Data on the biodiversity of macrophyte communities and associated aquatic organisms in lakes of the Vologda Region (North-Western Russia): algae and invertebrates
Philippov D A, Ivicheva K N, Makarenkova N N, Filonenko I V, Komarova A S (2021). Data on the biodiversity of macrophyte communities and associated aquatic organisms in lakes of the Vologda Region (North-Western Russia): algae and invertebrates. Version 1.4. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-03-07.Description
This dataset provides current data on the biodiversity of boreal lakes of the Vologda Region (North-Western Russia), including macrophytes (vascular plants and macroscopic algae) and macrophyte inhabitants (invertebrates and microalgae). The data were collected in 139 lakes. The dataset contains materials on the diversity of vascular plants (Tracheophyta, 3225 occurrences; Bryophyta, 155; Marchantiophyta, 16), macro- and microalgae (Ochrophyta, 546 occurrences; Chlorophyta, 193; Charophyta, 153; Cyanobacteria, 139; Cryptophyta, 86; Myzozoa, 33; Euglenozoa, 27; Rhodophyta, 8; Bigyra, 1) and aquatic invertebrates (Arthropoda, 1408 occurrences; Annelida, 487; Mollusca, 263; Platyhelminthes, 36; Cnidaria, 11). A total of 6787 occurrences are included in the list.Sampling Description
Study Extent
A list of records of macrophytes and macrophyte inhabitants (invertebrates and microalgae) in lakes of the Vologda Region is presented. By macrophytes, we understood macroscopic plants, regardless of their taxonomic position and ecological characteristics. Macrophytes include vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, and large multicellular algae (Papchenkov et al., 2003). We determined the flora of lakes as aquatic species and species directly related to the aquatic environment (helophytes, plants of the water’s edge, amphibious plants, hygrophytes, plants of drying sandbanks).Sampling
Field studies were carried out from June to October, mainly during the greatest development of macrophytes (July and August). The composition of the flora of lakes was established during route field studies. We studied all accessible microhabitats in the lakes and their coastal parts, including those differing in current velocity, sediments, depths, and macrophyte canopy development. When investigating small lakes, from 0.05 to 0.1 square km, a route was made by walking around a lake or going around by boat along the entire coastline. In larger lakes, floristic studies were conducted at several model sites, located mainly in highly developed macrophyte communities. For hydrobiological studies, sampling was performed at model sites only.Quality Control
The data was collected and identified by scientists from the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences and the Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. The accuracy of the determination of some samples was confirmed by systematics from the Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation), and University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland).Method steps
- Research problem formulation.
- Logistic issues resolution, including the choice of routes, water objects, time and duration of work.
- Field stage: obtaining samples and other original materials on the diversity of macrophytes, aquatic algae, and invertebrates. (a) Macrophytes. In the field, pictures of plants and floristic lists were made, some species were collected in a herbarium; several hydrochemical parameters (water temperature, total dissolved solids, pH, and electrical conductivity) were measured using portable devices (Philippov et al., 2017). (b) Algae. Samples were taken with a 1-liter Patalas bathometer from three layers of the water column in macrophyte communities. For microalgae sedimentation, water samples were treated with Lugol's iodine solution for 10–14 days to obtain the final volume of 25 ml (Kuzmin, 1975). (c) Aquatic invertebrates. The study of invertebrates in macrophyte communities was conducted by preparing washed-off samples from plants (Mitropolskiy and Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1975b) and by sampling sediments in the same communities (Mitropolskiy and Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1975a). Sediment sampling was carried out from a boat by a three-time lifting of a GR-91 rod bottom-grab (sampling area 0.007 m2) or a one-time lifting of the Petersen dredge (sampling area 0.025 m2). At each sampling site, sediment samples were washed straight away through a sieve with a 250 μm mesh. After that, sediment samples were placed in plastic containers and preserved in 40% formaldehyde solution. Zoophytos samples collection was slightly different from one macrophyte communities to the others. Submerged aquatic plants and aquatic plants with floating leaves were removed from the water, placed in a nylon sieve, and washed out of all macroinvertebrates. In a sieve (250 µm mesh), all macroinvertebrates were separated from the plant substrate by rinsing and mechanical separation; then plants were dried from moisture and weighed. In helophytes and hygrohelophytes, a part of plants submerged in water was used for analysis. The underwater part was first placed in a nylon sieve and washed, then weighed. Semi-aquatic plants (including those from floating mats) were taken from plots of 25 × 25 cm; when sampling vascular plants, the entire overground part of a plant was cut off, when sampling mosses, the whole moss clumps were taken and placed in a sieve. After washing off, samples of invertebrates (sometimes with fragments of macrophytes) were placed in plastic containers and fixed with 40% formaldehyde solution. Aquatic mosses were placed in plastic containers without rinsing with water and fixed with 40% formaldehyde solution.
