18S Metabarcoding Genetic Observations of Marine Species in the Port of Wallhamn, Sweden (2022)
Obst M (2024). 18S Metabarcoding Genetic Observations of Marine Species in the Port of Wallhamn, Sweden (2022). Version 1.3. University of Gothenburg. Occurrence dataset. https://www.gbif.se/ipt/resource?r=gu-2022-wallhamn-18s&v=1.3 https://doi.org/10.15468/z8pm63 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-06.Description
This dataset contains genetic observations of marine species in the port of Wallhamn between June and September 2022. The observations were made using water and plankton samples, as well as samples from Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) units. Species were identified using 18S metabarcoding. The dataset includes ASVs (amplicon sequence variants) and their associated metadata. This dataset was published via the SBDI ASV portal (https://asv-portal.biodiversitydata.se/).Sampling Description
Study Extent
The different sampling methods had different timings over the summer 2022: The eRAS panels were put out on the 23rd of June and taken back on the 9th of September, one was in the industrial port, three were in the marina. The artificial habitats were put out on the 23rd of June and taken back on the 4th of August, one in each area. The ARMS were put out on the 23rd of June and taken back on the 9th of September, one in the industrial port and two in the marina. In the marina, three plankton samplings occurred on the 23rd of June, the 4th of August and the 9th of September (9 plankton samples in total). Similarly, in the marina, three eDNA samplings occurred on the 23rd of June, the 4th of August and the 9th of September (9 eDNA samples in total). Three scraping/RAS samplings occured on the 9th of September in the marina.Sampling
Artificial habitats are plastic trays filled with pottery shards, a weight at the bottom to hold the trays down and a net above to keep the shards in place. On two sides, larger holes were cut to allow fish to move freely in and out of the habitat Plankton samples were taken as vertical hauls from the bottom (5-10 m) up to the surface with a 90 µm plankton bucket. The samples were fixed in 95% ethanol directly in place with an amount of alcohol that was judged to result in a sample with at least 70% ethanol. Upon return to the lab, the plankton samples were decanted and new alcohol was added to ensure that the ethanol content was sufficiently high. The samples were then stored in a freezer (-20°C) until extraction. Water samples for eDNA were taken with Ruttner retrievers at slightly different depths on the premises and pooled in a 1 litre vessel. Water was filtered on site and fixed with 95% ethanol.The filters were stored in a freezer (-20°C) until extraction.Quality Control
Negative controls (blank samples) were created by the same extraction procedure but without the sampled material. No DNA could be detected in these samples, with neither Nanodrop nor Qubit. The blank samples were included in the preparation of libraries (below) as a further control for contamination during the extraction of DNA. Another negative control was performed during PCR.Method steps
- DNA was extracted from the filters with the Nucleospin eDNA water kit (Macherey-Nagel) using the Nagel) using the technique and standard developed in the laboratory. Concentration of DNA in the extracts was measured with the Qubit® fluorometer. Note that this measures concentration of all DNA in the sample and not specific DNA from the target species. This is done to ensure that the extractions have worked.
- The genetic analysis and comparison was based on two molecular markers (COI and 18S). These markers were amplified for each sample. Same PCR protocols were used for metabarcoding of the ARMS, eDNA and plankton samples The DNA libraries were sequenced with Illumina MiSeq, 2 x 300 bp.
- The analysis was performed in the R-environment with a DADA2 package. After initial quality control, the sequences were filtered for low quality, as well as adapters and primers were removed. Sequencing errors were corrected by calculating an error model; and after that singletons and chimeras were removed using the “pseudo-pooling” function in DADA2.
- The filtered and quality-controlled COI sequences were matched against the BOLD database with the python package BOLDigger. The 18S sequences were matched against the PR2 database. All subsequent analysis was performed with customized R scripts where identified species were matched against different NIS and IAS species reference lists.
