Inventario de larvas de peces en la región sur del Golfo de California (GAP 81, 85 y 86) y en el Pacífico Tropical Mexicano (GAP 88-91)
Sánchez Velasco L, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Inventario de larvas de peces en la región sur del Golfo de California (GAP 81, 85 y 86) y en el Pacífico Tropical Mexicano (GAP 88-91). Version 1.17. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-18.Description
El Golfo de California(GC) se ha caracterizado por una alta diversidad de especies de peces que ha generado que éste sea considerado como región prioritaria para instituciones nacionales como la SEMARNAT, el CONACyT y la CONABIO, y para agrupaciones ecologistas internacionales como la WWF. Por otro lado el esfuerzo de muestreo dirigido a larvas de peces en la zona oceánica del Pacífico Tropical Mexicano (PT), en particular en las regiones GAP 81-91 ha sido escaso, a pesar de la importancia pesquera de la región y su potencial biológico. En este contexto y dentro del objetivo general de la CONABIO, que es enriquecer el conocimiento de la biodiversidad de México y contribuir a su conservación, el presente proyecto pretende formalizar bases de datos de larvas de peces y parámetros ambientales (temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto) en las siguientes regiones: 1) en el sur del GC, con material procedente de cuatro cruceros oceanográficos (junio y agosto de 2005; febrero de 2006 y octubre de 2007) realizados alrededor de las GAP 81, 85 y 86) en la zona del PT con énfasis en las regiones GAP 88-91 a partir de 4 cruceros ya realizados en junio 2005, noviembre 2005, agosto 2006 y marzo 2007. Los productos que se obtendrán serán: la realización de bases de datos geo-referenciadas de larvas de peces procedentes de las áreas mencionadas (GAP 81, 85,86, 88-91) con un total aproximado de 10 000 ejemplares colectados en 116 lances en el PT y 192 en el GC. Se darán por primera vez en el Golfo, registros en estratos de profundidad en algunos de los cruceros. Los mencionados productos serán una herramienta más para la CONABIO para la realización y actualización de planes de manejo y conservación. Asimismo se pretenden realizar dos muestreos más (uno en cada región: GC y PT) para fortalecer sitios GAP poco representados. Se generarán bases de datos en Biótica y mapas de distribución con apoyo satelital. Esta información permitirá ampliar el conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad de peces que ahí desovan y su variación estacional, contribuyendo al conocimiento ya existente en aguas mexicanas. La información se difundirá mediante informes técnicos a la CONABIO, además de que el proyecto funcionará como soporte a una tesis doctoral.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 31 Familia: 71 Género: 146 Especie: 186
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Osteichthyesrank: class
Anguilliformesrank: order
Myctophiformesrank: order
Argentiniformesrank: order
Carangiformesrank: order
Scombriformesrank: order
Tetraodontiformesrank: order
Ophidiiformesrank: order
Labriformesrank: order
Stomiiformesrank: order
Clupeiformesrank: order
Pleuronectiformesrank: order
Blenniiformesrank: order
Beryciformesrank: order
Perciformesrank: order
Aulopiformesrank: order
Lophiiformesrank: order
Gobiiformesrank: order
Incertae sedisrank: order
Gadiformesrank: order
Beloniformesrank: order
Acanthuriformesrank: order
Elopiformesrank: order
Scorpaeniformesrank: order
Kurtiformesrank: order
Mugiliformesrank: order
Istiophoriformesrank: order
Trachiniformesrank: order
Syngnathiformesrank: order
Spariformesrank: order
Holocentriformesrank: order
Callionymiformesrank: order
Ophichthidaerank: family
Myctophidaerank: family
Bathylagidaerank: family
Coryphaenidaerank: family
Trichiuridaerank: family
Nomeidaerank: family
Balistidaerank: family
Ophidiidaerank: family
Labridaerank: family
Phosichthyidaerank: family
Clupeidaerank: family
Paralichthyidaerank: family
Scombridaerank: family
Blenniidaerank: family
Melamphaidaerank: family
Haemulidaerank: family
Cynoglossidaerank: family
Carangidaerank: family
Lestidiidaerank: family
Bothidaerank: family
Priacanthidaerank: family
Gerreidaerank: family
Lophiidaerank: family
Argentinidaerank: family
Linophrynidaerank: family
Eleotridaerank: family
Gobiidaerank: family
Pomacentridaerank: family
Bregmacerotidaerank: family
Hemiramphidaerank: family
Sciaenidaerank: family
