Timed species count birds' data of the Kenyan Coastal Forests, 1992 - 1994
Bennun L, Waiyaki E, Ochieng J, Njambi M, Mwangi E, Njoroge P (2023). Timed species count birds' data of the Kenyan Coastal Forests, 1992 - 1994. Version 1.6. National Museums of Kenya. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/yg9qje accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-16.Description
The biological importance and uniqueness of East African coastal forests is widely recognized; they form an Endemic Bird Area. Important remnants of this fragmented habitat occur on the southern Kenyan coast, but their avifauna has been little studied before 1992. In January 1992 to September 1994, the avifauna of 20 South Coast Forest fragments were systematically assessed using mist-netting, timed species counts and direct observations. Sixty forest-dependent bird species were recorded, amongst them three that are globally threatened (Sokoke Pipit Anthus sokokensis, Spotted Ground-thrush Geokichla guttata, East Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi) three that are near-threatened (Southern Banded Snake Eagle Circaetus fasciolatus, Fischer’s Turaco Tauraco fischeri, Plain-backed Sunbird Anthrepres reichenowi) and four that are ‘restricted-range’ (Fischer’s Turaco, Sokoke Pipit, Mombasa Woodpecker Campethera mombassica, Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes neglectus). This dataset gives a baseline information on the birds recorded using the timed species count method in 20 forests fragment including: Timbwa, Waa, Kinondo, Diani, Teleza, Mtswakara, Gandini, Muhaka, Mrima,Buda, Gongoni, Marenje, Maluganji ,Shimba Hills, Arabuko Sokoke, Lunguma, Phungi wetland,Ukunda, Chale and Gonja. The dataset contains 2055 entries. The data were formatted according to the Darwin Core Standards by A Rocha Kenya before publishing through the IPT at the National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The survey was undertaken in 20 South Coastal Forest fragments between Mombasa town and Tanzanian border. These fragments included: Timbwa, Waa, Kinondo, Diani, Teleza, Mtswakara, Gandini, Muhaka, Mrima,Buda, Gongoni, Marenje, Maluganji ,Shimba Hills, Arabuko Sokoke, Lunguma, Phungi wetland, Ukunda, Chale and Gonja.Sampling
A combination of modified Timed Species Counts (TSCs) (Pomeroy 1992), equivalent to ‘timed transects’ (Bennun & Waiyaki 1993) and ad hoc observations were used to survey the aerial, canopy and mid-canopy species, while mist-netting was used for the shy and skulking undergrowth species. This dataset contains birds recorded using the Time species count method.Quality Control
Species identification was done on site by a team of bird experts from the Ornithology Section, National Museums of Kenya.Method steps
- Eight days were spent in each fragment during the survey. A combination of modified Timed Species Counts (TSCs) (Pomeroy 1992), equivalent to ‘timed transects’ (Bennun & Waiyaki 1993) and ad hoc observations were used to survey the aerial, canopy and mid-canopy species, while mist-netting was used for the shy and skulking undergrowth species. During timed transects, an observer walked steadily for a set period of time (40 minutes) along a trail, recording each time a bird was seen or heard above a set height (3 m) and within a set distance (20 m) from his position. All timed transects (24 per site) were conducted between 06h00 and 10h00 in the morning, a time when birds are most active.
Taxonomic Coverages
Birds observed via timed species count method within the 20 locations in Coastal Forest were identified to the species level.
