesionika trispinuscommon name: camarón picudo colombiano rank: species
Aphrodita parvarank: species
Nodipecten subnodosuscommon name: almeja garra de león, almeja mano de león rank: species
Pasiphaea magnarank: species
Neogonodactylus stanschicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Brissopsis pacificacommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Distorsio decussatacommon name: distorsio decusado rank: species
Palicus fragilisrank: species
Subcancilla phorminxrank: species
Petrolisthes sanfelipensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Porcellana cancrisocialiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Natica (Naticarius) grayirank: species
Spinolambrus johngarthirank: species
Fusinus irregularisrank: species
Spiropagurus occidentaliscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Architectonica nobiliscommon name: relox rank: species
Cancellaria obtusarank: species
Chama sordidacommon name: almeja rank: species
Rhabdus dallirank: species
Portunus xantusiicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Trachycardium (Phlogocardia) belchericommon name: almeja rank: species
Gadila fusiformisrank: species
Gnathophausia scapularisrank: species
Conus xanthicusrank: species
Ficus ventricosarank: species
Palicus lucasiirank: species
Podochela lobifronscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pelia pacificacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eucrassatella antillarumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Leiolambrus punctatissimusrank: species
Gnathophausia gracilisrank: species
Munidopsis quadratarank: species
Clibanarius janethaigaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pinnixa valeriirank: species
Metula amosirank: species
Ethusa ciliatifronscommon name: etusa ciliada gigantes rank: species
Latirus hemphillirank: species
Nassarius gemmulosusrank: species
Iliacantha schmittirank: species
Eupleura pectinatarank: species
Conus (Leptoconus) virgatusrank: species
Glyphocrangon spinulosacommon name: camarón acorazado espinoso rank: species
Solenocera mutatorcommon name: camarón piojillo rank: species
Cosmioconcha palmerirank: species
Heterospio caespitosarank: species
Harpa crenatarank: species
Crassispira (Crassispira) maurarank: species
Nerita (Cymostyla) scabricostarank: species
Edwardsium lobipesrank: species
Knefastia tuberculiferacommon name: pleurotama tuberculada rank: species
Cymatium (Monoplex) amictumrank: species
Heterocarpus vicariuscommon name: camarón nailón norteño rank: species
Nemausa spinipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Hormospira spectabilisrank: species
Pagurus nanodesrank: species
Metapenaeopsis beebeicommon name: camarón gamuza de Beebe rank: species
Pasiphaea emarginatarank: species
Platymera gaudichaudiicommon name: cangrejo cajeta paco rank: species
Exogone loureicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Miraclathurella mendozanarank: species
Scalibregma inflatumcommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Hepatus kossmannicommon name: cangrejo cajeta habana rank: species
Lottia mitellarank: species
Molpadia musculuscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Parasergestes haliarank: species
Sphenocarcinus agassizicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Sinum (Sinum) grayirank: species
Squilla biformiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Strombina (Spiralta) maculosarank: species
Synalpheus mexicanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Persephona townsendirank: species
Pascula rufonotatarank: species
Stylocheiron longicornerank: species
Crucibulum (Dispotaea) concameratumrank: species
Calliostoma nepheloiderank: species
Neilonella rittericommon name: almeja rank: species
Munida tenellarank: species
Stromboli beebeirank: species
Euceramus transversilineatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Trajana periderisrank: species
Fusinus (Fusinus) zacaerank: species
Gennadas propinquusrank: species
Corbula nasutacommon name: almeja rank: species
Nassarius nassiformisrank: species
Goniada brunneacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Marsupina nanarank: species
Plesionika beebeicommon name: camarón picudo escarlata rank: species
Pinna rugosacommon name: ala de ángel, callo de hacha, concha hacha, hacha larga, pluma de mar rank: species
Barbatia (Cucullaearca) reeveanacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Brachidontes semilaeviscommon name: mejillón rank: species
