Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Artrópodos (UVGC)
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (2024). Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Artrópodos (UVGC). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/fg7cjx accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
The Arthropod Collection of the Del Valle University of Guatemala (Universidad del Valle de Guatemala) contains more than 200,000 insect specimens, thereby being regarded as one of the largest entomological collections in Latin America. Above all, the passalid and scarabaeid beetles (Coleoptera) comprise one of the world’s biggest collections. The Arthropod Collection was established in 1975 by PhD Jack C. Schuster, and since then it has been developed considerably by various scientists and collaborators, thereby contributing to increasing our knowledge and understanding of the Guatemalan entomofauna.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
originatorBiodiversidad de Guatemala
email: sorellana@asu.edu
homepage: https://biodiversidad.gt/portal/index.php
metadata author
Biodiversidad de Guatemala
email: sorellana@asu.edu
homepage: https://biodiversidad.gt/portal/index.php
administrative point of contact
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Artrópodos (UVGC)
Telephone: (+502) 2507-1500
homepage: http://www.uvg.edu.gt
Colección de Artrópodos UVGC
content provider
Dr. Jiichiro Yoshimoto
content provider
position: Curator
email: jyoshimoto@uvg.edu.gt
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6029-0191
Dr. Jack Schuster
content provider
position: Emerit Curator
email: jschuste@uvg.edu.gt
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5895-7639