Stomiidaerank: family
Elopidaerank: family
Ogcocephalidaerank: family
Antennariidaerank: family
Gonostomatidaerank: family
Scorpaenidaerank: family
Congridaerank: family
Macrouridaerank: family
Lutjanidaerank: family
Apogonidaerank: family
Serranidaerank: family
Mugilidaerank: family
Moridaerank: family
Synodontidaerank: family
Engraulidaerank: family
Scopelarchidaerank: family
Sphyraenidaerank: family
Polynemidaerank: family
Ammodytidaerank: family
Anthiadidaerank: family
Fistulariidaerank: family
Sparidaerank: family
Microdesmidaerank: family
Holocentridaerank: family
Polyprionidaerank: family
Stromateidaerank: family
Triglidaerank: family
Diodontidaerank: family
Kyphosidaerank: family
Aulopidaerank: family
Carapidaerank: family
Melanocetidaerank: family
Callionymidaerank: family
Chiasmodontidaerank: family
Tetraodontidaerank: family
Malacanthidaerank: family
Merlucciidaerank: family
Exocoetidaerank: family
Alepisauridaerank: family
Paralepididaerank: family
Ophichthusrank: genus
Hygophumrank: genus
Bathylagoidesrank: genus
Coryphaenarank: genus
Lepidopusrank: genus
Psenesrank: genus
Balistesrank: genus
Cherublemmarank: genus
Benthosemarank: genus
Xyrichtysrank: genus
Vinciguerriarank: genus
Harengularank: genus
Lampanyctusrank: genus
Syaciumrank: genus
Diaphusrank: genus
Euthynnusrank: genus
Ophioblenniusrank: genus
Scopelogadusrank: genus
Triphoturusrank: genus
Anisotremusrank: genus
Symphurusrank: genus
Caranxrank: genus
Cubicepsrank: genus
Lestidiopsrank: genus
Bothusrank: genus
Pristigenysrank: genus
Eucinostomusrank: genus
Lophiodesrank: genus
Citharichthysrank: genus
Diogenichthysrank: genus
Argentinarank: genus
Borophrynerank: genus
Dormitatorrank: genus
Lythrypnusrank: genus
Xenistiusrank: genus
Hypsypopsrank: genus
Etropusrank: genus
Bregmacerosrank: genus
Oxyporhamphusrank: genus
Myctophumrank: genus
Brotularank: genus
Ctenogobiusrank: genus
Stegastesrank: genus
Menticirrhusrank: genus
Tactostomarank: genus
Elopsrank: genus
Bathophilusrank: genus
Nannobrachiumrank: genus
Zalieutesrank: genus
Antennariusrank: genus
Sardinopsrank: genus
Halichoeresrank: genus
Hypsoblenniusrank: genus
Diplophosrank: genus
Scorpaenarank: genus
Oligoplitesrank: genus
Etrumeusrank: genus
Erotelisrank: genus
Melamphaesrank: genus
Bathycongrusrank: genus
Monolenerank: genus
Coelorinchusrank: genus
Lutjanusrank: genus
Rhynchocongerrank: genus
Apogonrank: genus
Paranthiasrank: genus
Scomberrank: genus
Paralabraxrank: genus
Sufflamenrank: genus
Idiacanthusrank: genus
Gobulusrank: genus
Trachurusrank: genus
Mugilrank: genus
Opisthonemarank: genus
Lepophidiumrank: genus
Laemonemarank: genus
Synodusrank: genus
Engraulisrank: genus
Scopelarchoidesrank: genus
Naucratesrank: genus
Sphyraenarank: genus
Polydactylusrank: genus
Cyclopsettarank: genus
Cheilotremarank: genus
Ammodytoidesrank: genus
Roncadorrank: genus
Pronotogrammusrank: genus
Fistulariarank: genus
Selenerank: genus
Alectisrank: genus
Heterocongerrank: genus
Rhinogobiopsrank: genus
Scorpaenodesrank: genus
Calamusrank: genus
Ophidionrank: genus
Gonichthysrank: genus
Chilararank: genus
Selarrank: genus
Leuroglossusrank: genus
Clarkichthysrank: genus
Hippoglossinarank: genus
Microdesmusrank: genus
Myripristisrank: genus
Ilypnusrank: genus
Stereolepisrank: genus
Hemanthiasrank: genus
Peprilusrank: genus
Plagiotremusrank: genus
Abudefdufrank: genus
Prionotusrank: genus
Gnathanodonrank: genus
Perissiasrank: genus
Diodonrank: genus
Trachinotusrank: genus
Medialunarank: genus
Aulopusrank: genus
Echiodonrank: genus
Carapusrank: genus
Sargocentronrank: genus
Scomberomorusrank: genus
Bolinichthysrank: genus
Melanocetusrank: genus
Chloroscombrusrank: genus
Synchiropusrank: genus
Melanolagusrank: genus
Stomiasrank: genus
Chiasmodonrank: genus
Sebastesrank: genus
Sphoeroidesrank: genus
Semicossyphusrank: genus
Anchoarank: genus
Ariosomarank: genus
Caulolatilusrank: genus
Orthopristisrank: genus
Engyophrysrank: genus
Myrophisrank: genus
Spectrunculusrank: genus
Hoplopagrusrank: genus
Merlucciusrank: genus
Prognichthysrank: genus
Magnisudisrank: genus
Diapterusrank: genus
Quietularank: genus
Sardarank: genus
Stemonosudisrank: genus
Seriolarank: genus
Ophichthus zophochircommon name: tieso amarillo rank: species
Hygophum atratumrank: species
Bathylagoides nigrigenysrank: species
Coryphaena hippuruscommon name: dorado rank: species
Lepidopus fitchicommon name: pez cinto ictiólogo rank: species
