Population dynamics of endangered plants in Doñana Natural Space
Fernández-Zamudio R, Rodriguez C (2023). Population dynamics of endangered plants in Doñana Natural Space. Version 2.3. Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15470/tkydb2 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-15.Description
Monitoring of the community diversity and the population dynamics of the different endangered plants (e.g. Armeria velutina, Avellara fistulosa, Corema album, Gaudinia hispanica, Linaria tursica, Loeflingia baetica, Micropyropsis tuberosa, Vulpia fontquerana, Caropsis verticillatinundata) presented in three different habitats of Community Interest. It was conducted in 11 plots of 15m x 15m, twice a year during the flowering and fruiting periods of focal species (March and August).
Note that the taxonomic identifications will be revised again in 2016, in order to fix any remaining misapplied names.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Protected in 1968, Doñana National Park (537 km2) is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, a Ramsar Site and a Natural World Heritage Site.Sampling
11 plots located in different habitats (2 in ponds, 2 in dunes and 3 in the ecotone between marshes and shrubland) were surveyed. Their location could be seen in http://venus.ebd.csic.es/seguimiento/. Plots were usually visited twice a year during the flowering and the fruiting periods (March and August). Gaps in the dataset are due to the presence of sensitive breeding birds in the surroundings of some of the plots that prevented their sampling.Quality Control
Each identification (scientific name) is matched against the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy as a quality control to make sure that each identification is correct. Non-matching names are flagged as misapplied (refer to taxonomicStatus).Method steps
- The 11 15m x 15m plots were selected because of the presence of focal species in previous surveys and because they belong to habitats of Community Interest (categories 2230, 3170, and 6420 of Habitats Directive).
- Within each plot, we estimated vegetation structure by using different categories (A, B, B1, B2, C, C1, C2, D=Bare ground).
- Cover (Braun-Blanquet 1932, McGraw-Hill) of each category was estimated. Major species within each category were noted and all endangered species found in the plot were recorded with information on their cover.
- Match each identification (scientific name) against the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy as a quality control, and augment each identification with the matching species' higher taxonomy.
Taxonomic Coverages
Endangered plants
Armeria velutinarank: species
Corema albumrank: species
Gaudinia hispanicarank: species
Linaria tursicarank: species
Loeflingia baeticarank: species
Micropyropsis tuberosarank: species
Sedum lagascaerank: species
Vulpia fontqueranarank: species
Hydrocharis morsus-ranaerank: species
Thorella verticillatinundatarank: species
Geographic Coverages
The Natural Space of Doñana.
Bibliographic Citations
Rocio Fernández-Zamudiooriginator
position: technician
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
email: rzamudio@ebd.csic.es
Carlos Rodriguez
metadata author
Estación Biologica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
email: carlos_r@ebd.csic.es
Kyle Braak
Universitetsparken 15
email: kbraak@gbif.org
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3696-3496
Rocio Fernández-Zamudio
administrative point of contact
position: Technician
Estacion Biologica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
email: rzamudio@ebd.csic.es