Mammal records captured from Licence Returns submitted to Natural Resources Wales
Cofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service (2023). Mammal records captured from Licence Returns submitted to Natural Resources Wales. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
This dataset is comprised of records of mainly mammal species across Wales obtained from former Countryside Council for Wales' and Natural Resources Wales' survey, monitoring and research licence return forms for scheduled mammal species. The majority of records were captured by Cofnod during 2016, from a batch of forms held by Natural Resources Wales, but further forms are held by NRW. This dataset does not represent a systematic coverage or survey of Wales. Location of records is generally random, depending on the requirements of the licence holders. This dataset includes Sensitive species records (as described in the Data Sourcing, Management and Use policy available from the Cofnod website) but their grid references have been reduced to a non-sensitive resolution (and site names and comments are not included).
To make additional valuable records available to data users and to add to knowledge of the distribution of mammal species in Wales.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
Records are provided by licence holders, who may have variable recording ability. The dataset has been subject to some basic validation to eradicate location errors, and random cross-checking between the licence return forms and the electronic data was carried out following data entry. However the records have not been systematically verified by local experts. The records are all labelled with a Cofnod verification Level of Considered Correct by Cofnod, as they come from a trusted source, which equates to a Verification Status of Accepted. Details of Cofnod’s system of Dataset Categorisation and Record Verification are given within relevant Cofnod policies.Method steps
- Licence return forms are completed by licence holders as a condition of receiving the licence. Licences are issued to organisations and individuals to permit activities which would otherwise by unlawful, such as deliberately capturing or disturbing scheduled species, or damaging or destroying their breeding sites and resting places. Licences are generally issued for the purposes of survey, monitoring and research, or for building and other development work. Records from survey, monitoring and research licence forms were entered onto the Cofnod Online Recording System.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
originatorCofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service
metadata author
Cofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service
NBN Atlas
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn
Aisling May
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