Psenes siocommon name: derivante dos espinas rank: species
Balistes polylepiscommon name: cochi rank: species
Cherublemma emmelasrank: species
Benthosema panamenserank: species
Xyrichtys mundicepscommon name: cuchillo desnudo rank: species
Vinciguerria lucetiarank: species
Harengula thrissinacommon name: sardinita plumilla rank: species
Lampanyctus parvicaudarank: species
Syacium ovalecommon name: lenguado ovalado rank: species
Diaphus pacificusrank: species
Euthynnus lineatuscommon name: barrilete negro rank: species
Ophioblennius steindachnericommon name: borracho mono rank: species
Scopelogadus bispinosusrank: species
Triphoturus mexicanuscommon name: linternilla mexicana rank: species
Anisotremus davidsoniicommon name: rayado, sargo rayado rank: species
Symphurus williamsicommon name: lengua amarilla, lengua amarillenta rank: species
Caranx caballuscommon name: jurel bonito rank: species
Cubiceps pauciradiatuscommon name: derivante ojón rank: species
Lestidiops nelesrank: species
Bothus leopardinuscommon name: lenguado leopardo del Pacífico rank: species
Pristigenys serrulacommon name: catalufa semáforo rank: species
Eucinostomus graciliscommon name: mojarra charrita rank: species
Lophiodes spiluruscommon name: rape de hebra, rape de rabo delgado rank: species
Citharichthys platophryscommon name: lenguado frentón rank: species
Diogenichthys laternatuscommon name: linternilla de diogenes rank: species
Argentina sialiscommon name: argentina del Pacífico rank: species
Borophryne apogonrank: species
Dormitator latifronscommon name: puyeki rank: species
Lythrypnus dallicommon name: gobio bonito rank: species
Xenistius californiensiscommon name: salema rank: species
Symphurus callopteruscommon name: lengua chocolate rank: species
Hypsypops rubicunduscommon name: jaqueta garibaldi rank: species
Etropus crossotuscommon name: lenguado ribete rank: species
Bregmaceros bathymastercommon name: bacalete del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Oxyporhamphus micropteruscommon name: volador alita rank: species
Myctophum aurolaternatumrank: species
Brotula clarkaecommon name: brotula lengua, lengua rosada rank: species
Ctenogobius manglicolacommon name: gobio de manglar rank: species
Lophiodes caulinariscommon name: rape de rabo manchado, rape rabo rank: species
Stegastes rectifraenumcommon name: jaqueta de Cortés rank: species
Menticirrhus undulatuscommon name: berrugato californiano rank: species
Tactostoma macropusrank: species
Elops affiniscommon name: machete del Pacífico rank: species
Bathophilus filiferrank: species
Nannobrachium idostigmarank: species
Zalieutes elatercommon name: murciélago biocelado, pez murciélago ocelado rank: species
Psenes pelluciduscommon name: derivante aleta azul rank: species
Antennarius avaloniscommon name: ranisapo antenado rank: species
Sardinops sagaxcommon name: sardina Monterrey rank: species
Halichoeres dispiluscommon name: señorita camaleón rank: species
Caranx sexfasciatuscommon name: jurel voráz rank: species
Hypsoblennius brevipinniscommon name: borracho vacilón rank: species
Diplophos proximusrank: species
Symphurus chabanaudicommon name: lengua cachete prieto rank: species
Scorpaena guttatacommon name: escorpa, escorpión californiano, pez escorpión rank: species
Oligoplites sauruscommon name: piña sietecueros, zapatero sietecueros rank: species
Etrumeus terescommon name: sardina japonesa rank: species
Erotelis armigercommon name: guavina cabeza plana rank: species
Melamphaes lugubrisrank: species
Bathycongrus macruruscommon name: congrio cabeza corta rank: species
Monolene asaedaicommon name: lenguado carbón rank: species
Coelorinchus scaphopsiscommon name: granadero carepala rank: species
Lutjanus novemfasciatuscommon name: pargo prieto rank: species
Rhynchoconger nitenscommon name: congrio estilete rank: species
Apogon guadalupensiscommon name: cardenal mexicano rank: species
Paranthias colonuscommon name: sandía rank: species
Symphurus atramentatuscommon name: lengua mediomanchada rank: species
Scomber japonicuscommon name: macarela estonino, macarela estornino rank: species
Paralabrax maculatofasciatuscommon name: cabrilla de roca rank: species
Lythrypnus zebracommon name: gobio cebra rank: species
Sufflamen verrescommon name: cochito naranja rank: species
Idiacanthus antrostomusrank: species
Gobulus crescentaliscommon name: gobio creciente rank: species
Trachurus symmetricuscommon name: charrito chícharo, chicharro ojetón rank: species
