Fauna of the splash zone of Lake Baikal
Medvezhonkova O, Zvereva Y, Luhnev A, Timoshkin O (2022). Fauna of the splash zone of Lake Baikal. Version 1.3. Limnological Institute. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/t4szw9 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
It became a matter of common knowledge that the fauna of Lake Baikal, like many of its other features, are unique. Benthic communities of the littoral part, demonstrating highest diversity in the lake ecosystem, were the area of researchers concern for a long time. However, a part of the littoral, called splash zone (hygroarenal), an ecotone – a transitional area of environmental media (water, soil and air), remains poorly studied. Meanwhile, this zone is inhabited by curious organism communities dwelling in interstitial spaces under highly unstable conditions. It is well known that these communities include specific species and species from the adjacent littoral habitats and terrestrial biotopes. Besides, they exhibit high abundance and biomass values. This dataset presents a list of multicellular animal findings from rocky and sandy lake beaches above the water’s edge, permanently or temporarily wetted by capillary water and waves. It is based on literature sources (63%), including 27 entries, and original data (37%). The dataset lists representatives of 17 classes attributed to 7 invertebrate animal types. Rotifera displays the highest number of species and subspecies (66 of 24 genera), 42 species (23 genera) are from Nematoda group. Chironomidae are represented by 27 species, Turbellaria – 23, Oligochaeta – 1r6, Amphipoda – 15, Cyclopoida – 11. The remaining taxonomic groups, Polychaeta, Gastrotricha, Hirudinea, Gastropoda, Isopoda, Bathynellidae, Tardigrada, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Harpacticoida, Acariformes, Collembola, Plecoptera and Trichoptera contain 1 to 8 species each.Sampling Description
Study Extent
First of all, quantitative and qualitative samples were collected from the splash zone on sandy and rocky beaches of Lake Baikal from May until October, 2010-2015 when the beaches were ice-free. Observations were performed on 12 beaches, 8of them in Southern Baikal and 4 in the Northern Baikal. Most of the samples were collected in Bolshye Koty bay (Southern Baikal) (51.90, 105.06). The specimens that were included into the database from literature sources were collected on 30 lake beaches, 12 of which located in the Southern Baikal, 15 in the Middle and 3 in the Northern Baikal. The earliest findings refer to 1920s, the most recent ones to 2015. A more detailed information on the sampling sites and periods reported in literature is provided in the reference list.Sampling
In the splash zone, samples were collected at a distance from 0 to 2.5 m above the water’s edge using two approaches. First, interstitial water present in a hole made in the sand was collected and filtered through a 0.14 µm sieve net. Second, sand was collected by a plastic tube, organisms were extracted by multiple stirring in water and filtering the supernatant through a net. The material from the net was transferred into a container with 70% ethyl alcohol. Specimens with the body size over 0.3 mm were selected from a fixed sample under a stereoscopic microscope MBS-10. Species were identified according to the classification schemes of particular systematic groups using keys or original descriptions. Records included into the database from literature were collected following analogous patterns. However, descriptions of certain specific procedures, such as sampling from pebble grounds, may be found checking reference lists.Method steps
- Data preparation algorithm included the following steps: Literature search for any records of finding multicellular animals in the splash zone of Lake Baikal.
- Sampling in the splash zone of pebble-gravel beaches on Lake Baikal during field surveys in 2010-2015. Two approaches were made use of: A) A hole was dug reaching the groundwater level (0-2,5 m above the water’s edge). The water was stirred in the hole, collected and filtered through a nylon sieve (0.14 mm mesh size). B) A plastic tube (56 mm in diameter) was immersed in sand of the splash zone. The tube with sand was lifted out of sand with a spatula. Then, the sand was transferred into a bowl with filtered Baikal water. The specimens were extracted by multiple stirring of water with sand and filtering the supernatant through a sieve (0.14 mm mesh size). The content of the net was transferred in a container with 70% ethyl alcohol.
- In laboratory, specimens with the body size over 0,3 mm were selected from a fixed sample using pincers or pipette under a stereoscopic microscope MBS-10 (6x-50x magnification).
- Whole mounts were prepared to identify Turbellaria, Tardigrada and Chirinimidae species. The specimens were mounted on a slide in Fora-Berlese medium (chloral hydrate, gum arabic, glycerin, water). Oligochaete species were identified on temporary slides in glycerin or whole mounts in Canada balsam. Examination and measurement of temporary and permanent slide preparations were performed using Meiji Techno Co, Olympus CX 21 FS1 and Nikon (50x-1000x) microscopes. Microphotographs are obtained under transmitted light microscopes using a ToupCam digital camera. Methods used in species identification of organism groups, included into the database from literature sources, can be found in appropriate reference lists.
- Original material on slides is stored in the collection of the Laboratory of Aquatic invertebrate biology at the Limnological Institute SB RAS (Irkutsk).
Taxonomic Coverages
The dataset lists representatives of 17 classes belonging to 7 invertebrate types, dwelling in interstitial spaces between ground particles. Two groups, macro- and meiobenthos, defined by their size and function, were examined. Rotifera is characterized by the largest species and subspecies number (66 of 24 genera). 42 species (23 genera) are from the Nematoda group. Chironomidae are represented by 27 species, Turbellaria – 23, Oligochaeta – 16, Amphipoda – 15, Cyclopoida – 11. The remaining taxonomic groups, Polychaeta, Gastrotricha, Hirudinea, Gastropoda, Isopoda, Bathynellidae, Tardigrada, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Harpacticoida, Acariformes, Collembola, Plecoptera and Trichoptera include 1 to 8 species each.
Geographic Coverages
The database describes animals collected in the splash zone along the entire Lake Baikal shore. A splash zone is a part of the lake littoral zone above the water’s edge subject to wetting by splash from breaking waves. Lake Baikal is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia within the republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk province (Russia). It is the deepest lake in the world and the world’s largest freshwater lake by volume. The shoreline of Lake Baikal, 80 % of which are steep abrasion shores, is approximately 1800 km long. Aggradation shores occupy only 20 % of this area and are located mainly on the eastern shore, pebble beaches, being most widespread. The dataset presents findings from sandy and pebble beaches of the lake, the major part of which were collected in the southern basin of Baikal. Beaches near Listvyanka settlement, Berezovy Cape, Bolshye Koty Bay and Peschanaya Bay were studied most thoroughly.
Bibliographic Citations
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Olga Medvezhonkovaoriginator
position: junior researcher
Limnological Institut SB RAS
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: popova-olga87@yandex.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7263-4649
Yulia Zvereva
position: junior researcher
Limnological Institut SB RAS
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: spongebobuz@yandex.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4193-5000
Anton Luhnev
position: researcher
Limnological Institut SB RAS
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: luhnev.ant@yandex.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9741-8600
Oleg Timoshkin
position: Head of Laboratory
Limnological Institut SB RAS, Laboratory of Aquatic Invertebrate Biology
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: tim@lin.irk.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6476-0074
Olga Medvezhonkova
metadata author
position: junior researcher
Limnological Institut SB RAS
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: popova-olga87@yandex.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7263-4649
Nina Filippova
email: filippova.courlee.nina@gmail.com
Olga Medvezhonkova
administrative point of contact
position: junior researcher
Limnological Institut SB RAS
Ulan-Batorskaya, 3
Irkutskaya ollast`
email: popova-olga87@yandex.ru
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7263-4649