Locations of seals in Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem (OBIS South America, AR-OBIS, Sub-node)
Campagna C, Lewis M N, Marin M R (2015): Locations of seals in Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem (OBIS South America, AR-OBIS, Sub-node). v1.6. ArOBIS Centro Nacional Patagónico. Dataset/Occurrence. http://arobis.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar:8081/resource?r=arobis-sealsi&v=1.6 https://doi.org/10.15468/qcwa73 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
ENGLISH: Distribution of three species of pinnipeds that breed along the Patagonian coast of Argentina and Chile. Coastal and at sea locations of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens), fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) and southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) were collected during different research projects developed at Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Information before 1990 comes from published papers. Surveys along the coast were carried out during the implementation of the Patagonian Coastal Zone Management Plan 1992-1996 (Fundación Patagonia Natural and Wildlife Conservation Society - GEF-UNDP). Locations at sea are foraging trips for seals equipped with Argos-linked Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTTs) and Satellite Dive Recorders (SDRs).-- ESPAÑOL -- Distribución de tres especies de pinnipedos que reproducen en la costa patagónica Argentina y Chilena. Las localizaciones en la costa y en el mar de lobos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens), lobo de dos pelos (Arctocephalus australis) y elefantes marinos (Mirounga leonina) fueron obtenidos por diferentes proyectos de investigación desarrollados en el Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. La información previa a 1990 fue obtenida de publicaciones. Los relevamientos de costa se llevaron a cabo durante el Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagónica 1992-1996 (Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society - GEF-UNDP). Las localizaciones en el mar son viajes de alimentación para los lobos y elefantes marinos equipados con transmisores satelitales (PTTs) y registradores satelitales de buceo (SDRs).
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Platform: FIELD SURVEYS; DHC-6 > DeHavilland Twin Otter. Instrument: Cameras; SURVEYING TOOLSQuality Control
Location at sea were taken by satellite devices and geo-locators. Seals colonies are identified from published papers and digitalized maps and ground censuses.Method steps
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Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Campagna C., M.A. Fedak and B.J. McConnell, 1999: Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352. -
- Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz, 2001: Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257, 205-220. -
- Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez and N. Garcýa, 1996: Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tecnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagýnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). N. 13, 1-21. -
- Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich, 1999: Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15, 478-493. -
- Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich, 2004: Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69, 108-118. -
- Lewis M. y I. Ximenez. 1983. Dinámica de la población de Otaria flavescens en el área de Península Valdés y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribución Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagónico. Argentina. 21pp. -
- Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospección de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169. -
- Ximenez I. y J. Scolaro. 1974. Estado actual de las poblaciones de Pinnipedos del litoral Atlántico de la Provincia del Chubut. Comision Nacional de estudios Geo-Heliofisicos. Centro Nacional Patagónico. 15 pp. -
- PAVÉS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700. -
Claudio Campagnaoriginator
position: Researcher
Mirtha Noemí Lewis
position: Researcher
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1242)
email: mirtha@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
María Rosa Marin
position: Professional support to research
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1202)
email: marin@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
María Rosa Marin
metadata author
position: Professional support to research
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1202)
email: marin@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Renato Mazzanti
position: Coordinator of the Information Management Unit
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1260)
email: renato@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
María Rosa Marin
administrative point of contact
position: Professional support to research
Centro Nacional Patagónico - CONICET
Bv. Almirante Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: +54 280 4883184 (int. 1202)
email: marin@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar