PELD-ELPA Phytoplankton and water quality parameters in the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coast
Odebrecht C, Abreu P C (2022). PELD-ELPA Phytoplankton and water quality parameters in the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coast. Version 1.10. Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira - SiBBr. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
Phytoplankton and water quality parameters are analyzed monthly since 1993 at two stations in the Patos Lagoon Estuary and at one station in the surf zone of the adjacent Cassino Beach. This data series provides unique long-term information enabling the evaluation of natural and anthropic impacts in the estuarine and coastal region in southern Brazil.Purpose
The general purposes of this data bank are to provide information on long term studies developed in the Patos Lagoon estuary.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Phytoplankton and water quality parameters have been continuously sampled since 1993 i.e., the time series comprise over twenty years of environmental and biological data.Sampling
The following physical water parameters are obtained in situ: temperature (mercury thermometer); salinity (optical refractometer or conductivity meter Yellow Spring, mod. 33 SCT); water transparency (Secchi disk). Surface water is sampled with a bucket and stored in the dark in plastic bottles for the analysis of dissolved inorganic nutrients and chlorophyll-a in the laboratory.Quality Control
Responsible researchers and the classical methods are the same employed since the beginning of the time series. Thus, methodology influence is minimal. Technical assistance for sampling and nutrient analysis changed during the years, and also of phytoplankton counting (six persons), always under supervision of the responsible researchers.Method steps
- For phytoplankton counting, surface water samples are stored in amber glass bottles and fixed with lugol´s solution (2%). Plankton is also concentrated by horizontal tows using a 20 μm mesh size plankton net and stored in glass bottles fixed with fomaldehyde (4%) neutralized with hexamethylentetramine.
Taxonomic Coverages
Bacteriarank: kingdom
Chromistarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Protozoarank: kingdom
Bacillariophytarank: phylum
Charophytarank: phylum
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Ciliophorarank: phylum
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Miozoarank: phylum
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Chlorophyceaerank: class
Conjugatophyceaerank: class
Coscinodiscophyceaerank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Cyanophyceaerank: class
Dictyochophyceaerank: class
Dinophyceaerank: class
Euglenophyceaerank: class
Litostomatearank: class
Mediophyceaerank: class
Pyramimonadophyceaerank: class
Raphidophyceaerank: class
Trebouxiophyceaerank: class
Ulvophyceaerank: class
Aulacoseiralesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Chaetocerotalesrank: order
Chaetocerotanae incertae sedisrank: order
Chattonellalesrank: order
Chroococcalesrank: order
Coscinodiscalesrank: order
Cyclotrichiidarank: order
Cymatosiralesrank: order
Dictyochalesrank: order
Dinophysalesrank: order
Eupodiscalesrank: order
Eutreptialesrank: order
Fragilarialesrank: order
Gonyaulacalesrank: order
Gymnodinialesrank: order
Hemiaulalesrank: order
Lithodesmialesrank: order
Melosiralesrank: order
Naviculalesrank: order
Noctilucalesrank: order
Nostocalesrank: order
Oscillatorialesrank: order
Paralialesrank: order
Peridinialesrank: order
Prorocentralesrank: order
Pyramimonadalesrank: order
Rhizosolenialesrank: order
Surirellalesrank: order
Synechococcalesrank: order
Thalassionematalesrank: order
Thalassiosiralesrank: order
Triceratialesrank: order
Ulotrichalesrank: order
Aphanizomenonaceaerank: family
Aphanothecaceaerank: family
Aulacoseiraceaerank: family
Bacillariaceaerank: family
Ceratiaceaerank: family
Chaetocerotaceaerank: family
Coscinodiscaceaerank: family
Cymatosiraceaerank: family
Dictyochaceaerank: family
Dinophysaceaerank: family
Diploneidaceaerank: family
Entomoneidaceaerank: family
Eupodiscaceaerank: family
Eutreptiaceaerank: family
Fragilariaceaerank: family
Gloeotilaceaerank: family
Gonyaulacaceaerank: family
Gymnodiniaceaerank: family
Hemiaulaceaerank: family
Leptocylindraceaerank: family
Leptolyngbyaceaerank: family
Lithodesmiaceaerank: family
Melosiraceaerank: family
Merismopediaceaerank: family
Mesodiniidaerank: family
Microcystaceaerank: family
Naviculaceaerank: family
Noctilucaceaerank: family
Paraliaceaerank: family
Parodontellaceaerank: family
Peridiniaceaerank: family
Pleurosigmataceaerank: family
Polykrikaceaerank: family
Prorocentraceaerank: family
Protoperidiniaceaerank: family
Pseudanabaenaceaerank: family
Pterospermataceaerank: family
Rhizosoleniaceaerank: family
Skeletonemaceaerank: family
Stephanopyxidaceaerank: family
Surirellaceaerank: family
