Zooplankton sampling in the coastal waters of south eastern Tasmania, Australia (2009-2015)
Swadling, K.M., Eriksen, R.S., Beard, J.M. and Crawford, C.M. (2018) Zooplankton sampling in the coastal waters of south eastern Tasmania. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. Data accessed at http://metadata.imas.utas.edu.au/geonetwork/srv/en/metadata.show?uuid=2f950283-8f4b-41b7-a379-a3b3af0c48e0 on (access date). https://doi.org/10.15468/ftivm7 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-11.Description
Zooplankton was counted and identified from three sites over the 5-year period. The net used (200 microm Bongo net) was designed to catch meso-zooplankton with an integrated vertical tow through the water column. One net from each of the paired Bongo samples was analysed and the data expressed as numbers per m3. Copepods dominated the zooplankton, with other groups such as salps, krill, appendicularians, cladocerans, chaetognaths and meroplanktonic larvae being seasonally dominant.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Storm BaySampling
Zooplankton were collected with a 2-m long Bongo net (mouth diameter: 75 cm; mesh size: 200 microm). The nets were deployed to within 2 m of the seabed and hauled steadily (1 m s-1) back to the surface. On-board, zooplankton samples were anesthetised using soda water and refrigerated. The catches were returned to the laboratory and preserved in 4% formaldehyde.Method steps
- When necessary, samples were subsplit with a Folsom plankton splitter so that between 400 and 1000 individuals were counted. Many groups, including copepods, krill, salps and cladocerans, were identified to species. Other individuals were identified to coarser taxonomic levels.When necessary, samples were subsplit with a Folsom plankton splitter so that between 400 and 1000 individuals were counted. Many groups, including copepods, krill, salps and cladocerans, were identified to species. Other individuals were identified to coarser taxonomic levels.
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Storm Bay, Tasmania, Australia
Bibliographic Citations
- Salmon Sub-program: Marine currents, nutrients and plankton in the coastal waters of south eastern Tasmania and responses to changing weather patterns. https://data.imas.utas.edu.au/attachments/3b002636-f1b2-441d-a135-f043df3c8c15/2014-031-DLD.pdf -
Kerrie Swadlingoriginator
position: Principal Investigator
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS)University of Tasmania
IMAS - Hobart, Private Bag 129
email: k.swadling@utas.edu.au
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7620-841X
Kerrie Swadling
metadata author
position: Principal Investigator
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS)University of Tasmania
IMAS - Hobart, Private Bag 129
email: k.swadling@utas.edu.au
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7620-841X
OBIS Australia Node manager
position: OBIS Australia Node Manager
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
PO Box 1538
Telephone: +61 3 6232 5062
email: obisau@csiro.au
homepage: http://www.obis.org.au
Kerrie Swadling
administrative point of contact
position: Principal Investigator
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS)University of Tasmania
IMAS - Hobart, Private Bag 129
email: k.swadling@utas.edu.au
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7620-841X