The List of Bird Species of Samara Oblast
Lebedeva G P (2019). The List of Bird Species of Samara Oblast. I.I. Sprygin Zhiguli State Nature Biosphere Reserve. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2025-01-21.Description
The current list of birds in the region includes 310 species and subspecies belonging to 19 orders and 55 families, in addition, hybrids of wagtails (Motacilla flava + M. lutea) and buntings (Emberiza citrinella + E. leucocephala). When compiling a list of birds in the region, the author’s personal observations were used. Stationary observations were conducted in the territory of the Zhiguli Reserve since 1980 and expeditionary studies were conducted since 1996 in the region under the program of Key Ornithological Territories of Russia of the Russian Bird Protection Union (6) and during the collecting of material for the Atlas of breeding birds of European Russia under the program “Birds of Moscow and Moscow Region” from 2013 to 2017 (7). Also the published and archival materials on birds of the territory that is part of the modern Samara Oblast (more than 400 sources), collection materials of P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore (8, 9) and the zoological museum of Moscow State University were used. Amateur ornithologists (over 40 people) were widely involved in the inventory of birds during regional competitions: “Falcon” (to identify rare species nests) from 1983 to 1990 (10), and since 2014, the Great Year photo contest (11, 12). After the publication of the latest avifaunistic report in 2017 (13), the list of species of birds in the region was replenished with new species and subspecies, the presence of rare species previously classified as extinct was confirmed.Taxonomic Coverages
Avesrank: class
Geographic Coverages
Samara Oblast is located in the South East of the Russian Plain in the middle stream of the Volga River. Its area is 53.6 thousand square kilometers (1). The main feature of the landscape is strongly pronounced transitions of landscapes from the forest-steppe to the steppe. The relief is plain and elevated, but the contrasts in the relief are more significant than in the rest of the Middle Volga Region. The maximum height above sea level is 381.2 m (Zhiguli Mountains), the minimum is 20 m (Maytuganskaya Depression). The Zhiguli tectonic range has a mountainous relief and stands out sharply over the plain territory (2). The climate of the region is temperate continental. The hydrological network consist from the Volga river with the tributaries the Samara, the Sok, the Syzranka, the Usa and others, the length of which is 340 km. The regulated channel of the Volga forms two reservoirs here: Kuibyshevskoye (85.8 thousand ha) and Saratov (95 thousand ha) (3). In addition, there are more than 200 rivers with a total length of 6.74 thousand km, about 100 lakes, 23 small reservoirs and more than 100 ponds with a total area of about 14 thousand ha (4). The vegetation cover of Samara Oblast is characteristic of the forest-steppe. However, from the beginning of 19th century to the present, significant changes occurred in the ratio of forested and treeless territories (5). The area of forests has decreased by more than two times, the transformation of forest communities has been observed, forests have significantly “rejuvenated”. The forest cover of Samara Oblast is 12.7% (4).
Bibliographic Citations
- Samara Oblast (geography and history, economics and culture). Samara, 1996. -
- Zakharov A.S. Relief of the Kuibyshev Oblast. Kuibyshev: Kuib. Publishing House, 1971. -
- State report on the state of the environment of Samara Oblast in 1998 // Ecological safety and sustainable development of Samara Oblast. Issue 8. Samara: State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Samara Region, 1999. -
- State report on the state of the environment and natural resources of the Samara region for 2014. Issue 25. Samara, 2014. -
- The nature of Kuibyshev Oblast. Kuib. Publishing House, 1990. -
- Key ornithological territories of Russia. Volume 1. Key ornithological territories of international importance in European Russia / Comp. T.V. Sviridova. Ed. T.V. Sviridova, V.A. Zubakin. M.: Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia, 2000. 702 p. -
- Lebedeva G.P. Materials for the Atlas of nesting birds of European Russia // Bioecological study of local lore: world, Russian and regional problems / Materials of the 2nd all-Russian. science-practical conference with international participation dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. D.N. Florov and the 75th anniversary of Candidate of Biological Sciences, prof. M.S. Gorelov. October 14, 2013 Samara: PSSGA, Porto-print LLC, 2013. P. 224-227. -
- Lebedeva G.P., Guseva L.V., Nazarova L.V., Ukhina O.G. The history of the formation of the ornithological collection of P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore // Samara Oblast in the history of Russia. Issue 6. Materials of the Interregional Scientific Conference dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the founding of the Samara Province and the 130th anniversary of the founding of P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. Samara, 2017. P. 77-93. -
- Lebedeva G.P., Guseva L.V., Ukhina O.G. Collection of eggs of P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore // From the history of museum collections. Vol. 3. Samara, P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore, Publishing House of "SSC RAS", 2018. P. 87-99. -
- Lebedeva G.P. Protection of rare birds in the Kuibyshev Oblast (results and prospects of attracting amateur bird watchers to inventory and protect rare birds) / Protection of animals in the Middle Volga: Interuniversity Proceedings / V.V. Kuibyshev Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute. Kuibyshev, 1988. P. 22-24. -
- Lebedeva G.P. Materials for the Atlas of nesting birds of European Russia // Bioecological study of local lore: world, Russian and regional problems / Materials of the 2nd all-Russian science-practical conference with the international participation dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. D.N. Florov and the 75th anniversary of the Candidate of Biological Sciences, prof. M.S. Gorelov. October 14, 2013 Samara: PSSGA, Porto-print LLC, 2013. P. 224-227. -
- Lebedeva G.P. Inventory of the bird population of Samara Oblast: the results of the photo contest “Big Year 2015” // Bioecological study of local lore: world, Russian and regional problems: materials of the 4th international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. I.S. Sidoruk and Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, prof. P.A. Polozhentsev. December 7, 2015, Samara, Russian Federation / Res. ed. S.P. Pavlov. Samara: PSSPA, 2015. P.139-145. -
- Lebedeva G.P. Avifauna of Samara Oblast. State of knowledge. // Samara Oblast in the history of Russia. Issue 6. Materials of the Interregional Scientific Conference dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the founding of the Samara Province and the 130th anniversary of the founding of P.V. Alabin Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. Samara, 2017. P. 94-105. -
Galina P. Lebedevaoriginator
position: Senior Researcher
I.I. Sprygin Zhiguli State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Zhigulyovskaya str., house 1
Samara Oblast
Galina P. Lebedeva
metadata author
position: Senior Researcher
I.I. Sprygin Zhiguli State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Zhigulyovskaya str., house 1
Samara Oblast
Galina P. Lebedeva
administrative point of contact
position: Senior Researcher
I.I. Sprygin Zhiguli State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Zhigulyovskaya str., house 1
Samara Oblast