Moreau C, Linse K, Griffiths HJ, Barnes DKA, Kaiser S, Glover A, Sands C, Strugnell J, Enderlein P, Geissler P (2013). Amundsen Sea Mollusca from the BIOPEARL II expedition. 692 records, published online, accessed via on 2025-02-19.Description
Information regarding the molluscs in this dataset is based on the epibenthic sledge (EBS) samples collected during the cruise BIOPEARL II / JR179 RRS James Clark Ross in the austral summer 2008. A total of 34 epibenthic sledge deployments have been performed at five locations in the Amundsen Sea at Pine Island Bay (PIB) and the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) at depths ranging from 476 to 3501m. This presents a unique and important collection for the Antarctic benthic biodiversity assessment as the Amundsen Sea remains one of the least known regions in Antarctica. Indeed the work presented in this dataset is based on the first benthic samples collected with an EBS in the Amundsen Sea. However we assume that the data represented are an underestimation of the real fauna present in the Amundsen Sea. In total 9261 specimens belonging to 6 classes 55 families and 97 morphospecies were collected. The species richness per station varied between 6 and 43. Gastropoda were most species rich (50 species) followed by Bivalvia (37), Aplacophora (5), Scaphopoda (3) and one from each of Polyplacophora and Monoplacophora.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Five locations in the Pine Island Bay (PIB) and Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) at different depths ranging from 476 to 3501m have been sampled using an epibenthic sledge (EBS). Most deployments were made along depth transects from shallow to overdeepened continental shelf and to deeper slope (Figure 1 and 2). At three of the five locations samples were taken at ~500m, ~1000m and ~ 1500m depths, due to the particular geomorphology (presence of deep troughs close to the continent) of the ASE continental plateau. At each site, replicates (individual stations) were taken to assess habitat homogeneity and their number depended on water depth; three to six replicates were taken at 500m and two at 1000m, 1500m and 3500m depth. The BIOPEARL II cruise report is available from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (
This dataset presents 34 EBS deployments: 21 of which were performed at a depth of 500m at four different sites (BIO3-1, BIO4-3, BIO5-3 and BIO 6-3) , six at a 1000m depth in three areas (BIO4-2, BIO5-2 and BIO6-2), five at a depth of 1500m at three different sites (BIO4-1, BIO5-1 and BIO6-1), and two replicates at site BIO8- 3500 in 3500m depth. For three of the five locations, sites were positioned along vertical transects sampling at 500m, 1000m and 1500m with repeat deployments of the EBS. The sites BIO4-1, BIO4-2 and BIO4-3 and BIO6-1, BIO6-2 and BIO6-3 were situated in the same local area; while the sites BIO5-1, BIO5-2 and BIO5-3 were dispersed over a wider area because of ice cover. The EBS consist of on an epi-(below) and a supra-(above) net. Each of these nets has a mesh size of 500μm and an opening of 100x33cm. The cod end of both nets is equipped with net-buckets containing a 300μm mesh window (Brenke, 2005). The EBS was trawled for 10 minutes on the sea bed at a 1 knot speed for deployments in 500m to 1500m and for 20 min in 3500m. Following Brenke (2005) that epi-and supra-nets are collecting the same fauna, these were pooled and treated as a single sample.Following Brenke ( 2005) that epi-and supra-nets are collecting the same fauna, these were pooled and treated as a single sample.Quality Control
A species name was given to each specimen when it was possible. Individuals not corresponding to described species have been included in the analyses with the family or genus name and a letter or numerical code (e.g. Turbinidae sp.), however they represent a single morphospecies. For these specimens, further morphological and genetic analyses are necessary to give them a species name but they can be included in this dataset as different species. Finally, specimens too badly damaged for species identification have not been taken in account here. This dataset presents species occurrences and species richness of the individual EBS deployments.Method steps
- - Epibenthic sledge sampling in the Amundsen Sea - Once on the deck, the content of the samplers from the first deployment was immediately fixed in 96% undenaturated and pre-cooled (at -20°C) ethanol (Linse, 2008) and kept for a minimum of 48 hours in a -20°C freezer and the samplers from the second deployment were fixed in 4 % buffered formalin. If six EBS deployments were carried out at a station, four were fixed in ethanol and two in formaldehyde. Afterwards, these samples were washed in cold sea water and transferred to 80 % ethanol. The treatment in formalin allows cytological studies. - The taxonomic identification was performed in the British Antarctic Survey laboratory using a stereomicroscope.
