Coleópteros malacodermos (Phengodidae, Cantharidae, Lycidae, Lampyridae) del estado de Veracruz, México
Zaragoza Caballero S, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Coleópteros malacodermos (Phengodidae, Cantharidae, Lycidae, Lampyridae) del estado de Veracruz, México. Version 1.16. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-13.Description
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal el realizar estudios taxonómicos, filogenéticos, fenológicos y bibliográficos de las especies que pertenezcan a las familias del orden Coleóptera: Phengodidae, Cantharidae, Lycidae y Lampyridae del estado de Veracruz que permitan actualizar el conocimiento de esas familias. Así mismo, se seleccionarán las características taxonómicas en adultos que faciliten su segregación e interpretación de sus relaciones. Se incrementará la colección de malocodermos de la colección entomológica del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 1 Familia: 4 Género: 44 Subgénero: 5 Especie: 249
Taxonomic Coverages
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Arthropoda
Clase: Insecta
Orden: Coleoptera
Familia: Lampyridae, Cantharidae, Lycidae, Phengodidae
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Insectarank: class
Coleopterarank: order
Lampyridaerank: family
Cantharidaerank: family
Lycidaerank: family
Phengodidaerank: family
Photinusrank: genus
Bicellonycharank: genus
Photurisrank: genus
Silisrank: genus
Lucidotarank: genus
Calopteronrank: genus
Belotusrank: genus
Stenophrixothrixrank: genus
Lycusrank: genus
Chauliognathusrank: genus
Polemiusrank: genus
Pyropygarank: genus
Phengodesrank: genus
Discodonrank: genus
Aspisomarank: genus
Aspisomoidesrank: genus
Eurymastinocerusrank: genus
Ichthyurusrank: genus
Platerosrank: genus
Malthinusrank: genus
Tenaspisrank: genus
Idioplateronrank: genus
Cratomorphusrank: genus
Calocladonrank: genus
Caeniarank: genus
Pseudocerocomarank: genus
Mesopteronrank: genus
Podabrusrank: genus
Phaenolisrank: genus
Callerosrank: genus
Paraptorthodiusrank: genus
Euryoparank: genus
Cenophengusrank: genus
Mastinowittmerusrank: genus
Lygistopterusrank: genus
Photinomorpharank: genus
Magnoculusrank: genus
Emplectusrank: genus
Macrolycinellarank: genus
Taximastinocerusrank: genus
Maroniusrank: genus
Cyrtopteronrank: genus
Microlycusrank: genus
Calolycusrank: genus
Paraphotinusrank: subgenus
Silisrank: subgenus
Phengodellarank: subgenus
Lycostomusrank: subgenus
Neolycusrank: subgenus
Photinus (Paraphotinus) tuxtlaensiscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), Cocay (Maya), Tachinol (Zoque), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Bicellonycha amoenacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Photinus advenuscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Photuris trilineatacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Lucidota bellacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Silis (Silis) lineatarank: species
Calopteron reticulatumrank: species
Belotus bipunctatusrank: species
Stenophrixothrix fuscuscommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Lycus loripescommon name: Padrecitos rank: species
Belotus bicolorrank: species
Chauliognathus corvinusrank: species
Chauliognathus pallidusrank: species
Chauliognathus nigricepsrank: species
Polemius bivittatusrank: species
Pyropyga minutacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Phengodes (Phengodella) brailovskyicommon name: bigotudos, trenecitos rank: species
Discodon sinuatumrank: species
Belotus acuminatusrank: species
Aspisoma aegrotacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Calopteron bifasciatumrank: species
Phengodes (Phengodella) tuxtlaensiscommon name: bigotudos, trenecitos rank: species
Discodon plicatumrank: species
Bicellonycha limbatacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon luridumrank: species
Aspisomoides costatumcommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Polemius difficilisrank: species
Phengodes (Phengodella) leonilaecommon name: bigotudos, trenecitos rank: species
Discodon chiriquenserank: species
Pyropyga cordobanacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Silis (Silis) oblitarank: species
Silis (Silis) dilaceratarank: species
Chauliognathus marginatusrank: species
Chauliognathus nigrocinctusrank: species
Eurymastinocerus nigercommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Aspisomoides bilineatumcommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Calopteron scapularerank: species
Pyropyga alticolacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon perplexumrank: species
Discodon amplipennerank: species
Discodon subtenuerank: species
Ichthyurus mirabilisrank: species
Plateros striatusrank: species
Malthinus luteolineatusrank: species
Calopteron terminalecommon name: Padrecitos, makjä zidada (Otomí) rank: species
Tenaspis gonzalenziscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Idioplateron rufulumrank: species
Calopteron discrepansrank: species
Chauliognathus scutellarisrank: species
Discodon variansrank: species
Discodon planicollerank: species
Cratomorphus signativentriscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Calocladon histrionicumrank: species
Belotus subelongatusrank: species
Aspisoma diaphanacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Photinus vulgatuscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon melancholicumrank: species
Chauliognathus tripartitusrank: species
Lucidota discolorcommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Caenia sinuatarank: species