- Data collection: analysis of samples not identified in the field or verification of the identification data by the experts. (a) Macrophytes. The keys by Tsvelev (2000), Ignatov and Ignatova (2003, 2004), and Lisitsyna et al. (2009) were used in the study. Herbarium materials were transferred for processing to the Herbarium of the Mire Research Group of Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences (MIRE). (b) Algae. Sedimented phytoplankton for qualitative and quantitative analysis was examined in a Nageotte counting chamber (0.01 cm3) using a Mikmed-6 microscope (LOMO, Russia) at ×640 magnification. The biomass of microalgae was calculated using direct counts of the volumes equated to geometric figures of cells. The specific weight of algae was conditionally taken equal to one (Kuzmin, 1975). For damaged cells which were not used for the biomass count, a value of 1 was assigned. Taxonomic identification was made to the closest possible low-rang taxon using all keys and summaries available: Kiselev, 1954; Ettl, 1978; Komárek and Fott, 1983; Starmach, 1985; Krammer and Lange-Bertalot, 1986, 1988, 1991a, 1991b; Komárek and Anagnostidis, 1998, 2005; Palamar-Mordvintseva, 2003; Vetrova, 2004; Coesel and Meesters, 2007; Komárek, 2013, etc. (c) Aquatic invertebrates. All specimens were identified with an MBS-10 stereoscopic microscope and a Mikmed-6 microscope (LOMO, Russia) using all keys and summaries available: Kutikova and Starobogatov, 1977; Tsalolikhin, 1994, 2001, 2016; Narchuk et al., 1997; Narchuk and Tumanov, 2000, etc. Specimens of each species were dried with filter paper and weighed using Shimadzu AUX-120 scales (Japan) with 0.0001 g accuracy. Moss mats were cleared of all invertebrates, dried on filter paper and weighed. Quantity and biomass counts of sediment-associated invertebrates were made by 1 square meter (g / sq m). In washed-off samples, quantity and biomass counts were made by 1 kg of macrophyte wet weight (g / kg).
- (5) Records list compilation. The dataset fields’ names were chosen according to Darwin Core (Wieczorek et al., 2012) and include the following: «occurrenceID», «basisOfRecord», «scientificName», «acceptedNameUsage», «eventID», «eventDate», «taxonRank», «kingdom», «phylum», «class», «order», «family», «genus», «taxonomicStatus», «taxonRemarks», «habitat», «samplingProtocol», «sampleSizeValue», «sampleSizeUnit», «individualCount», «organismQuantity», «organismQuantityType», «decimalLatitude», «decimalLongitude», «geodeticDatum», «coordinateUncertaintyInMeters», «coordinatePrecision», «countryCode», «country», «stateProvince», «county», «locality», «year», «month», «day», «recordedBy», «identifiedBy», «dateIdentified», «associatedReferences», «language». Georeferencing was made using a GPS navigator or Google maps. For macrophytes, coordinates accuracy was maintained in a 30–250 m range, rarely greater; for other groups of aquatic organisms, 50 m. Coordinates were determined to the fourth digit. In all cases, the WGS-84 coordinate system was used.
Taxonomic Coverages
This dataset provides current data on vascular plants, cryptogams, microalgae, and aquatic invertebrates in lakes of the Vologda Region. The list contains records on Animalia (5 phyla, 7 classes, 22 orders, 64 families), Bacteria (1 phylum, 1 class, 4 orders, 11 families), Chromista (4 phyla, 7 classes, 28 orders, 40 families), Plantae (6 phyla, 15 classes, 48 orders, 81 families), and Protozoa (1 phylum, 1 class, 1 order, 2 families) species. Overall, the dataset comprises 837 taxa, including 711 lower-rank taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, forms).
