Biodiversidad del orden Araneae (Arachnida) de las Islas del Golfo de California, México
Jiménez Jiménez M L, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Biodiversidad del orden Araneae (Arachnida) de las Islas del Golfo de California, México. Version 1.17. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-15.Description
La alta diversidad de los arácnidos de la península de Baja California, se debe a su actual fisiografía y de los cambios ocurridos a través de su historia geológica. Conjuntamente con esta evolución geomorfológica se originaron las islas del golfo de California de las cuales se conoce muy poco la fauna del Orden Araneae, por lo que este proyecto pretende generar una base de datos y un catálogo de las especies de arañas de estos ambientes, a través de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva y revisión de material biológico.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 1 Familia: 28 Género: 52 Especie: 66
Taxonomic Coverages
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Arthropoda
Clase: Arachnida
Orden: Araneae
Familia: Plectreuridae, Salticidae, Theridiidae, Miturgidae, Filistatidae, Pholcidae, Caponiidae, Dictynidae, Lycosidae, Araneidae, Homalonychidae, Oxyopidae, Selenopidae, Uloboridae, Sparassidae, Gnaphosidae, Segestriidae, Oonopidae, Sicariidae, Scytodidae, Philodromidae, Thomisidae, Oecobiidae, Anyphaenidae, Diguetidae, Euagridae, Linyphiidae, Prodidomidae
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Arachnidarank: class
Araneaerank: order
Plectreuridaerank: family
Salticidaerank: family
Theridiidaerank: family
Miturgidaerank: family
Filistatidaerank: family
Pholcidaerank: family
Caponiidaerank: family
Dictynidaerank: family
Lycosidaerank: family
Araneidaerank: family
Homalonychidaerank: family
Oxyopidaerank: family
Selenopidaerank: family
Uloboridaerank: family
Sparassidaerank: family
Gnaphosidaerank: family
Segestriidaerank: family
Oonopidaerank: family
Sicariidaerank: family
Scytodidaerank: family
Philodromidaerank: family
Thomisidaerank: family
Oecobiidaerank: family
Anyphaenidaerank: family
Diguetidaerank: family
Euagridaerank: family
Linyphiidaerank: family
Prodidomidaerank: family
Plectreurysrank: genus
Metaphidippusrank: genus
Latrodectusrank: genus
Habronattusrank: genus
Syspirarank: genus
Kukulcaniarank: genus
Psilochorusrank: genus
Nopsidesrank: genus
Dictynarank: genus
Pardosarank: genus
Steatodarank: genus
Micrathenarank: genus
Homalonychusrank: genus
Anelosimusrank: genus
Peucetiarank: genus
Phidippusrank: genus
Selenopsrank: genus
Cyclosarank: genus
Uloborusrank: genus
Platycryptusrank: genus
Oliosrank: genus
Cesoniarank: genus
Philoponellarank: genus
Eustalarank: genus
Tarsonopsrank: genus
Argioperank: genus
Zelotesrank: genus
Ariadnarank: genus
Scopoidesrank: genus
Dendryphantesrank: genus
Litopyllusrank: genus
Scaphiellarank: genus
Loxoscelesrank: genus
Hognarank: genus
Messuarank: genus
Arctosarank: genus
Scytodesrank: genus
Yumatesrank: genus
Hamataliwarank: genus
Eborank: genus
Misumenopsrank: genus
Oecobiusrank: genus
Physocyclusrank: genus
Hibanarank: genus
Diguetiarank: genus
Euagrusrank: genus
Eperigonerank: genus
Theridionrank: genus
Neozimirisrank: genus
Gasteracantharank: genus
Oxyopesrank: genus
Segestriarank: genus
Plectreurys tristisrank: species
Metaphidippus cherarank: species
Latrodectus mactanscommon name: viuda negra, capulina, cintlatlahua (Náhuatl), ntsee (tlahuica), tzintlatlauhqui (Náhuatl), viuda negra rank: species
Habronattus divaricatusrank: species
Kukulcania hibernalisrank: species
Habronattus ammophilusrank: species
Psilochorus dogmaticuscommon name: araña patona rank: species
Dictyna miniatarank: species
Pardosa sabulosarank: species
Steatoda medialisrank: species
Micrathena funebrisrank: species
Homalonychus theologusrank: species
Anelosimus analyticusrank: species
Syspira tigrinarank: species
Peucetia viridansrank: species
Phidippus arizonensisrank: species
Dictyna volucripesrank: species
Syspira longipesrank: species
Metaphidippus mannirank: species
Cyclosa turbinatarank: species
Habronattus elegansrank: species
Uloborus diversusrank: species
Platycryptus californicusrank: species
Plectreurys valensrank: species
Olios scepticusrank: species
Cesonia cerralvorank: species
Philoponella owenirank: species
Eustala conchlearank: species
Tarsonops sectipesrank: species
Argiope argentatarank: species
Zelotes catholicusrank: species
Plectreurys ceralbonarank: species
Ariadna bicolorrank: species
Selenops nesophilusrank: species
Scopoides nesiotesrank: species
Dendryphantes zygoballoidesrank: species
Olios positivusrank: species
Litopyllus realisticusrank: species
Scaphiella litorisrank: species
Loxosceles rufescensrank: species
Hogna persimiliscommon name: araña lobo rank: species
Messua limbatarank: species
Arctosa littoraliscommon name: araña lobo rank: species
Scytodes fuscarank: species
Yumates nesophilarank: species
Cesonia classicarank: species
Hamataliwa grisearank: species
Ebo mexicanusrank: species
Scaphiella hesperarank: species
Scytodes redemptarank: species
Misumenops celerrank: species
Metaphidippus carmenensisrank: species
Oecobius isolatusrank: species
Physocyclus mysticuscommon name: araña patona, arañas patonas rank: species
Scopoides asceticusrank: species
Hibana incursarank: species
Nopsides ceralbonusrank: species
Scytodes poenitensrank: species
Diguetia canitiesrank: species
Euagrus josephusrank: species
Eperigone eschatologicarank: species
Theridion positivumrank: species
Neozimiris pubescensrank: species
Gasteracantha cancriformisrank: species
Oxyopes actophilusrank: species
Segestria danzanticarank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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