Mugil cephaluscommon name: lisa rayada, pardete rank: species
Opisthonema libertatecommon name: sardina crinuda rank: species
Lepophidium negropinnacommon name: congriperla pinta rank: species
Laemonema verecundumrank: species
Eucinostomus dowiicommon name: mojarra manchita rank: species
Bathylagoides wesethirank: species
Synodus luciocepscommon name: chile lucio rank: species
Engraulis mordaxcommon name: anchoveta norteña rank: species
Citharichthys fragiliscommon name: lenguado flaco rank: species
Scopelarchoides nicholsirank: species
Lepophidium stigmatistiumcommon name: congriperla mexicana rank: species
Citharichthys sordiduscommon name: lenguado moteado rank: species
Naucrates ductorcommon name: pez piloto rank: species
Sphyraena ensiscommon name: barracuda mexicana rank: species
Symphurus atricaudacommon name: lengua californiana rank: species
Polydactylus operculariscommon name: barbudo nueve barbas rank: species
Cyclopsetta panamensiscommon name: lenguado panámico rank: species
Cheilotrema saturnumcommon name: corvinata negra, corvineta negra rank: species
Ammodytoides gillicommon name: peón panámico rank: species
Roncador stearnsiicommon name: roncador aleta manchada rank: species
Pronotogrammus multifasciatuscommon name: serrano baga rank: species
Fistularia commersoniicommon name: corneta pintada rank: species
Selene peruvianacommon name: jorobado espejo, jorobado papelillo rank: species
Alectis ciliariscommon name: pámpano de hebra rank: species
Heteroconger canabuscommon name: congrio del cabo rank: species
Symphurus prolatinariscommon name: lengua narigona rank: species
Rhinogobiops nicholsiicommon name: gobio triste rank: species
Scorpaenodes xyriscommon name: escorpión arcoiris rank: species
Calamus brachysomuscommon name: pluma marotilla rank: species
Ophidion scrippsaecommon name: congriperla canastera rank: species
Gonichthys tenuiculusrank: species
Lutjanus argentiventriscommon name: pargo amarillo rank: species
Symphurus elongatuscommon name: lengua esbelta rank: species
Chilara tayloricommon name: congriperla moteada rank: species
Polydactylus approximanscommon name: barbudo seis barbas, bobo barbudo seis barbas rank: species
Hygophum reinhardtiirank: species
Apogon atricauduscommon name: cardenal sencillo rank: species
Selar crumenophthalmuscommon name: charrito ojón, chicharro ojón rank: species
Leuroglossus stilbiuscommon name: lengualisa californiana rank: species
Clarkichthys bilineatuscommon name: pez lombriz colibandera rank: species
Lutjanus guttatuscommon name: pargo lunarejo, snapper pargo lunarejo rank: species
Hippoglossina stomatacommon name: lenguado bocón rank: species
Xyrichtys pavocommon name: cuchillo pavo real rank: species
Heteroconger digueticommon name: congrio de Cortés rank: species
Fistularia cornetacommon name: corneta flautera rank: species
Microdesmus multiradiatusrank: species
Myripristis leiognathuscommon name: soldado panámico rank: species
Ilypnus gilberticommon name: gobio mejilla manchada rank: species
Ctenogobius sagittulacommon name: gobio aguzado rank: species
Apogon retrosellacommon name: cardenal de Cortés rank: species
Lestidiops ringensrank: species
Stereolepis gigascommon name: bass pescara, pescara rank: species
Hemanthias signifercommon name: cabrilla doncella rank: species
Peprilus simillimuscommon name: palometa plateada rank: species
Plagiotremus azaleuscommon name: diente sable rank: species
Abudefduf troscheliicommon name: petaca banderita rank: species
Prionotus ruscariuscommon name: vaca rasposa rank: species
Gnathanodon speciosuscommon name: jurel arenoso, jurel dorado rank: species
Perissias taeniopteruscommon name: lengua bandera, lenguado bandera rank: species
Diodon holocanthuscommon name: erizo mapache, pez erizo apache rank: species
Trachinotus rhodopuscommon name: pámpano fino rank: species
Medialuna californiensiscommon name: chopa medialuna rank: species
Aulopus bajacalicommon name: lagarto del Pacífico, lagarto del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Echiodon exsiliumcommon name: perlero nocturno rank: species
Diplophos taeniarank: species
Carapus dubiuscommon name: perlero del Pacífico rank: species
Sargocentron suborbitalecommon name: candil sol rank: species
Scomberomorus sierracommon name: sierra del Pacífico rank: species
Bolinichthys longipesrank: species
Melanocetus johnsoniirank: species
