Zoological collection of the National Museum
National Museum in Prague. Zoological collection of the National Museum. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/4yiuil accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-09-12.Taxonomic Coverages
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Bibliographic Citations
Petr Daneštechnical point of contact
National Museum of the Czech Republic Paleontologické oddělení Cirkusová 1740 193 00 Praha 9 Czech Republic
Telephone: (420) 731 313 598
email: petrdanes@seznam.cz
Mgr. Radek Šanda, Ph.D.
administrative point of contact
National Museum of the Czech Republic Zoologické oddělení Cirkusová 1740 193 00 Praha 9 Czech Republic
Telephone: (420) 224 497 832
email: radek_sanda@nm.cz