Discodon nigripesrank: species
Discodon vitticollerank: species
Chauliognathus collarisrank: species
Photinus pulchelluscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Calopteron hogeirank: species
Photuris tenuisignathuscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), Tachinol (Zoque), luciérnagas rank: species
Photinus congruuscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), Tachinol (Zoque), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon nigrifronsrank: species
Bicellonycha collariscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Pseudocerocoma mirabilisrank: species
Mesopteron pennatumrank: species
Podabrus mexicanusrank: species
Chauliognathus tabulatusrank: species
Calopteron corrugatumrank: species
Polemius lugubrisrank: species
Chauliognathus forrerirank: species
Cratomorphus picipenniscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Polemius serricornisrank: species
Chauliognathus sodalisrank: species
Plateros parallelusrank: species
Bicellonycha gorhamicommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon serrigerumrank: species
Aspisoma quasidiaphanacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Aspisoma pulchellumcommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Pyropyga extensacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Phaenolis ustulatacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Calleros atricornisrank: species
Silis (Silis) acantholobusrank: species
Paraptorthodius schaeffericommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Discodon normalerank: species
Mesopteron obliquumrank: species
Euryopa singulariscommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Polemius maculifronsrank: species
Bicellonycha discicolliscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Photinus plumbeuscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon simplexrank: species
Discodon albolaterisrank: species
Calopteron matutinumrank: species
Malthinus aztecusrank: species
Silis (Silis) ludicrarank: species
Discodon oppositipunctumrank: species
Plateros evanidusrank: species
Calopteron affinerank: species
Chauliognathus janusrank: species
Discodon emarginatumrank: species
Chauliognathus dimidiatusrank: species
Mesopteron mimicumrank: species
Polemius integerrank: species
Discodon cardinalerank: species
Discodon atronitensrank: species
Cenophengus villaecommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Silis (Silis) albicinctarank: species
Mastinowittmerus vazquezaecommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) singularicollisrank: species
Caenia scapularisrank: species
Lygistopterus lineicollisrank: species
Photinus guatemalaecommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), Deni (Otomí), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Chauliognathus rexrank: species
Idioplateron tristerank: species
Ichthyurus dicheliferrank: species
Polemius proximusrank: species
Polemius fuscovittatusrank: species
Discodon inconstansrank: species
Plateros forreranusrank: species
Silis (Silis) laticollisrank: species
Belotus mexicanusrank: species
Idioplateron nigrofumosusrank: species
Chauliognathus bilineatusrank: species
Belotus abdominalisrank: species
Polemius medianusrank: species
Plateros letourneurirank: species
Discodon maurumrank: species
Polemius bimaculatusrank: species
Bicellonycha stigmaticacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Lycus sanguineusrank: species
Polemius lineatocollisrank: species
Discodon duplovittatumrank: species
Discodon melanopterumrank: species
Lycus semiustusrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) tabiduscommon name: Padrecitos rank: species
Lycus (Neolycus) sallaeirank: species
Chauliognathus profundusrank: species
Polemius ornaticollisrank: species
Discodon nigropiceumrank: species
Chauliognathus histriorank: species
Plateros bourgeoisirank: species
Chauliognathus distinguendusrank: species
Lycus godmanirank: species
Photinomorpha simulansrank: species
Chauliognathus exsanguisrank: species
Bicellonycha facialiscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Photinus perezicommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Chauliognathus aterrimusrank: species
Polemius nigromarginatusrank: species
Lycus lineicollisrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) rusticusrank: species
Emplectus lineatusrank: species
Calocladon ephippiumrank: species
Lygistopterus laetusrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) testaceipesrank: species
Plateros roseicollisrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) sommerirank: species
Discodon erosumrank: species
Ichthyurus salleirank: species
Phaenolis alboterminatuscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Photuris molliscommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Calopteron typicumrank: species
Lycus (Neolycus) scutellatusrank: species
Discodon alticolarank: species
Calopteron tricostatumrank: species
Discodon erythroderesrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) sordidusrank: species
Lygistopterus sulcicollisrank: species
Discodon geniculatumrank: species
Polemius breviusculusrank: species
Discodon filicornerank: species
Malthinus jalapanusrank: species
Chauliognathus vestitusrank: species
Discodon funereumrank: species
Plateros lateritiusrank: species
Pyropyga nigricanscommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Macrolycinella bicolorrank: species
Discodon testaceipennerank: species
Plateros seminigerrank: species
