MNA Italica 2004_Rauschert dredge_Ross_sea_Mollusca_lgp
Ghiglione C (2017). MNA Italica 2004_Rauschert dredge_Ross_sea_Mollusca_lgp. Version 3.2. Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa). Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-15.Description
Information regarding the molluscs in this dataset is based on the Rauschert dredge samples collected during the Latitudinal Gradient Program (LGP) on board the R/V “Italica” in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) in the austral summer 2004. A total of 18 epibenthic dredge deployments/samplings have been performed at four diffrent locations at depths ranging from 84 to 515m by using a "Rauschert" dredge with a mesh size of 500μm. In total 8,359 specimens have been collected belonging to 161 species and corresponding to 505 species distributional records. Of these, in order of abundance, 5,965 specimens were Gastropoda (accounting for 113 species), 1,323 were Bivalvia (accounting for 36 species), 949 were Aplacophora (accounting for 7 species), 74 specimens were Scaphopoda (3 species), 38 were Monoplacophora (1 species) and, finally, 10 specimens were Polyplacophora (1 species). This data set represent the first large-scale survey of benthic micromolluscs for the area and provides important information about the distribution of several species which have been seldom or never recorded before in the Ross Sea. All vouchers are permanently stored at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA), Section of Genoa, enabling future comparison and crosschecking. This material is also currently under study, from a molecular point of view, by the barcoding project "BAMBi" (PNRA 2010/A1.10).Sampling Description
Study Extent
This dataset lists the species that have been collected by deploying for the first time a Rauschert dredge in the Ross Sea (Rehm et al. 2006). Samples were obtained during the Austral summer 2004 in the framework of the 19th PNRA Antarctic expedition, on board the R/V “Italica”. The study area was the continental shelf along the latitudinal transect comprised between Cape Adare (~71°S) and Terra Nova Bay (~75°S). On the whole,eighteen stations, comprised between 84 and 515m of depth, were sampled.Sampling
Sampling activities were done in four main areas of the Ross Sea: Cape Adare, Cape Hallett, Coulman Island, Cape Russell (Fig 2). The eighteen Rauschert dredge samples were obtained at Cape Adare (five sampling sites: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), at Cape Hallett (seven sampling sites: H out 1, H out 2, H out 4, H in 2, H in 3; H in 4, H in 5), at Coulmann Island (two sites: C1, C2) and at Cape Russell (four sites: SMN, R2, R3, R4) (Rehm et al. 2006).Quality Control
Specimens were classified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. A 18% of species were classified at the or above the generic level due to an uncertainty about their status. The same was for another 6% of species that potentially represent new species. Although these taxa will require further studies (e.g. morphological and genetic, currently underway) these have been included in this dataset as they could be clearly distinguished during sorting activities and were therefore considered as morphospecies. During all the phases of sorting, classification and storage of samples at the Italian National Antarctic Museum, quality controls and data cleaning have been undertaken at various steps in order to produce quality data and make consistent cross-references between the database and samples' labels. The MNA uses an SQL-based database (Specify 6) to manage its collections and link all the data (photos, sequences, etc.) to the physical samples. Georeferencing on board the RV "Italica" is based on TCP/IP protocols and NetNav2000 and NetNav WEB systems.Method steps
- The material was collected during the Italica 2004 LGP Italica 2004 Expedition by Dr. Peter Rehm (see Rehm et al., 2006) under the framework of the PNRA Project 2002/8.6. In the specific, the Rauschert samples were preserved immediately in pre-cooled 90% ethanol and kept in -25°C for later DNA extraction. Sorting of molluscs was performed at the Italian National Antarctic Museum. Taxonomic identification was performed at the Italian Antarctic National Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa) and at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) laboratories. All living specimens were sorted under a stereomicroscope and, whenever possible, classified down to the specific level. More minute species were photographed at ESEM (Leo Stereoscan 440) facility at DISTAV. Dead shells have not been taken into account in the present study. The present molluscs dataset has been formatted in order to fulfil the standards (Darwin Core) required by the OBIS scheme ( according the SCAR-MarBIN Data Toolkit (available at The dataset was uploaded in the ANTOBIS database (the geospatial component of SCAR-MarBIN) and added to SOMBASE (Southern Ocean Mollusc Database SOMBASE generated initial core data system upon which SCAR’s Marine Biodiversity Information Network (SCAR-MarBIN) was built. Taxonomy was matched against the Register of Antarctic Marine Species, using the Taxon Match tool ( Data from both the RV “Italica” and the RV “Tangaroa” (“BioRoss”, TAN0402) voyages were published in Schiaparelli et al. (2006). A detailed analysis of the distribution of mollusc species sampled by the Rauschert dredge as well as the illustration of all new records for the Ross Sea is in Ghiglione et al. (submitted). The dataflow is illustrated in Figure 1.
