Census of invasive alien and threatened species plants of Benin
Yêhouénou Tessi D R (2017). Census of invasive alien and threatened species plants of Benin. Laboratory of Forest Sciences (University of Abomey-Calavi). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/ul8blo accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-17.Description
This dataset includes a list of invasive alien and threatened plant species of Benin derived from observations throughout the countryTaxonomic Coverages
Plantaecommon name: Plante rank: kingdom
Geographic Coverages
This dataset includes a list of invasive alien and threatened plant species of Benin derived from observations throughout the country
Bibliographic Citations
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Donald R. Yêhouénou Tessioriginator
position: Research assistant
Laboratory of Forest Sciences
Telephone: +22997696308
email: tdonald3@yahoo.fr
Donald R. Yêhouénou Tessi
metadata author
position: Research assistant
Laboratory of Forest Sciences
Telephone: +22997696308
email: tdonald3@yahoo.fr
Jean Ganglo
email: ganglocj@gmail.com
Donald R. Yêhouénou Tessi
administrative point of contact
position: Research assistant
Laboratory of Forest Sciences
Telephone: +22997696308
email: tdonald3@yahoo.fr