Chloroscombrus orquetacommon name: casabe del Pacífico, horqueta del Pacífico rank: species
Lutjanus perucommon name: huachinango del Pacífico rank: species
Citharichthys gordaecommon name: lenguado escondido rank: species
Synchiropus atrilabiatuscommon name: dragoncillo de asta rank: species
Ophichthus triserialiscommon name: tieso del Pacífico rank: species
Melanolagus bericoidesrank: species
Stomias atriventerrank: species
Chiasmodon nigerrank: species
Sebastes macdonaldicommon name: rocote mexicano rank: species
Diaphus thetacommon name: linternilla californiana rank: species
Sphoeroides annulatuscommon name: botete diana rank: species
Synodus sechuraecommon name: chile iguana rank: species
Semicossyphus pulchercommon name: vieja californiana rank: species
Diogenichthys atlanticusrank: species
Anchoa compressacommon name: anchoa alta rank: species
Ariosoma gilberticommon name: congrio narigón rank: species
Caulolatilus princepscommon name: blanquillo enigmático, pierna rank: species
Orthopristis reddingicommon name: burrito rayado rank: species
Engyophrys sanctilaurentiicommon name: lenguado colimanchada rank: species
Myrophis vafercommon name: tieso lombriz rank: species
Prionotus stephanophryscommon name: vaca voladora rank: species
Spectrunculus grandisrank: species
Symphurus oligomeruscommon name: lengua coliblanca rank: species
Hoplopagrus guentheriicommon name: pargo coconaco rank: species
Selene brevoortiicommon name: jorobado antena, jorobado mexicano rank: species
Symphurus melanuruscommon name: lengua lucia, lengua sucia rank: species
Merluccius productuscommon name: merluza del Pacífico Norte, merluza norteña rank: species
Prognichthys tringacommon name: volador panámico rank: species
Magnisudis atlanticacommon name: barracudina pico de pato rank: species
Diapterus peruvianusrank: species
Quietula y-caudacommon name: gobio sombreado rank: species
Lampanyctus steinbeckirank: species
Sarda chiliensiscommon name: bonito del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Sebastes melanopsrank: species
Stemonosudis macrurarank: species
Symphurus gorgonaecommon name: lengua enana rank: species
Seriola lalandicommon name: medregal rabo amarillo rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Moser, H.G. & E.H. Ahlstrom. 1996. Bathylagidae: Blacksmelts and smoothtongues. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 188 - 207. -
- Moser, H.G. & S.R. Charter. 1996. Notacanthidae: Spinyeels. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 82 - 85. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Engraulidae: Anchovies. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 173 - 183. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Clupeidae: Herrings. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 159 - 172. -
- Charter, S.R. 1996. Ophichthidae: Snake eels and worm eels. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 93 - 99. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Argentinidae: Argentines. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 185 - 187. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Phosichthydae: Lightfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 284 - 294. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Stomiidae: Scaly dragonfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 301 - 304. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Melanostomiidae: Scaleless dragonfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 308 - 320. -
- Stevens, E.G. & H.G. Moser. 1996. Synodontidae: Lizardfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 348 - 351. -
- Moser, H.G. & E.H. Ahlstrom. 1996. Myctophidae: Lanternfishes. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 387 - 475. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Macrouridae: Grenadiers. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 483 - 499. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Merlucciidae: Hakes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 508 - 511. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Oneirodidae: Dreamers. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 575 - 581. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Ophidiidae: Cusk-eels. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 513 - 531. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Ogcocephalidae: Batfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 563 - 566. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Hemiramphidae: Halfbeaks. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 634 - 642. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Exocoetidae: Flyingfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 643 - 658. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Syngnathidae: Pipefishes and seahorses. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 728 - 731. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Scorpaenidae: Scorpionfishes and rockfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 733 - 796. -