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
The present dataset focus on six molluscs classes (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Monoplacophora, Aplacophora, Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda). In total 8,359 specimens have been collected belonging to 161 species and corresponding to 505 species distributional records. Of these, in order of abundance, 5,965 specimens were Gastropoda (accounting for 113 species), 1,323 were Bivalvia (accounting for 36 species), 949 were Aplacophora (accounting for 7 species), 74 specimens were Scaphopoda (3 species), 38 were Monoplacophora (1 species) and, finally, 10 specimens were Polyplacophora (1 species). This data set represent the first large-scale survey of benthic micromolluscs for the area and provides important information about the distribution of several species which have been seldom or never recorded before in the Ross Sea. A detailed analysis of the distribution of mollusc species sampled by the Rauschert dredge as well as the illustration of all new records for the Ross Sea is in Ghiglione et al. (submitted). The number of newly reported species for the Ross Sea is compared with the available base line, i.e. the SOMBASE records, in Figure 3.
The dataset includes respectively for each class:
Solenogastresrank: class
Neomeniidaerank: family
Polyplacophorarank: class
Callochitonidaerank: family
Callochitonrank: genus
Monoplacophorarank: class
Micropilinidaerank: family
Micropilinarank: genus
Micropilina arntzirank: species
Gastropodarank: class
Acteonidaerank: family
Cancellaridaerank: family
Anatomidaerank: family
Margaritidaerank: family
Doridaerank: family
Eulimidaerank: family
Mangeliidaerank: family
Seguenzioidearank: superfamily
Calliotropidaerank: family
Capulidaerank: family
Newtoniellidaerank: family
Buccinidaerank: family
Skeneidaerank: family
Cylichnidaerank: family
Diaphanidaerank: family
Dotidaerank: family
Eatoniellidaerank: family
Zerotulidaerank: family
Lepetidaerank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Cerithiopsidaerank: family
Collonidaerank: family
Skeneidaerank: family
Mangellidaerank: family
Margaritidaerank: family
Orbitestellidaerank: family
Triviidaerank: family
Omalogyridaerank: family
Volutomitridaerank: family
Buccinidaerank: family
Philinidaerank: family
Raphitomidaerank: family
Rissoidaerank: family
Akiodorididaerank: family
Cingulopsidaerank: family
Pyramidellidaerank: family
Tjaernoeiidaerank: family
Muricidaerank: family
Mathildidaerank: family
Borsoniidaerank: family
Acteonrank: genus
Admeterank: genus
Aegiresrank: genus
Anatomarank: genus
Antimargaritarank: genus
Austrodorisrank: genus
Bathycrinicolarank: genus
Belalorarank: genus
Brookularank: genus
Calliotropisrank: genus
Capulusrank: genus
Cerithiellarank: genus
Chlanidotarank: genus
Cirsonellarank: genus
Cylichnarank: genus
Diaphanarank: genus
Dotorank: genus
Eatoniellarank: genus
Eumetularank: genus
Frovinarank: genus
Haliellarank: genus
Hemiaclisrank: genus
Iothiarank: genus
Kerguelenaticarank: genus
Krachiarank: genus
Leptocolloniarank: genus
Liotellarank: genus
Lissotestarank: genus
Lorabelarank: genus
Margaritesrank: genus
Melanellarank: genus
Microdiscularank: genus
Newnesiarank: genus
Nothoadmeterank: genus
Notoficularank: genus
Omalogyrarank: genus
Paradmeterank: genus
Pareuthriarank: genus
Philinerank: genus