Chaetozone coronacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Microphrys triangulatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Neogonodactylus lalibertadensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Cuspidaria parapodemacommon name: almeja rank: species
Iliacantha hancockirank: species
Solemya (Solemya) valvuluscommon name: almeja rank: species
Polinices (Polinices) uberrank: species
Cloridopsis dubiacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Sergia phorcarank: species
Nematocarcinus faxonirank: species
Sicyonia ingentiscommon name: camarón de piedra del Pacífico, camarón de roca rank: species
Platypodiella rotundatarank: species
Loxorhynchus guinotaerank: species
Solariella (Solariella) nudarank: species
Lottia acutapexcommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Distorsio minoruohnishiirank: species
Plicatula inezanacommon name: almeja rank: species
Sternaspis fossorcommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Munidopsis nitidarank: species
Cyclopecten rotundusrank: species
Latirus praestantiorrank: species
Hepatus lineatuscommon name: cangrejo cajeta moteada rank: species
Leptochela serratorbitarank: species
Libinia mexicanacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Lirophora mariaecommon name: almeja rank: species
Symethis garthirank: species
Poecilochaetus johnsonicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Arene socorroensisrank: species
Squilla mantoideacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Spinolambrus exilipesrank: species
Costoanachis lentiginosarank: species
Podochela hemphilliicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Garthasia americanarank: species
Fissurella morrisonirank: species
Neosergestes consobrinusrank: species
Alpheus panamensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Domecia hispidarank: species
Excorallana conabioaerank: species
Hormospira (Tiariturris) libyacommon name: pleurotoma líbica rank: species
Halosydna johnsonirank: species
Olivella (Olivella) gracilisrank: species
Processa aequimanarank: species
Rhinoclavis (Ochetoclava) gemmatarank: species
Adrana cultratarank: species
Acharax johnsonicommon name: almeja rank: species
Neognathophausia gigasrank: species
Heteralepas quadratarank: species
Munidopsis hystrixrank: species
Argopecten ventricosuscommon name: almeja catarina, peine volador rank: species
Pilosabia pilosarank: species
Fugleria illotarank: species
Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) regiusrank: species
Euprognatha bifidacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Sinum debilerank: species
Trapezia bidentatarank: species
Cochlespira cedonullirank: species
Parametaria dupontiirank: species
Lobiger souverbiicommon name: lobiger de Sowerby rank: species
Pacipecten tumbezensisrank: species
Albunea lucasiarank: species
Tumidotheres margaritarank: species
Cryptosoma bairdiirank: species
Ethusa latarank: species
Hymenopenaeus doriscommon name: camarón doris rank: species
Plesionika mexicanacommon name: camarón picudo mexicano rank: species
Chione jamanianarank: species
Lottia mesoleucarank: species
Synalpheus wickstenaecommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Corbula obesacommon name: almeja rank: species
Elthusa vulgarisrank: species
Squilla panamensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Pecten stillmanicommon name: almeja voladora rank: species
Alpheus floridanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Euphausia diomedeaerank: species
Solariella elegantularank: species
Pitar concinnusrank: species
Epitonium replicatumrank: species
Favartia peritarank: species
Oliva (Strephona) polpastarank: species
Squilla tiburonensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Xenophora conchyliophoracommon name: transportador de conchas rank: species
Parapagurus foraminosuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Eulalia anoculatarank: species
Opalia funiculatarank: species
Trizocarcinus dentatusrank: species
Portunus iridescenscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Cancellaria (Pyruclia) solidarank: species
Nematoscelis gracilisrank: species
Paguristes haigaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Rhodochirus hirtimanuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Semicassis centiquadratacommon name: casco granuloso de Pacífico rank: species
Microlissa tuberosacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Glebocarcinus amphioetuscommon name: jaiba japonesa rank: species
