Counts of wader species 1975-1978
Rufino R, Tomás D (2022). Counts of wader species 1975-1978. ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-03-07.Description
This dataset describes the wader counts between 1975 and 1978 in Portuguese main wetlands. The report analyses the average population of each specie in each area and their fluctuation through the referred years, aiming to identify areas with major importance for these species.Sampling Description
Study Extent
This report contains annual wader counts, put together between 1975 and 1978, in of seven Portuguese wetlands: Estuário do Arade (Portimão), Estuario do Mondego (Figuera da Foz), Estuário do Sado, Estuário do Tejo, Ria de Aveiro, Ria Formosa ou Ria de Faro and Sapais de Castro Marim.Sampling
The wader counts were collected from counts reports made between 1975 and 1978. In the follow up some calculations were performed: four-year average population per area for each specie, the annual fluctuations in relation to the average, and the percentage of individuals of each species over the country total.Quality Control
All initial data was inserted in a specific relational database built specifically for the project, which implemented several quality control methods. In the preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication, data consistency was verified using cluster algorithms using OpenRefine.Method steps
- Extraction of points coordinates and addiction to VerbatimdecimalLatitude e VerbatimdecimalLongitude Convert to WGS84 Calculation of coordinates precision Cross-checking with WGS84 Portuguese CAOP2020 shape to obtain location information Export to csv. with reinterpretation of attributes matching to DwC standard terms.
Taxonomic Coverages
The dataset describe 339 occurrences of 22 bird species of the Charadriiformes order, 4 families and 11 genus.
Animaliarank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Avesrank: class
Charadriiformesrank: order
Charadriidaerank: family
Scolopacidaerank: family
Haematopodidaerank: family
Recurvirostridaerank: family
Arenariarank: genus
Calidrisrank: genus
Charadriusrank: genus
Haematopusrank: genus
Himantopusrank: genus
Limosarank: genus
Numeniusrank: genus
Philomachusrank: genus
Pluvialisrank: genus
Recurvirostrarank: genus
Tringarank: genus
Arenaria interpresrank: species
Calidris albarank: species
Calidris alpinarank: species
Calidris canutusrank: species
Calidris ferruginearank: species
Calidris minutarank: species
Charadrius alexandrinusrank: species
Charadrius hiaticularank: species
Haematopus ostralegusrank: species
Himantopus himantopusrank: species
Limosa laponicarank: species
Limosa limosarank: species
Numenius arquatarank: species
Numenius phaeopusrank: species
Philomachus pugnaxrank: species
Pluvialis squatarolarank: species
Recurvirostra avosettarank: species
Tringa erythropusrank: species
Tringa nebulariarank: species
Tringa ochropusrank: species
Tringa totanusrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Wader counts in the main portuguese wetlands: Estuário do Arade (Portimão), Estuario do Mondego (Figuera da Foz), Estuário do Sado, Estuário do Tejo, Ria de Aveiro, Ria Formosa ou Ria de Faro and Sapais de Castro Marim.
Bibliographic Citations
Rui Rufinooriginator
Diana Tomás
metadata author
Vitor Encarnação
administrative point of contact