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
The present dataset focus on six molluscs classes (Mollusca: Aplacophora, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia & Scaphopoda). It includes respectively for each class:
Aplacophora sp1rank: species
Aplacophora sp2rank: species
Aplacophora sp3rank: species
Aplacophora sp4rank: species
Aplacophora sp5rank: species
Leptochitonidaerank: family
Leptochitonrank: genus
Leptochiton sprank: species
Micropilinidaerank: family
Micropilinarank: genus
Micropilina sprank: species
Scissurellidaerank: family
Ataphridaerank: family
Mangeliidaerank: family
Capulidaerank: family
Calliotropidaerank: family
Seguenzioidearank: family
Turbinidaerank: family
Turridaerank: family
Eulimidaerank: family
Limacinidaerank: family
Eatoniellidaerank: family
Cancellarioidearank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Rissoidaerank: family
Diaphinidaerank: family
Fissurellidaerank: family
Raphitomidaerank: family
Cylichnidaerank: family
Lepetidaerank: family
Orbitestellidaerank: family
Buccinidaerank: family
Mathildidaerank: family
Newtoniellidaerank: family
Marginellidaerank: family
Anatomarank: genus
Trochaclisrank: genus
Lorabelarank: genus
Belalorarank: genus
Torelliarank: genus
Capulusrank: genus
Calliotropisrank: genus
Brookularank: genus
Lissotestarank: genus
Liotellarank: genus
Cirsonellarank: genus
Balcisrank: genus
Onobarank: genus
Hemiaclisrank: genus
Limacinarank: genus
Eatoniellarank: genus
Cancellaridaerank: genus
Falsilunatiarank: genus
Sinuberrank: genus
Powellisetiarank: genus
Rissoidrank: genus
Toledoniarank: genus
Fissurellidaerank: genus
Corniseptarank: genus
Zeidorarank: genus
Pleurotomellarank: genus
Cylichnarank: genus
Iothiarank: genus
Microdiscularank: genus
Pareuthriarank: genus
Turritellopsisrank: genus
Cerithiellarank: genus
Marginellarank: genus
Anatoma euglyptarank: species
Trochaclis antarcticarank: species
Lorabela pelseneerirank: species
Belalora cf striatularank: species
Torellia insignisrank: species
Capulus sprank: species
Calliotropis pelseneerirank: species
Brookula cf charleenaerank: species
Brookula sprank: species
Lissotesta sprank: species
Liotella sprank: species
Liotella cf endeavourensisrank: species
Cirsonella extremarank: species
Turbinid sprank: species
Turrid sp 1rank: species
Turrid sp 2rank: species
Balcis sprank: species
Onoba cf gelidarank: species
Hemiaclis incoloratarank: species
Limacina helicinarank: species
Eatoniella cf kerguelenensis regularisrank: species
Cancellaridae sprank: species
Falsilunatia sprank: species
Sinuber multistriatumrank: species
Powellisetia cf desertarank: species
Rissoidae sprank: species
Toledonia sp 1rank: species
Toledonia sp 2rank: species
Toledonia cf elatarank: species
Fissurellidae sp 1rank: species
Fisserulidae sp 2rank: species
Cornisepta antarcticarank: species
Zeidora antarcticarank: species
Pleurotomella cf simillimarank: species
Cylichna sprank: species
Iothia sprank: species
Microdiscula sprank: species
Pareuthria cf innocensrank: species
Turritellopsis gratissimarank: species
Cerithiella cf lineatarank: species
Cerithiella cf erectarank: species
Fissurelidae sp 2rank: species
Marginella ealesaerank: species
Nuculanidaerank: family
Nuculidaerank: family
Yoldiidaerank: family
Limopsidaerank: family
Philobryidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Limidaerank: family
Pectinidaerank: family
Propeamussiidaerank: family
Thyasiridaerank: family
Motacutidaerank: family
Lasaeidaerank: family
Cyamiidaerank: family
Carditidaerank: family
Thraciidaerank: family
Cuspidariidaerank: family
Lyonsiidaerank: family
Poromyidaerank: family
Neoleptonidaerank: family
Siliculidaerank: family
Arcidaerank: family
Vesicomyidaerank: family
Tindariidaerank: family
Bathyspinulidaerank: family
Propeledarank: genus
Ennucularank: genus
Yoldiellarank: genus
Limopsisrank: genus
Philobryarank: genus
Adacnarcarank: genus
Dacrydiumrank: genus
Limatularank: genus
Adamussiumrank: genus
Hyalopectenrank: genus
Cyclochlamysrank: genus
Thyasirarank: genus
Mysellarank: genus
Waldorank: genus
Cyamiocardiumrank: genus
Cyclocardiarank: genus
Thraciarank: genus
Cuspidariarank: genus
Myonerarank: genus
Lyonsiarank: genus