Pleurotomellarank: genus
Powellisetiarank: genus
Probuccinumrank: genus
Prodoridunculusrank: genus
Prosiphorank: genus
Sinuberrank: genus
Skenellarank: genus
Streptocionellarank: genus
Thjaernoeiarank: genus
Toledoniarank: genus
Torelliarank: genus
Triliratarank: genus
Trophonrank: genus
Turritellopsisrank: genus
Typhlodaphnerank: genus
Acteon antarcticusrank: species
Admete hainirank: species
Aegires albusrank: species
Anatoma euglyptarank: species
Antimargarita dulcisrank: species
Doris kerguelensisrank: species
Bathycrinicola tumidularank: species
Oneopota striatularank: species
Brookula pfefferirank: species
Brookula cf. argentinarank: species
Brookula strebelirank: species
Calliotropis antarticarank: species
Capulus subcompressusrank: species
Cerithiella seymourianarank: species
Chlanidota signeyanarank: species
Cirsonella extremarank: species
Cylichna gelidarank: species
Diaphana paesslerirank: species
Doto antarticarank: species
Eatoniella aff. canarank: species
Eatoniella cf. demissarank: species
Eatoniella kerguelensisrank: species
Eumetula dilectarank: species
Eumetula cf.dilectarank: species
Eumetula strebelirank: species
Hemiaclis incoloratarank: species
Iothia emarginuloidesrank: species
Kerguelenatica delicatularank: species
Krachia antarticarank: species
Leptocollonia innocensrank: species
Lissotesta macnightyrank: species
Lissotesta mammillatarank: species
Lissotesta minutissimarank: species
Lissotesta notalisrank: species
Lissotesta similisrank: species
Lissotesta strebelirank: species
Lissotesta unifilosarank: species
Lorabela davisirank: species
Margarites crebrilirulatarank: species
Margarites refulgensrank: species
Melanella antarticarank: species
Melanella convexarank: species
Microdiscula vanhoeffenirank: species
Newnesia antarticarank: species
Nothoadmete cf. delicatularank: species
Notoficula bouvetirank: species
Omalogyra burdwoodianarank: species
Onoba egorovaerank: species
Onoba gelidarank: species
Onoba kerguelenirank: species
Onoba pauciliratarank: species
Onoba subantarctica wilkesianarank: species
Onoba turquetirank: species
Paradmete fragillimarank: species
Pareuthria plicatularank: species
Philine alatarank: species
Pleurotomella deliciosarank: species
Powellisetia desertarank: species
Probuccinum tenerumrank: species
Prodoridunculus gaussianusrank: species
Prosipho nodosusrank: species
Antistreptus contrariusrank: species
Prosipho glacialisrank: species
Prosipho nodosusrank: species
Prosipho mundusrank: species
Sinuber microstriatumrank: species
Skenella paludinoidesrank: species
Streptocionella pluralisrank: species
Thjaernoeia micaelirank: species
Toledonia cf. perplexarank: species
Toledonia elatarank: species
Toledonia globosarank: species
Toledonia limnaeaeformisrank: species
Toledonia majorrank: species
Toledonia palmerirank: species
Toledonia punctatarank: species
Toledonia striatarank: species
Torellia antarticarank: species
Torellia exilisrank: species
Trilirata macmurdensisrank: species
Trilirata sexcarinatarank: species
Trophon coulmanensisrank: species
Trophon minutusrank: species
Turritellopsis latiorrank: species
Typhlodaphne innocentiarank: species
Bivalviarank: class
Philobryidaerank: family
Astartidaerank: family
Cuspidariidaerank: family
Cyamiidaerank: family
Carditidaerank: family
Cyclochlamydidaerank: family
Propeamussiidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Kelliidaerank: family
