Other beetle records from National Stag Beetle Surveys 2006-2021
People's Trust for Endangered Species (2022). Other beetle records from National Stag Beetle Surveys 2006-2021. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/fsie6a accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-12.Description
Distribution data for species other than the stag beetle Lucanus cervus collected via the People's Trust for Endangered Species' national stag beetle surveys (Great Stag Hunts). People's Trust for Endangered Species are the Lead Partner for the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for the stag beetle in the UK. The national stag beetle surveys (Great Stag Hunts) were undertaken to provide a baseline picture of the distribution of Lucanus cervus as part of the BAP process with follow up surveys to establish any change in distribution in subsequent years.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
The majority of records were submitted by members of the public. Records were validated by the survey organisers based on photographs submitted as additional evidence. The dataset was then checked by running it through the NBN record cleaner.Method steps
- This dataset contains records for non-target species (i.e. non-Stag Beetle records) collected during the national stag beetle surveys (Great Stag Hunts) in 2006 - 2007 and 2015 - 2019. Each record provides the locality and date of observation. The primary source of the data were records submitted by members of the public, either on-line or via paper forms. The collation of records was undertaken by the survey organisers. Records pre-2015 were supplied with the postcode of the property where the record originated. Postcodes were converted to grid references by reference to on-line mapping sources such as Streetmap.co.uk and using postcode converter software. Records post-2015 were captured via a public participation online map. The lat long coordinates generated by the map were then converted to grid references. Records were validated by the survey organisers based on photographs submitted as additional evidence.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
originatorPeople's Trust for Endangered Species
metadata author
People's Trust for Endangered Species
NBN Atlas
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn
email: admin@nbnatlas.org
Emily Marnham
administrative point of contact
position: editor
email: emily.marnham@ptes.org