Taxonomic Coverages
Parmalesrank: order
Verrucomonadidaerank: family
Gymnodiniaceaerank: family
Dinophyceaerank: class
Cercozoa_Xrank: class
Appendiculariarank: family
Gonyaulacalesrank: order
Digenearank: family
Dino-Group-II-Clade-14rank: family
Phaeocystaceaerank: family
Bolidophyceaerank: class
Cryomonadidarank: order
Prasinodermophyceaerank: class
Chrysophyceaerank: class
Kathablepharidearank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Gymnodinialesrank: order
Pyramimonadophyceaerank: class
Prasinodermaceaerank: family
Hydrozoarank: family
Syndinialesrank: class
Kathablepharidida_Xrank: family
Cercozoa_XXrank: order
Gyrista_XXrank: order
Cryptomonadales_Xrank: family
Arthropodarank: class
Filosa-Imbricatearank: class
Nematodarank: class
Spirotrichearank: class
Noelaerhabdaceaerank: family
Pycnococcaceaerank: family
Dino-Group-I-Clade-1rank: family
Dino-Group-II-Clade-1rank: family
Protoperidiniaceaerank: family
Gyrista_Xrank: class
Triparmaceaerank: family
Opalozoa_Xrank: order
Dino-Group-Irank: order
Pseudoscourfieldialesrank: order
MAST-1rank: family
Protaspa-lineagerank: family
Proboscialesrank: order
Dino-Group-II_Xrank: family
Chaetocerotaceaerank: family
Ascidiacearank: family
Maxillopodarank: family
Dino-Group-II-Clade-46rank: family
Thoracosphaeraceaerank: family
Heteroconchiarank: family
Choreotrichidarank: order
Litostomatea_XXrank: family
Chrysochromulinaceaerank: family
Suessiaceaerank: family
Pyrocystaceaerank: family
Urochordata_Xrank: order
Peronosporalesrank: family
Urochordatarank: class
Isochrysidalesrank: order
Calcihaptophycidaerank: order
Prorocentralesrank: order
Chromadorearank: order
Anthozoarank: family
Rhabdosphaeraceaerank: family
Bivalviarank: order
Pelagomonadaceaerank: family
Cercozoa_XXXrank: family
Crustacearank: order
Peronosporomycetes_Xrank: order
Chromadorea_Xrank: family
Dino-Group-I-Clade-3rank: family
Dino-Group-IIrank: order
Prasinodermalesrank: order
Litostomatea_Xrank: order
Molluscarank: class
Strombidinopsidaerank: family
Pelagophyceaerank: class
Suessialesrank: order
Litostomatearank: class
Prorocentraceaerank: family
Pelagomonadalesrank: order
Peronosporomycetesrank: class
Prymnesialesrank: order
TAGIRI1-lineagerank: family
Peridinialesrank: order
Filosa-Thecofilosearank: class
Dino-Group-II-Clade-32rank: family
Chaetocerotalesrank: order
Hemiaulaceaerank: family
Dino-Group-II-Clade-3rank: family
Trematodarank: order
Kareniaceaerank: family
Platyhelminthesrank: class
Ventricleftidarank: order
Cnidaria_Xrank: order
Prymnesiophyceaerank: class
Opalozoarank: class
Phaeocystalesrank: order
Hemiaulalesrank: order
Nanomonadearank: order
Protoceratiaceaerank: family
MAST-3rank: family
Cryptomonadalesrank: order
Cnidariarank: class
Mediophyceaerank: class
MAST-12rank: family
Ebriacearank: order
Kathablepharididarank: order
Probosciaceaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
This dataset covers the port of Wallhamn (Sweden) which has both a commercial/industrial part in the North and a marina in the South.
Bibliographic Citations
Matthias Obstoriginator
position: Project Leader
Gothenburg University
email: matthias.obst@marine.gu.se
Matthias Obst
metadata author
position: Project Leader
Gothenburg University
email: matthias.obst@marine.gu.se
Matthias Obst
administrative point of contact
position: Project Leader
Gothenburg University
email: matthias.obst@marine.gu.se