Thalassionemataceaerank: family
Thalassiosiraceaerank: family
Triceratiaceaerank: family
Akashiworank: genus
Alexandriumrank: genus
Amphidiniumrank: genus
Aphanocapsarank: genus
Asterionellopsisrank: genus
Aulacoseirarank: genus
Bacillariarank: genus
Bacteriastrumrank: genus
Binucleariarank: genus
Campylosirarank: genus
Cerataulinarank: genus
Ceratoneisrank: genus
Chaetocerosrank: genus
Coscinodiscusrank: genus
Dactyliosolenrank: genus
Detonularank: genus
Dictyocharank: genus
Dinophysisrank: genus
Diploneisrank: genus
Ditylumrank: genus
Entomoneisrank: genus
Guinardiarank: genus
Gyrodiniumrank: genus
Gyrosigmarank: genus
Hemiaulusrank: genus
Leptocylindrusrank: genus
Leptolyngbyarank: genus
Lithodesmiumrank: genus
Melosirarank: genus
Mesodiniumrank: genus
Meunierarank: genus
Microcystisrank: genus
Neocalyptrellarank: genus
Nitzschiarank: genus
Noctilucarank: genus
Odontellarank: genus
Paraliarank: genus
Peridiniumrank: genus
Planktolyngbyarank: genus
Pleurosigmarank: genus
Polykrikosrank: genus
Probosciarank: genus
Prorocentrumrank: genus
Protoperidiniumrank: genus
Pseudo-nitzschiarank: genus
Pseudosoleniarank: genus
Pterospermarank: genus
Raphidiopsisrank: genus
Scrippsiellarank: genus
Skeletonemarank: genus
Stephanopyxisrank: genus
Sundstroemiarank: genus
Surirellarank: genus
Synedrarank: genus
Thalassionemarank: genus
Thalassiosirarank: genus
Torodiniumrank: genus
Trieresrank: genus
Triposrank: genus
Zygocerosrank: genus
Akashiwo sanguinearank: species
Alexandrium fraterculusrank: species
Asterionellopsis guyunusaerank: species
Aulacoseira granulatarank: species
Bacillaria paxilliferarank: species
Binuclearia lauterborniirank: species
Campylosira cymbelliformisrank: species
Cerataulina bicornisrank: species
Ceratoneis closteriumrank: species
Chaetoceros subtilisrank: species
Coscinodiscus wailesiirank: species
Dactyliosolen fragilissimusrank: species
Detonula pumilarank: species
Dictyocha fibularank: species
Dinophysis acuminatarank: species
Dinophysis caudatarank: species
Ditylum brightwelliirank: species
Guinardia delicatularank: species
Guinardia flaccidarank: species
Gyrodinium fususrank: species
Leptocylindrus danicusrank: species
Leptocylindrus minimusrank: species
Melosira moniliformisrank: species
Meuniera membranacearank: species
Neocalyptrella robustarank: species
Noctiluca scintillansrank: species
Paralia sulcatarank: species
Peridinium quinquecornerank: species
Polykrikos schwartziirank: species
Prorocentrum compressumrank: species
Prorocentrum cordatumrank: species
Prorocentrum micansrank: species
Prorocentrum scutellumrank: species
Pseudosolenia calcar-avisrank: species
Scrippsiella trochoidearank: species
Skeletonema costatumrank: species
Skeletonema tropicumrank: species
Stephanopyxis turrisrank: species
Thalassionema nitzschioidesrank: species
Trieres mobiliensisrank: species
Trieres chinensisrank: species
Tripos furcarank: species
Tripos muellerirank: species
Zygoceros ehrenbergiirank: species
Chaetoceros (Hyalochaeta)rank: subgenus
Chaetoceros (Phaoceros)rank: subgenus
Geographic Coverages
The Patos Lagoon at the southern Brazilian coastal plain (Rio Grande do Sul state) is the largest (10,360 km2) choked lagoon in the world stretching in a NE SW direction from the city of Porto Alegre (30°30’ S) to Rio Grande (32°12’ S). In the southern estuarine region, approximately 10 % of total area, a single and narrow inlet connects this lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean. The major tributary rivers at the northern and central areas of Patos Lagoon, and the São Gonçalo Channel at the southern area, are significant freshwater sources from an extensive drainage basin. The hydrodynamics of the Patos Lagoon estuary is strongly controlled by the discharge of tributary rivers and the action of predominant meteorological factors like winds, rainfall and evaporation.
Bibliographic Citations
- Lemos, V. M., Lanari, M., Copertino, M., Secchi, E. R., de Abreu, P. C. O., Muelbert, J. H., Garcia, A. M., Dumont, F. C., Muxagata, E., Vieira, J. P., Colling, A. & Odebrecht, C. (2022). Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coastal biodiversity long-term data. Earth System Science Data, 14(3), 1015-1041. -
Clarisse Odebrechtoriginator
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: +555332336520
Paulo Cesar Abreu
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: +555332336520
Clarisse Odebrecht
metadata author
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: +555332336520
Eduardo Resende Secchi
point of contact
position: Researcher and Coordinator of the Brazilian Long Term Ecological Research (PELD Site 8)
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: 5332336538
Clarisse Odebrecht
principal investigator
position: researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: +555332336520
Valéria Marques Lemos
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Marianna Lanari
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul