Demersal and pelagic species of fish and squid from the Patagonian shelf
Eder E B, Marin M R, Lewis M N (2015): Demersal and pelagic species of fish and squid from the Patagonian shelf. v1.7. ArOBIS Centro Nacional Patagónico. Dataset/Samplingevent. accessed via on 2024-12-13.Description
Dataset containing 2007 records of occurrence of 39 species of fish and 2 species of squid distributed on the Patagonian continental shelf and slope. This dataset describes a new and revised version of the original data published through OBIS and contains individual morphometrics. Specimens are representative of pelagic, demersal, demersal-pelagic, demersal-benthic and benthic habits and they were collected by commercial fishing vessels in autumn (May-June, 2001, 51 catches), winter (July-August, 2001, 38 catches) and summer (January-February, 2002, 112 catches). The sampling was carried out with bottom trawls at a depth range of 73-370 m. The survey was located between 39° - 52° S and 55° - 65° W. / Conjunto de datos con 2007 registros morfometricos de 39 especies de peces y 2 especies de calamares de la plataforma y talud continental patagónicos. Este conjunto de datos describe una nueva versión de los datos originales publicados a través de OBIS y contiene datos de morfometría individual.Los especimenes representan organismos de hábitos pelágico, demersal, demersal-pelágico, demersal-bentónico y bentónico y fueron recolectados por barcos comerciales en otoño (Mayo-Junio 2001, 51 lances de captura), invierno (Julio-Agosto 2001, 38 lances de captura) y en verano (enero-febrero 2002, 112 lances de captura). El muestreo fue llevado a cabo con redes de arrastre a un rango de profundidad de 73-370 m. El área relevada se localizó entre 39° - 52° S y los 55° - 65° O.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The sampling area was located on the Patagonian Continental Shelf, in the Atlantic margin of South America, within -52 to -39 ºS and -65 to -55 ºW. The depth range of the sampling was 73-370 m.Sampling
Specimens of fish and squid (commercial target and by catch) were taken daily by commercial fishing vessels operating with bottom trawls during autumn (May-June, 2001, 51 catches), winter (July-August, 2001, 38 catches) and summer (January-February, 2002, 112 catches). The fishing company provided the associated data of each fishing haul: date, hour and location decimal Latitude and Longitude of the position while pulling the net) and depth of the catch (the maximum depth reached by the net). Specimens were frozen on board,and identified at species level at the Ichthyology laboratory of Centro Nacional Patagonico, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. The taxonomical identification of species was made by the specialists Dr. A. Gosztonyi and Dr. M. Re and the scientific names and their current accurate spelling were also reviewed using suitable literature (Brunetti et al., 1998; Cousseau and Perrotta, 2013) and the WoRMS web site( Sex (when possible) and morphometric measures were taken for each specimen: wet mass (g) and wet mass of viscera (g, empty stomach); total and standard length (cm) for fish; mantle, head and fin length and width (cm) for squid; left and right fin length (cm) and maximum fin width (cm) for skates.Quality Control
--Method steps
- Step1: Sampling locality and depth were recorded in each season. Step2: Specimens were sent to the lab for species and sex identification and morphometric measurements.
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
All specimens were identified to species level. The dataset included 39 marine species of fish, representative of half the best known fish species from the Argentine continental shelf (55.7 %, Cosseau and Perrota 2013), and 2 species of squid, that were captured during three seasons, autumn (May-June, 2001), winter (July-August, 2001) and summer (January-February, 2002). Autumn and summer records presented a high diversity of species (80.5 and 78 %, respectively), while only 46% of the species were present in winter
Squalus acanthiascommon name: piked dogfish
Schroederichthys biviuscommon name: Narrowmouthed catshark
Discopyge tschudiicommon name: Apron ray
Dipturus chilensiscommon name: yellownose skate
Psammobatis scobinacommon name: raspthorn sand skate
Psammobatis normanicommon name: shortfin sand skate
Bathyraja brachyuropscommon name: broadnose skate
Bathyraja maclovianacommon name: patagonian skate
Bathyraja scaphiopscommon name: Cuphead Skate
Callorhynchus callorhynchuscommon name: elephant fish
Bassanago albescenscommon name: hairy conger
Salilota australiscommon name: patagonian cod
Austrophycis marginata
Micromesistius australiscommon name: southern blue whiting
Macruronus magellanicuscommon name: longtail hake
Merluccius australiscommon name: southern hake
Merluccius hubbsicommon name: argentine hake
Coelorhynchus fasciatuscommon name: grenadier
Genypterus blacodescommon name: pink cuskeel
Sebastes oculatuscommon name: patagonian redfish
Prionotus nudigulacommon name: atlantic searobin
Congiopodus peruvianuscommon name: horsefish
Cottunculus granulosuscommon name: fathead
Acanthistius brasilianuscommon name: Argentine seabass
Brama bramacommon name: Atlantic pomfret
Iluocoetes fimbriatus
Cottoperca gobiocommon name: Channel bull blenny
Parona signatacommon name: parona leatherjack
Nemadactylus bergicommon name: hawkfish
Dissostichus eleginoidescommon name: patagonian toothfish
Patagonotothen ramsayicommon name: Longtail southern cod
Pseudopercis semifasciatacommon name: brasilian sandperch
Scomber japonicuscommon name: chub mackerel
Seriolella punctatacommon name: silver warehou
Stromateus brasiliensiscommon name: butterfish
Paralichthys patagonicuscommon name: patagonian flounder
Mancopsetta maculatacommon name: flounder
Illex argentinuscommon name: Argentine shortfin squid
Moroteuthis ingenscommon name: greater hooked squid
Geographic Coverages
The argentine continental shelf, in the Atlantic margin of South America, is bounded by the line of the coast and the continental slope and is the most extensive submerged plain in the world, with an area of 930.000 km2 (Cousseau and Perrotta, 2013). It is characterized by gentle slopes and low-relief. The shelf waters are of sub-Antarctic origin diluted by continental flows and modified by exchanges of mass and heat with the atmosphere. The main distribution of the species of this dataset is:
• The internal and external sectors of the shelf off the Province of Buenos Aires (35° S) to Patagonia (48° S).
• The southern part of the Patagonian-Fuegian shelf and Malvinas/Falkland Islands, along the outer shelf to the North, up to approximately 42° S.
• Deeper waters near the continental slope.
Bibliographic Citations
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Elena Beatriz Ederoriginator
position: Researcher
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1206)
María Rosa Marin
position: Professional support to research
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 0280 488 3184 (int. 1202)
Mirtha N. Lewis
position: Researcher
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 0280 488 3184 (int. 1202)
Elena B. Eder
metadata author
position: Researcher
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1206)
María Rosa Marin
metadata author
position: Professional support to research
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1202)
Mirtha N. Lewis
metadata author
position: Researcher
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1242)
María Rosa Marin
administrative point of contact
position: Professional support to research
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1202)