Avesrank: class
Sturnidaerank: family
Estrildidaerank: family
Cisticolidaerank: family
Malaconotidaerank: family
Capitonidaerank: family
Trogonidaerank: family
Bucerotidaerank: family
Pycnonotidaerank: family
Alcedinidaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Nectariniidaerank: family
Platysteiridaerank: family
Cuculidaerank: family
Musophagidaerank: family
Picidaerank: family
Muscicapidaerank: family
Columbidaerank: family
Accipitridaerank: family
Monarchidaerank: family
Meropidaerank: family
Phoeniculidaerank: family
Nicatoridaerank: family
Oriolidaerank: family
Phasianidaerank: family
Psittacidaerank: family
Scotocercidaerank: family
Stenostiridaerank: family
Rhamphastidaerank: family
Lybiinaerank: subfamily
Ploceidaerank: family
Numididaerank: family
Coraciidaerank: family
Ciconiidaerank: family
Ardeidaerank: family
Jacanidaerank: family
Rallidaerank: family
Anatidaerank: family
Campephagidaerank: family
Indicatoridaerank: family
Upupidaerank: family
Motacillidaerank: family
Lybiidaerank: family
Dicruridaerank: family
Laniidaerank: family
Calyptomenidaerank: family
Apodidaerank: family
Strigidaerank: family
Caprimulgidaerank: family
Accipitriformesrank: order
Apodiformesrank: order
Bucerotiformesrank: order
Caprimulgiformesrank: order
Columbiformesrank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Cuculiformesrank: order
Galliformesrank: order
Musophagiformesrank: order
Passeriformesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Psittaciformesrank: order
Strigiformesrank: order
Trogoniformesrank: order
Geographic Coverages
The timed species count was carried out in 20 forest fragments falling under two counties Kilifi and Kwale in the southern Kenyan coast. These forest fragments included: Timbwa, Waa, Kinondo, Diani, Teleza, Mtswakara, Gandini, Muhaka, Mrima,Buda, Gongoni, Marenje, Maluganji ,Shimba Hills,Arabuko Sokoke,Lunguma, Phungi wetland,Ukunda, Chale and Gonja.
Bibliographic Citations
- Bennun, L.A. & Waiyaki, E.M. 1993. Using timed species-counts to compare avifaunas in the Mau Forests, south-west Kenya. Proc. Pan-Afr. Om. Congr. 8: 366. -
- Glover, J., Robinson, P. & Henderson, J.P. 1954. Provisional maps of the reliability of annual rainfall in East Africa. Quarterly Review of the Meterological Society 80: 607. -
- Hawthorne, W.D. 1993. East African coastal forest botany. In: Lovett J.C., & Wasser, S.K. (eds.). Biogeography & ecology of the rainforests of Eastern Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 57-102. ICBP 1992. Putting biodiversity on the map: Priority Areas for Global Conservation. Cambridge: ICBP. -
- Miyata, T. & Saka, Y. 1979. Deformed cross-lamination in the Karoo system, near Mombasa, Kenya. 4" Preliminary report, African Studies, Nagoya University, 63-7 1. -
- Pomeroy, D. 1992. Counting Birds. AWF Technical Handbook no. 6. Nairobi: African Wildlife Foundation -
Leon Bennunoriginator
position: Chief Scientist
The Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd, Cambridge
email: leon@thebiodiversityconsultancy.com
Edward Waiyaki
position: Research Scientist
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
Silos Road, English Point, Mkomani
P. O. Box 81651 - 080100
email: ewaiyaki@kmfri.go.ke
Judith Ochieng
position: Project Coordinator, Department of Science and Conservation
A Rocha Kenya
P.O.Box 80202
Telephone: +254704843754
email: judith.ochieng@arocha.org
Maryanne Njambi
position: Data Clerk, Ornithology Section, Zoology Dept.,
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254718374256
email: njambiwaceke@gmail.com
Esther Mwangi
position: Research Scientist, Zoology Dept.,
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
email: ewmwangi@museums.or.ke
Peter Njoroge
position: Head, Ornithology Section, Zoology Dept.,
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254724521770
email: pnjoroge@museums.or.ke
Peter Njoroge
metadata author
position: Head, Ornithology Section, Zoology Dept.,
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254724521770
email: pnjoroge@museums.or.ke
Judith Ochieng
metadata author
position: Project Coordinator, Department of Science and Conservation
A Rocha Kenya
P. O. Box 80202
Telephone: +254704843754
email: judith.ochieng@arocha.org
Maryanne Njambi
metadata author
position: Data Clerk, Ornithology Section, Zoology Dept.,
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
P. O. Box 40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254718374256
email: njambiwaceke@gmail.com
Esther Mwangi
email: ewmwangi@museums.or.ke
Lawrence Monda
position: ICT Manager
National Museums of Kenya
email: lmonda@museums.or.ke
Leon Bennun
administrative point of contact
position: Chief Scientist
The Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd
email: leon@thebiodiversityconsultancy.com
Edward Waiyaki
administrative point of contact
position: Research Scientist
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
Silos Road, English Point, Mkomani
P. O. Box 81651 - 080100
email: ewaiyaki@kmfri.go.ke