Limidaerank: family
Limopsidaerank: family
Philibryidaerank: family
Lyonsiidaerank: family
Montacutidaerank: family
Poromyidaerank: family
Nuculanidaerank: family
Siliculidaerank: family
Cuspidariidaerank: family
Thraciidaerank: family
Thyasiridaerank: family
Galeommatoidearank: family
Yoldiidaerank: family
Adacnarcarank: genus
Astarterank: genus
Cuspidariarank: genus
Cyamiomactrarank: genus
Cyclocardiarank: genus
Cyclochlamysrank: genus
Cyclopectenrank: genus
Dacrydiumrank: genus
Kelliarank: genus
Limatularank: genus
Limopsisrank: genus
Lissarcarank: genus
Lyonsiarank: genus
Montacutarank: genus
Mysellarank: genus
Parathyasirarank: genus
Philobryarank: genus
Poromyarank: genus
Propeledarank: genus
Pseudokellyarank: genus
Silicularank: genus
Subcuspidariarank: genus
Thraciarank: genus
Waldorank: genus
Yoldiellarank: genus
Adacnarca nitensrank: species
Astarte longirostrisrank: species
Cuspidaria tenellarank: species
Cuspidaria kerguelensisrank: species
Cyamiomactra laminiferarank: species
Cyamiomactra robustarank: species
Cyclocardia astartoidesrank: species
Cyclochlamys gaussianusrank: species
Cyclochlamys pteriolarank: species
Dacrydium albidumrank: species
Kellia simulansrank: species
Limatula hodgsonirank: species
Limatula ovalisrank: species
Limatula simillimarank: species
Limopsis lilieirank: species
Limopsis marionensisrank: species
Lissarca notorcadensisrank: species
Lyonsia arcaeformisrank: species
Montacuta nimrodianarank: species
Mysella cf. antarticarank: species
Mysella charcotirank: species
Mysella gibbosarank: species
Philobrya sublaevisrank: species
Philobrya wandelensisrank: species
Poromya spinosularank: species
Propeleda longicaudatarank: species
Pseudokellya gradatarank: species
Silicula rouchirank: species
Thracia meridionalisrank: species
Parathyasira dearbornirank: species
Thyasira debilisrank: species
Waldo parasiticusrank: species
Yoldiella antarcticarank: species
Fusceulimarank: genus
Scaphopodarank: class
Pulsellidaerank: family
Gadilidaerank: family
Pulsellumrank: genus
Siphonodentaliumrank: genus
Siphonodentalium dallirank: species
Geographic Coverages
Antarctica, Ross Sea, Victoria Land Coast
Bibliographic Citations
Claudio Ghiglioneoriginator
position: PhD Student
Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy & Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa)
Corso Europa 26
Claudio Ghiglione
metadata author
position: PhD Student
Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy & Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa)
Corso Europa 26
Anton Van de Putte
Stefano Schiaparelli
Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences (DISTAV)
Corso Europa 26
Telephone: +39 010 3538329
Claudio Ghilglione
position: PhD Student
Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy & Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa)
Corso Europa 26
Maria Chiara Alvaro
position: PhD
DISTAV - University of Genoa & Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA)
Corso Europa 26
Huw J. Griffiths
position: PhD
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross, Madingley Road
Linse Katrin
position: PhD
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
High Cross, Madingley Road
Stefano Schiaparelli
administrative point of contact
Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences (DISTAV)
Corso Europa 26
Telephone: +39 010 3538329