Vegetation relevés in temperate forest region of European Russia
Khanina L, Bobrovsky M, Glukhova E, Ivanova N (2018). Vegetation relevés in temperate forest region of European Russia. Version 1.12. Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Metadata dataset accessed via on 2025-03-07.Description
Our local database includes about 5000 vegetation relevés sampled at temporal plots (commonly 10 × 10 m) which are mostly located in State nature reserves and National parks of European Russia. The relevés describe forest communities and, to a lesser extent, meadow communities; about 10% of the relevés was sampled on former agricultural fields which were abandoned from 1 to 25 years before the sampling. Mature and old-growth broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia cordata, Ulmus spp. and Acer spp. as well as mixed forests with Picea abies and/or Pinus sylvestris and broad-leaved trees are described from the State Nature Reserves Kaluzhskie zaseki, Voronezhskiy, Kologrivskiy Les, Prioksko-Terrasnyi, Prisurskiy, Bolshaya Kokshaga and from the Ugra and Mariy-Chodra National Parks. Modern relevés were georeferenced with using GPS, legacy ones based on verbal descriptions of sampling plot locations. E. Starodubtseva, M. Bobrovsky, N. Sultanova, O. Smirnova, L. Zaugolnova, M. Shovkun, M. Bekmansurov, S. Moskalenko, Yu. Dorogova, and N. Ivanova are authors of a large part of the relevés. Current projects Projects nos. 15-29-02724, 16-34-00866 and 17-44-500297 of the Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchTaxonomic Coverages
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
Central European Russia: Moscow, Kaluga, Kostroma, Voronezh, Orel and Bryansk regions; the Chuvash Republic and the Mari El Republic
Bibliographic Citations
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Larisa Khaninaoriginator
position: Head of laboratory
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – Branch of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region
Maxim Bobrovsky
position: Leading Researcher
Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science Russian Academy of Science
2, Institutskaya str.
Moscow Region
Elena Glukhova
position: Programmer
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – Branch of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region
Larisa Khanina
metadata author
position: Head of laboratory
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – Branch of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region
Natalya Ivanova
metadata author
position: Researcher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region
Natalya Ivanova
Larisa Khanina
administrative point of contact
position: Head of laboratory
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – Branch of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region