Crepidula perforansrank: species
Farfantepenaeus brevirostriscommon name: camarón cristal, camarón rojo, camarón rosado rank: species
Nuculana elenensisrank: species
Lebbeus scrippsirank: species
Neosimnia aequalisrank: species
Iridopagurus haigaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Turcica admirabilisrank: species
Trigoniocardia obovalisrank: species
Solariella (Minolia) peramabilisrank: species
Costoanachis nigrofuscarank: species
Mitra (Nebularia) belcherirank: species
Mesorhoea belliirank: species
Strombina (Recurvina) fusinoideacommon name: estrombina alargada rank: species
Alpheus normannicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Califia calidacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Maiopsis panamensiscommon name: camarón araña gigante, cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña panamensis rank: species
Plagusia immaculatarank: species
Munida bapensisrank: species
Euphausia lamelligerarank: species
Ennucula tenuiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Podochela latimanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Polystira oxytropisrank: species
Paguristes aztatlanensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Cirolana nielbruceirank: species
Crucibulum pectinatumrank: species
Terebra robustarank: species
Neolithodes diomedeaerank: species
Lottia turverirank: species
Microcardium pazianumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Munidopsis diomedeaerank: species
Clypeasterophilus ususfructusrank: species
Ensis nitiduscommon name: navaja rank: species
Alpheus cylindricuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Subcancilla sulcatarank: species
Squilla parvacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Erichsonella cortezirank: species
Nodilittorina (Nodilittorina) asperarank: species
Cymothoa exiguarank: species
Acanthephyra brevirostrisrank: species
Pteropurpura erinaceoidesrank: species
Thysanoessa spiniferarank: species
Conus (Pyruconus) fergusonirank: species
Grapsus grapsuscommon name: cangrejo abuete negro rank: species
Tharyx multifilisrank: species
Pilumnus townsendicommon name: cangrejo peludo rank: species
Pantomus affiniscommon name: camarón bisagra rank: species
Chthamalus anisopomarank: species
Sicyonia aliaffiniscommon name: camarón cáscara dura, camarón de roca rank: species
Pyramidella auricomarank: species
Collodes tenuirostriscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Plesionika sanctaecatalinaerank: species
Astraea (Uvanilla) unguisrank: species
Lithophaga plumulacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Neverita reclusianarank: species
Zonaria (Zonaria) annettaerank: species
Sincola (Dorsina) gibberularank: species
Phimochirus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Tivela (Tivela) byronensiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Isognomon (Isognomon) recognituscommon name: ostión plano rank: species
Parvanachis diminutarank: species
Lepidophthalmus eisenirank: species
Nucula carlottensiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Coralliophila (Pseudomurex) orcuttianarank: species
Ebalia cristatarank: species
Olivella aureocinctarank: species
Euphausia pacificarank: species
Bathione magnafoliarank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) cortezianarank: species
Enallopagurus spinicarpuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Turbo (Callopoma) funiculosusrank: species
Phyllochaetopterus limicolusrank: species
Costoanachis hillirank: species
Ceratonereis vermillionensisrank: species
Munidopsis palmatusrank: species
Conus scalariscommon name: caracol cono rank: species
Teleophrys cristulipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Portunus aspercommon name: jaiba rank: species
Heteroserolis carinatarank: species
Micropanope latarank: species
Lyonsiella quayleicommon name: almeja rank: species
Limaria hemphillicommon name: almeja rank: species
Compsodrillia bicarinatarank: species
Automate rugosacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Randallia americanarank: species
Linopherus ambiguacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Pseudorhombila xanthiformisrank: species
Acanthephyra curtirostrisrank: species
Nephtys paradoxarank: species
Gari (Gobraeus) fucatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Automate dolichognathacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Fissidentalium megathyrisrank: species
