Long-term Ecological Monitoring Research Brazilian Oceanic Islands (benthic community)
Cordeiro C A M M, Silveira T, Zamoner J B, Picolotto V, Medeiros C, Vergara D, Birolli M, Monteiro-Leonel A (2022). Long-term Ecological Monitoring Research Brazilian Oceanic Islands (benthic community). Tropical and Subtropical Western South Atlantic OBIS. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.25607/yrfths accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-16.Description
Brazil has four tropical oceanic islands: St. Peter and St. Paul’s Archipelago, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll and Trindade Island and Martin Vaz Archipelago. These islands are geographically highly isolated, experience less harmful human-driven impacts than the coastal area, and encompass different levels of protection. Therefore, these more pristine islands represent a fundamental reservoir of marine biodiversity not only to the country but to the whole world. However, the Brazilian oceanic islands remain unknown to the majority of the population. Our mission is to increase the awareness and interest among Brazil’s population, providing knowledge to support governmental decisions and thereby help to protect and preserve the diversity, manifoldness and health of the unique marine ecosystems of our oceanic islands.Purpose
Our objective is to understand how ecosystem structures of reef communities at the four Brazilian oceanic islands change under a variety of human-driven impacts, such as fishing, pollution or climate change. Hence, PELD – ILOC monitors the Brazilian oceanic islands to continuously assess the dynamics of reef communities and populations and the processes driving these dynamics.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
All Brazilian Oceanic islands have been surveyed once a year since the start of the PELD ILOC project in 2013, with the exception of TI 2014.Sampling
At each site three to six 20 m-transects were placed on the reefs in parallel to the coastline and spaced apart by 2 m. We sampled 10 to 11 quadrats (50 x 50 cm) photoquadrats at each transect each year. The variability in the number of transects and photoquadrats is due to the possibility of distributing transects on the reef while keeping their orientation in relation to the coastline and the distance between them, considering the different geomorphological features of each site. Also, SPSPA only has one site with one transect at different depths because of the restricted area of the inlet of the main island. The posterior image processing consisted on the identification of taxonomic and morpho-anatomical benthic groups and on the estimate of their percentage cover in each sampling year. For those analyses, the Coral Point Count with Excel extensions software (CPCe v. 4.1) or photoQuad softwares were applied, by overlaying 50 random points on each image and visually identifying the organisms below each point.Quality Control
Details about the quality control can be found at: https://github.com/peld-iloc//Dwc-A_benthic_PELDMethod steps
- Details about the data processing can be found at: https://github.com/peld-iloc//Dwc-A_benthic_PELD
Taxonomic Coverages
Relative cover includes 51 taxa identified at the lowest taxonomical level, which varied from Phylum to species level. Also, some classifications are linked to the morpho-anatomical characteristics of the observed taxa (e.g., foliose macroalgae, turf). Uncolonized substrate and unknown taxa relative contribution is available.
Aiolochroia crassarank: species
Amphiroarank: genus
Amphiroideaerank: subfamily
Asteroidearank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Bryopsisrank: genus
Bryozoarank: phylum
Caulerparank: genus
Caulerpa cupressoidesrank: species
Caulerpa mexicanarank: species
Caulerpa racemosarank: species
Caulerpa verticillatarank: species
Chaetomorpharank: genus
Chondrilla nucularank: species
Cladophorarank: genus
Clathriarank: genus
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Diadema antillarumrank: species
Dictyopterisrank: genus
Dictyosphaeria versluysiirank: species
Dictyotarank: genus
Digenea simplexrank: species
Echinometra lucunterrank: species
Favia gravidarank: species
Galaxaurarank: genus
Halimeda discoidearank: species
Hypnea musciformisrank: species
Ircinia strobilinarank: species
Lithophylloideaerank: subfamily
Mesophyllum erubescensrank: species
Milleporarank: genus
Monanchora brasiliensisrank: species
Montastraea cavernosarank: species
Mussismiliarank: genus
Neomeris annulatarank: species
Padinarank: genus
Palythoarank: genus
Peyssonneliarank: genus
Polychaetarank: class
Poriferarank: phylum
Porites astreoidesrank: species
Sargassumrank: genus
Scleractiniarank: order
Siderastrearank: genus
Tubastraearank: genus
Tunicatarank: subphylum
Valonia ventricosarank: species
Verongula gigantearank: species
Verongula rigidarank: species
Xestospongia mutarank: species
Zoanthariarank: order
Geographic Coverages
This dataset includes relative benthic cover information of the Brazilian four oceanic islands: St. Peter and St. Paul’s Archipelago, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll and Trindade Island and Martin Vaz Archipelago.
Bibliographic Citations
- Zamoner JB, Aued AW, Macedo-Soares LCP, Picolotto VAP, Garcia CAE, Segal B. 2021. Integrating Oceanographic Data and Benthic Community Structure Temporal Series to Assess the Dynamics of a Marginal Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 762453. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.762453 Aued AW, Smith F, Quimbayo JP, Candido DV, Longo GO, Ferreira CEL, Witman JD, Floeter SR, Segal B. 2018. Large-scale patterns of benthic marine communities in the Brazilian Province. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198452. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198452 -
Cesar Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeirooriginator
position: Associate Professor
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Campos dos Goytacazes
Rio de Janeiro
email: cammcordeiro@id.uff.br
homepage: https://peldiloc.sites.ufsc.br/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4960-4502
Thiago Silveira
position: Post-doctoral fellow
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Julia B Zamoner
position: Collaborator
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Vitor Picolotto
position: Collaborator
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Carolina Medeiros
position: Collaborator
Universidade de São Paulo
Diana Vergara
position: Collaborator
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Manoela Birolli
position: Collaborator
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Ana Monteiro-Leonel
position: PhD candidate
Universidade de São Paulo
Cesar Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
metadata author
position: Associate Professor
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Campos dos Goytacazes
Rio de Janeiro
email: cammcordeiro@id.uff.br
homepage: https://peldiloc.sites.ufsc.br/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4960-4502
Cesar Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
position: Associate Professor
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Campos dos Goytacazes
Rio de Janeiro
email: cammcordeiro@id.uff.br
homepage: https://peldiloc.sites.ufsc.br/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4960-4502
Carlos Eduardo Leite Ferreira
principal investigator
position: Professor
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Bárbara Segal
position: Professor
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
email: segal.barbara@gmail.com
Tito M Lotufo
position: Professor
Universidade de São Paulo
email: tmlotufo@usp.br
Cesar Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
administrative point of contact
position: Associate Professor
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Campos dos Goytacazes
Rio de Janeiro
email: cammcordeiro@id.uff.br
homepage: https://peldiloc.sites.ufsc.br/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4960-4502