Copepod species composition and associated chlorophyll data from Resolute Passage between 1983 and 1989. accessed via on 2024-12-12.
This dataset includes data collected from the ice station set up in Resolute Passage, 74o 40’N and 94o 54’W between the years 1983 to 1989. OBIS Schema concepts implemented in this data set are:DateLastModified, InstitutionCode, CollectionCode, CatalogNumber, ScientificName, BasisOfRecord, ScientificNameAuthor, Collector, YearCollected, MonthCollected, DayCollected, JulianDay, ContinentOcean, Country, StateProvince, Locality, Longitude, Latitude, MinimumDepth, MaximumDepth, Sex, Source, Citation, LifeStage. For OBIS Schema concept details see