Flora of the ancient settlements within Lower Dnipro – natural heritage with cultural background
Dayneko P, Moysiyenko I, Sudnik-Wójcikowska B, Dembicz I, Zachwatowicz M (2023). Flora of the ancient settlements within Lower Dnipro – natural heritage with cultural background. Version 1.10. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/ny3avk accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
This dataset is the long-term outcome of PhD study conducted by Polina Dayneko throughout Kherson State University (KSU), as well the international Ukrainian-Polish field expedition (2017) led by professor Ivan Moysiyenko (KSU). In total, 18 ancient settlements within Lower Dnipro (Kherson and Mykolaiv region) were studied. The study of each site was conducted at least 3 times according to the season: spring, summer and autumn during 2015-2020 period. The sites of ancient settlements (also known as earthworks) are characterized by a rather high level of floristic richness of vascular plants despite their relatively small size. The total list of vascular plants of 18 ancient settlements of the Lower Dnipro includes 525 species of vascular plants belonging to 281 genera, 74 families, 3 classes and 2 divisions. The total number occurrences is 3,210. The floristic richness in some settlements varies from 124 to 290 species (the average number is 178 species). Moreover, within studied ancient settlements, we recorded a significant number of native (396 species, 75.6%), steppe (240 species, 45.8%) and non-synanthropic plants (224 species, 42.7%), which indicated a good state of preservation of the steppe on these objects. Studies have also shown the high sozological value of the studied settlements. Thus, a rare element of the settlements of the Lower Dnipro is represented by 33 species (6.3% of the total number of species) is included in the Bern Convention (1 species), Red Book of Ukraine (10 species), Red Lists of Kherson (21 species) and Mykolaiv (5 species) regions. This structure of the flora indicates that the ancient settlements perform well the function of preserving the natural steppe diversity and can potentially be considered as nature conservation sites.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The research was conducted in the Lower Dnipro region (Southern Ukraine), 40–100 m a.s.l. (Zamoryi1961), in the provinces Kherson and Mykolayiv (46.48–47.37° N, 32.00–33.97° E). The Lower Dnipro region is located in the West Pontic grass steppe zone of the Eastern European Plain (BOHN et al. 2000). All 18 studied settlements located on the steep bank of the Dnipro River on both sides (Kherson and Mykolayiv Regions), mainly between two closely spaced ravines or «balkas». An exception is the settlement Oleksandrivka-Roksanovka, which is located on the right tributary of the Dnipro - the Ingulets River. The area of the settlements varies from 1.1 (Zolotobalkivske) to 18.7 ha (Velyke Tiagynske). We included all ancient settlements in the Lower Dnipro region that have survived to the present. Ancient settlements are diverse in accordance of their location relative to the present settlements. Given the proximity of the earthworks to the settlement can be divided into 3 groups: located directly in the middle of the existing settlements today, in their immediate vicinity, or significantly remote from them.Sampling
The study of each site (in total 18 ancient settlement) was conducted at least 3 times according to the season: spring, summer and autumn. The abundance of each species on each ancient settlement was assessed using a 3-point scale: 1 – sporadic, 2 – infrequent, 3 – common species. In addition to total species list for each site, we also provide multi-scale “biodiversity plots'' of the EDGG (Dengler et al., 2016). Additional data, within different areas - 10m2, 1m2 and 0.1m2 of each plot, included cover of species (%), aspect, inclination, cover of litter, dead wood, stones and rocks, gravel and fine soil, maximum height of vegetation of each layer, the mean maximum microrelief, type of management etc.Quality Control
The quality of data is manually controlled and verified by professor Ivan Moysiyenko, professor Barbara Sudnik-Wójcikowska, dr. Polina Dayneko. For data cleaning used OpenRefine OpenRefine. The collected materials were verified in Herbarium of Kherson State University (KHER), including documentation in the form of herbarium specimens (more than 200 herbarium sheets).Method steps
- Conducting of field research.
- Species identification.
- Georeferencing.
- Organizing of the dataset according to the Darwin Core standards.
Taxonomic Coverages
Vascular plants (Magnoliophyta and Pinophyta). Dataset is included 525 vascular plants species belonging to 283 genera, 74 families, 3 classes and 2 divisions
Plantaerank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
Lower Dnipro region (i.e. the territory of the lower reaches basin of the Dnipro River (including Ingulets River) from Zaporizhzhia to its estuary), Kherson and Mykolaiv region, Ukraine
Bibliographic Citations
- Dayneko, P. M., Moysiyenko, I. I., Dembicz, I., Zachwatowicz, M., & Sudnik-Wójcikowska, B. (2020). Ancient settlements in Southern Ukraine: how do local and landscape factors shape vascular plant diversity patterns in the last remnants of grass steppe vegetation? Tuexenia, 40, 459–478. - 10.14471/2020.40.015
- Dayneko P.M. (2020). Biomorphological structure of the ancient settlements flora in the Lower Dnipro. Biological systems., 12(2), 290–297. [in Ukrainian]. - 10.31861/biosystems2020.02.290
- Dayneko P.M. (2020). Systematic structure of the ancient settlements flora in the Lower Dnipro. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 16 (3): 230–239. [in Ukrainian]. - 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2020-16-3-4
- Moysiyenko І.І., Dayneko P.M., Sudnik-Wójcikowska B., Dembicz I., Zachwatowicz M., Zakharova M.YA. (2020). Conspectus of old settlements flora of the Lower Dnipro. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 16 (1): 6–39. - 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2020-16-1-1
- Dayneko P.M., Moysiyenko І.І. (2020). Sozophytes in the ancient settlements flora within Lower Dnipro region. Records of protected animal, plant and fungi species in Ukraine. (Series: «Conservation Biology in Ukraine», Is. 19.). Vinnytsia : TVORY, 2020: 193-196 [in Ukrainian] -
- Dayneko P.M. (2019): Species richness of vascular plants on the ancient settlements of the Lower Dnieper. Biology: from a molecule up to the biosphere. Materials of the XIV International Young Scientists Conference, Kharkiv, 27–29 November, 2019: 147–149. -
- Moysiyenko І.І., Dayneko P.M. (2021). Perspectives for conservation of steppe phytodiversity on the ancient settlements within Lower Dnipro. Practical aspects of preserving the biodiversity of the southern steppe region: a collection of scientific works of the scientific and practical seminar, Biosphere Reserve "Askania-Nova", Askania-Nova, 26-27 May, 2021: 63-68. [in Ukrainian] -
Polina Daynekooriginator
position: PhD, Teacher at the department of Botany
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: daynekopm@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8680-9809
Ivan Moysiyenko
position: professor, doctor of biological sciences
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: ivan.moysiyenko@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0689-6392
Barbara Sudnik-Wójcikowska
position: professor, doctor of biological sciences
University of Warsaw
Żwirki i Wigury 101
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6022-9235
Iwona Dembicz
position: PhD, Professor (Assistant)
University of Warsaw
Żwirki i Wigury 101
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6162-1519
Maria Zachwatowicz
position: PhD, Professor (Assistant)
University of Warsaw
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7651-2211
Polina Dayneko
metadata author
position: PhD, Teacher at the department of Botany
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: daynekopm@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8680-9809
Ivan Moysiyenko
metadata author
position: professor, doctor of biological sciences
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: ivan.moysiyenko@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0689-6392
Barbara Sudnik-Wójcikowska
metadata author
position: professor, doctor of biological sciences
University of Warsaw
Żwirki i Wigury 101
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6022-9235
Iwona Dembicz
metadata author
position: PhD, Professor (Assistant)
University of Warsaw
Żwirki i Wigury 101
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6162-1519
Maria Zachwatowicz
metadata author
position: PhD, Professor (Assistant)
University of Warsaw
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7651-2211
Nadiia Skobel
position: PhD Student
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
email: skobel2015@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4354-2881
Maryna Zakharova
position: Researcher
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0874-5707
Polina Dayneko
administrative point of contact
position: PhD, Teacher at the department of Botany
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: daynekopm@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8680-9809
Ivan Moysiyenko
administrative point of contact
position: professor, doctor of biological sciences
Kherson State University
27, Universytetska str.
email: ivan.moysiyenko@gmail.com
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0689-6392