Discodon analerank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) carnifexcommon name: Padrecitos rank: species
Chauliognathus mundusrank: species
Calopteron jimenezirank: species
Plateros hogeanusrank: species
Photinomorpha dilaticornisrank: species
Bicellonycha crassacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Malthinus ingensrank: species
Malthinus semirufusrank: species
Silis (Silis) longidensrank: species
Lygistopterus haematopterusrank: species
Silis (Silis) trilobatarank: species
Polemius nigrolimbatusrank: species
Polemius albibuccarank: species
Chauliognathus flavomarginatusrank: species
Discodon melanaspisrank: species
Taximastinocerus brunneuscommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Discodon rufipesrank: species
Maronius dichrousrank: species
Bicellonycha mexicanacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Discodon mexicanumrank: species
Phengodes (Phengodella) aztecanuscommon name: bigotudos, trenecitos rank: species
Ichthyurus trimaculatusrank: species
Cyrtopteron mexicanumrank: species
Calleros atronotatusrank: species
Ichthyurus fusciventrisrank: species
Calleros hogeirank: species
Lycus (Neolycus) fernandezicommon name: Padrecitos rank: species
Silis (Silis) lissoderesrank: species
Malthinus subulatusrank: species
Polemius megalophthalmusrank: species
Chauliognathus constrictusrank: species
Polemius xanthoderesrank: species
Malthinus schneiderirank: species
Polemius sallaeirank: species
Silis (Silis) erythrodiscusrank: species
Cenophengus wittmericommon name: trenecitos rank: species
Silis (Silis) omiltemiarank: species
Chauliognathus nitidicollisrank: species
Plateros mexicanusrank: species
Lycus (Neolycus) carmelituscommon name: Padrecitos rank: species
Mesopteron schneiderirank: species
Silis (Silis) scabripennisrank: species
Polemius spissicornisrank: species
Polemius longicornisrank: species
Lycus (Lycostomus) binotatusrank: species
Photinus reicheicommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), kapchi (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Microlycus minutusrank: species
Calopteron funestiusrank: species
Calolycus calanticatusrank: species
Pyropyga modestacommon name: luciérnagas rank: species
Calopteron atrumrank: species
Discodon hilarumrank: species
Podabrus caliginosusrank: species
Discodon divisumrank: species
Calopteron rubricollerank: species
Cyrtopteron ruficollerank: species
Discodon coarctatumrank: species
Polemius cavicollisrank: species
Chauliognathus limbicollisrank: species
Ichthyurus fuscusrank: species
Polemius foucherirank: species
Lycus (Neolycus) schönherrirank: species
Photuris fulvipescommon name: Chilasia (Popoloca), luciérnagas rank: species
Plateros nigricansrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. Part 1. Bull. United States Nat. Mus. 3. [185]. 356. -
- Blanchard, Ch. E. 1846. Insectes de l' Amérique Méridionale recueillis par Alcide d' Orbigny. 2. [2]. -
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- Champion, G. Ch. 1914. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Chauliognathinae (Fam. Telephoridae), based on the genital armature of the males. Trans: Ent. Soc. London. 151. -
- Champion, G. Ch. 1914. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Chauliognathinae (Fam. Telephoridae), based on the genital armature of the males. Trans: Ent. Soc. London. 153. -
- Champion, G. Ch. 1914. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Chauliognathinae (Fam. Telephoridae), based on the genital armature of the males. Trans: Ent. Soc. London. 154. -
- Champion, G. Ch. 1914. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Chauliognathinae (Fam. Telephoridae), based on the genital armature of the males. Trans: Ent. Soc. London. 164. -
- Champion, G. Ch. 1914. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Chauliognathinae (Fam. Telephoridae), based on the genital armature of the males. Trans: Ent. Soc. London. 165. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 100. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 103. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 104. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 105. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 108. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 109. -
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- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 132. -
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- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 26. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 27. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 29. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 30. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 31. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 32. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 33. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 34. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 36. -
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- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 42. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 43. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 46. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 48. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 50. -
- Champion. 1915. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Telephorinae (Fam. Telephoridae), with descriptions of new species. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 51. -
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