Institute of Marine Affairs Species Checklist
Institute of Marine Affairs (2023). Institute of Marine Affairs Species Checklist. Version 1.4. Institute of Marine Affairs. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2024-12-13.Description
The Institute of Marine Affairs Species Checklist data is derived from a collection of scientific manuscripts housed at the Institute. The manuscripts examined species distributions across Trinidad & Tobago's Exclusive Economic Zone during the years 1977-2002. The manuscripts were subsequently published by the Institute between 1978-2006.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The study area for this data was focused on the waters in Trinidad and Tobago's Exclusive Economic Zone (TT EEZ) with the biodiversity data in this dataset being collected between the years 1977-2002.Sampling
This data was derived using past scientific reports published by the Institute of Marine Affairs through its relevant researchers. The data was collected by the researchers by way of ecological surveys through snorkel and scuba diving.Quality Control
The derived biodiversity data was cross checked using the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's Species Name Matching Tool to ensure that the scientific names used were the globally accepted names.Method steps
- The checklist data was derived from past scientific reports published by the Institute's researchers. The marine biodiversity data was derived from the manuscripts and then cross-checked using the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's Species Name Matching Tool to ensure that the scientific names used were up-to-date.
Taxonomic Coverages
This datasets consists of biodiversity data derived from six scientific manuscripts produced by Researchers at the Institute of Marine Affairs. The research projects associated with these manuscripts covered a wide array of marine species including, but not limited to, Sponges of Class Demospongiae from Trinidad and Tobago; Octocorals from Trinidad and Tobago; and ahermatypic shallow-water corals of Trinidad. There is also marine biodiversity data derived from ecological surveys done around the reefs of Tobago.
Demospongiaecommon name: Sponges rank: class
Anthozoarank: class
Ulvophyceaerank: class
Phaeophyceaerank: class
Florideophyceaerank: class
Compsopogonophyceaerank: class
Hydrozoarank: class
Hexanaupliarank: class
Polychaetarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Crinoidearank: class
Ophiuroidearank: class
Echinoidearank: class
Actinopterygiirank: class
Geographic Coverages
The biodiversity information included in the Institute of Marine Affairs Species Checklist was collected by members of the Institute of Marine Affairs through a variety of scientific projects that spanned the waters of Trinidad and Tobago's Exclusive Economic Zone.
Bibliographic Citations
- Duncan, E.J., and L. M. Lee Lum. 2006. A checklist of the marine macroalgae of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Caribb. Mar. Stud. 7: 1-96 -
- Hubbard, R & Wells, J.W. 1986. Ahermatypic shallow-water scleractinian corals Trinidad, Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands: No. 211 -
- Hubbard, R. 1990. Sponges (Porifera) of the Order Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida, and Verongiida (Class Demospongiae) from Trinidad and Tobago, Caribb. Mar. Stud. 1: 54-67 -
- Kenny, J.S. 1978. Checklist of the shallow-water corals of Trinidad. Living World, Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club, 1977-1978, 33-36 -
- Laydoo, R.S. 1985. Executive summary of ecological survey of reefs around Tobago. Institute of Marine Affairs -
- Ramsaroop, D. 1990. Octocorals from Trinidad and Tobago. Caribb. Mar. Stud. 1(2): 127-151 -
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Institute of Marine Affairs
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Paul Nelson
position: Data Officer
Institute of Marine Affairs
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Trinidad and Tobago
Telephone: +18686344291
Paul Nelson
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position: Data Officer
Institute of Marine Affairs
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