Animaliarank: kingdom
Bacteriarank: kingdom
Chromistarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Protozoarank: kingdom
Annelidarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Bigyrarank: phylum
Bryophytarank: phylum
Charophytarank: phylum
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Cnidariarank: phylum
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Marchantiophytarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Myzozoarank: phylum
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Platyhelminthesrank: phylum
Rhodophytarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Arachnidarank: class
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Bryopsidarank: class
Charophyceaerank: class
Chlorophyceaerank: class
Chrysophyceaerank: class
Clitellatarank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Cyanobacteriiarank: class
Dinophyceaerank: class
Euglenoidearank: class
Eustigmatophyceaerank: class
Florideophyceaerank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Hydrozoarank: class
Insectarank: class
Jungermanniopsidarank: class
Klebsormidiophyceaerank: class
Liliopsidarank: class
Lycopodiopsidarank: class
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Marchantiopsidarank: class
Phaeophyceaerank: class
Polypodiopsidarank: class
Sphagnopsidarank: class
Trebouxiophyceaerank: class
Ulvophyceaerank: class
Xanthophyceaerank: class
Zygnematophyceaerank: class
Achnanthalesrank: order
Alismatalesrank: order
Amphipodarank: order
Anthoathecatarank: order
Apialesrank: order
Architaenioglossarank: order
Arhynchobdellidarank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Aulacoseiralesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Batrachospermalesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Bryalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Celastralesrank: order
Ceratophyllalesrank: order
Chaetocerotalesrank: order
Charalesrank: order
Chlamydomonadalesrank: order
Chlorellalesrank: order
Chromulinalesrank: order
Coleopterarank: order
Cornalesrank: order
Crassiclitellatarank: order
Cryptomonadalesrank: order
Cyanobacterialesrank: order
Cymbellalesrank: order
Dipsacalesrank: order
Dipterarank: order
Enchytraeidaerank: order
Ephemeropterarank: order
Equisetalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Euglenidarank: order
Eunotialesrank: order
Eustigmatalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Fissidentalesrank: order
Fossombronialesrank: order
Fragilarialesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Gonyaulacalesrank: order
Gymnodinialesrank: order
Haplotaxidarank: order
Hemipterarank: order
Hypnalesrank: order
Isobryalesrank: order
Isoetalesrank: order
Isopodarank: order
Jungermannialesrank: order
Klebsormidialesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Lepidopterarank: order
Leptolyngbyalesrank: order
Leucodontalesrank: order
Littorinimorpharank: order
Lumbriculidarank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Marchantialesrank: order
Mastogloialesrank: order
Megalopterarank: order
Melosiralesrank: order
Mischococcalesrank: order
Myidarank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Naviculalesrank: order
Nymphaealesrank: order
Ochromonadalesrank: order
Odonatarank: order
Oocystalesrank: order
Pallavicinialesrank: order
Peridinialesrank: order
Phaeothamnialesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Polypodialesrank: order
Pseudanabaenalesrank: order
Pyrenomonadalesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Rhizosolenialesrank: order
Rhopalodialesrank: order
Rhynchobdellidarank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Saxifragalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Sphaeroplealesrank: order
Sphagnalesrank: order
Surirellalesrank: order
Synechococcalesrank: order
Synuralesrank: order
Tabellarialesrank: order
Thalassiophysalesrank: order
Thalassiosiralesrank: order
Trebouxialesrank: order
Tribonematalesrank: order
Trichopterarank: order
Tricladidarank: order
Trombidiformesrank: order
Ulotrichalesrank: order
Volvocalesrank: order
Zygnematalesrank: order
Geographic Coverages
Vologda Region is situated in the north-western part of Russia within the northern part of the East European Plain. The length of the region from the North to the South is 350 km (N 58°29', N 61°35'), from West to East – 700 km (E 34°43', E 47°09'). The area of the Vologda Region is 145.7 square km. The region is located on the border of the southern and middle taiga subzones. The ground surface heights vary from 33 to 304 m sea level; therefore, the morphological complexes of lowlands, medium-altitude plains, and low elevations can be found in the region (Vorobyev, 2007).