- Richards, W.J. 1996. Triglidae: Searobins. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 797 - 806. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Cottidae: Sculpins. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 821 - 840. -
- Shane, M.A., W. Watson & H.G. Moser. 1996. Polyprionidae: Giant sea basses and wreckfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 873 - 875. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Serranidae: Sea basses. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 876 - 899. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Apogonidae: Cardinalfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 904 - 911. -
- Watson, W., S.R. Charter, H.G. Moser, D.A. Ambrose & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Carangidae: Jacks. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 914 - 954. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Malacanthidae: Tilefishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 990 - 994. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Gerreidae: Mojarras. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 998 - 1001. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Haemulidae: Grunts. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1002 - 1012. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Sparidae: Porgies. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1013 - 1016. -
- Moser, H.G. 1996. Sciaenidae: Croakers and drums. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1017 - 1033. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Mullidae: Goatfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1034 - 1037. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Kyphosidae: Sea chubs. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1038 - 1046. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Ephippidae: Spadefishes. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1047 - 1049. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Pomacentridae: Damselfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1054 - 1063. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Howellidae: Pelagic basslets. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1072 - 1077. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Mugilidae: Mullets. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1078 - 1081. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Polynemidae: Threadfins. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1082 - 1087. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Labridae: Wrasses. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1088 - 1103. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Labrisomidae: Labrisomid kelpfishes. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1151 - 1163. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Blenniidae: Combtooth blennies. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1182 - 1200. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Callionymidae: Dragonets. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1205 - 1207. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Eleotridae: Sleepers. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1209 - 1213. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Gobiidae: Gobies. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1214 - 1245. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Microdesmidae: Wormfishes, dartfishes, hover gobies. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1246 - 1249. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Sphyraenidae: Barracudas. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1250 - 1256. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Scombridae: Mackerels and tunas. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1270 - 1287. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Nomeidae: Driftfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1300 - 1311. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Stromateidae: Butterfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1318 - 1322. -
