Estudio comparativo del zooplancton en dos regiones de México
Elías Gutiérrez M, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Estudio comparativo del zooplancton en dos regiones de México. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
Este trabajo incluye el análisis taxonómico detallado del zooplancton limnético y litoral de 50 sistemas del Estado de Morelos que comprende desde la región de Zempoala a la cuenca del río Amacuzac, así como la región sureste de México, con 200 muestras que representan parte de los Altos De Chiapas, una fracción de la cuenca del río Lacantún, sur de Tabasco, en particular la región de los Petenes, Sur de Campeche (Calackmul) y Centro-Sur de Quintana Roo. Se analizará la microfauna zooplanctónica de los tres grupos principales (Copepoda, Cladocera y Rotifera) y se establecerán similitudes y diferencias entre ambas faunas. Los resultados se integrarán en un catálogo para el Estado de Morelos y otro para el sureste del país, además de las publicaciones individuales que se generen. Finalmente todos los datos generados se incorporarán en una base de datos (Biótica, vers 4.0), y una serie de mapas distribucionales de las especies con mayor importancia, debido a su distribución y/o abundancia en los sistemas estudiados.
Reino: 1 Filo: 2 Clase: 3 Orden: 8 Familia: 28 Género: 77 Subgénero: 4 Especie: 166 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 13
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Rotiferarank: phylum
Maxillopodarank: class
Eurotatoriarank: class
Branchiopodarank: class
Cyclopoidarank: order
Ploimarank: order
Diplostracarank: order
Calanoidarank: order
Flosculariacearank: order
Harpacticoidarank: order
Incertae sedisrank: order
Collothecaceaerank: order
Cyclopidaerank: family
Brachionidaerank: family
Daphniidaerank: family
Macrothricidaerank: family
Ilyocryptidaerank: family
Moinidaerank: family
Lecanidaerank: family
Chydoridaerank: family
Sididaerank: family
Diaptomidaerank: family
Bosminidaerank: family
Hexarthridaerank: family
Trichocercidaerank: family
Synchaetidaerank: family
Trochosphaeridaerank: family
Gastropodidaerank: family
Asplanchnidaerank: family
Mytilinidaerank: family
Euchlanidaerank: family
Flosculariidaerank: family
Notommatidaerank: family
Canthocamptidaerank: family
Testudinellidaerank: family
Conochilidaerank: family
Philodinidaerank: family
Trichotriidaerank: family
Collothecidaerank: family
Lepadellidaerank: family
Thermocyclopsrank: genus
Brachionusrank: genus
Ceriodaphniarank: genus
Diacyclopsrank: genus
Guernellarank: genus
Microcyclopsrank: genus
Ilyocryptusrank: genus
Moinarank: genus
Lecanerank: genus
Chydorusrank: genus
Diaphanosomarank: genus
Mesocyclopsrank: genus
Acanthocyclopsrank: genus
Eucyclopsrank: genus
Mastigodiaptomusrank: genus
Alonarank: genus
Bosminarank: genus
Halicyclopsrank: genus
Macrothrixrank: genus
Moinodaphniarank: genus
Grimaldinarank: genus
Hesperodiaptomusrank: genus
Camptocercusrank: genus
Macrocyclopsrank: genus
Prehendocyclopsrank: genus
Leydigiarank: genus
Hexarthrarank: genus
Trichocercarank: genus
Keratellarank: genus
Arctodiaptomusrank: genus
Polyarthrarank: genus
Scapholeberisrank: genus
Oxyurellarank: genus
Filiniarank: genus
Simocephalusrank: genus
Bryospilusrank: genus
Ascomorpharank: genus
Daphniarank: genus
Synchaetarank: genus
Asplanchnarank: genus
Leptodiaptomusrank: genus
Sarsilatonarank: genus
Picripleuroxusrank: genus
Lophocharisrank: genus
Beauchampiellarank: genus
Pleuroxusrank: genus
Ptygurarank: genus
Ectocyclopsrank: genus
Anuraeopsisrank: genus
Dipleuchlanisrank: genus
Cephalodellarank: genus
Alonellarank: genus
Cletocamptusrank: genus
Kurziarank: genus
Testudinellarank: genus
Conochilusrank: genus
Euchlanisrank: genus
Onchobunopsrank: genus
Neutrocyclopsrank: genus
Tropocyclopsrank: genus
Platyiasrank: genus
Dissotrocharank: genus
Dunhevediarank: genus
Trichotriarank: genus
Notoalonarank: genus
Collothecarank: genus
Paracyclopsrank: genus
Lepadellarank: genus
Karualonarank: genus
Ephemeroporusrank: genus
Horaellarank: genus
Euryalonarank: genus
Monommatarank: genus
Mytilinarank: genus
Colurellarank: genus
Macrochaetusrank: genus
Leydigiopsisrank: genus
Arctodiaptomusrank: subgenus
Daphniarank: subgenus
Conochiloidesrank: subgenus
Lepadellarank: subgenus
Thermocyclops inversusrank: species
Ceriodaphnia dubiarank: species
Diacyclops pilosusrank: species
Guernella rapahelisrank: species
Microcyclops ceibaensisrank: species
Moina micrurarank: species
Lecane aculeatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Chydorus ventricosusrank: species