The hydrographic network of the region is very diverse. About 20 thousand watercourses flow in the region, belonging to three basins of global flow: the White Sea (70% of basin area), the Baltic Sea (8%), and the Caspian Sea (22%) (Filenko, 1966). Several water reservoirs were built in the Vologda Region; Rybinsk Reservoir and Sheksna Reservoir are the largest and well-known (Vorobyev, 2007). The region is significantly paludified; more than 17% of the area is covered with mires of various types (Filonenko and Philippov, 2013).
There are over five thousand lakes in the Vologda Region, most located in its western part. In the north-western districts of the region, the total area of lakes in a district ranges from 3% to 10% of the district’s area; to the east and southeast of the border of the last glaciation, the indices do not exceed 2%, and in some eastern districts of the region, it is only a fraction of a percent. The total area of lakes in the region is 4.3 thousand square km or about 3% of the region’s territory. A relatively small number of lakes (only 25) with a water surface of more than 10 square km comprise 84% of the total area of lakes. Lakes of glacial-tectonic origin (Lakes Onega, Beloe, Vozhe, and Kubenskoe) make up this group of lakes. The absolute majority of lakes are small (water surface area less than 0.1 square km). Lakes with a water surface area of 0.01 to 0.1 square km account for 5.5% of the total area of lakes in the region. The group of small lakes includes forest drainless lakes, floodplain oxbow lakes, intra-mire lakes, and karst lakes (Antipov, 1981).
The main reason for such a distribution of lakes across the region is the time since the glaciation. The north-western areas of the region, later freed from the glacier, retained the features of young relief with numerous inter-hill and inter-ridge depressions, which were filled with glacial waters. As the glacier retreated, thaw waters formed periglacial and postglacial reservoirs in the depressions. Following a decrease in the water level and vegetation development in water bodies, some of them turned into vast paludified lowlands (for example, the Mologo-Sheksninskaya lowland). Other water bodies have significantly decreased in size but remained in the lowlands in the form of vestigial shallow lakes (Vorobyev, 1973).
Most of the lakes in the region are shallow. Relict water bodies of glacial-lake plains have small depths (for example, the average depth of Lake Vozhe is 1.8 m, Lake Kubenskoe 2.5 m). The deepest lakes are located in moraine-hilly landscapes: Lake Sodoshnoe (40 m), Lake Ferapontovskoe (27 m), Lake Siverskoe (26 m), and Lake Svyatoe (25 m). A thermal regime with distinct direct temperature stratification in summer and reverse stratification in winter is observed only in the deepest lakes. These lakes are characterized by the highest values of the heat budget (5–7 kcal / sq cm), and the temperature of the bottom water layer is below 10 °С in summer. Lakes with unclear and unstable stratification, a bottom temperature above 10–15 °C, and a lower heat budget are much more common. The beginning of lake ice-covering usually falls in the first decade of November. As a rule, the opening occurs in the first decade of May. The lakes are covered in ice for 160–175 days on average, usually longer than rivers (Filenko, 1966; Antipov, 1981; Vorobyev, 2007).
All the lakes in the Vologda Region are freshwater lakes with TDS values within the zonal norm, of bicarbonate-calcium composition as a rule. Mostly, lake waters are neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 6.9–7.5), favorable for aquatic organisms (Vorobyev and Korobeynikova, 1981). On the other hand, intra-mire lakes have a wide pH range, more often slightly acidic or acidic (pH 4.2–6.5) (Komov and Stepanova, 1994; Philippov and Yurchenko, 2020).
Lakes in the Vologda Region have a different degree, character, and intensity of macrophyte covering, closely related to landscape and limnological conditions (Vorobyev, 1977; Sadokov and Philippov, 2017).
Bibliographic Citations
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Dmitriy A. Philippovoriginator
position: Leading Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Telephone: +79159990308
Dmitriy A. Philippov
metadata author
position: Leading Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Telephone: +79159990308
Ksenya N. Ivicheva
metadata author
position: Senior Specialist
Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
5 Levicheva Street
Nadezhda N. Makarenkova
metadata author
position: Specialist
Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
5 Levicheva Street
Igor V. Filonenko
metadata author
position: Senior Researcher
Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
5 Levicheva Street
Aleksandra S. Komarova
metadata author
position: Junior Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Natalya Ivanova
position: Senior Researcher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str.
Dmitriy A. Philippov
administrative point of contact
position: Leading Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Telephone: +79159990308