Vegetation and plant diversity of South Penghu National Park, Taiwan
Lin C (2021). Vegetation and plant diversity of South Penghu National Park, Taiwan. Version 1.12. Marine National Park Headquarters. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
This dataset contains plant checklist, vegetation sampling data and soil properties in South Penghu National Park.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The target area is located within The South Penghu Marine National Park, which is approximately 40 km to the west coast of Taiwan. It comprises four major islands, including Dong-Ji island, Si-Ji Island, Dong-Yuping Island and Si-Yuping Island, andsubsidiary islets, such as Chu-To, To-Jin, Tie-Jen, Hsian-Lu islets, etc.Sampling
Floristic sampling: Vegetation sampling: Measurement of soil properties: We randomly selected two subplots within a vegetation relevé, and collected soil samples around 250–500 g within 10 cm in each subplot. The soil samples were mixed and air dried for a week. The air-dried soil samples were filtered with 2 mm mesh filter. Since some of the soil samples contain coral reef stones, squashing the coral reef stones would increase the soil/sand ratio and calcium concentration, the filtering process were carefully carried out to avoid squashing the coral reef stones. After the preprocessing the soil samples, we measure the following soil properties pH: Mix air-dried soil samples with deionized water with soil:water = 1:2.5 (w/v ratio). Use orbital shaker to shake for 30 minutes with 180 rpm, then standing for 30 minutes. Use pH meter (Orion 9107BN, Thermo, Massachusetts, USA) to measure the value Rock:soil ratio: Dry the preprocessed soil samples with oven at 250ºC, and calculate the rock > 2 mm ratio Electrical conductivity: Mix air-dried soil samples with deionized water with soil:water = 1:10 (w/v ratio) Use orbital shaker to shake for 60 minutes with 180 rpm, then filter the soil samples with qualitative filter paper (Advantec No. 2) Measure the soil electrical conductivity (μs cm-1) with conductivity tester (EC30, YSI, Ohio, USA) Elemental analysis, the ratio of total carbon and total nitrogen of soil: use ball mixer mill (MM 400, Retsch Instrument, Haan, Germany) to grind the air-dried soil, then measure the total carbon and total nitrogen content (%) with the elemental analyzer (2400 Series II, Perkin Elmer, Massachusetts, USA) Effective potassium in soil analysis: Extract effective potassium in soil with Mehlich-3 solution (Mehlich, 1984). Then use spectrophotometric molybdenum blue method to measure the effective potassium concentration (mg/kg; Murphy and Riley 1962) in soil with spectrophotometer (V-630, Jasco, Tokyo, Japan) Soil organic matters analysis: dry the soil samples with 550ºC oven for four hours, and calculate the difference after dry (organic matter weight). Then measure the weight of oven-dried soil samples (105ºC, 24 hrs). The soil organic matters (%) is defined as the ratio of organic matter weight and oven-dried soil weight Exchangeable cations (EC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC): Use soil column leaching method to determine CEC with 1M NH4OAc solution (pH = 7.0) 80 ml, and then measure the contents of exchangeable potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium (cmolc/kg) with atomic absorption spectrometer (SensAA-series atomic absorption spectrometer, GBC, Braeside, Australia) Use soil column leaching method to determine CEC with 1N NH4OAc, and wash out unabsorbed NH4+ solution with 95% Ethanol. Then leaching soil with 80 ml 2M KCL solution to exchange NH4+ absorbed by soil Measure the NH4+ concentration (cmolc/kg) in KCL solution using nitrade combination ISE electrode (HI 4113, Hanna, Michigan, USA) Soil texture (particle size analysis): Mix 40g filterted soil samples with 100 ml 5% sodium hexametaphosphate, and grinded for five minutes and quantify to 1,000 ml Measure the content of sand, silt and clay with soil hydrometer (ASTM 152H, Chase, New York, USA) and referred soil texture triangle to determine the soil textureMethod steps
Taxonomic Coverages
Plantaecommon name: plants rank: kingdom
Polypodiopsidacommon name: Ferns rank: class
Cycadopsidacommon name: Cycads rank: class
Magnoliopsidacommon name: Dicotyledons (Eudicots) rank: class
Liliopsidacommon name: Monocotyledons (Monocots) rank: class
Alismatalesrank: order
Apialesrank: order
Araucarialesrank: order
Arecalesrank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Commelinalesrank: order
Cucurbitalesrank: order
Cycadalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Magnolialesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Oxalidalesrank: order
Pandanalesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Polypodialesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Sapindalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Vitalesrank: order
Zingiberalesrank: order
Zygophyllalesrank: order
Acanthaceaerank: family
Aizoaceaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Anacardiaceaerank: family
Annonaceaerank: family
Apiaceaerank: family
Apocynaceaerank: family
Araucariaceaerank: family
Arecaceaerank: family
Asparagaceaerank: family
Asphodelaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Basellaceaerank: family
Boraginaceaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Cactaceaerank: family
Caricaceaerank: family
Casuarinaceaerank: family
Combretaceaerank: family
Commelinaceaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Cucurbitaceaerank: family
Cycadaceaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Heliotropiaceaerank: family
Hydrocharitaceaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Meliaceaerank: family
Menispermaceaerank: family
Moraceaerank: family
Musaceaerank: family
Myrtaceaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Oxalidaceaerank: family
Pandanaceaerank: family
Papaveraceaerank: family
Phyllanthaceaerank: family
Plumbaginaceaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Polygonaceaerank: family
Portulacaceaerank: family
Primulaceaerank: family
Pteridaceaerank: family
Rosaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Sapindaceaerank: family
Sapotaceaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Tamaricaceaerank: family
Thelypteridaceaerank: family
Verbenaceaerank: family
Vitaceaerank: family
Zygophyllaceaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
The target area is located within The South Penghu Marine National Park, which is approximately 40 km to the west coast of Taiwan. It comprises four major islands, including Dong-Ji island, Si-Ji Island, Dong-Yuping Island and Si-Yuping Island, andsubsidiary islets, such as Chu-To, To-Jin, Tie-Jen, Hsian-Lu islets, etc.
Bibliographic Citations
Cheng-Tao Linoriginator
position: Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Resources, National Chiayi University
No. 300, Syue-Fu Rd., East District
Telephone: +886-5-2717829
Cheng-Tao Lin
metadata author
position: Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Resources, National Chiayi University
No. 300, Syue-Fu Rd., East District
Telephone: +886-5-2717829
Cheng-Tao Lin
principal investigator
position: Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Resources, National Chiayi University
No. 300, Syue-Fu Rd., East District
Telephone: +886-5-2717829
Cheng-Tao Lin
administrative point of contact
position: Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Resources, National Chiayi University
No. 300, Syue-Fu Rd., East District
Telephone: +886-5-2717829