Diaphanosoma birgeirank: species
Mesocyclops pesceirank: species
Acanthocyclops rebecaerank: species
Eucyclops serrulatusrank: species
Mastigodiaptomus nesusrank: species
Alona setulosarank: species
Diaphanosoma breviremerank: species
Mesocyclops aspericornisrank: species
Diaphanosoma spinulosumrank: species
Bosmina hagmannirank: species
Halicyclops cenoticolarank: species
Microcyclops dubitabilisrank: species
Macrothrix elegansrank: species
Mesocyclops brasilianusrank: species
Mastigodiaptomus albuquerquensisrank: species
Moinodaphnia macleayirank: species
Grimaldina brazzairank: species
Hesperodiaptomus morelensisrank: species
Camptocercus dadayirank: species
Lecane leontinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Macrothrix spinosarank: species
Macrothrix paulensisrank: species
Mesocyclops chacirank: species
Prehendocyclops boxshallirank: species
Lecane amazonicarank: species
Prehendocyclops monchenkoirank: species
Hexarthra miracommon name: rotífero rank: species
Trichocerca porcelluscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Keratella americanacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Microcyclops echinatusrank: species
Arctodiaptomus (Arctodiaptomus) dorsalisrank: species
Mesocyclops longisetusrank: species
Diacyclops puucrank: species
Polyarthra dolichopteracommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus angulariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Macrothrix marthaerank: species
Mesocyclops yutsilrank: species
Oxyurella ciliatarank: species
Lecane papuanacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona karelicarank: species
Alona diaphanarank: species
Filinia longisetacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Simocephalus serrulatusrank: species
Lecane curvicorniscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ceriodaphnia pulchellarank: species
Alona pseudoverrucosarank: species
Mastigodiaptomus reidaerank: species
Mastigodiaptomus mayarank: species
Thermocyclops tenuisrank: species
Brachionus havanaensiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane ungulatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus urceolariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Bryospilus repensrank: species
Ascomorpha ovaliscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane nanacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) laevisrank: species
Synchaeta pectinatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Asplanchna sieboldiicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Diaphanosoma hebertirank: species
Lecane hastatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Macrocyclops albidusrank: species
Synchaeta bicorniscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona ossianirank: species
Hexarthra fennicacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus caudatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Leptodiaptomus cuauhtemocirank: species
Leydigia striatarank: species
Sarsilatona serricaudarank: species
Picripleuroxus quasidenticulatusrank: species
Lecane hornemannicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lophocharis salpinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Diacyclops ecabensisrank: species
Beauchampiella eudactylotacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Diacyclops chakanrank: species
Alona costatarank: species
Moina dumontirank: species
Simocephalus latirostrisrank: species
Ptygura liberacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ectocyclops herbstirank: species
Diaphanosoma bergaminirank: species
Anuraeopsis fissacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Dipleuchlanis propatulacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cephalodella hollowdayirank: species
Alonella dadayirank: species
Cletocamptus deitersirank: species
Trichocerca tenuiorcommon name: rotífero rank: species
Chydorus nitidulusrank: species
Kurzia longirostrisrank: species
Alona eximiarank: species
Moina affinisrank: species
Testudinella patinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane quadridentatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane decipienscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Simocephalus mixtusrank: species
Lecane closterocercacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane cornutacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane pyriformiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus patuluscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Conochilus (Conochiloides) dossuariuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Kurzia latissimarank: species