Petrolisthes hirtipescommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Phos (Metaphos) articulatusrank: species
Cotonopsis deroyaerank: species
Pyromaia tuberculatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mellita grantiicommon name: galleta de mar rank: species
Alpheus malleatorcommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Anadara (Anadara) concinnacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Noetia (Noetia) reversacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Armina californicacommon name: armina de California rank: species
Muricopsis (Muricopsis) zetekirank: species
Tritonoharpa vexillatarank: species
Homalopoma (Panocochlea) grippiirank: species
Nassarius shaskyirank: species
Phos (Cymatophos) crassusrank: species
Conus patriciusrank: species
Anadara (Diluvarca) mazatlanicacommon name: arca de Mazatlán, pata de mula rank: species
Conus (Asprella) arcuatusrank: species
Terebra tuberculosarank: species
Glyptoxanthus meandricusrank: species
Phos (Cymatophos) minusculusrank: species
Pachycheles marcortezensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Trigonostoma (Ventrilia) bullatumrank: species
Strophocardia megastrophacommon name: almeja rank: species
Hymenodora glacialisrank: species
Gennadas capensisrank: species
Harpiliopsis depressarank: species
Knefastia walkerirank: species
Odontozona forestirank: species
Cataleptodius occidentalisrank: species
Solariella (Solariella) triplostephanusrank: species
Neognathophausia ingensrank: species
Sicyonia martinicommon name: camarón de roca, camarón de roca martín rank: species
Dissodactylus glassellirank: species
Randallia ornatarank: species
Pisidia magdalenensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Glyphostoma (Glyphostoma) thalassomarank: species
Ancistrosyllis hartmanaecommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Macoma elytrumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Sicyonia penicillatacommon name: camarón cacahuete, camarón de roca, camarón japonés rank: species
Euphausia gibboidesrank: species
Nassarius insculptusrank: species
Stylocheiron carinatumrank: species
Leptopecten camerellacommon name: almeja rank: species
Petrolisthes edwardsiicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Amygdalum politumrank: species
Megalobrachium festaicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Dermatomya mactroidescommon name: almeja rank: species
Neodoclea boneticommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Stylocheiron affinerank: species
Enallopagurus coronatuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Notosceles ecuadorensisrank: species
Anadara (Cunearca) aequatorialiscommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Drilonereis falcatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Calliostoma bonitarank: species
Mesocrangon munitellarank: species
Aedicira alisetosarank: species
Subcancilla hindsiirank: species
Cantharus (Solenosteira) mendozanarank: species
Apseudes cedroensisrank: species
Chione amathusiacommon name: almeja rank: species
Lysmata argentopunctatarank: species
Ethusa panamensisrank: species
Terebra strigatarank: species
Evibacus princepscommon name: langosta cigarra chata rank: species
Portunus acuminatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Lolliguncula diomedeaecommon name: calamar dardo rank: species
Leanira albacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Pitar mexicanusrank: species
Heterospio catalinensiscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Pteria sternacommon name: callo de árbol, concha nácar, ostra perlera viuda rank: species
Eusergestes similisrank: species
Rocinela signatarank: species
Hypolambrus hyponcusrank: species
Noetia delgadarank: species
Pagurus vetaultaecommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pseudamussium fasciculatumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Mithraculus denticulatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Euphausia recurvarank: species
Rimapenaeus pacificuscommon name: camarón cebra rank: species
Pasiphaea chaceirank: species
Forreria (Austrotrophon) cerrosensisrank: species
Orthoyoldia panamensiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Moreiradromia sarrabureirank: species
Dynoides crenulatusrank: species
Cancellaria pulchrarank: species
Strombus granulatuscommon name: cabo granulatus rank: species
Carditamera radiatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Pitar paytensisrank: species
Maldane cristatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Deilocerus decorusrank: species
