Global occurrence records of Robinia specialist insect herbivores
Medzihorský V, Trombik J, Mally R, Turčáni M, Liebhold A M (2023). Global occurrence records of Robinia specialist insect herbivores. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Forest Protection and Entomology. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-08.Description
In this occurrence dataset, we assembled global occurrence records of 24 Robinia specialist insect species from literature and databases other than GBIF. When the sources did not specify geographical locations, the occurrence was defined as a geometric centroid of the region (county, municipal district etc.) that was stated in the source material, using GeoHack ( Description
Study Extent
We assembled all available single occurrence records for each of the 24 identified Robinia specialist insect herbivores reported when- and wherever on the globe.Sampling
We assembled global occurrence records of 24 Robinia specialist insect species from literature and databases other than GBIF. When the sources did not specify geographical locations, the occurrence was defined as a geometric centroid of the region (county, municipal district etc.) that was stated in the source material, using GeoHack ( steps
- First we searched the scientific literature and online databases for insect species that are recorded as only feeding on Robinia, starting from the publication of Hargrove (1986). Once these specialist herbivores were identified, a follow-up search of literature and online databases compiled occurrence records of these species in a table, without geographical or temporal restrictions. In cases where coordinates were not mentioned for an occurrence location in the literature, the coordinates were obtained through GeoHack ( or Google Maps ( For records where the source publications did not include specific geographical locations, the occurrence of species was defined as a geometric centroid of the region (county, municipal district etc.) listed in the source material using GeoHack. Scientific species names are stated in their current (as of 2022) generic combination. Taxon IDs, where available, were obtained from GBIF or iNaturalist. Reference cited: Hargrove, W. W. (1986). An annotated species list of insect herbivores commonly associated with black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia, in the southern Appalachians. Entomological News, 97(1), 36–40.
Taxonomic Coverages
The dataset covers all insects that are recorded as specialist herbivores feeding on the plant genus Robinia.
Insectacommon name: insects rank: class
Geographic Coverages
The geographical coverage includes all regions from where Robinia specialist insect herbivores have been recorded, i.e. North and South America, Europe, Asia, and New Zealand.
Bibliographic Citations
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Vladimír Medzihorskýoriginator
position: PhD student
Czech University of Life Sciences
Jiří Trombik
position: Postdoc
Czech University of Life Sciences
Richard Mally
position: Postdoc
Czech University of Life Sciences
Marek Turčáni
position: Professor
Czech University of Life Sciences
Andrew M. Liebhold
position: Research entomologist
US Forest Service
West Virginia
Richard Mally
metadata author
position: Postdoc
Czech University of Life Sciences
Andrew M. Liebhold
principal investigator
position: Professor
US Forest Service
West Virginia
Vladimír Medzihorský
administrative point of contact
position: PhD student
Czech University of Life Sciences
Richard Mally
administrative point of contact
position: Postdoc
Czech University of Life Sciences