- Moser, H.G. & B.Y. Sumida. 1996. Paralichthyidae: Lefteye floundersand sanddabs. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1325 - 1356. -
- Moser, H.G. & S.R. Charter. 1996. Bothidae: Lefteye flounders. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1357 - 1368. -
- Charter, S.R. & H.G. Moser. 1996. Pleuronectidae: Righteye flounders. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1369 - 1403. -
- Charter, S.R. & H.G. Moser. 1996. Cynoglossidae: Tonguefishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1408 - 1414. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Tetraodontidae: Puffers. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1428 - 1435 -
- Watson, W. 1996. Diodontidae: Porcupinefishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1435 - 1438. -
- Stevens, E.G. & H.G. Moser. 1996. Bregmacerotidae: Codlets. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 477 - 482. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Paralepididae: Barracudinas. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 352 - 367. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Gonostomatidae: Bristlemouths. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 247 - 267. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Coryphaenidae: Dolphinfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 959 - 963. -
- Watson W. & M.W. Brogan. 1996. Lutjanidae: Snappers. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 977 - 989. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Antennariidae: Frogfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 559 - 563. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Melanocetidae: Blackdevils. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 571 - 574. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Lophiidae: Goosefishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 553 - 558. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Chiasmodontidae: Swallowers. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1131 - 1137. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Balistidae: Triggerfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1417 - 1421. -
- Charter, S.R. 1996. Congridae: Conger eels. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 100 - 118. -
- Charter, S.R. & H.G. Moser. 1996. Elopidae: Tenpounders. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 75 - 78. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Carapidae: Pearlfishes. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 532 - 537. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Priacanthidae: Catalufas, bigeyes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 900 - 903. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Linophrynidae: Netdevils. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 592 - 595. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Holocentridae: Squirrelfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 686 - 691. -
- Watson, W. 1996. Ammodytidae: Sand lances. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1138 - 1143. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Melamphaidae: Bigscales. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 692 - 712. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Scopelarchidae: Pearleyes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 332 - 343. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Moridae: Codlings. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 500 - 507. -
- Watson, W. & E.M. Sandknop. 1996. Fistulariidae: Cornetfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 718 - 724. -
- Sandknop, E.M. & W. Watson. 1996. Trichiuridae: Cutlassfishes. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 1287 - 1294. -
- Ambrose, D.A. 1996. Aulopidae: Aulopids. The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. In: Moser, H. Geoffrey (Ed.). CALCOFI Atlas 33. Allen Press, Inc., EUA, Kansas. pp. 329 - 331. -
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CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
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