Trichocerca similiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Filinia opoliensiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane bullacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ceriodaphnia lacustrisrank: species
Euchlanis dilatatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Onchobunops tuberculatusrank: species
Chydorus eurynotusrank: species
Neutrocyclops brevifurcarank: species
Tropocyclops prasinusrank: species
Platyias quadricorniscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Eucyclops solitariusrank: species
Dissotrocha aculeatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Filinia novaezealandiaecommon name: rotífero rank: species
Dunhevedia odontoplaxrank: species
Simocephalus acutirostratusrank: species
Trichotria tetractiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Notoalona globulosarank: species
Pleuroxus varidentatusrank: species
Testudinella incisacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Synchaeta longipescommon name: rotífero rank: species
Keratella lenzicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) rhomboidescommon name: rotífero rank: species
Acanthocyclops smithaerank: species
Karualona penuelasirank: species
Chydorus brevilabrisrank: species
Ephemeroporus barroisirank: species
Ceriodaphnia rigaudirank: species
Trichocerca stylatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Horaella thomassonicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Euryalona orientalisrank: species
Simocephalus semiserratusrank: species
Mastigodiaptomus texensisrank: species
Prehendocyclops abbreviatusrank: species
Oxyurella longicaudisrank: species
Keratella cochleariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) parvularank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) patellacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Acanthocyclops robustusrank: species
Mytilina mucronatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Colurella uncinatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane hamatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus bidentatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus falcatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Diaphanosoma fluviatilerank: species
Eucyclops prionophorusrank: species
Lecane doryssacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Macrochaetus subquadratuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona davidirank: species
Trichocerca pusillacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona brasiliensisrank: species
Alona quadrangularisrank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) ovaliscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Bosmina tubicenrank: species
Lecane spinuliferacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ceriodaphnia laticaudatarank: species
Lecane ludwigiicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Leydigiopsis brevirostrisrank: species
Lecane lunariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus quadridentatus f. cluniorbiculariscommon name: rotífero rank: infraspecificname
Brachionus calyciflorus f. amphicerosrank: infraspecificname
Ilyocryptus paranaensis subsp. inarmatusrank: infraspecificname
Macrocyclops albidus subsp. albidusrank: infraspecificname
Scapholeberis armata subsp. freyirank: infraspecificname
Mesocyclops longisetus subsp. curvatusrank: infraspecificname
Keratella cochlearis var. tectarank: infraspecificname
Brachionus calyciflorus var. dorcasrank: infraspecificname
Platyias quadricornis var. brevispinusrank: infraspecificname
Paracyclops fimbriatus subsp. chiltonirank: infraspecificname
Brachionus bidentata f. inermisrank: infraspecificname
Keratella tropica subsp. tropicarank: infraspecificname
Brachionus quadridentatus subsp. quadridentatusrank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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Manuel Elías Gutiérrezoriginator
position: Responsable
El Colegio de la Frontera SurUnidad ChetumalDepartamento de Sistemática y Ecología AcuáticaGrupo Zooplancton y Oceanografía
Ave. Centenario km 5.5
Othón Blanco, Chetumal
Quintana Roo
Telephone: 01 983 835 0440 ext. 4313
CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
metadata author
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
Telephone: 50045000
Patricia Ramos Rivera
administrative point of contact
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
Telephone: 50045000