Poromyarank: genus
Neoleptonrank: genus
Silicularank: genus
Bathyarcarank: genus
Vesicomyarank: genus
Tindariarank: genus
Bathyspinularank: genus
Propeleda longicaudatarank: species
Ennucula sprank: species
Yoldiella ecaudatarank: species
Yoldiella sabrinarank: species
Yoldiella valetteirank: species
Yoldiella cf profundorumrank: species
Yoldiella oblongarank: species
Yoldiella sprank: species
Limopsis longipilosarank: species
Limopsis knudsenirank: species
Philobrya sublaevisrank: species
Philobrya quadratarank: species
Adacnarca nitensrank: species
Dacrydium albidumrank: species
Limatula Limatula sprank: species
Limatula Antarctolima sprank: species
Adamussium colbeckirank: species
Hyalopecten pudicusrank: species
Cyclopecten pteriolarank: species
Cyclochlamys gaussianarank: species
Thyasira sprank: species
Mysella antarcticarank: species
Waldo sprank: species
Cyamiocardium denticulatumrank: species
Cyclocardia astartoidesrank: species
Thracia meridionalisrank: species
Cuspidaria infelixrank: species
Cuspidaria minimarank: species
Myonera fragilissimarank: species
Lyonsia arcaeformisrank: species
Poromya antarcticarank: species
Neolepton sprank: species
Silicula rouchirank: species
Bathyarca sinuatarank: species
Vesicomya sirenkoirank: species
Tindaria sprank: species
Bathyspinula sprank: species
Cyclopectenrank: genus
Dentaliidaerank: family
Pulsellidaerank: family
Gadilidaerank: family
Dentaliumrank: genus
Striopulsellumrank: genus
Cadulusrank: genus
Dentalium majorinumrank: species
Striopulsellum sprank: species
Cadulus sprank: species
Geographic Coverages
Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Bibliographic Citations
- Brenke N (2005) An epibenthic sledge for operations on marine soft bottom and bedrock. J Mar Technol Soc 39(2):10–19 -
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- Graham AGC, Larter RD, Gohl K, Dowdeswell JA, Hillenbrand C-D, Smith JA, Evans J, Kuhn G (2010) Flow and retreat of the Late Quaternary Pine Island-Thwaites palaeo-ice stream, West Antarctica, J Geophys Res 115. -
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- Larter RD, Graham AGC, Gohl K, Kuhn G, Hillenbrand C-D, Smith JA, Deen TJ, Livermore RA, Schenke H-W (2009) Subglacial bedforms reveal complex basal regime in a zone of paleo-ice stream convergence, Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. Geology 37:411-414 -
- Lowe AL, Anderson JB (2002) Reconstruction of the West Antarctic ice sheet in Pine Island Bay during the Last Glacial maximum and its subsequent retreat history. Quat Sci Revs 21:1879-1897 -
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- Linse K, Walker LJ , Barnes DKA (2008) Biodiversity of echinoids and their epibionts around the Scotia Arc, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 20, pp 227–244. doi: 10.1017/S0954102008001181 -
Camille Moreauoriginator
position: Marine Benthos Technician
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Camille Moreau
metadata author
position: Marine Benthos Technician
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Camille Moreau
position: Marine Benthos Technician
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Katrin Linse
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Huw Griffiths
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
David Barnes
administrative point of contact
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Stefanie Kaiser
administrative point of contact
Biocentre Grindel and Zoological Museum
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg
Adrian Glover
administrative point of contact
Natural History Museum
Chester Sands
administrative point of contact
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Jan Strugnell
administrative point of contact
La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science
Peter Enderlein
administrative point of contact
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road
Paul Geissler
administrative point of contact
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
Camille Moreau
administrative point of contact
position: Marine Benthos Technician
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross Madingley Road