A georeferenced dataset of living and sedimentary diatoms in Lake Maggiore
Musazzi S, Austoni M, Marchetto A (2023). A georeferenced dataset of living and sedimentary diatoms in Lake Maggiore. Version 1.9. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/w25yy5 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-06.Description
This data set includes diatom information for i) Sedimentary and benthic diatoms and ii) Planktic diatoms separated in 2 files csv. Each row containing a record of a diatom taxon from a sample from Lake Maggiore. The columns report the updated taxon name, additional taxonomic information together with origin of the data, and habitat:
Sedimentary and benthic diatoms, containing 26 columns headered using DwC term name (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/): occurrenceID, organismID, basisOfRecord, scientificName, Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, Subclass, Order, Family, Genus, specificEpithet, infraspecificEpithet, taxonRank, eventID, eventDate, samplingProtocol, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, geodeticDatum, countryCode, locality, references, organismQuantity, organismQuantityType.
Planktic diatoms, containing 26 columns headered using DwC term name (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/): occurrenceID, organismID, basisOfRecord, scientificName, Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, Subclass, Order, Family, Genus, specificEpithet, infraspecificEpithet, taxonRank, eventID, eventDate, samplingProtocol, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, geodeticDatum, countryCode, locality, references, sampleSizeValue, sampleSizeUnit.
Given the continuous changes in biological nomenclature, all scientific names published were checked and updated to the currently accepted nomenclature, following the Algaebase: Listing of World’s Algae (Guiry and Guiry, 2021).
Taxon specialists: Simona Musazzi, Martina Austoni, Aldo Marchetto.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
the dataset contains information on 4124 occurrences for 293 taxa. The occurrences were recorded during the years 1984-2021 The study area is 212.5 km^2.Sampling
Habitat type: sediment, stones, macrophytes and water column.Sedimetary diatoms: Sediment cores were taken using a gravity corer 63.5 mm in diameter. Each core was cut lengthways, sliced into 1-cm sections, and dated using either ^137Cs or ^210Pb. Diatoms were cleaned following Battarbee et al. (2001) and mounted with Naphrax. For each sample, at least 500 valves were identified and enumerated.
Benthic diatoms: Samples were taken by scraping five stones (usually cobbles and small boulders) and macrophytes following a European wide standardized sampling protocol (Manuals ICP WATERS, 2010). Samples were taken from the littoral zone, in 8 stations identified along the perimeter of the lake and in the Bolle di Magadino wetland, an area which is in direct hydraulic connection with the lake, as reported in Boggero et al (2022). Digestion followed standard procedures. For each sample, at least 400 valves were identified and enumerated.
Pelagic diatoms: Samples for phytoplankton were all collected at a central sampling site, corresponding to the point of lake’s maximum depth (370 m). Samples were always collected with an integrating bottle in the 0–20-m water layer, corresponding to the euphotic layer in Lake Maggiore. Counting followed CEN (2004) and Lund (1958).
Quality Control
Quality control for geographic data: coordinates were collected by GPS during sampling and verified on topographic maps.Quality control for taxonomic data: before publication of the data set, algal taxon spelling andauthorship were verified and updated using Algaebase: Listing of World’s Algae (Guiry and Guiry, 2021).
Method steps
- The dataset was built based on 2 scientific papers and technical reports published in the frame of the research programs funded by the International Commission for the Protection of Swiss-Italian Waters (CIPAIS). Sampling procedures followed standardized sampling protocols (CEN, 2004; Manuals ICP WATERS, 2010). Algal taxon spelling and authorship were verified and uploaded using Algabase: Listing of World’s Algae (Guiry and Guiry, 2021). Diatom synonyms were merged when present. Data were gathered in a csv file reporting taxon name and additional informations about taxonomy, origin and habitat, following DwC term names (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/).
Taxonomic Coverages
Taxonomic ranks: Data from subspecies to species, genus, family, order and class rank were included in the dataset.
Given the continuous changes in biological nomenclature, all scientific names published were checked and updated to the currently accepted nomenclature, following the Algaebase: Listing of World’s Algae (Guiry and Guiry, 2021).
Bacillariophytarank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
Country: Italy
Biogeographic region: Continental (EEA, 2017)
Data are georeferenced according to WGS 84 datum.
Bibliographic Citations
- Boggero A, Zaupa S, Borgomaneiro G, Eckert E, Gariboldi L, Marchetto A, Musazzi S, Sabatino R, Paganelli D, Fontaneto D, (2021) (in press). Ricerca ed innovazione sul Lago Maggiore: indicatori di qualità nel continuum acqua - rive. Rapporto finale 2019-2021. Commissione Internazionale per la Protezione delle Acque Italo-Svizzere (Ed.): 220 pp. -
- Marchetto A, Musazzi S, 2001. Comparison between sedimentary and living diatoms in Lago Maggiore (N. Italy): implications of using transfer functions. J. Limnol. 60:19-26. - https://doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2001.19
- Morabito G, Oggioni A, Austoni M, 2012. Resource ratio and human impact: how diatom assemblages in Lake Maggiore responded to oligotrophication and climatic variability. Hydrobiologia. 698: 47–60. - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-012-1094-0
- Guiry MD, Guiry GM, 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University ofIreland, Galway. - https://www.algaebase.org
- CEN (2004). Water quality – Guidance standard for the routine analysis of phytoplankton abundance and composition using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique) CEN TC 230/WG 2/TG 3/N83, May 2004. -
- ICP Waters Programme Centre 2010. ICP Waters Programme Manual 2010. NIVA SNO 6074-2010. ICP Waters report 105/2010. -
- Lund JWG, Kipling C, Le Cren ED, 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimating algal number and the statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia 11: 143–170. -
Simona Musazzioriginator
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: simona.musazzi@irsa.cnr.it
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Simona-Musazzi
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5549-0084
Martina Austoni
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: martina.austoni@irsa.cnr.it
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martina_Austoni
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8214-1442
Aldo Marchetto
position: Researcher, Director
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: aldo.marchetto@irsa.cnr.it
homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aldo-Marchetto
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1033-4114
Simona Musazzi
metadata author
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: simona.musazzi@irsa.cnr.it
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5549-0084
Martina Austoni
metadata author
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: martina.austoni@irsa.cnr.it
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8214-1442
Lyudmila Kamburska
point of contact
position: Researcher
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque (IRSA); National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC)
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: lyudmila.kamburska@irsa.cnr.iy
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5071-6953
Simona Musazzi
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: simona.musazzi@irsa.cnr.it
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5549-0084
Simona Musazzi
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: simona.musazzi@irsa.cnr.it
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5549-0084
Martina Austoni
administrative point of contact
position: Reseracher
Largo Vittorio Tonolli 50 CNR-IRSA
email: martina.austoni@irsa.cnr.it
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8214-1442