NDFF Atlas of the dutch bats 1997
van Oene M, de Kruif T (2018). NDFF Atlas of the dutch bats 1997. Dutch National Database of Flora and Fauna (NDFF). Metadata dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/wydnid accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
The Bat Atlas Project (VAP) has the following aims: Carrying out a systematic survey of the bats occurring in the Netherlands in their summer biotope. Gaining insight about the bats use of the landscape. Attracting more attention for bats and thereby improving their conservation status. The first aim of the VAP has become more comprehensive. Over time, systematic surveys of bats in their winter habitats were strongly encouraged. The scale of an hour plot or atlas plot (a grid cell of 5 square kilometres) was chosen to carry out a systematic survey. About 94 percent of observations have been made using a bat detector. In addition, the following methods have been used: Catching bats with nets Examining hibernation sites in buildings (mostly church attics) Photographing bats Surveying bat boxes Attracting publicity for bats. The observations were made from 1986 to 1993. Various experts check observations of rare species, observations of the Myotis species, which can easily be confused, and observations of a common species previously unknown in a particular area. Dataset available via https://www.ndff.nl/english / serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl Positive observations without zeros. 8,145 records (March 2018) https://www.ndff.nl/overdendff/validatie/protocollen/17-006-atlas-van-de-nederlandse-vleermuizen-1997/Taxonomic Coverages
Chiropteracommon name: Bats rank: order
Geographic Coverages
The Netherlands
Bibliographic Citations
Martijn van Oeneoriginator
position: Data manager
Dutch Mammal Society
email: info@zoogdiervereniging.nl
homepage: http://www.zoogdiervereniging.nl/dutch-mammal-society-english-pages
Thijs de Kruif
metadata author
position: metadata publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/
Henk de Vries
position: Node manager NLBIF
NLBIF (Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility)
P.O.Box 9517
2300 RA
email: henk.devries@naturalis.nl
Dries Oomen
administrative point of contact
position: publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/