Fissurella gemmatacommon name: lapa rank: species
Trimusculus reticulatusrank: species
Eriphia squamatarank: species
Randallia agariciasrank: species
Sicyonia disparricommon name: camarón de piedra escotado, camarón de roca rank: species
Neoheteromastus lineusrank: species
Macoma (Psammacoma) siliquacommon name: almeja rank: species
Conchocele excavatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Oliva undatellarank: species
Kinbergonuphis abyssalisrank: species
Crucibulum serratumrank: species
Salmoneus serratidigituscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Nuculana pontoniarank: species
Eunice megabranchiarank: species
Parvanachis gaskoinirank: species
Xanthodius sternberghiirank: species
Nuculana (Costelloleda) marellacommon name: almeja rank: species
Muricopsis (Muricopsis) pauxillusrank: species
Cancellaria urceolatarank: species
Herbstia camptacanthacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Strombina pavoninarank: species
Palaemonella holmesirank: species
Cylichna incarank: species
Coenobita compressuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Sicyonia disedwardsicommon name: camarón de roca, camarón japonés, camarón tiro al blanco rank: species
Nematobrachion boopisrank: species
Epitonium loweirank: species
Tagelus peruvianuscommon name: almeja rank: species
Pontonia pinnaerank: species
Fissurella (Cremides) decemcostatarank: species
Nassarius pagodusrank: species
Fissurella rugosarank: species
Solenocera floreacommon name: camarón chupador, camarón picaflor rank: species
Conus princepscommon name: conito, cono, cono príncipe, cono real rank: species
Enaeta cumingiirank: species
Limatula (Limatula) similariscommon name: almeja rank: species
Cardiomya planeticacommon name: almeja rank: species
Brada pluribranchiatarank: species
Spiophanes fimbriatarank: species
Plesiothyreus maloneirank: species
Anadara (Potiarca) nuxcommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Pylopagurus holmesicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Cymatium keenaerank: species
Pleuroploca princepscommon name: caracol chile, tulipán príncipe rank: species
Callianopsis goniophthalmarank: species
Solemya reidirank: species
Nuculana pernularank: species
Metacarcinus gracilisrank: species
Lumbrineris bicirratarank: species
Uca (Leptuca) musica subsp. musicarank: infraspecificname
Cerithidea (Cerithideopsis) californica var. mazatlanicacommon name: caracol de cuerno rank: infraspecificname
Squilla aculeata subsp. aculeatacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: infraspecificname
Uca (Uca) princeps subsp. princepsrank: infraspecificname
Uca (Minuca) vocator subsp. ecuadoriensisrank: infraspecificname
Hipponix antiquatus subsp. panamensisrank: infraspecificname
Heliacus areola subsp. bicanaliculatusrank: infraspecificname
Uca (Leptuca) crenulata subsp. crenulatarank: infraspecificname
Volvarina (Volvarina) taeniolata subsp. taeniolatarank: infraspecificname
Portunus xantusii subsp. minimuscommon name: jaiba rank: infraspecificname
Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) centrifuga subsp. centrifugarank: infraspecificname
Portunus xantusii subsp. affiniscommon name: jaiba rank: infraspecificname
Plagusia depressa subsp. tuberculatarank: infraspecificname
Diacria quadridentata subsp. quadridentatarank: infraspecificname
Portunus xantusii subsp. xantusiicommon name: jaiba rank: infraspecificname
Distorsio constricta subsp. constrictarank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Abele, L.G. 1972. A review of the genus Ambidexter (Crustacea: Decapoda: Processidae) in Panama. Bull. Mar. Sci. 2. [22]. Miami, Florida, EUA. 365-380. -
- Abele, L.G. Kim, W. 1989. The decapod crustaceans of the Panama Canal. Smithson. Contr. Zool. [482]. Washington, EUA. 1-50. -
- Adams, A. 1852. Catalogue of the species of Nassa, a genus of gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Buccinidae, in the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq., with the description of some new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. Londres. 94-112. -
- Adams, A. 1853. Descriptions of new shells from the collection of H. Cuming, Esq. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. Londres. 69-74. -
- Adams, A. 1853. Contributions towards a monograph of the Trochidae, a family of gasteropodous mollusks. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. Londres. 150-192. -
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